{ "homepage": "http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/2523556-mapwriter-continued-an-open-source-mini-map/", "promos": { "1.8-latest": "2.2.12", "1.8-recommended": "2.2.12", "1.8.8-latest": "2.3.13", "1.8.8-recommended": "2.3.13", "1.8.9-latest": "2.3.14", "1.8.9-recommended": "2.3.14", "1.9-latest": "2.4.20", "1.9-recommended": "2.4.20", "1.9.4-latest": "2.5.20", "1.9.4-recommended": "2.5.20", "1.10.2-latest": "2.6.19", "1.10.2-recommended": "2.6.19", "1.11-latest": "2.7.0", "1.11-recommended": "2.7.0", "1.11.2-latest": "2.7.0", "1.11.2-recommended": "2.7.0" }, "1.8": { "2.2.11": "do a force reload of the blockcolours when skip first texture pass is enabled in forge.", "2.2.12": "Forge version check suport.\nSave markers after edit, add or delete.\nFixed bug that marker groups kept special characters.\nStop saving tileentities, this only gives errors and bugs and isnt realy needed.\nFixes to localization.\nAdded option to show current biome under the minimap.\nDont do anything with blocks that have a rendertype of -1 (blocks that cant be seen in the world).\nAdded version number to blockcolour files. will regenerate a new one if mapwriter is updated", "2.2.13": "Fixed bug that cordinates didnt stay in position under minimap.\nAdded Chinese languadge, translation by Muink.\nAdded accepted minecraft version.\nFixed bug that settings didnt generate with default value.\nFix for markers not reloading properly when loading world.\nAllow all unicode letters in marker names (makes it posible to use accented letters or non latin letters)" }, "1.8.8": { "2.3.12": "Update to minecraft 1.8.8", "2.3.13": "Fixed bug that cordinates didnt stay in position under minimap.\nAdded Chinese languadge, translation by Muink.\nAdded accepted minecraft version.\nFixed bug that settings didnt generate with default value.\nFix for markers not reloading properly when loading world.\nAllow all unicode letters in marker names (makes it posible to use accented letters or non latin letters)" }, "1.8.9": { "2.3.13": "Update to minecraft 1.8.9\nFixed NPE when connecting to realms, only 1 realm can have a map becouse it's imposible for me to know what realm you are connected to.\nFixed bug that cordinates didnt stay in position under minimap.\nAdded Chinese languadge, translation by Muink.\nAdded accepted minecraft version.\nFixed bug that settings didnt generate with default value.\nFix for markers not reloading properly when loading world.\nAllow all unicode letters in marker names (makes it posible to use accented letters or non latin letters)", "2.3.14": "Removed NEK Support, forge implements this in 1.9 and the api is updated to much" }, "1.9": { "2.4.13": "Update to minecraft 1.8.9\nAdded a string to be translated", "2.4.14": "Fixes for latest forge beta", "2.4.15": "Fix for not changing dimension.\nSave singleplayer data in the world folder, this makes the data be deleted when the world is deleted.\nSave each realm in it's own folder, this makes it posible to have a different map for each realm you're on.\nMake MWChunks a full copy again of a normal chunk.", "2.4.16": "Update to latest forge version now on\nRemoved the NEK api, forge now has a build in system for modifiers.", "2.4.17": "Change top margin for top right position, makes the effects bars visable\nRevert back to old way of checking death, this fixes death markers not getting created in multiplayer\nFix a NPE in GetBlockColour", "2.4.18": "Make the map position and size free configurable in a new options screen (replaces the old 4 precoded positions)\nMinor fixes\nUpdate to forge", "2.4.19": "Update to the API\nFixed sub biomes not getting grass and leaves colours", "2.4.20": "Posible fix for the crash when using optifine" }, "1.9.4": { "2.5.19": "Update to the API\nFixed sub biomes not getting grass and leaves colours", "2.5.20": "Posible fix for the crash when using optifine" }, "1.10.2": { "2.6.19": "Update to Minecraft 1.10.2 with forge 1.10.2 -" }, "1.11": { "2.7.0": "Update to Minecraft 1.11 with forge 1.11 -" }, "1.11.2": { "2.7.0": "Update to Minecraft 1.11.2 with forge 1.11.2 -" }, "1.12.1": { "2.8.0": "Update to Minecraft 1.12.1 with forge 1.12.1 -" }, "1.12.2": { "2.8.1": "Fix for biomes o plenty overrides, old override file needs to be deleted manualy for this to take effect", "2.8.2": "Fix NPE when logging in with marker names in world enabled fixes #67" } }