/** * Sensibo Integration for Hubitat * * Copyright 2021 Paul Hutton * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * * Date Comments * 2021-02-15 Forked from Bryan Li's port from ST * 2021-02-28 Resolved old namespace issue (thanks benmek) * 2024-03-27 Significant updates, support thermostat capabilities */ //file:noinspection GroovySillyAssignment //file:noinspection GrDeprecatedAPIUsage //file:noinspection GroovyDoubleNegation //file:noinspection GroovyUnusedAssignment //file:noinspection unused //file:noinspection SpellCheckingInspection //file:noinspection GroovyFallthrough //file:noinspection GrMethodMayBeStatic //file:noinspection GroovyAssignabilityCheck //file:noinspection UnnecessaryQualifiedReference import groovy.json.* import groovy.transform.Field import groovy.transform.CompileStatic definition( name: "Sensibo Integration", namespace: "velowulf", author: "Paul Hutton", description: "Connect your Sensibo Pod to Hubitat.", category: "Green Living", iconUrl: "", // empty string - not implemented in Hubitat iconX2Url: "", // empty string - not implemented in Hubitat iconX3Url: "", // empty string - not implemented in Hubitat singleInstance: true) preferences{ page(name: "SelectAPIKey", title: "API Key", content: "setAPIKey", nextPage: "deviceList", install: false, uninstall: true) page(name: "deviceList", title: "Sensibo", content:"SensiboPodList", install:true, uninstall: true) page(name: "timePage") page(name: "timePageEvent") page((sNM):sPDPC) } // Initial variable declarations static String getServerUrl(){ return 'https://home.sensibo.com' } static String getChildNamespace(){ return 'velowulf' } static String getChildTypeName(){ return 'SensiboPod' } String getApiKey(){ return (String)settings.apiKey } //static Long getPollRateMillis(){ return 45000L } //static Long getCapabilitiesRateMillis(){ return 600000L } static String version(){ return 'Hubitat' } @Field static final String devVersionFLD = '' @Field static final String sNULL = (String)null @Field static final String sSPACE = ' ' @Field static final String sLINEBR = '
' @Field static final String sTRUE = 'true' @Field static final String sFALSE = 'false' @Field static final String sCLRRED = 'red' @Field static final String sCLRGRY = 'gray' @Field static final String sCLRORG = 'orange' @Field static final String sAPPJSON = 'application/json' @Field static final String sPDPC = 'pageDumpPCache' @Field static final String sBLK='' @Field static final Integer iZ=0 @Field static final Integer i1=1 @Field static final String sNM='name' @Field static final String sTIT='title' // Capture APIkey and logging preference def setAPIKey(){ logTrace( "setAPIKey()") String keystring= getApiKey() ?: '' dynamicPage(name: "SelectAPIKey", title: "Enter your API Key", uninstall: true){ section("API Key"){ paragraph "Please enter your API Key provided by Sensibo \n\nAvailable at: \nhttps://home.sensibo.com/me/api" input(name: "apiKey", title:"", type: "text", required:true, multiple:false, description: "", defaultValue: keystring) } section("Logging"){ paragraph "Application Logging Level" input "logInfo", "bool", title: "Show Info Logs?", required: false, defaultValue: true input "logWarn", "bool", title: "Show Warning Logs?", required: false, defaultValue: true input "logError", "bool", title: "Show Error Logs?", required: false, defaultValue: true input "logDebug", "bool", title: "Show Debug Logs?", description: "Only leave on when required", required: false, defaultValue: false input "logTrace", "bool", title: "Show Detailed Logs?", description: "Only Enabled when asked by the developer", required: false, defaultValue: false } if((Boolean)settings.logTrace){ section('Debug'){ href sPDPC,(sTIT):'Dump Caches',description:sBLK } } } } def SensiboPodList() { logTrace( "SensiboPodList()") //logDebug( "apiKey: "+getApiKey() ) Map stats= getSensiboPodList() //logDebug( "device list: $stats") dynamicPage(name: "deviceList", title: "Select Your Sensibo Pod", uninstall: true){ section(""){ paragraph "Tap below to see the list of Sensibo Pods available in your Sensibo account and select the ones you want to connect to Hubitat." input(name: "SelectedSensiboPods", title:"Pods", type: "enum", required:true, multiple:true, description: "Tap to choose", options: stats) } section("Refresh"){ input(name:"refreshinminutes", title: "Refresh rates in minutes", type: "enum", required:false, multiple: false, options: ["1", "5", "10","15","30"]) } /* section("Receive Pod sensors infos"){ input "boolnotifevery", "bool",submitOnChange: true, required: false, title: "Receive temperature, humidity and battery level notification every hour?" href(name: "toTimePageEvent", page: "timePageEvent", title:"Only during a certain time", require: false) } section("Alert on sensors (threshold)"){ input "sendPushNotif", "bool",submitOnChange: true, required: false, title: "Receive alert on Sensibo Pod sensors based on threshold?" } if(sendPushNotif){ section("Select the temperature threshold",hideable: true){ input "minTemperature", "decimal", title: "Min Temperature",required:false input "maxTemperature", "decimal", title: "Max Temperature",required:false } section("Select the humidity threshold",hideable: true){ input "minHumidity", "decimal", title: "Min Humidity level",required:false input "maxHumidity", "decimal", title: "Max Humidity level",required:false } section("How frequently?"){ input(name:"days", title: "Only on certain days of the week", type: "enum", required:false, multiple: true, options: ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday","Sunday"]) } section(""){ href(name: "toTimePage", page: "timePage", title:"Only during a certain time", require: false) } } */ } } /* // page def must include a parameter for the params map! def timePage(){ dynamicPage(name: "timePage", uninstall: false, install: false, title: "Only during a certain time"){ section(""){ input(name: "startTime", title: "Starting at : ", required:false, multiple: false, type:"time",) input(name: "endTime", title: "Ending at : ", required:false, multiple: false, type:"time") } } } // page def must include a parameter for the params map! def timePageEvent(){ dynamicPage(name: "timePageEvent", uninstall: false, install: false, title: "Only during a certain time"){ section(""){ input(name: "startTimeEvent", title: "Starting at : ", required:false, multiple: false, type:"time",) input(name: "endTimeEvent", title: "Ending at : ", required:false, multiple: false, type:"time") } } } */ // Function that runs when the app is first installed def installed(){ logTrace( "Installed() called with settings: ${settings}") initialize() /*def d= getChildDevices() // Can't find that this actually does anything - probably remove (d is returned by the initiatize function and is then overwritten by this definition if(boolnotifevery){ //runEvery1Hour("hournotification") schedule("0 0 * * * ?", "hournotification") } logDebug( "Configured health checkInterval when installed()") sendEvent(name: "checkInterval", value: 2 * 60 * 60 + 2 * 60)*/ //subscribe(d,"temperatureUnit",eTempUnitHandler) /*if(sendPushNotif){ subscribe(d, "temperature", eTemperatureHandler) subscribe(d, "humidity", eHumidityHandler) }*/ // Can't find the sendPushNotif variable anywhere - probably remove code } // Function that runs when the app is updated def updated(){ logTrace( "Updated() called with settings: ${settings}") unschedule() // Remove any scheduled tasks. If method is called without parameters, all schedules will be removed. unsubscribe() // Unsubscribe from events sent from a device or all event subscriptions. //state.lastTemperaturePush= null //state.lastHumidityPush= null initialize() /*def d= getChildDevices() // Can't find that this actually does anything - probably remove (d is returned by the initiatize function and is then overwritten by this definition if(boolnotifevery){ //runEvery1Hour("hournotification") schedule("0 0 * * * ?", "hournotification") } logDebug( "Configured health checkInterval when installed()") sendEvent(name: "checkInterval", value: 2 * 60 * 60 + 2 * 60)*/ //subscribe(d,"temperatureUnit",eTempUnitHandler) /*if(sendPushNotif){ subscribe(d, "temperature", eTemperatureHandler) subscribe(d, "humidity", eHumidityHandler) }*/ // Can't find the sendPushNotif variable anywhere - probably remove code } // Function that runs when the app is removed (uninstalled) def uninstalled(){ // remove child devices logTrace "Uninstalled called with settings: ${settings}" } def initialize(){ logTrace( "initialize() called") //logTrace( "key "+ getApiKey()) List devices= ((List)SelectedSensiboPods).collect{ dni -> logDebug("Initializing " + dni) def d d= getChildDevice(dni) // grab child devices with the current collection entry if(!d){ // the return is empty so no device exists in which case add it Map.Entry name= getSensiboPodList().find( {key,value -> key == dni }) logDebug( "Pod : ${name.value} - Hub : ${(String)((List)location.hubs)[iZ].name} - Type : " + getChildTypeName() + " - Namespace : " + getChildNamespace()) d= addChildDevice(getChildNamespace(), getChildTypeName(), dni, ((List)location.hubs)[iZ].id, [ "label" : "${name.value} Pod", "name" : "${name.value} Pod" ] ) logTrace( "created ${d.displayName} with id $dni") }else{ // Tell the user that the device already exists logTrace( "found ${d.displayName} with id $dni already exists") } return d } logTrace( "found / created ${devices.size()} Sensibo Pod") List delete // Delete any that are no longer selected if(!(List)SelectedSensiboPods){ logDebug( "Removing all Sensibo devices") delete= getChildDevices() }else{ delete= getChildDevices().findAll { !((List)SelectedSensiboPods).contains(it.deviceNetworkId) } } logTrace( "deleting ${delete.size()} Sensibo") delete.each { deleteChildDevice(it.deviceNetworkId) } resetSchedule() //if(advLogsActive()){ runIn(1800, "logsOff") } if(advLogsActive()){ runIn(28800, "logsOff") } asyncReq('finishRefresh',true) // devices refresh } Boolean advLogsActive(){ return ((Boolean)settings.logDebug || (Boolean)settings.logTrace) } void logsOff(){ app.updateSetting("logDebug",[value:sFALSE,type:"bool"]) app.updateSetting("logTrace",[value:sFALSE,type:"bool"]) log.debug "Disabling debug logs" } void resetSchedule(){ logTrace("resetSchedule()") //Set up schedule for refreshing devices based on app preferences String rfmins=(String)settings.refreshinminutes logTrace( "refresh() called with rate of " + rfmins + " minutes") if(rfmins == "1") runEvery1Minute("refreshDevices") else if(rfmins == "5") runEvery5Minutes("refreshDevices") else if(rfmins == "10") runEvery10Minutes("refreshDevices") else if(rfmins == "15") runEvery15Minutes("refreshDevices") else if(rfmins == "30") runEvery30Minutes("refreshDevices") else runEvery10Minutes("refreshDevices") } Map restParams(String path, Map queryMap, Boolean intr=true, String jsonBody=sNULL, Boolean headers=false){ Map res res=[ uri: "${getServerUrl()}", path: path, query: [apiKey: getApiKey(), type:"json"] + (intr ? [integration: version()] : [:]) + queryMap ] if(headers) res= res + [headers: ["Content-Type": sAPPJSON]] else res= res + [requestContentType: sAPPJSON] if(jsonBody) res= res + [body: jsonBody] res } private Long wnow(){ return (Long)now() } void asyncReq(String callBack, Boolean doPod=false){ logTrace( "asyncReq") Map deviceListParams= restParams('/api/v2/users/me/pods', [fields:"*"],true) logDebug( "HTTP REQUEST ASYNC asyncReq") try { asynchttpGet('ahttpReqResp', deviceListParams, [command: callBack, doPod: doPod]) }catch(e){ logError("async exception",e) } } @Field static final Integer i200=200 @Field static final Integer i300=300 @Field static final Integer i400=400 void ahttpReqResp(resp, Map callbackData){ logTrace( "attpReqResp") String callBackC= (String)callbackData?.command Boolean doPod= (Boolean)callbackData?.doPod //logWarn( "callback: $callbackData") Integer rCode; rCode=(Integer)resp.status String erMsg; erMsg='' if(resp.hasError()){ erMsg= " Response Status: ${resp.status} error Message: ${resp.getErrorMessage()}".toString() logWarn(erMsg) } Boolean respOk=(rCode>=i200 && rCode=i300 && rCode res= (List)data.result fillFields(res,doPod) "$callBackC"() } logTrace( "attpReqResp done") } List syncReq(){ logTrace( "syncReq") Map deviceListParams= restParams('/api/v2/users/me/pods', [fields:"*"],true) List res; res=null try { logDebug("HTTP REQUEST SYNC syncReq") httpGet(deviceListParams){ resp -> if(resp.status == i200){ res= (List)resp.data.result } } return res }catch(e){ logError( "Exception syncReq: ", e) } return null } @Field volatile static Long sensiboPodsLongFLD= 0L @Field volatile static Map sensiboMapFLD = [:] @Field volatile static Map> sensiboDeviceMapFLD = [:] @Field volatile static Map sensiboDeviceLongFLD = [:] @Field volatile static Map> sensiboClimateMapFLD = [:] @Field volatile static Map> sensiboCAPMapFLD = [:] void fillFields(List res, Boolean doPod=false){ logDebug("fillFields($doPod) ") Map pods= [:] Map fullPods= [:] res.each { pod -> String key= (String)pod.id String value= (String) ((Map)pod.room).name pods[key]= value fullPods[key]= pod } if(doPod && pods){ state.pods= pods sensiboPodsLongFLD= wnow() } sensiboMapFLD= fullPods loadFLD() } void loadFLD(){ Map newFLD; newFLD=[:] // fill in pollChild data sensiboMapFLD.each { String PodUid= it.key Map stat stat= sensiboMapFLD[PodUid] Map newMap; newMap=[:] for (String k in ['id','temperatureUnit','connectionStatus','room','acState','location','firmwareVersion', 'productModel','remoteCapabilities','smartMode','measurements','filtersCleaning']){ newMap[k]= stat[k] } newFLD[PodUid]=newMap stat= newMap sensiboCAPMapFLD[PodUid]= [ remoteCapabilities: stat.remoteCapabilities, productModel: (String)stat.productModel ] sensiboCAPMapFLD= sensiboCAPMapFLD Map data; data= [:] if(stat){ Map acState= stat.acState // logDebug("fillACState PodUID : $PodUid : " + acState) String OnOff= acState.on ? "on" : "off" Integer stemp= acState.targetTemperature == null ? stat.measurements.temperature.toInteger() : acState.targetTemperature.toInteger() String tempUnit= acState.temperatureUnit == null ? stat.temperatureUnit : acState.temperatureUnit String sMode= acState.swing == null ? "stopped" : acState.swing String battery= stat.productModel == "skyv1" ? "battery" : "mains" data= [ //order is important here temperatureUnit : tempUnit, on : OnOff.toString(), switch : OnOff.toString(), currentmode : acState.mode, targetTemperature: stemp, fanLevel : acState.fanLevel, swing : sMode, //end order is important here powerSource : battery, productModel : stat.productModel, firmwareVersion : stat.firmwareVersion, Error : "Success" ] } else { data= [ temperatureUnit : "", on : "--", switch : "--", currentmode : "--", targetTemperature: "0", fanLevel : "--", swing : "--", powerSource : "", productModel : "", firmwareVersion : "", Error : "Failed" ] logWarn("fillACState Failed") } sensiboClimateMapFLD[PodUid]= fillClimateReact(PodUid,stat) sensiboClimateMapFLD= sensiboClimateMapFLD Map acState= data Map ClimateReact= getClimateReact(PodUid) Map measure; measure= stat.measurements if(measure && (String)acState.Error != "Failed"){ String dni= PodUid //logDebug( "fillFields: updating dni $dni") Double stemp stemp= measure.temperature ? ((String)measure.temperature).toDouble().round(1) : 0.0D Double ftemp ftemp= measure.feelsLike ? ((String)measure.feelsLike).toDouble().round(1) : 0.0D if((String)acState.temperatureUnit == "F"){ stemp= cToF(stemp).round(1) ftemp= cToF(ftemp).round(1) } Long shumidify= measure.humidity ? ((String)measure.humidity).toDouble().round() : 0L data= data + [ temperature: stemp, feelsLike: ftemp, humidity: shumidify, Climate: ClimateReact.Climate ] if((String)acState.powerSource=='battery'){ Integer battpourcentage; battpourcentage= 100 Integer battVoltage; battVoltage= measure.batteryVoltage if(battVoltage == null){ battVoltage= 3000 } if(battVoltage < 2850) battpourcentage= 10 if(battVoltage > 2850 && battVoltage < 2950) battpourcentage= 50 data= data + [ battery: battpourcentage, voltage: battVoltage, ] } //sensiboDeviceMapFLD[dni].Climate= on/off //logDebug( "fillFields: $dni Event Data= ${data}") sensiboDeviceMapFLD[dni]= data sensiboDeviceLongFLD[dni]= wnow() sensiboDeviceMapFLD= sensiboDeviceMapFLD } } sensiboMapFLD= newFLD } // Get Climate React settings Map fillClimateReact(String PodUid, Map stats){ logTrace( "fillClimateReact($PodUid)") Map data; data= [:] Map ClimateReact= stats?.smartMode //logDebug( "fillClimateReact " + ClimateReact) if(!ClimateReact){ data= [ Climate : "notdefined", Error : "Success" ] }else{ ClimateReact.any{ stat -> String OnOff; OnOff= "off" if(ClimateReact.enabled != null){ OnOff= ClimateReact.enabled ? "on" : "off" } data= [ Climate : OnOff.toString(), Error : "Success" ] } } logTrace( "Returning Climate React : ${data.Climate}") return data } // Get the latest state for the Sensibo Pod Map getACState(String PodUid){ logTrace("getACState($PodUid)") Map stat; stat= sensiboDeviceMapFLD[PodUid] if(!stat){ List res= syncReq() if(res){ fillFields(res, false) stat= sensiboDeviceMapFLD[PodUid] } } return stat } // Get Climate React settings Map getClimateReact(String PodUid){ logTrace("getClimateReact($PodUid)") Map stat; stat= sensiboClimateMapFLD[PodUid] if(!stat){ List res= syncReq() if(res){ fillFields(res, false) stat= sensiboClimateMapFLD[PodUid] } } return stat } Map getSensiboPodList(){ logTrace( "getSensiboPodList()") Map pods; pods= [:] if(!state.pods || wnow() > (sensiboPodsLongFLD + 300L)){ List res= syncReq() if(res){ fillFields(res,true) pods= (Map)state.pods } }else pods= (Map)state.pods logDebug( "Sensibo Pods: $pods" ) return pods } Boolean ping(){ logTrace( "ping()") Boolean returnStatus; returnStatus= true Map deviceListParams= restParams('/api/v2/users/me/pods', [fields:"id,room"],true) try{ logDebug( "HTTP REQUEST SYNC ping") httpGet(deviceListParams){ resp -> if(resp.status == i200){ returnStatus= true } } }catch(Exception e){ logError( "Exception ping: ", e) returnStatus= false } return returnStatus } /* def hournotification(){ logTrace( "hournotification() called") Date hour= new Date() String curHour= hour.format("HH:mm",(TimeZone)location.timeZone) String curDay= hour.format("EEEE",(TimeZone)location.timeZone) // Check the time Threshold String stext; stext= "" if(startTimeEvent && endTimeEvent){ Date minHour= new Date().parse(sDateFormat(), startTimeEvent) Date endHour= new Date().parse(sDateFormat(), endTimeEvent) String minHourstr= minHour.format("HH:mm",(TimeZone)location.timeZone) String maxHourstr= endHour.format("HH:mm",(TimeZone)location.timeZone) if(curHour >= minHourstr && curHour <= maxHourstr){ List devices= getChildDevices() devices.each{ d -> logTrace( "Notification every hour for device: ${d.id}") String currentPod= d.displayName def currentTemperature= d.currentState("temperature").value def currentHumidity= d.currentState("humidity").value def currentBattery= d.currentState("voltage").value String sunit= d.currentState("temperatureUnit").value stext= "${currentPod} - Temperature: ${currentTemperature} ${sunit} Humidity: ${currentHumidity}% Battery: ${currentBattery}" sendPush(stext) } } }else{ List devices= getChildDevices() devices.each{ d -> logTrace( "Notification every hour for device: ${d.id}") String currentPod= d.displayName def currentTemperature= d.currentState("temperature").value def currentHumidity= d.currentState("humidity").value def currentBattery= d.currentState("voltage").value String sunit= d.currentState("temperatureUnit").value stext= "${currentPod} - Temperature: ${currentTemperature} ${sunit} Humidity: ${currentHumidity}% Battery: ${currentBattery}" sendPush(stext) } } } def switchesHandler(evt){ if(evt.value == "on"){ logDebug( "switch turned on!") }else if(evt.value == "off"){ logDebug( "switch turned off!") } } def eTempUnitHandler(evt){ //refreshOneDevice(evt.device.displayName) } */ /* def eTemperatureHandler(evt){ def currentTemperature= evt.device.currentState("temperature").value String currentPod= evt.device.displayName Date hour= new Date() if(inDateThreshold(evt,"temperature") == true){ if(maxTemperature != null){ if(currentTemperature.toDouble() > maxTemperature){ String stext= "Temperature level is too high at ${currentPod} : ${currentTemperature}" sendEvent(name: "lastTemperaturePush", value: "${stext}", descriptionText:"${stext}") sendPush(stext) state.lastTemperaturePush= hour } } if(minTemperature != null){ if(currentTemperature.toDouble() < minTemperature){ String stext= "Temperature level is too low at ${currentPod} : ${currentTemperature}" sendEvent(name: "lastTemperaturePush", value: "${stext}", descriptionText:"${stext}") sendPush(stext) state.lastTemperaturePush= hour } } } } def eHumidityHandler(evt){ def currentHumidity= evt.device.currentState("humidity").value String currentPod= evt.device.displayName Date hour= new Date() if(inDateThreshold(evt,"humidity") == true){ if(maxHumidity != null){ if(currentHumidity.toDouble() > maxHumidity){ String stext= "Humidity level is too high at ${currentPod} : ${currentHumidity}" sendEvent(name: "lastHumidityPush", value: "${stext}", descriptionText:"${stext}") sendPush(stext) state.lastHumidityPush= hour } } if(minHumidity != null){ if(currentHumidity.toDouble() < minHumidity){ String stext= "Humidity level is too low at ${currentPod} : ${currentHumidity}" sendEvent(name: "lastHumidityPush", value: "${stext}", descriptionText:"${stext}") sendPush(stext) state.lastHumidityPush= hour } } } } */ /* static String sDateFormat(){ "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ" } static String sDateFormatNoMilli(){ "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ" } Boolean canPushNotification(String currentPod, Date hour,String sType){ // Check if the client already received a push if(sType == "temperature"){ if(sfrequency.toString().isInteger()){ if(state.lastTemperaturePush != null){ Long unxNow; unxNow= hour.getTime() Date before= new Date().parse(sDateFormatNoMilli(),state.lastTemperaturePush) Long unxEnd; unxEnd= before.getTime() unxNow= Math.round(unxNow/1000L) unxEnd= Math.round(unxEnd/1000L) Long timeDiff; timeDiff= Math.abs(unxNow-unxEnd) timeDiff= Math.round(timeDiff/60L) if(timeDiff <= sfrequency){ return false } } } }else{ if(sfrequency.toString().isInteger()){ if(state.lastHumidityPush != null){ Long unxNow; unxNow= hour.getTime() Date before= new Date().parse(sDateFormatNoMilli(),state.lastHumidityPush) Long unxEnd; unxEnd= before.getTime() unxNow= Math.round(unxNow/1000L) unxEnd= Math.round(unxEnd/1000L) Long timeDiff; timeDiff= Math.abs(unxNow-unxEnd) timeDiff= Math.round(timeDiff/60L) if(timeDiff <= sfrequency){ return false } } } } return true } Boolean inDateThreshold(evt,String sType){ Date hour= new Date() String curHour= hour.format("HH:mm",(TimeZone)location.timeZone) String curDay= hour.format("EEEE",(TimeZone)location.timeZone) String currentPod= evt.device.displayName // Check if the client already received a push Boolean result= canPushNotification(currentPod,hour, sType) if(!result){ return false } // Check the day of the week if(days != null && !days.contains(curDay)){ return false } // Check the time Threshold if(startTime && endTime){ Date minHour= new Date().parse(sDateFormat(), startTime) Date endHour= new Date().parse(sDateFormat(), endTime) String minHourstr= minHour.format("HH:mm",(TimeZone)location.timeZone) String maxHourstr= endHour.format("HH:mm",(TimeZone)location.timeZone) return curHour >= minHourstr && curHour < maxHourstr } return true } */ def refresh(){ logTrace( "refresh()") unschedule() refreshDevices() resetSchedule() } /* def refreshOneDevice(dni){ logTrace( "refreshOneDevice() called") def d= getChildDevice(dni) d.cmdRefresh() }*/ def refreshDevices(){ logTrace("refreshDevices()") asyncReq('finishRefresh') } void finishRefresh(){ logTrace("finishRefresh()") List devices= getChildDevices() devices.each{ d -> logDebug( "Calling refresh() on device: ${d.id}") d.refresh() } } //@CompileStatic void pollChildren(String PodUid){ logTrace( "pollChildren($PodUid)") try{ List res= syncReq() if(res){ fillFields(res,false) } }catch(Exception e){ logError( "___exception polling children: ", e) } } // called by child after command execution to force data gather void afterCmdRefresh(){ runIn(7,'cmdPoll') // allow commands to finish } void cmdPoll(){ pollChild(null,true) } // Poll Child is invoked from the Child Device itself as part of the Poll Capability Map pollChild( child, Boolean frc=false){ String dni Map tData if(frc){ logDebug( "pollChild(): frc: $frc") asyncReq('finishRefresh') return null } else { // it is syncrhonous dni= "${child.device.deviceNetworkId}".toString() logDebug( "pollChild( ${dni} ): frc: $frc") tData= sensiboDeviceMapFLD[dni] //Long last= sensiboDeviceLongFLD[dni] ?: 0L //Long next= last + pollRateMillis //Long now= wnow() //logTrace( "pollChild($frc) Last Poll Millis= ${last}") if( /* now > next || */ !tData || (String)tData.Error != "Success"){ logDebug( "pollChild( ${dni} ): frc: $frc current state: ${sensiboDeviceMapFLD[dni]}") pollChildren(dni) // read data from synchronously API tData= sensiboDeviceMapFLD[dni] if(tData != null){ Long currentTime= wnow() sensiboDeviceLongFLD[dni]= currentTime sensiboDeviceLongFLD= sensiboDeviceLongFLD tData.updated= currentTime sensiboDeviceMapFLD= sensiboDeviceMapFLD } }else{ tData= sensiboDeviceMapFLD[dni] if(tData != null){ //logDebug("pollChild: found child ${dni} ") } } } //logDebug( "pollChild: looking for ${dni} from ${sensiboDeviceMapFLD}") tData= sensiboDeviceMapFLD[dni] //logDebug("pollChild DEBUG - TDATA " + tData) if(tData && (String)tData.Error == "Success"){ logDebug("pollChild Found, returning data") return (Map)tData }else{ logError "pollChild ERROR: Device connection removed? no data for ${dni}" sensiboDeviceLongFLD[dni]= 0L sensiboDeviceLongFLD= sensiboDeviceLongFLD // TODO: flag device as in error state // child.errorState= true return null } } Boolean setClimateReactConfiguration(child,String PodUid,String JsonString){ logTrace( "setClimateReactConfiguration() called for $PodUid with settings : $JsonString" ) Boolean result= sendPostJsonClimate(PodUid, JsonString) /* if(result){ // update cache String dni= child.device.deviceNetworkId Map tData= state.sensibo[child.device.deviceNetworkId] if(tData == null){ pollChildren(child.device.deviceNetworkId) tData= state.sensibo[child.device.deviceNetworkId] } //tData.Climate= ClimateState tData.Error= "Success" }else{ def tData= state.sensibo[child.device.deviceNetworkId] if(tData == null) return false tData.Error= "Failed" } */ return result } Boolean setClimateReact(child,String PodUid, String ClimateState){ logTrace( "setClimateReact() called for $PodUid Climate React: $ClimateState" ) String dni= child.device.deviceNetworkId Map ClimateReact= getClimateReact(PodUid) logDebug( "DEBUG " + PodUid + " " + dni + " SAME?") logDebug( "DEBUG " + ClimateReact.Climate + " " + ClimateState) if((String)ClimateReact.Climate == "notdefined"){ Map tData; tData= sensiboDeviceMapFLD[dni] if(tData == null){ return true //pollChildren(dni) //tData= sensiboDeviceMapFLD[dni] } tData.Climate= ClimateReact.Climate tData.Error= "Success" sensiboDeviceMapFLD= sensiboDeviceMapFLD return true } String jsonRequestBody if(ClimateState == "on"){ jsonRequestBody= '{"enabled": true}' }else{ jsonRequestBody= '{"enabled": false}' } logDebug( "Mode Request Body= ${jsonRequestBody}") Boolean result= sendPutJson(PodUid, jsonRequestBody) if(result){ // try to update cache Map tData; tData= sensiboDeviceMapFLD[dni] if(tData == null){ return true //pollChildren(dni) //tData= sensiboDeviceMapFLD[dni] } tData.Climate= ClimateState tData.Error= "Success" sensiboDeviceMapFLD= sensiboDeviceMapFLD }else{ Map tData; tData= sensiboDeviceMapFLD[dni] if(tData == null) return false tData.Error= "Failed" sensiboDeviceMapFLD= sensiboDeviceMapFLD } return result } Boolean setACStates(child,String PodUid, String on, String mode, targetTemperature, String fanLevel, String swingM, String sUnit){ logTrace( "setACStates() called for $PodUid ON: $on - MODE: $mode - Temp : $targetTemperature - FAN : $fanLevel - SWING MODE : $swingM - UNIT : $sUnit") //Return false if no values was read from Sensibo API if(on == "--"){ return false } String dni= child.device.deviceNetworkId Boolean isOn= (on == "on") //if(swingM == null) swingM= "stopped" Map cmd; cmd =[ on: isOn, mode: mode ] logDebug("isOn: " + isOn) logDebug("Mode: " + mode) String jsonRequestBody //; jsonRequestBody= '{"acState":{"on": ' + isOn.toString() + ',"mode": "' + mode + '"' //logDebug( "Mode Request Body= ${jsonRequestBody}") if(isOn){ logDebug( "Fan Level is :$fanLevel") logDebug( "Swing is :$swingM") logDebug( "Target Temperature is :$targetTemperature") if(fanLevel != null){ logDebug( "Fan Level info is present") cmd= cmd + [fanLevel: fanLevel] //jsonRequestBody += ',"fanLevel": "' + fanLevel + '"' } if(targetTemperature != 0 && targetTemperature != null){ cmd= cmd + [ targetTemperature: targetTemperature, temperatureUnit: sUnit ] //jsonRequestBody += ',"targetTemperature": '+ targetTemperature + ',"temperatureUnit": "' + sUnit + '"' } if(swingM){ cmd= cmd + [swing: swingM] //jsonRequestBody += ',"swing": "' + swingM + '"' } } //jsonRequestBody += '}}' Map cmd1= [acState: cmd] jsonRequestBody= JsonOutput.toJson(cmd1) logDebug( "Command Request Body= ${JsonOutput.prettyPrint(jsonRequestBody)}") Boolean result; result= true if(!sendJson(PodUid, jsonRequestBody)){ result= false } if(result){ // try to update cache Map tData; tData= sensiboDeviceMapFLD[dni] if(tData == null){ return true // nevermind //pollChildren(dni) //tData= sensiboDeviceMapFLD[dni] } logDebug( "setACStates before Device : " + dni + " state : " + tData) tData.on= on tData.switch= on tData.currentmode= mode if(isOn){ tData.fanLevel= fanLevel !=null ? fanLevel : tData.fanLevel if(targetTemperature !=0 && targetTemperature != null){ tData.targetTemperature= targetTemperature tData.temperatureUnit= sUnit } tData.swing= swingM ?: tData.swing } tData.Error= "Success" logDebug( "setACStates after Device : " + dni + " state : " + tData) sensiboDeviceMapFLD= sensiboDeviceMapFLD }else{ Map tData; tData= sensiboDeviceMapFLD[dni] if(tData){ tData.Error= "Failed" sensiboDeviceMapFLD= sensiboDeviceMapFLD } } return result } //Get the capabilities of the A/C Unit Map getCapabilities(String PodUid, String mode){ logTrace( "getCapabilities($PodUid) $mode") Map data; data= [:] //sensiboCAPMapFLD[PodUid]= fillCap(PodUid,stat) Map svData; svData= sensiboCAPMapFLD[PodUid].remoteCapabilities if(!svData){ List res= syncReq() if(res){ fillFields(res,false) svData= sensiboCAPMapFLD[PodUid].remoteCapabilities } } if(svData){ //logDebug("getCapabilities ${svData}") data.productModel= (String)sensiboCAPMapFLD[PodUid].productModel switch (mode){ case "dry": data.remoteCapabilities= (Map)svData.modes.dry break case "cool": data.remoteCapabilities= (Map)svData.modes.cool break case "heat": data.remoteCapabilities= (Map)svData.modes.heat break case "fan": data.remoteCapabilities= (Map)svData.modes.fan break case "auto": data.remoteCapabilities= (Map)svData.modes.auto break case "modes": data.remoteCapabilities= (Map)svData.modes break default: data.remoteCapabilities= [:] logWarn( "getCapabilities Failed - no mode $mode") } }else{ logWarn( "getCapabilities Failed") data= [ remoteCapabilities : [:], productModel : "" ] } logDebug("getCapabilities $PodUid $mode ${data}") return data } Boolean sendPutJson(String PodUid, String jsonBody){ logTrace( "sendPutJson() called - Request sent to Sensibo API(smartmode) for PODUid : $PodUid - ${version()} - $jsonBody") Map foo= new JsonSlurper().parseText(jsonBody) // check the json string Map cmdParams= restParams( "/api/v2/pods/${PodUid}/smartmode", [:], true, jsonBody) /* Map cmdParams= [ uri: "${getServerUrl()}", path: "/api/v2/pods/${PodUid}/smartmode", requestContentType: sAPPJSON, // headers: ["Content-Type": sAPPJSON], query: [apiKey: getApiKey(), integration:"${version()}", type:"json"], body: jsonBody ] */ try{ logDebug( "HTTP PUT REQUEST SYNC sendPutJson") httpPut(cmdParams){ resp -> if(resp.status == i200){ logDebug( "sendPutJson updated ${resp.data}") logTrace( "Successful call to Sensibo API.") return true }else{ logTrace( "Failed call to Sensibo API.") return false } } }catch(Exception e){ logError( "Exception Sending Json: ", e) return false } } Boolean sendPostJsonClimate(String PodUid, String jsonBody){ logTrace( "sendPostJsonClimate() called - Request sent to Sensibo API(smartmode) for PODUid : $PodUid - ${version()} - $jsonBody") Map foo= new JsonSlurper().parseText(jsonBody) // check the json string Map cmdParams= restParams( "/api/v2/pods/${PodUid}/smartmode", [:], true, jsonBody, true) /* Map cmdParams= [ uri: "${getServerUrl()}", path: "/api/v2/pods/${PodUid}/smartmode", headers: ["Content-Type": sAPPJSON], query: [apiKey: getApiKey(), integration:"${version()}", type:"json"], body: jsonBody ] */ try{ logDebug( "HTTP POST REQUEST SYNC sendPostJson") httpPost(cmdParams){ resp -> if(resp.status == i200){ logDebug( "sendPostJsonClimate updated ${resp.data}") logTrace( "Successful call to Sensibo API.") return true }else{ logTrace( "Failed call to Sensibo API.") return false } } }catch(Exception e){ logError( "Exception Sending Json: ",e) return false } } // Send state to the Sensibo Pod Boolean sendJson(String PodUid, String jsonBody){ logTrace( "sendJson() called - Request sent to Sensibo API(acStates) for PODUid : $PodUid - ${version()} - $jsonBody") Map foo= new JsonSlurper().parseText(jsonBody) // check the json string Map cmdParams= restParams( "/api/v2/pods/${PodUid}/acStates", //[fields : "acState"], [:], true, jsonBody, true) /* def cmdParams= [ uri: "${getServerUrl()}", path: "/api/v2/pods/${PodUid}/acStates", headers: ["Content-Type": sAPPJSON], query: [apiKey: getApiKey(), integration:"${version()}", type:"json", fields:"acState"], body: jsonBody ] */ Boolean returnStatus; returnStatus= false try{ logDebug( "HTTP POST REQUEST SYNC sendJson") logDebug( "cmdParams: $cmdParams") httpPost(cmdParams){ resp -> logDebug("sendJson response status: ${resp.status}") if(resp.status == i200){ logDebug( "sendJson updated ${resp.data}") logTrace( "sendJson Successful call to Sensibo API.") //returnStatus= resp.status returnStatus= true }else{ logTrace( "Failed call to Sensibo API.") returnStatus= false } } }catch(Exception e){ logError( "Exception sendJson: ",e) returnStatus= false } logDebug( "sendJson Return Status: ${returnStatus}") return returnStatus } static Double cToF(temp){ return (temp * 1.8D + 32.0D).toDouble() } static Double fToC(temp){ return ((temp - 32.0D) / 1.8D).toDouble() } /* // Subscribe functions def OnOffHandler(evt){ logTrace( "on off handler activated $evt.value") //def name= evt.device.displayName if(sendPush){ if(evt.value == "on"){ //sendPush("The ${name} is turned on!") }else if(evt.value == "off"){ //sendPush("The ${name} is turned off!") } } } */ public void enableDebugLog(){ app.updateSetting("logDebug",[value:sTRUE,type:"bool"]); logInfo("Debug Logs Enabled From Main App...") } public void disableDebugLog(){ app.updateSetting("logDebug",[value:sFALSE,type:"bool"]); logInfo("Debug Logs Disabled From Main App...") } public void enableTraceLog(){ app.updateSetting("logTrace",[value:sTRUE,type:"bool"]); logInfo("Trace Logs Enabled From Main App...") } public void disableTraceLog(){ app.updateSetting("logTrace",[value:sFALSE,type:"bool"]); logInfo("Trace Logs Disabled From Main App...") } private void logDebug(String msg){ if((Boolean)settings.logDebug) { log.debug logPrefix(msg, "purple") } } private void logInfo(String msg){ if((Boolean)settings.logInfo != false) { log.info logPrefix(msg, "#0299b1") } } private void logTrace(String msg){ if((Boolean)settings.logTrace) { log.trace logPrefix(msg, sCLRGRY) } } private void logWarn(String msg){ if((Boolean)settings.logWarn != false) { log.warn logPrefix(sSPACE + msg, sCLRORG) } } private void logError(String msg, Exception ex=null){ if((Boolean)settings.logError != false){ log.error logPrefix(msg, sCLRRED) String a,b; a= sNULL; b=sNULL try{ if(ex){ a= getExceptionMessageWithLine(ex) b= getStackTrace(ex) } }catch(ignored){ } if(a||b) log.error logPrefix(a+" \n"+b, sCLRRED) } } static String span(String str, String clr=sNULL, String sz=sNULL, Boolean bld=false, Boolean br=false) { return str ? "${str}${br ? sLINEBR : sBLK}" : sBLK } static String logPrefix(String msg, String color= sNULL){ return span("Sensibo (v" + devVersionFLD + ") | ", sCLRGRY) + span(msg, color) } @Field static final String sSPCSB7=' │' @Field static final String sSPCSB6=' │' @Field static final String sSPCS6 =' ' @Field static final String sSPCS5 =' ' @Field static final String sSPCST='┌─ ' @Field static final String sSPCSM='├─ ' @Field static final String sSPCSE='└─ ' @Field static final String sNWL='\n' @Field static final String sDBNL='\n\n • ' @CompileStatic static String spanStr(Boolean html,String s){ return html? span(s) : s } @CompileStatic static String doLineStrt(Integer level,ListnewLevel){ String lineStrt; lineStrt=sNWL Boolean dB; dB=false Integer i for(i=iZ;i lastLevel,String listLabel,Boolean html=false,Boolean reorder=true){ String str; str=sBLK Integer n; n=i1 List newLevel=lastLevel List list1=data?.collect{it} Integer sz=list1.size() for(Object par in list1){ String lbl=listLabel+"[${n-i1}]".toString() if(par instanceof Map){ Map newmap=[:] newmap[lbl]=(Map)par Boolean t1=n==sz newLevel[level]=t1 str+=dumpMapDesc(newmap,level,newLevel,n,sz,!t1,html,reorder) }else if(par instanceof List || par instanceof ArrayList){ Map newmap=[:] newmap[lbl]=par Boolean t1=n==sz newLevel[level]=t1 str+=dumpMapDesc(newmap,level,newLevel,n,sz,!t1,html,reorder) }else{ String lineStrt lineStrt=doLineStrt(level,lastLevel) lineStrt+=n==i1 && sz>i1 ? sSPCST:(n data,Integer level,List lastLevel,Integer listCnt=null,Integer listSz=null,Boolean listCall=false,Boolean html=false,Boolean reorder=true){ String str; str=sBLK Integer n; n=i1 Integer sz=data?.size() Map svMap,svLMap,newMap; svMap=[:]; svLMap=[:]; newMap=[:] for(Map.Entry par in data){ String k=(String)par.key def v=par.value if(reorder && v instanceof Map){ svMap+=[(k): v] }else if(reorder && (v instanceof List || v instanceof ArrayList)){ svLMap+=[(k): v] }else newMap+=[(k):v] } newMap+=svMap+svLMap Integer lvlpls=level+i1 for(Map.Entry par in newMap){ String lineStrt List newLevel=lastLevel Boolean thisIsLast=n==sz && !listCall if(level>iZ)newLevel[(level-i1)]=thisIsLast Boolean theLast theLast=thisIsLast if(level==iZ)lineStrt=sDBNL else{ theLast=theLast && thisIsLast lineStrt=doLineStrt(level,newLevel) if(listSz && listCnt && listCall)lineStrt+=listCnt==i1 && listSz>i1 ? sSPCST:(listCnt data,Boolean reorder=true){ List lastLevel=[true] String str=dumpMapDesc(data,iZ,lastLevel,null,null,false,true,reorder) return str!=sBLK ? str:'No Data was returned' } static String myObj(obj){ if(obj instanceof String) {return "String"} else if(obj instanceof GString) {return "GString"} else if(obj instanceof Map) {return "Map"} else if(obj instanceof LinkedHashMap) {return "LinkedHashMap"} else if(obj instanceof HashMap) {return "HashMap"} else if(obj instanceof List) {return "List"} else if(obj instanceof ArrayList) {return "ArrayList"} else if(obj instanceof Integer) {return "Integer"} else if(obj instanceof BigInteger) {return "BigInteger"} else if(obj instanceof Long) {return "Long"} else if(obj instanceof Boolean) {return "Boolean"} else if(obj instanceof BigDecimal) {return "BigDecimal"} else if(obj instanceof Double) {return "Double"} else if(obj instanceof Float) {return "Float"} else if(obj instanceof Byte) {return "Byte"} else if(obj instanceof com.hubitat.app.DeviceWrapper)return 'Device' else { return "unknown"} } def pageDumpPCache(){ LinkedHashMap t0,t1,t2 t0= sensiboMapFLD t1= sensiboDeviceMapFLD //sensiboClimateMapFLD= [:] //sensiboCAPMapFLD= [:] String message=getMapDescStr(t0,false) String message1=getMapDescStr(t1,false) return dynamicPage((sNM):sPDPC,(sTIT):sBLK,uninstall:false){ section('sensiboMapFLD Cache dump'){ paragraph message } section('sensiboDeviceMapFLD Cache dump'){ paragraph message1 } } }