<# .SYNOPSIS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Project "VeeamPorter" - Import/Export jobs across Veeam Backup Servers ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Version : 0.81 (September 11th, 2019) Requires: Veeam Backup & Replication v9.5 Update 4 or later Author : Danilo Chiavari (@danilochiavari) Blog : https://www.danilochiavari.com GitHub : https://www.github.com/dchiavari .DESCRIPTION *** Please note this script is unofficial and is not created nor supported by Veeam Software. *** This script copies backup jobs across different backup servers, allowing you to "transfer" them without doing a full Configuration Restore. Before use, please make sure source and target Veeam Backup Server have the same virtual infrastructure(s) configured and the same proxies/repositories. For help or comments, contact the author on Twitter (@danilochiavari) or via e-mail (danilo.chiavari -at- gmail (.) com) This script has been tested only with the following versions of Veeam Backup & Replication: - v9.5 Update 4 (build - v9.5 Update 4a (build - v9.5 Update 4b (build Known Issues / Limitations: - Only primary Backup Jobs are currently supported (no Backup Copy Jobs, no Replication Jobs, no SureBackup Jobs, etc.) - Only VMware vSphere platform is currently supported (no Hyper-V jobs, no Windows/Linux Agents Jobs, etc.) .PARAMETER target_srv (mandatory) The target Veeam Backup Server where jobs will be created/imported. Either host name or IP address can be used. .PARAMETER source_srv (optional) The source Veeam Backup Server from where jobs will be exported. If it is not specified, local machine (localhost) is assumed. .PARAMETER job_suffix (optional) Suffix to be appended to job names created in the target Veeam Backup Server. If it is not specified, "_imported" is used. .EXAMPLE PS> .\veeamporter.ps1 -source_srv SOURCESERVER -target_srv TARGETSERVER .EXAMPLE PS> .\veeamporter.ps1 -source_srv OLDSERVER -target_srv NEWSERVER -job_suffix "_new" .EXAMPLE PS> .\veeamporter.ps1 -target_srv NEWSERVER -job_suffix $null #> Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$target_srv, [string]$source_srv = $env:computerName, [string]$job_suffix = "_imported" ) #Logging to File Initialization $ScriptFolder = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition if (-Not (Test-Path $ScriptFolder\Logs) ) {New-Item -Path $ScriptFolder\Logs -ItemType Directory >$null 2>&1} Start-Transcript -Path $ScriptFolder\Logs\VeeamPorter-$(Get-Date -format yyyyMMdd_HHmm).txt -Append asnp VeeamPSSnapin Write-Host -ForegroundColor Magenta "Connecting to TARGET backup server" $target_srv `n #Try to connect to TARGET backup server. If attempt fails due to current credentials not being valid, Automatically ask for credentials and use them from now onwards. #If attempt fails for any other reason, script will abort reporting the error code / reason Try {Connect-VBRServer -Server $target_srv} Catch { If ($_.Exception.ToString() -like "*logon attempt failed*") { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "Current credentials not valid for TARGET server" $target_srv "- please enter credentials" $target_cred = Get-Credential Try {Connect-VBRServer -Server $target_srv -Credential $target_cred -ErrorAction Stop} Catch { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "ERROR: $_" Disconnect-VBRServer Stop-Transcript Throw $_ } } } Disconnect-VBRServer Write-Host -ForegroundColor Magenta "Connecting to SOURCE backup server" $source_srv `n #Try to connect to SOURCE backup server. If attempt fails due to current credentials not being valid, Automatically ask for credentials and use them from now onwards. #If attempt fails for any other reason, script will abort reporting the error code / reason Try {Connect-VBRServer -Server $source_srv} Catch { If ($_.Exception.ToString() -like "*logon attempt failed*") { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "Current credentials not valid for SOURCE server" $source_srv "- please enter credentials" $source_cred = Get-Credential Try {Connect-VBRServer -Server $source_srv -Credential $source_cred -ErrorAction Stop} Catch { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "ERROR: $_" Disconnect-VBRServer Stop-Transcript Throw $_ } } } #Get all the existing Backup Jobs in an array $jobs = @() $jobs = Get-VBRJob | ? {$_.JobType -eq "Backup"} | Select-Object -Property Name,TypeToString,Description | Sort-Object -Property Name | Out-GridView -PassThru -Title "*** SELECT JOBS TO IMPORT/EXPORT ***" if ($jobs -eq $null) {Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "No jobs selected - Exiting..."; Disconnect-VBRServer; Exit} $jobs_number = $jobs.Count if ($jobs_number -eq $null) {$jobs_number = 1} $jobs_counter = 1 #Cycle through selected backup jobs to gather information and options ForEach ($job in $jobs) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "`n-------------------------------------------------------------------------" Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Processing job: '$($job.Name)' [$jobs_counter of $jobs_number]" Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "-------------------------------------------------------------------------`n" $source_job = Get-VBRJob -Name $job.Name $source_job_repo = $source_job.FindTargetRepository() $source_job_schedule_status = $source_job.CanRunByScheduler() $source_job_options = Get-VBRJobOptions -Job $source_job $source_job_vss_options = Get-VBRJobVSSOptions -Job $source_job #If job schedule chaining is enabled, parse the previous job's name if ($source_job.PreviousJobIdInScheduleChain -ne $null) { $source_job_previous_job_name = $(Get-VBRJob | ? {$_.Id -eq $source_job.PreviousJobIdInScheduleChain}).Name Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "Job chaining is active for this job. Previous job in schedule chain: " $source_job_previous_job_name "`n" } if ($source_job_options.JobOptions.SourceProxyAutoDetect -eq $False) { $source_job_source_proxies = Get-VBRJobProxy -Job $source_job Write-Host "Source Proxy automatic selection is disabled. Selected proxies:" $source_job_source_proxies | ft -Property Name, Type, ChassisType -AutoSize } $source_job_guest_proxies = $source_job.GetGuestProcessingProxyHosts() #Gather credentials specified at the job level (if any) if ($source_job_vss_options.AreLinCredsSet) {$source_job_vss_credentials_name = $(Get-VBRCredentials | ? {$_.Id -eq $source_job_vss_options.LinCredsId})[0].Name} elseif ($source_job_vss_options.AreWinCredsSet) {$source_job_vss_credentials_name = $(Get-VBRCredentials | ? {$_.Id -eq $source_job_vss_options.WinCredsId})[0].Name} else {$source_job_vss_credentials_name = ""} #Check if Backup File Encryption is enabled. If so, report the description of the key being used if ($source_job.BackupStorageOptions.StorageEncryptionEnabled -eq $True) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "Source backup job has Encryption enabled, using key with the following description:" $(Get-VBREncryptionKey | ? {$_.Id -eq $source_job.Info.PwdKeyId}).Description `n } #Cycle through all objects added to the backup job that's being processed, to gather information and options $source_job_objects = @() ForEach ($object in Get-VBRJobObject -Job $source_job) { $entry = "" | Select Name, Type, IsExcluded, IncludedDisks, VssOptions, ObjectCredentialsName, OracleCreds $entry.Name = $object.Name $entry.Type = $object.TypeDisplayName $entry.IsExcluded = $object.IsExcluded $entry.IncludedDisks = $object.DiskFilterInfo $entry.VssOptions = $object.VssOptions if ($object.VssOptions.AreLinCredsSet) {$entry.ObjectCredentialsName = $(Get-VBRCredentials | ? {$_.Id -eq $object.VssOptions.LinCredsId})[0].Name} elseif ($object.VssOptions.AreWinCredsSet) {$entry.ObjectCredentialsName = $(Get-VBRCredentials | ? {$_.Id -eq $object.VssOptions.WinCredsId})[0].Name} else {$entry.ObjectCredentialsName = ""} #Specific Oracle SYSDBA credentials handling for single VM/object. Default credentials id (= same as the object or job) is an all-zeroes GUID. #If that is detected, we just set the custom value "OracleCreds" to $null. Otherwise, we set it to the username of the credential matching the GUID. if ($object.VssOptions.OracleBackupOptions.SysdbaCredsId -eq "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000") {$entry.OracleCreds = $null} else {$entry.OracleCreds = $(Get-VBRCredentials | ? {$_.Id -eq $object.VssOptions.OracleBackupOptions.SysdbaCredsId}).Name} $source_job_objects += $entry } Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan "Source objects found in job:" $source_job_objects.Count $source_job_objects | ft -AutoSize -Property Name, Type, IsExcluded, ObjectCredentialsName Disconnect-VBRServer if ($target_cred) {Connect-VBRServer -Server $target_srv -Credential $target_cred} else {Connect-VBRServer -Server $target_srv} #Create arrays for entities to be looked up / added to the job on the target server and for exclusions to be defined $target_job_entities = @() $target_job_exclusions = @() ForEach ($entity in $source_job_objects) { #Select the type of lookup based on the source object type (VM/Host, Datacenter, Cluster, Host, Folder, Tag, etc.) Switch ($entity.Type) { {'Virtual Machine', 'Host', 'Datacenter', 'Cluster' -contains $_} { if ($entity.IsExcluded -eq $True) {$target_job_exclusions += Find-VBRViEntity -Name $entity.Name} $target_job_entities += Find-VBRViEntity -Name $entity.Name } {'Folder', 'Template' -contains $_} { if ($entity.IsExcluded -eq $True) {$target_job_exclusions += Find-VBRViEntity -VMsAndTemplates -Name $entity.Name | ? {($_.IsTemplate -eq $True) -or ($_.Type -eq "Folder")} } $target_job_entities += Find-VBRViEntity -VMsAndTemplates -Name $entity.Name | ? {($_.IsTemplate -eq $True) -or ($_.Type -eq "Folder")} } {'Datastore', 'Datastore Cluster' -contains $_} { if ($entity.IsExcluded -eq $True) {$target_job_exclusions += Find-VBRViEntity -DatastoresAndVMs -Name $entity.Name | ? {($_.Type -eq "Datastore") -or ($_.Type -eq "StoragePod")} } $target_job_entities += Find-VBRViEntity -DatastoresAndVMs -Name $entity.Name | ? {($_.Type -eq "Datastore") -or ($_.Type -eq "StoragePod")} } {'Tag', 'Tag Category' -contains $_} { if ($entity.IsExcluded -eq $True) {$target_job_exclusions += Find-VBRViEntity -Tags -Name $entity.Name} $target_job_entities += Find-VBRViEntity -Tags -Name $entity.Name } } } Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan "Entities found in target backup server:" $target_job_entities.Count $target_job_entities | Select Name, Type | ft -AutoSize Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan "Exclusions found:" $target_job_exclusions.Count $target_job_exclusions | Select Name, Type | ft -AutoSize #Simple check to warn the user if source and target objects count don't match (most probably due to some objects not being found by the target backup server) if ($target_job_entities.count -ne $source_job_objects.count) {Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "!! WARNING !! Number of source and target entities do not match. Check imported jobs, items may be missing!"`n} Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "`nCreating target job:" $($job.Name + $job_suffix)`n #Look for Target job repository object based on type (simple, SOBR) and name on the source if ($source_job_repo.TypeDisplay -eq "Scale-out") {$target_job_repo = Get-VBRBackupRepository -Name $source_job_repo.Name -ScaleOut} else {$target_job_repo = Get-VBRBackupRepository -Name $source_job_repo.Name} #If Target repository is not found, prompt the user to choose a repository among the ones defined on the target backup server (both simple and SOBR) if ($target_job_repo -eq $null) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "Original repository was NOT found on target server - Please select target repository: `n" $repo_list = @() $repo_list += Get-VBRBackupRepository -ScaleOut $repo_list += Get-VBRBackupRepository $selected_repo = $repo_list | Select-Object -Property Name, Description, FriendlyPath, TypeDisplay, Extent | Sort-Object -Property Name | Out-GridView -OutputMode Single -Title "*** SELECT TARGET REPOSITORY FOR JOB: $($job.Name + $job_suffix) ***" #If no repository is selected ("Cancel" was clicked) skip current job and proceed to the next if ($selected_repo -eq $null) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "No repository selected - Import cancelled! Proceeding with next job..." Disconnect-VBRServer if ($source_cred) {Connect-VBRServer -Server $source_srv -Credential $source_cred} else {Connect-VBRServer -Server $source_srv} $jobs_counter++ Continue } if ($selected_repo.Extent -ne $null) {$target_job_repo = Get-VBRBackupRepository -Name $selected_repo.Name -ScaleOut} else {$target_job_repo = Get-VBRBackupRepository -Name $selected_repo.Name} } #If source job has a description, copy it to the target job. If not, add an automatic "Created by VeeamPorter at [date/time]" description if (-Not $source_job.Description) {$target_job_description = "Created by VeeamPorter at $(Get-Date -format g)"} else {$target_job_description = $source_job.Description} if ( $(Get-VBRJob -Name $($job.Name + $job_suffix)) -ne $null) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "Target job already exists - Import cancelled! Proceeding with next job..." Disconnect-VBRServer if ($source_cred) {Connect-VBRServer -Server $source_srv -Credential $source_cred} else {Connect-VBRServer -Server $source_srv} $jobs_counter++ Continue } #Create the target backup job. The "-force" parameter is used to make sure the job is created even if there are location mismatches (potential Data Sovereignty violations) Add-VBRViBackupJob -Name $($job.Name + $job_suffix) -Entity $target_job_entities -BackupRepository $target_job_repo -Description $target_job_description -Force >$null 2>&1 $target_job = Get-VBRJob -Name $($job.Name + $job_suffix) $target_job_vssoptions = $target_job.GetVssOptions() #if exclusions were defined in the source job, apply those exclusions to the target job (making sure both name and path of the objects match) if ($target_job_exclusions) { ForEach ($exclusion in $target_job_exclusions) { $target_job | Get-VBRJobObject | ? {($_.Name -eq $exclusion.Name) -and ($_.Location -eq $exclusion.Path)} | Remove-VBRJobObject } } $entity_counter = 0 #Cycle through objects in target backup job ForEach ($entity in $($target_job | Get-VBRJobObject)) { #Reset object-specific credentials (fail-safe if custom credentials specified at source do not exist at the target) $source_job_objects[$entity_counter].vssoptions.ResetWinCreds() $source_job_objects[$entity_counter].vssoptions.ResetLinCreds() #Apply custom credentials (if any) and exclusions (if any) to the target object $entity.Update($source_job_objects[$entity_counter].vssoptions,$source_job_objects[$entity_counter].IncludedDisks,$true,$entity.info.Type) >$null 2>&1 if ($source_job_objects[$entity_counter].ObjectCredentialsName) { if ($(Get-VBRCredentials | ? {$_.Name -eq $source_job_objects[$entity_counter].ObjectCredentialsName})) { Set-VBRJobObjectVssOptions -Object $entity -Credentials $(Get-VBRCredentials | ? {$_.Name -eq $source_job_objects[$entity_counter].ObjectCredentialsName})[0] >$null 2>&1 } } #Set specific Oracle SYSDBA credentials for application-aware processing (if different than object-level or job-level guest credentials) #If Oracle SYSDBA credentials specified at source are not found at target, we just skip this part and set the SYSDBA credentials to be the same as the object/job ones (with a warning) if ($source_job_objects[$entity_counter].OracleCreds -ne $null) { if ($(Get-VBRCredentials -Name $source_job_objects[$entity_counter].OracleCreds).Count -eq 0) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "`nWARNING: Oracle SYSDBA credentials specified at source for object [" $source_job_objects[$entity_counter].Name "] could not be found at target! `n Resetting SYSDBA credentials to be the same as object (or job) guest credentials...`n" } else { $target_object_vssoptions = $source_job_objects[$entity_counter].vssoptions $target_object_vssoptions.OracleBackupOptions.SysdbaCredsId = $(Get-VBRCredentials -Name $source_job_objects[$entity_counter].OracleCreds)[0].Id $entity.SetVssOptions($target_object_vssoptions) } } $entity_counter++ } $source_job_vss_options.ResetWinCreds() $source_job_vss_options.ResetLinCreds() #Apply job-level Guest Credentials (for App-Aware and/or indexing) (if any) if ($source_job_vss_credentials_name) { if ($(Get-VBRCredentials | ? {$_.Name -eq $source_job_vss_credentials_name})) { Set-VBRJobVssOptions -Job $($job.Name + $job_suffix) -Credentials $(Get-VBRCredentials | ? {$_.Name -eq $source_job_vss_credentials_name})[0] >$null 2>&1 } else {Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "`nWARNING: Job-level Guest OS Credentials were set at source, but were not found at target! `nDisabling App-Aware Processing and Indexing...`n"} } #Apply source job options to the target job Set-VBRJobOptions -Job $target_job -Options $source_job_options >$null 2>&1 #If specific Guest Interaction Proxies were selected in the source job (Automatic selection = Disabled), copy those settings to the target job if (-Not $source_job_vss_options.GuestProxyAutoDetect) { $guestproxylist = @() ForEach ($guestproxy in $($source_job_guest_proxies)) {$guestproxylist += Get-VBRServer -Name $guestproxy.Name} if ($guestproxylist) { #Unsupported / unofficial "workaround" to add Guest Interaction Proxies via Powershell (see https://forums.veeam.com/powershell-f26/set-guest-interaction-proxy-server-t35234.html#p272191) ForEach ($gip in $guestproxylist) {[Veeam.Backup.Core.CJobProxy]::Create($target_job.Id, $gip.Id, "EGuest") >$null 2>&1} $target_job_vssoptions.GuestProxyAutoDetect = $False $target_job.SetVssOptions($target_job_vssoptions) #Commented out since this does not appear to work ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Resorted to using methods instead #Set-VBRJobVSSOptions -Job $($job.Name + $job_suffix) -Options $target_job_vssoptions >$null 2>&1 } else { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "WARNING: Specific Guest Interaction Proxies were selected for the source job, but none of them are available at the target server. Automatic Selection will be activated." $target_job_vssoptions.GuestProxyAutoDetect = $True $target_job.SetVssOptions($target_job_vssoptions) } } #Enable App-Aware Processing and/or Indexing if enabled in the source job (and if specified job-level guest credentials are found at target!) (line #313) if ($target_job_vssoptions.AreWinCredsSet -eq $True -or $target_job_vssoptions.AreLinCredsSet -eq $True) { if ($source_job_vss_options.Enabled -eq $True) {Enable-VBRJobVSSIntegration -Job $target_job >$null 2>&1} if ($source_job_vss_options.GuestFSIndexingType -ne "None") {Enable-VBRJobGuestFSIndexing -Job $target_job >$null 2>&1} } #If specific Backup Proxies were selected in the source job (Automatic selection = Disabled), copy those settings to the target job if (-Not $source_job_options.JobOptions.SourceProxyAutoDetect) { $proxylist = @() ForEach ($proxy in $($source_job_source_proxies)) {$proxylist += Get-VBRViProxy -Name $proxy.Name} Write-Host "`nProxies selected for Target job: " $proxylist | ft -Property Name, Type, ChassisType -AutoSize if ($proxylist) {Set-VBRJobProxy -Job $target_job -Proxy $proxylist >$null 2>&1} else { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "`nWARNING: Specific VMware Proxies were selected for the source job, but none of them are available at the target server. `n Automatic Proxy Selection will be activated..." Set-VBRJobProxy -Job $target_job -AutoDetect >$null 2>&1 } } #If encryption is used in the source job, ask user to select the encryption key to use among the ones present in the target server. #If no encryption key exists, prompt the user to create one. if ($source_job.BackupStorageOptions.StorageEncryptionEnabled -eq $True) { $target_encryption_keys = Get-VBREncryptionKey if ($target_encryption_keys -eq $null) { Write-Host "`nSource backup job has encryption enabled, but there are no encryption keys in the target backup server ($target_srv)." $encryption_prompt = $null While ("Y","N" -notcontains $encryption_prompt) {$encryption_prompt = Read-Host "Do you want to create a key now (Y)? If not (N), job will be imported with encryption disabled"} if ($encryption_prompt -eq "Y") { $password = $null while ($password -eq $null) {$password = Read-Host "`nEnter encryption password" -AsSecureString} $description = Read-Host "Enter a description (optional)" $encryption_key = Add-VBREncryptionKey -Password $password -Description $description Set-VBRJobAdvancedStorageOptions -Job $target_job -EncryptionKey $encryption_key >$null 2>&1 } else {Set-VBRJobAdvancedStorageOptions -Job $target_job -EnableEncryption $false >$null 2>&1} } else { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "`nPlease select the encryption key to use (click Cancel to disable encryption for this job):" $encryption_key = Get-VBREncryptionKey | Out-GridView -OutputMode Single -Title "*** SELECT ENCRYPTION KEY FOR JOB: $($job.Name + $job_suffix) ***" if ($encryption_key -eq $null) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "Encryption key selection was cancelled - Encryption will be disabled." Set-VBRJobAdvancedStorageOptions -Job $target_job -EnableEncryption $false >$null 2>&1 } else {Set-VBRJobAdvancedStorageOptions -Job $target_job -EncryptionKey $encryption_key >$null 2>&1} } } Set-VBRJobScheduleOptions -Job $target_job -Options $source_job.ScheduleOptions >$null 2>&1 #If the job has an enabled schedule at source, enable the schedule also at target #(this is a different operation than actually enabling/disabling the job itself) if ($source_job_schedule_status -eq $True) {Enable-VBRJobSchedule -Job $target_job >$null 2>&1} #The script sets the newly created job as disabled (just like cloned jobs), only if the job has its schedule enabled #This is to avoid the user having the option to enable it grayed out in the GUI (cannot enable/disable jobs from the GUI when they have a disabled schedule) if ($source_job_schedule_status -eq $True) {Disable-VBRJob -Job $target_job >$null 2>&1} #The following handles job chaining, if it is enabled in the source job if ($source_job.PreviousJobIdInScheduleChain -ne $null) { $target_job_previous_job = Get-VBRJob -Name $($source_job_previous_job_name + $job_suffix) if ($target_job_previous_job -eq $null) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "`nWARNING! Job chaining was enabled in source job, but previous job [" $($source_job_previous_job_name + $job_suffix) "] was not found in the target server. Job schedule will be disabled.`n" Disable-VBRJobSchedule -Job $target_job >$null 2>&1 #Enabling the job, since it has a disabled schedule (see 9 lines above this one for details) Enable-VBRJob -Job $target_job >$null 2>&1 } else { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "`nJob chaining was enabled in source job. Scheduling imported job to be run after [" $($source_job_previous_job_name + $job_suffix) "] ...`n" Set-VBRJobSchedule -Job $target_job -After -AfterJob $($source_job_previous_job_name + $job_suffix) >$null 2>&1 } } #Disconnect from target backup server and connect back to the source server before processing next job Disconnect-VBRServer if ($source_cred) {Connect-VBRServer -Server $source_srv -Credential $source_cred} else {Connect-VBRServer -Server $source_srv} $jobs_counter++ } Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "`n***** EXECUTION COMPLETE *****`n" Disconnect-VBRServer Stop-Transcript