#!/bin/sh # # PWRMON v1.2.9 - Asus-Merlin Tesla Powerwall Monitor by Viktor Jaep, 2022-2024 # # PWRMON is a shell script that provides near-realtime stats about your Tesla Powerwall/Solar environment. This utility # will show all the current electrical loads being generated or consumed by your solar system, the grid, your home and # your Powerwall(s). Electrical transmission flows are accurately being depicted using >> and << types of arrows, as # electricity moves between your solar, to/from your batteries, to/from the grid and to your home. In the event of a # electrical grid outage, PWRMON will calculate your estimated remaining runtime left on your batteries based on the # amount of kW being consumed by your home. Weather has now been incorporated to give you a 3 day outlook on what kind # of weather to expect for generation or off-grid consumption due to regional disasters or weather events. # # Instead of having to find this information on various different web pages or apps, this tool was built to bring all this # info together in one stat dashboard. Having a 'system' dashboard showing current solar, grid, home and powerwall stats # would compliment other dashboard-like scripts greatly (like RTRMON or VPNMON-R2), sitting side-by-side in their own SSH # windows to give you everything you need to know with a glance at your screen. # # Please use the 'pwrmon.sh -setup' to configure the necessary parameters that match your environment the best! # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Shellcheck exclusions # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # shellcheck disable=SC2034 # shellcheck disable=SC3037 # shellcheck disable=SC2162 # shellcheck disable=SC3045 # shellcheck disable=SC2183 # shellcheck disable=SC2086 # shellcheck disable=SC3014 # shellcheck disable=SC2059 # shellcheck disable=SC2002 # shellcheck disable=SC2004 # shellcheck disable=SC3028 # shellcheck disable=SC2140 # shellcheck disable=SC3046 # shellcheck disable=SC1090 # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # System Variables (Do not change beyond this point or this may change the programs ability to function correctly) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version="1.2.9" Beta=0 LOGFILE="/jffs/addons/pwrmon.d/pwrmon.log" # Logfile path/name that captures important date/time events - change APPPATH="/jffs/scripts/pwrmon.sh" # Path to the location of pwrmon.sh CFGPATH="/jffs/addons/pwrmon.d/pwrmon.cfg" # Path to the location of pwrmon.cfg DLVERPATH="/jffs/addons/pwrmon.d/version.txt" # Path to downloaded version from the source repository cookie_file="/jffs/addons/pwrmon.d/pwrmon.cookies" # Path to cookies file needed to log into the Powerwall Gateway smtpbody="/jffs/addons/pwrmon.d/smtpbody.txt" # Path to email message txt file used to send Powerwall notifications WANwxforecast="/jffs/addons/pwrmon.d/WANwx.txt" # Path to weather forecast JSON extract used for weather displays NextPage=1 UpdateNotify=0 FromUI=0 griddown=0 #Default Values Interval=10 email="user@domain.com" password="ABCDE" gatewayip="" numpowerwalls=2 maxsolargen=7 maxhomeelecload=24 emailalerts="Disabled" smtpusername="defaultsender@gmail.com" smtprecipient="recipient@gmail.com" smsrecipient="Disabled" smtppassword="U2FsdGVkX19IDBTBl5wMrbyLkj4VspYb" smtpserver="smtp.gmail.com" smtpport="465" alertsentdown="False" alertsentsync="False" smsalertsentdown="False" smsalertsentsync="False" ProgPref=0 autorotate=0 autorotateindicator="OFF" # Color variables CBlack="\e[1;30m" InvBlack="\e[1;40m" CRed="\e[1;31m" InvRed="\e[1;41m" CGreen="\e[1;32m" InvGreen="\e[1;42m" CDkGray="\e[1;90m" InvDkGray="\e[1;100m" InvLtGray="\e[1;47m" CYellow="\e[1;33m" InvYellow="\e[1;43m" CBlue="\e[1;34m" InvBlue="\e[1;44m" CMagenta="\e[1;35m" CCyan="\e[1;36m" InvCyan="\e[1;46m" CWhite="\e[1;37m" InvWhite="\e[1;107m" CClear="\e[0m" # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Functions # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Logo is a function that displays the PWRMON script name in a cool ASCII font logo () { echo -e "${CYellow} ____ _ ______ __ _______ _ __" echo -e " / __ \ | / / __ \/ |/ / __ \/ | / / ${CGreen}v$Version${CYellow}" echo -e " / /_/ / | /| / / /_/ / /|_/ / / / / |/ / ${CRed}(S)${CGreen}etup ${CRed}(W)${CGreen}eather${CYellow}" echo -e " / ____/| |/ |/ / _, _/ / / / /_/ / /| / ${CRed}(N)${CGreen}xt/${CRed}(P)${CGreen}rv Pg ($NextPage/3)${CYellow}" echo -e " /_/ |__/|__/_/ |_/_/ /_/\____/_/ |_/ ${CRed}(R)${CGreen}otate Pgs:${CCyan}$autorotateindicator ${CClear}${CRed}(E)${CGreen}xit${CClear}" } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # LogoNM is a function that displays the PWRMON script name in a cool ASCII font sans menu logoNM () { echo -e "${CYellow} ____ _ ______ __ _______ _ __" echo -e " / __ \ | / / __ \/ |/ / __ \/ | / / ${CGreen}v$Version${CYellow}" echo -e " / /_/ / | /| / / /_/ / /|_/ / / / / |/ /" echo -e " / ____/| |/ |/ / _, _/ / / / /_/ / /| /" echo -e " /_/ |__/|__/_/ |_/_/ /_/\____/_/ |_/" } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # promptyn takes input for Y/N questions promptyn () { # No defaults, just y or n while true; do read -p "[y/n]? " -n 1 -r yn case "${yn}" in [Yy]* ) return 0 ;; [Nn]* ) return 1 ;; * ) echo -e "\nPlease answer y or n.";; esac done } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Spinner is a script that provides a small indicator on the screen to show script activity spinner() { i=0 j=$((SPIN / 4)) while [ $i -le $j ]; do for s in / - \\ \|; do printf "\r$s" sleep 1 done i=$((i+1)) done printf "\r" } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Preparebar and Progressbar is a script that provides a nice progressbar to show script activity preparebar() { # $1 - bar length # $2 - bar char #printf "\n" barlen=$1 barspaces=$(printf "%*s" "$1") barchars=$(printf "%*s" "$1" | tr ' ' "$2") } # Had to make some mods to the variables being passed, and created an inverse colored progress bar progressbar() { # $1 - number (-1 for clearing the bar) # $2 - max number # $3 - system name # $4 - measurement # $5 - standard/reverse progressbar # $6 - alternate display values insertspc=" " if [ $1 -eq -1 ]; then printf "\r $barspaces\r" else barch=$(($1*barlen/$2)) barsp=$((barlen-barch)) progr=$((100*$1/$2)) if [ ! -z $6 ]; then AltNum=$6; else AltNum=$1; fi if [ "$5" == "Standard" ]; then if [ $progr -le 60 ]; then printf "${InvGreen}${CWhite}$insertspc${CClear}${CGreen}${3} [%.${barch}s%.${barsp}s]${CClear} ${CWhite}${InvDkGray}$AltNum ${4} / ${progr}%%\r${CClear}" "$barchars" "$barspaces" elif [ $progr -gt 60 ] && [ $progr -le 85 ]; then printf "${InvYellow}${CBlack}$insertspc${CClear}${CYellow}${3} [%.${barch}s%.${barsp}s]${CClear} ${CWhite}${InvDkGray}$AltNum ${4} / ${progr}%%\r${CClear}" "$barchars" "$barspaces" else printf "${InvRed}${CWhite}$insertspc${CClear}${CRed}${3} [%.${barch}s%.${barsp}s]${CClear} ${CWhite}${InvDkGray}$AltNum ${4} / ${progr}%%\r${CClear}" "$barchars" "$barspaces" fi elif [ "$5" == "Reverse" ]; then if [ $progr -le 35 ]; then printf "${InvRed}${CWhite}$insertspc${CClear}${CRed}${3} [%.${barch}s%.${barsp}s]${CClear} ${CWhite}${InvDkGray}$AltNum ${4} / ${progr}%%\r${CClear}" "$barchars" "$barspaces" elif [ $progr -gt 35 ] && [ $progr -le 85 ]; then printf "${InvYellow}${CBlack}$insertspc${CClear}${CYellow}${3} [%.${barch}s%.${barsp}s]${CClear} ${CWhite}${InvDkGray}$AltNum ${4} / ${progr}%%\r${CClear}" "$barchars" "$barspaces" else printf "${InvGreen}${CWhite}$insertspc${CClear}${CGreen}${3} [%.${barch}s%.${barsp}s]${CClear} ${CWhite}${InvDkGray}$AltNum ${4} / ${progr}%%\r${CClear}" "$barchars" "$barspaces" fi fi fi } progressbaroverride() { # $1 - number (-1 for clearing the bar) # $2 - max number # $3 - system name # $4 - measurement # $5 - standard/reverse progressbar # $6 - alternate display values insertspc=" " if [ $1 -eq -1 ]; then printf "\r $barspaces\r" else barch=$(($1*barlen/$2)) barsp=$((barlen-barch)) progr=$((100*$1/$2)) if [ ! -z $6 ]; then AltNum=$6; else AltNum=$1; fi if [ "$5" == "Standard" ]; then printf " ${CWhite}${InvDkGray}$AltNum${4} / ${progr}%%\r${CClear}" "$barchars" "$barspaces" fi fi } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # emailalert send a message to a predetermined email address to inform of major events emailalert () { # $1 is the status needing to be sent if [ $emailalerts == "Enabled" ]; then smtppasswordplaintxt=$(echo "${smtppassword}" | openssl enc -d -des3 -base64 -pass pass:*TB0c7ksKGWcw22P -pbkdf2) if [ $1 = "griddown" ] && [ $alertsentdown = "False" ]; then alertsentdown="True" { echo 'From: '$smtpusername '<'$smtpusername'>' echo 'To: '$smtprecipient '<'$smtprecipient'>' echo 'Subject: GRID DOWN' echo 'Content-Type: text/plain' echo 'X-Priority: 1 (Highest)' echo 'X-MSMail-Priority: High' echo '' echo 'POWERWALL ALERT!!!' echo '' echo 'Grid Power is DOWN at site: '$sitename echo 'Event time: '$(date) echo 'Battery Status (%): '$battcapp echo 'Estimated Runtime (H): '$runtime echo '' echo '' echo 'Sent via PWRMON v'$Version } > $smtpbody curl --silent --url smtps://$smtpserver:$smtpport --ssl-reqd --mail-from $smtpusername --mail-rcpt $smtprecipient --user $smtpusername:$smtppasswordplaintxt --upload-file $smtpbody echo -e "$(date) - PWRMON ---------> GRID OUTAGE - Notification sent to $smtprecipient!" >> $LOGFILE fi if [ $1 = "sync" ] && [ $alertsentsync = "False" ]; then alertsentsync="True" { echo 'From: '$smtpusername '<'$smtpusername'>' echo 'To: '$smtprecipient '<'$smtprecipient'>' echo 'Subject: GRID SYNCING' echo 'Content-Type: text/plain' echo 'X-Priority: 1 (Highest)' echo 'X-MSMail-Priority: High' echo '' echo 'POWERWALL ALERT!!!' echo '' echo 'Grid Power is currently SYNCING at site: '$sitename echo 'Event time: '$(date) echo 'Battery Status (%): '$battcapp echo 'Estimated Runtime (H): '$runtime echo '' echo '' echo 'Sent via PWRMON v'$Version } > $smtpbody curl --silent --url smtps://$smtpserver:$smtpport --ssl-reqd --mail-from $smtpusername --mail-rcpt $smtprecipient --user $smtpusername:$smtppasswordplaintxt --upload-file $smtpbody echo -e "$(date) - PWRMON ---------> GRID SYNCING - Notification sent to $smtprecipient!" >> $LOGFILE fi if [ $1 = "normal" ]; then alertsentdown="False" alertsentsync="False" { echo 'From: '$smtpusername '<'$smtpusername'>' echo 'To: '$smtprecipient '<'$smtprecipient'>' echo 'Subject: GRID NORMAL' echo 'Content-Type: text/plain' echo 'X-Priority: 1 (Highest)' echo 'X-MSMail-Priority: High' echo '' echo 'POWERWALL ALERT!!!' echo '' echo 'Grid Power has returned to NORMAL at site: '$sitename echo 'Event time: '$(date) echo 'Battery Status (%): '$battcapp echo 'Estimated Runtime (H): '$runtime echo '' echo '' echo 'Sent via PWRMON v'$Version } > $smtpbody curl --silent --url smtps://$smtpserver:$smtpport --ssl-reqd --mail-from $smtpusername --mail-rcpt $smtprecipient --user $smtpusername:$smtppasswordplaintxt --upload-file $smtpbody echo -e "$(date) - PWRMON ---------> GRID BACK ONLINE - Notification sent to $smtprecipient!" >> $LOGFILE fi if [ $1 = "test" ]; then { echo 'From: '$smtpusername '<'$smtpusername'>' echo 'To: '$smtprecipient '<'$smtprecipient'>' echo 'Subject: POWERWALL ALERT (TEST)' echo 'Content-Type: text/plain' echo 'X-Priority: 1 (Highest)' echo 'X-MSMail-Priority: High' echo '' echo 'POWERWALL ALERT!!! (TEST)' echo '' echo 'Testing PWRMON Notifications' echo 'Event time: '$(date) echo '' echo 'This is a successful test of a PWRMON notification. In the event of a true grid down situation, you will be notified along with current Battery Status (%) and Estimated Runtime (H) stats. You will receive one final notification indicating when the grid comes back online.' echo '' echo '' echo 'Sent via PWRMON v'$Version } > $smtpbody curl --silent --url smtps://$smtpserver:$smtpport --ssl-reqd --mail-from $smtpusername --mail-rcpt $smtprecipient --user $smtpusername:$smtppasswordplaintxt --upload-file $smtpbody echo -e "$(date) - PWRMON ---------> GRID TEST - Notification sent to $smtprecipient!" >> $LOGFILE fi # Clean up messagebody rm $smtpbody >/dev/null 2>&1 fi } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # smsalert send a message to a predetermined SMS/Text email address to inform of major events smsalert () { # $1 is the status needing to be sent if [ $emailalerts == "Enabled" ] && [ $smsrecipient != "Disabled" ]; then smtppasswordplaintxt=$(echo "${smtppassword}" | openssl enc -d -des3 -base64 -pass pass:*TB0c7ksKGWcw22P -pbkdf2) if [ $1 = "griddown" ] && [ $smsalertsentdown = "False" ]; then smsalertsentdown="True" { echo 'From: '$smtpusername '<'$smtpusername'>' echo 'To: '$smsrecipient '<'$smsrecipient'>' echo 'Subject: GRID DOWN' echo 'Content-Type: text/plain' echo '' echo 'Grid Power is DOWN!' echo ' Batt(%):'$battcapp echo ' Runtime(H):'$runtime } > $smtpbody curl --silent --url smtps://$smtpserver:$smtpport --ssl-reqd --mail-from $smtpusername --mail-rcpt $smsrecipient --user $smtpusername:$smtppasswordplaintxt --upload-file $smtpbody echo -e "$(date) - PWRMON ---------> GRID OUTAGE - Notification sent to $smsrecipient!" >> $LOGFILE fi if [ $1 = "sync" ] && [ $smsalertsentsync = "False" ]; then smsalertsentsync="True" { echo 'From: '$smtpusername '<'$smtpusername'>' echo 'To: '$smsrecipient '<'$smsrecipient'>' echo 'Subject: GRID SYNCING' echo 'Content-Type: text/plain' echo '' echo 'Grid Power is SYNCING!' echo ' Batt(%):'$battcapp echo ' Runtime(H):'$runtime } > $smtpbody curl --silent --url smtps://$smtpserver:$smtpport --ssl-reqd --mail-from $smtpusername --mail-rcpt $smsrecipient --user $smtpusername:$smtppasswordplaintxt --upload-file $smtpbody echo -e "$(date) - PWRMON ---------> GRID SYNCING - Notification sent to $smsrecipient!" >> $LOGFILE fi if [ $1 = "normal" ]; then smsalertsentdown="False" smsalertsentsync="False" { echo 'From: '$smtpusername '<'$smtpusername'>' echo 'To: '$smsrecipient '<'$smsrecipient'>' echo 'Subject: GRID NORMAL' echo 'Content-Type: text/plain' echo '' echo 'Grid Power status NORMAL' echo ' Batt(%):'$battcapp echo ' Runtime(H):'$runtime } > $smtpbody curl --silent --url smtps://$smtpserver:$smtpport --ssl-reqd --mail-from $smtpusername --mail-rcpt $smsrecipient --user $smtpusername:$smtppasswordplaintxt --upload-file $smtpbody echo -e "$(date) - PWRMON ---------> GRID BACK ONLINE - Notification sent to $smsrecipient!" >> $LOGFILE fi if [ $1 = "test" ]; then { echo 'From: '$smtpusername '<'$smtpusername'>' echo 'To: '$smsrecipient '<'$smsrecipient'>' echo 'Subject: POWERWALL ALERT (TEST)' echo 'Content-Type: text/plain' echo '' echo 'Testing PWRMON Notifications' } > $smtpbody curl --silent --url smtps://$smtpserver:$smtpport --ssl-reqd --mail-from $smtpusername --mail-rcpt $smsrecipient --user $smtpusername:$smtppasswordplaintxt --upload-file $smtpbody echo -e "$(date) - PWRMON ---------> GRID TEST - Notification sent to $smsrecipient!" >> $LOGFILE fi # Clean up messagebody rm $smtpbody >/dev/null 2>&1 fi } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # fontprinter takes current load numbers passed, and prints them in large 5x6char block fonts fontprinter () { # $1 is the electrical load passed for home, battery, grid and solar # $2 is the inverse color being passed if [ -z $battcapp3 ]; then battcapp3="???"; fi # Fonts 5x6 blocks Number1Line1="${CClear} $2 ${CClear} " Number1Line2="${CClear} $2 ${CClear} " Number1Line3="${CClear} $2 ${CClear} " Number1Line4="${CClear} $2 ${CClear} " Number1Line5="${CClear} $2 ${CClear} " Number2Line1="${CClear} $2 ${CClear} " Number2Line2="${CClear}$2 ${CClear} $2 ${CClear}" Number2Line3="${CClear} $2 ${CClear} " Number2Line4="${CClear} $2 ${CClear} " Number2Line5="${CClear}$2 ${CClear}" Number3Line1="${CClear}$2 ${CClear}" Number3Line2="${CClear} $2 ${CClear}" Number3Line3="${CClear} $2 ${CClear}" Number3Line4="${CClear} $2 ${CClear}" Number3Line5="${CClear}$2 ${CClear}" Number4Line1="${CClear}$2 ${CClear} $2 ${CClear} " Number4Line2="${CClear}$2 ${CClear} $2 ${CClear} " Number4Line3="${CClear}$2 ${CClear}" Number4Line4="${CClear} $2 ${CClear} " Number4Line5="${CClear} $2 ${CClear} " Number5Line1="${CClear}$2 ${CClear}" Number5Line2="${CClear}$2 ${CClear} " Number5Line3="${CClear}$2 ${CClear} " Number5Line4="${CClear} $2 ${CClear}" Number5Line5="${CClear}$2 ${CClear} " Number6Line1="${CClear} $2 ${CClear} " Number6Line2="${CClear} $2 ${CClear} " Number6Line3="${CClear}$2 ${CClear} " Number6Line4="${CClear}$2 ${CClear} $2 ${CClear}" Number6Line5="${CClear} $2 ${CClear} " Number7Line1="${CClear}$2 ${CClear}" Number7Line2="${CClear} $2 ${CClear}" Number7Line3="${CClear} $2 ${CClear} " Number7Line4="${CClear} $2 ${CClear} " Number7Line5="${CClear} $2 ${CClear} " Number8Line1="${CClear} $2 ${CClear} " Number8Line2="${CClear}$2 ${CClear} $2 ${CClear}" Number8Line3="${CClear} $2 ${CClear} " Number8Line4="${CClear}$2 ${CClear} $2 ${CClear}" Number8Line5="${CClear} $2 ${CClear} " Number9Line1="${CClear} $2 ${CClear} " Number9Line2="${CClear}$2 ${CClear} $2 ${CClear}" Number9Line3="${CClear} $2 ${CClear}" Number9Line4="${CClear} $2 ${CClear} " Number9Line5="${CClear} $2 ${CClear} " Number0Line1="${CClear} $2 ${CClear} " Number0Line2="${CClear}$2 ${CClear} $2 ${CClear}" Number0Line3="${CClear}$2 ${CClear} $2 ${CClear}" Number0Line4="${CClear}$2 ${CClear} $2 ${CClear}" Number0Line5="${CClear} $2 ${CClear} " PositiveLine2="${CClear} $2 ${CClear} " PositiveLine3="${CClear} $2 ${CClear} " PositiveLine4="${CClear} $2 ${CClear} " NegativeLine2="${CClear} " NegativeLine3="${CClear} $2 ${CClear} " NegativeLine4="${CClear} " DecimalLine5="${CClear} $2 ${CClear} " SolarLine1="${CBlack}${InvYellow} SOLAR ${CClear}" SolarLine2="${CBlack}${InvYellow} \|/____ ${CClear}" SolarLine3="${CBlack}${InvYellow} --O///// ${CClear}" SolarLine4="${CBlack}${InvYellow} ////// ${CClear}" SolarLine5="${CBlack}${InvYellow} ////// ${CClear}" GridLine1="${CWhite}${InvDkGray} GRID ${CClear}" GridLine2="${CWhite}${InvDkGray} - | + ${CClear}" GridLine3="${CWhite}${InvDkGray} ===||=== ${CClear}" GridLine4="${CWhite}${InvDkGray} | ${CClear}" GridLine5="${CWhite}${InvDkGray} HI VOLTS ${CClear}" HomeLine1="${CBlack}${InvCyan} HOME ${CClear}" HomeLine2="${CBlack}${InvCyan} /====\| ${CClear}" HomeLine3="${CBlack}${InvCyan} /______\ ${CClear}" HomeLine4="${CBlack}${InvCyan} | |[]| | ${CClear}" HomeLine5="${CBlack}${InvCyan} ^^^^^^^^ ${CClear}" BattLine1="${InvWhite}${CBlack} BATT ${InvDkGray}${CGreen}|${CClear}" BattLine2="${InvWhite}${CBlack} $battcapp3%% ${InvDkGray}${CGreen}|${CClear}" BattLine3="${InvWhite} ${InvDkGray}${CGreen}|${CClear}" BattLine4="${InvWhite}${CRed} TESLA ${InvDkGray}${CGreen}|${CClear}" BattLine5="${InvWhite} ${InvDkGray}${CGreen}|${CClear}" GridOutLine1="${CWhite}${InvRed} GRID ${CClear}" GridOutLine2="${CWhite}${InvRed} X || X ${CClear}" GridOutLine3="${CWhite}${InvRed} == XX == ${CClear}" GridOutLine4="${CWhite}${InvRed} X || X ${CClear}" GridOutLine5="${CWhite}${InvRed} OUTAGE ${CClear}" GridSyncLine1="${CWhite}${InvRed} GRID ${CClear}" GridSyncLine2="${CWhite}${InvRed} > || > ${CClear}" GridSyncLine3="${CWhite}${InvRed} == >> == ${CClear}" GridSyncLine4="${CWhite}${InvRed} < || < ${CClear}" GridSyncLine5="${CBlack}${InvYellow} >SYNCING ${CClear}" posneg=$(echo $1 | cut -b 1 ) tens=$(echo $1 | cut -b 2 ) ones=$(echo $1 | cut -b 3 ) tenths=$(echo $1 | cut -b 5 ) if [ $posneg == "+" ]; then posneg="Positive"; else posneg="Negative"; fi case $3 in "Solar") imageLine1=$SolarLine1 imageLine2=$SolarLine2 imageLine3=$SolarLine3 imageLine4=$SolarLine4 imageLine5=$SolarLine5 ;; "Grid") if [ "$gridstatus" == "SystemIslandedActive" ]; then imageLine1=$GridOutLine1 imageLine2=$GridOutLine2 imageLine3=$GridOutLine3 imageLine4=$GridOutLine4 imageLine5=$GridOutLine5 elif [ "$gridstatus" == "SystemTransitionToGrid" ]; then imageLine1=$GridSyncLine1 imageLine2=$GridSyncLine2 imageLine3=$GridSyncLine3 imageLine4=$GridSyncLine4 imageLine5=$GridSyncLine5 else imageLine1=$GridLine1 imageLine2=$GridLine2 imageLine3=$GridLine3 imageLine4=$GridLine4 imageLine5=$GridLine5 fi ;; "Home") imageLine1=$HomeLine1 imageLine2=$HomeLine2 imageLine3=$HomeLine3 imageLine4=$HomeLine4 imageLine5=$HomeLine5 ;; "Battery") imageLine1=$BattLine1 imageLine2=$BattLine2 imageLine3=$BattLine3 imageLine4=$BattLine4 imageLine5=$BattLine5 ;; esac case $posneg in "Positive") posnegLine2=$PositiveLine2 posnegLine3=$PositiveLine3 posnegLine4=$PositiveLine4 ;; "Negative") posnegLine2=$NegativeLine2 posnegLine3=$NegativeLine3 posnegLine4=$NegativeLine4 ;; esac case $tens in 1) #Tens Digit tensLine1=$Number1Line1 tensLine2=$Number1Line2 tensLine3=$Number1Line3 tensLine4=$Number1Line4 tensLine5=$Number1Line5 ;; 2) tensLine1=$Number2Line1 tensLine2=$Number2Line2 tensLine3=$Number2Line3 tensLine4=$Number2Line4 tensLine5=$Number2Line5 ;; 3) tensLine1=$Number3Line1 tensLine2=$Number3Line2 tensLine3=$Number3Line3 tensLine4=$Number3Line4 tensLine5=$Number3Line5 ;; 4) tensLine1=$Number4Line1 tensLine2=$Number4Line2 tensLine3=$Number4Line3 tensLine4=$Number4Line4 tensLine5=$Number4Line5 ;; 5) tensLine1=$Number5Line1 tensLine2=$Number5Line2 tensLine3=$Number5Line3 tensLine4=$Number5Line4 tensLine5=$Number5Line5 ;; 6) tensLine1=$Number6Line1 tensLine2=$Number6Line2 tensLine3=$Number6Line3 tensLine4=$Number6Line4 tensLine5=$Number6Line5 ;; 7) tensLine1=$Number7Line1 tensLine2=$Number7Line2 tensLine3=$Number7Line3 tensLine4=$Number7Line4 tensLine5=$Number7Line5 ;; 8) tensLine1=$Number8Line1 tensLine2=$Number8Line2 tensLine3=$Number8Line3 tensLine4=$Number8Line4 tensLine5=$Number8Line5 ;; 9) tensLine1=$Number9Line1 tensLine2=$Number9Line2 tensLine3=$Number9Line3 tensLine4=$Number9Line4 tensLine5=$Number9Line5 ;; 0) tensLine1=$Number0Line1 tensLine2=$Number0Line2 tensLine3=$Number0Line3 tensLine4=$Number0Line4 tensLine5=$Number0Line5 ;; esac case $ones in 1) onesLine1=$Number1Line1 onesLine2=$Number1Line2 onesLine3=$Number1Line3 onesLine4=$Number1Line4 onesLine5=$Number1Line5 ;; 2) onesLine1=$Number2Line1 onesLine2=$Number2Line2 onesLine3=$Number2Line3 onesLine4=$Number2Line4 onesLine5=$Number2Line5 ;; 3) onesLine1=$Number3Line1 onesLine2=$Number3Line2 onesLine3=$Number3Line3 onesLine4=$Number3Line4 onesLine5=$Number3Line5 ;; 4) onesLine1=$Number4Line1 onesLine2=$Number4Line2 onesLine3=$Number4Line3 onesLine4=$Number4Line4 onesLine5=$Number4Line5 ;; 5) onesLine1=$Number5Line1 onesLine2=$Number5Line2 onesLine3=$Number5Line3 onesLine4=$Number5Line4 onesLine5=$Number5Line5 ;; 6) onesLine1=$Number6Line1 onesLine2=$Number6Line2 onesLine3=$Number6Line3 onesLine4=$Number6Line4 onesLine5=$Number6Line5 ;; 7) onesLine1=$Number7Line1 onesLine2=$Number7Line2 onesLine3=$Number7Line3 onesLine4=$Number7Line4 onesLine5=$Number7Line5 ;; 8) onesLine1=$Number8Line1 onesLine2=$Number8Line2 onesLine3=$Number8Line3 onesLine4=$Number8Line4 onesLine5=$Number8Line5 ;; 9) onesLine1=$Number9Line1 onesLine2=$Number9Line2 onesLine3=$Number9Line3 onesLine4=$Number9Line4 onesLine5=$Number9Line5 ;; 0) onesLine1=$Number0Line1 onesLine2=$Number0Line2 onesLine3=$Number0Line3 onesLine4=$Number0Line4 onesLine5=$Number0Line5 ;; esac case $tenths in 1) tenthsLine1=$Number1Line1 tenthsLine2=$Number1Line2 tenthsLine3=$Number1Line3 tenthsLine4=$Number1Line4 tenthsLine5=$Number1Line5 ;; 2) tenthsLine1=$Number2Line1 tenthsLine2=$Number2Line2 tenthsLine3=$Number2Line3 tenthsLine4=$Number2Line4 tenthsLine5=$Number2Line5 ;; 3) tenthsLine1=$Number3Line1 tenthsLine2=$Number3Line2 tenthsLine3=$Number3Line3 tenthsLine4=$Number3Line4 tenthsLine5=$Number3Line5 ;; 4) #Tenths Digit tenthsLine1=$Number4Line1 tenthsLine2=$Number4Line2 tenthsLine3=$Number4Line3 tenthsLine4=$Number4Line4 tenthsLine5=$Number4Line5 ;; 5) tenthsLine1=$Number5Line1 tenthsLine2=$Number5Line2 tenthsLine3=$Number5Line3 tenthsLine4=$Number5Line4 tenthsLine5=$Number5Line5 ;; 6) tenthsLine1=$Number6Line1 tenthsLine2=$Number6Line2 tenthsLine3=$Number6Line3 tenthsLine4=$Number6Line4 tenthsLine5=$Number6Line5 ;; 7) tenthsLine1=$Number7Line1 tenthsLine2=$Number7Line2 tenthsLine3=$Number7Line3 tenthsLine4=$Number7Line4 tenthsLine5=$Number7Line5 ;; 8) tenthsLine1=$Number8Line1 tenthsLine2=$Number8Line2 tenthsLine3=$Number8Line3 tenthsLine4=$Number8Line4 tenthsLine5=$Number8Line5 ;; 9) tenthsLine1=$Number9Line1 tenthsLine2=$Number9Line2 tenthsLine3=$Number9Line3 tenthsLine4=$Number9Line4 tenthsLine5=$Number9Line5 ;; 0) tenthsLine1=$Number0Line1 tenthsLine2=$Number0Line2 tenthsLine3=$Number0Line3 tenthsLine4=$Number0Line4 tenthsLine5=$Number0Line5 ;; esac printf " ${imageLine1} ${tensLine1} ${onesLine1} ${tenthsLine1}\n" printf " ${imageLine2} ${posnegLine2} ${tensLine2} ${onesLine2} ${tenthsLine2}\n" printf " ${imageLine3} ${posnegLine3} ${tensLine3} ${onesLine3} ${tenthsLine3}\n" printf " ${imageLine4} ${posnegLine4} ${tensLine4} ${onesLine4} ${tenthsLine4}\n" printf " ${imageLine5} ${tensLine5} ${onesLine5}${DecimalLine5}${tenthsLine5} kW\n" } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This function was "borrowed" graciously from @dave14305 from his FlexQoS script to determine the active WAN connection. # Thanks much for your troubleshooting help as we tackled how to best derive the active WAN interface, Dave! get_wan_setting() { local varname varval varname="${1}" prefixes="wan0_ wan1_" if [ "$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get wans_mode)" = "lb" ] ; then for prefix in $prefixes; do state="$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get "${prefix}"state_t)" sbstate="$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get "${prefix}"sbstate_t)" auxstate="$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get "${prefix}"auxstate_t)" # is_wan_connect() [ "${state}" = "2" ] || continue [ "${sbstate}" = "0" ] || continue [ "${auxstate}" = "0" ] || [ "${auxstate}" = "2" ] || continue # get_wan_ifname() proto="$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get "${prefix}"proto)" if [ "${proto}" = "pppoe" ] || [ "${proto}" = "pptp" ] || [ "${proto}" = "l2tp" ] ; then varval="$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get "${prefix}"pppoe_"${varname}")" else varval="$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get "${prefix}""${varname}")" fi done else for prefix in $prefixes; do primary="$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get "${prefix}"primary)" [ "${primary}" = "1" ] && break done proto="$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get "${prefix}"proto)" if [ "${proto}" = "pppoe" ] || [ "${proto}" = "pptp" ] || [ "${proto}" = "l2tp" ] ; then varval="$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get "${prefix}"pppoe_"${varname}")" else varval="$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get "${prefix}""${varname}")" fi fi printf "%s" "${varval}" } # get_wan_setting # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # weathercheck is a function that downloads the latest weather for your WAN IP location weathercheck () { # Get the WAN interface in order to check for the public WAN IP address WANIFNAME=$(get_wan_setting ifname) WANIP=$(curl --silent --fail --interface $WANIFNAME --request GET --url https://ipv4.icanhazip.com) WANCITY=$(curl --silent --retry 3 --request GET --url http://ip-api.com/json/$WANIP | jq --raw-output .city) # Get the latitute/longitude of the public WAN IP address WANlat=$(curl --silent --retry 3 --request GET --url http://ip-api.com/json/$WANIP | jq --raw-output .lat) WANlon=$(curl --silent --retry 3 --request GET --url http://ip-api.com/json/$WANIP | jq --raw-output .lon) # Get the Weather grid for the latitude/longitude WANgridurl=$(curl --silent --retry 3 --request GET --url https://api.weather.gov/points/$WANlat,$WANlon | jq --raw-output .properties.forecast) # Extract the weather JSON to a text file in order to query from it with JQ curl --silent --retry 3 --request GET --url $WANgridurl | jq . --raw-output > $WANwxforecast LINES=$(cat $WANwxforecast | wc -l) #Check to see how many lines are in this file if [ $LINES -eq 0 ] #If there are no lines, error out then echo -e "\n${CRed} [Error: Unable to download weather data. Try again later...]\n${CClear}" echo -e "$(date) - PWRMON ----------> ERROR: Unable to fetch weather data. May be a temporary issue. Try again later." >> $LOGFILE sleep 3 exit 0 else # Display the city, lat and long #WANCITY="Your City" #WANlat=32.3321 #WANlon=-64.7660 clear logo if [ "$UpdateNotify" != "0" ]; then echo -e "${CRed} $UpdateNotify${CClear}" echo -e "${CGreen} ________${CClear}" else echo -e "${CGreen} ________${CClear}" fi echo -e "${CGreen}/${CRed}Location${CClear}${CGreen}\_________________________________________________________${CClear}" echo "" echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CGreen} City: ${CCyan}$WANCITY ${CGreen}-- Latitude: ${CCyan}$WANlat ${CGreen}-- Longitude: ${CCyan}$WANlon" echo -e "${CGreen} ________${CClear}" echo -e "${CGreen}/${CRed}Forecast${CClear}${CGreen}\_________________________________________________________${CClear}" echo "" # Loop through the forecasts and display them i=0 while [ $i -ne 6 ] do WANwxName=$(cat $WANwxforecast | jq -r '.properties.periods['$i'].name | select( . != null )') WANwxTemp=$(cat $WANwxforecast | jq -r '.properties.periods['$i'].temperature | select( . != null )') WANwxTempUnit=$(cat $WANwxforecast | jq -r '.properties.periods['$i'].temperatureUnit | select( . != null )') WANwxWind=$(cat $WANwxforecast | jq -r '.properties.periods['$i'].windSpeed | select( . != null )') WANwxWindDir=$(cat $WANwxforecast | jq -r '.properties.periods['$i'].windDirection | select( . != null )') WANwxShort=$(cat $WANwxforecast | jq -r '.properties.periods['$i'].shortForecast | select( . != null )') WANwxDetail=$(cat $WANwxforecast | jq -r '.properties.periods['$i'].detailedForecast | select( . != null )') WANwxShortTrim=$(echo $WANwxShort | sed -e 's/.\{50\} /&\n/g') WANwxDetailTrim=$(echo $WANwxDetail | sed -e 's/.\{50\} /&\n/g') echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CGreen} Day: ${CCyan}$WANwxName ${CGreen}-- Temp: ${CCyan}$WANwxTemp$WANwxTempUnit ${CGreen}-- Wind: ${CCyan}$WANwxWind from $WANwxWindDir" echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CGreen} Conditions: ${CCyan}$WANwxShortTrim" echo "" i=$(($i+1)) done echo -en "${CRed}(M)${CGreen}ore Detail, ${CRed}(C)${CGreen}lose?" while true; do read -p ": " -n 1 -r WxPrompt case $WxPrompt in [Mm]) weathercheckext; exit 0;; [Cc]) echo -e "${CGreen}\r [Returning to the Main UI momentarily] "; exit 0;; "" ) echo -e "\nValid Choices [Mm / Cc]";; * ) echo -e "\nValid Choices [Mm / Cc]";; esac done fi } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # weathercheckext is a function that displays the latest extended weather forecast for your WAN IP location weathercheckext () { clear logo if [ "$UpdateNotify" != "0" ]; then echo -e "${CRed} $UpdateNotify${CClear}" echo -e "${CGreen} _________________${CClear}" else echo -e "${CGreen} _________________${CClear}" fi echo -e "${CGreen}/${CRed}Extended Forecast${CClear}${CGreen}\________________________________________________${CClear}" echo "" # Loop through the forecasts and display them i=0 while [ $i -ne 6 ] do WANwxName=$(cat $WANwxforecast | jq -r '.properties.periods['$i'].name | select( . != null )') WANwxDetail=$(cat $WANwxforecast | jq -r '.properties.periods['$i'].detailedForecast | select( . != null )') WANwxDetailTrim=$(echo $WANwxDetail | sed -e 's/.\{57\} /&\n/g') echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CGreen} Day: ${CCyan}$WANwxName" echo -e "${CCyan}$WANwxDetailTrim" echo "" i=$(($i+1)) done echo -en "${CRed}(C)${CGreen}lose?" while true; do read -p ": " -n 1 -r WxPromptExt case $WxPromptExt in [Cc]) weathercheck; exit 0;; "" ) echo -e "\nValid Choices [Cc]";; * ) echo -e "\nValid Choices [Cc]";; esac done } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # updatecheck is a function that downloads the latest update version file, and compares it with what's currently installed updatecheck () { # Download the latest version file from the source repository curl --silent --retry 3 "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ViktorJp/PWRMON/master/version.txt" -o "/jffs/addons/pwrmon.d/version.txt" if [ -f $DLVERPATH ] then # Read in its contents for the current version file DLVersion=$(cat $DLVERPATH) # Compare the new version with the old version and log it if [ "$Beta" == "1" ]; then # Check if Dev/Beta Mode is enabled and disable notification message UpdateNotify=0 elif [ "$DLVersion" != "$Version" ]; then UpdateNotify="Update available: v$Version -> v$DLVersion" echo -e "$(date) - PWRMON - A new update (v$DLVersion) is available to download" >> $LOGFILE else UpdateNotify=0 fi fi } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # vlogs is a function that calls the nano text editor to view the PWRMON log file vlogs() { export TERM=linux nano $LOGFILE } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # vconfig is a function that guides you through the various configuration options for PWRMON vconfig () { if [ -f $CFGPATH ]; then #Making sure file exists before proceeding source $CFGPATH while true; do clear logoNM echo "" echo -e "${CGreen}----------------------------------------------------------------" echo -e "${CGreen}Configuration Utility Options" echo -e "${CGreen}----------------------------------------------------------------" echo -e "${InvDkGray}${CWhite} 1 ${CClear}${CCyan}: Refresh Interval (sec) :"${CGreen}$Interval echo -e "${InvDkGray}${CWhite} 2 ${CClear}${CCyan}: Tesla Gateway Email Address :"${CGreen}$email echo -e "${InvDkGray}${CWhite} 3 ${CClear}${CCyan}: Tesla Gateway Password :"${CGreen}$password echo -e "${InvDkGray}${CWhite} 4 ${CClear}${CCyan}: Tesla Gateway IP Address :"${CGreen}$gatewayip echo -e "${InvDkGray}${CWhite} 5 ${CClear}${CCyan}: Total # of Powerwalls :"${CGreen}$numpowerwalls echo -e "${InvDkGray}${CWhite} 6 ${CClear}${CCyan}: Max Solar Generation (kW) :"${CGreen}$maxsolargen echo -e "${InvDkGray}${CWhite} 7 ${CClear}${CCyan}: Max Home Elec Load (kW) :"${CGreen}$maxhomeelecload echo -e "${InvDkGray}${CWhite} 8 ${CClear}${CCyan}: Enable Email Alerts? :"${CGreen}$emailalerts if [ "$emailalerts" == "Enabled" ]; then echo -e "${InvDkGray}${CWhite} |-${CClear}${CCyan}- Email Address FROM: :"${CGreen}$smtpusername echo -e "${InvDkGray}${CWhite} |-${CClear}${CCyan}- Email Address Acct Pwd: :${CGreen}[ENCRYPTED]" echo -e "${InvDkGray}${CWhite} |-${CClear}${CCyan}- Email Address RCPT TO: :"${CGreen}$smtprecipient echo -e "${InvDkGray}${CWhite} |-${CClear}${CCyan}- SMS/Text Address RCPT TO: :"${CGreen}$smsrecipient echo -e "${InvDkGray}${CWhite} |-${CClear}${CCyan}- SMTP Server Name: :"${CGreen}$smtpserver echo -e "${InvDkGray}${CWhite} |-${CClear}${CCyan}- SMTP Server Port: :"${CGreen}$smtpport else echo -e "${InvDkGray}${CWhite} | ${CClear}${CDkGray}- Email Address FROM: :"${CDkGray}$smtpusername echo -e "${InvDkGray}${CWhite} | ${CClear}${CDkGray}- Email Address Acct Pwd: :${CDkGray}$[ENCRYPTED]" echo -e "${InvDkGray}${CWhite} | ${CClear}${CDkGray}- Email Address RCPT TO: :"${CDkGray}$smtprecipient echo -e "${InvDkGray}${CWhite} | ${CClear}${CDkGray}- SMS/Text Address RCPT TO: :"${CDkGray}$smsrecipient echo -e "${InvDkGray}${CWhite} | ${CClear}${CDkGray}- SMTP Server Name: :"${CDkGray}$smtpserver echo -e "${InvDkGray}${CWhite} | ${CClear}${CDkGray}- SMTP Server Port: :"${CDkGray}$smtpport fi echo -en "${InvDkGray}${CWhite} 9 ${CClear}${CCyan}: Progress Bar Preference? :"${CGreen} if [ "$ProgPref" == "0" ]; then printf "Standard"; printf "%s\n"; else printf "Minimalist"; printf "%s\n"; fi echo -e "${InvDkGray}${CWhite} | ${CClear}" echo -e "${InvDkGray}${CWhite} s ${CClear}${CCyan}: Save & Exit" echo -e "${InvDkGray}${CWhite} e ${CClear}${CCyan}: Exit & Discard Changes" echo -e "${CGreen}----------------------------------------------------------------" echo "" printf "Selection: " read -r ConfigSelection # Execute chosen selections case "$ConfigSelection" in 1) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo "" echo -e "${CCyan}1. How many seconds would you like to use to refresh your PW stats?" echo -e "${CYellow}(Default = 10)${CClear}" read -p 'Interval (seconds): ' Interval1 Interval=$Interval1 ;; 2) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo "" echo -e "${CCyan}2. What is your Tesla Gateway Customer Email Address?" echo -e "${CYellow}(format required: name@domain.com)${CClear}" read -p 'Email Address: ' email1 email=$email1 ;; 3) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo "" echo -e "${CCyan}3. What is your Tesla Gateway Customer Password? Please note, this" echo -e "${CCyan}password is typically a 5-character upper-case alpha password that" echo -e "${CCyan}can be found using the last 5 characters of your Gateway Serial" echo -e "${CCyan}Number located behind the front cover of your unit." echo -e "${CYellow}(Locate your Tesla Gateway password)${CClear}" read -p 'Password: ' password1 password=$password1 ;; 4) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo "" echo -e "${CCyan}4. What is the local IP address of your Telsa Gateway?" echo -e "${CYellow}(format required = #.#.#.#, ex:${CClear}" read -p 'Local IP Address: ' gatewayip1 gatewayip=$gatewayip1 ;; 5) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo "" echo -e "${CCyan}5. How many Tesla Powerwalls do you currently have configured?" echo -e "${CYellow}(Default = 2)${CClear}" read -p 'Number of Powerwalls: ' numpowerwalls1 numpowerwalls=$numpowerwalls1 ;; 6) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo "" echo -e "${CCyan}6. What is the maximum power (kW) your solar panels generate?" echo -e "${CCyan}Please round up or down to the nearest whole number." echo -e "${CYellow}(Default = 7)${CClear}" read -p 'Max Solar Power: ' maxsolargen1 maxsolargen=$maxsolargen1 ;; 7) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo "" echo -e "${CCyan}7. What is the maximum power load that your home can consume?" echo -e "${CCyan}This is calculated by looking at your home breaker size, for" echo -e "${CCyan}example, if your main breaker is 200a @ 120v = 24,000w (24kW)," echo -e "${CCyan}or, if your main breaker is 200a @ 240v = 48,000w (48kW)." echo -e "${CYellow}(Default = 48)${CClear}" read -p 'Max Home Power: ' maxhomeelecload1 maxhomeelecload=$maxhomeelecload1 ;; 8) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo "" echo -e "${CCyan}8. Would you like to enable email notifications for major" echo -e "${CCyan}grid events? (Grid Down, Grid Syncing, Grid returning back" echo -e "${CCyan}to Normal). This will require you to enter in your email" echo -e "${CCyan}address, app password/email account password, smtp server" echo -e "${CCyan}address, smtp server port, and the recipient address the" echo -e "${CCyan}alert is going to. ${CYellow}Recommendation: Utilize a secure SSL" echo -e "${CYellow}SMTP server such as: smtp.gmail.com -- using port 465" echo "" echo -e "${CYellow}NOTE: SMS/Text Address needs to be in the format:" echo -e "${CYellow}1234567890@carrierdomainname.com - please see instructions" echo -e "${CYellow}for further info or compatibility with your carrier." echo "" echo -e "${CYellow}(Email Notification Default = No)${CClear}" if promptyn "Enable Notifications? (y/n): "; then emailalerts="Enabled" echo "" echo "" echo -e "${CGreen}NOTE: Press ENTER at the prompt to use your previously" echo -e "${CGreen}saved entry. You will have the opportunity to test your" echo -e "${CGreen}email settings and receive a test email at the end of this" echo -e "${CGreen}short list of questions.${CClear}" echo "" read -p 'Enter FROM Email Address: ' smtpusername1 if [ ! -z "$smtpusername1" ]; then smtpusername=$smtpusername1; fi echo -e "${CGreen}Using: $smtpusername${CClear}" echo "" read -p 'Enter FROM Email Address Password: ' smtppassword1 smtppassword=$(echo "${smtppassword}" | openssl enc -d -des3 -base64 -pass pass:*TB0c7ksKGWcw22P -pbkdf2) if [ ! -z "$smtppassword1" ]; then smtppassword=$smtppassword1; fi echo -e "${CGreen}Using: $smtppassword${CClear}" secretpwd=$(echo $smtppassword | openssl enc -e -des3 -base64 -salt -pass pass:*TB0c7ksKGWcw22P -pbkdf2) smtppassword=$secretpwd echo "" read -p 'Enter RCPT TO Email Address: ' smtprecipient1 if [ ! -z "$smtprecipient1" ]; then smtprecipient=$smtprecipient1; fi echo -e "${CGreen}Using: $smtprecipient${CClear}" echo "" read -p 'Enter RCPT TO SMS/Text Address (Type 'Disabled' for none): ' smsrecipient1 if [ ! -z "$smsrecipient1" ]; then smsrecipient=$smsrecipient1; fi echo -e "${CGreen}Using: $smsrecipient${CClear}" echo "" read -p 'Enter SMTP Server Address: ' smtpserver1 if [ ! -z "$smtpserver1" ]; then smtpserver=$smtpserver1; fi echo -e "${CGreen}Using: $smtpserver${CClear}" echo "" read -p 'Enter SMTP Server Port: ' smtpport1 if [ ! -z "$smtpport1" ]; then smtpport=$smtpport1; fi echo -e "${CGreen}Using: $smtpport${CClear}" echo "" echo -e "${CCyan}Would you like to receive a test notification?${CClear}" if promptyn "Test email/sms notification settings? (y/n): "; then emailalert test smsalert test echo "" echo -e "${CGreen}Notification(s) sent. Please check your inbox/junk mail folder!" sleep 3 fi else emailalerts="Disabled" fi ;; 9) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo "" echo -e "${CCyan}12. What is your preference for the Interval Progress Bar?" echo -e "${CCyan}(0 = Standard) or (1 = Minimalist)?" echo -e "${CYellow}(Default = 0)${CClear}" read -p 'Progress Bar Pref: ' ProgPref1 ProgPref2=$(echo $ProgPref1 | tr '[0-1]') if [ -z "$ProgPref1" ]; then ProgPref=0; else ProgPref=$ProgPref2; fi ;; [Ss]) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo "" { echo 'Interval='$Interval echo 'email="'"$email"'"' echo 'password="'"$password"'"' echo 'gatewayip="'"$gatewayip"'"' echo 'numpowerwalls='$numpowerwalls echo 'maxsolargen='$maxsolargen echo 'maxhomeelecload='$maxhomeelecload echo 'emailalerts="'"$emailalerts"'"' echo 'smtpusername="'"$smtpusername"'"' echo 'smsrecipient="'"$smsrecipient"'"' echo 'smtprecipient="'"$smtprecipient"'"' echo 'smtppassword="'"$smtppassword"'"' echo 'smtpserver="'"$smtpserver"'"' echo 'smtpport='$smtpport echo 'ProgPref='$ProgPref } > $CFGPATH echo "" echo -e "${CGreen}Applying config changes to PWRMON..." echo -e "$(date) - PWRMON - Successfully wrote a new config file" >> $LOGFILE sleep 3 return ;; [Ee]) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- return ;; esac done else #Create a new config file with default values to get it to a basic running state { echo 'Interval=10' echo 'email="user@domain.com"' echo 'password="ABCDE"' echo 'gatewayip=""' echo 'numpowerwalls=2' echo 'maxsolargen=7' echo 'maxhomeelecload=48' echo 'emailalerts="Disabled"' echo 'smtpusername="defaultsender@gmail.com"' echo 'smsrecipient="Disabled"' echo 'smtprecipient="recipient@gmail.com"' echo 'smtppassword="U2FsdGVkX19IDBTBl5wMrbyLkj4VspYb"' echo 'smtpserver="smtp.gmail.com"' echo 'smtpport=465' echo 'ProgPref=0' } > $CFGPATH #Re-run pwrmon -config to restart setup process vconfig fi } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # vuninstall is a function that uninstalls and removes all traces of PWRMON from your router... vuninstall () { clear logoNM echo "" echo -e "${CYellow}Uninstall Utility${CClear}" echo "" echo -e "${CCyan}You are about to uninstall PWRMON! This action is irreversible." echo -e "${CCyan}Do you wish to proceed?${CClear}" if promptyn "(y/n): "; then echo "" echo -e "\n${CCyan}Are you sure? Please type 'Y' to validate you want to proceed.${CClear}" if promptyn "(y/n): "; then clear rm -r /jffs/addons/pwrmon.d rm /jffs/scripts/pwrmon.sh echo "" echo -e "\n${CGreen}PWRMON has been uninstalled...${CClear}" echo "" exit 0 else echo "" echo -e "\n${CGreen}Exiting Uninstall Utility...${CClear}" sleep 1 return fi else echo "" echo -e "\n${CGreen}Exiting Uninstall Utility...${CClear}" sleep 1 return fi } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # vupdate is a function that provides a UI to check for script updates and allows you to install the latest version... vupdate () { updatecheck # Check for the latest version from source repository clear logoNM echo "" echo -e "${CYellow}Update Utility${CClear}" echo "" echo -e "${CCyan}Current Version: ${CYellow}$Version${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan}Updated Version: ${CYellow}$DLVersion${CClear}" echo "" if [ "$Version" == "$DLVersion" ] then echo -e "${CCyan}You are on the latest version! Would you like to download anyways?${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan}This will overwrite your local copy with the current build.${CClear}" if promptyn "(y/n): "; then echo "" echo -e "${CCyan}Downloading PWRMON ${CYellow}v$DLVersion${CClear}" curl --silent --retry 3 "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ViktorJp/PWRMON/master/pwrmon-$DLVersion.sh" -o "/jffs/scripts/pwrmon.sh" && chmod a+rx "/jffs/scripts/pwrmon.sh" echo "" echo -e "${CCyan}Download successful!${CClear}" echo -e "$(date) - PWRMON - Successfully downloaded PWRMON v$DLVersion" >> $LOGFILE echo "" read -rsp $'Press any key to continue...\n' -n1 key exec sh /jffs/scripts/pwrmon.sh -monitor else echo "" echo "" echo -e "${CGreen}Exiting Update Utility...${CClear}" sleep 1 return fi else echo -e "${CCyan}Score! There is a new version out there! Would you like to update?${CClear}" if promptyn " (y/n): "; then echo "" echo -e "${CCyan}Downloading PWRMON ${CYellow}v$DLVersion${CClear}" curl --silent --retry 3 "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ViktorJp/PWRMON/master/pwrmon-$DLVersion.sh" -o "/jffs/scripts/pwrmon.sh" && chmod a+rx "/jffs/scripts/pwrmon.sh" echo "" echo -e "${CCyan}Download successful!${CClear}" echo -e "$(date) - PWRMON - Successfully downloaded PWRMON v$DLVersion" >> $LOGFILE echo "" read -rsp $'Press any key to continue...\n' -n1 key exec sh /jffs/scripts/pwrmon.sh -monitorurn else echo "" echo "" echo -e "${CGreen}Exiting Update Utility...${CClear}" sleep 1 return fi fi } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # vsetup is a function that sets up, confiures and allows you to launch PWRMON on your router... vsetup () { # Check for and add an alias for PWRMON if ! grep -F "sh /jffs/scripts/pwrmon.sh" /jffs/configs/profile.add >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then echo "alias pwrmon=\"sh /jffs/scripts/pwrmon.sh\" # PWRMON" >> /jffs/configs/profile.add fi while true; do clear logoNM echo "" echo -e "${CYellow}Setup Utility${CClear}" # Provide main setup menu echo "" echo -e "${CGreen}----------------------------------------------------------------" echo -e "${CGreen}Operations" echo -e "${CGreen}----------------------------------------------------------------" echo -e "${InvDkGray}${CWhite} sc ${CClear}${CCyan}: Setup and Configure PWRMON" echo -e "${InvDkGray}${CWhite} fr ${CClear}${CCyan}: Force Re-install Entware Dependencies" echo -e "${InvDkGray}${CWhite} up ${CClear}${CCyan}: Check for latest updates" echo -e "${InvDkGray}${CWhite} vl ${CClear}${CCyan}: View logs" echo -e "${InvDkGray}${CWhite} un ${CClear}${CCyan}: Uninstall" echo -e "${InvDkGray}${CWhite} e ${CClear}${CCyan}: Exit" echo -e "${CGreen}----------------------------------------------------------------" if [ "$FromUI" == "0" ]; then echo -e "${CGreen}Launch" echo -e "${CGreen}----------------------------------------------------------------" echo -e "${InvDkGray}${CWhite} m1 ${CClear}${CCyan}: Launch PWRMON into Normal Monitoring Mode" echo -e "${InvDkGray}${CWhite} m2 ${CClear}${CCyan}: Launch PWRMON into Normal Monitoring Mode w/ Screen" echo -e "${CGreen}----------------------------------------------------------------" fi echo "" printf "Selection: " read -r InstallSelection # Execute chosen selections case "$InstallSelection" in sc) # Check for existence of entware, and if so proceed and install the timeout package, then run PWRMON -config clear if [ -f "/opt/bin/timeout" ] && [ -f "/opt/sbin/screen" ] && [ -f "/opt/bin/jq" ]; then vconfig else logoNM echo -e "${CYellow}Installing PWRMON Dependencies...${CClear}" echo "" echo -e "${CCyan}PWRMON has some dependencies in order to function correctly, namely,${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan}CoreUtils-Timeout, JQuery and the Screen utility. These utilities ${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan}require you to have Entware already installed using the AMTM tool. If${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan}Entware is present, the Timeout, JQ and Screen utilities will ${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan}automatically be downloaded and installed during this setup process.${CClear}" echo "" echo -e "${CGreen}CoreUtils-Timeout${CCyan} is a utility that provides more stability for${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan}certain routers (like the RT-AC86U) which has a tendency to randomly${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan}hang scripts running on this router model.${CClear}" echo "" echo -e "${CGreen}Screen${CCyan} is a utility that allows you to run SSH scripts in a standalone${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan}environment directly on the router itself, instead of running your${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan}commands or a script from a network-attached SSH client. This can${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan}provide greater stability due to it running on the router itself.${CClear}" echo "" echo -e "${CGreen}JQuery${CCyan} is a utility for querying data locally or across the${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan}internet through the means of APIs for the purposes of interacting${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan}with your Tesla Powerwall Gateway to extract current power stats.${CClear}" echo "" [ -z "$(nvram get odmpid)" ] && RouterModel="$(nvram get productid)" || RouterModel="$(nvram get odmpid)" # Thanks @thelonelycoder for this logic echo -e "${CCyan}Your router model is: ${CYellow}$RouterModel" echo "" echo -e "${CCyan}Ready to install?${CClear}" if promptyn "(y/n): " then if [ -d "/opt" ]; then # Does entware exist? If yes proceed, if no error out. echo "" echo -e "\n${CGreen}Updating Entware Packages...${CClear}" echo "" opkg update echo "" echo -e "${CGreen}Installing Entware CoreUtils-Timeout Package...${CClear}" echo "" opkg install coreutils-timeout echo "" echo -e "${CGreen}Installing Entware Screen Package...${CClear}" echo "" opkg install screen echo "" echo -e "${CGreen}Installing Entware JQuery Package...${CClear}" echo "" opkg install jq echo "" echo -e "${CGreen}Install completed...${CClear}" echo "" read -rsp $'Press any key to continue...\n' -n1 key echo "" echo -e "${CGreen}Executing PWRMON Configuration Utility...${CClear}" sleep 2 vconfig else clear echo -e "${CGreen}ERROR: Entware was not found on this router...${CClear}" echo -e "${CGreen}Please install Entware using the AMTM utility before proceeding...${CClear}" echo "" sleep 3 fi else echo "" echo -e "\n${CGreen}Executing PWRMON Configuration Utility...${CClear}" sleep 2 vconfig fi fi ;; fr) # Force re-install the CoreUtils timeout/screen package clear logoNM echo "" echo -e "${CYellow}Force Re-installing PWRMON Dependencies...${CClear}" echo "" echo -e "${CCyan}Would you like to re-install the CoreUtils-Timeout, JQuery and the${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan}Screen utility? These utilities require you to have Entware already${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan}installed using the AMTM tool. If Entware is present, the Timeout,${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan}JQ, and Screen utilities will be uninstalled, downloaded and${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan}re-installed during this setup process.${CClear}" echo "" echo -e "${CGreen}CoreUtils-Timeout${CCyan} is a utility that provides more stability for${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan}certain routers (like the RT-AC86U) which has a tendency to randomly${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan}hang scripts running on this router model.${CClear}" echo "" echo -e "${CGreen}Screen${CCyan} is a utility that allows you to run SSH scripts in a standalone${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan}environment directly on the router itself, instead of running your${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan}commands or a script from a network-attached SSH client. This can${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan}provide greater stability due to it running on the router itself.${CClear}" echo "" echo -e "${CGreen}JQuery${CCyan} is a utility for querying data locally or across the${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan}internet through the means of APIs for the purposes of interacting${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan}with your Tesla Powerwall Gateway to extract current power stats.${CClear}" echo "" [ -z "$(nvram get odmpid)" ] && RouterModel="$(nvram get productid)" || RouterModel="$(nvram get odmpid)" # Thanks @thelonelycoder for this logic echo -e "${CCyan}Your router model is: ${CYellow}$RouterModel" echo "" echo -e "${CCyan}Force Re-install?${CClear}" if promptyn "(y/n): " then if [ -d "/opt" ]; then # Does entware exist? If yes proceed, if no error out. echo "" echo -e "\n${CGreen}Updating Entware Packages...${CClear}" echo "" opkg update echo "" echo -e "${CGreen}Force Re-installing Entware CoreUtils-Timeout Package...${CClear}" echo "" opkg install --force-reinstall coreutils-timeout echo "" echo -e "${CGreen}Force Re-installing Entware Screen Package...${CClear}" echo "" opkg install --force-reinstall screen echo "" echo -e "${CGreen}Force Re-installing Entware JQuery Package...${CClear}" echo "" opkg install --force-reinstall jq echo "" echo -e "${CGreen}Re-install completed...${CClear}" echo "" read -rsp $'Press any key to continue...\n' -n1 key else clear echo -e "${CGreen}ERROR: Entware was not found on this router...${CClear}" echo -e "${CGreen}Please install Entware using the AMTM utility before proceeding...${CClear}" echo "" sleep 3 fi fi ;; up) echo "" vupdate ;; m1) echo "" echo -e "\n${CGreen}Launching PWRMON into Monitor Mode...${CClear}" sleep 2 sh $APPPATH -monitor ;; m2) echo "" echo -e "\n${CGreen}Launching PWRMON into Monitor Mode with Screen Utility...${CClear}" sleep 2 sh $APPPATH -screen ;; vl) echo "" vlogs ;; un) echo "" vuninstall ;; [Ee]) echo -e "${CClear}" exit 0 ;; *) echo "" echo -e "${CRed}Invalid choice - Please enter a valid option...${CClear}" echo "" sleep 2 ;; esac done } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- do_login() { # Attempt to login and get an auth cookie to use { echo "" } > $cookie_file request_json=$(jq -c -n --arg email "$email" --arg password "$password" ' { "username": "customer", "email": $email, "password": $password, "force_sm_off": false } ') result=$(curl -s -k -c "$cookie_file" -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "$request_json" "https://$gatewayip/api/login/Basic") auth_token=$(cat "$cookie_file" | awk '/AuthCookie/ {print $7}') if [ -z "$auth_token" ]; then echo -e "${CRed}Login failed: $result" echo "" echo -e "Please double-check your Tesla Gateway email address and password." echo -e "Ensure that your Tesla Gateway at: $gatewayip is on, visible and" echo -e "able to be reached on this network." echo "" echo -e "Waiting 60 seconds before trying again..." echo "" SPIN=60 spinner exec sh /jffs/scripts/pwrmon.sh -monitor fi } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DisplayPage1 () { #---testing--- #sitename="My Tesla Site Name" clear logo if [ "$UpdateNotify" != "0" ]; then echo -e "${CRed} $UpdateNotify${CClear}" echo -e "${CGreen} _______________${CClear}" else echo -e "${CGreen} _______________${CClear}" fi echo -e "${CGreen}/${CRed}Power Flow View${CClear}${CGreen}\__________________________________________________${CClear}" echo -e " " echo -e "${CBlack} ${InvYellow} SOLAR ${CClear} ${CGreen}SITENAME:${CClear}" echo -e "${CYellow} $solar kW ${CClear}${CWhite}$sitename" echo -e "${CBlack} ${InvYellow} \|/____ ${CClear}" echo -e "${CBlack} ${InvYellow} --O///// ${CClear}" echo -e "${CBlack} ${InvYellow} ////// ${CClear}" echo -e "${CBlack} ${InvYellow} ////// ${CClear}" echo -e "${CYellow} $solarshowline${CClear}" echo -e "${CYellow} $solarshowline${CClear}" echo -e " ${CWhite}${InvDkGray} GRID ${CClear} ${CYellow}$solarshowline ${CBlack}${InvCyan} HOME ${CClear}" echo -e " $grid kW ${CYellow}$solardirection1 ${CCyan} $home kW${CClear}" echo -e " ${CWhite}${InvDkGray} - | + ${CClear} ${CYellow}$solardirection2 ${CBlack}${InvCyan} /====\| ${CClear}" echo -e " ${CWhite}${InvDkGray} ===||=== ${CClear}$gridshowlines${CBlack}${InvWhite}[GW]${CClear}$homeshowlines${CBlack}${InvCyan} /______\ ${CClear}" echo -e " ${CWhite}${InvDkGray} | ${CClear} ${CGreen}$batterydirection1 ${CBlack}${InvCyan} | |[]| | ${CClear}" echo -e " ${CWhite}${InvDkGray} HI VOLTS ${CClear} ${CGreen}$batterydirection2 ${CBlack}${InvCyan} ^^^^^^^^ ${CClear}" echo -e " ${CGreen}$batterydirection3 ${CClear}" echo -e " ${CGreen}$batterydirection4 ${CClear}" echo -e " ${InvWhite} ${InvDkGray}${CGreen}|${CClear} ${InvGreen}${CBlack} CONFIG ${CClear}" echo -e " ${InvWhite}${CBlack} $battery kW ${InvDkGray}${CGreen}|${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} CHARGE:${CClear}${CWhite} $battcapp%${CClear}" echo -e " ${InvWhite} ${InvDkGray}${CGreen}|${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} ALERTS:${CClear}${CWhite} $emailalerts${CClear}" echo -e " ${InvWhite}${CRed} T E S L A ${InvDkGray}${CGreen}|${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} ${CClear}" echo -e " ${InvWhite} ${InvDkGray}${CGreen}|${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} ${CClear}" if [ "$remaining" != "0" ]; then echo -e " ${InvWhite}${CRed} $remaining/h runtime ${InvDkGray}${CGreen}|${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}PW MODE:${CClear}${CWhite} $realmode${CClear}" else echo -e " ${InvWhite} ${InvDkGray}${CGreen}|${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}PW MODE:${CClear}${CWhite} $realmode${CClear}" fi echo -e " ${InvWhite} ${InvDkGray}${CGreen}|${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}RESERVE:${CClear}${CWhite} $backupreserve%${CClear}" echo -e " ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} $numberpowerwalls POWERWALL(S) ${CClear}" echo -e "${CGreen}___________________________________________________________________${CClear}" echo "" } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DisplayPage2 () { clear logo if [ "$UpdateNotify" != "0" ]; then echo -e "${CRed} $UpdateNotify${CClear}" echo -e "${CYellow} _____${CClear}" else echo -e "${CYellow} _____${CClear}" fi echo -e "${CYellow}/${CBlack}${InvYellow}SOLAR${CClear}${CYellow}\____________________________________________________________${CClear}" echo -e "" solardisplay=$(echo $solar | awk '{printf "%f\n", $1}' | cut -d . -f 1) #echo $solardisplay if [ $solardisplay -gt $maxsolargen ]; then solardisplay=$maxsolargen; fi if [ $solardisplay -gt 0 ]; then preparebar 34 "|" progressbar $solardisplay $maxsolargen " Generated " "kW" "Reverse" $solar else preparebar 34 "|" progressbar 0 $maxsolargen " Generated " "kW" "Reverse" $solar fi echo "" echo -e "${CDkGray} ____${CClear}" echo -e "${CDkGray}/${CWhite}${InvDkGray}GRID${CClear}${CDkGray}\_____________________________________________________________${CClear}" echo -e "" griddisplay=$(echo $grid | awk '{printf "%f\n", $1}' | cut -d . -f 1) #echo $griddisplay if [ $griddisplay -gt $maxhomeelecload ]; then griddisplay=$maxhomeelecload; fi if [ $griddisplay -gt 0 ]; then #echo "positive: $griddisplay" preparebar 34 "|" progressbar $griddisplay $maxhomeelecload " Consumed " "kW" "Standard" $grid echo "" preparebar 34 "|" progressbar 0 $maxsolargen " Generated " "kW" "Reverse" $grid echo "" fi if [ $griddisplay -lt 0 ]; then griddisplay=$(echo $grid | awk '{printf "%f\n", $1*-1}' | cut -d . -f 1) if [ $griddisplay -gt $maxhomeelecload ]; then griddisplay=$maxhomeelecload; fi #echo "negative: $griddisplay" preparebar 34 "|" progressbar 0 $maxhomeelecload " Consumed " "kW" "Standard" $grid echo "" preparebar 34 "|" progressbar $griddisplay $maxsolargen " Generated " "kW" "Reverse" $grid echo "" fi if [ $griddisplay -eq 0 ]; then #echo "zero: $griddisplay" preparebar 34 "|" progressbar 0 $maxhomeelecload " Consumed " "kW" "Standard" $grid echo "" preparebar 34 "|" progressbar 0 $maxsolargen " Generated " "kW" "Reverse" $grid echo "" fi echo -e "${CCyan} ____${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan}/${CBlack}${InvCyan}HOME${CClear}${CCyan}\_____________________________________________________________${CClear}" echo -e "" homedisplay=$(echo $home | awk '{printf "%f\n", $1}' | cut -d . -f 1) #echo $homedisplay if [ $homedisplay -gt $maxhomeelecload ]; then homedisplay=$maxhomeelecload; fi if [ $homedisplay -gt 0 ]; then preparebar 34 "|" progressbar $homedisplay $maxhomeelecload " Consumed " "kW" "Standard" $home echo "" if [ $homedisplay -gt $battelecload ]; then homedisplay=$battelecload; fi preparebar 34 "|" progressbar $homedisplay $battelecload " PW Max Load " "kW" "Standard" $home else preparebar 34 "|" progressbar 0 $maxhomeelecload " Consumed " "kW" "Standard" $home fi echo "" echo -e "${CWhite} _______${CClear}" echo -e "${CWhite}/${CBlack}${InvWhite}BATTERY${CClear}${CWhite}\__________________________________________________________${CClear}" echo -e "" runtime=$(awk -v homeload=$home -v pwalls=$numpowerwalls -v pwcap=13.5 -v remain=$battmult 'BEGIN{printf "%+05.1f\n", pwalls*pwcap*remain/homeload}') runtimenum=$(awk -v homeload=$home -v pwalls=$numpowerwalls -v pwcap=13.5 -v remain=$battmult 'BEGIN{printf "%.0f\n", pwalls*pwcap*remain/homeload}') if [ "$runtimenum" -ge "100" ]; then runtime="+99.9"; fi echo -e "${InvCyan} ${CClear} ${CCyan}Runtime ${CGreen}[ ${CCyan}$runtime/h${CGreen} ] ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}(Home Load)${CClear}" #echo "battcapp: $battcapp" preparebar 34 "|" progressbar $battcapp 100 " Charge %% " "%%" "Reverse" echo "" echo "" battdisplay=$(echo $battery | awk '{printf "%f\n", $1}' | cut -d . -f 1) #echo $battdisplay if [ $battdisplay -gt $battelecload ]; then battdisplay=$battelecload; fi if [ $battdisplay -gt 0 ]; then #echo "positive: $battdisplay" preparebar 34 "|" progressbar $battdisplay $battelecload " Consumed " "kW" "Standard" $battery echo "" preparebar 34 "|" progressbar 0 $battelecload " Generated " "kW" "Reverse" $battery echo "" fi if [ $battdisplay -lt 0 ]; then battdisplay=$(echo $battery | awk '{printf "%f\n", $1*-1}' | cut -d . -f 1) if [ $battdisplay -gt $battelecload ]; then battdisplay=$battelecload; fi #echo "negative: $battdisplay" preparebar 34 "|" progressbar 0 $battelecload " Consumed " "kW" "Standard" $battery echo "" preparebar 34 "|" progressbar $battdisplay $battelecload " Generated " "kW" "Reverse" $battery echo "" fi if [ $battdisplay -eq 0 ]; then #echo "zero: $battdisplay" preparebar 34 "|" progressbar 0 $battelecload " Consumed " "kW" "Standard" $battery echo "" preparebar 34 "|" progressbar 0 $battelecload " Generated " "kW" "Reverse" $battery echo "" fi echo "" } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DisplayPage3 () { clear logo if [ "$UpdateNotify" != "0" ]; then echo -e "${CRed} $UpdateNotify${CClear}" echo -e "${CGreen} _________${CClear}" else echo -e "${CGreen} _________${CClear}" fi echo -e "${CGreen}/${CRed}Dashboard${CClear}${CGreen}\________________________________________________________${CClear}" echo "" fontprinter $solar "${InvYellow}" "Solar" echo "" fontprinter $grid "${InvDkGray}" "Grid" echo "" fontprinter $home "${InvCyan}" "Home" echo "" fontprinter $battery "${InvWhite}" "Battery" echo "" } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Begin Commandline Argument Gatekeeper and Configuration Utility Functionality # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #DEBUG=; set -x # uncomment/comment to enable/disable debug mode #{ # uncomment/comment to enable/disable debug mode # Create the necessary folder/file structure for PWRMON under /jffs/addons if [ ! -d "/jffs/addons/pwrmon.d" ]; then mkdir -p "/jffs/addons/pwrmon.d" fi # Check for Updates updatecheck # Check and see if any commandline option is being used if [ $# -eq 0 ] then clear echo "" echo "PWRMON v$Version" echo "" echo "Exiting due to missing commandline options!" echo "(run 'pwrmon.sh -h' for help)" echo "" echo -e "${CClear}" exit 0 fi # Check and see if an invalid commandline option is being used if [ "$1" == "-h" ] || [ "$1" == "-help" ] || [ "$1" == "-config" ] || [ "$1" == "-monitor" ] || [ "$1" == "-log" ] || [ "$1" == "-update" ] || [ "$1" == "-setup" ] || [ "$1" == "-uninstall" ] || [ "$1" == "-screen" ] then clear else clear echo "" echo "PWRMON v$Version" echo "" echo "Exiting due to invalid commandline options!" echo "(run 'pwrmon.sh -h' for help)" echo "" echo -e "${CClear}" exit 0 fi # Check to see if the help option is being called if [ "$1" == "-h" ] || [ "$1" == "-help" ] then clear echo "" echo "PWRMON v$Version Commandline Option Usage:" echo "" echo "pwrmon.sh -h | -help" echo "pwrmon.sh -log" echo "pwrmon.sh -config" echo "pwrmon.sh -update" echo "pwrmon.sh -setup" echo "pwrmon.sh -uninstall" echo "pwrmon.sh -screen" echo "pwrmon.sh -monitor" echo "" echo " -h | -help (this output)" echo " -log (display the current log contents)" echo " -config (configuration utility)" echo " -update (script update utility)" echo " -setup (setup/dependencies utility)" echo " -uninstall (uninstall utility)" echo " -screen (normal PW monitoring using the screen utility)" echo " -monitor (normal PW monitoring operations)" echo "" echo -e "${CClear}" exit 0 fi # Check to see if the log option is being called, and display through nano if [ "$1" == "-log" ] then vlogs exit 0 fi # Check to see if the configuration option is being called, and run through setup utility if [ "$1" == "-config" ] then vconfig echo -e "${CClear}" exit 0 fi # Check to see if the update option is being called if [ "$1" == "-update" ] then vupdate echo -e "${CClear}" exit 0 fi # Check to see if the install option is being called if [ "$1" == "-setup" ] then vsetup fi # Check to see if the uninstall option is being called if [ "$1" == "-uninstall" ] then vuninstall echo -e "${CClear}" exit 0 fi # Check to see if the screen option is being called and run operations normally using the screen utility if [ "$1" == "-screen" ] then screen -wipe >/dev/null 2>&1 # Kill any dead screen sessions sleep 1 ScreenSess=$(screen -ls | grep "pwrmon" | awk '{print $1}' | cut -d . -f 1) if [ -z $ScreenSess ]; then clear echo -e "${CGreen}Executing PWRMON v$Version using the SCREEN utility...${CClear}" echo "" echo -e "${CCyan}IMPORTANT:${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan}In order to keep PWRMON running in the background,${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan}properly exit the SCREEN session by using: CTRL-A + D${CClear}" echo "" screen -dmS "pwrmon" $APPPATH -monitor sleep 2 echo -e "${CGreen}Switching to the SCREEN session in T-5 sec...${CClear}" echo -e "${CClear}" SPIN=5 spinner screen -r pwrmon exit 0 else clear echo -e "${CGreen}Connecting to existing PWRMON v$Version SCREEN session...${CClear}" echo "" echo -e "${CCyan}IMPORTANT:${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan}In order to keep PWRMON running in the background,${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan}properly exit the SCREEN session by using: CTRL-A + D${CClear}" echo "" echo -e "${CGreen}Switching to the SCREEN session in T-5 sec...${CClear}" echo -e "${CClear}" SPIN=5 spinner screen -dr $ScreenSess exit 0 fi fi # Check to see if the monitor option is being called and run operations normally if [ "$1" == "-monitor" ] then clear if [ -f $CFGPATH ] && [ -f "/opt/bin/timeout" ] && [ -f "/opt/sbin/screen" ] && [ -f "/opt/bin/jq" ]; then source $CFGPATH if [ -f "/opt/bin/timeout" ] # If the timeout utility is available then use it and assign variables then timeoutcmd="timeout " timeoutsec="10" timeoutlng="60" else timeoutcmd="" timeoutsec="" timeoutlng="" fi else echo -e "${CRed}Error: PWRMON is not configured. Please run 'pwrmon.sh -setup' to complete setup${CClear}" echo "" echo -e "$(date) - PWRMON ----------> ERROR: PWRMON is not configured. Please run the setup tool." >> $LOGFILE kill 0 fi fi # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Begin Main Loop, pulling stats from Tesla Gateway # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- clear logoNM echo "" echo -e " ${CGreen}[Initiating Boot Sequence - Connecting to Tesla Gateway...]" echo "" # create an empty file to hold a cookie file from the Telsa Powerwall Gateway { echo '' } > /jffs/addons/pwrmon.d/pwrmon.cookies # attempt a login to the gateway and pull down some auth info for further API access do_login while true; do remaining=0 siteinfo=$(curl -s -S -k -b "$cookie_file" "https://$gatewayip/api/site_info") sitename=$(echo $siteinfo | jq '.site_name') agg=$(curl -s -S -k -b "$cookie_file" "https://$gatewayip/api/meters/aggregates") homeoutput=$(echo $agg | jq '.load.instant_power' | cut -d . -f 1) gridoutput=$(echo $agg | jq '.site.instant_power' | cut -d . -f 1) solaroutput=$(echo $agg | jq '.solar.instant_power' | cut -d . -f 1) batteryoutput=$(echo $agg | jq '.battery.instant_power' | cut -d . -f 1) capacity=$(curl -s -S -k -b "$cookie_file" "https://$gatewayip/api/system_status/soe") battcapp=$(echo $capacity | jq '.percentage' | cut -d . -f 1) #If the script is unable to get a connection to get data, restart the script if [ -z "$battcapp" ] || [ "$battcapp" == "" ]; then clear logoNM echo "" echo -e "${CRed}PWRMON is unable to obtain data from the Powerwall Gateway" echo -e "Waiting 60 seconds before trying again..." SPIN=60 spinner exec sh /jffs/scripts/pwrmon.sh -monitor fi battcapp3=$(awk "BEGIN {printf \"%03.f\",${battcapp}}") battmult=$(awk "BEGIN {printf \"%.2f\",${battcapp}/100}") battelecload=$(awk "BEGIN {printf \"%.0f\",${numpowerwalls}*5}") status=$(curl -s -S -k -b "$cookie_file" "https://$gatewayip/api/system_status/grid_status") gridstatus=$(echo $status | jq '.grid_status' | tr -d '"') pwstatus=$(curl -s -S -k -b "$cookie_file" "") realmode=$(echo $pwstatus | jq '.real_mode' | tr -d '"') backupreserve=$(echo $pwstatus | jq '.backup_reserve_percent' | cut -d . -f 1) if [ $realmode == "self_consumption" ]; then realmode="Self-Powered" elif [ $realmode == "backup"]; then realmode="Backup" elif [ $realmode == "autonomous"]; then realmode="Time-Based" else realmode="Unknown" fi numberpowerwalls=$(awk "BEGIN {printf \"%02.f\",${numpowerwalls}}") #---testing--- #batteryoutput=3500 #solaroutput=1500 #gridoutput=0 #homeoutput=0 solar=$(awk -v so=$solaroutput -v unit=1000 'BEGIN{printf "%+05.1f\n", so/unit}') battery=$(awk -v so=$batteryoutput -v unit=1000 'BEGIN{printf "%+05.1f\n", so/unit}') grid=$(awk -v so=$gridoutput -v unit=1000 'BEGIN{printf "%+05.1f\n", so/unit}') home=$(awk -v so=$homeoutput -v unit=1000 'BEGIN{printf "%+05.1f\n", so/unit}') if [ "$solaroutput" -ge "100" ]; then solarshowline="${CYellow} || " solardirection1="${CYellow}\||/" solardirection2="${CYellow} \\/ " elif [ "$solaroutput" -lt "100" ]; then solarshowline=" " solardirection1=" " solardirection2=" " else solarshowline=" " solardirection1=" " solardirection2=" " fi if [ "$batteryoutput" -ge "100" ]; then batterydirection1=" /\\ " batterydirection2="/||\\" batterydirection3=" || " batterydirection4=" || " remaining=$(awk -v battload=$battery -v pwalls=$numpowerwalls -v pwcap=13.5 -v remain=$battmult 'BEGIN{printf "%+05.1f\n", pwalls*pwcap*remain/battload}') remainingnum=$(awk -v battload=$battery -v pwalls=$numpowerwalls -v pwcap=13.5 -v remain=$battmult 'BEGIN{printf "%.0f\n", pwalls*pwcap*remain/battload}') if [ "$remainingnum" -ge "100" ]; then remaining="+99.9"; fi elif [ "$batteryoutput" -le "-100" ]; then batterydirection1=" || " batterydirection2=" || " batterydirection3="\||/" batterydirection4=" \\/ " elif [ "$batteryoutput" -lt "100" ] && [ "$batteryoutput" -gt "-100" ]; then batterydirection1=" " batterydirection2=" " batterydirection3=" " batterydirection4=" " fi if [ "$gridoutput" -ge "100" ]; then gridshowlines="${CClear}>>>>>>>>>>>>>" elif [ "$gridoutput" -le "-100" ]; then gridshowlines="${CClear}<<<<<<<<<<<<<" elif [ "$gridoutput" -lt "100" ] && [ "$gridoutput" -gt "-100" ]; then gridshowlines="${CClear} " fi runtime=$(awk -v homeload=$home -v pwalls=$numpowerwalls -v pwcap=13.5 -v remain=$battmult 'BEGIN{printf "%+05.1f\n", pwalls*pwcap*remain/homeload}') runtimenum=$(awk -v homeload=$home -v pwalls=$numpowerwalls -v pwcap=13.5 -v remain=$battmult 'BEGIN{printf "%.0f\n", pwalls*pwcap*remain/homeload}') if [ "$runtimenum" -ge "100" ]; then runtime="+99.9"; fi #---testing--- #gridstatus="SystemIslandedActive" if [ "$gridstatus" == "SystemIslandedActive" ]; then gridshowlines="${CRed}XX${CWhite}${InvRed}|OUTAGE|${CClear} " echo -e "$(date) - PWRMON ---------> GRID OUTAGE - Providing power from battery! $battcapp% remaining!" >> $LOGFILE griddown=1 emailalert griddown smsalert griddown elif [ "$gridstatus" == "SystemTransitionToGrid" ]; then gridshowlines="${CYellow}>>${CBlack}${InvYellow}|SYNCING|${CClear} " echo -e "$(date) - PWRMON ---------> GRID SYNCING - Powerwalls and Gateway are Syncing!" >> $LOGFILE griddown=1 emailalert sync smsalert sync fi if [ "$gridstatus" != "SystemIslandedActive" ] && [ "$gridstatus" != "SystemTransitionToGrid" ] && [ "$griddown" == "1" ]; then echo -e "$(date) - PWRMON ---------> GRID BACK ONLINE - Powerwalls and Gateway returning to normal operations at $battcapp% remaining!" >> $LOGFILE griddown=0 emailalert normal smsalert normal fi if [ "$homeoutput" -ge "100" ]; then homeshowlines="${CCyan}>>>>>>>>>>>>>" elif [ "$homeoutput" -le "-100" ]; then homeshowlines="${CCyan}<<<<<<<<<<<<<" elif [ "$homeoutput" -lt "100" ] && [ "$homeoutput" -gt "-100" ]; then homeshowlines="${CClear} " fi # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Begin UI Functionality # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if [ "$NextPage" == "1" ]; then clear DisplayPage1 #echo "" elif [ "$NextPage" == "2" ]; then clear DisplayPage2 #echo "" elif [ "$NextPage" == "3" ]; then clear DisplayPage3 #echo "" fi i=0 while [ $i -ne $Interval ] do i=$(($i+1)) preparebar 51 "|" if [ "$ProgPref" == "0" ]; then progressbar $i $Interval "" "s" "Standard" else progressbaroverride $i $Interval "" "s" "Standard" fi # Borrowed this wonderful keypress capturing mechanism from @Eibgrad... thank you! :) key_press=''; read -rsn1 -t 1 key_press < "$(tty 0>&2)" if [ $key_press ]; then case $key_press in [Ss]) FromUI=1; (vsetup); source $CFGPATH; echo -e "${CGreen}[Returning to the Main UI momentarily] "; sleep 1; FromUI=0; clear; DisplayPage$NextPage;; [Nn]) if [ "$NextPage" == "1" ]; then NextPage=2; clear; DisplayPage2; elif [ "$NextPage" == "2" ]; then NextPage=3; clear; DisplayPage3; elif [ "$NextPage" == "3" ]; then NextPage=1; clear; DisplayPage1; fi;; [Pp]) if [ "$NextPage" == "1" ]; then NextPage=3; clear; DisplayPage3; elif [ "$NextPage" == "2" ]; then NextPage=1; clear; DisplayPage1; elif [ "$NextPage" == "3" ]; then NextPage=2; clear; DisplayPage2; fi;; [Ww]) (weathercheck);; [Rr]) if [ "$autorotate" == 0 ]; then autorotate=1; autorotateindicator="ON"; clear; DisplayPage$NextPage; elif [ "$autorotate" == "1" ]; then autorotate=0; autorotateindicator="OFF"; clear; DisplayPage$NextPage; fi;; [Ee]) echo -e "${CClear}"; exit 0;; esac fi if [ "$autorotate" == "1" ] && [ $Interval -eq $i ]; then if [ "$NextPage" == "1" ]; then clear; NextPage=2 #DisplayPage2 elif [ "$NextPage" == "2" ]; then clear; NextPage=3 #DisplayPage3 elif [ "$NextPage" == "3" ]; then clear; NextPage=1 #DisplayPage1 fi fi done #read -rsp $'Press any key to continue...\n' -n1 key done exit 0