#!/bin/sh # RTRMON v1.6.8 - Asus-Merlin Router Monitor by Viktor Jaep, 2022-2024 # # RTRMON is a shell script that provides near-realtime stats about your Asus-Merlin firmware router. Instead of having to # find this information on various different screens or apps, this tool was built to bring all this info together in one # stat dashboard. Having a 'system' dashboard showing current CPU, Memory, Disk and Network stats would compiment other # dashboard-like scripts greatly (like RTRMON), sitting side-by-side in their own SSH windows to give you everything # you need to know with a glance at your screen. # # Capabilities have been added to give a full view of your router's CPU, Memory, Disk, NVRAM, Swap file, WAN, LAN, W0, W1, # IP4/6 addresses, CPU/Antenna Temps, with the latest addition having incorporated the Ookla Speedtest Binaries for you to # run an on-demand Speedtest with the press of a button. # # Please use the 'rtrmon.sh -setup' to configure the necessary parameters that match your environment the best! # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # System Variables (Do not change beyond this point or this may change the programs ability to function correctly) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version="1.6.8" Beta=0 LOGFILE="/jffs/addons/rtrmon.d/rtrmon.log" # Logfile path/name that captures important date/time events - change APPPATH="/jffs/scripts/rtrmon.sh" # Path to the location of rtrmon.sh CFGPATH="/jffs/addons/rtrmon.d/rtrmon.cfg" # Path to the location of rtrmon.cfg DLVERPATH="/jffs/addons/rtrmon.d/version.txt" # Path to downloaded version from the source repository OOKLAPATH="/jffs/addons/rtrmon.d/speedtest" # Path to Ookla speedtest binary SPDRESPATH="/jffs/addons/rtrmon.d/results.txt" # Path to latest speedtest results IFLIST="/jffs/addons/rtrmon.d/interfaces.txt" # Path to the Interface List DIAGRESPATH="/jffs/addons/rtrmon.d/diagres.txt" # Path to the network diagnostics results NMAPWANRESPATH="/jffs/addons/rtrmon.d/nwanres.txt" # Path to the nmap WAN open TCP port results NMAPLANRESPATH="/jffs/addons/rtrmon.d/nlanres.txt" # Path to the nmap LAN open TCP port results NMAPUWANRESPATH="/jffs/addons/rtrmon.d/nuwanres.txt" # Path to the nmap WAN open UDP port results NMAPULANRESPATH="/jffs/addons/rtrmon.d/nulanres.txt" # Path to the nmap LAN open UDP port results Interval=10 MaxSpeedInet=1000 MaxSpeedInetUL=50 MaxSpeedLAN=1000 MaxSpeed24Ghz=450 MaxSpeed5Ghz=780 MaxSpeed6Ghz=920 TempUnits="C" Speedtst=0 WANOverride="Auto" PSView="TCP" NCView="WAN" spdtestsvrID=0 ProgPref=0 autorotate=0 autorotateindicator="OFF" QueueSpdtst=0 QueueVPNSpdtst=0 vpn=0 vpn2=0 VPNState=0 VPN2State=0 vpncity="Unknown" vpn2city="Unknown" vpnip="" vpn2ip="" vpnon="False" vpn2on="False" FromUI=0 NextPage=1 memused1=0 memfree1=0 memshrd1=0 membuff1=0 memcach1=0 memused2=0 memfree2=0 memshrd2=0 membuff2=0 memcach2=0 cpuusr1=0 cpusys1=0 cpunice1=0 cpuidle1=0 displaycpuusr1=0 displaycpusys1=0 displaycpunice1=0 displaycpuidle1=0 displaycpuirq1=0 w24udsched="Scheduler Inactive" w5udsched="Scheduler Inactive" w52udsched="Scheduler Inactive" w6udsched="Scheduler Inactive" w24updown="UP" w5updown="UP" w52updown="UP" w6updown="UP" # Color variables CBlack="\e[1;30m" InvBlack="\e[1;40m" CRed="\e[1;31m" InvRed="\e[1;41m" CGreen="\e[1;32m" InvGreen="\e[1;42m" CDkGray="\e[1;90m" InvDkGray="\e[1;100m" InvLtGray="\e[1;47m" CYellow="\e[1;33m" InvYellow="\e[1;43m" CBlue="\e[1;34m" InvBlue="\e[1;44m" CMagenta="\e[1;35m" CCyan="\e[1;36m" InvCyan="\e[1;46m" CWhite="\e[1;37m" InvWhite="\e[1;107m" CClear="\e[0m" # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Functions # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Logo is a function that displays the RTRMON script name in a cool ASCII font logo () { echo -e "${CYellow} ____ __________ __ _______ _ __" echo -e " / __ \/_ __/ __ \/ |/ / __ \/ | / / ${CGreen}v$Version - ${CCyan}$RouterModel${CYellow}" echo -e " / /_/ / / / / /_/ / /|_/ / / / / |/ / ${CRed}(S)${CGreen}etup${CYellow}" echo -e " / _, _/ / / / _, _/ / / / /_/ / /| / ${CRed}(N)${CGreen}ext/${CRed}(P)${CGreen}rev Pg ($NextPage/6)${CYellow}" echo -e " /_/ |_| /_/ /_/ |_/_/ /_/\____/_/ |_/ ${CRed}(R)${CGreen}otate Pgs:${CCyan}$autorotateindicator ${CRed}(E)${CGreen}xit${CClear}" } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # LogoNM is a function that displays the RTRMON script name in a cool ASCII font without menu options logoNM () { echo -e "${CYellow} ____ __________ __ _______ _ __" echo -e " / __ \/_ __/ __ \/ |/ / __ \/ | / / ${CGreen}v$Version${CYellow}" echo -e " / /_/ / / / / /_/ / /|_/ / / / / |/ /" echo -e " / _, _/ / / / _, _/ / / / /_/ / /| /" echo -e " /_/ |_| /_/ /_/ |_/_/ /_/\____/_/ |_/${CClear}" } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # promptyn takes input for Y/N questions promptyn () { # No defaults, just y or n while true; do read -p "[y/n]? " -n 1 -r yn case "${yn}" in [Yy]* ) return 0 ;; [Nn]* ) return 1 ;; * ) echo -e "\nPlease answer y or n.";; esac done } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Spinner is a script that provides a small indicator on the screen to show script activity spinner() { i=0 j=$((SPIN / 4)) while [ $i -le $j ]; do for s in / - \\ \|; do printf "\r$s" sleep 1 done i=$((i+1)) done printf "\r" } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Preparebar and Progressbar is a script that provides a nice progressbar to show script activity preparebar() { # $1 - bar length # $2 - bar char #printf "\n" barlen=$1 barspaces=$(printf "%*s" "$1") barchars=$(printf "%*s" "$1" | tr ' ' "$2") } # Had to make some mods to the variables being passed, and created an inverse colored progress bar progressbar() { # $1 - number (-1 for clearing the bar) # $2 - max number # $3 - system name # $4 - measurement # $5 - standard/reverse progressbar # $6 - alternate display values # $7 - alternate value for progressbar exceeding 100% insertspc=" " if [ $1 -eq -1 ]; then printf "\r $barspaces\r" else if [ ! -z $7 ] && [ $1 -ge $7 ]; then barch=$(($7*barlen/$2)) barsp=$((barlen-barch)) progr=$((100*$1/$2)) else barch=$(($1*barlen/$2)) barsp=$((barlen-barch)) progr=$((100*$1/$2)) fi if [ ! -z $6 ]; then AltNum=$6; else AltNum=$1; fi if [ "$5" == "Standard" ]; then if [ $progr -le 60 ]; then printf "${InvGreen}${CWhite}$insertspc${CClear}${CGreen}${3} [%.${barch}s%.${barsp}s]${CClear} ${CWhite}${InvDkGray}$AltNum ${4} / ${progr}%%\r${CClear}" "$barchars" "$barspaces" elif [ $progr -gt 60 ] && [ $progr -le 85 ]; then printf "${InvYellow}${CBlack}$insertspc${CClear}${CYellow}${3} [%.${barch}s%.${barsp}s]${CClear} ${CWhite}${InvDkGray}$AltNum ${4} / ${progr}%%\r${CClear}" "$barchars" "$barspaces" else printf "${InvRed}${CWhite}$insertspc${CClear}${CRed}${3} [%.${barch}s%.${barsp}s]${CClear} ${CWhite}${InvDkGray}$AltNum ${4} / ${progr}%%\r${CClear}" "$barchars" "$barspaces" fi elif [ "$5" == "Reverse" ]; then if [ $progr -le 15 ]; then printf "${InvRed}${CWhite}$insertspc${CClear}${CRed}${3} [%.${barch}s%.${barsp}s]${CClear} ${CWhite}${InvDkGray}$AltNum ${4} / ${progr}%%\r${CClear}" "$barchars" "$barspaces" elif [ $progr -gt 15 ] && [ $progr -le 40 ]; then printf "${InvYellow}${CBlack}$insertspc${CClear}${CYellow}${3} [%.${barch}s%.${barsp}s]${CClear} ${CWhite}${InvDkGray}$AltNum ${4} / ${progr}%%\r${CClear}" "$barchars" "$barspaces" else printf "${InvGreen}${CWhite}$insertspc${CClear}${CGreen}${3} [%.${barch}s%.${barsp}s]${CClear} ${CWhite}${InvDkGray}$AltNum ${4} / ${progr}%%\r${CClear}" "$barchars" "$barspaces" fi elif [ "$5" == "CPU" ]; then if [ $progr -le 80 ]; then printf "${InvGreen}${CWhite}$insertspc${CClear}${CGreen}${3} [%.${barch}s%.${barsp}s]${CClear} ${CWhite}${InvDkGray}$AltNum ${4} / ${progr}%%\r${CClear}" "$barchars" "$barspaces" elif [ $progr -gt 80 ] && [ $progr -le 90 ]; then printf "${InvYellow}${CBlack}$insertspc${CClear}${CYellow}${3} [%.${barch}s%.${barsp}s]${CClear} ${CWhite}${InvDkGray}$AltNum ${4} / ${progr}%%\r${CClear}" "$barchars" "$barspaces" else printf "${InvRed}${CWhite}$insertspc${CClear}${CRed}${3} [%.${barch}s%.${barsp}s]${CClear} ${CWhite}${InvDkGray}$AltNum ${4} / ${progr}%%\r${CClear}" "$barchars" "$barspaces" fi fi fi } progressbaroverride() { # $1 - number (-1 for clearing the bar) # $2 - max number # $3 - system name # $4 - measurement # $5 - standard/reverse progressbar # $6 - alternate display values # $7 - alternate value for progressbar exceeding 100% insertspc=" " if [ $1 -eq -1 ]; then printf "\r $barspaces\r" else if [ ! -z $7 ] && [ $1 -ge $7 ]; then barch=$(($7*barlen/$2)) barsp=$((barlen-barch)) progr=$((100*$1/$2)) else barch=$(($1*barlen/$2)) barsp=$((barlen-barch)) progr=$((100*$1/$2)) fi if [ ! -z $6 ]; then AltNum=$6; else AltNum=$1; fi if [ "$5" == "Standard" ] && [ "$INITIALBOOT" -eq 0 ]; then printf " ${CWhite}${InvDkGray}$AltNum${4} / ${progr}%%${CClear} ${CGreen}[Selection? ${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CGreen}]\r${CClear}" "$barchars" "$barspaces" elif [ "$5" == "Standard" ] && [ "$INITIALBOOT" -eq 1 ]; then printf " ${CWhite}${InvDkGray}$AltNum${4} / ${progr}%%${CClear}\r${CClear}" "$barchars" "$barspaces" fi fi } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # converttemps is a function that converts temp readouts from C to F or K converttemps () { # $1 is the incoming C Temp if [ "$TempUnits" == "F" ]; then currenttemp=$(awk -v v1=$1 'BEGIN{printf "%0.2f\n", (v1*9)/5+32}' | cut -d . -f 1) currentrange=212 elif [ "$TempUnits" == "K" ]; then currenttemp=$(awk -v v1=$1 'BEGIN{printf "%0.2f\n", v1+273}' | cut -d . -f 1) currentrange=373 elif [ "$TempUnits" == "C" ]; then currenttemp=$1 currentrange=100 else # Default to C if someone entered something other than C, F or K TempUnits="C" currenttemp=$1 currentrange=100 fi } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # updatecheck is a function that downloads the latest update version file, and compares it with what's currently installed updatecheck () { # Download the latest version file from the source repository curl --silent --retry 3 "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ViktorJp/RTRMON/master/version.txt" -o "/jffs/addons/rtrmon.d/version.txt" if [ -f $DLVERPATH ] then # Read in its contents for the current version file DLVersion=$(cat $DLVERPATH) # Compare the new version with the old version and log it if [ "$Beta" == "1" ]; then # Check if Dev/Beta Mode is enabled and disable notification message UpdateNotify=0 elif [ "$DLVersion" != "$Version" ]; then UpdateNotify="Update available: v$Version -> v$DLVersion" echo -e "$(date) - RTRMON - A new update (v$DLVersion) is available to download" >> $LOGFILE else UpdateNotify=0 fi fi } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # vlogs is a function that calls the nano text editor to view the RTRMON log file vlogs() { export TERM=linux nano +999999 --linenumbers $LOGFILE } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # vconfig is a function that guides you through the various configuration options for RTRMON vconfig () { if [ -f $CFGPATH ]; then #Making sure file exists before proceeding source $CFGPATH while true; do clear logoNM echo "" echo -e "${CGreen}----------------------------------------------------------------" echo -e "${CGreen}Configuration Utility Options" echo -e "${CGreen}----------------------------------------------------------------" echo -e "${InvDkGray}${CWhite} 1 ${CClear}${CCyan}: Timer Interval (seconds) :"${CGreen}$Interval echo -e "${InvDkGray}${CWhite} 2 ${CClear}${CCyan}: Max Internet D/L Speed (Mbps) :"${CGreen}$MaxSpeedInet echo -e "${InvDkGray}${CWhite} 3 ${CClear}${CCyan}: Max Internet U/L Speed (Mbps) :"${CGreen}$MaxSpeedInetUL echo -e "${InvDkGray}${CWhite} 4 ${CClear}${CCyan}: Max LAN Speed (Mbps) :"${CGreen}$MaxSpeedLAN echo -e "${InvDkGray}${CWhite} 5 ${CClear}${CCyan}: Max 2.4GHz Speed (Mbps) :"${CGreen}$MaxSpeed24Ghz echo -e "${InvDkGray}${CWhite} 6 ${CClear}${CCyan}: Max 5GHz Speed (Mbps) :"${CGreen}$MaxSpeed5Ghz if [ "$FourBandCustomAXE16000" == "True" ] || [ "$ThreeBand2456" == "True" ]; then echo -e "${InvDkGray}${CWhite} 7 ${CClear}${CCyan}: Max 6GHz Speed (Mbps) :"${CGreen}$MaxSpeed6Ghz else echo -e "${InvDkGray}${CWhite} 7 ${CClear}${CDkGray}: Max 6GHz Speed (Mbps) :${CDkGray}N/A" fi echo -e "${InvDkGray}${CWhite} 8 ${CClear}${CCyan}: Temperature Units (C/F/K) :"${CGreen}$TempUnits echo -en "${InvDkGray}${CWhite} 9 ${CClear}${CCyan}: Enable Ookla Speedtest? (Y/N) :"${CGreen} if [ "$Speedtst" == "0" ]; then printf "No"; printf "%s\n"; else printf "Yes"; printf "%s\n"; fi if [ "$spdtestsvrID" == "0" ] && [ "$Speedtst" == "1" ]; then echo -e "${InvDkGray}${CWhite} 10 ${CClear}${CDkGray}: Custom Speedtest Server ID? :${CDkGray}Use Closest" elif [ "$spdtestsvrID" != "0" ] && [ "$Speedtst" == "1" ]; then echo -e "${InvDkGray}${CWhite} 10 ${CClear}${CCyan}: Custom Speedtest Server ID? :"${CGreen}$spdtestsvrID else echo -e "${InvDkGray}${CWhite} 10 ${CClear}${CDkGray}: Custom Speedtest Server ID? :${CDkGray}N/A" fi echo -e "${InvDkGray}${CWhite} 11 ${CClear}${CCyan}: WAN0 Interface Override? :"${CGreen}$WANOverride echo -en "${InvDkGray}${CWhite} 12 ${CClear}${CCyan}: Progress Bar Preference? :"${CGreen} if [ "$ProgPref" == "0" ]; then printf "Standard"; printf "%s\n"; else printf "Minimalist"; printf "%s\n"; fi echo -e "${InvDkGray}${CWhite} | ${CClear}" echo -e "${InvDkGray}${CWhite} s ${CClear}${CCyan}: Save & Exit" echo -e "${InvDkGray}${CWhite} e ${CClear}${CCyan}: Exit & Discard Changes" echo -e "${CGreen}----------------------------------------------------------------" echo "" printf "Selection: " read -r ConfigSelection # Execute chosen selections case "$ConfigSelection" in 1) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo "" echo -e "${CCyan}1. How many seconds would you like to use to refresh your stats?" echo -e "${CYellow}(Default = 10)${CClear}" read -p 'Interval (seconds): ' Interval1 Interval2=$(echo $Interval1 | tr -d -c 0-9) if [ -z "$Interval1" ]; then Interval=10; else Interval=$Interval2; fi ;; 2) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo "" echo -e "${CCyan}2. What is your maximum internet D/L bandwidth/speed in Mbps?" echo -e "${CYellow}(Default = 1000)${CClear}" read -p 'Max Internet D/L Speed (Mbps): ' MaxSpeedInet1 MaxSpeedInet2=$(echo $MaxSpeedInet1 | tr -d -c 0-9) if [ -z "$MaxSpeedInet1" ]; then MaxSpeedInet=50; else MaxSpeedInet=$MaxSpeedInet2; fi ;; 3) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo "" echo -e "${CCyan}3. What is your maximum internet U/L bandwidth/speed in Mbps?" echo -e "${CYellow}(Default = 50)${CClear}" read -p 'Max Internet U/L Speed (Mbps): ' MaxSpeedInetUL1 MaxSpeedInetUL2=$(echo $MaxSpeedInetUL1 | tr -d -c 0-9) if [ -z "$MaxSpeedInetUL1" ]; then MaxSpeedInetUL=50; else MaxSpeedInetUL=$MaxSpeedInetUL2; fi ;; 4) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo "" echo -e "${CCyan}4. What is your maximum LAN switch bandwidth/speed in Mbps?" echo -e "${CYellow}(Default = 1000)${CClear}" read -p 'Max LAN Speed (Mbps): ' MaxSpeedLAN1 MaxSpeedLAN2=$(echo $MaxSpeedLAN1 | tr -d -c 0-9) if [ -z "$MaxSpeedLAN1" ]; then MaxSpeedLAN=1000; else MaxSpeedLAN=$MaxSpeedLAN2; fi ;; 5) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo "" echo -e "${CCyan}5. What is your maximum realistic 2.4GHz speed in Mbps?" echo -e "${CYellow}(Default = 450)${CClear}" read -p 'Max 2.4Ghz Speed (Mbps): ' MaxSpeed24Ghz1 MaxSpeed24Ghz2=$(echo $MaxSpeed24Ghz1 | tr -d -c 0-9) if [ -z "$MaxSpeed24Ghz1" ]; then MaxSpeed24Ghz=450; else MaxSpeed24Ghz=$MaxSpeed24Ghz2; fi ;; 6) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo "" echo -e "${CCyan}6. What is your maximum realistic 5GHz speed in Mbps?" echo -e "${CYellow}(Default = 780)${CClear}" read -p 'Max 5Ghz Speed (Mbps): ' MaxSpeed5Ghz1 MaxSpeed5Ghz2=$(echo $MaxSpeed5Ghz1 | tr -d -c 0-9) if [ -z "$MaxSpeed5Ghz1" ]; then MaxSpeed5Ghz=780; else MaxSpeed5Ghz=$MaxSpeed5Ghz2; fi ;; 7) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo "" if [ "$FourBandCustomAXE16000" == "True" ] || [ "$ThreeBand2456" == "True" ]; then echo -e "${CCyan}7. What is your maximum realistic 6GHz speed in Mbps?" echo -e "${CYellow}(Default = 920)${CClear}" read -p 'Max 6Ghz Speed (Mbps): ' MaxSpeed6Ghz1 MaxSpeed6Ghz2=$(echo $MaxSpeed6Ghz1 | tr -d -c 0-9) if [ -z "$MaxSpeed6Ghz1" ]; then MaxSpeed6Ghz=920; else MaxSpeed6Ghz=$MaxSpeed6Ghz2; fi else echo -e "${CRed}This item is currently only available for router" echo -e "${CRed}models: GT-AXE11000 and GT-AXE16000. Exiting..." echo "" sleep 3 fi ;; 8) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- while true; do echo "" echo -e "${CCyan}8. Which Temperature Units would you prefer? (C)elcius," echo -e "${CCyan}(Fahrenheit) or (K)elvin?" echo -e "${CYellow}(Default = C)${CClear}" read -p 'Temp Units (C/F/K): ' TempUnits1 case "$TempUnits1" in [Cc]) TempUnits="C" break ;; [Ff]) TempUnits="F" break ;; [Kk]) TempUnits="K" break ;; *) echo "" echo -e "Invalid choice - Please enter a valid option...${CClear}" echo "" sleep 2 ;; esac done if [ -z "$TempUnits1" ]; then TempUnits="C"; fi ;; 9) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo "" if [ -f $OOKLAPATH ]; then echo -e "${CCyan}9. Would you like to disable and uninstall the Ookla" echo -e "${CCyan}Speedtest binaries from RTRMON? (y/n)${CClear}" if promptyn "(y/n): "; then echo "" echo "" echo -e "${CGreen}Removing Ookla Speedtest binaries...${CClear}" rm "/jffs/addons/rtrmon.d/speedtest" rm "/jffs/addons/rtrmon.d/speedtest.5" rm "/jffs/addons/rtrmon.d/speedtest.md" sleep 1 if [ ! -f $OOKLAPATH ]; then echo "" echo -e "${CGreen}Completed removing Ookla Speedtest binaries...${CClear}" Speedtst=0 spdtestsvrID=0 echo "" read -rsp $'Press any key to continue...\n' -n1 key else echo "" echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Ookla Speedtest binaries were not removed...${CClear}" echo -e "${CRed}Please manually resolve issue under /jffs/addons/rtrmon.d...${CClear}" Speedtst=1 echo "" read -rsp $'Press any key to continue...\n' -n1 key fi else echo "" echo "" echo -e "${CGreen}Canceling removing Ookla Speedtest binaries...${CClear}" sleep 2 fi else echo -e "${CCyan}9. Would you like to install and enable the Ookla" echo -e "${CCyan}Speedtest binaries for use with RTRMON? (y/n)${CClear}" echo -e "" echo -e "${CCyan}You may only use this Speedtest software and information" echo -e "${CCyan}generated from it for personal, non-commercial use," echo -e "${CCyan}through a command line interface on a personal computer." echo -e "${CCyan}Your use of this software is subject to the End User" echo -e "${CCyan}License Agreement, Terms of Use and Privacy Policy at" echo -e "${CCyan}these URLs:" echo "" echo -e "${CCyan} https://www.speedtest.net/about/eula" echo -e "${CCyan} https://www.speedtest.net/about/terms" echo -e "${CCyan} https://www.speedtest.net/about/privacy" echo "" echo -e "${CCyan}By typing 'y' below, you agree to these terms.${CClear}" if promptyn "(y/n): "; then echo "" echo "" echo -e "${CGreen}Installing Ookla Speedtest binaries...${CClear}" echo "" if [ "$(uname -m)" = "aarch64" ]; then curl --silent --retry 3 "https://install.speedtest.net/app/cli/ookla-speedtest-1.2.0-linux-aarch64.tgz" -o "/jffs/addons/rtrmon.d/spdtst64.tgz" tar -zxf /jffs/addons/rtrmon.d/spdtst64.tgz -C /jffs/addons/rtrmon.d 2>/dev/null chmod 0755 "/jffs/addons/rtrmon.d/speedtest" rm /jffs/addons/rtrmon.d/spdtst64.tgz else curl --silent --retry 3 "https://install.speedtest.net/app/cli/ookla-speedtest-1.2.0-linux-armel.tgz" -o "/jffs/addons/rtrmon.d/spdtstel.tgz" tar -zxf /jffs/addons/rtrmon.d/spdtstel.tgz -C /jffs/addons/rtrmon.d 2>/dev/null chmod 0755 "/jffs/addons/rtrmon.d/speedtest" rm /jffs/addons/rtrmon.d/spdtstel.tgz fi if [ -f /jffs/addons/rtrmon.d/speedtest ]; then echo -e "${CGreen}Ookla Speedtest binaries installed successfully...${CClear}" Speedtst=1 echo "" read -rsp $'Press any key to initialize Speedtest and accept license...\n' -n1 key /jffs/addons/rtrmon.d/speedtest cp /root/.config/ookla/speedtest-cli.json /jffs/addons/rtrmon.d/speedtest-cli.json 2>/dev/null echo "" read -rsp $'Press any key to continue...\n' -n1 key else echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Ookla Speedtest binaries install failed...${CClear}" Speedtst=0 spdtestsvrID=0 echo "" read -rsp $'Press any key to continue...\n' -n1 key fi else echo "" echo "" echo -e "${CGreen}Canceling install of Ookla Speedtest binaries...${CClear}" Speedtst=0 spdtestsvrID=0 sleep 2 fi fi ;; 10) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if [ "$Speedtst" == "0" ]; then return; fi echo "" echo -e "${CCyan}10. Would you like to use a custom Speedtest Server ID?" echo -e "${CCyan}These IDs can be found by running a Speedtest on your browser" echo -e "${CCyan}and noting the ID of the server in its URL when hovering your" echo -e "${CCyan}mouse over it. Enter an ID number, or use 0 to choose the" echo -e "${CCyan}closest server to you." echo -e "${CYellow}(Default = 0)${CClear}" read -p 'Server ID: ' spdtestsvrID1 spdtestsvrID2=$(echo $spdtestsvrID1 | tr -d -c 0-9) if [ -z "$spdtestsvrID1" ]; then spdtestsvrID=0; else spdtestsvrID=$spdtestsvrID2; fi ;; 11) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo "" echo -e "${CCyan}11. Would you like to override the default interface assigned${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan}to your local WAN0? Typically, 'eth0' is assigned to WAN0, but${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan}based on how you've rigged your router, it might be something${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan}else. By default, RTRMON will automatically try to determine${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan}the correct interface, however this will give you the option${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan}to override it should you be using something else.${CClear}" echo "" echo -e "${CGreen}Valid interface choices:" ip -br link | LC_ALL=C awk '$2 == "UP" {print $1}' > $IFLIST # Extract all valid interfaces to a text file LINES=$(cat $IFLIST | wc -l) #Check to see how many lines are in this file echo -e "${CGreen}0) Auto" i=0 # Populate all other numbered choices while [ $i -ne $LINES ] do i=$(($i+1)) InterfaceName=$(sed -n "${i}p" $IFLIST) echo -e "$i) $InterfaceName" done echo -e "${CClear}" echo -e "${CYellow}(Default = 0 (Auto), or choose one of the above)${CClear}" while true do read -p 'Choose Interface #: ' ChooseInterface case ${ChooseInterface#[-+]} in # Make sure we're only picking an item from the list *[!0-9]* | '') echo ""; echo -e "${CRed}ERROR: Please make a valid selection${CClear}"; echo "" ;; * ) if [ $ChooseInterface -lt 0 ] || [ $ChooseInterface -gt $LINES ]; then echo ""; echo -e "${CRed}Please make a valid selection${CClear}"; echo ""; else break; fi ;; esac done if [ -z "$ChooseInterface" ] # Assign the interface name to a variable and save it then WANOverride="Auto" elif [ $ChooseInterface -eq 0 ] then WANOverride="Auto" else WANOverride=$(sed -n "${ChooseInterface}p" $IFLIST) fi ;; 12) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo "" echo -e "${CCyan}12. What is your preference for the Interval Progress Bar?" echo -e "${CCyan}(0 = Standard) or (1 = Minimalist)?" echo -e "${CYellow}(Default = 0)${CClear}" read -p 'Progress Bar Pref: ' ProgPref1 ProgPref2=$(echo $ProgPref1 | tr -d -c 0-1) if [ -z "$ProgPref1" ]; then ProgPref=0; else ProgPref=$ProgPref2; fi ;; [Ss]) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo "" { echo 'Interval='$Interval echo 'MaxSpeedInet='$MaxSpeedInet echo 'MaxSpeedInetUL='$MaxSpeedInetUL echo 'MaxSpeedLAN='$MaxSpeedLAN echo 'MaxSpeed24Ghz='$MaxSpeed24Ghz echo 'MaxSpeed5Ghz='$MaxSpeed5Ghz echo 'MaxSpeed6Ghz='$MaxSpeed6Ghz echo 'TempUnits="'"$TempUnits"'"' echo 'Speedtst='$Speedtst echo 'spdtestsvrID='$spdtestsvrID echo 'ProgPref='$ProgPref echo 'WANOverride="'"$WANOverride"'"' } > $CFGPATH echo -e "${CCyan}Applying config changes to RTRMON..." echo -e "$(date) - RTRMON - Successfully wrote a new config file" >> $LOGFILE sleep 3 return ;; [Ee]) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- return ;; esac done else #Create a new config file with default values to get it to a basic running state { echo 'Interval=10' echo 'MaxSpeedInet=1000' echo 'MaxSpeedInetUL=50' echo 'MaxSpeedLAN=1000' echo 'MaxSpeed24Ghz=450' echo 'MaxSpeed5Ghz=780' echo 'MaxSpeed6Ghz=920' echo 'TempUnits="C"' echo 'Speedtst=0' echo 'spdtestsvrID=0' echo 'ProgPref=0' echo 'WANOverride="Auto"' } > $CFGPATH #Re-run rtrmon -config to restart setup process vconfig fi } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # vuninstall is a function that uninstalls and removes all traces of RTRMON from your router... vuninstall () { clear logoNM echo "" echo -e "${CYellow}Uninstall Utility${CClear}" echo "" echo -e "${CCyan}You are about to uninstall RTRMON! This action is irreversible." echo -e "${CCyan}Do you wish to proceed?${CClear}" if promptyn "(y/n): "; then echo "" echo -e "\n${CCyan}Are you sure? Please type 'Y' to validate you want to proceed.${CClear}" if promptyn "(y/n): "; then clear rm -r /jffs/addons/rtrmon.d rm /jffs/scripts/rtrmon.sh echo "" echo -e "\n${CGreen}RTRMON has been uninstalled...${CClear}" echo "" exit 0 else echo "" echo -e "\n${CGreen}Exiting Uninstall Utility...${CClear}" sleep 1 return fi else echo "" echo -e "\n${CGreen}Exiting Uninstall Utility...${CClear}" sleep 1 return fi } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # vupdate is a function that provides a UI to check for script updates and allows you to install the latest version... vupdate () { updatecheck # Check for the latest version from source repository clear logoNM echo "" echo -e "${CYellow}Update Utility${CClear}" echo "" echo -e "${CCyan}Current Version: ${CYellow}$Version${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan}Updated Version: ${CYellow}$DLVersion${CClear}" echo "" if [ "$Version" == "$DLVersion" ] then echo -e "${CCyan}You are on the latest version! Would you like to download anyways?${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan}This will overwrite your local copy with the current build.${CClear}" if promptyn "(y/n): "; then echo "" echo "" echo -e "${CCyan}Downloading RTRMON ${CYellow}v$DLVersion${CClear}" curl --silent --retry 3 "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ViktorJp/RTRMON/master/rtrmon.sh" -o "/jffs/scripts/rtrmon.sh" && chmod 755 "/jffs/scripts/rtrmon.sh" echo "" echo -e "${CCyan}Download successful!${CClear}" echo -e "$(date) - RTRMON - Successfully downloaded RTRMON v$DLVersion" >> $LOGFILE echo "" read -rsp $'Press any key to continue...\n' -n1 key exec sh /jffs/scripts/rtrmon.sh -monitor else echo "" echo "" echo -e "${CGreen}Exiting Update Utility...${CClear}" sleep 1 return fi else echo -e "${CCyan}Score! There is a new version out there! Would you like to update?${CClear}" if promptyn " (y/n): "; then echo "" echo "" echo -e "${CCyan}Downloading RTRMON ${CYellow}v$DLVersion${CClear}" curl --silent --retry 3 "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ViktorJp/RTRMON/master/rtrmon.sh" -o "/jffs/scripts/rtrmon.sh" && chmod 755 "/jffs/scripts/rtrmon.sh" echo "" echo -e "${CCyan}Download successful!${CClear}" echo -e "$(date) - RTRMON - Successfully downloaded RTRMON v$DLVersion" >> $LOGFILE echo "" read -rsp $'Press any key to continue...\n' -n1 key exec sh /jffs/scripts/rtrmon.sh -monitor else echo "" echo "" echo -e "${CGreen}Exiting Update Utility...${CClear}" sleep 1 return fi fi } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # vsetup is a function that sets up, confiures and allows you to launch RTRMON on your router... vsetup () { # Check for and add an alias for RTRMON if ! grep -F "sh /jffs/scripts/rtrmon.sh" /jffs/configs/profile.add >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then echo "alias rtrmon=\"sh /jffs/scripts/rtrmon.sh\" # RTRMON" >> /jffs/configs/profile.add fi while true; do clear logoNM echo "" echo -e "${InvDkGray}${CWhite} Setup + Operations Menu ${CClear}" echo -e "${CGreen}----------------------------------------------------------------" echo -e "${CGreen}Setup + Configuration" echo -e "${CGreen}----------------------------------------------------------------" echo -e "${InvDkGray}${CWhite} sc ${CClear}${CCyan}: Setup and Configure RTRMON" echo -e "${InvDkGray}${CWhite} fr ${CClear}${CCyan}: Force Re-install Entware Dependencies" echo -e "${InvDkGray}${CWhite} up ${CClear}${CCyan}: Check for latest updates" echo -e "${InvDkGray}${CWhite} vl ${CClear}${CCyan}: View logs" echo -e "${InvDkGray}${CWhite} un ${CClear}${CCyan}: Uninstall" echo -e "${InvDkGray}${CWhite} e ${CClear}${CCyan}: Exit" echo -e "${CGreen}----------------------------------------------------------------" if [ "$FromUI" == "0" ]; then echo -e "${CGreen}Operations" echo -e "${CGreen}----------------------------------------------------------------" echo -e "${InvDkGray}${CWhite} m1 ${CClear}${CCyan}: Launch RTRMON into Normal Monitoring Mode" echo -e "${InvDkGray}${CWhite} m2 ${CClear}${CCyan}: Launch RTRMON into Normal Monitoring Mode w/ Screen" echo -e "${CGreen}----------------------------------------------------------------" fi echo "" printf "Selection: " read -r InstallSelection # Execute chosen selections case "$InstallSelection" in sc) # Check for existence of entware, and if so proceed and install the timeout package, then run RTRMON -config clear if [ -f "/opt/bin/timeout" ] && [ -f "/opt/sbin/screen" ] && [ -f "/opt/bin/nmap" ] && [ -f "/opt/bin/jq" ] && [ -f "/opt/bin/iftop" ]; then vconfig else logoNM echo "" echo -e "${CYellow}Installing RTRMON Dependencies...${CClear}" echo "" echo -e "${CCyan}RTRMON will require the installation of CoreUtils-Timeout, Screen${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan}and Nmap utilities. These utilities require you to have Entware${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan}already installed using the AMTM tool. If Entware is present, the ${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan}Timeout, Screen and Nmap utilities will be downloaded and installed${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan}during this setup process, and utilized by RTRMON.${CClear}" echo "" echo -e "${CGreen}CoreUtils-Timeout${CCyan} is a utility that provides more stability for${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan}certain routers (like the RT-AC86U) which has a tendency to randomly${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan}hang scripts running on this router model.${CClear}" echo "" echo -e "${CGreen}Screen${CCyan} is a utility that allows you to run SSH scripts in a standalone${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan}environment directly on the router itself, instead of running your${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan}commands or a script from a network-attached SSH client. This can${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan}provide greater stability due to it running from the router itself.${CClear}" echo "" echo -e "${CGreen}Nmap${CCyan} is a network discovery and security auditing tool that is used${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan}to scan your LAN and WAN connections for open ports. ${CClear}" echo "" echo -e "${CGreen}JQuery${CCyan} is a utility for querying data across the internet through the${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan}the means of APIs for the purposes of interacting with the various VPN${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan}providers to get a list of available VPN hosts in the selected country.${CClear}" echo "" echo -e "${CGreen}iftop${CCyan} is a utility for querying connection and bandwidth data.${CClear}" echo "" [ -z "$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get odmpid)" ] && RouterModel="$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get productid)" || RouterModel="$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get odmpid)" # Thanks @thelonelycoder for this logic echo -e "${CCyan}Your router model is: ${CYellow}$RouterModel" echo "" echo -e "${CCyan}Ready to install?${CClear}" if promptyn "(y/n): " then if [ -d "/opt" ]; then # Does entware exist? If yes proceed, if no error out. echo "" echo -e "\n${CGreen}Updating Entware Packages...${CClear}" echo "" opkg update echo "" echo -e "${CGreen}Installing Entware CoreUtils-Timeout Package...${CClear}" echo "" opkg install coreutils-timeout echo "" echo -e "${CGreen}Installing Entware Screen Package...${CClear}" echo "" opkg install screen echo "" echo -e "${CGreen}Installing Entware Nmap Package...${CClear}" echo "" opkg install nmap echo "" echo -e "${CGreen} Installing Entware JQuery Package...${CClear}" echo "" opkg install jq echo "" echo -e "${CGreen} Installing Entware iftop Package...${CClear}" echo "" opkg install iftop echo "" read -rsp $'Press any key to continue...\n' -n1 key echo "" echo -e "${CGreen}Executing RTRMON Configuration Utility...${CClear}" sleep 2 vconfig else clear echo -e "${CGreen}ERROR: Entware was not found on this router...${CClear}" echo -e "${CGreen}Please install Entware using the AMTM utility before proceeding...${CClear}" echo "" sleep 3 fi else echo "" echo -e "\n${CGreen}Executing RTRMON Configuration Utility...${CClear}" sleep 2 vconfig fi fi ;; fr) # Force re-install the CoreUtils timeout/screen package clear logoNM echo "" echo -e "${CYellow}Force Re-installing RTRMON Dependencies...${CClear}" echo "" echo -e "${CCyan}RTRMON will require the installation of CoreUtils-Timeout, Screen${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan}and Nmap utilities. These utilities require you to have Entware${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan}already installed using the AMTM tool. If Entware is present, the ${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan}Timeout, Screen and Nmap utilities will be downloaded and re-installed${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan}during this setup process, and utilized by RTRMON.${CClear}" echo "" echo -e "${CGreen}CoreUtils-Timeout${CCyan} is a utility that provides more stability for${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan}certain routers (like the RT-AC86U) which has a tendency to randomly${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan}hang scripts running on this router model.${CClear}" echo "" echo -e "${CGreen}Screen${CCyan} is a utility that allows you to run SSH scripts in a standalone${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan}environment directly on the router itself, instead of running your${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan}commands or a script from a network-attached SSH client. This can${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan}provide greater stability due to it running from the router itself.${CClear}" echo "" echo -e "${CGreen}Nmap${CCyan} is a network discovery and security auditing tool that is used${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan}to scan your LAN and WAN connections for open ports. ${CClear}" echo "" echo -e "${CGreen}JQuery${CCyan} is a utility for querying data across the internet through the${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan}the means of APIs for the purposes of interacting with the various VPN${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan}providers to get a list of available VPN hosts in the selected country.${CClear}" echo "" echo -e "${CGreen}iftop${CCyan} is a utility for querying connection and bandwidth data.${CClear}" echo "" [ -z "$(nvram get odmpid)" ] && RouterModel="$(nvram get productid)" || RouterModel="$(nvram get odmpid)" # Thanks @thelonelycoder for this logic echo -e "${CCyan}Your router model is: ${CYellow}$RouterModel" echo "" echo -e "${CCyan}Force Re-install?${CClear}" if promptyn "(y/n): " then if [ -d "/opt" ]; then # Does entware exist? If yes proceed, if no error out. echo "" echo -e "\n${CGreen}Updating Entware Packages...${CClear}" echo "" opkg update echo "" echo -e "${CGreen}Force Re-installing Entware CoreUtils-Timeout Package...${CClear}" echo "" opkg install --force-reinstall coreutils-timeout echo "" echo -e "${CGreen}Force Re-installing Entware Screen Package...${CClear}" echo "" opkg install --force-reinstall screen echo "" echo -e "${CGreen}Force Re-installing Entware Nmap Package...${CClear}" echo "" opkg install --force-reinstall nmap echo "" echo -e "${CGreen} Force Re-installing Entware JQuery Package...${CClear}" echo "" opkg install --force-reinstall jq echo "" echo -e "${CGreen} Force Re-installing Entware iftop Package...${CClear}" echo "" opkg install --force-reinstall iftop echo "" echo -e "${CGreen}Re-install completed...${CClear}" echo "" read -rsp $'Press any key to continue...\n' -n1 key else clear echo -e "${CGreen}ERROR: Entware was not found on this router...${CClear}" echo -e "${CGreen}Please install Entware using the AMTM utility before proceeding...${CClear}" echo "" sleep 3 fi fi ;; up) echo "" vupdate ;; m1) echo "" echo -e "\n${CGreen}Launching RTRMON into Monitor Mode...${CClear}" sleep 2 sh $APPPATH -monitor ;; m2) echo "" echo -e "\n${CGreen}Launching RTRMON into Monitor Mode with Screen Utility...${CClear}" sleep 2 sh $APPPATH -screen ;; vl) echo "" vlogs ;; un) echo "" vuninstall ;; [Ee]) echo -e "${CClear}" exit 0 ;; *) echo "" echo -e "${CRed}Invalid choice - Please enter a valid option...${CClear}" echo "" sleep 2 ;; esac done } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # get_wan_setting was "borrowed" graciously from @dave14305 from his FlexQoS script to determine the active WAN connection. # Thanks much for your troubleshooting help as we tackled how to best derive the active WAN interface, Dave! get_wan_setting() { local varname varval varname="${1}" prefixes="wan0_ wan1_" if [ "$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get wans_mode)" = "lb" ] ; then for prefix in $prefixes; do state="$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get "${prefix}"state_t)" sbstate="$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get "${prefix}"sbstate_t)" auxstate="$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get "${prefix}"auxstate_t)" # is_wan_connect() [ "${state}" = "2" ] || continue [ "${sbstate}" = "0" ] || continue [ "${auxstate}" = "0" ] || [ "${auxstate}" = "2" ] || continue # get_wan_ifname() proto="$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get "${prefix}"proto)" if [ "${proto}" = "pppoe" ] || [ "${proto}" = "pptp" ] || [ "${proto}" = "l2tp" ] ; then varval="$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get "${prefix}"pppoe_"${varname}")" else varval="$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get "${prefix}""${varname}")" fi done else for prefix in $prefixes; do primary="$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get "${prefix}"primary)" [ "${primary}" = "1" ] && break done proto="$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get "${prefix}"proto)" if [ "${proto}" = "pppoe" ] || [ "${proto}" = "pptp" ] || [ "${proto}" = "l2tp" ] ; then varval="$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get "${prefix}"pppoe_"${varname}")" else varval="$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get "${prefix}""${varname}")" fi fi printf "%s" "${varval}" } # get_wan_setting # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # gettopstats gathers the majority of cpu and memory related stats directly from the TOP utility gettopstats () { TotalMem=$(top -n 1 | awk 'NR==1 {print $2, $4, $6, $8, $10} NR==2 {print $2, $4, $6, $8, $14} NR==3 {print $3, $4, $5}' 2>/dev/null) memused="$(echo $TotalMem | awk '{print $1}' | sed 's/K$//')" memfree="$(echo $TotalMem | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's/K$//')" memshrd="$(echo $TotalMem | awk '{print $3}' | sed 's/K$//')" membuff="$(echo $TotalMem | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/K$//')" memcach="$(echo $TotalMem | awk '{print $5}' | sed 's/K$//')" cpuusr="$(echo $TotalMem | awk '{print $6}' | sed 's/%$//' | cut -d . -f 1)" cpusys="$(echo $TotalMem | awk '{print $7}' | sed 's/%$//' | cut -d . -f 1)" cpunice="$(echo $TotalMem | awk '{print $8}' | sed 's/%$//' | cut -d . -f 1)" cpuidle="$(echo $TotalMem | awk '{print $9}' | sed 's/%$//' | cut -d . -f 1)" cpuirq="$(echo $TotalMem | awk '{print $10}' | sed 's/%$//' | cut -d . -f 1)" displaycpuusr="$(echo $TotalMem | awk '{print $6}' | sed 's/%$//')" displaycpusys="$(echo $TotalMem | awk '{print $7}' | sed 's/%$//')" displaycpunice="$(echo $TotalMem | awk '{print $8}' | sed 's/%$//')" displaycpuidle="$(echo $TotalMem | awk '{print $9}' | sed 's/%$//')" displaycpuirq="$(echo $TotalMem | awk '{print $10}' | sed 's/%$//')" cpuload1m="$(echo $TotalMem | awk '{print $11}')" cpuload5m="$(echo $TotalMem | awk '{print $12}')" cpuload15m="$(echo $TotalMem | awk '{print $13}')" memused1=$(($memused1 + $memused)) memfree1=$(($memfree1 + $memfree)) memshrd1=$(($memshrd1 + $memshrd)) membuff1=$(($membuff1 + $membuff)) memcach1=$(($memcach1 + $memcach)) cpuusr1=$(($cpuusr1 + $cpuusr)) cpusys1=$(($cpusys1 + $cpusys)) cpunice1=$(($cpunice1 + $cpunice)) cpuidle1=$(($cpuidle1 + $cpuidle)) cpuirq1=$(($cpuirq1 + $cpuirq)) displaycpuusr1=$(awk -v v1=$displaycpuusr1 -v v2=$displaycpuusr 'BEGIN{printf "%0.2f\n", v1+v2}') displaycpusys1=$(awk -v v1=$displaycpusys1 -v v2=$displaycpusys 'BEGIN{printf "%0.2f\n", v1+v2}') displaycpunice1=$(awk -v v1=$displaycpunice1 -v v2=$displaycpunice 'BEGIN{printf "%0.2f\n", v1+v2}') displaycpuidle1=$(awk -v v1=$displaycpuidle1 -v v2=$displaycpuidle 'BEGIN{printf "%0.2f\n", v1+v2}') displaycpuirq1=$(awk -v v1=$displaycpuirq1 -v v2=$displaycpuirq 'BEGIN{printf "%0.2f\n", v1+v2}') if [ "$INITIALBOOT" == "0" ]; then # Borrowed this wonderful keypress capturing mechanism from @Eibgrad... thank you! :) key_press=''; read -rsn1 -t 1 key_press < "$(tty 0>&2)" if [ $key_press ]; then case $key_press in [Ss]) FromUI=1; (vsetup); source $CFGPATH; echo -e "${CGreen}[Returning to the Main UI momentarily] "; sleep 1; FromUI=0; clear; DisplayPage$NextPage; echo -e "\n";; [Ii]) QueueSpdtst=1; echo -e "${CGreen}[Queuing WAN Speedtest] "; sleep 1; clear; DisplayPage4; echo -e "\n";; [Jj]) QueueVPNSpdtst=1; echo -e "${CGreen}[Queuing VPN Speedtest] "; sleep 1; clear; DisplayPage4; echo -e "\n";; [Nn]) if [ "$NextPage" == "1" ]; then NextPage=2; clear; DisplayPage2; echo -e "\n"; elif [ "$NextPage" == "2" ]; then NextPage=3; clear; DisplayPage3; echo -e "\n"; elif [ "$NextPage" == "3" ]; then NextPage=4; clear; DisplayPage4; echo -e "\n"; elif [ "$NextPage" == "4" ]; then NextPage=5; clear; DisplayPage5; echo ""; elif [ "$NextPage" == "5" ]; then NextPage=6; clear; DisplayPage6; echo -e "\n"; elif [ "$NextPage" == "6" ]; then NextPage=1; clear; DisplayPage1; echo -e "\n"; fi;; [Pp]) if [ "$NextPage" == "1" ]; then NextPage=6; clear; DisplayPage6; echo ""; elif [ "$NextPage" == "2" ]; then NextPage=1; clear; DisplayPage1; echo -e "\n"; elif [ "$NextPage" == "3" ]; then NextPage=2; clear; DisplayPage2; echo -e "\n"; elif [ "$NextPage" == "4" ]; then NextPage=3; clear; DisplayPage3; echo -e "\n"; elif [ "$NextPage" == "5" ]; then NextPage=4; clear; DisplayPage4; echo -e "\n"; elif [ "$NextPage" == "6" ]; then NextPage=5; clear; DisplayPage5; echo -e "\n"; fi;; [Dd]) QueueNetworkDiag=1; echo -e "${CGreen}[Queuing Network Diagnostics] "; sleep 1; clear; DisplayPage5; echo "";; [Tt]) PSView="TCP"; clear; DisplayPage5; echo "";; [Uu]) PSView="UDP"; clear; DisplayPage5; echo "";; [Vv]) NCView="VPN"; clear; DisplayPage6; echo "";; [Ww]) NCView="WAN"; clear; DisplayPage6; echo "";; [Ll]) NCView="LAN"; clear; DisplayPage6; echo "";; [Rr]) if [ "$autorotate" == 0 ]; then autorotate=1; autorotateindicator="ON"; clear; DisplayPage$NextPage; echo -e "\n"; elif [ "$autorotate" == "1" ]; then autorotate=0; autorotateindicator="OFF"; clear; DisplayPage$NextPage; echo -e "\n"; fi;; [Cc]) QueueNetworkConn=1; echo -e "${CGreen}[Queuing Network Connection Stats] "; sleep 1; clear; DisplayPage6; echo "";; [Ee]) echo -e "${CClear}"; exit 0;; esac fi else sleep 1 fi } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # oldstats holds the old (current) stats that are being used to display stats on-screen oldstats () { oldcpuusr1=$cpuusr1 oldcpusys1=$cpusys1 oldcpunice1=$cpunice1 oldcpuidle1=$cpuidle1 oldcpuirq1=$cpuirq1 olddisplaycpuusr1=$displaycpuusr1 olddisplaycpusys1=$displaycpusys1 olddisplaycpunice1=$displaycpunice1 olddisplaycpuidle1=$displaycpuidle1 olddisplaycpuirq1=$displaycpuirq1 oldF_cputemp=$F_cputemp oldmemused2=$memused2 oldmemfree2=$memfree2 oldmemshrd2=$memshrd2 oldmembuff2=$membuff2 oldmemcach2=$memcach2 oldtotalmemory=$totalmemory oldnvramfree=$nvramfree oldnvramused=$nvramused oldtotalnvram=$totalnvram oldjffstotal=$jffstotal oldjffsused=$jffsused oldswaptotal=$swaptotal oldswapused=$swapused oldwan0ip=$wan0ip oldwan1ip=$wan1ip olddns1ip=$dns1ip olddns2ip=$dns2ip oldwanip6=$wanip6 oldlanip6=$lanip6 oldwanrxmbrate=$wanrxmbrate oldwantxmbrate=$wantxmbrate oldw24rxmbrate=$w24rxmbrate oldw24txmbrate=$w24txmbrate oldw5rxmbrate=$w5rxmbrate oldw5txmbrate=$w5txmbrate oldw24temp=$w24temp oldw5temp=$w5temp if [ "$FourBandCustomAXE16000" == "True" ] || [ "$ThreeBand2455" == "True" ]; then oldw52rxmbrate=$w52rxmbrate oldw52txmbrate=$w52txmbrate oldw52temp=$w52temp fi if [ "$FourBandCustomAXE16000" == "True" ] || [ "$ThreeBand2456" == "True" ]; then oldw6rxmbrate=$w6rxmbrate oldw6txmbrate=$w6txmbrate oldw6temp=$w6temp fi oldlanip=$lanip oldlanrxmbrate=$lanrxmbrate oldlantxmbrate=$lantxmbrate oldvpnrxmbrate=$vpnrxmbrate oldvpntxmbrate=$vpntxmbrate oldvpn2rxmbrate=$vpn2rxmbrate oldvpn2txmbrate=$vpn2txmbrate oldvpnip=$vpnip oldvpncity=$vpncity oldvpn2ip=$vpn2ip oldvpn2city=$vpn2city oldwanrxmbratedisplay=$wanrxmbratedisplay oldwantxmbratedisplay=$wantxmbratedisplay oldw24rxmbratedisplay=$w24rxmbratedisplay oldw24txmbratedisplay=$w24txmbratedisplay oldw5rxmbratedisplay=$w5rxmbratedisplay oldw5txmbratedisplay=$w5txmbratedisplay if [ "$FourBandCustomAXE16000" == "True" ] || [ "$ThreeBand2455" == "True" ]; then oldw52rxmbratedisplay=$w52rxmbratedisplay oldw52txmbratedisplay=$w52txmbratedisplay fi if [ "$FourBandCustomAXE16000" == "True" ] || [ "$ThreeBand2456" == "True" ]; then oldw6rxmbratedisplay=$w6rxmbratedisplay oldw6txmbratedisplay=$w6txmbratedisplay fi oldlanrxmbratedisplay=$lanrxmbratedisplay oldlantxmbratedisplay=$lantxmbratedisplay oldvpnrxmbratedisplay=$vpnrxmbratedisplay oldvpntxmbratedisplay=$vpntxmbratedisplay oldvpn2rxmbratedisplay=$vpn2rxmbratedisplay oldvpn2txmbratedisplay=$vpn2txmbratedisplay } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # calculatestats calculates and captures, well, all the current stats from their sources ;) calculatestats () { RM_END_TIME=$(date +%s) RM_ELAPSED_TIME=$(( RM_END_TIME - RM_START_TIME )) # CPU - Usage if [ ! -z $cpuusr1 ]; then cpuusr1=$(($cpuusr1 / $Interval)); else cpuusr1=0; fi if [ ! -z $cpusys1 ]; then cpusys1=$(($cpusys1 / $Interval)); else cpusys1=0; fi if [ ! -z $cpunice1 ]; then cpunice1=$(($cpunice1 / $Interval)); else cpunice1=0; fi if [ ! -z $cpuidle1 ]; then cpuidle1=$(($cpuidle1 / $Interval)); else cpuidle1=0; fi if [ ! -z $cpuirq1 ]; then cpuirq1=$(($cpuirq1 / $Interval)); else cpuirq1=0; fi if [ ! -z $displaycpuusr1 ]; then displaycpuusr1=$(awk -v rb=$displaycpuusr1 -v intv=$Interval 'BEGIN{printf "%0.2f\n", rb/intv}'); else displaycpuusr1=0; fi if [ ! -z $displaycpusys1 ]; then displaycpusys1=$(awk -v rb=$displaycpusys1 -v intv=$Interval 'BEGIN{printf "%0.2f\n", rb/intv}'); else displaycpusys1=0; fi if [ ! -z $displaycpunice1 ]; then displaycpunice1=$(awk -v rb=$displaycpunice1 -v intv=$Interval 'BEGIN{printf "%0.2f\n", rb/intv}'); else displaycpunice1=0; fi if [ ! -z $displaycpuidle1 ]; then displaycpuidle1=$(awk -v rb=$displaycpuidle1 -v intv=$Interval 'BEGIN{printf "%0.2f\n", rb/intv}'); else displaycpuidle1=0; fi if [ ! -z $displaycpuirq1 ]; then displaycpuirq1=$(awk -v rb=$displaycpuirq1 -v intv=$Interval 'BEGIN{printf "%0.2f\n", rb/intv}'); else displaycpuirq1=0; fi # CPU - Temp - borrowed from @Maverickcdn - thank you! if [ -f /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp ]; then F_cputemp=$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp | cut -c -2) elif [ -f /proc/dmu/temperature ]; then # Thanks to PeterR for the bug report on AC68U's - hopefully this will fix that F_cputemp=$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec cat /proc/dmu/temperature | cut -c19-20) fi # Memory - Usage if [ ! -z $memused1 ]; then memused1=$(($memused1 / $Interval)); else memused1=0; fi if [ ! -z $memfree1 ]; then memfree1=$(($memfree1 / $Interval)); else memfree1=0; fi if [ ! -z $memshrd1 ]; then memshrd1=$(($memshrd1 / $Interval)); else memshrd1=0; fi if [ ! -z $membuff1 ]; then membuff1=$(($membuff1 / $Interval)); else membuff1=0; fi if [ ! -z $memcach1 ]; then memcach1=$(($memcach1 / $Interval)); else memcach1=0; fi memused2=$(($memused1 / 1024 )) memfree2=$(($memfree1 / 1024 )) memshrd2=$(($memshrd1 / 1024 )) membuff2=$(($membuff1 / 1024 )) memcach2=$(($memcach1 / 1024 )) totalmemory=$((($memused1 + $memfree1) / 1024 )) # Memory - NVRAM -- Many thanks to @RMerlin, @SomewhereOverTheRainbow and @Ranger802004 for your help finding NVRAM stats eval "$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram show >/tmp/output.txt 2> /tmp/size.txt)" chmod 755 /tmp/size.txt nvramtotals=$(cat /tmp/size.txt | grep size: | awk '{print $2, $4}' 2>/dev/null) nvramused="$(echo $nvramtotals | awk '{print $1}')" nvramfree="$(echo $nvramtotals | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's/[)(]//g')" if [ -z $nvramused ] || [ -z $nvramfree ]; then nvramused=10000 # incase the values coming back from this file are blank, use temporary fillers totalnvram=20000 else totalnvram=$(($nvramused + $nvramfree)) fi # Disk - JFFS disk_use=$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec df -P | grep -E '/jffs' | awk '{print $2, $3}') jffstotal="$(echo $disk_use | awk '{print $1}')" jffsused="$(echo $disk_use | awk '{print $2}')" jffstotal="$(($jffstotal / 1024))" jffsused="$(($jffsused / 1024))" # Disk - Swap file swap_use=$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec /usr/bin/free | awk 'NR==4 {print $2, $3}' 2>/dev/null) swaptotal="$(echo $swap_use | awk '{print $1}')" swapused="$(echo $swap_use | awk '{print $2}')" swaptotal="$(($swaptotal / 1024))" swapused="$(($swapused / 1024))" if [ $swaptotal == "0" ]; then swaptotal=100; fi # Disk - SD devices df | grep /dev/sd > /jffs/addons/rtrmon.d/sdresult.txt 2>/dev/null # Network - WAN/LAN/DNS IP Addresses wan0ip=$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get wan0_ipaddr) wan1ip=$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get wan1_ipaddr) lanip=$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get lan_ipaddr) dns1ip="$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get wan0_dns | awk '{print $1}')" dns2ip="$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get wan0_dns | awk '{print $2}')" dns3ip="$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get wan1_dns | awk '{print $1}')" dns4ip="$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get wan1_dns | awk '{print $2}')" # Network - VPN Client Ports and IP Addresses vpn=0 while [ $vpn -ne 5 ]; do vpn=$(($vpn+1)) VPNState="$(_VPN_GetClientState_ ${vpn})" if [ -z $VPNState ]; then VPNState=0; fi # to catch possible wireguard interference if [ $VPNState -eq 2 ]; then TUN="tun1"$vpn NVRAMVPNADDR=$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get vpn_client"$vpn"_addr) NVRAMVPNIP=$(ping -c 2 -w 1 $NVRAMVPNADDR | awk -F '[()]' '/PING/ { print $2}') if [ "$(echo $NVRAMVPNIP | grep -E '^(192\.168|10\.|172\.1[6789]\.|172\.2[0-9]\.|172\.3[01]\.)')" ]; then vpnip=$NVRAMVPNIP vpncity="Private Network" else lastvpnip=$oldvpnip vpnip=$(curl --silent --fail --interface $TUN --request GET --url https://ipv4.icanhazip.com) # Grab the public IP of the VPN Connection if [ -z $vpnip ]; then vpnip=$NVRAMVPNIP; fi if [ "$lastvpnip" != "$vpnip" ]; then vpncity="curl --silent --retry 3 --request GET --url http://ip-api.com/json/$vpnip | jq --raw-output .city" vpncity="$(eval $vpncity)"; if echo $vpncity | grep -qoE '\b(error.*:.*True.*|Undefined)\b'; then vpncity="Undetermined"; fi echo -e "$(date) - RTRMON - API call made to determine geolocation of $vpnip ($vpncity)" >> $LOGFILE fi fi vpnon="True" #Check to see if there's a secondary VPN connection vpn2=$vpn while [ $vpn2 -ne 5 ]; do vpn2=$(($vpn2+1)) VPN2State="$(_VPN_GetClientState_ ${vpn2})" if [ $VPN2State -eq 2 ]; then TUN2="tun1"$vpn2 NVRAMVPN2ADDR=$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get vpn_client"$vpn2"_addr) NVRAMVPN2IP=$(ping -c 2 -w 1 $NVRAMVPN2ADDR | awk -F '[()]' '/PING/ { print $2}') if [ "$(echo $NVRAMVPN2IP | grep -E '^(192\.168|10\.|172\.1[6789]\.|172\.2[0-9]\.|172\.3[01]\.)')" ]; then vpn2ip=$NVRAMVPN2IP vpn2city="Private Network" else lastvpn2ip=$oldvpn2ip vpn2ip=$(curl --silent --fail --interface $TUN2 --request GET --url https://ipv4.icanhazip.com) # Grab the public IP of the VPN Connection if [ -z $vpn2ip ]; then vpn2ip=$NVRAMVPN2IP; fi if [ "$lastvpn2ip" != "$vpn2ip" ]; then vpn2city="curl --silent --retry 3 --request GET --url http://ip-api.com/json/$vpn2ip | jq --raw-output .city" vpn2city="$(eval $vpn2city)"; if echo $vpn2city | grep -qoE '\b(error.*:.*True.*|Undefined)\b'; then vpn2city="Undetermined"; fi echo -e "$(date) - RTRMON - API call made to determine geolocation of $vpn2ip ($vpn2city)" >> $LOGFILE fi fi vpn2on="True" break else vpn2on="False" fi done break else vpnon="False" vpn2on="False" fi done if [ -z $wan0ip ]; then dns1ip=""; fi if [ -z $wan1ip ]; then dns1ip=""; fi if [ -z $lanip ]; then dns1ip=""; fi if [ -z $dns1ip ]; then dns1ip=""; fi if [ -z $dns2ip ]; then dns2ip=""; fi if [ $dns1ip == "" ] && [ ! -z $dns3ip ]; then dns1ip=$dns3ip; fi if [ $dns2ip == "" ] && [ ! -z $dns4ip ]; then dns2ip=$dns4ip; fi if [ "$vpnon" == "False" ]; then vpnip=""; fi if [ "$vpn2on" == "False" ]; then vpn2ip=""; fi # Many thanks to @SomewhereOverTheRainbow for his help and suggestions on getting IP6 info! wanip6="$(ip -o -6 addr list "$WANIFNAME" scope global | awk 'NR==1{ split($4, ip_addr, "/"); print ip_addr[1] }')" lanip6="$(ip -o -6 addr list br0 scope global | awk 'NR==1{ split($4, ip_addr, "/"); print ip_addr[1] }')" # Network - Wifi - Temp # Standard Dual-Band config w24tempraw=$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec wl -i $ifname24 phy_tempsense | awk '{print $1}' ) >/dev/null 2>&1 w5tempraw=$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec wl -i $ifname5 phy_tempsense | awk '{print $1}' ) >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ -z $w24tempraw ] || [ $w24tempraw -eq 0 ]; then w24tempraw=1; fi #in case it does not return a valid number if [ -z $w5tempraw ] || [ $w5tempraw -eq 0 ]; then w5tempraw=1; fi w24temp=$(awk -v v1=$w24tempraw 'BEGIN{printf "\n" (v1/2)+20}' | cut -d . -f 1) w5temp=$(awk -v v1=$w5tempraw 'BEGIN{printf "\n" (v1/2)+20}' | cut -d . -f 1) # Tri or Quad Band 5GHz if [ "$FourBandCustomAXE16000" == "True" ] || [ "$ThreeBand2455" == "True" ]; then w52tempraw=$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec wl -i $ifname52 phy_tempsense | awk '{print $1}' ) >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ -z $w52tempraw ] || [ $w52tempraw -eq 0 ]; then w52tempraw=1; fi w52temp=$(awk -v v1=$w52tempraw 'BEGIN{printf "\n" (v1/2)+20}' | cut -d . -f 1) fi # Tri or Quad-Band 6GHz if [ "$FourBandCustomAXE16000" == "True" ] || [ "$ThreeBand2456" == "True" ]; then w6tempraw=$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec wl -i $ifname6 phy_tempsense | awk '{print $1}' ) >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ -z $w6tempraw ] || [ $w6tempraw -eq 0 ]; then w6tempraw=1; fi w6temp=$(awk -v v1=$w6tempraw 'BEGIN{printf "\n" (v1/2)+20}' | cut -d . -f 1) fi # Network - Wifi - Up/Down via Scheduler if [ "$FourBandCustomAXE16000" == "True" ]; then if [ ! -z $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get wl3_sched_v2) ]; then w24udsched="Scheduler[+]"; else w24udsched="Scheduler[-]"; fi if [ ! -z $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get wl0_sched_v2) ]; then w5udsched="Scheduler[+]"; else w5udsched="Scheduler[-]"; fi if [ ! -z $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get wl1_sched_v2) ]; then w52udsched="Scheduler[+]"; else w52udsched="Scheduler[-]"; fi if [ ! -z $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get wl2_sched_v2) ]; then w6udsched="Scheduler[+]"; else w6udsched="Scheduler[-]"; fi elif [ "$ThreeBand2456" == "True" ]; then if [ ! -z $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get wl0_sched_v2) ]; then w24udsched="Scheduler[+]"; else w24udsched="Scheduler[-]"; fi if [ ! -z $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get wl1_sched_v2) ]; then w5udsched="Scheduler[+]"; else w5udsched="Scheduler[-]"; fi if [ ! -z $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get wl2_sched_v2) ]; then w6udsched="Scheduler[+]"; else w6udsched="Scheduler[-]"; fi elif [ "$ThreeBand2455" == "True" ]; then if [ ! -z $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get wl0_sched_v2) ]; then w24udsched="Scheduler[+]"; else w24udsched="Scheduler[-]"; fi if [ ! -z $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get wl1_sched_v2) ]; then w5udsched="Scheduler[+]"; else w5udsched="Scheduler[-]"; fi if [ ! -z $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get wl2_sched_v2) ]; then w52udsched="Scheduler[+]"; else w52udsched="Scheduler[-]"; fi else if [ ! -z $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get wl0_sched_v2) ]; then w24udsched="Scheduler[+]"; else w24udsched="Scheduler[-]"; fi if [ ! -z $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get wl1_sched_v2) ]; then w5udsched="Scheduler[+]"; else w5udsched="Scheduler[-]"; fi fi w24updown=$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec wl -i $ifname24 bss | awk '{print toupper($1)}' ) >/dev/null 2>&1 w5updown=$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec wl -i $ifname5 bss | awk '{print toupper($1)}' ) >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ -z "$w24updown" ]; then w24updown="UP"; fi if [ -z "$w5updown" ]; then w5updown="UP"; fi # Tri or Quad Band 5GHz if [ "$FourBandCustomAXE16000" == "True" ] || [ "$ThreeBand2455" == "True" ]; then w52updown=$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec wl -i $ifname52 bss | awk '{print toupper($1)}' ) >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ -z "$w52updown" ]; then w52updown="UP"; fi fi # Tri or Quad-Band 6GHz if [ "$FourBandCustomAXE16000" == "True" ] || [ "$ThreeBand2456" == "True" ]; then w6updown=$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec wl -i $ifname6 bss | awk '{print toupper($1)}' ) >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ -z $w6updown ]; then w6updown="UP"; fi fi # Network - Wifi - Traffic # Standard Dual Band new24rxbytes="$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec cat /sys/class/net/$ifname24/statistics/rx_bytes)" new24txbytes="$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec cat /sys/class/net/$ifname24/statistics/tx_bytes)" new5rxbytes="$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec cat /sys/class/net/$ifname5/statistics/rx_bytes)" new5txbytes="$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec cat /sys/class/net/$ifname5/statistics/tx_bytes)" # Tri or Quad Band 5GHz if [ "$FourBandCustomAXE16000" == "True" ] || [ "$ThreeBand2455" == "True" ]; then new52rxbytes="$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec cat /sys/class/net/$ifname52/statistics/rx_bytes)" new52txbytes="$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec cat /sys/class/net/$ifname52/statistics/tx_bytes)" fi # Tri or Quad Band 6GHz if [ "$FourBandCustomAXE16000" == "True" ] || [ "$ThreeBand2456" == "True" ]; then new6rxbytes="$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec cat /sys/class/net/$ifname6/statistics/rx_bytes)" new6txbytes="$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec cat /sys/class/net/$ifname6/statistics/tx_bytes)" fi # Network - LAN - Traffic newlanrxbytes="$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec cat /sys/class/net/br0/statistics/rx_bytes)" newlantxbytes="$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec cat /sys/class/net/br0/statistics/tx_bytes)" # Network - WAN - Traffic if [ $WANOverride == "Auto" ]; then WANIFNAME=$(get_wan_setting ifname); else WANIFNAME=$WANOverride; fi newwanrxbytes="$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec cat /sys/class/net/$WANIFNAME/statistics/rx_bytes)" newwantxbytes="$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec cat /sys/class/net/$WANIFNAME/statistics/tx_bytes)" # Network - VPN - Traffic # Grab total bytes VPN Traffic Measurement if [ "$vpnon" == "True" ]; then newvpntxrxbytes=$(awk -F',' '1 == /TUN\/TAP read bytes/ {print $2} 1 == /TUN\/TAP write bytes/ {print $2}' /tmp/etc/openvpn/client$vpn/status 2>/dev/null) newvpnrxbytes="$(echo $newvpntxrxbytes | cut -d' ' -f1)" newvpntxbytes="$(echo $newvpntxrxbytes | cut -d' ' -f2)" if [ -z $newvpnrxbytes ]; then newvpnrxbytes=0; fi if [ -z $newvpntxbytes ]; then newvpntxbytes=0; fi if [ $newvpnrxbytes -le 0 ]; then newvpnrxbytes=0 elif [ $newvpntxbytes -le 0 ]; then newvpntxbytes=0 fi fi if [ "$vpn2on" == "True" ]; then newvpn2txrxbytes=$(awk -F',' '1 == /TUN\/TAP read bytes/ {print $2} 1 == /TUN\/TAP write bytes/ {print $2}' /tmp/etc/openvpn/client$vpn2/status 2>/dev/null) newvpn2rxbytes="$(echo $newvpn2txrxbytes | cut -d' ' -f1)" newvpn2txbytes="$(echo $newvpn2txrxbytes | cut -d' ' -f2)" if [ -z $newvpn2rxbytes ]; then newvpn2rxbytes=0; fi if [ -z $newvpn2txbytes ]; then newvpn2txbytes=0; fi if [ $newvpn2rxbytes -le 0 ]; then newvpn2rxbytes=0 elif [ $newvpn2txbytes -le 0 ]; then newvpn2txbytes=0 fi fi # Network - Traffic - Calculations to find the difference between old and new total bytes send/received and divided to give Megabits diffwanrxbytes=$(awk -v new=$newwanrxbytes -v old=$oldwanrxbytes -v mb=125000 'BEGIN{printf "%.4f\n", (new-old)/mb}') diffwantxbytes=$(awk -v new=$newwantxbytes -v old=$oldwantxbytes -v mb=125000 'BEGIN{printf "%.4f\n", (new-old)/mb}') diff24rxbytes=$(awk -v new=$new24rxbytes -v old=$old24rxbytes -v mb=125000 'BEGIN{printf "%.4f\n", (new-old)/mb}') diff24txbytes=$(awk -v new=$new24txbytes -v old=$old24txbytes -v mb=125000 'BEGIN{printf "%.4f\n", (new-old)/mb}') diff5rxbytes=$(awk -v new=$new5rxbytes -v old=$old5rxbytes -v mb=125000 'BEGIN{printf "%.4f\n", (new-old)/mb}') diff5txbytes=$(awk -v new=$new5txbytes -v old=$old5txbytes -v mb=125000 'BEGIN{printf "%.4f\n", (new-old)/mb}') difflanrxbytes=$(awk -v new=$newlanrxbytes -v old=$oldlanrxbytes -v mb=125000 'BEGIN{printf "%.4f\n", (new-old)/mb}') difflantxbytes=$(awk -v new=$newlantxbytes -v old=$oldlantxbytes -v mb=125000 'BEGIN{printf "%.4f\n", (new-old)/mb}') if [ "$FourBandCustomAXE16000" == "True" ] || [ "$ThreeBand2455" == "True" ]; then diff52rxbytes=$(awk -v new=$new52rxbytes -v old=$old52rxbytes -v mb=125000 'BEGIN{printf "%.4f\n", (new-old)/mb}') diff52txbytes=$(awk -v new=$new52txbytes -v old=$old52txbytes -v mb=125000 'BEGIN{printf "%.4f\n", (new-old)/mb}') fi if [ "$FourBandCustomAXE16000" == "True" ] || [ "$ThreeBand2456" == "True" ]; then diff6rxbytes=$(awk -v new=$new6rxbytes -v old=$old6rxbytes -v mb=125000 'BEGIN{printf "%.4f\n", (new-old)/mb}') diff6txbytes=$(awk -v new=$new6txbytes -v old=$old6txbytes -v mb=125000 'BEGIN{printf "%.4f\n", (new-old)/mb}') fi if [ "$vpnon" == "True" ]; then diffvpnrxbytes=$(awk -v new=$newvpnrxbytes -v old=$oldvpnrxbytes -v mb=125000 'BEGIN{printf "%.4f\n", (new-old)/mb}') diffvpntxbytes=$(awk -v new=$newvpntxbytes -v old=$oldvpntxbytes -v mb=125000 'BEGIN{printf "%.4f\n", (new-old)/mb}') fi if [ "$vpn2on" == "True" ]; then diffvpn2rxbytes=$(awk -v new=$newvpn2rxbytes -v old=$oldvpn2rxbytes -v mb=125000 'BEGIN{printf "%.4f\n", (new-old)/mb}') diffvpn2txbytes=$(awk -v new=$newvpn2txbytes -v old=$oldvpn2txbytes -v mb=125000 'BEGIN{printf "%.4f\n", (new-old)/mb}') fi # Network - Traffic - Results are further divided by the timer/interval to give Megabits/sec wanrxmbrate=$(awk -v rb=$diffwanrxbytes -v intv=$RM_ELAPSED_TIME 'BEGIN{printf "%0.2f\n", rb/intv}' | cut -d . -f 1) wantxmbrate=$(awk -v tb=$diffwantxbytes -v intv=$RM_ELAPSED_TIME 'BEGIN{printf "%0.2f\n", tb/intv}' | cut -d . -f 1) w24rxmbrate=$(awk -v rb=$diff24rxbytes -v intv=$RM_ELAPSED_TIME 'BEGIN{printf "%0.2f\n", rb/intv}' | cut -d . -f 1) w24txmbrate=$(awk -v tb=$diff24txbytes -v intv=$RM_ELAPSED_TIME 'BEGIN{printf "%0.2f\n", tb/intv}' | cut -d . -f 1) w5rxmbrate=$(awk -v rb=$diff5rxbytes -v intv=$RM_ELAPSED_TIME 'BEGIN{printf "%0.2f\n", rb/intv}' | cut -d . -f 1) w5txmbrate=$(awk -v tb=$diff5txbytes -v intv=$RM_ELAPSED_TIME 'BEGIN{printf "%0.2f\n", tb/intv}' | cut -d . -f 1) lanrxmbrate=$(awk -v rb=$difflanrxbytes -v intv=$RM_ELAPSED_TIME 'BEGIN{printf "%0.2f\n", rb/intv}' | cut -d . -f 1) lantxmbrate=$(awk -v tb=$difflantxbytes -v intv=$RM_ELAPSED_TIME 'BEGIN{printf "%0.2f\n", tb/intv}' | cut -d . -f 1) if [ "$FourBandCustomAXE16000" == "True" ] || [ "$ThreeBand2455" == "True" ]; then w52rxmbrate=$(awk -v rb=$diff52rxbytes -v intv=$RM_ELAPSED_TIME 'BEGIN{printf "%0.2f\n", rb/intv}' | cut -d . -f 1) w52txmbrate=$(awk -v tb=$diff52txbytes -v intv=$RM_ELAPSED_TIME 'BEGIN{printf "%0.2f\n", tb/intv}' | cut -d . -f 1) fi if [ "$FourBandCustomAXE16000" == "True" ] || [ "$ThreeBand2456" == "True" ]; then w6rxmbrate=$(awk -v rb=$diff6rxbytes -v intv=$RM_ELAPSED_TIME 'BEGIN{printf "%0.2f\n", rb/intv}' | cut -d . -f 1) w6txmbrate=$(awk -v tb=$diff6txbytes -v intv=$RM_ELAPSED_TIME 'BEGIN{printf "%0.2f\n", tb/intv}' | cut -d . -f 1) fi if [ "$vpnon" == "True" ]; then vpnrxmbrate=$(awk -v rb=$diffvpnrxbytes -v intv=$RM_ELAPSED_TIME 'BEGIN{printf "%0.2f\n", rb/intv}' | cut -d . -f 1) vpntxmbrate=$(awk -v tb=$diffvpntxbytes -v intv=$RM_ELAPSED_TIME 'BEGIN{printf "%0.2f\n", tb/intv}' | cut -d . -f 1) fi if [ "$vpn2on" == "True" ]; then vpn2rxmbrate=$(awk -v rb=$diffvpn2rxbytes -v intv=$RM_ELAPSED_TIME 'BEGIN{printf "%0.2f\n", rb/intv}' | cut -d . -f 1) vpn2txmbrate=$(awk -v tb=$diffvpn2txbytes -v intv=$RM_ELAPSED_TIME 'BEGIN{printf "%0.2f\n", tb/intv}' | cut -d . -f 1) fi wanrxmbratedisplay=$(awk -v rb=$diffwanrxbytes -v intv=$RM_ELAPSED_TIME 'BEGIN{printf "%0.1f\n", rb/intv}') wantxmbratedisplay=$(awk -v tb=$diffwantxbytes -v intv=$RM_ELAPSED_TIME 'BEGIN{printf "%0.1f\n", tb/intv}') w24rxmbratedisplay=$(awk -v rb=$diff24rxbytes -v intv=$RM_ELAPSED_TIME 'BEGIN{printf "%0.1f\n", rb/intv}') w24txmbratedisplay=$(awk -v tb=$diff24txbytes -v intv=$RM_ELAPSED_TIME 'BEGIN{printf "%0.1f\n", tb/intv}') w5rxmbratedisplay=$(awk -v rb=$diff5rxbytes -v intv=$RM_ELAPSED_TIME 'BEGIN{printf "%0.1f\n", rb/intv}') w5txmbratedisplay=$(awk -v tb=$diff5txbytes -v intv=$RM_ELAPSED_TIME 'BEGIN{printf "%0.1f\n", tb/intv}') lanrxmbratedisplay=$(awk -v rb=$difflanrxbytes -v intv=$RM_ELAPSED_TIME 'BEGIN{printf "%0.1f\n", rb/intv}') lantxmbratedisplay=$(awk -v tb=$difflantxbytes -v intv=$RM_ELAPSED_TIME 'BEGIN{printf "%0.1f\n", tb/intv}') if [ "$FourBandCustomAXE16000" == "True" ] || [ "$ThreeBand2455" == "True" ]; then w52rxmbratedisplay=$(awk -v rb=$diff52rxbytes -v intv=$RM_ELAPSED_TIME 'BEGIN{printf "%0.1f\n", rb/intv}') w52txmbratedisplay=$(awk -v tb=$diff52txbytes -v intv=$RM_ELAPSED_TIME 'BEGIN{printf "%0.1f\n", tb/intv}') fi if [ "$FourBandCustomAXE16000" == "True" ] || [ "$ThreeBand2456" == "True" ]; then w6rxmbratedisplay=$(awk -v rb=$diff6rxbytes -v intv=$RM_ELAPSED_TIME 'BEGIN{printf "%0.1f\n", rb/intv}') w6txmbratedisplay=$(awk -v tb=$diff6txbytes -v intv=$RM_ELAPSED_TIME 'BEGIN{printf "%0.1f\n", tb/intv}') fi if [ "$vpnon" == "True" ]; then vpnrxmbratedisplay=$(awk -v rb=$diffvpnrxbytes -v intv=$RM_ELAPSED_TIME 'BEGIN{printf "%0.2f\n", rb/intv}') vpntxmbratedisplay=$(awk -v tb=$diffvpntxbytes -v intv=$RM_ELAPSED_TIME 'BEGIN{printf "%0.2f\n", tb/intv}') fi if [ "$vpn2on" == "True" ]; then vpn2rxmbratedisplay=$(awk -v rb=$diffvpn2rxbytes -v intv=$RM_ELAPSED_TIME 'BEGIN{printf "%0.2f\n", rb/intv}') vpn2txmbratedisplay=$(awk -v tb=$diffvpn2txbytes -v intv=$RM_ELAPSED_TIME 'BEGIN{printf "%0.2f\n", tb/intv}') fi # Uptime calc uptime=$(awk '{printf("%03dd %02dh %02dm %02ds\n",($1/60/60/24),($1/60/60%24),($1/60%60),($1%60))}' /proc/uptime) } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This function displays speedtest results and runs new speedtest DisplaySpdtst () { if [ "$Speedtst" == "0" ] || [ ! -f $OOKLAPATH ]; then echo -e "${CRed}[Ookla Speedtest is not installed/configured]${CClear}" return fi # Check to see if previous results are available to display if [ -f $SPDRESPATH ]; then source $SPDRESPATH else SpdDate="No previous results found" SpdServer="Press 'I' to Initiate a Speedtest" SpdLatency=0 SpdJitter=0 SpdPacketLoss=0 SpdDownload=0 SpdUpload=0 fi if [ "$QueueSpdtst" == "1" ]; then #run speedtest and save Results printf "${CGreen}\r[Initializing Speedtest]" if [ $spdtestsvrID == "0" ]; then speed="$(/jffs/addons/rtrmon.d/speedtest --format=csv --interface=$WANIFNAME --accept-license --accept-gdpr 2>&1)" else speed="$(/jffs/addons/rtrmon.d/speedtest --format=csv --interface=$WANIFNAME --server-id=$spdtestsvrID --accept-license --accept-gdpr 2>&1)" fi SpdDate=$(date) SpdServer=$(echo $speed | awk -F '","' 'NR==1 {print $1}' | sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//' -e 's/[^a-zA-Z0-9 -]//g') SpdLatency=$(echo $speed | awk -F '","' 'NR==1 {print $3}' | sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//') SpdLatencyLo=$(echo $speed | awk -F '","' 'NR==1 {print $20}' | sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//') SpdLatencyHi=$(echo $speed | awk -F '","' 'NR==1 {print $21}' | sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//') SpdJitter=$(echo $speed | awk -F '","' 'NR==1 {print $4}' | sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//') SpdPacketLoss=$(echo $speed | awk -F '","' 'NR==1 {print $5}' | sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//') SpdDownload=$(echo $speed | awk -F '","' 'NR==1 {print $6}' | sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//') SpdUpload=$(echo $speed | awk -F '","' 'NR==1 {print $7}' | sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//') SpdDLLatency=$(echo $speed | awk -F '","' 'NR==1 {print $12}' | sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//') SpdDLLatencyJt=$(echo $speed | awk -F '","' 'NR==1 {print $13}' | sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//') SpdDLLatencyLo=$(echo $speed | awk -F '","' 'NR==1 {print $14}' | sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//') SpdDLLatencyHi=$(echo $speed | awk -F '","' 'NR==1 {print $15}' | sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//') SpdULLatency=$(echo $speed | awk -F '","' 'NR==1 {print $16}' | sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//') SpdULLatencyJt=$(echo $speed | awk -F '","' 'NR==1 {print $17}' | sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//') SpdULLatencyLo=$(echo $speed | awk -F '","' 'NR==1 {print $18}' | sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//') SpdULLatencyHi=$(echo $speed | awk -F '","' 'NR==1 {print $19}' | sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//') if [ $SpdDownload -eq 0 ]; then SpdDownload=1; fi if [ $SpdUpload -eq 0 ]; then SpdUpload=1; fi SpdDownloadLog=$(awk -v down=$SpdDownload -v mb=125000 'BEGIN{printf "%.0f\n", down/mb}') SpdUploadLog=$(awk -v up=$SpdUpload -v mb=125000 'BEGIN{printf "%.0f\n", up/mb}') SpdInterface=$WANIFNAME echo -e "$(date) - RTRMON - New Speedtest Results -- Down:$SpdDownloadLog Mbps | Up:$SpdUploadLog Mbps | Latency:$SpdLatency ms | Jitter:$SpdJitter ms | PacketLoss:$SpdPacketLoss %" >> $LOGFILE { echo 'SpdDate="'"$SpdDate"'"' echo 'SpdServer="'"$SpdServer"'"' echo 'SpdInterface="'"$SpdInterface"'"' echo 'SpdLatency='$SpdLatency echo 'SpdLatencyLo='$SpdLatencyLo echo 'SpdLatencyHi='$SpdLatencyHi echo 'SpdJitter='$SpdJitter echo 'SpdPacketLoss='$SpdPacketLoss echo 'SpdDownload='$SpdDownload echo 'SpdUpload='$SpdUpload echo 'SpdDLLatency='$SpdDLLatency echo 'SpdDLLatencyJt='$SpdDLLatencyJt echo 'SpdDLLatencyLo='$SpdDLLatencyLo echo 'SpdDLLatencyHi='$SpdDLLatencyHi echo 'SpdULLatency='$SpdULLatency echo 'SpdULLatencyJt='$SpdULLatencyJt echo 'SpdULLatencyLo='$SpdULLatencyLo echo 'SpdULLatencyHi='$SpdULLatencyHi } > $SPDRESPATH printf "${CGreen}\r" QueueSpdtst=0 fi if [ "$QueueVPNSpdtst" == "1" ]; then #run VPN speedtest and save Results if [ "$vpnon" == "True" ]; then printf "${CGreen}\r[Initializing Speedtest]" if [ $spdtestsvrID == "0" ]; then speed="$(/jffs/addons/rtrmon.d/speedtest --format=csv --interface=tun1$vpn --accept-license --accept-gdpr 2>&1)" else speed="$(/jffs/addons/rtrmon.d/speedtest --format=csv --interface=tun1$vpn --server-id=$spdtestsvrID --accept-license --accept-gdpr 2>&1)" fi SpdDate=$(date) SpdServer=$(echo $speed | awk -F '","' 'NR==1 {print $1}' | sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//' -e 's/[^a-zA-Z0-9 -]//g') SpdLatency=$(echo $speed | awk -F '","' 'NR==1 {print $3}' | sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//') SpdLatencyLo=$(echo $speed | awk -F '","' 'NR==1 {print $20}' | sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//') SpdLatencyHi=$(echo $speed | awk -F '","' 'NR==1 {print $21}' | sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//') SpdJitter=$(echo $speed | awk -F '","' 'NR==1 {print $4}' | sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//') SpdPacketLoss=$(echo $speed | awk -F '","' 'NR==1 {print $5}' | sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//') SpdDownload=$(echo $speed | awk -F '","' 'NR==1 {print $6}' | sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//') SpdUpload=$(echo $speed | awk -F '","' 'NR==1 {print $7}' | sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//') SpdDLLatency=$(echo $speed | awk -F '","' 'NR==1 {print $12}' | sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//') SpdDLLatencyJt=$(echo $speed | awk -F '","' 'NR==1 {print $13}' | sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//') SpdDLLatencyLo=$(echo $speed | awk -F '","' 'NR==1 {print $14}' | sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//') SpdDLLatencyHi=$(echo $speed | awk -F '","' 'NR==1 {print $15}' | sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//') SpdULLatency=$(echo $speed | awk -F '","' 'NR==1 {print $16}' | sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//') SpdULLatencyJt=$(echo $speed | awk -F '","' 'NR==1 {print $17}' | sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//') SpdULLatencyLo=$(echo $speed | awk -F '","' 'NR==1 {print $18}' | sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//') SpdULLatencyHi=$(echo $speed | awk -F '","' 'NR==1 {print $19}' | sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//') if [ $SpdDownload -eq 0 ]; then SpdDownload=1; fi if [ $SpdUpload -eq 0 ]; then SpdUpload=1; fi SpdDownloadLog=$(awk -v down=$SpdDownload -v mb=125000 'BEGIN{printf "%.0f\n", down/mb}') SpdUploadLog=$(awk -v up=$SpdUpload -v mb=125000 'BEGIN{printf "%.0f\n", up/mb}') SpdInterface="tun1$vpn" echo -e "$(date) - RTRMON - New Speedtest Results -- Down:$SpdDownloadLog Mbps | Up:$SpdUploadLog Mbps | Latency:$SpdLatency ms | Jitter:$SpdJitter ms | PacketLoss:$SpdPacketLoss %" >> $LOGFILE { echo 'SpdDate="'"$SpdDate"'"' echo 'SpdServer="'"$SpdServer"'"' echo 'SpdInterface="'"$SpdInterface"'"' echo 'SpdLatency='$SpdLatency echo 'SpdLatencyLo='$SpdLatencyLo echo 'SpdLatencyHi='$SpdLatencyHi echo 'SpdJitter='$SpdJitter echo 'SpdPacketLoss='$SpdPacketLoss echo 'SpdDownload='$SpdDownload echo 'SpdUpload='$SpdUpload echo 'SpdDLLatency='$SpdDLLatency echo 'SpdDLLatencyJt='$SpdDLLatencyJt echo 'SpdDLLatencyLo='$SpdDLLatencyLo echo 'SpdDLLatencyHi='$SpdDLLatencyHi echo 'SpdULLatency='$SpdULLatency echo 'SpdULLatencyJt='$SpdULLatencyJt echo 'SpdULLatencyLo='$SpdULLatencyLo echo 'SpdULLatencyHi='$SpdULLatencyHi } > $SPDRESPATH printf "${CGreen}\r" QueueVPNSpdtst=0 else printf "${CRed}\r[No valid VPN tunnel detected to run Speedtest on]${CClear}" sleep 3 printf "${CRed}\r${CClear}" QueueVPNSpdtst=0 fi fi # Display previous results if [ $SpdDownload -eq 0 ]; then SpdDownload=1; fi if [ $SpdUpload -eq 0 ]; then SpdUpload=1; fi SpdDownload=$(awk -v down=$SpdDownload -v mb=125000 'BEGIN{printf "%.0f\n", down/mb}') SpdUpload=$(awk -v up=$SpdUpload -v mb=125000 'BEGIN{printf "%.0f\n", up/mb}') #SpdServer="Your Local Test Server name/location" if [ "$vpnon" == "True" ]; then echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${CRed}(I)${CGreen}nitiate WAN Speedtest / ${CRed}(J)${CGreen}Initiate VPN Speedtest${CClear}" else echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${CRed}(I)${CGreen}nitiate WAN Speedtest${CClear} " fi echo "" echo -e "${InvCyan} ${CClear} ${CCyan}Date ${CGreen}[ ${CCyan}$SpdDate${CClear}" echo -e "${InvCyan} ${CClear} ${CCyan}Server ${CGreen}[ ${CCyan}$SpdServer${CClear}" echo -e "${InvCyan} ${CClear} ${CCyan}Interface ${CGreen}[ ${CCyan}$SpdInterface${CClear}" echo "" echo -e "${InvCyan} ${CClear} ${CCyan}Idle Latency ${CGreen}[ ${CCyan}$SpdLatency (ms) ${CClear}" echo -e "${InvCyan} ${CClear} ${CGreen} [ Latency Lo: ${CCyan}$SpdLatencyLo (ms) ${CGreen}| High: ${CCyan}$SpdLatencyHi (ms)${CClear}" echo -e "${InvCyan} ${CClear}" echo -e "${InvCyan} ${CClear} ${CCyan}Idle Jitter ${CGreen}[ ${CCyan}$SpdJitter (ms)${CClear}" echo -e "${InvCyan} ${CClear} ${CCyan}PacketLoss ${CGreen}[ ${CCyan}$SpdPacketLoss (%)${CClear}" echo "" echo -e "${InvCyan} ${CClear} ${CCyan}Download ${CGreen}[ ${CCyan}$SpdDownload (Mbps)${CClear}" echo -e "${InvCyan} ${CClear} ${CGreen} [ Latency: ${CCyan}$SpdDLLatency (ms)${CGreen} | Jitter: ${CCyan}$SpdDLLatencyJt (ms)${CClear}" echo -e "${InvCyan} ${CClear} ${CGreen} [ Latency Lo: ${CCyan}$SpdDLLatencyLo (ms) ${CGreen}| Hi: ${CCyan}$SpdDLLatencyHi (ms)${CClear}" echo -e "${InvCyan} ${CClear}" echo -e "${InvCyan} ${CClear} ${CCyan}Upload ${CGreen}[ ${CCyan}$SpdUpload (Mbps)${CClear}" echo -e "${InvCyan} ${CClear} ${CGreen} [ Latency: ${CCyan}$SpdULLatency (ms)${CGreen} | Jitter: ${CCyan}$SpdULLatencyJt (ms)${CClear}" echo -e "${InvCyan} ${CClear} ${CGreen} [ Latency Lo: ${CCyan}$SpdULLatencyLo (ms) ${CGreen}| Hi: ${CCyan}$SpdULLatencyHi (ms)${CClear}" echo "" preparebar 35 "|" progressbar $SpdDownload $MaxSpeedInet " DL vs WAN " "Mbps" "Reverse" $SpdDownload $MaxSpeedInet echo "" preparebar 35 "|" progressbar $SpdUpload $MaxSpeedInetUL " UL vs WAN " "Mbps" "Reverse" $SpdUpload $MaxSpeedInetUL } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This function displays the stats UI for page 1 DisplayPage1 () { logo if [ "$UpdateNotify" != "0" ]; then echo -e "${CRed} $UpdateNotify${CClear}" fi echo "" echo -e "${InvDkGray}${CWhite} CPU ${CClear}" echo "" echo -e "${InvCyan} ${CClear} ${CCyan}Uptime ${CGreen}[ ${CCyan}$uptime${CGreen} ]${CClear}" echo -e "${InvCyan} ${CClear} ${CCyan}CPU Load ${CGreen}[ 1m: ${CCyan}$cpuload1m ${CGreen}5m: ${CCyan}$cpuload5m ${CGreen}15m: ${CCyan}$cpuload15m${CGreen} ]" preparebar 35 "|" progressbar $oldcpuusr1 100 " CPU User " "%%" "Standard" $olddisplaycpuusr1 echo "" preparebar 35 "|" progressbar $oldcpusys1 100 " CPU System" "%%" "Standard" $olddisplaycpusys1 echo "" preparebar 35 "|" progressbar $oldcpunice1 100 " CPU Nice " "%%" "Standard" $olddisplaycpunice1 echo "" preparebar 35 "|" progressbar $oldcpuidle1 100 " CPU Idle " "%%" "Reverse" $olddisplaycpuidle1 echo "" preparebar 35 "|" progressbar $oldcpuirq1 100 " CPU IRQ " "%%" "Standard" $olddisplaycpuirq1 echo "" preparebar 35 "|" converttemps $oldF_cputemp progressbar $currenttemp $currentrange " CPU Temp " $TempUnits "CPU" $currenttemp $currentrange echo "" echo "" echo -e "${InvDkGray}${CWhite} Memory ${CClear}" echo "" preparebar 35 "|" progressbar $oldmemused2 $oldtotalmemory " Mem Used " "MB" "Standard" echo "" preparebar 35 "|" progressbar $oldmemfree2 $oldtotalmemory " Mem Free " "MB" "Reverse" echo "" preparebar 35 "|" progressbar $oldmemshrd2 $oldtotalmemory " Mem Shared" "MB" "Standard" echo "" preparebar 35 "|" progressbar $oldmembuff2 $oldtotalmemory " Mem Buffer" "MB" "Standard" echo "" preparebar 35 "|" progressbar $oldmemcach2 $oldtotalmemory " Mem Cache " "MB" "Standard" echo "" preparebar 35 "|" progressbar $oldnvramused $oldtotalnvram " NVRAM Used" "B" "Standard" echo "" echo "" echo -e "${InvDkGray}${CWhite} Disk ${CClear}" echo "" preparebar 35 "|" progressbar $oldjffsused $oldjffstotal " JFFS Used " "MB" "Standard" echo "" preparebar 35 "|" progressbar $oldswapused $oldswaptotal " Swap Used " "MB" "Standard" #Disk - SD devices if [ -f /jffs/addons/rtrmon.d/sdresult.txt ]; then sdcnt=$(cat /jffs/addons/rtrmon.d/sdresult.txt | wc -l) >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ $sdcnt -lt 1 ]; then sdcnt=0 elif [ -z $sdcnt ]; then sdcnt=0 fi else sdcnt=0 fi CNT=0 while [ $CNT -lt $sdcnt ]; do # Loop through number of /dev/sd*'s CNT=$((CNT+1)) dfresults=$(sed -n "${CNT}p" /jffs/addons/rtrmon.d/sdresult.txt) if [ -z "$dfresults" ]; then break; fi sdname="$(echo $dfresults | awk '{print $1}')" sdtotal="$(echo $dfresults | awk '{print $2}')" sdused="$(echo $dfresults | awk '{print $3}')" sdtotal="$(($sdtotal / 1048576))" sdused="$(($sdused / 1048576))" if [ $sdtotal == "0" ]; then sdtotal=1; fi if [ $sdused == "0" ]; then sdused=1; fi sdnameformat=$(printf "%-10s" $sdname) echo "" preparebar 35 "|" progressbar $sdused $sdtotal " $sdnameformat" "GB" "Standard" done } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This function displays the stats UI for page 2 DisplayPage2 () { logo if [ "$UpdateNotify" != "0" ]; then echo -e "${CRed} $UpdateNotify${CClear}" fi echo "" echo -e "${InvDkGray}${CWhite} WAN ${CClear}" echo "" #oldwan0ip="" #demo #oldwanip6="abc1:23de::f456:ghi7:89jk:l0mn:opqr" #demo echo -en "${InvCyan} ${CClear} ${CCyan}WAN 0/1 IP ${CGreen}[ ${CCyan}" printf '%03d.%03d.%03d.%03d' ${oldwan0ip//./ } echo -en " / " printf '%03d.%03d.%03d.%03d' ${oldwan1ip//./ } echo -e "${CGreen} ] ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}IFace: $WANIFNAME${CClear}" if [ ! -z $oldwanip6 ]; then echo -e "${InvCyan} ${CClear} ${CCyan}WAN 0/1 I6 ${CGreen}[ ${CCyan}$oldwanip6${CClear}"; fi echo -en "${InvCyan} ${CClear} ${CCyan}WAN DNS IP ${CGreen}[ ${CCyan}" if [ $olddns1ip = "" ]; then printf ""; else printf '%03d.%03d.%03d.%03d' ${olddns1ip//./ }; fi echo -en " / " if [ $olddns2ip = "" ]; then printf ""; else printf '%03d.%03d.%03d.%03d' ${olddns2ip//./ }; fi echo -e "${CGreen} ]${CClear}" preparebar 35 "|" progressbar $oldwanrxmbrate $MaxSpeedInet " Avg WAN RX" "Mbps" "Standard" $oldwanrxmbratedisplay $MaxSpeedInet echo "" preparebar 35 "|" progressbar $oldwantxmbrate $MaxSpeedInetUL " Avg WAN TX" "Mbps" "Standard" $oldwantxmbratedisplay $MaxSpeedInetUL echo "" echo "" echo -e "${InvDkGray}${CWhite} LAN ${CClear}" echo "" echo -en "${InvCyan} ${CClear}${CCyan} BR0 LAN IP ${CGreen}[ ${CCyan}" printf '%03d.%03d.%03d.%03d' ${oldlanip//./ } echo -e "${CGreen} ] ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}IFace: br0${CClear}" if [ ! -z $oldlanip6 ]; then echo -e "${InvCyan} ${CClear} ${CCyan}BR0 LAN I6 ${CGreen}[ ${CCyan}$oldlanip6${CClear}"; fi preparebar 35 "|" progressbar $oldlanrxmbrate $MaxSpeedLAN " Avg LAN RX" "Mbps" "Standard" $oldlanrxmbratedisplay $MaxSpeedLAN echo "" preparebar 35 "|" if [ ${oldlantxmbrate%.*} -lt 0 ]; then oldlantxmbrate=0; oldlantxmbratedisplay=0; fi progressbar $oldlantxmbrate $MaxSpeedLAN " Avg LAN TX" "Mbps" "Standard" $oldlantxmbratedisplay $MaxSpeedLAN if [ "$vpnon" == "True" ]; then echo "" echo "" echo -e "${InvDkGray}${CWhite} VPN$vpn ${CClear}" echo "" if [ "$oldvpncity" == "Private Network" ]; then echo -en "${InvCyan} ${CClear}${CCyan} PRV VPN IP ${CGreen}[ ${CCyan}" printf '%03d.%03d.%03d.%03d' ${oldvpnip//./ } echo -e "${CGreen} ] ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}TUN: tun1$vpn${CClear}" if [ ! -z "$oldvpncity" ]; then echo -e "${InvCyan} ${CClear} ${CCyan}PRV VPN NM ${CGreen}[ ${CCyan}$oldvpncity${CClear}"; fi else #oldvpnip="" #demo echo -en "${InvCyan} ${CClear}${CCyan} PUB VPN IP ${CGreen}[ ${CCyan}" printf '%03d.%03d.%03d.%03d' ${oldvpnip//./ } echo -e "${CGreen} ] ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}TUN: tun1$vpn${CClear}" if [ ! -z "$oldvpncity" ]; then echo -e "${InvCyan} ${CClear} ${CCyan}PUB VPN CT ${CGreen}[ ${CCyan}$oldvpncity${CClear}"; fi fi if [ ${oldvpntxmbrate%.*} -lt 0 ]; then oldvpntxmbrate=0; oldvpntxmbratedisplay=0; fi preparebar 35 "|" progressbar $oldvpntxmbrate $MaxSpeedInet " Avg VPN RX" "Mbps" "Standard" $oldvpntxmbratedisplay $MaxSpeedInet echo "" if [ ${oldvpnrxmbrate%.*} -lt 0 ]; then oldvpnrxmbrate=0; oldvpnrxmbratedisplay=0; fi preparebar 35 "|" progressbar $oldvpnrxmbrate $MaxSpeedInetUL " Avg VPN TX" "Mbps" "Standard" $oldvpnrxmbratedisplay $MaxSpeedInetUL fi if [ "$vpn2on" == "True" ]; then echo "" echo "" echo -e "${InvDkGray}${CWhite} VPN$vpn2 ${CClear}" echo "" if [ "$oldvpn2city" == "Private Network" ]; then echo -en "${InvCyan} ${CClear}${CCyan} PRV VPN IP ${CGreen}[ ${CCyan}" printf '%03d.%03d.%03d.%03d' ${oldvpn2ip//./ } echo -e "${CGreen} ] ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}TUN: tun1$vpn2${CClear}" if [ ! -z "$oldvpn2city" ]; then echo -e "${InvCyan} ${CClear} ${CCyan}PRV VPN NM ${CGreen}[ ${CCyan}$oldvpn2city${CClear}"; fi else echo -en "${InvCyan} ${CClear}${CCyan} PUB VPN IP ${CGreen}[ ${CCyan}" printf '%03d.%03d.%03d.%03d' ${oldvpn2ip//./ } echo -e "${CGreen} ] ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}TUN: tun1$vpn2${CClear}" if [ ! -z "$oldvpn2city" ]; then echo -e "${InvCyan} ${CClear} ${CCyan}PUB VPN CT ${CGreen}[ ${CCyan}$oldvpn2city${CClear}"; fi fi if [ ${oldvpn2txmbrate%.*} -lt 0 ]; then oldvpn2txmbrate=0; oldvpn2txmbratedisplay=0; fi preparebar 35 "|" progressbar $oldvpn2txmbrate $MaxSpeedInet " Avg VPN RX" "Mbps" "Standard" $oldvpn2txmbratedisplay $MaxSpeedInet echo "" if [ ${oldvpn2rxmbrate%.*} -lt 0 ]; then oldvpn2rxmbrate=0; oldvpn2rxmbratedisplay=0; fi preparebar 35 "|" progressbar $oldvpn2rxmbrate $MaxSpeedInetUL " Avg VPN TX" "Mbps" "Standard" $oldvpn2rxmbratedisplay $MaxSpeedInetUL fi } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This function displays the stats UI for page 3 DisplayPage3 () { logo if [ "$UpdateNotify" != "0" ]; then echo -e "${CRed} $UpdateNotify${CClear}" fi echo "" echo -e "${InvDkGray}${CWhite} WiFi ${CClear}" echo "" if [ "$MaxSpeed24Ghz" != "0" ]; then if [ "$w24updown" == "UP" ]; then echo -e "${InvCyan} ${CClear} ${CCyan}2.4GHz ${CGreen}[ ${CCyan}Enabled - $w24udsched - UP ${CGreen}] ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}IFace: $ifname24${CClear}" else echo -e "${InvCyan} ${CClear} ${CCyan}2.4GHz ${CGreen}[ ${CCyan}Enabled - $w24udsched - DOWN ${CGreen}] ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}IFace: $ifname24${CClear}" fi preparebar 35 "|" progressbar $oldw24rxmbrate $MaxSpeed24Ghz " Avg 24G RX" "Mbps" "Standard" $oldw24rxmbratedisplay $MaxSpeed24Ghz echo "" preparebar 35 "|" progressbar $oldw24txmbrate $MaxSpeed24Ghz " Avg 24G TX" "Mbps" "Standard" $oldw24txmbratedisplay $MaxSpeed24Ghz echo "" preparebar 35 "|" converttemps $oldw24temp progressbar $currenttemp $currentrange " 2.4G Temp " $TempUnits "Standard" $currenttemp $currentrange else echo -e "${InvCyan} ${CClear}${CCyan} 2.4GHz ${CGreen}[ ${CRed}Disabled ${CGreen}]${CClear}" fi if [ "$MaxSpeed5Ghz" != "0" ]; then echo "" echo "" if [ "$w5updown" == "UP" ]; then echo -e "${InvCyan} ${CClear} ${CCyan}5.0GHz (1) ${CGreen}[ ${CCyan}Enabled - $w5udsched - UP ${CGreen}] ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}IFace: $ifname5${CClear}" else echo -e "${InvCyan} ${CClear} ${CCyan}5.0GHz (1) ${CGreen}[ ${CCyan}Enabled - $w5udsched - DOWN ${CGreen}] ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}IFace: $ifname5${CClear}" fi preparebar 35 "|" progressbar $oldw5rxmbrate $MaxSpeed5Ghz " Avg 5G1 RX" "Mbps" "Standard" $oldw5rxmbratedisplay $MaxSpeed5Ghz echo "" preparebar 35 "|" progressbar $oldw5txmbrate $MaxSpeed5Ghz " Avg 5G1 TX" "Mbps" "Standard" $oldw5txmbratedisplay $MaxSpeed5Ghz echo "" preparebar 35 "|" converttemps $oldw5temp progressbar $currenttemp $currentrange " 5G-1 Temp " $TempUnits "Standard" $currenttemp $currentrange else echo "" echo "" echo -e "${InvCyan} ${CClear}${CCyan} 5.0GHz (1) ${CGreen}[ ${CRed}Disabled ${CGreen}]${CClear}" fi if [ "$FourBandCustomAXE16000" == "True" ] || [ "$ThreeBand2455" == "True" ]; then if [ "$MaxSpeed52Ghz" != "0" ]; then echo "" echo "" if [ "$w52updown" == "UP" ]; then echo -e "${InvCyan} ${CClear} ${CCyan}5.0GHz (2) ${CGreen}[ ${CCyan}Enabled - $w52udsched - UP ${CGreen}] ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}IFace: $ifname52${CClear}" else echo -e "${InvCyan} ${CClear} ${CCyan}5.0GHz (2) ${CGreen}[ ${CCyan}Enabled - $w52udsched - DOWN ${CGreen}] ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}IFace: $ifname52${CClear}" fi preparebar 35 "|" progressbar $oldw52rxmbrate $MaxSpeed5Ghz " Avg 5G2 RX" "Mbps" "Standard" $oldw52rxmbratedisplay $MaxSpeed5Ghz echo "" preparebar 35 "|" progressbar $oldw52txmbrate $MaxSpeed5Ghz " Avg 5G2 TX" "Mbps" "Standard" $oldw52txmbratedisplay $MaxSpeed5Ghz echo "" preparebar 35 "|" converttemps $oldw52temp progressbar $currenttemp $currentrange " 5G-2 Temp " $TempUnits "Standard" $currenttemp $currentrange else echo -e "${InvCyan} ${CClear}${CCyan} 5.0GHz (2) ${CGreen}[ ${CRed}Disabled ${CGreen}]${CClear}" fi fi if [ "$FourBandCustomAXE16000" == "True" ] || [ "$ThreeBand2456" == "True" ]; then if [ "$MaxSpeed6Ghz" != "0" ]; then echo "" echo "" if [ "$w52updown" == "UP" ]; then echo -e "${InvCyan} ${CClear} ${CCyan}6.0GHz ${CGreen}[ ${CCyan}Enabled - $w6udsched - UP ${CGreen}] ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}IFace: $ifname6${CClear}" else echo -e "${InvCyan} ${CClear} ${CCyan}6.0GHz ${CGreen}[ ${CCyan}Enabled - $w6udsched - DOWN ${CGreen}] ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}IFace: $ifname6${CClear}" fi preparebar 35 "|" progressbar $oldw6rxmbrate $MaxSpeed6Ghz " Avg 60G RX" "Mbps" "Standard" $oldw6rxmbratedisplay $MaxSpeed6Ghz echo "" preparebar 35 "|" progressbar $oldw6txmbrate $MaxSpeed6Ghz " Avg 60G TX" "Mbps" "Standard" $oldw6txmbratedisplay $MaxSpeed6Ghz echo "" preparebar 35 "|" converttemps $oldw6temp progressbar $currenttemp $currentrange " 6.0G Temp " $TempUnits "Standard" $currenttemp $currentrange else echo "" echo "" echo -e "${InvCyan} ${CClear}${CCyan} 6.0GHz ${CGreen}[ ${CRed}Disabled ${CGreen}]${CClear}" fi fi } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This function displays the stats UI for page 4 DisplayPage4 () { logo if [ "$UpdateNotify" != "0" ]; then echo -e "${CRed} $UpdateNotify${CClear}" fi echo "" echo -e "${InvDkGray}${CWhite} Speedtest ${CClear}" echo "" DisplaySpdtst } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This function displays the stats UI for page 5 which includes network diagnostics and open port scanning DisplayPage5 () { local ALIVE local YEAR local NW_STATE local RES_STATE local HOST_STATE local CURL_STATE local SPIDER_STATE local SSL_STATE #oldwan0ip="" # Check to see if previous results are available to display if [ -f $DIAGRESPATH ]; then source $DIAGRESPATH else Lastruntime="No previous results found" LocalClockTest="Failed" NetworkConnTest="Failed" NetworkResTest="Failed" DigFuncTest="Failed" CurlFuncTest="Failed" SpiderFuncTest="Failed" SSLHandshakeTest="Failed" fi logo if [ "$UpdateNotify" != "0" ]; then echo -e "${CRed} $UpdateNotify${CClear}" fi echo "" echo -e "${InvDkGray}${CWhite} Network Diagnostics ${CClear}" echo "" echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${CGreen}Run ${CRed}(D)${CGreen}iagnostics${CClear} ${CCyan}-- Last Run: $Lastruntime" echo "" if [ "$QueueNetworkDiag" == "1" ]; then #run network diags and save Results printf "${InvCyan} ${CClear} ${CCyan}Local Clock Test... ${CYellow}[Checking] ${CClear}" YEAR="$(/bin/date +"%Y")" sleep 1 if [ "$YEAR" -gt 1970 ]; then printf "\r${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${CCyan}Local Clock Test... ${CGreen}[Passed] ${CClear}" LocalClockTest="Passed" else printf "\r${InvRed} ${CClear} ${CCyan}Local Clock Test... ${CRed}[Failed] ${CClear}" LocalClockTest="Failed" fi echo "" printf "${InvCyan} ${CClear} ${CCyan}Network Connectivity Test... ${CYellow}[Checking] ${CClear}" NW_STATE="$(ping -c1 -W2 >/dev/null 2>&1; echo $?)" sleep 1 if [ "$NW_STATE" = "0" ]; then printf "\r${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${CCyan}Network Connectivity Test... ${CGreen}[Passed] ${CClear}" NetworkConnTest="Passed" else printf "\r${InvRed} ${CClear} ${CCyan}Network Connectivity Test... ${CRed}[Failed] ${CClear}" NetworkConnTest="Failed" fi echo "" printf "${InvCyan} ${CClear} ${CCyan}Network Resolution Test... ${CYellow}[Checking] ${CClear}" RES_STATE="$(nslookup google.com >/dev/null 2>&1; echo $?)" sleep 1 if [ "$RES_STATE" = "0" ]; then printf "\r${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${CCyan}Network Resolution Test... ${CGreen}[Passed] ${CClear}" NetworkResTest="Passed" else printf "\r${InvRed} ${CClear} ${CCyan}Network Resolution Test... ${CRed}[Failed] ${CClear}" NetworkResTest="Failed" fi echo "" printf "${InvCyan} ${CClear} ${CCyan}Dig Functionality Test... ${CYellow}[Checking] ${CClear}" DIG_STATE="$(dig google.com >/dev/null 2>&1; echo $?)" sleep 1 if [ "$DIG_STATE" = "0" ]; then printf "\r${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${CCyan}Dig Functionality Test... ${CGreen}[Passed] ${CClear}" DigFuncTest="Passed" else printf "\r${InvRed} ${CClear} ${CCyan}Dig Functionality Test... ${CRed}[Failed] ${CClear}" DigFuncTest="Failed" fi echo "" printf "${InvCyan} ${CClear} ${CCyan}Curl Functionality Test... ${CYellow}[Checking] ${CClear}" CURL_STATE="$(curl -Is http://www.google.com | head -n 1 >/dev/null 2>&1; echo $?)" sleep 1 if [ "$CURL_STATE" = "0" ]; then printf "\r${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${CCyan}Curl Functionality Test... ${CGreen}[Passed] ${CClear}" CurlFuncTest="Passed" else printf "\r${InvRed} ${CClear} ${CCyan}Curl Functionality Test... ${CRed}[Failed] ${CClear}" CurlFuncTest="Failed" fi echo "" printf "${InvCyan} ${CClear} ${CCyan}Spider Functionality Test... ${CYellow}[Checking] ${CClear}" SPIDER_STATE="$(wget -q --spider http://google.com >/dev/null 2>&1; echo $?)" sleep 1 if [ "$SPIDER_STATE" = "0" ]; then printf "\r${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${CCyan}Spider Functionality Test... ${CGreen}[Passed] ${CClear}" SpiderFuncTest="Passed" else printf "\r${InvRed} ${CClear} ${CCyan}Spider Functionality Test... ${CRed}[Failed] ${CClear}" SpiderFuncTest="Failed" fi echo "" printf "${InvCyan} ${CClear} ${CCyan}SSL Handshake Test... ${CYellow}[Checking] ${CClear}" SSL_STATE="$(nc -w3 443 >/dev/null 2>&1 && echo | openssl s_client -connect >/dev/null 2>&1 | awk 'handshake && $1 == "Verification" { if ($2=="OK") exit; exit 1 } $1 $2 == "SSLhandshake" { handshake = 1 }' >/dev/null 2>&1; echo $?)" sleep 1 if [ "$SSL_STATE" = "0" ]; then printf "\r${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${CCyan}SSL Handshake Test... ${CGreen}[Passed] ${CClear}" SSLHandshakeTest="Passed" else printf "\r${InvRed} ${CClear} ${CCyan}SSL Handshake Test... ${CRed}[Failed] ${CClear}" SSLHandshakeTest="Failed" fi echo "" if [ "$PSView" == "TCP" ]; then echo "" echo -e "${InvDkGray}${CWhite} Open ${CGreen}(T)${CWhite}CP Port Scanner | Open ${CRed}(U)${CWhite}DP Port Scanner ${CClear}" echo "" echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${CCyan}WAN0 IP: $oldwan0ip${CClear}" WANnmap=$(nmap $oldwan0ip | grep "open") if [ -z "$WANnmap" ]; then echo "None"; else nmap $oldwan0ip | grep "open"; fi echo "" echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${CCyan}BR0 IP: $oldlanip${CClear}" LANnmap=$(nmap $oldlanip | grep "open") if [ -z "$LANnmap" ]; then echo "None"; else nmap $oldlanip | grep "open"; fi elif [ "$PSView" == "UDP" ]; then echo "" echo -e "${InvDkGray}${CWhite} Open ${CRed}(T)${CWhite}CP Port Scanner | Open ${CGreen}(U)${CWhite}DP Port Scanner ${CClear}" echo "" echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${CCyan}WAN0 IP: $oldwan0ip${CClear}" WANUnmap=$(nmap -sU $oldwan0ip | grep "open") if [ -z "$WANUnmap" ]; then echo "None"; else nmap -sU $oldwan0ip | grep "open"; fi echo "" echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${CCyan}BR0 IP: $oldlanip${CClear}" LANUnmap=$(nmap -sU $oldlanip | grep "open") if [ -z "$LANUnmap" ]; then echo "None"; else nmap -sU $oldlanip | grep "open"; fi fi { echo 'Lastruntime="'"$(date)"'"' echo 'LocalClockTest="'"$LocalClockTest"'"' echo 'NetworkConnTest="'"$NetworkConnTest"'"' echo 'NetworkResTest="'"$NetworkResTest"'"' echo 'DigFuncTest="'"$DigFuncTest"'"' echo 'CurlFuncTest="'"$CurlFuncTest"'"' echo 'SpiderFuncTest="'"$SpiderFuncTest"'"' echo 'SSLHandshakeTest="'"$SSLHandshakeTest"'"' } > $DIAGRESPATH nmap $oldwan0ip -oN $NMAPWANRESPATH | grep "open" >/dev/null 2>&1 nmap $oldlanip -oN $NMAPLANRESPATH | grep "open" >/dev/null 2>&1 nmap $oldwan0ip -sU -oN $NMAPUWANRESPATH | grep "open" >/dev/null 2>&1 nmap $oldlanip -sU -oN $NMAPULANRESPATH | grep "open" >/dev/null 2>&1 QueueNetworkDiag=0 else if [ "$LocalClockTest" == "Passed" ]; then printf "\r${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${CCyan}Local Clock Test... ${CGreen}[Passed] ${CClear}" else printf "\r${InvRed} ${CClear} ${CCyan}Local Clock Test... ${CRed}[Failed] ${CClear}" fi echo "" if [ "$NetworkConnTest" == "Passed" ]; then printf "\r${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${CCyan}Network Connectivity Test... ${CGreen}[Passed] ${CClear}" else printf "\r${InvRed} ${CClear} ${CCyan}Network Connectivity Test... ${CRed}[Failed] ${CClear}" fi echo "" if [ "$NetworkResTest" == "Passed" ]; then printf "\r${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${CCyan}Network Resolution Test... ${CGreen}[Passed] ${CClear}" else printf "\r${InvRed} ${CClear} ${CCyan}Network Resolution Test... ${CRed}[Failed] ${CClear}" fi echo "" if [ "$DigFuncTest" == "Passed" ]; then printf "\r${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${CCyan}Dig Functionality Test... ${CGreen}[Passed] ${CClear}" else printf "\r${InvRed} ${CClear} ${CCyan}Dig Functionality Test... ${CRed}[Failed] ${CClear}" fi echo "" if [ "$CurlFuncTest" == "Passed" ]; then printf "\r${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${CCyan}Curl Functionality Test... ${CGreen}[Passed] ${CClear}" else printf "\r${InvRed} ${CClear} ${CCyan}Curl Functionality Test... ${CRed}[Failed] ${CClear}" fi echo "" if [ "$SpiderFuncTest" == "Passed" ]; then printf "\r${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${CCyan}Spider Functionality Test... ${CGreen}[Passed] ${CClear}" else printf "\r${InvRed} ${CClear} ${CCyan}Spider Functionality Test... ${CRed}[Failed] ${CClear}" fi echo "" if [ "$SSLHandshakeTest" == "Passed" ]; then printf "\r${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${CCyan}SSL Handshake Test... ${CGreen}[Passed] ${CClear}" else printf "\r${InvRed} ${CClear} ${CCyan}SSL Handshake Test... ${CRed}[Failed] ${CClear}" fi echo "" if [ "$PSView" == "TCP" ]; then echo "" echo -e "${InvDkGray}${CWhite} Open ${CGreen}(T)${CWhite}CP Port Scanner | Open ${CRed}(U)${CWhite}DP Port Scanner ${CClear}" echo "" #oldwan0ip="" #demo echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${CCyan}WAN0 IP: $oldwan0ip${CClear}" if [ ! -f $NMAPWANRESPATH ]; then echo "None" else WANnmap=$(cat $NMAPWANRESPATH | grep "open") if [ -z "$WANnmap" ]; then echo "None"; else cat $NMAPWANRESPATH | grep "open"; fi fi echo "" echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${CCyan}BR0 IP: $oldlanip${CClear}" if [ ! -f $NMAPLANRESPATH ]; then echo "None" else LANnmap=$(cat $NMAPLANRESPATH | grep "open") if [ -z "$LANnmap" ]; then echo "None"; else cat $NMAPLANRESPATH | grep "open"; fi fi elif [ "$PSView" == "UDP" ]; then echo "" echo -e "${InvDkGray}${CWhite} Open ${CRed}(T)${CWhite}CP Port Scanner | Open ${CGreen}(U)${CWhite}DP Port Scanner ${CClear}" echo "" echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${CCyan}WAN0 IP: $oldwan0ip${CClear}" if [ ! -f $NMAPUWANRESPATH ]; then echo "None" else WANUnmap=$(cat $NMAPUWANRESPATH | grep "open") if [ -z "$WANUnmap" ]; then echo "None"; else cat $NMAPUWANRESPATH | grep "open"; fi fi echo "" echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${CCyan}BR0 IP: $oldlanip${CClear}" if [ ! -f $NMAPULANRESPATH ]; then echo "None" else LANUnmap=$(cat $NMAPULANRESPATH | grep "open") if [ -z "$LANUnmap" ]; then echo "None"; else cat $NMAPULANRESPATH | grep "open"; fi fi fi fi } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This function displays the stats UI for page 6 which includes top bandwidth connections for WAN, LAN and VPN DisplayPage6 () { logo if [ "$UpdateNotify" != "0" ]; then echo -e "${CRed} $UpdateNotify${CClear}" fi echo "" echo -e "${InvDkGray}${CWhite} Network Connections/Bandwidth ${CClear}" echo "" if [ "$QueueNetworkConn" == "1" ]; then #run network diags and save Results printf "${CGreen}[Updating WAN( ) LAN( ) VPN( ) Statistics]" iftop -t -i $WANIFNAME 2>&1 | sed '/^==/ q' > /jffs/addons/rtrmon.d/wanresult.txt printf "\r${CGreen}[Updating WAN(${CYellow}X${CGreen}) LAN( ) VPN( ) Statistics]" iftop -t -i br0 2>&1 | sed '/^==/ q' > /jffs/addons/rtrmon.d/lanresult.txt printf "\r${CGreen}[Updating WAN(${CYellow}X${CGreen}) LAN(${CYellow}X${CGreen}) VPN( ) Statistics]" iftop -t -i tun1$vpn 2>&1 | sed '/^==/ q' > /jffs/addons/rtrmon.d/vpnresult.txt printf "\r${CGreen}[Updating WAN(${CYellow}X${CGreen}) LAN(${CYellow}X${CGreen}) VPN(${CYellow}X${CGreen}) Statistics]" sleep 1 QueueNetworkConn=0 testrun=$(date +%s) fi if [ -z $testrun ]; then lastrun="Not Current" else currtime=$(date +%s) mindiffs=$(( ($currtime - $testrun)/60 )) lastrun="$mindiffs Minute(s) ago" fi printf "\r${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${CGreen}Refresh ${CRed}(C)${CGreen}urrent Statistics${CClear} | ${CGreen}Stats Age: ${CCyan}$lastrun${CClear}" echo "" if [ "$NCView" == "WAN" ]; then if [ "$vpnon" == "True" ]; then echo "" echo -e "${InvDkGray}${CWhite} ${CGreen}(W)${CWhite}AN | ${CGreen}(L)${CRed}AN ${CWhite}| ${CGreen}(V)${CRed}PN ${CClear}" echo "" else echo "" echo -e "${InvDkGray}${CWhite} ${CGreen}(W)${CWhite}AN | ${CGreen}(L)${CRed}AN ${CClear}" echo "" fi wansegments1=$(cat /jffs/addons/rtrmon.d/wanresult.txt 2>&1 | awk 'NR==7 {print $1, $2, $4} NR==8 {print $1, $3}') line1="$(echo $wansegments1 | awk '{print $1}')" dest1="$(echo $wansegments1 | awk '{print $2}')" out1="$(echo $wansegments1 | awk '{print $3}')" src1="$(echo $wansegments1 | awk '{print $4}')" in1="$(echo $wansegments1 | awk '{print $5}')" wansegments2=$(cat /jffs/addons/rtrmon.d/wanresult.txt 2>&1 | awk 'NR==9 {print $1, $2, $4} NR==10 {print $1, $3}') line2="$(echo $wansegments2 | awk '{print $1}')" dest2="$(echo $wansegments2 | awk '{print $2}')" out2="$(echo $wansegments2 | awk '{print $3}')" src2="$(echo $wansegments2 | awk '{print $4}')" in2="$(echo $wansegments2 | awk '{print $5}')" wansegments3=$(cat /jffs/addons/rtrmon.d/wanresult.txt 2>&1 | awk 'NR==11 {print $1, $2, $4} NR==12 {print $1, $3}') line3="$(echo $wansegments3 | awk '{print $1}')" dest3="$(echo $wansegments3 | awk '{print $2}')" out3="$(echo $wansegments3 | awk '{print $3}')" src3="$(echo $wansegments3 | awk '{print $4}')" in3="$(echo $wansegments3 | awk '{print $5}')" wansegments4=$(cat /jffs/addons/rtrmon.d/wanresult.txt 2>&1 | awk 'NR==13 {print $1, $2, $4} NR==14 {print $1, $3}') line4="$(echo $wansegments4 | awk '{print $1}')" dest4="$(echo $wansegments4 | awk '{print $2}')" out4="$(echo $wansegments4 | awk '{print $3}')" src4="$(echo $wansegments4 | awk '{print $4}')" in4="$(echo $wansegments4 | awk '{print $5}')" wansegments5=$(cat /jffs/addons/rtrmon.d/wanresult.txt 2>&1 | awk 'NR==15 {print $1, $2, $4} NR==16 {print $1, $3}') line5="$(echo $wansegments5 | awk '{print $1}')" dest5="$(echo $wansegments5 | awk '{print $2}')" out5="$(echo $wansegments5 | awk '{print $3}')" src5="$(echo $wansegments5 | awk '{print $4}')" in5="$(echo $wansegments5 | awk '{print $5}')" wansegments6=$(cat /jffs/addons/rtrmon.d/wanresult.txt 2>&1 | awk 'NR==17 {print $1, $2, $4} NR==18 {print $1, $3}') line6="$(echo $wansegments6 | awk '{print $1}')" dest6="$(echo $wansegments6 | awk '{print $2}')" out6="$(echo $wansegments6 | awk '{print $3}')" src6="$(echo $wansegments6 | awk '{print $4}')" in6="$(echo $wansegments6 | awk '{print $5}')" wansegments7=$(cat /jffs/addons/rtrmon.d/wanresult.txt 2>&1 | awk 'NR==19 {print $1, $2, $4} NR==20 {print $1, $3}') line7="$(echo $wansegments7 | awk '{print $1}')" dest7="$(echo $wansegments7 | awk '{print $2}')" out7="$(echo $wansegments7 | awk '{print $3}')" src7="$(echo $wansegments7 | awk '{print $4}')" in7="$(echo $wansegments7 | awk '{print $5}')" wansegments8=$(cat /jffs/addons/rtrmon.d/wanresult.txt 2>&1 | awk 'NR==21 {print $1, $2, $4} NR==22 {print $1, $3}') line8="$(echo $wansegments8 | awk '{print $1}')" dest8="$(echo $wansegments8 | awk '{print $2}')" out8="$(echo $wansegments8 | awk '{print $3}')" src8="$(echo $wansegments8 | awk '{print $4}')" in8="$(echo $wansegments8 | awk '{print $5}')" wansegments9=$(cat /jffs/addons/rtrmon.d/wanresult.txt 2>&1 | awk 'NR==23 {print $1, $2, $4} NR==24 {print $1, $3}') line9="$(echo $wansegments9 | awk '{print $1}')" dest9="$(echo $wansegments9 | awk '{print $2}')" out9="$(echo $wansegments9 | awk '{print $3}')" src9="$(echo $wansegments9 | awk '{print $4}')" in9="$(echo $wansegments9 | awk '{print $5}')" wansegments10=$(cat /jffs/addons/rtrmon.d/wanresult.txt 2>&1 | awk 'NR==25 {print $1, $2, $4} NR==26 {print $1, $3}') line10="$(echo $wansegments10 | awk '{print $1}')" dest10="$(echo $wansegments10 | awk '{print $2}')" out10="$(echo $wansegments10 | awk '{print $3}')" src10="$(echo $wansegments10 | awk '{print $4}')" in10="$(echo $wansegments10 | awk '{print $5}')" if [ "$line1" == "1" ]; then echo -en "${CGreen}" printf "%-52s%s\n" " $line1 $dest1" "=> In: $in1" echo -en "${CCyan}" printf "%-52s%s\n" " $src1" "<= Out: $out1" else echo "No Data" fi if [ "$line2" == "2" ]; then echo -en "${CGreen}" printf "%-52s%s\n" " $line2 $dest2" "=> In: $in2" echo -en "${CCyan}" printf "%-52s%s\n" " $src2" "<= Out: $out2" fi if [ "$line3" == "3" ]; then echo -en "${CGreen}" printf "%-52s%s\n" " $line3 $dest3" "=> In: $in3" echo -en "${CCyan}" printf "%-52s%s\n" " $src3" "<= Out: $out3" fi if [ "$line4" == "4" ]; then echo -en "${CGreen}" printf "%-52s%s\n" " $line4 $dest4" "=> In: $in4" echo -en "${CCyan}" printf "%-52s%s\n" " $src4" "<= Out: $out4" fi if [ "$line5" == "5" ]; then echo -en "${CGreen}" printf "%-52s%s\n" " $line5 $dest5" "=> In: $in5" echo -en "${CCyan}" printf "%-52s%s\n" " $src5" "<= Out: $out5" fi if [ "$line6" == "6" ]; then echo -en "${CGreen}" printf "%-52s%s\n" " $line6 $dest6" "=> In: $in6" echo -en "${CCyan}" printf "%-52s%s\n" " $src6" "<= Out: $out6" fi if [ "$line7" == "7" ]; then echo -en "${CGreen}" printf "%-52s%s\n" " $line7 $dest7" "=> In: $in7" echo -en "${CCyan}" printf "%-52s%s\n" " $src7" "<= Out: $out7" fi if [ "$line8" == "8" ]; then echo -en "${CGreen}" printf "%-52s%s\n" " $line8 $dest8" "=> In: $in8" echo -en "${CCyan}" printf "%-52s%s\n" " $src8" "<= Out: $out8" fi if [ "$line9" == "9" ]; then echo -en "${CGreen}" printf "%-52s%s\n" " $line9 $dest9" "=> In: $in9" echo -en "${CCyan}" printf "%-52s%s\n" " $src9" "<= Out: $out9" fi if [ "$line10" == "10" ]; then echo -en "${CGreen}" printf "%-52s%s\n" "$line10 $dest10" "=> In: $in10" echo -en "${CCyan}" printf "%-52s%s\n" " $src10" "<= Out: $out10" fi fi if [ "$NCView" == "LAN" ]; then if [ "$vpnon" == "True" ]; then echo "" echo -e "${InvDkGray}${CWhite} ${CGreen}(W)${CRed}AN ${CWhite}| ${CGreen}(L)${CWhite}AN | ${CGreen}(V)${CRed}PN ${CClear}" echo "" else echo "" echo -e "${InvDkGray}${CWhite} ${CGreen}(W)${CRed}AN ${CWhite}| ${CGreen}(L)${CWhite}AN ${CClear}" echo "" fi lansegments1=$(cat /jffs/addons/rtrmon.d/lanresult.txt 2>&1 | awk 'NR==7 {print $1, $2, $4} NR==8 {print $1, $3}') line1="$(echo $lansegments1 | awk '{print $1}')" dest1="$(echo $lansegments1 | awk '{print $2}')" out1="$(echo $lansegments1 | awk '{print $3}')" src1="$(echo $lansegments1 | awk '{print $4}')" in1="$(echo $lansegments1 | awk '{print $5}')" lansegments2=$(cat /jffs/addons/rtrmon.d/lanresult.txt 2>&1 | awk 'NR==9 {print $1, $2, $4} NR==10 {print $1, $3}') line2="$(echo $lansegments2 | awk '{print $1}')" dest2="$(echo $lansegments2 | awk '{print $2}')" out2="$(echo $lansegments2 | awk '{print $3}')" src2="$(echo $lansegments2 | awk '{print $4}')" in2="$(echo $lansegments2 | awk '{print $5}')" lansegments3=$(cat /jffs/addons/rtrmon.d/lanresult.txt 2>&1 | awk 'NR==11 {print $1, $2, $4} NR==12 {print $1, $3}') line3="$(echo $lansegments3 | awk '{print $1}')" dest3="$(echo $lansegments3 | awk '{print $2}')" out3="$(echo $lansegments3 | awk '{print $3}')" src3="$(echo $lansegments3 | awk '{print $4}')" in3="$(echo $lansegments3 | awk '{print $5}')" lansegments4=$(cat /jffs/addons/rtrmon.d/lanresult.txt 2>&1 | awk 'NR==13 {print $1, $2, $4} NR==14 {print $1, $3}') line4="$(echo $lansegments4 | awk '{print $1}')" dest4="$(echo $lansegments4 | awk '{print $2}')" out4="$(echo $lansegments4 | awk '{print $3}')" src4="$(echo $lansegments4 | awk '{print $4}')" in4="$(echo $lansegments4 | awk '{print $5}')" lansegments5=$(cat /jffs/addons/rtrmon.d/lanresult.txt 2>&1 | awk 'NR==15 {print $1, $2, $4} NR==16 {print $1, $3}') line5="$(echo $lansegments5 | awk '{print $1}')" dest5="$(echo $lansegments5 | awk '{print $2}')" out5="$(echo $lansegments5 | awk '{print $3}')" src5="$(echo $lansegments5 | awk '{print $4}')" in5="$(echo $lansegments5 | awk '{print $5}')" lansegments6=$(cat /jffs/addons/rtrmon.d/lanresult.txt 2>&1 | awk 'NR==17 {print $1, $2, $4} NR==18 {print $1, $3}') line6="$(echo $lansegments6 | awk '{print $1}')" dest6="$(echo $lansegments6 | awk '{print $2}')" out6="$(echo $lansegments6 | awk '{print $3}')" src6="$(echo $lansegments6 | awk '{print $4}')" in6="$(echo $lansegments6 | awk '{print $5}')" lansegments7=$(cat /jffs/addons/rtrmon.d/lanresult.txt 2>&1 | awk 'NR==19 {print $1, $2, $4} NR==20 {print $1, $3}') line7="$(echo $lansegments7 | awk '{print $1}')" dest7="$(echo $lansegments7 | awk '{print $2}')" out7="$(echo $lansegments7 | awk '{print $3}')" src7="$(echo $lansegments7 | awk '{print $4}')" in7="$(echo $lansegments7 | awk '{print $5}')" lansegments8=$(cat /jffs/addons/rtrmon.d/lanresult.txt 2>&1 | awk 'NR==21 {print $1, $2, $4} NR==22 {print $1, $3}') line8="$(echo $lansegments8 | awk '{print $1}')" dest8="$(echo $lansegments8 | awk '{print $2}')" out8="$(echo $lansegments8 | awk '{print $3}')" src8="$(echo $lansegments8 | awk '{print $4}')" in8="$(echo $lansegments8 | awk '{print $5}')" lansegments9=$(cat /jffs/addons/rtrmon.d/lanresult.txt 2>&1 | awk 'NR==23 {print $1, $2, $4} NR==24 {print $1, $3}') line9="$(echo $lansegments9 | awk '{print $1}')" dest9="$(echo $lansegments9 | awk '{print $2}')" out9="$(echo $lansegments9 | awk '{print $3}')" src9="$(echo $lansegments9 | awk '{print $4}')" in9="$(echo $lansegments9 | awk '{print $5}')" lansegments10=$(cat /jffs/addons/rtrmon.d/lanresult.txt 2>&1 | awk 'NR==25 {print $1, $2, $4} NR==26 {print $1, $3}') line10="$(echo $lansegments10 | awk '{print $1}')" dest10="$(echo $lansegments10 | awk '{print $2}')" out10="$(echo $lansegments10 | awk '{print $3}')" src10="$(echo $lansegments10 | awk '{print $4}')" in10="$(echo $lansegments10 | awk '{print $5}')" if [ "$line1" == "1" ]; then echo -en "${CGreen}" printf "%-52s%s\n" " $line1 $dest1" "=> In: $in1" echo -en "${CCyan}" printf "%-52s%s\n" " $src1" "<= Out: $out1" else echo "No Data" fi if [ "$line2" == "2" ]; then echo -en "${CGreen}" printf "%-52s%s\n" " $line2 $dest2" "=> In: $in2" echo -en "${CCyan}" printf "%-52s%s\n" " $src2" "<= Out: $out2" fi if [ "$line3" == "3" ]; then echo -en "${CGreen}" printf "%-52s%s\n" " $line3 $dest3" "=> In: $in3" echo -en "${CCyan}" printf "%-52s%s\n" " $src3" "<= Out: $out3" fi if [ "$line4" == "4" ]; then echo -en "${CGreen}" printf "%-52s%s\n" " $line4 $dest4" "=> In: $in4" echo -en "${CCyan}" printf "%-52s%s\n" " $src4" "<= Out: $out4" fi if [ "$line5" == "5" ]; then echo -en "${CGreen}" printf "%-52s%s\n" " $line5 $dest5" "=> In: $in5" echo -en "${CCyan}" printf "%-52s%s\n" " $src5" "<= Out: $out5" fi if [ "$line6" == "6" ]; then echo -en "${CGreen}" printf "%-52s%s\n" " $line6 $dest6" "=> In: $in6" echo -en "${CCyan}" printf "%-52s%s\n" " $src6" "<= Out: $out6" fi if [ "$line7" == "7" ]; then echo -en "${CGreen}" printf "%-52s%s\n" " $line7 $dest7" "=> In: $in7" echo -en "${CCyan}" printf "%-52s%s\n" " $src7" "<= Out: $out7" fi if [ "$line8" == "8" ]; then echo -en "${CGreen}" printf "%-52s%s\n" " $line8 $dest8" "=> In: $in8" echo -en "${CCyan}" printf "%-52s%s\n" " $src8" "<= Out: $out8" fi if [ "$line9" == "9" ]; then echo -en "${CGreen}" printf "%-52s%s\n" " $line9 $dest9" "=> In: $in9" echo -en "${CCyan}" printf "%-52s%s\n" " $src9" "<= Out: $out9" fi if [ "$line10" == "10" ]; then echo -en "${CGreen}" printf "%-52s%s\n" "$line10 $dest10" "=> In: $in10" echo -en "${CCyan}" printf "%-52s%s\n" " $src10" "<= Out: $out10" fi fi if [ "$NCView" == "VPN" ]; then echo "" echo -e "${InvDkGray}${CWhite} ${CGreen}(W)${CRed}AN ${CWhite}| ${CGreen}(L)${CRed}AN ${CWhite}| ${CGreen}(V)${CWhite}PN ${CClear}" echo "" vpnsegments1=$(cat /jffs/addons/rtrmon.d/vpnresult.txt 2>&1 | awk 'NR==7 {print $1, $2, $4} NR==8 {print $1, $3}') line1="$(echo $vpnsegments1 | awk '{print $1}')" dest1="$(echo $vpnsegments1 | awk '{print $2}')" out1="$(echo $vpnsegments1 | awk '{print $3}')" src1="$(echo $vpnsegments1 | awk '{print $4}')" in1="$(echo $vpnsegments1 | awk '{print $5}')" vpnsegments2=$(cat /jffs/addons/rtrmon.d/vpnresult.txt 2>&1 | awk 'NR==9 {print $1, $2, $4} NR==10 {print $1, $3}') line2="$(echo $vpnsegments2 | awk '{print $1}')" dest2="$(echo $vpnsegments2 | awk '{print $2}')" out2="$(echo $vpnsegments2 | awk '{print $3}')" src2="$(echo $vpnsegments2 | awk '{print $4}')" in2="$(echo $vpnsegments2 | awk '{print $5}')" vpnsegments3=$(cat /jffs/addons/rtrmon.d/vpnresult.txt 2>&1 | awk 'NR==11 {print $1, $2, $4} NR==12 {print $1, $3}') line3="$(echo $vpnsegments3 | awk '{print $1}')" dest3="$(echo $vpnsegments3 | awk '{print $2}')" out3="$(echo $vpnsegments3 | awk '{print $3}')" src3="$(echo $vpnsegments3 | awk '{print $4}')" in3="$(echo $vpnsegments3 | awk '{print $5}')" vpnsegments4=$(cat /jffs/addons/rtrmon.d/vpnresult.txt 2>&1 | awk 'NR==13 {print $1, $2, $4} NR==14 {print $1, $3}') line4="$(echo $vpnsegments4 | awk '{print $1}')" dest4="$(echo $vpnsegments4 | awk '{print $2}')" out4="$(echo $vpnsegments4 | awk '{print $3}')" src4="$(echo $vpnsegments4 | awk '{print $4}')" in4="$(echo $vpnsegments4 | awk '{print $5}')" vpnsegments5=$(cat /jffs/addons/rtrmon.d/vpnresult.txt 2>&1 | awk 'NR==15 {print $1, $2, $4} NR==16 {print $1, $3}') line5="$(echo $vpnsegments5 | awk '{print $1}')" dest5="$(echo $vpnsegments5 | awk '{print $2}')" out5="$(echo $vpnsegments5 | awk '{print $3}')" src5="$(echo $vpnsegments5 | awk '{print $4}')" in5="$(echo $vpnsegments5 | awk '{print $5}')" vpnsegments6=$(cat /jffs/addons/rtrmon.d/vpnresult.txt 2>&1 | awk 'NR==17 {print $1, $2, $4} NR==18 {print $1, $3}') line6="$(echo $vpnsegments6 | awk '{print $1}')" dest6="$(echo $vpnsegments6 | awk '{print $2}')" out6="$(echo $vpnsegments6 | awk '{print $3}')" src6="$(echo $vpnsegments6 | awk '{print $4}')" in6="$(echo $vpnsegments6 | awk '{print $5}')" vpnsegments7=$(cat /jffs/addons/rtrmon.d/vpnresult.txt 2>&1 | awk 'NR==19 {print $1, $2, $4} NR==20 {print $1, $3}') line7="$(echo $vpnsegments7 | awk '{print $1}')" dest7="$(echo $vpnsegments7 | awk '{print $2}')" out7="$(echo $vpnsegments7 | awk '{print $3}')" src7="$(echo $vpnsegments7 | awk '{print $4}')" in7="$(echo $vpnsegments7 | awk '{print $5}')" vpnsegments8=$(cat /jffs/addons/rtrmon.d/vpnresult.txt 2>&1 | awk 'NR==21 {print $1, $2, $4} NR==22 {print $1, $3}') line8="$(echo $vpnsegments8 | awk '{print $1}')" dest8="$(echo $vpnsegments8 | awk '{print $2}')" out8="$(echo $vpnsegments8 | awk '{print $3}')" src8="$(echo $vpnsegments8 | awk '{print $4}')" in8="$(echo $vpnsegments8 | awk '{print $5}')" vpnsegments9=$(cat /jffs/addons/rtrmon.d/vpnresult.txt 2>&1 | awk 'NR==23 {print $1, $2, $4} NR==24 {print $1, $3}') line9="$(echo $vpnsegments9 | awk '{print $1}')" dest9="$(echo $vpnsegments9 | awk '{print $2}')" out9="$(echo $vpnsegments9 | awk '{print $3}')" src9="$(echo $vpnsegments9 | awk '{print $4}')" in9="$(echo $vpnsegments9 | awk '{print $5}')" vpnsegments10=$(cat /jffs/addons/rtrmon.d/vpnresult.txt 2>&1 | awk 'NR==25 {print $1, $2, $4} NR==26 {print $1, $3}') line10="$(echo $vpnsegments10 | awk '{print $1}')" dest10="$(echo $vpnsegments10 | awk '{print $2}')" out10="$(echo $vpnsegments10 | awk '{print $3}')" src10="$(echo $vpnsegments10 | awk '{print $4}')" in10="$(echo $vpnsegments10 | awk '{print $5}')" if [ "$line1" == "1" ]; then echo -en "${CGreen}" printf "%-52s%s\n" " $line1 $dest1" "=> In: $in1" echo -en "${CCyan}" printf "%-52s%s\n" " $src1" "<= Out: $out1" else echo "No Data" fi if [ "$line2" == "2" ]; then echo -en "${CGreen}" printf "%-52s%s\n" " $line2 $dest2" "=> In: $in2" echo -en "${CCyan}" printf "%-52s%s\n" " $src2" "<= Out: $out2" fi if [ "$line3" == "3" ]; then echo -en "${CGreen}" printf "%-52s%s\n" " $line3 $dest3" "=> In: $in3" echo -en "${CCyan}" printf "%-52s%s\n" " $src3" "<= Out: $out3" fi if [ "$line4" == "4" ]; then echo -en "${CGreen}" printf "%-52s%s\n" " $line4 $dest4" "=> In: $in4" echo -en "${CCyan}" printf "%-52s%s\n" " $src4" "<= Out: $out4" fi if [ "$line5" == "5" ]; then echo -en "${CGreen}" printf "%-52s%s\n" " $line5 $dest5" "=> In: $in5" echo -en "${CCyan}" printf "%-52s%s\n" " $src5" "<= Out: $out5" fi if [ "$line6" == "6" ]; then echo -en "${CGreen}" printf "%-52s%s\n" " $line6 $dest6" "=> In: $in6" echo -en "${CCyan}" printf "%-52s%s\n" " $src6" "<= Out: $out6" fi if [ "$line7" == "7" ]; then echo -en "${CGreen}" printf "%-52s%s\n" " $line7 $dest7" "=> In: $in7" echo -en "${CCyan}" printf "%-52s%s\n" " $src7" "<= Out: $out7" fi if [ "$line8" == "8" ]; then echo -en "${CGreen}" printf "%-52s%s\n" " $line8 $dest8" "=> In: $in8" echo -en "${CCyan}" printf "%-52s%s\n" " $src8" "<= Out: $out8" fi if [ "$line9" == "9" ]; then echo -en "${CGreen}" printf "%-52s%s\n" " $line9 $dest9" "=> In: $in9" echo -en "${CCyan}" printf "%-52s%s\n" " $src9" "<= Out: $out9" fi if [ "$line10" == "10" ]; then echo -en "${CGreen}" printf "%-52s%s\n" "$line10 $dest10" "=> In: $in10" echo -en "${CCyan}" printf "%-52s%s\n" " $src10" "<= Out: $out10" fi fi } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # VPN_GetClientState was created by @Martinski in many thanks to trying to eliminate unknown operand errors due to null # vpn_clientX_state values _VPN_GetClientState_() { if [ $# -lt 1 ] || [ -z "$1" ] || ! echo "$1" | grep -qE "^[1-5]$" then echo "**ERROR**" ; return 1 ; fi local nvramVal="$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get "vpn_client${1}_state")" if [ -z "$nvramVal" ] || ! echo "$nvramVal" | grep -qE "^[0-9]$" then echo "0" ; else echo "$nvramVal" ; fi return 0 } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Begin Commandline Argument Gatekeeper and Configuration Utility Functionality # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #DEBUG=; set -x # uncomment/comment to enable/disable debug mode #{ # uncomment/comment to enable/disable debug mode # Create the necessary folder/file structure for RTRMON under /jffs/addons if [ ! -d "/jffs/addons/rtrmon.d" ]; then mkdir -p "/jffs/addons/rtrmon.d" fi # Check for Updates updatecheck # Check for advanced router Features FourBandCustomAXE16000="False" ThreeBand2456="False" ThreeBand2455="False" [ -z "$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get odmpid)" ] && RouterModel="$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get productid)" || RouterModel="$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get odmpid)" # Thanks @thelonelycoder for this logic if [ $RouterModel == "GT-AXE16000" ]; then # || [ $RouterModel == "GT-BE98" ]; then FourBandCustomAXE16000="True" fi if [ $RouterModel == "GT-AXE11000" ]; then # || [ $RouterModel == "RT-BE96U"]; then ThreeBand2456="True" fi if [ $RouterModel == "GT-AX11000_PRO" ] || [ $RouterModel == "GT-AX11000" ] || [ $RouterModel == "ZenWiFi_Pro_XT12" ] || [ $RouterModel == "ZenWIFI_AX" ]; then ThreeBand2455="True" fi # Check and see if any commandline option is being used if [ $# -eq 0 ] then clear echo "" echo "RTRMON v$Version" echo "" echo "Exiting due to missing commandline options!" echo "(run 'rtrmon.sh -h' for help)" echo "" echo -e "${CClear}" exit 0 fi # Check and see if an invalid commandline option is being used if [ "$1" == "-h" ] || [ "$1" == "-help" ] || [ "$1" == "-config" ] || [ "$1" == "-monitor" ] || [ "$1" == "-log" ] || [ "$1" == "-update" ] || [ "$1" == "-setup" ] || [ "$1" == "-uninstall" ] || [ "$1" == "-screen" ] || [ "$1" == "-reset" ] then clear else clear echo "" echo "RTRMON v$Version" echo "" echo "Exiting due to invalid commandline options!" echo "(run 'rtrmon.sh -h' for help)" echo "" echo -e "${CClear}" exit 0 fi # Check to see if the help option is being called if [ "$1" == "-h" ] || [ "$1" == "-help" ] then clear echo "" echo "RTRMON v$Version Commandline Option Usage:" echo "" echo "rtrmon.sh -h | -help" echo "rtrmon.sh -log" echo "rtrmon.sh -config" echo "rtrmon.sh -update" echo "rtrmon.sh -setup" echo "rtrmon.sh -uninstall" echo "rtrmon.sh -screen" echo "rtrmon.sh -monitor" echo "rtrmon.sh -screen/-monitor X" echo "" echo " -h | -help (this output)" echo " -log (display the current log contents)" echo " -config (configuration utility)" echo " -update (script update utility)" echo " -setup (setup/dependencies utility)" echo " -uninstall (uninstall utility)" echo " -screen (normal router monitoring using the screen utility)" echo " -monitor (normal router monitoring operations)" echo " -screen/-monitor X (X = display screen 1-6 on execution)" echo "" echo -e "${CClear}" exit 0 fi # Check to see if the log option is being called, and display through nano if [ "$1" == "-log" ] then vlogs exit 0 fi # Check to see if the configuration option is being called, and run through setup utility if [ "$1" == "-config" ] then vconfig echo -e "${CClear}" exit 0 fi # Check to see if the update option is being called if [ "$1" == "-update" ] then vupdate echo -e "${CClear}" exit 0 fi # Check to see if the install option is being called if [ "$1" == "-setup" ] then vsetup fi # Check to see if the uninstall option is being called if [ "$1" == "-uninstall" ] then vuninstall echo -e "${CClear}" exit 0 fi # Check to see if the screen option is being called and run operations normally using the screen utility if [ "$1" == "-screen" ] then screen -wipe >/dev/null 2>&1 # Kill any dead screen sessions sleep 1 ScreenSess=$(screen -ls | grep "rtrmon" | awk '{print $1}' | cut -d . -f 1) if [ -z $ScreenSess ]; then clear echo -e "${CGreen}Executing RTRMON v$Version using the SCREEN utility...${CClear}" echo "" echo -e "${CCyan}IMPORTANT:${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan}In order to keep RTRMON running in the background,${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan}properly exit the SCREEN session by using: CTRL-A + D${CClear}" echo "" if [ -z $2 ]; then screen -dmS "rtrmon" $APPPATH -monitor elif [ $2 -ge 1 ] && [ $2 -le 6 ]; then screen -dmS "rtrmon" $APPPATH -monitor $2 else screen -dmS "rtrmon" $APPPATH -monitor fi sleep 2 echo -e "${CGreen}Switching to the SCREEN session in T-5 sec...${CClear}" echo -e "${CClear}" SPIN=5 spinner screen -r rtrmon exit 0 else clear echo -e "${CGreen}Connecting to existing RTRMON v$Version SCREEN session...${CClear}" echo "" echo -e "${CCyan}IMPORTANT:${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan}In order to keep RTRMON running in the background,${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan}properly exit the SCREEN session by using: CTRL-A + D${CClear}" echo "" echo -e "${CGreen}Switching to the SCREEN session in T-5 sec...${CClear}" echo -e "${CClear}" SPIN=5 spinner screen -dr $ScreenSess exit 0 fi fi # Check to see if the monitor option is being called and run operations normally if [ "$1" == "-monitor" ] then clear if [ -f $CFGPATH ] && [ -f "/opt/bin/timeout" ] && [ -f "/opt/sbin/screen" ] && [ -f "/opt/bin/nmap" ] && [ -f "/opt/bin/jq" ] && [ -f "/opt/bin/iftop" ]; then source $CFGPATH if [ -f "/opt/bin/timeout" ] # If the timeout utility is available then use it and assign variables then timeoutcmd="timeout " timeoutsec="10" timeoutlng="60" else timeoutcmd="" timeoutsec="" timeoutlng="" fi if [ ! -f "/jffs/addons/rtrmon.d/speedtest-cli.json" ]; then cp /root/.config/ookla/speedtest-cli.json /jffs/addons/rtrmon.d/speedtest-cli.json 2>/dev/null fi if [ ! -d "/root/.config/ookla" ]; then mkdir -p "/root/.config/ookla" cp /jffs/addons/rtrmon.d/speedtest-cli.json /root/.config/ookla/speedtest-cli.json 2>/dev/null fi if [ $2 -ge 1 ] && [ $2 -le 6 ]; then NextPage="$2" fi # Per @Stephen Harrington's sugguestion, check NVRAM to see if Wifi is turned on, else mark them as disabled if [ "$FourBandCustomAXE16000" == "True" ]; then if [ $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get wl0_radio) -eq 0 ]; then MaxSpeed5Ghz=0 fi if [ $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get wl1_radio) -eq 0 ]; then MaxSpeed52Ghz=0 fi if [ $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get wl3_radio) -eq 0 ]; then MaxSpeed24Ghz=0 fi if [ $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get wl2_radio) -eq 0 ]; then MaxSpeed6Ghz=0 fi elif [ "$ThreeBand2456" == "True" ]; then if [ $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get wl0_radio) -eq 0 ]; then MaxSpeed24Ghz=0 fi if [ $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get wl1_radio) -eq 0 ]; then MaxSpeed5Ghz=0 fi if [ $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get wl2_radio) -eq 0 ]; then MaxSpeed6Ghz=0 fi elif [ "$ThreeBand2455" == "True" ]; then if [ $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get wl0_radio) -eq 0 ]; then MaxSpeed24Ghz=0 fi if [ $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get wl1_radio) -eq 0 ]; then MaxSpeed5Ghz=0 fi if [ $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get wl2_radio) -eq 0 ]; then MaxSpeed52Ghz=0 fi else if [ $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get wl0_radio) -eq 0 ]; then MaxSpeed24Ghz=0 fi if [ $($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get wl1_radio) -eq 0 ]; then MaxSpeed5Ghz=0 fi fi else echo -e "${CRed}Error: RTRMON is not configured or does not have all the required dependencies${CClear}" echo -e "${CRed}installed. Launching 'rtrmon -setup' to install dependencies/complete setup!${CClear}" echo -e "$(date) - RTRMON ----------> ERROR: RTRMON is not configured/missing dependencies. Please run the setup tool." >> $LOGFILE echo "" echo -e "${CGreen}Launching the Setup Menu in T-5 sec...${CClear}" SPIN=5 spinner vsetup echo -e "${CClear}" exit 0 fi fi # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Main RTRMON program initialization # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Display the logo and indicator that stats are being gathered. clear logoNM echo "" echo -e "${CGreen}[Initiating Boot Sequence - Gathering Initial Stats...]" echo "" INITIALBOOT=1 echo -e "$(date) - RTRMON - Initial Boot Sequence - Gathering Initial Stats..." >> $LOGFILE # Capture initial traffic and store current WAN/WiFi bytes stats if [ $WANOverride == "Auto" ]; then WANIFNAME=$(get_wan_setting ifname); else WANIFNAME=$WANOverride; fi if [ -z $WANIFNAME ]; then WANIFNAME="eth0"; fi oldwanrxbytes="$(cat /sys/class/net/$WANIFNAME/statistics/rx_bytes)" oldwantxbytes="$(cat /sys/class/net/$WANIFNAME/statistics/tx_bytes)" if [ "$FourBandCustomAXE16000" == "True" ]; then ifname24=$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get wl3_ifname) ifname5=$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get wl0_ifname) ifname52=$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get wl1_ifname) ifname6=$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get wl2_ifname) elif [ "$ThreeBand2456" == "True" ]; then ifname24=$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get wl0_ifname) ifname5=$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get wl1_ifname) ifname6=$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get wl2_ifname) elif [ "$ThreeBand2455" == "True" ]; then ifname24=$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get wl0_ifname) ifname5=$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get wl1_ifname) ifname52=$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get wl2_ifname) else ifname24=$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get wl0_ifname) ifname5=$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get wl1_ifname) fi old24rxbytes="$(cat /sys/class/net/$ifname24/statistics/rx_bytes)" old24txbytes="$(cat /sys/class/net/$ifname24/statistics/tx_bytes)" old5rxbytes="$(cat /sys/class/net/$ifname5/statistics/rx_bytes)" old5txbytes="$(cat /sys/class/net/$ifname5/statistics/tx_bytes)" if [ "$FourBandCustomAXE16000" == "True" ] || [ "$ThreeBand2455" == "True" ]; then old52rxbytes="$(cat /sys/class/net/$ifname52/statistics/rx_bytes)" old52txbytes="$(cat /sys/class/net/$ifname52/statistics/tx_bytes)" fi if [ "$FourBandCustomAXE16000" == "True" ] || [ "$ThreeBand2456" == "True" ]; then old6rxbytes="$(cat /sys/class/net/$ifname6/statistics/rx_bytes)" old6txbytes="$(cat /sys/class/net/$ifname6/statistics/tx_bytes)" fi oldlanrxbytes="$(cat /sys/class/net/br0/statistics/rx_bytes)" oldlantxbytes="$(cat /sys/class/net/br0/statistics/tx_bytes)" vpn=0 while [ $vpn -ne 5 ]; do vpn=$(($vpn+1)) VPNState="$(_VPN_GetClientState_ ${vpn})" if [ -z $VPNState ]; then VPNState=0; fi # to catch possible wireguard interference if [ $VPNState -eq 2 ]; then TUN="tun1"$vpn NVRAMVPNADDR=$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get vpn_client"$vpn"_addr) NVRAMVPNIP=$(ping -c 2 -w 1 $NVRAMVPNADDR | awk -F '[()]' '/PING/ { print $2}') if [ "$(echo $NVRAMVPNIP | grep -E '^(192\.168|10\.|172\.1[6789]\.|172\.2[0-9]\.|172\.3[01]\.)')" ]; then oldvpnip=$NVRAMVPNIP oldvpncity="Private Network" else lastvpnip=$oldvpnip oldvpnip=$(curl --silent --fail --interface $TUN --request GET --url https://ipv4.icanhazip.com) # Grab the public IP of the VPN Connection if [ -z $oldvpnip ]; then oldvpnip=$NVRAMVPNIP; fi if [ "$lastvpnip" != "$oldvpnip" ]; then oldvpncity="curl --silent --retry 3 --request GET --url http://ip-api.com/json/$oldvpnip | jq --raw-output .city" oldvpncity="$(eval $oldvpncity)"; if echo $oldvpncity | grep -qoE '\b(error.*:.*True.*|Undefined)\b'; then oldvpncity="Undetermined"; fi vpncity=$oldvpncity echo -e "$(date) - RTRMON - API call made to determine geolocation of $oldvpnip ($oldvpncity)" >> $LOGFILE fi fi vpnon="True" #Check to see if there's a secondary VPN connection vpn2=$vpn while [ $vpn2 -ne 5 ]; do vpn2=$(($vpn2+1)) VPN2State="$(_VPN_GetClientState_ ${vpn2})" if [ $VPN2State -eq 2 ]; then TUN2="tun1"$vpn2 NVRAMVPN2ADDR=$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get vpn_client"$vpn2"_addr) NVRAMVPN2IP=$(ping -c 2 -w 1 $NVRAMVPN2ADDR | awk -F '[()]' '/PING/ { print $2}') if [ "$(echo $NVRAMVPN2IP | grep -E '^(192\.168|10\.|172\.1[6789]\.|172\.2[0-9]\.|172\.3[01]\.)')" ]; then oldvpn2ip=$NVRAMVPN2IP oldvpn2city="Private Network" else lastvpn2ip=$oldvpn2ip oldvpn2ip=$(curl --silent --fail --interface $TUN2 --request GET --url https://ipv4.icanhazip.com) # Grab the public IP of the VPN Connection if [ -z $oldvpn2ip ]; then oldvpn2ip=$NVRAMVPN2IP; fi if [ "$lastvpn2ip" != "$oldvpn2ip" ]; then oldvpn2city="curl --silent --retry 3 --request GET --url http://ip-api.com/json/$vpn2ip | jq --raw-output .city" oldvpn2city="$(eval $oldvpn2city)"; if echo $oldvpn2city | grep -qoE '\b(error.*:.*True.*|Undefined)\b'; then oldvpn2city="Undetermined"; fi echo -e "$(date) - RTRMON - API call made to determine geolocation of $oldvpn2ip ($oldvpn2city)" >> $LOGFILE fi fi vpn2on="True" break else vpn2on="False" fi done break else vpnon="False" vpn2on="False" fi done if [ "$vpnon" == "True" ]; then oldvpntxrxbytes=$(awk -F',' '1 == /TUN\/TAP read bytes/ {print $2} 1 == /TUN\/TAP write bytes/ {print $2}' /tmp/etc/openvpn/client$vpn/status 2>/dev/null) oldvpnrxbytes="$(echo $oldvpntxrxbytes | cut -d' ' -f1)" oldvpntxbytes="$(echo $oldvpntxrxbytes | cut -d' ' -f2)" if [ -z $oldvpnrxbytes ]; then oldvpnrxbytes=0; fi if [ -z $oldvpntxbytes ]; then oldvpntxbytes=0; fi if [ $oldvpnrxbytes -le 0 ]; then oldvpnrxbytes=0 elif [ $oldvpntxbytes -le 0 ]; then oldvpntxbytes=0 fi fi if [ "$vpn2on" == "True" ]; then oldvpn2txrxbytes=$(awk -F',' '1 == /TUN\/TAP read bytes/ {print $2} 1 == /TUN\/TAP write bytes/ {print $2}' /tmp/etc/openvpn/client$vpn2/status 2>/dev/null) oldvpn2rxbytes="$(echo $oldvpn2txrxbytes | cut -d' ' -f1)" oldvpn2txbytes="$(echo $oldvpn2txrxbytes | cut -d' ' -f2)" if [ -z $oldvpn2rxbytes ]; then oldvpn2rxbytes=0; fi if [ -z $oldvpn2txbytes ]; then oldvpn2txbytes=0; fi if [ $oldvpn2rxbytes -le 0 ]; then oldvpn2rxbytes=0 elif [ $oldvpn2txbytes -le 0 ]; then oldvpn2txbytes=0 fi fi # Get initial TOP stats to average across the interval period RM_ELAPSED_TIME=0 RM_START_TIME=$(date +%s) i=0 while [ $i -ne $Interval ] do i=$(($i+1)) gettopstats $i preparebar 53 "|" if [ "$ProgPref" == "0" ]; then progressbar $i $Interval "" "s" "Standard" else progressbaroverride $i $Interval "" "s" "Standard" fi done calculatestats oldstats clear INITIALBOOT=0 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Main loop that calls functions to perform all necessary calculations across the interval period # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- while true; do if [ "$NextPage" == "1" ]; then clear DisplayPage1 echo "" elif [ "$NextPage" == "2" ]; then clear DisplayPage2 echo "" elif [ "$NextPage" == "3" ]; then clear DisplayPage3 echo "" elif [ "$NextPage" == "4" ]; then clear DisplayPage4 echo "" elif [ "$NextPage" == "5" ]; then clear DisplayPage5 #echo "" elif [ "$NextPage" == "6" ]; then clear DisplayPage6 #echo "" fi # Reset stats after the UI has finished drawing memused1=0 memfree1=0 memshrd1=0 membuff1=0 memcach1=0 memused2=0 memfree2=0 memshrd2=0 membuff2=0 memcach2=0 cpuusr1=0 cpusys1=0 cpunice1=0 cpuidle1=0 displaycpuusr1=0 displaycpusys1=0 displaycpunice1=0 displaycpuidle1=0 displaycpuirq1=0 # Get fresh WAN stats oldwanrxbytes="$(cat /sys/class/net/$WANIFNAME/statistics/rx_bytes)" oldwantxbytes="$(cat /sys/class/net/$WANIFNAME/statistics/tx_bytes)" old24rxbytes="$(cat /sys/class/net/$ifname24/statistics/rx_bytes)" old24txbytes="$(cat /sys/class/net/$ifname24/statistics/tx_bytes)" old5rxbytes="$(cat /sys/class/net/$ifname5/statistics/rx_bytes)" old5txbytes="$(cat /sys/class/net/$ifname5/statistics/tx_bytes)" if [ "$FourBandCustomAXE16000" == "True" ] || [ "$ThreeBand2455" == "True" ]; then old52rxbytes="$(cat /sys/class/net/$ifname52/statistics/rx_bytes)" old52txbytes="$(cat /sys/class/net/$ifname52/statistics/tx_bytes)" fi if [ "$FourBandCustomAXE16000" == "True" ] || [ "$ThreeBand2456" == "True" ]; then old6rxbytes="$(cat /sys/class/net/$ifname6/statistics/rx_bytes)" old6txbytes="$(cat /sys/class/net/$ifname6/statistics/tx_bytes)" fi oldlanrxbytes="$(cat /sys/class/net/br0/statistics/rx_bytes)" oldlantxbytes="$(cat /sys/class/net/br0/statistics/tx_bytes)" # Get fresh VPN stats echo "" vpn=0 while [ $vpn -ne 5 ]; do vpn=$(($vpn+1)) VPNState="$(_VPN_GetClientState_ ${vpn})" if [ -z $VPNState ]; then VPNState=0; fi # to catch possible wireguard interference if [ $VPNState -eq 2 ]; then TUN="tun1"$vpn NVRAMVPNADDR=$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get vpn_client"$vpn"_addr) printf "${CGreen}\r[Refreshing Stats...]" NVRAMVPNIP=$(ping -c 1 -w 1 $NVRAMVPNADDR | awk -F '[()]' '/PING/ { print $2}') if [ "$(echo $NVRAMVPNIP | grep -E '^(192\.168|10\.|172\.1[6789]\.|172\.2[0-9]\.|172\.3[01]\.)')" ]; then oldvpnip=$NVRAMVPNIP oldvpncity="Private Network" else lastvpnip=$oldvpnip oldvpnip=$(curl --silent --fail --interface $TUN --request GET --url https://ipv4.icanhazip.com) # Grab the public IP of the VPN Connection if [ -z $oldvpnip ]; then oldvpnip=$NVRAMVPNIP; fi if [ "$lastvpnip" != "$oldvpnip" ]; then oldvpncity="curl --silent --retry 3 --request GET --url http://ip-api.com/json/$oldvpnip | jq --raw-output .city" oldvpncity="$(eval $oldvpncity)"; if echo $oldvpncity | grep -qoE '\b(error.*:.*True.*|Undefined)\b'; then oldvpncity="Undetermined"; fi vpncity=$oldvpncity echo -e "$(date) - RTRMON - API call made to determine geolocation of $oldvpnip ($oldvpncity)" >> $LOGFILE fi fi vpnon="True" #Check to see if there's a secondary VPN connection vpn2=$vpn while [ $vpn2 -ne 5 ]; do vpn2=$(($vpn2+1)) VPN2State="$(_VPN_GetClientState_ ${vpn2})" if [ $VPN2State -eq 2 ]; then TUN2="tun1"$vpn2 NVRAMVPN2ADDR=$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get vpn_client"$vpn2"_addr) printf "${CGreen}\r[Refreshing Stats...]" NVRAMVPN2IP=$(ping -c 1 -w 1 $NVRAMVPN2ADDR | awk -F '[()]' '/PING/ { print $2}') if [ "$(echo $NVRAMVPN2IP | grep -E '^(192\.168|10\.|172\.1[6789]\.|172\.2[0-9]\.|172\.3[01]\.)')" ]; then oldvpn2ip=$NVRAMVPN2IP oldvpn2city="Private Network" else lastvpn2ip=$oldvpn2ip oldvpn2ip=$(curl --silent --fail --interface $TUN2 --request GET --url https://ipv4.icanhazip.com) # Grab the public IP of the VPN Connection if [ -z $oldvpn2ip ]; then oldvpn2ip=$NVRAMVPN2IP; fi if [ "$lastvpn2ip" != "$oldvpn2ip" ]; then oldvpn2city="curl --silent --retry 3 --request GET --url http://ip-api.com/json/$vpn2ip | jq --raw-output .city" oldvpn2city="$(eval $oldvpn2city)"; if echo $oldvpn2city | grep -qoE '\b(error.*:.*True.*|Undefined)\b'; then oldvpn2city="Undetermined"; fi echo -e "$(date) - RTRMON - API call made to determine geolocation of $oldvpn2ip ($oldvpn2city)" >> $LOGFILE fi fi vpn2on="True" break else vpn2on="False" fi done break else vpnon="False" vpn2on="False" fi done if [ "$vpnon" == "True" ]; then oldvpntxrxbytes=$(awk -F',' '1 == /TUN\/TAP read bytes/ {print $2} 1 == /TUN\/TAP write bytes/ {print $2}' /tmp/etc/openvpn/client$vpn/status 2>/dev/null) oldvpnrxbytes="$(echo $oldvpntxrxbytes | cut -d' ' -f1)" oldvpntxbytes="$(echo $oldvpntxrxbytes | cut -d' ' -f2)" if [ -z $oldvpnrxbytes ]; then oldvpnrxbytes=0; fi if [ -z $oldvpntxbytes ]; then oldvpntxbytes=0; fi if [ $oldvpnrxbytes -le 0 ]; then oldvpnrxbytes=0 elif [ $oldvpntxbytes -le 0 ]; then oldvpntxbytes=0 fi fi if [ "$vpn2on" == "True" ]; then oldvpn2txrxbytes=$(awk -F',' '1 == /TUN\/TAP read bytes/ {print $2} 1 == /TUN\/TAP write bytes/ {print $2}' /tmp/etc/openvpn/client$vpn2/status 2>/dev/null) oldvpn2rxbytes="$(echo $oldvpn2txrxbytes | cut -d' ' -f1)" oldvpn2txbytes="$(echo $oldvpn2txrxbytes | cut -d' ' -f2)" if [ -z $oldvpn2rxbytes ]; then oldvpn2rxbytes=0; fi if [ -z $oldvpn2txbytes ]; then oldvpn2txbytes=0; fi if [ $oldvpn2rxbytes -le 0 ]; then oldvpn2rxbytes=0 elif [ $oldvpn2txbytes -le 0 ]; then oldvpn2txbytes=0 fi fi printf "${CGreen}\r " printf "${CGreen}\r" # Run through the stats gathering loop based on the current interval #echo "" RM_ELAPSED_TIME=0 RM_START_TIME=$(date +%s) i=0 while [ $i -ne $Interval ] do i=$(($i+1)) gettopstats $i preparebar 46 "|" if [ "$ProgPref" == "0" ]; then progressbar $i $Interval "" "s" "Standard" else progressbaroverride $i $Interval "" "s" "Standard" fi done # Do a fresh round of stats and save them to the old stats for display purposes calculatestats oldstats clear if [ "$autorotate" == "1" ] && [ $Interval -eq $i ]; then if [ "$NextPage" == "1" ]; then clear; NextPage=2 #DisplayPage2 elif [ "$NextPage" == "2" ]; then clear; NextPage=3 #DisplayPage3 elif [ "$NextPage" == "3" ]; then clear; NextPage=4 #DisplayPage4 elif [ "$NextPage" == "4" ]; then clear; NextPage=5 #DisplayPage5 elif [ "$NextPage" == "5" ]; then clear; NextPage=6 #DisplayPage1 elif [ "$NextPage" == "6" ]; then clear; NextPage=1 #DisplayPage1 fi fi done exit 0 #} #2>&1 | tee $LOG | logger -t $(basename $0)[$$] # uncomment/comment to enable/disable debug mode