alias ls='ls --color=auto' alias grep='grep --color=auto' alias fgrep='fgrep --color=auto' alias egrep='egrep --color=auto' alias py='python3' alias ipy='ipython3' alias whatisopen='sudo netstat -pnlt' alias calc='gcalccmd' alias pmr='python runserver' alias nopmr="ps auxw | grep runserver | awk '{print \$2}' | xargs kill" alias pmm='python migrate' alias pmmm='python makemigrations' # Start vim with system clipboard alias vim="vimx" # don't alias this - make symlink instead alias vi="vim" alias vimdiff="vim -d" # git aliases alias g='git' alias gs='git status' alias ga='git add' alias gc='git commit -S' alias gp='git push origin master' # alias gp='for r in $(git remote); do echo "Pushing to $r" && git push $r master; done' alias gpull='git pull --rebase origin master' alias gl="git log --graph --abbrev-commit --decorate --format=format:'%C(bold blue)%h%C(reset) - %C(bold cyan)%aD%C(reset) %C(bold green)(%ar)%C(reset)%C(bold yellow)%d%C(reset)%n'' %C(white)%s%C(reset) %C(dim white)- %an%C(reset)' --all" alias gd="git diff" alias gds="git diff --staged" alias gb="git branch" alias gpp='git push production master' # push to production for personal website # pull all remote branches alias git-pull-branches='git branch -r | grep -v "\->" | while read remote; do git branch --track "${remote#origin/}" "$remote"; done' # useful for daily stand-up git-standup() { AUTHOR=${AUTHOR:="`git config`"} since=yesterday if [[ $(date +%u) == 1 ]] ; then since="2 days ago" fi git log --all --since "$since" --oneline --author="$AUTHOR" } # MSR registers is responsible for lag after suspend alias checkcpu='modprobe msr; rdmsr -a 0x19a' alias fixcpu='wrmsr -a 0x19a 0x0' alias muzika='xdg-open ~/Documents/Music/njoy.m3u' alias randomstr="tr -dc a-z1-4 50' | tr 3-4 ' ' | sed 's/^ *//' | cat -s | sed 's/ / /g' |fmt" alias battery="upower -i /org/freedesktop/UPower/devices/battery_BAT0 | grep -E 'time to empty|state|to\ full|percentage'" alias svali_papka=download_github_folder alias omg="sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager" alias omg1.1="sudo rmmod iwlmvm && sudo rmmod iwlwifi; sudo modprobe iwlwifi" alias zsh_fix="mv ~/.zsh_history ~/.zsh_history_bad; strings ~/.zsh_history_bad > ~/.zsh_history;fc -R ~/.zsh_history; rm ~/.zsh_history_bad" alias myip="curl" alias rmswp="find ~/.vim/tmp/ -iname \"*swp\" -delete" alias root="sudo su -" download_github_folder() { svn checkout $(echo $1 | sed "s/\/tree\/[a-zA-Z]\+/\/trunk/") } bye() { if ps -p $(pidof rsync) 2> /dev/null then echo 'Rsync is running, not going to sleep.' else # (/bin/lock &) && sudo systemctl suspend sudo systemctl suspend fi } alias sizeof='du -sh' alias mkdir="mkdir -pv" # ls(){ # if [[ $2 == "-l" ]]; then # if [[ $3 != "" ]]; then # exa -bghHliS $3 # else # exa -bghHliS # fi # else # if [[ $2 != "" ]]; then # /bin/ls --color=auto $2 # else # /bin/ls --color=auto # fi # fi # } # Get packet manager declare -A osInfo; osInfo[/etc/redhat-release]=dnf osInfo[/etc/arch-release]=pacman osInfo[/etc/gentoo-release]=emerge osInfo[/etc/SuSE-release]=zypp osInfo[/etc/debian_version]=apt-get # for f in "${!osInfo[@]}" # bash version for f in "${(@k)osInfo}" # zsh version do if [[ -f $f ]];then pm=${osInfo[$f]} fi done alias update="sudo $pm update" alias u="update" alias upgrade="sudo $pm upgrade" alias install="sudo $pm install" alias remove="sudo $pm remove" alias reinstall="sudo $pm reinstall" # secureme(){ # workon ansible; # cd /home/viktor/ansible-play/ # ansible-playbook -i ./hosts --extra-vars "ansible_sudo_pass=$ROOTPASS" --tags "vpn_startup" main.yml >> /dev/null # cd /home/viktor/; # sudo openvpn --config viktor.ovpn & # } # function in(){ # if [ $# -lt 2 ]; # then # echo "Usage:" # echo "To start existing container:" # echo "in " # echo # echo "To start new container:" # echo "in new " # return # fi # if [ $# -eq 1 ] # then # container_name="${1/:/_}" # else # container_name="${2/:/_}" # fi # # Check if recreating a container or reuse existing # if [ "$1" = "new" ] # then # image_name=$2 # if [[ $(docker container ls -a | grep "$container_name") ]] # then # if [[ $(docker ps | grep $container_name) ]] # then # docker stop $container_name >> /dev/null # fi # docker rm $container_name >> /dev/null # fi # if [ -z "$3" ] # then # cmd="/bin/bash" # else # cmd="$3" # fi # echo "Running $cmd in $container_name" # # docker run -it --name $container_name --publish-all=true $image_name "$cmd" && docker attach $container_name # xhost +local:root # allow gui apps # docker run -it --name $container_name -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix $image_name "$cmd" # xhost -local:root # else # xhost +local:root # docker start $container_name >> /dev/null && docker attach $container_name # xhost -local:root # fi # } # stest(){ # snapshot_name="rootsnap" # mount_point="$2" # if [ $# -ne 2 ];then # echo "Usage:" # echo "$0 " # echo # return # fi # if [ ${mount_point:0:1} != '/' ]; then # echo "Mount point must be absolute path" # return # fi # if [[ $(sudo lvs | grep $snapshot_name) ]]; then # echo "$snapshot_name already exists!" # # read -e -p "Do you want to discard it and create a new one?(y/N)" -i n should_discard # echo "Do you want to discard it and create a new one?(y/N)" # read should_discard # should_discard=${should_discard:-"n"} # # if [ ${(L)should_discard} = 'y' ]; then # if [ $(echo $should_discard | awk '{print tolower($0)}') = 'y' ]; then # sudo umount $mount_point # sudo lvremove /dev/kubuntu-vg/$snapshot_name -y # else # echo "Leaving old snapshot intact" # return # fi # fi # sudo lvcreate -s -n $snapshot_name /dev/kubuntu-vg/root -L $1 # sudo mount /dev/kubuntu-vg/$snapshot_name $mount_point # sudo chroot $mount_point /bin/zsh # } wifi_int_name="$(cat /proc/net/wireless | perl -ne '/(\w+):/ && print $1')" alias ifl="ifconfig|less" # Docker aliases alias dsl="docker swarm leave --force" alias dsi="docker swarm init --advertise-addr=$wifi_int_name" alias dsjtm="docker swarm join-token manager" alias dsjtw="docker swarm join-token worker" alias noip6="sudo sh -c 'echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/$wifi_int_name/disable_ipv6'" alias yesip6="sudo sh -c 'echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/$wifi_int_name/disable_ipv6'" # alias omg2="killall plasmashell; plasmashell > /dev/null 2>&1 & disown" alias omg2="kwin --replace &" alias omg2.1="kquitapp5 plasmashell && kstart5 plasmashell" alias aliases="vim ~/.bash_aliases && source ~/.bash_aliases" # alias ghcirun="ghci --make $1; ./$1" alias lip="ifconfig $(route -n | head -n 3 | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $8}') | grep inet | awk '{print \$2}'" netok(){ # ping echo 'Testing DNS settings.' timeout 1 ping -W 1 -c 1 &>> /dev/null if (( $? == 0 )); then echo 'Internet is up.' return 0 fi # ping echo 'Pinging' ping -W 1 -c 1 &>> /dev/null if (( $? == 0 )); then echo 'Issue spoted in DNS settings' return 0 fi # ping gateway gateway=$(echo $(route -n | sed -n '3p' | awk '{print $2}')) echo 'Pinging ' $gateway ping $gateway -W 1 -c 2 &>> /dev/null if (($? == 0 )); then echo 'Gateway connectivity issues or being firewalled.' return 0 else echo 'Cant reach default gateway.' return 0 fi # deteemine issue } #alias tldr="rm -r /home/viktor/.tldr_cache/ &> /dev/null; tldr" alias sl=ls alias vimrc="vim ~/.vimrc" alias zshrc="vim ~/.zshrc" alias f="free -h" alias h="sudo htop" alias a="sudo atop" alias e="exa -bghHliS" alias n="sudo nethogs" alias hosts="sudo vim /etc/hosts" # Source: # streaming() { youtube_key="k1ms-wpmc-v652-7rjr" # Ancient, not used anymore twitch_key="live_56376159_CCAGv99vT0rr3QwiBiMuDAdoPcYB5N" # Ancient, not user anymore if [ "$#" -ne 1 ]; then echo "Choose yt/tw" return 1 fi if [ "$1" = "yt" ]; then STREAM_KEY=$youtube_key STREAM_URI="rtmp://$STREAM_KEY" elif [ "$1" = "tw" ]; then STREAM_KEY=$twitch_key SERVER="live-fra" # twitch server in frankfurt, see for list STREAM_URI="rtmp://$$STREAM_KEY" else echo "Invalid media\nChoose yt/tw" exit 1 fi # INRES="1920x1080" # input resolution # OUTRES="1920x1080" # output resolution INRES="$(xdpyinfo | awk '/dimensions/{print $2}')" # OUTRES="$(xdpyinfo | awk '/dimensions/{print $2}')" # OUTRES="1280x720" OUTRES="2560x1440" # OUTRES="3840x2160" FPS="15" # target FPS GOP="29" # i-frame interval, should be double of FPS, GOPMIN="15" # min i-frame interval, should be equal to fps, THREADS="0" # max 6 CBR="4000k" # constant bitrate (yuvj444p) QUALITY="ultrafast" # one of the many FFMPEG preset AUDIO_RATE="44100" # STREAM_KEY="$1" # use the terminal command Streaming streamkeyhere to stream your video to twitch or justin ffmpeg -thread_queue_size 512 -f x11grab -s "$INRES" -r "$FPS" -i :0.0 -f alsa -i pulse -f flv -ac 2 -ar $AUDIO_RATE \ -vcodec libx264 -g $GOP -keyint_min $GOPMIN -b:v $CBR -minrate $CBR -maxrate $CBR -pix_fmt yuv444p\ -s $OUTRES -preset $QUALITY -tune zerolatency -acodec libmp3lame -threads $THREADS -strict normal \ -bufsize $CBR $STREAM_URI } alias gg="xset dpms force off" alias hib="sudo systemctl hibernate" # where systemctl doesn't work # hib(){ # # sudo swapon /dev/kubuntu-vg/swap_1 2&>/dev/null # # sudo systemctl hibernate # # sudo swapoff /dev/kubuntu-vg/swap_1 2&>/dev/null # sudo swapon -a # /bin/lock # sleep 2 # sudo s2disk 2>1 > /dev/null # } alias tricks="vi ~/tricks/tricks.txt" alias ftricks="vi ~/tricks/fedora.txt" alias xo="xdg-open" alias time='"time"' # Disable bash builit alias vix="vim -X" # Fast vim startup wihtout x (no ystem clipboard) alias reso="xrandr --output HDMI-1 --scale-from 1920x1080" alias zoomit="gromit-mpx" alias dk="docker" alias lk="sudo logkeys -u --start --output /home/viktor/tt --device /dev/input/event4" # integrated keyboard alias lk1="sudo logkeys --start --output /home/viktor/tt --device /dev/input/event17" # usb keyboard psave() { sudo service bluetooth stop sudo service vmware-workstation-server stop sudo service vmware stop sudo service ModemManager stop } camelcase() { perl -pe 's#(_|^)(.)#\u$2#g' } rem_known() { "ssh-keygen -f '/home/viktor/.ssh/known_hosts' -R $1" } alias s="ssh" ytplaylist(){ # if error try updating youtube-dl with: sudo youtube-dl -U # youtube-dl -o - $1 -f best | /snap/bin/vlc - youtube-dl -o - -f best $@ | vlc - # youtube-dl --get-id "$1" | awk '{print "" $0;}' | /snap/bin/vlc - } function certinfo { # curl --insecure -v "$1" 2>&1; curl --insecure -v https://"$1" 2>&1 | awk 'BEGIN { cert=0 } /^\* SSL connection/ { cert=1 } /^\*/ { if (cert) print }'; } alias speedtest="curl -s |python -" alias backupnas="rsync -az --progress --delete /home nas:/volume1/Backup/Viki/laptop/yuhu-fedora; rsync -az --progress --delete /opt nas:/volume1/Backup/Viki/laptop/yuhu-fedora" function c(){ # pass any arguments to gcc and afterwards run executable gcc "$@" && ./a.out } function dang_gcc(){ gcc "$@" -fno-stack-protector -z execstack } function encrypt() { tar -czvf $1.tar.gz $1 && \ gpg --symmetric --armor $1.tar.gz && \ echo "Deleting $1 and $1.tar.gz" && \ rm -rf $1 $1.tar.gz } function decrypt() { gpg --decrypt $1 | tar xzvf - } # use avr-gcc for latfortuna, but gcc works as well function make_tags() { avr-gcc -M $* | sed -e 's/[\\ ]/\n/g' | \ sed -e '/^$/d' -e '/\.o:[ \t]*$/d' | ctags -L - --c++-kinds=+p --fields=+iaS --extra=+q } #alias server="python3 -m http.server --bind 8000" alias server="/opt/miniserve-linux" alias gr="go run ." alias hg="hugo -D server --bind" alias logout="qdbus org.kde.ksmserver /KSMServer logout 0 0 0" alias sucss="cd ~/pentesting/sucss-19 && workon sucss-playground-webapp" alias i="sudo iotop" alias ssucss="ssh" alias gpc="globalprotect connect; sudo sed -i '1 i\\nameserver' /etc/resolv.conf" alias gpd="globalprotect disconnect; sudo sed -i '1d' /etc/resolv.conf" function whoishome() { # echo "Finding connected devices..." ips=$(nmap -sn | grep for | awk '{print $5}') # echo "Getting entries from ARP table..." # Get entries in arp table python3 -c ' import sys users={ "C8:21:58:98:29:25": "lubo-laptop", "18:F0:E4:2A:CB:B0": "lubo-phone", "2C:0E:3D:A7:C1:19": "viktor-phone", "48:89:E7:18:0E:66": "viktor-laptop", "A0:32:99:C4:0E:38": "nasko-phone", "44:03:2C:6B:04:5E": "nasko-laptop", "48:01:C5:39:A6:3D": "ioana-phone", "F4:0F:24:2B:FE:14": "ioana-laptop", "50:EB:71:23:BC:11": "gabi-laptop", "FE:43:0A:04:03:BA": "gabi-phone", } # print("Connected device: ") for line in sys.argv[1].split("\n"): ip = line.split()[1].replace("(", "").replace(")", "") mac = line.split()[3].upper() if mac in users: print(f"{users[mac]}:{ip}") ' "$(arp -a | grep -v incomplete)" } alias wa="watch sensors" alias gtop="sudo intel_gpu_top" ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_STRATEGY=(history completion) bindkey '^[0' autosuggest-accept; # bindkey '^[9' forward-word; bindkey '^[9' autosuggest-fetch; # bindkey '^[9' autosuggest-clear; #bindkey '^ ' autosuggest-fetch alias sp="snapper -c home" function snp(){ # Runs a command wrapped in btrfs snapper pre-post snapshots. # Usage: $ snp # e.g.: $ snp dnf install htop cmd="$@" snapshot_nbr=$(snapper -c home create --type=pre --cleanup-algorithm=number --print-number --description="${cmd}") # snapshot_nbr=$(sudo snapper create --type=pre --cleanup-algorithm=number --print-number --description="${cmd}") eval "$cmd" snapshot_nbr=$(snapper -c home create --type=post --cleanup-algorithm=number --print-number --pre-number="$snapshot_nbr") # snapshot_nbr=$(sudo snapper create --type=post --cleanup-algorithm=number --print-number --pre-number="$snapshot_nbr") } function waitfor() { while pidof $1 > /dev/null; do sleep 2; done; } alias toclip="xclip -selection clipboard" alias clearsessions="rm -rf ~/.vim/tmp/sessions/*" #alias restore_virtualenv_post_scripts="find /home/.snapshots/337/snapshot/viktor/.virtualenvs -name 'postactivate' | sed 's/\/home\/.snapshots\/337\/snapshot\/viktor\///' | xargs -I % rsync -va /home/.snapshots/337/snapshot/viktor/% ~/" # `clear` can be seen and flicker is annoying # function watch() { # while sleep 1; do # clear; # ${SHELL-/bin/sh} -c "$*" # done; # } alias vmon="sudo systemctl start vmware" alias vmoff="sudo systemctl stop vmware" alias dkon="sudo systemctl start docker" alias dkoff="sudo systemctl stop docker" alias tf="terraform" alias tfa="tf apply" function b64() { echo $1 | base64 -d } # alias fuck='sudo $(history -p !!)' alias fuck='sudo $(fc -ln -1)' alias curlb='curl -s -o /dev/null -w "%{time_starttransfer}\n" "$@"' alias nomicautoadjust='while sleep 0.5; do pacmd set-source-volume alsa_input.pci-0000_00_1f.3.analog-stereo 20000; done' # Needs to send dbus msg not sure how # function toggleLidClose() { # # If action is none, make it suspend and vice-versa # if grep 'lidAction=0' ~/.config/powermanagementprofilesrc > /dev/null; then # sed -i 's/lidAction=0/lidAction=1/' ~/.config/powermanagementprofilesrc # else # sed -i 's/lidAction=1/lidAction=0/' ~/.config/powermanagementprofilesrc # fi # } # Games alias medieval="sh -c 'cd ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/SEGA/Medieval\ II\ Total\ War/ && wine medieval2.exe'" alias kb="kubectl" alias kbp="kubectl get pods" alias kbpo="kubectl get pods -o wide" alias kbs="kubectl get svc" alias kbn="kubectl get nodes -o wide" alias kbd="kubectl describe pods" alias kbf="kubectl logs --all-containers --max-log-requests 50 -f" alias kn="kubens" function cephpw() { kubectl -n rook-ceph get secret rook-ceph-dashboard-password -o yaml | grep "password:" | grep -v '{}'| awk '{print $2}' | base64 --decode } function kbop() { kb -n rook-ceph delete pods $(kbp |grep opera | awk '{print $1}') kb -n rook-ceph logs -f $(kbp |grep operator | awk '{print $1}') } alias k8srole="ansible-playbook -i hosts.yaml linux.yml -e host='' -t " function wgon(){ wg-quick up ~/vpn-certs/viktor.conf # Add ipv4 precedence because vpn is v4 onyl for now bash -c "grep -qxF 'precedence ::ffff:0:0/96 100' /etc/gai.conf || echo 'precedence ::ffff:0:0/96 100' | sudo tee -a /etc/gai.conf" # Add dns if missing ns_str="nameserver # Added by wgon function" search_str="search viktorbarzin.lan # Added by wgon function" resolv_conf="/etc/resolv.conf" bash -c "grep -qxF '$search_str' $resolv_conf || echo '$search_str' | sudo tee -a $resolv_conf" bash -c "grep -qxF '$ns_str' $resolv_conf || echo '$ns_str' | sudo sed -i -e '1i $ns_str' $resolv_conf" } function wgoff(){ wg-quick down ~/vpn-certs/viktor.conf ns_str="nameserver # Added by wgon function" search_str="search viktorbarzin.lan # Added by wgon function" resolv_conf="/etc/resolv.conf" # Remove ipv4 precedence because vpn is v4 onyl for now sudo sed -i '/precedence ::ffff:0:0\/96 100/d' /etc/gai.conf sudo sed -i "/$search_str/d" $resolv_conf sudo sed -i "/$ns_str/d" $resolv_conf } function wgs() { kubectl scale -n wireguard deployment wireguard --replicas=$1 } alias wg="sudo wg" alias svm="et -c 'tmux new -A -s main'" alias calicoctl="kubectl exec -i -n kube-system calicoctl -- /calicoctl" alias ipcalc="ipcalc --no-decorate" alias ss-tunnel="snap run" alias ss-local="snap run"