--- layout: page title: OpenGates Checklist permalink: /checklist/ --- A reference checklist of things to help you avoid gatekeeping in your dev posts, articles, videos, talks, presentations, podcasts, sites, and in any other content. ## Anti-gatekeeping Checklist The checklist is **not** in order of importance. It is broken down into sections to help us understand how each item helps us promote inclusion and avoid gatekeeping. **Jump To:** - [Inclusion](#inclusion) - [Gender](#gender) - [Culture](#culture) - [Disability](#disability) - [Race](#race) - [Ethnicity](#ethnicity) - [Age](#age) - [Welcoming](#welcome) - [In-Person Events](#events) - [Accessibility](#a11y) - [Safety](#safety) - [Perceivable](#perceivable) - [Operable](#operable) - [Organized](#organized) ### Inclusion - [ ] Images should vary in age, ability, race, nationality, gender, body types ([ref](https://www.forumone.com/ideas/how-to-choose-diverse-and-inclusive-photos/)) - [ ] Example names should be different from the status quo ([ref](https://www.christytuckerlearning.com/diverse-characters-in-learning-scenarios/)) - [ ] Lists of people should not be homogenous ([ref](https://www.forumone.com/ideas/how-to-choose-diverse-and-inclusive-photos/)) - [ ] Can everyone who might view this to see someone like themselves represented in it? ([ref](https://www.forumone.com/ideas/how-to-choose-diverse-and-inclusive-photos/)) - [ ] Are any stereotypes being perpetuated? ([ref](https://www.forumone.com/ideas/how-to-choose-diverse-and-inclusive-photos/)) - [ ] Who is missing or excluded? ([ref](https://www.forumone.com/ideas/how-to-choose-diverse-and-inclusive-photos/)) #### Gender Inclusion - [ ] Avoid using gendered words and colloquialisms ([ref](https://writingcenter.unc.edu/tips-and-tools/gender-inclusive-language/)) - [ ] Have you used “man”, or “men” or words containing them to refer to people who may not be men? ([ref](https://writingcenter.unc.edu/tips-and-tools/gender-inclusive-language/)) - [ ] Have you used “he,” “him,” “his,” or “himself” to refer to people who may not be men? ([ref](https://writingcenter.unc.edu/tips-and-tools/gender-inclusive-language/)) - [ ] If you have mentioned someone’s sex or gender, was it necessary to do so? ([ref](https://writingcenter.unc.edu/tips-and-tools/gender-inclusive-language/)) - [ ] Do you use any occupational (or other) stereotypes? ([ref](https://writingcenter.unc.edu/tips-and-tools/gender-inclusive-language/)) - [ ] Do you provide the same kinds of information and descriptions when writing about people of different genders? ([ref](https://writingcenter.unc.edu/tips-and-tools/gender-inclusive-language/)) - [ ] Do make use of "they" as a gender neutral option? ([ref](https://writingcenter.unc.edu/tips-and-tools/gender-inclusive-language/)) #### Cultural Inclusion - [ ] Avoid cultural appropriation ([ref](https://au.reachout.com/articles/why-cultural-appropriation-isnt-cool)) - [ ] not ~~Guru~~ → **expert**, **teacher** ([ref](https://www.dictionary.com/e/stop-using-in-2020?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=idealist)) - [ ] not ~~Spirit animal~~ → **personal mascot** ([ref](https://www.selfdefined.app/definitions/pow-wow/)) - [ ] not ~~Pow-wow~~ → if you meant "meeting", [look up some synonyms](https://www.thesaurus.com/browse/meeting)). ([ref](https://www.selfdefined.app/definitions/pow-wow/)) - [ ] not ~~Tribe~~ → refrain from use, or replace it with a term without appropriation like "close group of friends" ([ref](https://www.selfdefined.app/definitions/tribe/)) - [ ] not ~~Totemic animal~~ → refrain from use ([ref](https://www.selfdefined.app/definitions/totemic-animal/)) - [ ] Avoid culturally offensives terms and phrases - [ ] not ~~"Too many chiefs, and not enough Indians"~~ → refrain from use ([ref](https://www.ictinc.ca/blog/culturally-offensive-phrases-you-should-use-at)) - [ ] not ~~"Circle the wagons", "Hold down the fort", "On the warpath"~~ → refrain from use ([ref](https://www.ictinc.ca/blog/culturally-offensive-phrases-you-should-use-at)) - [ ] not ~~"Indian giver"~~ → refrain from use ([ref](https://www.ictinc.ca/blog/indian-giver-come-can-give-back)) - [ ] not ~~"Indian time", "Indian summer"~~ → refrain from use ([ref](https://www.ictinc.ca/blog/culturally-offensive-phrases-you-should-use-at)) - [ ] not ~~"Gypped/Jewed"~~ → **scammed**, **ripped off** ([ref](http://meloukhia.net/2011/02/language_matters_no_gypped_is_not_a_good_alternative_to_jewed/)) - [ ] not ~~"Gypsy"~~ → refrain from use ([ref](https://now.org/blog/the-g-word-isnt-for-you-how-gypsy-erases-romani-women/)) - [ ] not ~~"Karma"~~ → **comeuppance** #### Disability Inclusion - [ ] Avoid "inspiration porn" ([ref](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SxrS7-I_sMQ)) - [ ] When discussing a product, indicate what makes it accessible - [ ] Avoid ableist language ([ref](http://web.augsburg.edu/english/writinglab/Avoiding_Ableist_Language.pdf)), ([ref](https://www.unr.edu/nevada-today/blogs/2020/avoiding-ableist-terminology)) - [ ] not ~~normal~~ → **common**, **typical**, **frequent** ([ref](https://medium.com/@leoji/avoid-the-word-normal-and-use-more-words-709fb6a9a11f)) - [ ] not ~~Crazy, nuts, spaz, insane~~ → **bizarre**, **enormous**, **unfamiliar** ([ref](https://www.selfdefined.app/definitions/crazy/)) - [ ] not ~~Sanity Check~~ → **confidence check**, **temperature check** ([ref](https://www.selfdefined.app/definitions/sanity-check/)) - [ ] not ~~Moron, idiot~~ → refrain from use ([ref](https://www.selfdefined.app/definitions/idiot/)) - [ ] not ~~Dumb, stupid~~ → **unreasonable**, **odd** ([ref](https://www.selfdefined.app/definitions/stupid/)) - [ ] not ~~Derpy~~ → **ridiculous**, **foolish**, **silly** ([ref](https://www.selfdefined.app/definitions/derpy/)) - [ ] not ~~R_tard*, *tard~~ → refrain from use ([ref](https://www.selfdefined.app/definitions/r-word/)) - [ ] not ~~Lame, crippled~~ → **disabled** ([ref](https://www.selfdefined.app/lame/)) - [ ] not ~~Psychopath, lunatic, maniac~~ → refrain from use ([ref](https://www.lpaonline.org/the-m-word)) - [ ] not ~~Junkie~~ → **aficionado**, **fiend**, **enthusiast** ([ref](https://www.selfdefined.app/definitions/junkie/)) - [ ] not ~~Midget~~ → **Use the person's name**, **short person** ([ref](https://www.lpaonline.org/the-m-word)) - [ ] not ~~Stand Up~~ → **regular**, **sync**, **meeting** ([ref](https://www.washingtonpost.com/posteverything/wp/2015/05/13/lame-stand-up-and-other-words-we-use-to-insult-the-disabled-without-even-knowing-it/)) - [ ] Have you used medical diagnoses when not talking about actual medical things? (medical appropriation) - [ ] not ~~Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)~~ → **conscientious**, **meticulous**, **thorough** ([ref](https://www.selfdefined.app/definitions/obsessive-compulsive-disorder/)) - [ ] not ~~ADD/ADHD~~ → **unfocused**, **distracted** ([ref](https://www.selfdefined.app/definitions/add-adhd/)) - [ ] not ~~Bipolar~~ → **unpredictable**, **flippant** ([ref](https://ibpf.org/articles/please-stop-saying-bipolar-when-you-mean-unpredictable-or-broken/)) - [ ] not ~~Tone deaf~~ → **insensitive**, **in bad taste** ([ref](https://www.selfdefined.app/definitions/tone-deaf/)) #### Race Inclusion - [ ] Ensure capitalization of "Black" ([ref](https://apnews.com/article/entertainment-cultures-race-and-ethnicity-us-news-ap-top-news-7e36c00c5af0436abc09e051261fff1f)) - [ ] Avoid racial appropriation - [ ] Refrain from digital Blackface ([ref](https://www.selfdefined.app/definitions/digital-blackface/)) - [ ] Avoid racially offensive terms and phrases - [ ] not ~~Grandfathering~~ → **legacy**, **historical** ([ref](https://www.selfdefined.app/definitions/grandfathering/)) - [ ] not ~~blacklist / whitelist~~ → **block/allow**, **deny/trust**, **exclude/include** ([ref](https://www.selfdefined.app/definitions/blacklist-whitelist/)) - [ ] not ~~Master / slave~~ → **primary/replica**, **trunk/branch**, **parent/child** ([ref](https://www.selfdefined.app/definitions/master-slave/)) - [ ] not ~~Colorblind, "I don't see color"~~ → refrain from use ([ref](https://medium.com/@tinu/what-you-erase-when-you-say-i-dont-see-color-73360346afa7)) - [ ] not ~~Savage, barbaric~~ → **cruel**, **cold-blooded** ([ref](https://www.selfdefined.app/definitions/savage/)), ([ref](https://www.selfdefined.app/definitions/barbaric/)) #### Ethnic Inclusion - [ ] Ensure you have used Latina, Latino, Latinx and Hispanic correctly ([ref](https://www.yesprep.org/news/blog/featured/~board/blog/post/hispanic-vs-latinos-vs-latinx-explained)) #### Age inclusion - [ ] Ensure explanations will make sense to the age of your audience ([ref](https://www.comm.pitt.edu/oral-comm-lab/audience-analysis)) - [ ] Avoid assuming in-depth computer or technical knowledge - [ ] Avoid ageist language ([ref](https://www.apa.org/monitor/2009/06/workplaces)) - [ ] not ~~So easy Grandma could do it~~ → refrain from use - [ ] not ~~Entitled [insert generation]~~ → refrain from use ### Make People Feel Welcome - [ ] Warn before discussion/images of triggering/traumatic topics ([ref](https://sites.lsa.umich.edu/inclusive-teaching-sandbox/wp-content/uploads/sites/853/2021/02/An-Introduction-to-Content-Warnings-and-Trigger-Warnings-Draft.pdf)) - [ ] Avoid using words that make things sound easy (e.g. simple, just, straightforward, etc) ([ref](https://www.thefrugalgirl.com/stop-saying-things-are-easy-when-theyre-not/)) - [ ] Qualify the difficulty: "This may be easy if you already know [this thing]." ([ref](https://www.thefrugalgirl.com/stop-saying-things-are-easy-when-theyre-not/)) - [ ] State required knowledge up front. (e.g. "We're assuming your familiar with concepts a, b, and c") - [ ] If concept knowledge is assumed, offer a place to learn those concepts - [ ] Did you include anything beyond basic math (+ - * / )? If so, mention that there is a specific math prerequisite - [ ] Explain things in ways so it will be relatable to as many people as possible ([ref](https://www.catalyst.net.nz/blog/how-explain-things-better-using-analogies)) - [ ] Ensure technical terms are explained simply for less technically knowledgable audiences - [ ] Give things descriptive names. Avoid `x`, `foo`, `bar`, `baz` etc ([ref](https://builtin.com/data-science/variable-names)) - [ ] Where single letter variable names are common practice (e.g. `i`, `k`, `v`, etc), explain what they stand for ([ref](https://builtin.com/data-science/variable-names)) - [ ] Did you say something is simplified? Demonstrate what was simplified #### For In-person Events - [ ] Discuss Code of Conduct (CoC) on event pages and in opening announcements - [ ] Include event organizer or CoC team contact info if harassment takes place - [ ] Have "no photos" stickers available at badge pickup - [ ] Have pronoun stickers available at badge pickup - [ ] Avoid sexually explicit branding and humor - [ ] Designated sensory-friendly quiet space - [ ] Alcohol should never be the main part of the social hour - [ ] Ensure audience members don't feel pressured to drink - [ ] Similarly, don't shame or demand explanations from members for not drinking - [ ] Warn before discussion/images of triggering/traumatic topics AND allow people to leave ([ref](https://sites.lsa.umich.edu/inclusive-teaching-sandbox/wp-content/uploads/sites/853/2021/02/An-Introduction-to-Content-Warnings-and-Trigger-Warnings-Draft.pdf)) ### Accessibility (a11y) is a right Accessibility is a right. Yes, literally it is the law in some countries. See [Web Accessibility Laws & Policies](https://www.w3.org/WAI/policies/?q=accessibility-law) for details on the accessibility and anti-discrimination laws in your country. In many cases, the accessibility laws follow [WCAG 2.0](https://www.boia.org/wcag-2.0-a/aa-principles-and-checkpoints) standards or a derivative. Below are some important considerations to ensure your systems are inclusive and accessible to diverse audiences: #### Safety People with sensory sensitivities or conditions such as epilepsy should be able to engage while avoiding triggers - [ ] Warn for rapidly-flashing lights ([ref](https://www.epilepsy.com/learn/triggers-seizures/photosensitivity-and-seizures#:~:text=For%20about%203%25%20of%20people,common%20in%20children%20and%20adolescents)) - [ ] Warn for loud noises - [ ] Warn for anything that could make someone dizzy or "motion sick" - [ ] Include timestamps for where to skip to to avoid warned content #### Perceivable People should be able see and read even with impaired vision - [ ] Images have Alternative Text ([ref](https://moz.com/learn/seo/alt-text)) - [ ] Tested with Screen Reader ([test here](https://webaim.org/simulations/screenreader)) ([ref](https://www.tpgi.com/screen-readers-accessibility-testing/#:~:text=If%20you%20test%20for%20accessibility,a%20poor%20user%20experience%20exists.)) - [ ] AA or AAA level color contrast ratios ([test here](http://colorsafe.co/)) - [ ] Avoid "fancy lettering" and odd capitalisation ([ref](https://www.selfdefined.app/definitions/spongebob-case/)) - [ ] Include transcripts for audio content ([ref](https://www.w3.org/WAI/media/av/captions/#captions-and-subtitles)) - [ ] Include subtitles for video content ([ref](https://www.w3.org/WAI/media/av/captions/#captions-and-subtitles)) - [ ] Don't rely on bold/italics/strikethrough to convey meaning ([ref](https://www.tempertemper.net/blog/be-careful-with-strikethrough)) - [ ] In HTML, use semantic elements such as `` and `` to assist screen readers and assistive technology ([ref](https://www.w3.org/WAI/WCAG21/Techniques/html/H49)) - [ ] Use relative units like `rem` and `em` instead of px ([ref](https://dev.to/theodorusclarence/back-to-basic-should-we-use-rem-em-or-pixel-1hd0)) #### Operable People who require certain methods of interacting or need different forms of access should be able to engage - [ ] Keyboard navigation works ([ref](https://webaim.org/techniques/keyboard/)) - [ ] Responsive design ([ref](https://www.boia.org/blog/responsive-design-and-accessibility)) - [ ] Works on different devices and browsers ([ref](https://www.w3.org/WAI/people-use-web/abilities-barriers/)) - [ ] Works with Assistive Technology ([ref](https://www.w3.org/WAI/people-use-web/tools-techniques/)) #### Organized Content is arranged in a way that makes sense and uses language that most people understand - [ ] Headings used appropriately ([ref](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Glossary/Semantics)) - [ ] Avoid overly technical or domain-specific knowledge where possible, opt for common language that all audiences can understand