#!/bin/sh # VPNMON-R2 v2.65 (VPNMON-R2.SH) is an all-in-one script that is optimized for NordVPN, SurfShark VPN and Perfect Privacy # VPN services. It can also compliment @JackYaz's VPNMGR program to maintain a NordVPN/PIA/WeVPN setup, and is able to # function perfectly in a standalone environment with your own personal VPN service. This script will check the health of # (up to) 5 VPN connections on a regular interval to see if one is connected, and sends a ping to a host of your choice # through the active connection. If it finds that connection has been lost, it will execute a series of commands that will # kill all VPN clients, will optionally whitelist all NordVPN/PerfectPrivacy VPN servers in the Skynet Firewall, and # randomly picks one of your (up to) 5 VPN Clients to connect to. One of VPNMON-R2's unique features is called # "SuperRandom", where it will randomly assign VPN endpoints for a random county (or your choice) to your VPN slots, and # randomly connect to one of these. It will now also test your WAN connection, and put itself into standby until the WAN # is restored before reconnecting your VPN connections. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Usage and configuration Guide - *UPDATED* # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # All previous user-selectable options are now available through the Configuration Utility. You may access and run this # utility by running "vpnmon-r2 -setup". Once configured, a "vpnmon-r2.cfg" file will be written to your # /jffs/addons/vpnmon-r2.d/ folder containing the options you have selected. Once everything looks good, you are able to # run VPNMON-R2 for under normal monitoring conditions using this command: "vpnmon-r2 -monitor". Please note this change # for any current automations you may have in place. To easily view the log file, enter: "vpnmon-r2 -log". You will be # prompted as new updates become available going forward with v1.2. Use "vpnmon-r2 -update" to update the script. If # you want to learn about other functions, use "vpnmon-r2 -h or -help". # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Shellcheck exclusions # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # shellcheck disable=SC2034 # shellcheck disable=SC3037 # shellcheck disable=SC2162 # shellcheck disable=SC3045 # shellcheck disable=SC2183 # shellcheck disable=SC2086 # shellcheck disable=SC3014 # shellcheck disable=SC2059 # shellcheck disable=SC2002 # shellcheck disable=SC2004 # shellcheck disable=SC3028 # shellcheck disable=SC2140 # shellcheck disable=SC3046 # shellcheck disable=SC1090 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # System Variables (Do not change beyond this point or this may change the programs ability to function correctly) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version="2.65" # Current version of VPNMON-R2 Beta=0 # Beta Testmode on/off DLVersion="0.0" # Current version of VPNMON-R2 from source repository LOCKFILE="/jffs/scripts/VRSTLock.txt" # Predefined lockfile that VPNMON-R2 creates when it resets the VPN so # that VPNMON-R2 does not interfere during an external reset RSTFILE="/jffs/addons/vpnmon-r2.d/vpnmon-rst.log" # Logfile containing the last date/time a VPN reset was performed. Else, # the latest date/time that VPNMON-R2 restarted will be shown. LOGFILE="/jffs/addons/vpnmon-r2.d/vpnmon-r2.log" # Logfile path/name that captures important date/time events - change APPPATH="/jffs/scripts/vpnmon-r2.sh" # Path to the location of vpnmon-r2.sh CFGPATH="/jffs/addons/vpnmon-r2.d/vpnmon-r2.cfg" # Path to the location of vpnmon-r2.cfg DLVERPATH="/jffs/addons/vpnmon-r2.d/version.txt" # Path to downloaded version from the source repository YAZFI_CONFIG_PATH="/jffs/addons/YazFi.d/config" # Path to the YazFi guest network(s) config file APPSTATUS="/jffs/addons/vpnmon-r2.d/appstatus.txt" # Path to the current status of VPNMON-R2 LockFound=0 # Lockfile variable for VPN resets PauseLockFound=0 # Lockfile variable for pause and resumes StopLockFound=0 # Lockfile variable for stops WAN1OverrideLock=0 # Lockfile variable for WAN1 vpn connection overrides NewScreen=0 # Screen variable to determine if it's new or reused connState=2 # Status = 2 means VPN is connected, 1 = connecting, 0 = not connected BASE=1 # Random numbers start at BASE up to N, ie. 1..3 STATUS=0 # Tracks whether or not a ping was successful VPNCLCNT=0 # Tracks to make sure there are not multiple connections running CURRCLNT=0 # Tracks which VPN client is currently active CNT=0 # Counter FromUI=0 # Tracks selections made from the UI AVGPING=0 # Average ping value MINPING=100 # Minimum ping value in ms before a reset takes place USELOWESTSLOT=1 # Option to select either random VPN slot connections, or using the one # with the lowest PING FORCEDRESET=0 # Variable tracks whether a forced reset is initiated through the UI LOWPINGCOUNT=0 # Counter for the number of tries before switching to lower ping server PINGCHANCES=5 # Number of chances your current connection gets before reconnecting to IGNOREHIGHPING=0 # Ignore high ping rule if running on WAN1 failover mode faster server RecommendedServer=0 # Tracks NordVPN Closest/lowest latency Recommended Server Option WAN1Override=1 # Tracks WAN1 Overrides preventing VPN connections while WAN1 is active UpdateUnbound=0 # Tracks whether to update Unbound with the current VPN slot UnboundReset=0 # Tracks whether to reset VPN if Unbound becomes out of sync with WAN IP ResolverTimer=1 # Timer to give the DNS resolver check time to settle before getting its value SPIN=15 # 15-second Spin timer state1=0 # Initialize the VPN connection states for VPN Clients 1-5 state2=0 state3=0 state4=0 state5=0 START=$(date +%s) # Start a timer to determine intervals of VPN resets EXTERNALRESET=0 # Option for external reset capabilities EXT_SOURCE="None" # External reset file URL location EXTINTERVAL=900 # Timer interval for tracking external file resets DelayStartup=0 # Tracking the delayed startup timer AUTOSTART=0 # Tracking if VPNMON-R2 will auto start on router reboot TRIMLOGS=0 # Tracking log sizes for trimming functionality MAXLOGSIZE=1000 CURRLOGSIZE=0 SKIPPROGRESS=0 # Variable to skip the progress bar VPNIP="Unassigned" # Tracking VPN IP for city location display. API gives you 1K lookups # per day, and is optimized to only lookup city location after a reset vpnresettripped=0 # Tracking whether a VPN Reset is tripped due to a WAN outage WAN0IP="Unassigned" # Tracking WAN IP for city location display WAN1IP="Unassigned" # Tracking WAN IP for city location display ICANHAZIP="" # Variable for tracking public facing VPN IP VPNLOAD=0 # Variable tracks the NordVPN server load AVGPING=0 # Variable tracks average ping time PINGLOW=0 # Variable tracks lowest ping time PINGHIGH=0 # Variable tracks highest ping time SHOWSTATS=0 # Tracks whether you want to show stats on/off if you like minimalism rxbytes=0 # Variables to capture and measure TX/RX rates on VPN Tunnel txbytes=0 txrxbytes=0 rxgbytes=0 txgbytes=0 oldrxbytes=0 newrxbytes=0 oldtxbytes=0 newtxbytes=0 SyncYazFi=0 # Variables that track whether or not to sythe active VPN slot with YF24GN1=0 # user-selectable YazFi guest networks YF24GN2=0 YF24GN3=0 YF5GN1=0 YF5GN2=0 YF5GN3=0 YF52GN1=0 YF52GN2=0 YF52GN3=0 UseSurfShark=0 # Variables for SurfShark VPN SurfSharkMultipleCountries=0 SurfSharkCountry="United States" SurfSharkCountry2="" SurfSharkCountry3="" SurfSharkSuperRandom=0 SurfSharkLoadReset=50 UsePP=0 # Variables for Perfect Privacy VPN PPMultipleCountries=0 PPCountry="United States" PPCountry2="" PPCountry3="" PPSuperRandom=0 PPLoadReset=50 UseWeVPN=0 # Variables for WeVPN WeVPNMultipleCountries=0 WeVPNCountry="USA" WeVPNCountry2="" WeVPNCountry3="" WeVPNSuperRandom=0 WeVPNLoadReset=50 UseAirVPN=0 # Variables for AirVPN AirVPNMultipleCountries=0 AirVPNCountry="United States" AirVPNCountry2="" AirVPNCountry3="" AirVPNSuperRandom=0 AirVPNLoadReset=50 # Color variables CBlack="\e[1;30m" InvBlack="\e[1;40m" CRed="\e[1;31m" InvRed="\e[1;41m" CGreen="\e[1;32m" InvGreen="\e[1;42m" CDkGray="\e[1;90m" InvDkGray="\e[1;100m" InvLtGray="\e[1;47m" CYellow="\e[1;33m" InvYellow="\e[1;43m" CBlue="\e[1;34m" InvBlue="\e[1;44m" CMagenta="\e[1;35m" CCyan="\e[1;36m" InvCyan="\e[1;46m" CWhite="\e[1;37m" InvWhite="\e[1;107m" CClear="\e[0m" #Preferred standard router binaries path export PATH="/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:$PATH" # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Functions # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Logo is a function that displays the VPNMON-R2 script name in a cool ASCII font logo () { echo -e "${CYellow} _ ______ _ ____ _______ _ __ ____ ___ " echo -e " | | / / __ \/ | / / |/ / __ \/ | / / / __ \__ \ ${CGreen}v$Version${CYellow}" echo -e " | | / / /_/ / |/ / /|_/ / / / / |/ /_____/ /_/ /_/ / " echo -e " | |/ / ____/ /| / / / / /_/ / /| /_____/ _, _/ __/ " echo -e " |___/_/ /_/ |_/_/ /_/\____/_/ |_/ /_/ |_/____/ " echo "" } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Promptyn is a function that helps return a 0 or 1 from a Y/N question from the configuration utility. promptYesn () { # Enter defaults Yes while true; do read -p " [Y/n]? " yn case $yn in [Yy] ) echo -e "${CGreen} Using: Yes${CClear}";return 0 ;; [Nn] ) echo -e "${CGreen} Using: No${CClear}";return 1 ;; "" ) echo -e "${CGreen} Using: Yes${CClear}";return 0 ;; * ) echo -e "\n Please answer y or n, or Enter to accept default value.";; esac done } promptyNo () { # Enter defaults No while true; do read -p " [y/N]? " yn case $yn in [Yy] ) echo -e "${CGreen} Using: Yes${CClear}";return 0 ;; [Nn] ) echo -e "${CGreen} Using: No${CClear}";return 1 ;; "" ) echo -e "${CGreen} Using: No${CClear}";return 1 ;; * ) echo -e "\n Please answer y or n, or Enter to accept default value.";; esac done } promptyn () { # No defaults, just y or n while true; do read -p "$1" -n 1 -r yn case "${yn}" in [Yy]* ) return 0 ;; [Nn]* ) return 1 ;; * ) echo -e "\n Please answer y or n.";; esac done } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Spinner is a script that provides a small indicator on the screen to show script activity spinner() { i=0 j=$((SPIN / 4)) while [ $i -le $j ]; do for s in / - \\ \|; do printf "\r $s" sleep 1 done i=$((i+1)) done printf "\r" } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Preparebar and Progressbar is a script that provides a nice progressbar to show script activity preparebar() { # $1 - bar length # $2 - bar char barlen=$1 barspaces=$(printf "%*s" "$1") barchars=$(printf "%*s" "$1" | tr ' ' "$2") } progressbar() { # $1 - number (-1 for clearing the bar) # $2 - max number if [ $1 -eq -1 ]; then printf "\r $barspaces\r" else barch=$(($1*barlen/$2)) barsp=$((barlen-barch)) progr=$((100*$1/$2)) if [ $progr -le 60 ]; then printf "${CGreen}\r [%.${barch}s%.${barsp}s]${CClear} ${CWhite}${InvDkGray}${i}s / ${progr}%%\r${CClear}" "$barchars" "$barspaces" elif [ $progr -gt 60 ] && [ $progr -le 85 ]; then printf "${CYellow}\r [%.${barch}s%.${barsp}s]${CClear} ${CWhite}${InvDkGray}${i}s / ${progr}%%\r${CClear}" "$barchars" "$barspaces" else printf "${CRed}\r [%.${barch}s%.${barsp}s]${CClear} ${CWhite}${InvDkGray}${i}s / ${progr}%%\r${CClear}" "$barchars" "$barspaces" fi fi # Borrowed this wonderful keypress capturing mechanism from @Eibgrad... thank you! :) key_press=''; read -rsn1 -t 1 key_press < "$(tty 0>&2)" if [ $key_press ]; then case $key_press in [Ss]) FromUI=1; (vsetup); source $CFGPATH; echo -e "${CGreen} [Returning to the Main UI momentarily] "; sleep 1; FromUI=0; i=$INTERVAL;; [Rr]) echo -e "${CGreen} [Reset Queued] "; sleep 1; FORCEDRESET=1; i=$INTERVAL; ICANHAZIP="Probing"; resetcheck; ResolverTimer=1;; [Bb]) (bossmode);; 'e') # Exit gracefully echo -e "${CClear}" { echo 'EXITED' echo $LastSlotUsed } > $APPSTATUS exit 0 ;; esac fi } progressbarnotification() { insertspc=" " bypasswancheck=0 if [ $1 -eq -1 ]; then printf "\r $barspaces\r" else if [ ! -z $7 ] && [ $1 -ge $7 ]; then barch=$(($7*barlen/$2)) barsp=$((barlen-barch)) progr=$((100*$1/$2)) else barch=$(($1*barlen/$2)) barsp=$((barlen-barch)) progr=$((100*$1/$2)) fi if [ ! -z $6 ]; then AltNum=$6; else AltNum=$1; fi if [ "$5" == "Standard" ]; then printf " ${CWhite}${InvDkGray}Executing VPNMON-R2 in $AltNum/30...${CClear} [${CGreen}s${CClear}=Setup] [${CGreen}e${CClear}=Exit] [Selection? ${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CGreen}]\r${CClear}" "$barchars" "$barspaces" fi fi # Borrowed this wonderful keypress capturing mechanism from @Eibgrad... thank you! :) key_press=''; read -rsn1 -t 1 key_press < "$(tty 0>&2)" if [ $key_press ]; then case $key_press in [Ss]) vsetup;; [Ee]) timer=30;; esac fi } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # bossmode is a function that immediately switches your screen to a word processing screen in case your boss comes around # the corner, so it looks like you're actually doing work instead of staring at the VPNMON-R2 UI. ;) Please note: VPNMON-R2 # is in a paused state when you enter Boss-Mode until you exit with an 'e' bossmode() { clear echo -e "${InvCyan} ${CRed}WordStar ${CBlack}C:\ASUS\MERLINFW.WS [1] |${CClear}" echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CBlack}249 Insert P1 L4 V10.00\" C13 H1.25\" +${CClear}" echo -e "${InvDkGray} ${InvCyan}${CBlack}MS Body Copy ${InvDkGray} ${InvCyan}COURIER PC 12 ${InvDkGray} ${InvCyan} B ${InvDkGray} ${InvCyan} I ${InvDkGray} ${InvCyan} U ${InvDkGray} ${InvCyan}<*>${InvDkGray} ${InvWhite} L ${InvDkGray} ${InvCyan} C ${InvDkGray} ${InvCyan} R ${InvDkGray} ${InvCyan} J ${InvDkGray} ${InvCyan}|1${InvDkGray} ${CClear}" echo -e "${InvBlack}${CWhite} |${CClear}" echo -e "${InvBlack}${CWhite} A S U S W R T - M E R L I N P R O J E C T ${InvLtGray} ${CClear}" echo -e "${InvBlack}${CCyan} by${CWhite} Eric Sauvageau ${CCyan} aka ${CWhite} RMerlin ${InvDkGray} ${CClear}" echo -e "${InvBlack} ${InvDkGray} ${CClear}" echo -e "${InvBlack} ${CCyan}\"A brief stroll through the history of the project...\" ${InvDkGray} ${CClear}" echo -e "${InvBlack}${CWhite} |${CClear}" echo -e "${InvBlack}${CWhite}==============================================================================W ${CClear}" echo -e "${InvBlack}${CCyan} ***About*** ${CWhite}|${CClear}" echo -e "${InvBlack}${CCyan} Asuswrt-Merlin is an alternative, customized version of that firmware. ${InvDkGray} ${CClear}" echo -e "${InvBlack}${CCyan}Developed by Eric Sauvageau, its primary goals are to enhance the existing ${InvDkGray} ${CClear}" echo -e "${InvBlack}${CCyan}firmware without bringing any radical changes, and to fix some of the known ${InvDkGray} ${CClear}" echo -e "${InvBlack}${CCyan}issues and limitations, while maintaining the same level of performance as the ${InvDkGray} ${CClear}" echo -e "${InvBlack}${CCyan}original firmware. This means Asuswrt-Merlin retains full support for NAT ${InvDkGray} ${CClear}" echo -e "${InvBlack}${CCyan}acceleration (sometimes referred to as \"hardware acceleration\"), enhanced ${InvDkGray} ${CClear}" echo -e "${InvBlack}${CCyan}NTFS performance (through the proprietary #drivers used by Asus from either ${InvDkGray} ${CClear}" echo -e "${InvBlack}${CCyan}Paragon or Tuxera), and the Asus exclusive features such as AiCloud or the ${InvDkGray} ${CClear}" echo -e "${InvBlack}${CCyan}Trend Micro-powered AiProtection. New feature addition is very low on the ${InvDkGray} ${CClear}" echo -e "${InvBlack}${CCyan}list of priorities for for this project. ${InvDkGray} ${CClear}" echo -e "${InvBlack}${CCyan} ${InvDkGray} ${CClear}" echo -e "${InvBlack}${CCyan} ***AddOns*** ${InvDkGray} ${CClear}" echo -e "${InvGreen}${CBlack}Asuswrt-Merlin has a rich ecosystem that consists of third party developed add-${InvDkGray} ${CClear}" echo -e "${InvGreen}${CBlack}ons, which can enhance the router with features like ad blocking or connection ${InvDkGray} ${CClear}" echo -e "${InvGreen}${CBlack}monitoring.${InvBlack}${CCyan} You find more info in the AddOns support forum at SNBForums. ${InvDkGray} ${CClear}" echo -e "${InvBlack}${CCyan} ${InvDkGray} ${CClear}" echo -e "${InvBlack}${CCyan} ***Features*** ${InvDkGray} ${CClear}" echo -e "${InvBlack}${CCyan}With a few rare exceptions, Asuswrt-Merlin retains the features from the ${InvDkGray} ${CClear}" echo -e "${InvBlack}${CCyan}original stock Asus firmware. In addition, the following features have been ${InvDkGray} ${CClear}" echo -e "${InvBlack}${CCyan}added or enhanced: ${CWhite}|${CClear}" while true; do key_press=''; read -rsn1 -t 1 key_press < "$(tty 0>&2)" if [ $key_press ]; then case $key_press in [Ee]) echo -e "${InvBlack}${CCyan} [The boss is gone! Stealthily returning to VPNMON-R2...]"; echo -e "${CClear}"; exit 0;; esac fi done } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Trimlogs is a function that does exactly what you think it does - it, uh... trims the logs. LOL trimlogs() { if [ "$TRIMLOGS" == "1" ] then CURRLOGSIZE=$(wc -l $LOGFILE | awk '{ print $1 }' ) # Determine the number of rows in the log if [ $CURRLOGSIZE -gt $MAXLOGSIZE ] # If it's bigger than the max allowed, tail/trim it! then echo "$(tail -$MAXLOGSIZE $LOGFILE)" > $LOGFILE echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 - Trimmed the log file down to $MAXLOGSIZE lines" >> $LOGFILE fi fi } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # FnLastSlotUsed is a function that determines lastslot used for roundrobin and appstatus.txt reporting FnLastSlotUsed() { LastSlotUsed=$(cat $APPSTATUS | sed -n '2p') 2>&1 if [ -z $LastSlotUsed ]; then LastSlotUsed=$N; fi if [ $N == "1" ]; then NextSlotUsed=1 fi if [ $N == "2" ]; then if [ "$LastSlotUsed" == "1" ]; then NextSlotUsed=2 elif [ "$LastSlotUsed" == "2" ]; then NextSlotUsed=1 fi fi if [ $N == "3" ]; then if [ "$LastSlotUsed" == "1" ]; then NextSlotUsed=2 elif [ "$LastSlotUsed" == "2" ]; then NextSlotUsed=3 elif [ "$LastSlotUsed" == "3" ]; then NextSlotUsed=1 fi fi if [ $N == "4" ]; then if [ "$LastSlotUsed" == "1" ]; then NextSlotUsed=2 elif [ "$LastSlotUsed" == "2" ]; then NextSlotUsed=3 elif [ "$LastSlotUsed" == "3" ]; then NextSlotUsed=4 elif [ "$LastSlotUsed" == "4" ]; then NextSlotUsed=1 fi fi if [ $N == "5" ]; then if [ "$LastSlotUsed" == "1" ]; then NextSlotUsed=2 elif [ "$LastSlotUsed" == "2" ]; then NextSlotUsed=3 elif [ "$LastSlotUsed" == "3" ]; then NextSlotUsed=4 elif [ "$LastSlotUsed" == "4" ]; then NextSlotUsed=5 elif [ "$LastSlotUsed" == "5" ]; then NextSlotUsed=1 fi fi } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This function was "borrowed" graciously from @dave14305 from his FlexQoS script to determine the active WAN connection. # Thanks much for your troubleshooting help as we tackled how to best derive the active WAN interface, Dave! get_wan_setting() { local varname varval varname="${1}" prefixes="wan0_ wan1_" if [ "$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get wans_mode)" = "lb" ] ; then for prefix in $prefixes; do state="$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get "${prefix}"state_t)" sbstate="$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get "${prefix}"sbstate_t)" auxstate="$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get "${prefix}"auxstate_t)" # is_wan_connect() [ "${state}" = "2" ] || continue [ "${sbstate}" = "0" ] || continue [ "${auxstate}" = "0" ] || [ "${auxstate}" = "2" ] || continue # get_wan_ifname() proto="$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get "${prefix}"proto)" if [ "${proto}" = "pppoe" ] || [ "${proto}" = "pptp" ] || [ "${proto}" = "l2tp" ] ; then varval="$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get "${prefix}"pppoe_"${varname}")" else varval="$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get "${prefix}""${varname}")" fi done else for prefix in $prefixes; do primary="$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get "${prefix}"primary)" [ "${primary}" = "1" ] && break done proto="$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get "${prefix}"proto)" if [ "${proto}" = "pppoe" ] || [ "${proto}" = "pptp" ] || [ "${proto}" = "l2tp" ] ; then varval="$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get "${prefix}"pppoe_"${varname}")" else varval="$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get "${prefix}""${varname}")" fi fi printf "%s" "${varval}" } # get_wan_setting # Separated these out to get the ifname for a dual-wan/failover situation where both WAN connections are on get_wan_setting0() { local varname varval varname="${1}" prefixes="wan0_" if [ "$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get wans_mode)" = "lb" ] ; then for prefix in $prefixes; do state="$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get "${prefix}"state_t)" sbstate="$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get "${prefix}"sbstate_t)" auxstate="$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get "${prefix}"auxstate_t)" # is_wan_connect() [ "${state}" = "2" ] || continue [ "${sbstate}" = "0" ] || continue [ "${auxstate}" = "0" ] || [ "${auxstate}" = "2" ] || continue # get_wan_ifname() proto="$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get "${prefix}"proto)" if [ "${proto}" = "pppoe" ] || [ "${proto}" = "pptp" ] || [ "${proto}" = "l2tp" ] ; then varval="$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get "${prefix}"pppoe_"${varname}")" else varval="$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get "${prefix}""${varname}")" fi done else for prefix in $prefixes; do primary="$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get "${prefix}"primary)" [ "${primary}" = "1" ] && break done proto="$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get "${prefix}"proto)" if [ "${proto}" = "pppoe" ] || [ "${proto}" = "pptp" ] || [ "${proto}" = "l2tp" ] ; then varval="$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get "${prefix}"pppoe_"${varname}")" else varval="$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get "${prefix}""${varname}")" fi fi printf "%s" "${varval}" } # get_wan_setting # Separated these out to get the ifname for a dual-wan/failover situation where both WAN connections are on get_wan_setting1() { local varname varval varname="${1}" prefixes="wan1_" if [ "$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get wans_mode)" = "lb" ] ; then for prefix in $prefixes; do state="$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get "${prefix}"state_t)" sbstate="$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get "${prefix}"sbstate_t)" auxstate="$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get "${prefix}"auxstate_t)" # is_wan_connect() [ "${state}" = "2" ] || continue [ "${sbstate}" = "0" ] || continue [ "${auxstate}" = "0" ] || [ "${auxstate}" = "2" ] || continue # get_wan_ifname() proto="$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get "${prefix}"proto)" if [ "${proto}" = "pppoe" ] || [ "${proto}" = "pptp" ] || [ "${proto}" = "l2tp" ] ; then varval="$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get "${prefix}"pppoe_"${varname}")" else varval="$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get "${prefix}""${varname}")" fi done else for prefix in $prefixes; do primary="$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get "${prefix}"primary)" [ "${primary}" = "1" ] && break done proto="$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get "${prefix}"proto)" if [ "${proto}" = "pppoe" ] || [ "${proto}" = "pptp" ] || [ "${proto}" = "l2tp" ] ; then varval="$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get "${prefix}"pppoe_"${varname}")" else varval="$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get "${prefix}""${varname}")" fi fi printf "%s" "${varval}" } # get_wan_setting # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Updatecheck is a function that downloads the latest update version file, and compares it with what's currently installed updatecheck () { # Download the latest version file from the source repository curl --silent --retry 3 --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 6 --retry-delay 1 --retry-all-errors "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ViktorJp/VPNMON-R2/master/version.txt" -o "/jffs/addons/vpnmon-r2.d/version.txt" if [ -f $DLVERPATH ] then # Read in its contents for the current version file DLVersion=$(cat $DLVERPATH) # Compare the new version with the old version and log it if [ "$Beta" == "1" ]; then # Check if Dev/Beta Mode is enabled and disable notification message UpdateNotify=0 elif [ "$DLVersion" != "$Version" ]; then UpdateNotify="Update available: v$Version -> v$DLVersion | VPNMON-R3 - Upgrade now!" echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 - A new update (v$DLVersion) is available to download" >> $LOGFILE else UpdateNotify="VPNMON-R3 available - Upgrade now!" fi fi } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Checkwan is a function that checks the viability of the current WAN connection and will loop until the WAN connection is restored. checkwan () { # Using Google's server to test for WAN connectivity over verified SSL Handshake wandownbreakertrip=0 WAN_ELAPSED_TIME=0 testssl= # Show that we're testing the WAN connection if [ "$1" == "Loop" ] then printf "\r${InvYellow} ${CClear}${CYellow} [Checking WAN Connectivity]..." elif [ "$1" = "Reset" ] then printf "${CYellow}\r [Checking WAN Connectivity]..." fi #Run main checkwan loop while true; do # Start a timer to see how long this takes to add to the TX/RX Calculations WAN_START_TIME=$(date +%s) #DUALWANMODE=$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get wans_mode) # Check the actual WAN State from NVRAM before running connectivity test, or insert itself into loop after failing an SSL handshake test if [ "$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get wan0_state_t)" -eq 2 ] || [ "$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get wan1_state_t)" -eq 2 ] then # Test the active WAN connection using 443 and verifying a handshake... if this fails, then the WAN connection is most likely down... or Google is down ;) if ($timeoutcmd$timeoutlng nc -w3 $testssl 443 >/dev/null 2>&1 && echo | $timeoutcmd$timeoutlng openssl s_client -connect $testssl:443 >/dev/null 2>&1 |awk 'handshake && $1 == "Verification" { if ($2=="OK") exit; exit 1 } $1 $2 == "SSLhandshake" { handshake = 1 }') >/dev/null 2>&1 then if [ "$1" == "Loop" ] then printf "\r${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CGreen} [Checking WAN Connectivity]...ACTIVE" sleep 1 printf "\33[2K\r" elif [ "$1" = "Reset" ] then printf "${CGreen}\r [Checking WAN Connectivity]...ACTIVE" sleep 1 echo -e "\n" fi WAN_END_TIME=$(date +%s) WAN_ELAPSED_TIME=$(( WAN_END_TIME - WAN_START_TIME )) return else wandownbreakertrip=1 echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 ----------> ERROR: WAN CONNECTIVITY ISSUE DETECTED" >> $LOGFILE fi else wandownbreakertrip=1 echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 ----------> ERROR: WAN CONNECTIVITY ISSUE DETECTED" >> $LOGFILE fi if [ "$wandownbreakertrip" == "1" ] then # The WAN is most likely down, and keep looping through until NVRAM reports that it's back up while [ "$wandownbreakertrip" == "1" ]; do if [ "$RESETSWITCH" == "1" ] || [ -f "$LOCKFILE" ] then echo "" echo "" echo -e "${CRed} ERROR: WAN DOWN... VPN Reset is terminating." echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 ----------> ERROR: WAN CONNECTIVITY ISSUE DETECTED. VPN RESET TERMINATED." >> $LOGFILE RESETSWITCH=0 rm $LOCKFILE >/dev/null 2>&1 sleep 2 clear fi # Preemptively kill all the VPN Clients incase they're trying to reconnect on their own i=0 while [ $i -ne $N ] do i=$(($i+1)) service stop_vpnclient$i >/dev/null 2>&1 done # Continue to test for WAN connectivity while in this loop. If it comes back up, break out of the loop and reset VPN if [ "$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get wan0_state_t)" -ne 2 ] && [ "$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get wan1_state_t)" -ne 2 ] then # Continue to loop and retest the WAN every 15 seconds SPIN=15 echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 ----------> ERROR: WAN DOWN" >> $LOGFILE clear logo echo -e "${CRed} ---------------------> ERROR: WAN DOWN <---------------------" echo "" echo -e "${CRed} VPNMON-R2 is unable to detect a stable WAN connection. Please" echo -e "${CRed} check with your ISP, or reset your modem to re-establish a" echo -e "${CRed} stable connection.${CClear}\n" spinner wandownbreakertrip=1 else wandownbreakertrip=2 break fi done fi # If the WAN was down, and now it has just reset, then run a VPN Reset, and try to establish a new VPN connection if [ "$wandownbreakertrip" == "2" ] then echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 - WAN Link Detected -- Trying to reconnect/Reset VPN" >> $LOGFILE wandownbreakertrip=0 vpnresettripped=1 clear logo echo -e "${CRed} ---------------------> ERROR: WAN DOWN <---------------------" echo "" echo -e "${CGreen} WAN Link/Modem Detected... waiting 300 seconds to reconnect" echo -e "${CGreen} and for general connectivity to stabilize." echo "" SPIN=300 spinner echo "" echo -e "$(date +%s)" > $RSTFILE START=$(cat $RSTFILE) echo "" vpnreset fi done } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # resetcheck tests for 5 major reset scenarios: # (1) Lost connection, # (2) Multiple connections, # (3) High VPN Server Load, # (4) High Ping, # (5) VPN Client identified with a lower ping than the current connection # (6) Force reset through the UI # (7) External reset using a user-defined file available on the internet # (8) Unbound public DNS Resolver IP goes out of sync with the public VPN IP # ...and reset the VPN connection # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- resetcheck () { # If STATUS remains 0 then we've lost our connection, reset the VPN if [ $STATUS -eq 0 ]; then clear logo echo -e "\n${CRed} VPN$CURRCLNT Connection has failed. Executing VPN Reset${CClear}\n" echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 ----------> ERROR: VPN$CURRCLNT Connection failed - Executing VPN Reset" >> $LOGFILE vpnreset SKIPPROGRESS=1 echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 - Resuming normal operations" >> $LOGFILE echo -e "$(date +%s)" > $RSTFILE START=$(cat $RSTFILE) PINGLOW=0 # Reset ping time history variables PINGHIGH=0 ICANHAZIP="" ResolverTimer=1 oldrxbytes=0 # Reset Stats oldtxbytes=0 newrxbytes=0 newtxbytes=0 return fi # If VPNCLCNT is greater than 1 there are multiple connections running, reset the VPN if [ $VPNCLCNT -gt 1 ]; then clear logo echo -e "\n${CRed} Multiple VPN Client Connections detected. Executing VPN Reset${CClear}\n" echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 ----------> ERROR: Multiple VPN Client Connections detected - Executing VPN Reset" >> $LOGFILE vpnreset SKIPPROGRESS=1 echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 - Resuming normal operations" >> $LOGFILE echo -e "$(date +%s)" > $RSTFILE START=$(cat $RSTFILE) PINGLOW=0 # Reset ping time history variables PINGHIGH=0 ICANHAZIP="" ResolverTimer=1 oldrxbytes=0 # Reset Stats oldtxbytes=0 newrxbytes=0 newtxbytes=0 return fi # If the NordVPN/SurfShark/PP Server load is greater than the set variable, reset the VPN and hopefully find a better server if [ $NordVPNLoadReset -le $VPNLOAD ] || [ $SurfSharkLoadReset -le $VPNLOAD ] || [ $PPLoadReset -le $VPNLOAD ]; then clear logo if [ $UseNordVPN -eq 1 ];then echo -e "\n${CRed} NordVPN Server Load is higher than $NordVPNLoadReset %. Executing VPN Reset." echo -e " VPNMON-R2 is executing VPN Reset${CClear}\n" echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 ----------> WARNING: NordVPN Server Load > $NordVPNLoadReset% - Executing VPN Reset" >> $LOGFILE fi if [ $UseSurfShark -eq 1 ];then echo -e "\n${CRed} SurfShark Server Load is higher than $SurfSharkLoadReset %. Executing VPN Reset." echo -e " VPNMON-R2 is executing VPN Reset${CClear}\n" echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 ----------> WARNING: SurfShark Server Load > $SurfSharkLoadReset% - Executing VPN Reset" >> $LOGFILE fi if [ $UsePP -eq 1 ];then echo -e "\n${CRed} Perfect Privacy Server Load is higher than $PPLoadReset %. Executing VPN Reset." echo -e " VPNMON-R2 is executing VPN Reset${CClear}\n" echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 ----------> WARNING: Perfect Privacy Server Load > $PPLoadReset% - Executing VPN Reset" >> $LOGFILE fi if [ $UseAirVPN -eq 1 ];then echo -e "\n${CRed} AirVPN Server Load is higher than $AirVPNLoadReset %. Executing VPN Reset." echo -e " VPNMON-R2 is executing VPN Reset${CClear}\n" echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 ----------> WARNING: AirVPN Server Load > $AirVPNLoadReset% - Executing VPN Reset" >> $LOGFILE fi vpnreset SKIPPROGRESS=1 echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 - Resuming normal operations" >> $LOGFILE echo -e "$(date +%s)" > $RSTFILE START=$(cat $RSTFILE) PINGLOW=0 # Reset ping time history variables PINGHIGH=0 ICANHAZIP="" ResolverTimer=1 oldrxbytes=0 # Reset Stats oldtxbytes=0 newrxbytes=0 newtxbytes=0 return fi # If the AVGPING average ping across the tunnel is greater than the set variable, reset the VPN and hopefully land on a server with lesser ping times if [ "${AVGPING%.*}" -gt "$MINPING" ] && [ "$IGNOREHIGHPING" == "0" ]; then clear logo echo -e "\n${CRed} Average PING $AVGPING ms across VPN tunnel $CURRCLNT is > $MINPING ms. Executing VPN Reset${CClear}\n" echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 ----------> WARNING: Average PING of $AVGPING ms across VPN tunnel $CURRCLNT > $MINPING ms - Executing VPN Reset" >> $LOGFILE vpnreset SKIPPROGRESS=1 echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 - Resuming normal operations" >> $LOGFILE echo -e "$(date +%s)" > $RSTFILE START=$(cat $RSTFILE) PINGLOW=0 # Reset ping time history variables PINGHIGH=0 ICANHAZIP="" ResolverTimer=1 oldrxbytes=0 # Reset Stats oldtxbytes=0 newrxbytes=0 newtxbytes=0 return else IGNOREHIGHPING=0 fi # If a different VPN slot has a lower ping than the current connection, then don't randomize and reset it to that VPN slot with lowest ping value if [ "$USELOWESTSLOT" == "1" ]; then if [ "$LOWEST" != "$CURRCLNT" ]; then LOWPINGCOUNT=$(($LOWPINGCOUNT+1)) if [ $LOWPINGCOUNT -le $PINGCHANCES ]; then echo -e "${InvRed} ${CClear}${CRed} WARNING:${CYellow} Switching to faster ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}VPN$LOWEST Client${CClear}${CYellow} after $(($PINGCHANCES-$LOWPINGCOUNT)) more chances" else clear logo echo -e "\n${CRed} Switching to faster VPN$LOWEST Client with PING $LOWESTPING ms. Executing VPN Reset${CClear}\n" echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 ----------> WARNING: Switching to faster VPN$LOWEST Client with PING $LOWESTPING ms- Executing VPN Reset" >> $LOGFILE vpnresetlowestping SKIPPROGRESS=1 LOWPINGCOUNT=0 echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 - Resuming normal operations" >> $LOGFILE echo -e "$(date +%s)" > $RSTFILE START=$(cat $RSTFILE) PINGLOW=0 # Reset ping time history variables PINGHIGH=0 ICANHAZIP="" ResolverTimer=1 oldrxbytes=0 # Reset Stats oldtxbytes=0 newrxbytes=0 newtxbytes=0 return fi else LOWPINGCOUNT=0 fi fi # If a force reset command has been received by the UI, then go through a regular reset if [ "$FORCEDRESET" == "1" ]; then clear logo echo -e "\n${CRed} Forced reset captured through UI, VPNMON-R2 is executing VPN Reset${CClear}\n" echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 ----------> INFO: Forced reset captured through UI - Executing VPN Reset" >> $LOGFILE vpnreset SKIPPROGRESS=1 FORCEDRESET=0 echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 - Resuming normal operations" >> $LOGFILE echo -e "$(date +%s)" > $RSTFILE START=$(cat $RSTFILE) PINGLOW=0 # Reset ping time history variables PINGHIGH=0 ICANHAZIP="" ResolverTimer=1 oldrxbytes=0 # Reset Stats oldtxbytes=0 newrxbytes=0 newtxbytes=0 return fi # If an externet file on the internet indicates RESET or REBOOT, then proceed with a regular reset/reboot if [ "$EXTERNALRESET" == "1" ]; then EXT_END_TIME=$(date +%s) EXT_ELAPSED_TIME=$(( EXT_END_TIME - EXT_START_TIME )) if [ $EXT_ELAPSED_TIME -ge $EXTINTERVAL ]; then EXT_EVENT=$(curl --silent --retry 3 --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 6 --retry-delay 1 --retry-all-errors $EXT_SOURCE | sed -n '1p') 2>&1 if [ "$EXT_EVENT" == "RESET" ]; then clear logo echo -e "\n${CRed} Forced reset through external file, VPNMON-R2 is executing VPN Reset${CClear}\n" echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 ----------> INFO: Forced reset through external file - Executing VPN Reset" >> $LOGFILE SPIN=15 echo -e "${CGreen} [Reset commencing in $SPIN seconds]...${CClear}\n" spinner vpnreset SKIPPROGRESS=1 FORCEDRESET=0 echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 - Resuming normal operations" >> $LOGFILE echo -e "$(date +%s)" > $RSTFILE START=$(cat $RSTFILE) PINGLOW=0 # Reset ping time history variables PINGHIGH=0 ICANHAZIP="" ResolverTimer=1 oldrxbytes=0 # Reset Stats oldtxbytes=0 newrxbytes=0 newtxbytes=0 #Track External Reset Timer EXT_ELAPSED_TIME=0 EXT_START_TIME=$(date +%s) return elif [ "$EXT_EVENT" == "REBOOT" ]; then clear logo echo -e "\n${CRed} Forced reboot through external file, VPNMON-R2 is rebooting router${CClear}\n" echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 ----------> INFO: Forced reboot through external file - Executing router reboot" >> $LOGFILE SPIN=15 echo -e "${CGreen} [Reboot commencing in $SPIN seconds]...${CClear}\n" spinner /sbin/service 'reboot' elif [ "$EXT_EVENT" == "NORMAL" ]; then EXT_ELAPSED_TIME=0 EXT_START_TIME=$(date +%s) else printf "${InvRed} ${CClear}${CRed} [External Reset File URL or Command Options Invalid]..." echo "" fi fi fi # If the Unbound public DNS Resolver IP goes out of sync with the public VPN IP, then reset if [ "$UpdateUnbound" == "1" ] && [ "$UnboundReset" == "1" ] && [ "$ICANHAZIP" != "Probing" ]; then if [ $ResolverTimer -eq 1 ]; then ResolverTimer=0 else # Huge thanks to @SomewhereOverTheRainbow for his expertise in troublshooting and coming up with this DNS Resolver methodology! DNSResolver="$({ unbound-control flush whoami.akamai.net >/dev/null 2>&1; } && dig whoami.akamai.net +short @"$(netstat -nlp 2>/dev/null | awk '/.*(unbound){1}.*/{split($4, ip_addr, ":");if(substr($4,11) !~ /.*953.*/)print ip_addr[1];if(substr($4,11) !~ /.*953.*/)exit}')" -p "$(netstat -nlp 2>/dev/null | awk '/.*(unbound){1}.*/{if(substr($4,11) !~ /.*953.*/)print substr($4,11);if(substr($4,11) !~ /.*953.*/)exit}')" 2>/dev/null)" if [ -z "$DNSResolver" ]; then echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CGreen} Unbound Public DNS Resolver IP: ${CWhite}${InvDkGray}UNKNOWN${CClear}${CRed} - [NOT SYNCED]${CClear}" # rudimentary check to make sure value coming back is in the format of an IP address... Don't care if it's more than 255. elif expr "$DNSResolver" : '[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*$' >/dev/null; then # If the DNS resolver and public VPN IP address don't match in our Unbound scenario, reset! if [ "$DNSResolver" != "$ICANHAZIP" ]; then clear logo echo -e "\n${CRed} Unbound DNS Resolver Out-of-Sync, VPNMON-R2 is executing VPN Reset${CClear}\n" echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 ----------> INFO: Unbound DNS Resolver Out-of-Sync - Executing VPN Reset" >> $LOGFILE vpnreset SKIPPROGRESS=1 FORCEDRESET=0 echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 - Resuming normal operations" >> $LOGFILE echo -e "$(date +%s)" > $RSTFILE START=$(cat $RSTFILE) PINGLOW=0 # Reset ping time history variables PINGHIGH=0 ICANHAZIP="" ResolverTimer=1 oldrxbytes=0 # Reset Stats oldtxbytes=0 newrxbytes=0 newtxbytes=0 return else echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CGreen} Unbound Public DNS Resolver IP: ${CWhite}${InvDkGray}$DNSResolver${CClear}${CCyan} - [IN SYNC]${CClear}" #echo $ICANHAZIP fi else echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CGreen} Unbound Public DNS Resolver IP: ${CWhite}${InvDkGray}UNKNOWN${CClear}${CRed} - [NOT SYNCED]${CClear}" fi fi fi } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # vpnresetlowestping is a function that resets the VPN connection based on lowest ping. vpnresetlowestping() { if [ "$USELOWESTSLOT" == "1" ]; then # Start the VPN reset process echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 - Executing VPN Reset to Slot with Lowest PING" >> $LOGFILE # Reset the WAN/VPN IP/Locations WAN0IP="Unassigned" WAN1IP="Unassigned" VPNIP="Unassigned" # Check whether to unbind Unbound with current VPN slot if [ $UpdateUnbound -eq 1 ]; then echo "" printf "${CGreen}\r [Unbinding Unbound from VPN Tunnel]... " sleep 2 #sh /jffs/addons/unbound/unbound_DNS_via_OVPN.sh $LastSlotUsed stop >/dev/null 2>&1 fi # Kill all current VPN client sessions printf "${CGreen}\r [Killing all VPN Client Connections] " i=0 while [ $i -ne $N ] do i=$(($i+1)) service stop_vpnclient$i >/dev/null 2>&1 done # Wait for confirmation that all VPN client slots are at 0 (disconnected) vpncount=0 i=0 while [ $i -ne $N ] do state1="$(_VPN_GetClientState_ 1)" state2="$(_VPN_GetClientState_ 2)" state3="$(_VPN_GetClientState_ 3)" state4="$(_VPN_GetClientState_ 4)" state5="$(_VPN_GetClientState_ 5)" printf "${CGreen}\r [Confirming VPN Clients Disconnected]... 1:$state1 2:$state2 3:$state3 4:$state4 5:$state5 " sleep 1 i=$(($i+1)) if [ $((state$i)) -ne 0 ]; then printf "${CGreen}\r [Retrying Kill Command on all VPN Client Connections]... " service stop_vpnclient$i >/dev/null 2>&1 sleep 1 i=0 fi done echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 - Killed all VPN Client Connections" >> $LOGFILE # Check the WAN state before continuing printf "${CGreen}\r " checkwan Reset # Reset VPN connection to one with lowest PING echo "" service start_vpnclient$LOWEST >/dev/null 2>&1 logger -t VPN Client$LOWEST "Active" >/dev/null 2>&1 printf "${CGreen}\r [VPN$LOWEST Client ON] " echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 - VPN$LOWEST Client ON - Lowest PING of $N VPN slots" >> $LOGFILE sleep 2 echo "" { echo 'NORMAL' echo $LOWEST } > $APPSTATUS CURRCLNT=$LOWEST # Reset the VPN Director Rules printf "${CGreen}\r " printf "${CGreen}\r [Restart VPN Director Rules] " service restart_vpnrouting0 >/dev/null 2>&1 sleep 2 # Optionally sync active VPN Slot with YazFi guest network(s) if [ $SyncYazFi -eq 1 ] then echo "" printf "${CGreen}\r [Updating YazFi Guest Networks] " sleep 1 if [ ! -f $YAZFI_CONFIG_PATH ] then echo "" echo -e "\n${CRed} Error: YazFi config was not located or YazFi is not installed. Unable to Proceed.\n${CClear}" echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 ----------> ERROR: YazFi config was not located or YazFi is not installed!" >> $LOGFILE sleep 3 else if [ $YF24GN1 -eq 1 ] then sed -i "s/^wl01_VPNCLIENTNUMBER=.*/wl01_VPNCLIENTNUMBER=$LOWEST/" "$YAZFI_CONFIG_PATH" fi if [ $YF24GN2 -eq 1 ] then sed -i "s/^wl02_VPNCLIENTNUMBER=.*/wl02_VPNCLIENTNUMBER=$LOWEST/" "$YAZFI_CONFIG_PATH" fi if [ $YF24GN3 -eq 1 ] then sed -i "s/^wl03_VPNCLIENTNUMBER=.*/wl03_VPNCLIENTNUMBER=$LOWEST/" "$YAZFI_CONFIG_PATH" fi if [ $YF5GN1 -eq 1 ] then sed -i "s/^wl11_VPNCLIENTNUMBER=.*/wl11_VPNCLIENTNUMBER=$LOWEST/" "$YAZFI_CONFIG_PATH" fi if [ $YF5GN2 -eq 1 ] then sed -i "s/^wl12_VPNCLIENTNUMBER=.*/wl12_VPNCLIENTNUMBER=$LOWEST/" "$YAZFI_CONFIG_PATH" fi if [ $YF5GN3 -eq 1 ] then sed -i "s/^wl13_VPNCLIENTNUMBER=.*/wl13_VPNCLIENTNUMBER=$LOWEST/" "$YAZFI_CONFIG_PATH" fi if [ $YF52GN1 -eq 1 ] then sed -i "s/^wl21_VPNCLIENTNUMBER=.*/wl21_VPNCLIENTNUMBER=$LOWEST/" "$YAZFI_CONFIG_PATH" fi if [ $YF52GN2 -eq 1 ] then sed -i "s/^wl22_VPNCLIENTNUMBER=.*/wl22_VPNCLIENTNUMBER=$LOWEST/" "$YAZFI_CONFIG_PATH" fi if [ $YF52GN3 -eq 1 ] then sed -i "s/^wl23_VPNCLIENTNUMBER=.*/wl23_VPNCLIENTNUMBER=$LOWEST/" "$YAZFI_CONFIG_PATH" fi #Apply settings to YazFi and get it to acknowledge changes for Guest Network Clients ResetYazFi=$($timeoutcmd$timeoutlng sh /jffs/scripts/YazFi runnow >/dev/null 2>&1) echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 - Successfully updated YazFi guest network(s) with the current VPN slot." >> $LOGFILE fi fi # Check whether to update Unbound with current VPN slot if [ $UpdateUnbound -eq 1 ]; then echo "" printf "${CGreen}\r " printf "${CGreen}\r [Updating Unbound to force DNS traffic over VPN$LOWEST] " sleep 2 #sh /jffs/addons/unbound/unbound_DNS_via_OVPN.sh $LOWEST start >/dev/null 2>&1 fi printf "${CGreen}\r [VPNMON-R2 Reset Finished] " echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 - VPN Reset Finished" >> $LOGFILE sleep 2 # Check for any version updates from the source repository updatecheck # Check to see if the logs need to be trimmed down to size trimlogs # Reset Stats oldrxbytes=0 oldtxbytes=0 newrxbytes=0 newtxbytes=0 # Returning from a WAN Down situation, restart VPNMON-R2 with -monitor switch if [ "$vpnresettripped" == "1" ] then vpnresettripped=0 sh /jffs/scripts/vpnmon-r2.sh -monitor fi fi } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # VPNReset is a function based on my VPNON.SH script to kill connections and reconnect to a clean VPN state vpnreset() { # Load the latest config file values source $CFGPATH # Create a rudimentary lockfile so that VPNMON-R2 doesn't interfere during the reset echo -n > $LOCKFILE # Start the VPN reset process echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 - Executing VPN Reset" >> $LOGFILE # Reset the WAN/VPN IP/Locations WAN0IP="Unassigned" WAN1IP="Unassigned" VPNIP="Unassigned" # Check whether to unbind Unbound with current VPN slot if [ $UpdateUnbound -eq 1 ]; then printf "${CGreen}\r [Unbinding Unbound from VPN Tunnel]... " sleep 2 #sh /jffs/addons/unbound/unbound_DNS_via_OVPN.sh $LastSlotUsed stop >/dev/null 2>&1 fi # Kill all current VPN client sessions printf "${CGreen}\r [Killing all VPN Client Connections]... " i=0 while [ $i -ne $N ] do i=$(($i+1)) service stop_vpnclient$i >/dev/null 2>&1 done # Wait for confirmation that all VPN client slots are at 0 (disconnected) i=0 while [ $i -ne $N ] do state1="$(_VPN_GetClientState_ 1)" state2="$(_VPN_GetClientState_ 2)" state3="$(_VPN_GetClientState_ 3)" state4="$(_VPN_GetClientState_ 4)" state5="$(_VPN_GetClientState_ 5)" printf "${CGreen}\r [Confirming VPN Clients Disconnected]... 1:$state1 2:$state2 3:$state3 4:$state4 5:$state5 " sleep 1 i=$(($i+1)) if [ $((state$i)) -ne 0 ]; then printf "${CGreen}\r [Retrying Kill Command on all VPN Client Connections]... " service stop_vpnclient$i >/dev/null 2>&1 sleep 1 i=0 fi done echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 - Killed all VPN Client Connections" >> $LOGFILE # Check the WAN state before continuing printf "${CGreen}\r " checkwan Reset # Determine if multiple NordVPN countries need to be considered, and pick a random one if [ $NordVPNMultipleCountries -eq 1 ] then # Determine how many countries we're dealing with if [ -z "$NordVPNCountry2" ] || [ "$NordVPNCountry2" == "0" ] then COUNTRYTOTAL2=0 else COUNTRYTOTAL2=1 fi if [ -z "$NordVPNCountry3" ] || [ "$NordVPNCountry3" == "0" ] then COUNTRYTOTAL3=0 else COUNTRYTOTAL3=1 fi COUNTRYTOTAL=$(( COUNTRYTOTAL2 + COUNTRYTOTAL3 + 1 )) # Generate a number between 1 and the total # of countries, to choose which country to connect to RANDOMCOUNTRY=$(awk 'BEGIN {srand(); print int(32768 * rand())}') COUNTRYNUM=$(( RANDOMCOUNTRY % COUNTRYTOTAL + 1 )) # Set COUNTRYNUM to 1 in that rare case that it comes out to 0 if [ $COUNTRYNUM -eq 0 ] then COUNTRYNUM=1 fi # Pick and assign the selected NordVPN Country case ${COUNTRYNUM} in 1) NordVPNRandomCountry=$NordVPNCountry ;; 2) NordVPNRandomCountry=$NordVPNCountry2 ;; 3) NordVPNRandomCountry=$NordVPNCountry3 ;; esac printf "${CGreen}\r " printf "${CGreen}\r [Random NordVPN Multi-Country selected: $NordVPNRandomCountry]" echo "" echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 - Randomly selected NordVPN Country: $NordVPNRandomCountry" >> $LOGFILE sleep 1 else NordVPNRandomCountry=$NordVPNCountry fi # Determine if multiple SurfShark countries need to be considered, and pick a random one if [ $SurfSharkMultipleCountries -eq 1 ] then # Determine how many countries we're dealing with if [ -z "$SurfSharkCountry2" ] || [ "$SurfSharkCountry2" == "0" ] then COUNTRYTOTAL2=0 else COUNTRYTOTAL2=1 fi if [ -z "$SurfSharkCountry3" ] || [ "$SurfSharkCountry3" == "0" ] then COUNTRYTOTAL3=0 else COUNTRYTOTAL3=1 fi COUNTRYTOTAL=$(( COUNTRYTOTAL2 + COUNTRYTOTAL3 + 1 )) # Generate a number between 1 and the total # of countries, to choose which country to connect to RANDOMCOUNTRY=$(awk 'BEGIN {srand(); print int(32768 * rand())}') COUNTRYNUM=$(( RANDOMCOUNTRY % COUNTRYTOTAL + 1 )) # Set COUNTRYNUM to 1 in that rare case that it comes out to 0 if [ $COUNTRYNUM -eq 0 ] then COUNTRYNUM=1 fi # Pick and assign the selected SurfShark Country case ${COUNTRYNUM} in 1) SurfSharkRandomCountry=$SurfSharkCountry ;; 2) SurfSharkRandomCountry=$SurfSharkCountry2 ;; 3) SurfSharkRandomCountry=$SurfSharkCountry3 ;; esac printf "${CGreen}\r " printf "${CGreen}\r [Random SurfShark Multi-Country selected: $SurfSharkRandomCountry]" echo "" echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 - Randomly selected SurfShark Country: $SurfSharkRandomCountry" >> $LOGFILE sleep 1 else SurfSharkRandomCountry=$SurfSharkCountry fi # Determine if multiple Perfect Privacy countries need to be considered, and pick a random one if [ $PPMultipleCountries -eq 1 ] then # Determine how many countries we're dealing with if [ -z "$PPCountry2" ] || [ "$PPCountry2" == "0" ] then COUNTRYTOTAL2=0 else COUNTRYTOTAL2=1 fi if [ -z "$PPCountry3" ] || [ "$PPCountry3" == "0" ] then COUNTRYTOTAL3=0 else COUNTRYTOTAL3=1 fi COUNTRYTOTAL=$(( COUNTRYTOTAL2 + COUNTRYTOTAL3 + 1 )) # Generate a number between 1 and the total # of countries, to choose which country to connect to RANDOMCOUNTRY=$(awk 'BEGIN {srand(); print int(32768 * rand())}') COUNTRYNUM=$(( RANDOMCOUNTRY % COUNTRYTOTAL + 1 )) # Set COUNTRYNUM to 1 in that rare case that it comes out to 0 if [ $COUNTRYNUM -eq 0 ] then COUNTRYNUM=1 fi # Pick and assign the selected Perfect Privacy Country case ${COUNTRYNUM} in 1) PPRandomCountry=$PPCountry ;; 2) PPRandomCountry=$PPCountry2 ;; 3) PPRandomCountry=$PPCountry3 ;; esac printf "${CGreen}\r " printf "${CGreen}\r [Random PerfPriv Multi-Country selected: $PPRandomCountry] " echo "" echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 - Randomly selected Percect Privacy Country: $PPRandomCountry" >> $LOGFILE sleep 1 else PPRandomCountry=$PPCountry fi # Determine if multiple WeVPN countries need to be considered, and pick a random one if [ $WeVPNMultipleCountries -eq 1 ] then # Determine how many countries we're dealing with if [ -z "$WeVPNCountry2" ] || [ "$WeVPNCountry2" == "0" ] then COUNTRYTOTAL2=0 else COUNTRYTOTAL2=1 fi if [ -z "$WeVPNCountry3" ] || [ "$WeVPNCountry3" == "0" ] then COUNTRYTOTAL3=0 else COUNTRYTOTAL3=1 fi COUNTRYTOTAL=$(( COUNTRYTOTAL2 + COUNTRYTOTAL3 + 1 )) # Generate a number between 1 and the total # of countries, to choose which country to connect to RANDOMCOUNTRY=$(awk 'BEGIN {srand(); print int(32768 * rand())}') COUNTRYNUM=$(( RANDOMCOUNTRY % COUNTRYTOTAL + 1 )) # Set COUNTRYNUM to 1 in that rare case that it comes out to 0 if [ $COUNTRYNUM -eq 0 ] then COUNTRYNUM=1 fi # Pick and assign the selected Perfect Privacy Country case ${COUNTRYNUM} in 1) WeVPNRandomCountry=$WeVPNCountry ;; 2) WeVPNRandomCountry=$WeVPNCountry2 ;; 3) WeVPNRandomCountry=$WeVPNCountry3 ;; esac printf "${CGreen}\r " printf "${CGreen}\r [Random WeVPN Multi-Country selected: $WeVPNRandomCountry] " echo "" echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 - Randomly selected WeVPN Country: $WeVPNRandomCountry" >> $LOGFILE sleep 1 else WeVPNRandomCountry=$WeVPNCountry fi # Determine if multiple AirVPN countries need to be considered, and pick a random one if [ $AirVPNMultipleCountries -eq 1 ] then # Determine how many countries we're dealing with if [ -z "$AirVPNCountry2" ] || [ "$AirVPNCountry2" == "0" ] then COUNTRYTOTAL2=0 else COUNTRYTOTAL2=1 fi if [ -z "$AirVPNCountry3" ] || [ "$AirVPNCountry3" == "0" ] then COUNTRYTOTAL3=0 else COUNTRYTOTAL3=1 fi COUNTRYTOTAL=$(( COUNTRYTOTAL2 + COUNTRYTOTAL3 + 1 )) # Generate a number between 1 and the total # of countries, to choose which country to connect to RANDOMCOUNTRY=$(awk 'BEGIN {srand(); print int(32768 * rand())}') COUNTRYNUM=$(( RANDOMCOUNTRY % COUNTRYTOTAL + 1 )) # Set COUNTRYNUM to 1 in that rare case that it comes out to 0 if [ $COUNTRYNUM -eq 0 ] then COUNTRYNUM=1 fi # Pick and assign the selected Perfect Privacy Country case ${COUNTRYNUM} in 1) AirVPNRandomCountry=$AirVPNCountry ;; 2) AirVPNRandomCountry=$AirVPNCountry2 ;; 3) AirVPNRandomCountry=$AirVPNCountry3 ;; esac printf "${CGreen}\r " printf "${CGreen}\r [Random AirVPN Multi-Country selected: $AirVPNRandomCountry] " echo "" echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 - Randomly selected AirVPN Country: $AirVPNRandomCountry" >> $LOGFILE sleep 1 else AirVPNRandomCountry=$AirVPNCountry fi # Export NordVPN/PerfectPrivacy IPs via API into a txt file, and import them into Skynet if [ $UpdateSkynet -eq 1 ] then if [ $UseNordVPN -eq 1 ] then printf "${CGreen}\r " printf "${CGreen}\r [Reaching out to NordVPN API to download Server IPs] " sleep 1 svrcount=0 while [ $svrcount -ne 15 ] do svrcount=$(($svrcount+1)) NORDLINES="curl --silent --retry 3 --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 6 --retry-delay 1 --retry-all-errors https://api.nordvpn.com/server | jq --raw-output '.[] | select(.country == \"$NordVPNRandomCountry\") | .ip_address' > /jffs/scripts/NordVPN.txt" NORDLINES="$(eval $NORDLINES 2>/dev/null)"; if echo $NORDLINES | grep -qoE '\berror.*\b'; then printf "${CRed}\r [Error Occurred]"; sleep 1; fi LINES=$(cat /jffs/scripts/NordVPN.txt | wc -l) >/dev/null 2>&1 #Check to see how many lines/server IPs are in this file if [ $LINES -ge 1 ]; then printf "${CGreen}\r [NordVPN Server List Successfully Downloaded] "; echo ""; sleep 1; break; fi if [ $svrcount -ge 1 ]; then echo ""; fi printf "${CRed}\r [Connectivity Issue: Retrying... $svrcount/15] " sleep 1 if [ $svrcount -eq 15 ]; then echo "" echo -e "\n${CRed} Error: Unable to reach NordVPN API! Check NordVPN service or" echo -e " Country Name specified in the configuration.${CClear}" echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 ----------> ERROR: Unable to reach NordVPN API!" >> $LOGFILE sleep 1 break fi done if [ $LINES -eq 0 ] # If there are no lines, error out then echo -e "\n${CRed} Error: NordVPN.txt VPN Server list is blank! Skipping import into " echo -e " Skynet Firewall.\n${CClear}" echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 ----------> ERROR: NordVPN.txt VPN Server list is blank! Skipping Skynet Firewall import." >> $LOGFILE else printf "${CGreen}\r " printf "${CGreen}\r [Updating Skynet whitelist with NordVPN Server IPs] " sleep 1 firewall import whitelist /jffs/scripts/NordVPN.txt "NordVPN - $NordVPNRandomCountry" >/dev/null 2>&1 printf "${CGreen}\r " printf "${CGreen}\r [Letting Skynet import and settle for 15 seconds] " sleep 15 echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 - Updated Skynet Whitelist" >> $LOGFILE fi fi if [ $UsePP -eq 1 ] then svrcount=0 while [ $svrcount -ne 15 ] do svrcount=$(($svrcount+1)) PPLINES="curl --silent --retry 3 --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 6 --retry-delay 1 --retry-all-errors https://www.perfect-privacy.com/api/serverips > /jffs/scripts/ppips.txt" PPLINES="$(eval $PPLINES 2>/dev/null)"; if echo $PPLINES | grep -qoE '\berror.*\b'; then printf "${CRed}\r [Error Occurred]"; sleep 1; fi awk -F' ' '{print $2}' /jffs/scripts/ppips.txt > /jffs/scripts/ppipscln.txt 2>&1 sed "s/,/\n/g" /jffs/scripts/ppipscln.txt > /jffs/scripts/ppipslst.txt 2>&1 LINES=$(cat /jffs/scripts/ppipslst.txt | wc -l) >/dev/null 2>&1 #Check to see how many lines/server IPs are in this file if [ $LINES -ge 1 ]; then printf "${CGreen}\r [Perfect Privacy Server List Successfully Downloaded] "; echo ""; sleep 1; break; fi if [ $svrcount -ge 1 ]; then echo ""; fi printf "${CRed}\r [Connectivity Issue: Retrying... $svrcount/15] " sleep 1 if [ $svrcount -eq 15 ]; then echo -e "\n${CRed} Error: Unable to reach Perfect Privacy API! Check PP service or" echo -e " Country Name specified in the configuration.${CClear}" echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 ----------> ERROR: Unable to reach Perfect Privacy API!" >> $LOGFILE break fi done if [ $LINES -eq 0 ] # If there are no lines, error out then echo -e "\n${CRed} Error: ppipslst.txt VPN Server list is blank! Skipping import into Skynet Firewall.\n${CClear}" echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 ----------> ERROR: ppipslst.txt VPN Server list is blank! Skipping import into Skynet Firewall." >> $LOGFILE else printf "${CGreen}\r " printf "${CGreen}\r [Updating Skynet whitelist with Perfect Privacy Server IPs] " sleep 1 firewall import whitelist /jffs/scripts/ppipslst.txt "Perfect Privacy VPN" >/dev/null 2>&1 printf "${CGreen}\r " printf "${CGreen}\r [Letting Skynet import and settle for 15 seconds] " sleep 15 echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 - Updated Skynet Whitelist" >> $LOGFILE fi fi if [ $UseAirVPN -eq 1 ] then printf "${CGreen}\r " printf "${CGreen}\r [Reaching out to AirVPN API to download Server IPs] " sleep 1 svrcount=0 while [ $svrcount -ne 15 ] do svrcount=$(($svrcount+1)) AIRVPNLINES="curl --silent --retry 3 --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 6 --retry-delay 1 --retry-all-errors https://airvpn.org/api/status/ | jq --raw-output '.servers[] | select(.country_name==\"$AirVPNRandomCountry\").ip_v4_in3' > /jffs/scripts/AirVPN.txt" AIRVPNLINES="$(eval $AIRVPNLINES 2>/dev/null)"; if echo $AIRVPNLINES | grep -qoE '\berror.*\b'; then printf "${CRed}\r [Error Occurred]"; sleep 1; fi LINES=$(cat /jffs/scripts/AirVPN.txt | wc -l) >/dev/null 2>&1 #Check to see how many lines/server IPs are in this file if [ $LINES -ge 1 ]; then curl --silent --retry 3 --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 6 --retry-delay 1 --retry-all-errors https://airvpn.org/api/status/ | jq --raw-output '.servers[] | select(.country_name=="'"$AirVPNRandomCountry"'").ip_v4_in4' >> /jffs/scripts/AirVPN.txt printf "${CGreen}\r [AirVPN Server List Successfully Downloaded] " echo "" sleep 1 break fi if [ $svrcount -ge 2 ]; then echo ""; fi printf "${CRed}\r [Connectivity Issue: Retrying... $svrcount/15] " sleep 1 if [ $svrcount -eq 15 ]; then echo "" echo -e "\n${CRed} Error: Unable to reach AirVPN API! Check AirVPN service or" echo -e " Country Name specified in the configuration.${CClear}" echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 ----------> ERROR: Unable to reach AirVPN API!" >> $LOGFILE sleep 1 break fi done if [ $LINES -eq 0 ] # If there are no lines, error out then echo -e "\n${CRed} Error: AirVPN.txt VPN Server list is blank! Skipping import into " echo -e " Skynet Firewall.\n${CClear}" echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 ----------> ERROR: AirVPN.txt VPN Server list is blank! Skipping Skynet Firewall import." >> $LOGFILE else printf "${CGreen}\r " printf "${CGreen}\r [Updating Skynet whitelist with AirVPN Server IPs] " sleep 1 firewall import whitelist /jffs/scripts/AirVPN.txt "NordVPN - $AirVPNRandomCountry" >/dev/null 2>&1 printf "${CGreen}\r " printf "${CGreen}\r [Letting Skynet import and settle for 15 seconds] " sleep 15 echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 - Updated Skynet Whitelist" >> $LOGFILE fi fi fi # Randomly select VPN Client slots against entire field of available NordVPN server IPs for selected country if [ $NordVPNSuperRandom -eq 1 ] then UpdateVPNMGR=0 # Failsafe to make sure VPNMGR doesn't overwrite values written by the SuperRandom function if [ -f /jffs/scripts/NordVPN.txt ] # Check to see if NordVPN file exists from UpdateSkynet then LINES=$(cat /jffs/scripts/NordVPN.txt | wc -l) >/dev/null 2>&1 # Check to see how many lines/server IPs are in this file if [ $LINES -eq 0 ] # If there are no lines, error out then echo -e "\n${CRed} Error: NordVPN.txt VPN Server list is blank! Skipping SuperRandom " echo -e " assignment process.\n${CClear}" echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 ----------> ERROR: NordVPN.txt VPN Server list is blank! Skipping SuperRandom assignment process." >> $LOGFILE else printf "${CGreen}\r " printf "${CGreen}\r [Updating VPN Slots 1-$N from $LINES SuperRandom NordVPN IPs] " sleep 1 echo "" echo "" i=0 while [ $i -ne $N ] #Assign SuperRandom IPs/Descriptions to VPN Slots 1-N do i=$(($i+1)) RANDOM=$(awk 'BEGIN {srand(); print int(32768 * rand())}') R_LINE=$(( RANDOM % LINES + 1 )) RNDVPNIP=$(sed -n "${R_LINE}p" /jffs/scripts/NordVPN.txt) RNDVPNCITY="curl --silent --retry 3 --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 6 --retry-delay 1 --retry-all-errors --request GET --url http://ip-api.com/json/$RNDVPNIP | jq --raw-output .city" RNDVPNCITY="$(eval $RNDVPNCITY)"; if echo $RNDVPNCITY | grep -qoE '\b(error.*:.*True.*|Undefined)\b'; then RNDVPNCITY="$RNDVPNIP"; fi RNDVPNHOST=$(curl --silent --retry 3 --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 6 --retry-delay 1 --retry-all-errors https://api.nordvpn.com/server | jq --raw-output '.[] | select(.ip_address == "'"$RNDVPNIP"'") | .domain' | cut -d '.' -f1) nvram set vpn_client"$i"_addr="$RNDVPNIP" nvram set vpn_client"$i"_desc="NordVPN - $RNDVPNCITY - $RNDVPNHOST" echo -e "${CCyan} VPN$i Slot - SuperRandom IP: $RNDVPNIP - City: $RNDVPNCITY - Host: $RNDVPNHOST${CClear}" #sleep 1 done #echo "" echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 - Refreshed VPN Slots 1 - $N from $LINES SuperRandom NordVPN Server Locations" >> $LOGFILE fi else # NordVPN.txt must not exist and/or UpdateSkynet is turned off, so run API to get full server list from NordVPN printf "${CGreen}\r " printf "${CGreen}\r [Reaching out to NordVPN API to download Server IPs] " sleep 1 svrcount=0 while [ $svrcount -ne 60 ] do svrcount=$(($svrcount+1)) NORDLINES="curl --silent --retry 3 --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 6 --retry-delay 1 --retry-all-errors https://api.nordvpn.com/server | jq --raw-output '.[] | select(.country == \"$NordVPNRandomCountry\") | .ip_address' > /jffs/scripts/NordVPN.txt" NORDLINES="$(eval $NORDLINES 2>/dev/null)"; if echo $NORDLINES | grep -qoE '\berror.*\b'; then printf "${CRed}\r [Error Occurred]"; sleep 1; fi LINES=$(cat /jffs/scripts/NordVPN.txt | wc -l) >/dev/null 2>&1 #Check to see how many lines/server IPs are in this file if [ $LINES -ge 1 ]; then printf "${CGreen}\r [NordVPN Server List Successfully Downloaded] "; echo ""; sleep 1; break; fi if [ $svrcount -eq 1 ]; then echo ""; fi printf "${CRed}\r [Connectivity Issue: Retrying... $svrcount/60] " sleep 1 if [ $svrcount -eq 60 ]; then echo "" echo -e "\n${CRed} Error: Unable to reach NordVPN API! Check NordVPN service or" echo -e " Country Name specified in the configuration.${CClear}" echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 ----------> ERROR: Unable to reach NordVPN API! Check NordVPN service or config's Country Name." >> $LOGFILE break fi done if [ $LINES -eq 0 ] #If there are no lines, error out then echo -e "\n${CRed} Error: NordVPN.txt VPN Server list is blank! Skipping SuperRandom" echo -e " assignment process.${CClear}" echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 ----------> ERROR: NordVPN.txt VPN Server list is blank! Skipping SuperRandom assignment process" >> $LOGFILE sleep 1 else printf "${CGreen}\r " printf "${CGreen}\r [Updating VPN Slots 1-$N from $LINES SuperRandom NordVPN IPs] " sleep 1 echo "" echo "" i=0 while [ $i -ne $N ] #Assign SuperRandom IPs/Descriptions to VPN Slots 1-N do i=$(($i+1)) RANDOM=$(awk 'BEGIN {srand(); print int(32768 * rand())}') R_LINE=$(( RANDOM % LINES + 1 )) RNDVPNIP=$(sed -n "${R_LINE}p" /jffs/scripts/NordVPN.txt) RNDVPNCITY="curl --silent --retry 3 --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 6 --retry-delay 1 --retry-all-errors --request GET --url http://ip-api.com/json/$RNDVPNIP | jq --raw-output .city" RNDVPNCITY="$(eval $RNDVPNCITY)"; if echo $RNDVPNCITY | grep -qoE '\b(error.*:.*True.*|Undefined)\b'; then RNDVPNCITY="$RNDVPNIP"; fi RNDVPNHOST=$(curl --silent --retry 3 --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 6 --retry-delay 1 --retry-all-errors https://api.nordvpn.com/server | jq --raw-output '.[] | select(.ip_address == "'"$RNDVPNIP"'") | .domain' | cut -d '.' -f1) nvram set vpn_client"$i"_addr="$RNDVPNIP" nvram set vpn_client"$i"_desc="NordVPN - $RNDVPNCITY - $RNDVPNHOST" echo -e "${CCyan} VPN$i Slot - SuperRandom IP: $RNDVPNIP - City: $RNDVPNCITY - Host: $RNDVPNHOST${CClear}" #sleep 1 done #echo "" echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 - Refreshed VPN Slots 1 - $N from $LINES SuperRandom NordVPN Server Locations" >> $LOGFILE fi fi fi if [ $UseSurfShark -eq 1 ] then # Randomly select VPN Client slots against entire field of available SurfShark server IPs for selected country if [ $SurfSharkSuperRandom -eq 1 ] then UpdateVPNMGR=0 # Failsafe to make sure VPNMGR doesn't overwrite values written by the SuperRandom function printf "${CGreen}\r " printf "${CGreen}\r [Reaching out to SurfShark API to download Server IPs] " sleep 1 svrcount=0 while [ $svrcount -ne 60 ] do svrcount=$(($svrcount+1)) # Run SurfShark API to get full server list from SurfShark SURFLINES="curl --silent --retry 3 --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 6 --retry-delay 1 --retry-all-errors https://api.surfshark.com/v3/server/clusters | jq --raw-output '.[] | select(.country == \"$SurfSharkRandomCountry\") | .connectionName' > /jffs/scripts/surfshark.txt" SURFLINES="$(eval $SURFLINES 2>/dev/null)"; if echo $SURFLINES | grep -qoE '\berror.*\b'; then printf "${CRed}\r [Error Occurred]"; sleep 1; fi LINES=$(cat /jffs/scripts/surfshark.txt | wc -l) >/dev/null 2>&1 #Check to see how many lines are in this file if [ $LINES -ge 1 ]; then printf "${CGreen}\r [SurfShark Server List Successfully Downloaded] "; echo ""; sleep 1; break; fi if [ $svrcount -eq 1 ]; then echo ""; fi printf "${CRed}\r [Connectivity Issue: Retrying... $svrcount/60] " sleep 1 if [ $svrcount -eq 60 ]; then echo -e "\n${CRed} Error: Unable to reach SurfShark API! Check SurfShark service or config's Country Name.\n${CClear}" echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 ----------> ERROR: Unable to reach SurfShark API! Check SurfShark service or config's Country Name." >> $LOGFILE break fi done if [ $LINES -eq 0 ] #If there are no lines, error out then echo -e "\n${CRed} Error: surfshark.txt VPN Serverlist is blank! Skipping SuperRandom " echo -e " assignment process.\n${CClear}" echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 ----------> ERROR: surfshark.txt VPN Server list is blank! Skipping SuperRandom assignment process." >> $LOGFILE sleep 1 else printf "${CGreen}\r " printf "${CGreen}\r [Updating VPN Slots 1-$N from $LINES SuperRandom SurfShark IPs] " sleep 1 echo "" echo "" i=0 while [ $i -ne $N ] #Assign SuperRandom IPs/Descriptions to VPN Slots 1-N do i=$(($i+1)) RANDOM=$(awk 'BEGIN {srand(); print int(32768 * rand())}') R_LINE=$(( RANDOM % LINES + 1 )) RNDVPNHOST=$(sed -n "${R_LINE}p" /jffs/scripts/surfshark.txt) RNDVPNIP=$(ping -q -c1 -n $RNDVPNHOST | head -n1 | sed "s/.*(\([0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\)).*/\1/g") > /dev/null 2>&1 RNDVPNCITY="curl --silent --retry 3 --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 6 --retry-delay 1 --retry-all-errors --request GET --url http://ip-api.com/json/$RNDVPNIP | jq --raw-output .city" RNDVPNCITY="$(eval $RNDVPNCITY)"; if echo $RNDVPNCITY | grep -qoE '\b(error.*:.*True.*|Undefined)\b'; then RNDVPNCITY="$RNDVPNIP"; fi nvram set vpn_client"$i"_addr="$RNDVPNHOST" nvram set vpn_client"$i"_desc="SurfShark - $RNDVPNCITY" echo -e "${CCyan} VPN$i Slot - SuperRandom Host: $RNDVPNHOST - City: $RNDVPNCITY${CClear}" sleep 1 done #echo "" echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 - Refreshed VPN Slots 1 - $N from $LINES SuperRandom SurfShark Server Locations" >> $LOGFILE fi fi fi if [ $UsePP -eq 1 ] then # Randomly select VPN Client slots against entire field of available Perfect Privacy server IPs for selected country if [ $PPSuperRandom -eq 1 ] then UpdateVPNMGR=0 # Failsafe to make sure VPNMGR doesn't overwrite values written by the SuperRandom function svrcount=0 while [ $svrcount -ne 60 ] do svrcount=$(($svrcount+1)) # Run Perfect Privacy API to get full server list from Perfect Privacy VPN PPLINES="curl --silent --retry 3 --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 6 --retry-delay 1 --retry-all-errors https://www.perfect-privacy.com/api/serverlocations.json | jq -r 'path(.[] | select(.country ==\"$PPRandomCountry\"))[0]' > /jffs/scripts/pp.txt" PPLINES="$(eval $PPLINES 2>/dev/null)"; if echo $PPLINES | grep -qoE '\berror.*\b'; then printf "${CRed}\r [Error Occurred]"; sleep 1; fi LINES=$(cat /jffs/scripts/pp.txt | wc -l) >/dev/null 2>&1 #Check to see how many linesare in this file if [ $LINES -ge 1 ]; then printf "${CGreen}\r [Perfect Privacy Server List Successfully Downloaded] "; echo ""; sleep 1; break; fi if [ $svrcount -eq 1 ]; then echo ""; fi printf "${CRed}\r [Connectivity Issue: Retrying... $svrcount/60] " sleep 1 if [ $svrcount -eq 60 ]; then echo -e "\n${CRed} Error: Unable to reach Perfect Privacy API! Check Perfect Privacy" echo -e " service or Country Name specified in the configuration.\n${CClear}" echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 ----------> ERROR: Unable to reach Perfect Privacy API! Check Perfect Privacy service or config's Country Name." >> $LOGFILE break fi done if [ $LINES -eq 0 ] #If there are no lines, error out then echo -e "\n${CRed}Error: pp.txt VPN server list is blank! Skipping SuperRandom" echo -e " assignment process.\n${CClear}" echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 ----------> ERROR: pp.txt VPN server list is blank! Skipping SuperRandom assignment process." >> $LOGFILE sleep 1 else printf "${CGreen}\r " printf "${CGreen}\r [Updating VPN Slots 1-$N from $LINES SuperRandom PerfPriv IPs] " sleep 1 echo "" echo "" i=0 while [ $i -ne $N ] #Assign SuperRandom IPs/Descriptions to VPN Slots 1-N do i=$(($i+1)) RANDOM=$(awk 'BEGIN {srand(); print int(32768 * rand())}') R_LINE=$(( RANDOM % LINES + 1 )) RNDVPNHOST=$(sed -n "${R_LINE}p" /jffs/scripts/pp.txt) RNDVPNIP=$(ping -q -c1 -n $RNDVPNHOST | head -n1 | sed "s/.*(\([0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\)).*/\1/g") > /dev/null 2>&1 RNDVPNCITY="curl --silent --retry 3 --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 6 --retry-delay 1 --retry-all-errors --request GET --url http://ip-api.com/json/$RNDVPNIP | jq --raw-output .city" RNDVPNCITY="$(eval $RNDVPNCITY)"; if echo $RNDVPNCITY | grep -qoE '\b(error.*:.*True.*|Undefined)\b'; then RNDVPNCITY="$RNDVPNIP"; fi nvram set vpn_client"$i"_addr="$RNDVPNHOST" nvram set vpn_client"$i"_desc="Perfect Privacy - $RNDVPNCITY" echo -e "${CCyan} VPN$i Slot - SuperRandom Host: $RNDVPNHOST - City: $RNDVPNCITY\n${CClear}" sleep 1 done #echo "" echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 - Refreshed VPN Slots 1 - $N from $LINES SuperRandom Perfect Privacy Server Locations" >> $LOGFILE fi fi fi if [ $UseWeVPN -eq 1 ] then # Randomly select VPN Client slots against entire field of available WeVPN server IPs for selected country if [ $WeVPNSuperRandom -eq 1 ] then UpdateVPNMGR=0 # Failsafe to make sure VPNMGR doesn't overwrite values written by the SuperRandom function svrcount=0 while [ $svrcount -ne 60 ] do svrcount=$(($svrcount+1)) # Run WeVPN API to get full server list from WeVPN WELINES="curl --silent --retry 3 --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 6 --retry-delay 1 --retry-all-errors https://client.wevpn.com/api/v3/locations | jq --raw-output '.data[] | select(.country.name == \"$WeVPNRandomCountry\" ) | .hostname' > /jffs/scripts/wevpn.txt" WELINES="$(eval $WELINES 2>/dev/null)"; if echo $WELINES | grep -qoE '\berror.*\b'; then printf "${CRed}\r [Error Occurred]"; sleep 1; fi LINES=$(cat /jffs/scripts/wevpn.txt | wc -l) >/dev/null 2>&1 #Check to see how many lines are in this file if [ $LINES -ge 1 ]; then printf "${CGreen}\r [WeVPN Server List Successfully Downloaded] "; echo ""; sleep 1; break; fi if [ $svrcount -eq 1 ]; then echo ""; fi printf "${CRed}\r [Connectivity Issue: Retrying... $svrcount/60] " sleep 1 if [ $svrcount -eq 60 ]; then echo -e "\n${CRed} Error: Unable to reach WeVPN API! Check WeVPN service or" echo -e " Country Name specified in the configuration.\n${CClear}" echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 ----------> ERROR: Unable to reach WeVPN API! Check WeVPN service or config's Country Name." >> $LOGFILE break fi done if [ $LINES -eq 0 ] #If there are no lines, error out then echo -e "\n${CRed} Error: wevpn.txt list is blank! Skipping SuperRandom" echo -e " assignment process.\n${CClear}" echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 ----------> ERROR: wevpn.txt list is blank! Skipping SuperRandom assignment process." >> $LOGFILE sleep 1 else printf "${CGreen}\r " printf "${CGreen}\r [Updating VPN Slots 1-$N from $LINES SuperRandom WeVPN Hostnames] " sleep 1 echo "" echo "" i=0 while [ $i -ne $N ] #Assign SuperRandom hostnames/Descriptions to VPN Slots 1-N do i=$(($i+1)) RANDOM=$(awk 'BEGIN {srand(); print int(32768 * rand())}') R_LINE=$(( RANDOM % LINES + 1 )) RNDVPNHOST=$(sed -n "${R_LINE}p" /jffs/scripts/wevpn.txt) RNDVPNIP=$(ping -q -c1 -n $RNDVPNHOST | head -n1 | sed "s/.*(\([0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\)).*/\1/g") > /dev/null 2>&1 RNDVPNCITY="curl --silent --retry 3 --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 6 --retry-delay 1 --retry-all-errors --request GET --url http://ip-api.com/json/$RNDVPNIP | jq --raw-output .city" RNDVPNCITY="$(eval $RNDVPNCITY)"; if echo $RNDVPNCITY | grep -qoE '\b(error.*:.*True.*|Undefined)\b'; then RNDVPNCITY="$RNDVPNIP"; fi nvram set vpn_client"$i"_addr="$RNDVPNHOST" nvram set vpn_client"$i"_desc="WeVPN - $RNDVPNCITY" echo -e "${CCyan} VPN$i Slot - SuperRandom Host: $RNDVPNHOST - City: $RNDVPNCITY${CClear}" sleep 1 done #echo "" echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 - Refreshed VPN Slots 1 - $N from $LINES SuperRandom WeVPN Server Locations" >> $LOGFILE fi fi fi if [ $AirVPNSuperRandom -eq 1 ] then UpdateVPNMGR=0 # Failsafe to make sure VPNMGR doesn't overwrite values written by the SuperRandom function if [ -f /jffs/scripts/AirVPN.txt ] # Check to see if AirVPN file exists from UpdateSkynet then LINES=$(cat /jffs/scripts/AirVPN.txt | wc -l) >/dev/null 2>&1 # Check to see how many lines/server IPs are in this file if [ $LINES -eq 0 ] # If there are no lines, error out then echo -e "\n${CRed} Error: AirVPN.txt VPN Server list is blank! Skipping SuperRandom " echo -e " assignment process.\n${CClear}" echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 ----------> ERROR: AirVPN.txt VPN Server list is blank! Skipping SuperRandom assignment process." >> $LOGFILE else printf "${CGreen}\r " printf "${CGreen}\r [Updating VPN Slots 1-$N from $LINES SuperRandom AirVPN IPs] " sleep 1 echo "" echo "" i=0 while [ $i -ne $N ] #Assign SuperRandom IPs/Descriptions to VPN Slots 1-N do i=$(($i+1)) RANDOM=$(awk 'BEGIN {srand(); print int(32768 * rand())}') R_LINE=$(( RANDOM % LINES + 1 )) RNDVPNIP=$(sed -n "${R_LINE}p" /jffs/scripts/AirVPN.txt) RNDVPNCITY="curl --silent --retry 3 --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 6 --retry-delay 1 --retry-all-errors --request GET --url http://ip-api.com/json/$RNDVPNIP | jq --raw-output .city" RNDVPNCITY="$(eval $RNDVPNCITY)"; if echo $RNDVPNCITY | grep -qoE '\b(error.*:.*True.*|Undefined)\b'; then RNDVPNCITY="$RNDVPNIP"; fi nvram set vpn_client"$i"_addr="$RNDVPNIP" nvram set vpn_client"$i"_desc="AirVPN - $RNDVPNCITY" echo -e "${CCyan} VPN$i Slot - SuperRandom IP: $RNDVPNIP - City: $RNDVPNCITY${CClear}" sleep 1 done #echo "" echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 - Refreshed VPN Slots 1 - $N from $LINES SuperRandom AirVPN Server Locations" >> $LOGFILE fi else # AirVPN.txt must not exist and/or UpdateSkynet is turned off, so run API to get full server list from AirVPN printf "${CGreen}\r " printf "${CGreen}\r [Reaching out to AirVPN API to download Server IPs] " sleep 1 svrcount=0 while [ $svrcount -ne 15 ] do svrcount=$(($svrcount+1)) AIRVPNLINES="curl --silent --retry 3 --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 6 --retry-delay 1 --retry-all-errors https://airvpn.org/api/status/ | jq --raw-output '.servers[] | select(.country_name==\"$AirVPNRandomCountry\").ip_v4_in3' > /jffs/scripts/AirVPN.txt" AIRVPNLINES="$(eval $AIRVPNLINES 2>/dev/null)"; if echo $AIRVPNLINES | grep -qoE '\berror.*\b'; then printf "${CRed}\r [Error Occurred]"; sleep 1; fi LINES=$(cat /jffs/scripts/AirVPN.txt | wc -l) >/dev/null 2>&1 #Check to see how many lines/server IPs are in this file if [ $LINES -ge 1 ]; then curl --silent --retry 3 --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 6 --retry-delay 1 --retry-all-errors https://airvpn.org/api/status/ | jq --raw-output '.servers[] | select(.country_name=="'"$AirVPNRandomCountry"'").ip_v4_in4' >> /jffs/scripts/AirVPN.txt printf "${CGreen}\r [AirVPN Server List Successfully Downloaded] " echo "" sleep 1 break fi if [ $svrcount -ge 2 ]; then echo ""; fi printf "${CRed}\r [Connectivity Issue: Retrying... $svrcount/15] " sleep 1 if [ $svrcount -eq 15 ]; then echo "" echo -e "\n${CRed} Error: Unable to reach AirVPN API! Check AirVPN service or" echo -e " Country Name specified in the configuration.${CClear}" echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 ----------> ERROR: Unable to reach AirVPN API! Check AirVPN service or config's Country Name." >> $LOGFILE break fi done if [ $LINES -eq 0 ] #If there are no lines, error out then echo -e "\n${CRed} Error: AirVPN.txt VPN Server list is blank! Skipping SuperRandom" echo -e " assignment process.${CClear}" echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 ----------> ERROR: AirVPN.txt VPN Server list is blank! Skipping SuperRandom assignment process" >> $LOGFILE sleep 1 else printf "${CGreen}\r " printf "${CGreen}\r [Updating VPN Slots 1-$N from $LINES SuperRandom AirVPN IPs] " sleep 1 echo "" echo "" i=0 while [ $i -ne $N ] #Assign SuperRandom IPs/Descriptions to VPN Slots 1-N do i=$(($i+1)) RANDOM=$(awk 'BEGIN {srand(); print int(32768 * rand())}') R_LINE=$(( RANDOM % LINES + 1 )) RNDVPNIP=$(sed -n "${R_LINE}p" /jffs/scripts/AirVPN.txt) RNDVPNCITY="curl --silent --retry 3 --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 6 --retry-delay 1 --retry-all-errors --request GET --url http://ip-api.com/json/$RNDVPNIP | jq --raw-output .city" RNDVPNCITY="$(eval $RNDVPNCITY)"; if echo $RNDVPNCITY | grep -qoE '\b(error.*:.*True.*|Undefined)\b'; then RNDVPNCITY="$RNDVPNIP"; fi nvram set vpn_client"$i"_addr="$RNDVPNIP" nvram set vpn_client"$i"_desc="AirVPN - $RNDVPNCITY" echo -e "${CCyan} VPN$i Slot - SuperRandom IP: $RNDVPNIP - City: $RNDVPNCITY${CClear}" sleep 1 done #echo "" echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 - Refreshed VPN Slots 1 - $N from $LINES SuperRandom AirVPN Server Locations" >> $LOGFILE fi fi fi if [ $RecommendedServer == "1" ]; then if [ $UseNordVPN == "1" ]; then UpdateVPNMGR=0 #Override vpnmgr if we're getting NordVPN Recommended Servers NordCountryID=$(curl --silent --retry 3 --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 6 --retry-delay 1 --retry-all-errors "https://api.nordvpn.com/v1/servers/countries" | jq --raw-output '.[] | select(.name == "'"$NordVPNRandomCountry"'") | [.name,.id] | "\(.[1])"') curl --silent --retry 3 --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 6 --retry-delay 1 --retry-all-errors "https://api.nordvpn.com/v1/servers/recommendations?filters\[country_id\]=$NordCountryID&limit=5" | jq --raw-output '.[].station' > /jffs/scripts/NordVPNRS.txt #Extract all the closest recommended NordVPN servers to a text file LINES=$(cat /jffs/scripts/NordVPNRS.txt | wc -l) >/dev/null 2>&1 #Check to see how many lines/server IPs are in this file if [ $LINES -eq 0 ]; then #If there are no lines, error out echo -e "\n${CRed} Error: NordVPNRS.txt recommended servers list is blank! Check" echo -e " NordVPN Service or Country Name specified in the configuration.${CClear}" echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 ----------> ERROR: NordVPNRS.txt recommended servers list is blank!" >> $LOGFILE sleep 3 return fi printf "${CGreen}\r " printf "${CGreen}\r [Updating VPN Slots 1-$N from $LINES Recommended NordVPN IPs] " sleep 1 echo "" echo "" i=0 while [ $i -ne $N ] #Assign Recommended IPs/Descriptions to VPN Slots 1-N do i=$(($i+1)) RECVPNIP=$(sed -n "${i}p" /jffs/scripts/NordVPNRS.txt) RECVPNCITY="curl --silent --retry 3 --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 6 --retry-delay 1 --retry-all-errors --request GET --url http://ip-api.com/json/$RECVPNIP | jq --raw-output .city" RECVPNCITY="$(eval $RECVPNCITY)"; if echo $RECVPNCITY | grep -qoE '\b(error.*:.*True.*|Undefined)\b'; then RECVPNCITY="$RECVPNIP"; fi RECVPNHOST=$(curl --silent --retry 3 --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 6 --retry-delay 1 --retry-all-errors https://api.nordvpn.com/server | jq --raw-output '.[] | select(.ip_address == "'"$RECVPNIP"'") | .domain' | cut -d '.' -f1) nvram set vpn_client"$i"_addr="$RECVPNIP" nvram set vpn_client"$i"_desc="NordVPN - $RECVPNCITY - $RECVPNHOST" echo -e "${CCyan} VPN$i Slot - Recommended IP: $RECVPNIP - City: $RECVPNCITY - Host: $RECVPNHOST${CClear}" #sleep 1 done echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 - Refreshed VPN Slots 1 - $N from $LINES Recommended NordVPN Server Locations" >> $LOGFILE elif [ $UseAirVPN == "1" ]; then UpdateVPNMGR=0 #Override vpnmgr if we're getting NordVPN Recommended Servers AirVPNCountryID=$(curl --silent --retry 3 --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 6 --retry-delay 1 --retry-all-errors https://airvpn.org/api/status/ | jq --raw-output '.countries[] | select(.country_name=="'"$AirVPNRandomCountry"'").country_code') AirTemp1=$AirVPNCountryID"3.vpn.airdns.org" AirTemp2=$AirVPNCountryID"4.vpn.airdns.org" RECVPNIP1=$(ping -q -c1 -n $AirTemp1 | head -n1 | sed "s/.*(\([0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\)).*/\1/g") > /dev/null 2>&1 RECVPNIP2=$(ping -q -c1 -n $AirTemp2 | head -n1 | sed "s/.*(\([0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\)).*/\1/g") > /dev/null 2>&1 RECVPNCITY1="curl --silent --retry 3 --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 6 --retry-delay 1 --retry-all-errors --request GET --url http://ip-api.com/json/$RECVPNIP1 | jq --raw-output .city" RECVPNCITY1="$(eval $RECVPNCITY1)"; if echo $RECVPNCITY1 | grep -qoE '\b(error.*:.*True.*|Undefined)\b'; then RECVPNCITY1="$RECVPNIP1"; fi RECVPNCITY2="curl --silent --retry 3 --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 6 --retry-delay 1 --retry-all-errors --request GET --url http://ip-api.com/json/$RECVPNIP2 | jq --raw-output .city" RECVPNCITY2="$(eval $RECVPNCITY2)"; if echo $RECVPNCITY2 | grep -qoE '\b(error.*:.*True.*|Undefined)\b'; then RECVPNCITY2="$RECVPNIP2"; fi printf "${CGreen}\r " printf "${CGreen}\r [Updating VPN Slots 1-$N from $LINES Recommended AirVPN IPs] " sleep 1 echo "" echo "" i=0 while [ $i -ne $N ] #Assign Recommended IPs/Descriptions to VPN Slots 1-N do i=$(($i+1)) if [ $i -eq 1 ] || [ $i -eq 3 ] || [ $i -eq 5 ]; then nvram set vpn_client"$i"_addr="$RECVPNIP1" nvram set vpn_client"$i"_desc="AirVPN - $RECVPNCITY1" echo -e "${CCyan} VPN$i Slot - Recommended IP: $RECVPNIP1 - City: $RECVPNCITY1${CClear}" sleep 1 elif [ $i -eq 2 ] || [ $i -eq 4 ]; then nvram set vpn_client"$i"_addr="$RECVPNIP2" nvram set vpn_client"$i"_desc="AirVPN - $RECVPNCITY2" echo -e "${CCyan} VPN$i Slot - Recommended IP: $RECVPNIP2 - City: $RECVPNCITY2${CClear}" sleep 1 fi done echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 - Refreshed VPN Slots 1 - $N from Recommended AirVPN Server Locations" >> $LOGFILE fi fi # Clean up API NordVPN Server Extracts if [ -f /jffs/scripts/NordVPN.txt ] then rm -f /jffs/scripts/NordVPN.txt #Cleanup NordVPN temp files rm -f /jffs/scripts/NordVPNRS.txt fi # Clean up API SurfShark Server Extracts if [ -f /jffs/scripts/surfshark.txt ] then rm -f /jffs/scripts/surfshark.txt #Cleanup Surfshark temp files fi # Clean up API Perfect Privacy Server Extracts if [ -f /jffs/scripts/pp.txt ] || [ -f /jffs/scripts/ppips.txt ] then rm -f /jffs/scripts/pp.txt #Cleanup Perfect Privacy temp files rm -f /jffs/scripts/ppips.txt rm -f /jffs/scripts/ppipscln.txt rm -f /jffs/scripts/ppipslst.txt fi # Clean up API SurfShark Server Extracts if [ -f /jffs/scripts/wevpn.txt ] then rm -f /jffs/scripts/wevpn.txt #Cleanup WeVPN temp files fi # Clean up API AirVPN Server Extracts if [ -f /jffs/scripts/AirVPN.txt ] then rm -f /jffs/scripts/AirVPN.txt #Cleanup AirVPN temp files fi # Call VPNMGR functions to refresh server lists and save their results to the VPN client configs if [ $UpdateVPNMGR -eq 1 ]; then # Refresh VPNMGR cache, locations & servernames echo "" printf "${CGreen}\r " printf "${CGreen}\r [Refresh VPNMGRs NordVPN/PIA/WeVPN Server Locations] " sh /jffs/scripts/service-event start vpnmgrrefreshcacheddata >/dev/null 2>&1 sleep 10 sh /jffs/scripts/service-event start vpnmgr >/dev/null 2>&1 sleep 10 echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 - Refreshed VPNMGR Server Locations and Hostnames" >> $LOGFILE fi if [ "$USELOWESTSLOT" == "0" ]; then # Pick a random VPN Client to connect to echo "" printf "${CGreen}\r " printf "${CGreen}\r [Randomly selecting a VPN Client between 1 and $N] " sleep 1 # Generate a number between BASE and N, ie.1 and 5 to choose which VPN Client is started RANDOM=$(awk 'BEGIN {srand(); print int(32768 * rand())}') option=$(( RANDOM % N + BASE )) # Set option to 1 in that rare case that it comes out to 0 if [ $option -eq 0 ] then option=1 fi # Start the selected VPN Client echo "" service start_vpnclient$option >/dev/null 2>&1 logger -t VPN Client $option "Active" printf "${CGreen}\r " printf "${CGreen}\r [Random VPN$option Client ON] " echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 - Randomly selected VPN$option Client ON" >> $LOGFILE sleep 2 echo "" { echo 'NORMAL' echo $option } > $APPSTATUS CURRCLNT=$option elif [ "$USELOWESTSLOT" == "1" ]; then i=0 WANIFNAME=$(get_wan_setting ifname) while [ $i -ne $N ] # Determine which connection has the fastest ping do i=$(($i+1)) OFFLINEVPNIP=$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get vpn_client"$i"_addr) #DISCHOSTPING=$(ping -I $WANIFNAME -c 1 $OFFLINEVPNIP | awk -F'time=| ms' 'NF==3{print $(NF-1)}' | sort -rn) > /dev/null 2>&1 # Get ping stats DISCHOSTPING=$(ping -I $WANIFNAME -c 3 $OFFLINEVPNIP | awk -F'[/=]' 'END{print $5}') > /dev/null 2>&1 # Get ping stats testping=${DISCHOSTPING%.*} if [ -z "$DISCHOSTPING" ]; then DISCHOSTPING=99; testping=99; fi # On that rare occasion where it's unable to get the Ping time, assign 1 if [ $i -eq 1 ]; then LOWEST=$i LOWESTPING=${testping%.*} elif [ ${testping%.*} -lt ${LOWESTPING%.*} ]; then LOWEST=$i LOWESTPING=${testping%.*} fi if [ $LOWESTPING -eq 1 ]; then LOWEST=$CURRCLNT fi done printf "${CGreen}\r " printf "${CGreen}\r [Fastest PING VPN$LOWEST Client ON] " service start_vpnclient$LOWEST >/dev/null 2>&1 logger -t VPN Client $LOWEST "Active" >/dev/null 2>&1 echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 - VPN$LOWEST Client ON - Lowest PING of $N VPN slots" >> $LOGFILE option=$LOWEST CURRCLNT=$LOWEST sleep 2 echo "" { echo 'NORMAL' echo $LOWEST } > $APPSTATUS CURRCLNT=$LOWEST # Use a Round Robin configuration to pick the next VPN slot elif [ "$USELOWESTSLOT" == "2" ]; then FnLastSlotUsed # Start the selected VPN Client using Round Robin results echo "" service start_vpnclient$NextSlotUsed >/dev/null 2>&1 logger -t VPN Client $NextSlotUsed "Active" LastSlotUsed=$NextSlotUsed printf "${CGreen}\r " printf "${CGreen}\r [Round Robin VPN$NextSlotUsed Client ON] " echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 - Round-Robin selected VPN$NextSlotUsed Client ON" >> $LOGFILE sleep 2 echo "" { echo 'NORMAL' echo $NextSlotUsed } > $APPSTATUS CURRCLNT=$NextSlotUsed fi # Reset the VPN Director Rules echo "" printf "${CGreen}\r " printf "${CGreen}\r [Restart VPN Director Rules] " service restart_vpnrouting0 >/dev/null 2>&1 sleep 2 # Optionally sync active VPN Slot with YazFi guest network(s) if [ $SyncYazFi -eq 1 ] then echo "" printf "${CGreen}\r " printf "${CGreen}\r [Updating YazFi Guest Network(s) with current VPN Slot...] " sleep 1 if [ ! -f $YAZFI_CONFIG_PATH ] then echo "" echo -e "\n${CRed} Error: YazFi config was not located or YazFi is not installed. Unable to Proceed.\n${CClear}" echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 ----------> ERROR: YazFi config was not located or YazFi is not installed!" >> $LOGFILE sleep 3 else if [ $YF24GN1 -eq 1 ] then sed -i "s/^wl01_VPNCLIENTNUMBER=.*/wl01_VPNCLIENTNUMBER=$option/" "$YAZFI_CONFIG_PATH" fi if [ $YF24GN2 -eq 1 ] then sed -i "s/^wl02_VPNCLIENTNUMBER=.*/wl02_VPNCLIENTNUMBER=$option/" "$YAZFI_CONFIG_PATH" fi if [ $YF24GN3 -eq 1 ] then sed -i "s/^wl03_VPNCLIENTNUMBER=.*/wl03_VPNCLIENTNUMBER=$option/" "$YAZFI_CONFIG_PATH" fi if [ $YF5GN1 -eq 1 ] then sed -i "s/^wl11_VPNCLIENTNUMBER=.*/wl11_VPNCLIENTNUMBER=$option/" "$YAZFI_CONFIG_PATH" fi if [ $YF5GN2 -eq 1 ] then sed -i "s/^wl12_VPNCLIENTNUMBER=.*/wl12_VPNCLIENTNUMBER=$option/" "$YAZFI_CONFIG_PATH" fi if [ $YF5GN3 -eq 1 ] then sed -i "s/^wl13_VPNCLIENTNUMBER=.*/wl13_VPNCLIENTNUMBER=$option/" "$YAZFI_CONFIG_PATH" fi if [ $YF52GN1 -eq 1 ] then sed -i "s/^wl21_VPNCLIENTNUMBER=.*/wl21_VPNCLIENTNUMBER=$option/" "$YAZFI_CONFIG_PATH" fi if [ $YF52GN2 -eq 1 ] then sed -i "s/^wl22_VPNCLIENTNUMBER=.*/wl22_VPNCLIENTNUMBER=$option/" "$YAZFI_CONFIG_PATH" fi if [ $YF52GN3 -eq 1 ] then sed -i "s/^wl23_VPNCLIENTNUMBER=.*/wl23_VPNCLIENTNUMBER=$option/" "$YAZFI_CONFIG_PATH" fi #Apply settings to YazFi and get it to acknowledge changes for Guest Network Clients ResetYazFi=$($timeoutcmd$timeoutlng sh /jffs/scripts/YazFi runnow >/dev/null 2>&1) echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 - Successfully updated YazFi guest network(s) with the current VPN slot." >> $LOGFILE fi fi # Check whether to update Unbound with current VPN slot if [ $UpdateUnbound -eq 1 ]; then echo "" printf "${CGreen}\r " printf "${CGreen}\r [Updating Unbound to force DNS traffic over VPN$option] " sleep 2 #sh /jffs/addons/unbound/unbound_DNS_via_OVPN.sh $option start >/dev/null 2>&1 fi printf "${CGreen}\r " printf "${CGreen}\r [VPNMON-R2 VPN Reset finished] " echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 - VPN Reset Finished" >> $LOGFILE sleep 2 # Check for any version updates from the source repository updatecheck # Check to see if the logs need to be trimmed down to size trimlogs # Reset Stats oldrxbytes=0 oldtxbytes=0 newrxbytes=0 newtxbytes=0 # Clean up lockfile rm $LOCKFILE >/dev/null 2>&1 i=$INTERVAL # Skip the timer interval # Returning from a WAN Down situation or scheduled reset, restart VPNMON-R2 with -monitor switch, or return if [ "$RESETSWITCH" == "1" ] then RESETSWITCH=0 return elif [ "$vpnresettripped" == "1" ] then vpnresettripped=0 printf "${CGreen}\r [Reinitializing VPNMON-R2]... " sleep 2 sh /jffs/scripts/vpnmon-r2.sh -monitor fi } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # checkvpn is a function that checks each connection to see if its active, and performs a ping... borrowed # heavily and much credit to @Martineau for this code from his VPN-Failover script. This piece right here # is really how the whole VPNMON project got its start! :) checkvpn() { CNT=0 TUN="tun1"$1 VPNSTATE=$2 WANIFNAME=$(get_wan_setting ifname) # If the VPN slot is connected then proceed, else display it's disconnected if [ $VPNSTATE -eq $connState ] then while [ $CNT -lt $TRIES ]; do # Loop through number of tries ping -I $TUN -q -c 1 -W 2 $PINGHOST > /dev/null 2>&1 # First try pings RC=$? ICANHAZIP=$(curl --silent --retry 3 --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 6 --retry-delay 1 --retry-all-errors --fail --interface $TUN --request GET --url https://ipv4.icanhazip.com) # Grab the public IP of the VPN Connection IC=$? if [ $RC -eq 0 ] && [ $IC -eq 0 ]; then # If both ping/curl come back successful, then proceed STATUS=1 VPNCLCNT=$((VPNCLCNT+1)) #AVGPING=$(ping -I $TUN -c 1 $PINGHOST | awk -F'time=| ms' 'NF==3{print $(NF-1)}' | sort -rn) > /dev/null 2>&1 # Get ping stats AVGPING=$(ping -I $TUN -c 3 $PINGHOST | awk -F'[/=]' 'END{print $5}') > /dev/null 2>&1 # Get ping stats if [ -z "$AVGPING" ]; then AVGPING=1; fi # On that rare occasion where it's unable to get the Ping time, assign 1 if [ "$VPNIP" == "Unassigned" ]; then # The first time through, use API lookup to get exit VPN city and display VPNIP=$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get vpn_client$1_addr) VPNCITY="curl --silent --retry 3 --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 6 --retry-delay 1 --retry-all-errors --request GET --url http://ip-api.com/json/$ICANHAZIP | jq --raw-output .city" VPNCITY="$(eval $VPNCITY)"; if echo $VPNCITY | grep -qoE '\b(error.*:.*True.*|Undefined)\b'; then VPNCITY="$ICANHAZIP"; fi echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 - API call made to update VPN city to $VPNCITY" >> $LOGFILE fi #CONNHOSTPING=$(ping -I $WANIFNAME -c 1 $VPNIP | awk -F'time=| ms' 'NF==3{print $(NF-1)}' | sort -rn) > /dev/null 2>&1 # Get ping stats CONNHOSTPING=$(ping -I $WANIFNAME -c 3 $VPNIP | awk -F'[/=]' 'END{print $5}') > /dev/null 2>&1 testping=${CONNHOSTPING%.*} echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CGreen}==VPN$1 Tunnel Active | ||${CWhite}${InvGreen} $AVGPING ms ${CClear}${CGreen}|| | ${CClear}${CGreen}Exit: ${CWhite}${InvDkGray}$VPNCITY${CClear}" CURRCLNT=$1 LastSlotUsed=$1 { echo 'NORMAL' echo $LastSlotUsed } > $APPSTATUS break else sleep 1 # Giving the VPN a chance to recover a certain number of times CNT=$((CNT+1)) if [ $CNT -eq $TRIES ];then # But if it fails, report back that we have an issue requiring a VPN reset STATUS=0 echo -e "${InvRed} ${CClear}${CRed}x-VPN$1 Ping/http failed${CClear}" echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 ----------> ERROR: VPN$1 Ping/HTTP response failed" >> $LOGFILE fi fi done else OFFLINEVPNIP=$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get vpn_client$1_addr) #DISCHOSTPING=$(ping -I $WANIFNAME -c 1 $OFFLINEVPNIP | awk -F'time=| ms' 'NF==3{print $(NF-1)}' | sort -rn) > /dev/null 2>&1 # Get ping stats DISCHOSTPING=$(ping -I $WANIFNAME -c 3 $OFFLINEVPNIP | awk -F'[/=]' 'END{print $5}') > /dev/null 2>&1 # Get ping stats testping=${DISCHOSTPING%.*} if [ -z "$DISCHOSTPING" ]; then # On that rare occasion where it's unable to get the Ping time, assign 99 DISCHOSTPING=99 testping=99 echo -e "${CClear} - VPN$1 Disconnected ${CRed}| || OFFLINE || | ${CClear}" else echo -e "${CClear} - VPN$1 Disconnected | || $DISCHOSTPING ms || | " fi fi if [ $1 -eq 1 ]; then LOWEST=$1 LOWESTPING=${testping%.*} elif [ "${testping%.*}" -lt "${LOWESTPING%.*}" ]; then LOWEST=$1 LOWESTPING=${testping%.*} fi if [ $LOWESTPING -eq 1 ]; then LOWEST=$CURRCLNT fi } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # VPN_GetClientState was created by @Martinski in many thanks to trying to eliminate unknown operand errors due to null # vpn_clientX_state values _VPN_GetClientState_() { if [ $# -lt 1 ] || [ -z "$1" ] || ! echo "$1" | grep -qE "^[1-5]$" then echo "**ERROR**" ; return 1 ; fi local nvramVal="$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get "vpn_client${1}_state")" if [ -z "$nvramVal" ] || ! echo "$nvramVal" | grep -qE "^[0-9]$" then echo "0" ; else echo "$nvramVal" ; fi return 0 } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # wancheck is a function that checks each wan connection to see if its active, and performs a ping and a city lookup... wancheck() { WANIF=$1 WANIFNAME=$(get_wan_setting ifname) DUALWANMODE=$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get wans_mode) # If WAN 0 or 1 is connected, then proceed, else display that it's inactive if [ "$WANIF" == "0" ]; then if [ "$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get wan0_state_t)" -eq 2 ] then # Call the get_wan_setting function courtesy of @dave14305 and using this interface name to ping and get a city name from WAN0IFNAME=$(get_wan_setting0 ifname) # Backup Interface Retrieval method courtesy of @SomewhereOverTheRainbow's excellent coding skills: #WANIFNAME=$(ip r | grep default | grep -oE "\b($(nvram get wan_ifname)|$(nvram get wan0_ifname)|$(nvram get wan1_ifname)|$(nvram get wan_pppoe_ifname)|$(nvram get wan0_pppoe_ifname)|$(nvram get wan1_pppoe_ifname))\b") # Ping through the WAN interface if [ "$WANIFNAME" == "$WAN0IFNAME" ] || [ "$DUALWANMODE" == "lb" ]; then #WAN0PING=$(ping -I $WAN0IFNAME -c 1 $PINGHOST | awk -F'time=| ms' 'NF==3{print $(NF-1)}' | sort -rn) > /dev/null 2>&1 WAN0PING=$(ping -I $WAN0IFNAME -c 3 $PINGHOST | awk -F'[/=]' 'END{print $5}') > /dev/null 2>&1 else WAN0PING="DW-FO" fi #WAN0PING="25.000" if [ -z "$WAN0PING" ]; then WAN0PING=1; fi # On that rare occasion where it's unable to get the Ping time, assign 1 # Get the public IP of the WAN, determine the city from it, and display it on screen if [ "$WAN0IP" == "Unassigned" ]; then WAN0IP=$(curl --silent --retry 3 --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 6 --retry-delay 1 --retry-all-errors --fail --interface $WAN0IFNAME --request GET --url https://ipv4.icanhazip.com) WAN0CITY="curl --silent --retry 3 --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 6 --retry-delay 1 --retry-all-errors --request GET --url http://ip-api.com/json/$WAN0IP | jq --raw-output .city" WAN0CITY="$(eval $WAN0CITY)"; if echo $WAN0CITY | grep -qoE '\b(error.*:.*True.*|Undefined)\b'; then WAN0CITY="$WAN0IP"; fi echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 - API call made to update WAN0 city to $WAN0CITY" >> $LOGFILE fi #WAN0CITY="Your City" #WAN0IP="123.456.789.001" if [ $WAN0PING == "DW-FO" ]; then echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CGreen}==WAN0 $WAN0IFNAME Active | ||${CWhite}${InvGreen} FAILOVER ${CClear}${CGreen}|| | ${CClear}${CGreen}Exit: ${CWhite}${InvDkGray}$WAN0CITY${CClear}" else echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CGreen}==WAN0 $WAN0IFNAME Active | ||${CWhite}${InvGreen} $WAN0PING ms ${CClear}${CGreen}|| | ${CClear}${CGreen}Exit: ${CWhite}${InvDkGray}$WAN0CITY${CClear}" fi else echo -e "${CClear} - WAN0 Port Inactive" fi fi if [ "$WANIF" == "1" ]; then if [ "$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get wan1_state_t)" -eq 2 ] then # Call the get_wan_setting function courtesy of @dave14305 and using this interface name to ping and get a city name from WAN1IFNAME=$(get_wan_setting1 ifname) # Backup Interface Retrieval method courtesy of @SomewhereOverTheRainbow's excellent coding skills: #WANIFNAME=$(ip r | grep default | grep -oE "\b($(nvram get wan_ifname)|$(nvram get wan0_ifname)|$(nvram get wan1_ifname)|$(nvram get wan_pppoe_ifname)|$(nvram get wan0_pppoe_ifname)|$(nvram get wan1_pppoe_ifname))\b") # Ping through the WAN interface if [ "$WANIFNAME" == "$WAN1IFNAME" ] || [ "$DUALWANMODE" == "lb" ]; then #WAN1PING=$(ping -I $WAN1IFNAME -c 1 $PINGHOST | awk -F'time=| ms' 'NF==3{print $(NF-1)}' | sort -rn) > /dev/null 2>&1 WAN1PING=$(ping -I $WAN1IFNAME -c 3 $PINGHOST | awk -F'[/=]' 'END{print $5}') > /dev/null 2>&1 else WAN1PING="DW-FO" fi if [ -z "$WAN1PING" ]; then WAN1PING=1; fi # On that rare occasion where it's unable to get the Ping time, assign 1 # Get the public IP of the WAN, determine the city from it, and display it on screen if [ "$WAN1IP" == "Unassigned" ]; then WAN1IP=$(curl --silent --retry 3 --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 6 --retry-delay 1 --retry-all-errors --fail --interface $WAN1IFNAME --request GET --url https://ipv4.icanhazip.com) WAN1CITY="curl --silent --retry 3 --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 6 --retry-delay 1 --retry-all-errors --request GET --url http://ip-api.com/json/$WAN1IP | jq --raw-output .city" WAN1CITY="$(eval $WAN1CITY)"; if echo $WAN1CITY | grep -qoE '\b(error.*:.*True.*|Undefined)\b'; then WAN1CITY="$WAN1IP"; fi echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 - API call made to update WAN1 city to $WAN1CITY" >> $LOGFILE fi #WAN1CITY="Your City" if [ $WAN1PING == "DW-FO" ]; then echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CGreen}==WAN1 $WAN1IFNAME Active | ||${CWhite}${InvGreen} FAILOVER ${CClear}${CGreen}|| | ${CClear}${CGreen}Exit: ${CWhite}${InvDkGray}$WAN1CITY${CClear}" else echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CGreen}==WAN1 $WAN1IFNAME Active | ||${CWhite}${InvGreen} $WAN1PING ms ${CClear}${CGreen}|| | ${CClear}${CGreen}Exit: ${CWhite}${InvDkGray}$WAN1CITY${CClear}" IGNOREHIGHPING=1 fi else echo -e "${CClear} - WAN1 Port Inactive" fi fi } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- lockcheck () { # Testing to see if VPNMON-R2 external reset is currently running, and if so, hold off until it finishes LockFound=0 while [ -f "$LOCKFILE" ]; do # clear screen clear SPIN=15 logo echo -e "${CGreen} ---------> NOTICE: VPN RESET CURRENTLY IN-PROGRESS <---------" echo "" echo -e "${CGreen} VPNMON-R2 is currently performing an external scheduled reset" echo -e "${CGreen} of the VPN through the means of the '-reset' commandline" echo -e "${CGreen} option or scheduled CRON job." echo "" echo -e "${CGreen} [Retrying to resume normal operations every $SPIN seconds]...${CClear}\n" echo -e "$(date +%s)" > $RSTFILE START=$(cat $RSTFILE) spinner LockFound=1 # Reset the VPN IP/Locations and othe variables i=$INTERVAL WAN0IP="Unassigned" # Look for an updated WAN IP/Location WAN1IP="Unassigned" # Look for an updated WAN IP/Location VPNIP="Unassigned" # Look for a new VPN IP/Location ICANHAZIP="" # Reset Public VPN IP PINGLOW=0 # Reset ping time history variables PINGHIGH=0 oldrxbytes=0 # Reset Stats oldtxbytes=0 newrxbytes=0 newtxbytes=0 done if [ ! -f "$LOCKFILE" ] && [ "$LockFound" == "1" ]; then #reset the script sh $APPPATH -monitor fi PauseLockFound=0 if [ -f $APPSTATUS ]; then STATE=$(cat $APPSTATUS | sed -n '1p') while [ $STATE == "PAUSED" ]; do # clear screen clear SPIN=15 logo echo -e "${CGreen} -----------> NOTICE: VPNMON-R2 OPERATIONS PAUSED <-----------" echo "" echo -e "${CGreen} VPNMON-R2 is currently operating in a PAUSED state. Please use" echo -e "${CGreen} the 'vpnmon-r2 -resume' commandline to return to a NORMAL" echo -e "${CGreen} operations mode." echo "" echo -e "${CGreen} [Retrying to resume normal operations every $SPIN seconds]...${CClear}\n" echo -e "$(date +%s)" > $RSTFILE START=$(cat $RSTFILE) STATE=$(cat $APPSTATUS | sed -n '1p') spinner PauseLockFound=1 # Reset the VPN IP/Locations and othe variables i=$INTERVAL WAN0IP="Unassigned" # Look for an updated WAN IP/Location WAN1IP="Unassigned" # Look for an updated WAN IP/Location VPNIP="Unassigned" # Look for a new VPN IP/Location ICANHAZIP="" # Reset Public VPN IP PINGLOW=0 # Reset ping time history variables PINGHIGH=0 oldrxbytes=0 # Reset Stats oldtxbytes=0 newrxbytes=0 newtxbytes=0 done fi if [ "$PauseLockFound" == "1" ]; then #reset the script sh $APPPATH -monitor fi StopLockFound=0 if [ -f $APPSTATUS ]; then STATE=$(cat $APPSTATUS | sed -n '1p') while [ $STATE == "STOPPED" ] || [ $STATE == "FAILOVER" ] ; do # clear screen clear SPIN=15 logo echo -e "${CGreen} -----------> NOTICE: VPNMON-R2 OPERATIONS STOPPED <-----------" echo "" echo -e "${CGreen} VPNMON-R2 is currently operating in a STOPPED state due to a" echo -e "${CGreen} WAN Failover or other external commandline event. All VPN" echo -e "${CGreen} Connections will be stopped while in this state. Please use" echo -e "${CGreen} the 'vpnmon-r2 -resume' commandline or fail back to the" echo -e "${CGreen} proper WAN interface to return to a NORMAL operations mode." echo "" echo -e "${CGreen} STATUS: ${CCyan}$STATE${CClear}" echo "" # Wait for confirmation that all VPN client slots are at 0 (disconnected) i=0 while [ $i -ne $N ] do state1="$(_VPN_GetClientState_ 1)" state2="$(_VPN_GetClientState_ 2)" state3="$(_VPN_GetClientState_ 3)" state4="$(_VPN_GetClientState_ 4)" state5="$(_VPN_GetClientState_ 5)" printf "${CCyan}\r [Confirming VPN Clients Disconnected]... 1:$state1 2:$state2 3:$state3 4:$state4 5:$state5 " sleep 1 i=$(($i+1)) if [ $((state$i)) -ne 0 ]; then printf "${CCyan}\r [Retrying Kill Command on all VPN Client Connections]... ${CClear}\n" echo "" service stop_vpnclient$i >/dev/null 2>&1 sleep 1 i=0 fi done echo "" echo "" echo -e "${CGreen} [Retrying to resume normal operations every $SPIN seconds]...${CClear}\n" echo -e "$(date +%s)" > $RSTFILE START=$(cat $RSTFILE) STATE=$(cat $APPSTATUS | sed -n '1p') spinner StopLockFound=1 # Reset the VPN IP/Locations and othe variables i=$INTERVAL WAN0IP="Unassigned" # Look for an updated WAN IP/Location WAN1IP="Unassigned" # Look for an updated WAN IP/Location VPNIP="Unassigned" # Look for a new VPN IP/Location ICANHAZIP="" # Reset Public VPN IP PINGLOW=0 # Reset ping time history variables PINGHIGH=0 oldrxbytes=0 # Reset Stats oldtxbytes=0 newrxbytes=0 newtxbytes=0 done fi if [ "$StopLockFound" == "1" ]; then #reset the script and restart the same last known good VPN client LASTSLOT=$(cat $APPSTATUS | sed -n '2p') 2>&1 printf "${CGreen}\r [Attempting restart of last known good VPN$LASTSLOT client]...${CClear}\n" service start_vpnclient$LASTSLOT >/dev/null 2>&1 sleep 5 ResVPNState=$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get vpn_client${LASTSLOT}_state) i=0 while [ $ResVPNState -ne 2 ]; do i=$(($i+1)) if [ $i -eq 60 ]; then printf "${CRed}\r [Second attempt to restart last known good VPN$LASTSLOT client]... ${CClear}\n" service stop_vpnclient$LASTSLOT >/dev/null 2>&1 sleep 5 service start_vpnclient$LASTSLOT >/dev/null 2>&1 sleep 5 fi if [ $i -eq 120 ]; then printf "${CRed}\r [Unable to restart of last known good VPN$LASTSLOT client]...${CClear}\n " sleep 2 printf "${CGreen}\r [VPN Reset Initiating]... " service stop_vpnclient$LASTSLOT >/dev/null 2>&1 sleep 5 break fi ResVPNState=$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get vpn_client${LASTSLOT}_state) sleep 1 done sh $APPPATH -monitor fi WAN1OverrideLock=0 WAN0PrimaryCheck=$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get wan0_primary) while [ $WAN1Override == "0" ] && [ $WAN0PrimaryCheck -eq 0 ] do # clear screen if [ -f $APPSTATUS ]; then STATE=$(cat $APPSTATUS | sed -n '1p') fi clear SPIN=15 logo echo -e "${CGreen} -----------> NOTICE: WAN1 OVERRIDE - VPN STOPPED <-----------" echo "" echo -e "${CGreen} VPNMON-R2 is currently operating in a STOPPED state due to" echo -e "${CGreen} WAN1 being overridden. VPN Connections will be stopped while" echo -e "${CGreen} in this state. Checking WAN0 state every $SPIN seconds to return" echo -e "${CGreen} to normal operations mode." echo "" echo -e "${CGreen} STATUS: ${CCyan}$STATE${CClear}" echo "" # Wait for confirmation that all VPN client slots are at 0 (disconnected) i=0 while [ $i -ne $N ] do state1="$(_VPN_GetClientState_ 1)" state2="$(_VPN_GetClientState_ 2)" state3="$(_VPN_GetClientState_ 3)" state4="$(_VPN_GetClientState_ 4)" state5="$(_VPN_GetClientState_ 5)" printf "${CCyan}\r [Confirming VPN Clients Disconnected]... 1:$state1 2:$state2 3:$state3 4:$state4 5:$state5 " sleep 1 i=$(($i+1)) if [ $((state$i)) -ne 0 ]; then printf "${CCyan}\r [Retrying Kill Command on all VPN Client Connections]... ${CClear}\n" service stop_vpnclient$i >/dev/null 2>&1 sleep 1 i=0 fi done echo "" echo "" echo -e "${CGreen} [Retrying to resume normal operations every $SPIN seconds]...${CClear}\n" { echo 'STOPPED' echo $LASTSLOT } > $APPSTATUS WAN0PrimaryCheck=$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get wan0_primary) echo -e "$(date +%s)" > $RSTFILE START=$(cat $RSTFILE) spinner WAN1OverrideLock=1 # Reset the VPN IP/Locations and othe variables i=$INTERVAL WAN0IP="Unassigned" # Look for an updated WAN IP/Location WAN1IP="Unassigned" # Look for an updated WAN IP/Location VPNIP="Unassigned" # Look for a new VPN IP/Location ICANHAZIP="" # Reset Public VPN IP PINGLOW=0 # Reset ping time history variables PINGHIGH=0 oldrxbytes=0 # Reset Stats oldtxbytes=0 newrxbytes=0 newtxbytes=0 done if [ "$WAN1OverrideLock" == "1" ]; then #reset the script sh $APPPATH -monitor fi } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # vconfig is a function that steps you through the configuration items for a new or existing setup of VPNMON-R2... vconfig () { clear if [ -f $CFGPATH ]; then #Making sure file exists before proceeding source $CFGPATH while true; do clear logo echo -e "${CGreen} ----------------------------------------------------------------" echo -e "${CGreen} Configuration Utility Options" echo -e "${CGreen} ----------------------------------------------------------------" echo -e " ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} 1 ${CClear}${CCyan}: Ping Retries Before Reset? :"${CGreen}$TRIES echo -e " ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} 2 ${CClear}${CCyan}: Timer Interval to Check VPN? :"${CGreen}$INTERVAL echo -e " ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} 3 ${CClear}${CCyan}: Host IP to PING against? :"${CGreen}$PINGHOST echo -en " ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} 4 ${CClear}${CCyan}: Update VPNMGR? :"${CGreen}; if [ "$UpdateVPNMGR" == "0" ]; then printf "No"; printf "%s\n"; else printf "Yes"; printf "%s\n"; fi echo -en " ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} 5 ${CClear}${CCyan}: How VPN Slots are Chosen? :"${CGreen}; if [ "$USELOWESTSLOT" == "0" ]; then printf "Random"; ODISABLED="${CDkGray}"; ODISABLED2="${CDkGray}"; printf "%s\n"; elif [ "$USELOWESTSLOT" == "1" ]; then printf "Lowest PING"; ODISABLED="${CCyan}"; ODISABLED2="${CGreen}"; printf "%s\n"; elif [ "$USELOWESTSLOT" == "2" ]; then printf "Round Robin"; ODISABLED="${CDkGray}"; ODISABLED2="${CDkGray}"; printf "%s\n"; fi echo -e " ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} |-${CClear}$ODISABLED- Chances before Reset? :"$ODISABLED2$PINGCHANCES echo -en " ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} 6 ${CClear}${CCyan}: Current VPN Provider? :"${CGreen}; if [ "$UseNordVPN" == "1" ]; then printf "NordVPN"; ODISABLED="${CCyan}"; ODISABLED2="${CGreen}"; printf "%s\n"; elif [ "$UseSurfShark" == "1" ]; then printf "SurfShark"; ODISABLED="${CCyan}"; ODISABLED2="${CGreen}"; printf "%s\n"; elif [ "$UsePP" == "1" ]; then printf "PerfectPrivacy"; ODISABLED="${CCyan}"; ODISABLED2="${CGreen}"; printf "%s\n"; elif [ "$UseWeVPN" == "1" ]; then printf "WeVPN"; ODISABLED="${CCyan}"; ODISABLED2="${CGreen}"; printf "%s\n"; elif [ "$UseAirVPN" == "1" ]; then printf "AirVPN"; ODISABLED="${CCyan}"; ODISABLED2="${CGreen}"; printf "%s\n"; else printf "Other"; ODISABLED="${CDkGray}"; ODISABLED2="${CDkGray}"; printf "%s\n" fi echo -en " ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} |-${CClear}$ODISABLED- Enable SuperRandom? :"$ODISABLED2 if [ "$UseNordVPN" == "1" ] && [ "$NordVPNSuperRandom" == "0" ]; then printf "No"; printf "%s\n"; elif [ "$UseNordVPN" == "1" ] && [ "$NordVPNSuperRandom" == "1" ]; then printf "Yes"; printf "%s\n"; elif [ "$UseSurfShark" == "1" ] && [ "$SurfSharkSuperRandom" == "0" ]; then printf "No"; printf "%s\n"; elif [ "$UseSurfShark" == "1" ] && [ "$SurfSharkSuperRandom" == "1" ]; then printf "Yes"; printf "%s\n"; elif [ "$UsePP" == "1" ] && [ "$PPSuperRandom" == "0" ]; then printf "No"; printf "%s\n"; elif [ "$UsePP" == "1" ] && [ "$PPSuperRandom" == "1" ]; then printf "Yes"; printf "%s\n"; elif [ "$UseWeVPN" == "1" ] && [ "$WeVPNSuperRandom" == "0" ]; then printf "No"; printf "%s\n"; elif [ "$UseWeVPN" == "1" ] && [ "$WeVPNSuperRandom" == "1" ]; then printf "Yes"; printf "%s\n"; elif [ "$UseAirVPN" == "1" ] && [ "$AirVPNSuperRandom" == "0" ]; then printf "No"; printf "%s\n"; elif [ "$UseAirVPN" == "1" ] && [ "$AirVPNSuperRandom" == "1" ]; then printf "Yes"; printf "%s\n"; else printf "No"; printf "%s\n"; fi echo -en " ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} |-${CClear}$ODISABLED- VPN Country (Multi?) :"$ODISABLED2 if [ "$UseNordVPN" == "1" ]; then if [ "$NordVPNCountry2" != "0" ] && [ "$NordVPNCountry3" == "0" ]; then printf "$NordVPNCountry, $NordVPNCountry2"; printf "%s\n"; elif [ "$NordVPNCountry2" == "0" ] && [ "$NordVPNCountry3" != "0" ]; then printf "$NordVPNCountry, $NordVPNCountry3"; printf "%s\n"; elif [ "$NordVPNCountry2" != "0" ] && [ "$NordVPNCountry3" != "0" ]; then printf "$NordVPNCountry, $NordVPNCountry2, $NordVPNCountry3"; printf "%s\n"; else printf "$NordVPNCountry"; printf "%s\n"; fi elif [ "$UseSurfShark" == "1" ]; then if [ "$SurfSharkCountry2" != "0" ] && [ "$SurfSharkCountry3" == "0" ]; then printf "$SurfSharkCountry, $SurfSharkCountry2"; printf "%s\n"; elif [ "$SurfSharkCountry2" == "0" ] && [ "$SurfSharkCountry3" != "0" ]; then printf "$SurfSharkCountry, $SurfSharkCountry3"; printf "%s\n"; elif [ "$SurfSharkCountry2" != "0" ] && [ "$SurfSharkCountry3" != "0" ]; then printf "$SurfSharkCountry, $SurfSharkCountry2, $SurfSharkCountry3"; printf "%s\n"; else printf "$SurfSharkCountry"; printf "%s\n"; fi elif [ "$UsePP" == "1" ]; then if [ "$PPCountry2" != "0" ] && [ "$PPCountry3" == "0" ]; then printf "$PPCountry, $PPCountry2"; printf "%s\n"; elif [ "$PPCountry2" == "0" ] && [ "$PPCountry3" != "0" ]; then printf "$PPCountry, $PPCountry3"; printf "%s\n"; elif [ "$PPCountry2" != "0" ] && [ "$PPCountry3" != "0" ]; then printf "$PPCountry, $PPCountry2, $PPCountry3"; printf "%s\n"; else printf "$PPCountry"; printf "%s\n"; fi elif [ "$UseWeVPN" == "1" ]; then if [ "$WeVPNCountry2" != "0" ] && [ "$WeVPNCountry3" == "0" ]; then printf "$WeVPNCountry, $WeVPNCountry2"; printf "%s\n"; elif [ "$WeVPNCountry2" == "0" ] && [ "$WeVPNCountry3" != "0" ]; then printf "$WeVPNCountry, $WeVPNCountry3"; printf "%s\n"; elif [ "$WeVPNCountry2" != "0" ] && [ "$WeVPNCountry3" != "0" ]; then printf "$WeVPNCountry, $WeVPNCountry2, $WeVPNCountry3"; printf "%s\n"; else printf "$WeVPNCountry"; printf "%s\n"; fi elif [ "$UseAirVPN" == "1" ]; then if [ "$AirVPNCountry2" != "0" ] && [ "$AirVPNCountry3" == "0" ]; then printf "$AirVPNCountry, $AirVPNCountry2"; printf "%s\n"; elif [ "$AirVPNCountry2" == "0" ] && [ "$AirVPNCountry3" != "0" ]; then printf "$AirVPNCountry, $AirVPNCountry3"; printf "%s\n"; elif [ "$AirVPNCountry2" != "0" ] && [ "$AirVPNCountry3" != "0" ]; then printf "$AirVPNCountry, $AirVPNCountry2, $AirVPNCountry3"; printf "%s\n"; else printf "$AirVPNCountry"; printf "%s\n"; fi else printf "None"; printf "%s\n"; fi if [ "$UseWeVPN" == "1" ]; then echo -en " ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} |-${CClear}${CDkGray}- % Server Load Threshold? :"${CDkGray} else echo -en " ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} |-${CClear}$ODISABLED- % Server Load Threshold? :"$ODISABLED2 fi if [ "$UseNordVPN" == "1" ]; then printf "$NordVPNLoadReset"; printf "%s\n"; elif [ "$UseSurfShark" == "1" ]; then printf "$SurfSharkLoadReset"; printf "%s\n"; elif [ "$UsePP" == "1" ]; then printf "$PPLoadReset"; printf "%s\n"; elif [ "$UseAirVPN" == "1" ]; then printf "$AirVPNLoadReset"; printf "%s\n"; else printf "No"; printf "%s\n"; fi if [ "$UseSurfShark" == "1" ] || [ "$UseWeVPN" == "1" ]; then echo -en " ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} |-${CClear}${CDkGray}- Update Skynet? :"${CDkGray} else echo -en " ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} |-${CClear}$ODISABLED- Update Skynet? :"$ODISABLED2 fi if [ "$UpdateSkynet" == "0" ]; then printf "No"; printf "%s\n"; else printf "Yes"; printf "%s\n"; fi if [ "$UseNordVPN" == "1" ] || [ "$UseAirVPN" == "1" ]; then echo -en " ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} |-${CClear}$ODISABLED- Use Recommended Server(s)? :"$ODISABLED2 else echo -en " ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} |-${CClear}${CDkGray}- Use Recommended Server(s)? :"${CDkGray} fi if [ "$RecommendedServer" == "0" ]; then printf "No"; printf "%s\n"; else printf "Yes"; printf "%s\n"; fi echo -en " ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} 7 ${CClear}${CCyan}: Perform Daily VPN Reset? :"${CGreen}; if [ "$ResetOption" == "0" ]; then printf "No"; ODISABLED="${CDkGray}"; ODISABLED2="${CDkGray}"; printf "%s\n"; else printf "Yes"; ODISABLED="${CCyan}"; ODISABLED2="${CGreen}"; printf "%s\n"; fi echo -e " ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} |-${CClear}$ODISABLED- Daily Reset Time? :"$ODISABLED2$DailyResetTime echo -e " ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} 8 ${CClear}${CCyan}: Minimum PING Before Reset? :"${CGreen}$MINPING echo -e " ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} 9 ${CClear}${CCyan}: VPN Client Slots Configured? :"${CGreen}$N echo -en " ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} 10 ${CClear}${CCyan}: Show Near-Realtime Stats? :"${CGreen} if [ "$SHOWSTATS" == "0" ]; then printf "No"; printf "%s\n"; else printf "Yes"; printf "%s\n"; fi echo -e " ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} 11 ${CClear}${CCyan}: Delay Script Startup? :"${CGreen}$DelayStartup echo -en " ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} 12 ${CClear}${CCyan}: Trim Logs Daily? :"${CGreen}; if [ "$TRIMLOGS" == "0" ]; then printf "No"; ODISABLED="${CDkGray}"; ODISABLED2="${CDkGray}"; printf "%s\n"; else printf "Yes"; ODISABLED="${CCyan}"; ODISABLED2="${CGreen}"; printf "%s\n"; fi echo -e " ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} |-${CClear}$ODISABLED- Max Log File Size? :"$ODISABLED2$MAXLOGSIZE echo -en " ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} 13 ${CClear}${CCyan}: Sync Current VPN with Yazfi? :"${CGreen}; if [ "$SyncYazFi" == "0" ]; then printf "No"; ODISABLED="${CDkGray}"; ODISABLED2="${CDkGray}"; printf "%s\n"; else printf "Yes"; ODISABLED="${CCyan}"; ODISABLED2="${CGreen}"; printf "%s\n"; fi if [ $YF24GN1 == "1" ]; then YF24GN1Disp="${CGreen}Y${CClear}"; else YF24GN1Disp="${CRed}N${CClear}"; fi if [ $YF24GN2 == "1" ]; then YF24GN2Disp="${CGreen}Y${CClear}"; else YF24GN2Disp="${CRed}N${CClear}"; fi if [ $YF24GN3 == "1" ]; then YF24GN3Disp="${CGreen}Y${CClear}"; else YF24GN3Disp="${CRed}N${CClear}"; fi if [ $YF5GN1 == "1" ]; then YF5GN1Disp="${CGreen}Y${CClear}"; else YF5GN1Disp="${CRed}N${CClear}"; fi if [ $YF5GN2 == "1" ]; then YF5GN2Disp="${CGreen}Y${CClear}"; else YF5GN2Disp="${CRed}N${CClear}"; fi if [ $YF5GN3 == "1" ]; then YF5GN3Disp="${CGreen}Y${CClear}"; else YF5GN3Disp="${CRed}N${CClear}"; fi if [ $YF52GN1 == "1" ]; then YF52GN1Disp="${CGreen}Y${CClear}"; else YF52GN1Disp="${CRed}N${CClear}"; fi if [ $YF52GN2 == "1" ]; then YF52GN2Disp="${CGreen}Y${CClear}"; else YF52GN2Disp="${CRed}N${CClear}"; fi if [ $YF52GN3 == "1" ]; then YF52GN3Disp="${CGreen}Y${CClear}"; else YF52GN3Disp="${CRed}N${CClear}"; fi echo -en " ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} |-${CClear}$ODISABLED- YazFi Slots 1-9 Synced :"$ODISABLED2 if [ "$SyncYazFi" == "0" ]; then printf "Disabled"; ODISABLED="${CDkGray}"; ODISABLED2="${CDkGray}"; printf "%s\n"; else printf "$YF24GN1Disp$YF24GN2Disp$YF24GN3Disp$YF5GN1Disp$YF5GN2Disp$YF5GN3Disp$YF52GN1Disp$YF52GN2Disp$YF52GN3Disp"; ODISABLED="${CCyan}"; ODISABLED2="${CGreen}"; printf "%s\n"; fi echo -en " ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} 14 ${CClear}${CCyan}: Allow WAN1 VPN Connections? :"${CGreen}; if [ "$WAN1Override" == "0" ]; then printf "No"; printf "%s\n"; else printf "Yes"; printf "%s\n"; fi echo -e " ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} | ${CClear}" echo -e " ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} n ${CClear}${CCyan}: Next Page -->" echo -e " ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} s ${CClear}${CCyan}: Save & Exit" echo -e " ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} e ${CClear}${CCyan}: Exit & Discard Changes" echo -e "${CGreen} ----------------------------------------------------------------" echo "" printf " Selection: " read -r ConfigSelection # Execute chosen selections case "$ConfigSelection" in 1) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo "" echo -e "${CCyan} 1. How many times would you like a ping to retry your VPN tunnel before" echo -e "${CCyan} resetting? ${CYellow}(Default = 3)${CClear}" read -p ' Ping Retries (#): ' TRIES1 if [ "$TRIES1" == "" ] || [ -z "$TRIES1" ]; then TRIES=3; else TRIES="$TRIES1"; fi # Using default value on enter keypress ;; 2) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo "" echo -e "${CCyan} 2. What interval (in seconds) would you like to check your VPN tunnel" echo -e "${CCyan} to ensure the connection is healthy? ${CYellow}(Default = 60)${CClear}" read -p ' Interval (seconds): ' INTERVAL1 if [ -z "$INTERVAL1" ]; then INTERVAL=60; else INTERVAL=$INTERVAL1; fi # Using default value on enter keypress ;; 3) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo "" echo -e "${CCyan} 3. What host IP would you like to ping to determine the health of your " echo -e "${CCyan} VPN tunnel? ${CYellow}(Default =${CClear}" read -p ' Host IP: ' PINGHOST1 if [ -z "$PINGHOST1" ]; then PINGHOST=""; else PINGHOST=$PINGHOST1; fi # Using default value on enter keypress ;; 4) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo "" echo -e "${CCyan} 4. Would you like to update VPNMGR? (Note: must be already installed " echo -e "${CCyan} and you must be a NordVPN/PIA/WeVPN subscriber) ${CYellow}(No=0, Yes=1)${CClear}" echo -e "${CYellow} (Default = 0)${CClear}" while true; do read -p " Update VPNMGR? (0/1): " UpdateVPNMGR1 case $UpdateVPNMGR1 in [0] ) UpdateVPNMGR=0;break ;; [1] ) UpdateVPNMGR=1;break ;; "" ) echo -e "\n Please answer 0 or 1" ;; * ) echo -e "\n Please answer 0 or 1" ;; esac done ;; 5) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo "" echo -e "${CCyan} 5. In what manner should VPNMON-R2 activate a selected VPN slot?" echo -e "${CCyan} There are 3 options to consider: ${CYellow}Random, Lowest PING, or Round-" echo -e "${CYellow} Robin.${CCyan} The 'Random' option will randomly pick one of your configured" echo -e "${CCyan} VPN slots to connect to, while the 'Lowest PING' option will" echo -e "${CCyan} continually test each of your VPN slots through each interval to" echo -e "${CCyan} see which one has the lowest PING, which most likely will be your" echo -e "${CCyan} fastest connection, and will always force a connection to it. The" echo -e "${CCyan} 'Round Robin' option will connect to the next VPN slot in line," echo -e "${CCyan} so if VPN Slot #1 was in use, it will connect to VPN Slot #2 next." echo -e "${CYellow} (Random=0, Lowest PING=1, Round Robin=2) (Default = 0)${CClear}" while true; do read -p " Random, Lowest PING or Round-Robin? (0/1/2): " USELOWESTSLOT1 case $USELOWESTSLOT1 in [0] ) USELOWESTSLOT=0;break ;; [1] ) USELOWESTSLOT=1;break ;; [2] ) USELOWESTSLOT=2;break ;; "" ) echo -e "\n Please answer 0, 1 or 2" ;; * ) echo -e "\n Please answer 0, 1 or 2" ;; esac done # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if [ "$USELOWESTSLOT" == "1" ]; then echo "" echo -e "${CCyan} 5a. When using the 'Lowest PING' method, there is a greater chance that" echo -e "${CCyan} your connections will reset at a higher rate, due to competing servers" echo -e "${CCyan} giving slighly lower pings. To combat this, a counter is available to" echo -e "${CCyan} help give your connection a chance to recover and regain its status as" echo -e "${CCyan} the connection with the lowest ping. How many chances would you like" echo -e "${CCyan} to give your connection before reconnecting to a faster VPN server?" echo -e "${CYellow} (Default = 5)${CClear}" read -p ' Number of Chances?: ' PINGCHANCES1 if [ -z "$PINGCHANCES1" ]; then PINGCHANCES=5; else PINGCHANCES=$PINGCHANCES1; fi # Using default value on enter keypress else PINGCHANCES=5 fi ;; 6) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo "" echo -e "${CCyan} 6. Which service is your default VPN Provider? ${CYellow}(NordVPN = 1," echo -e "${CYellow} Surfshark = 2, Perfect Privacy = 3, WeVPN = 4, AirVPN = 5, Other = 9)" echo -e "${CYellow} (Default = Other)${CClear}" while true; do read -p " VPN Provider (1/2/3/4/5): " VPNProvider1 case $VPNProvider1 in [1] ) VPNProvider=1; break ;; [2] ) VPNProvider=2; break ;; [3] ) VPNProvider=3; break ;; [4] ) VPNProvider=4; break ;; [5] ) VPNProvider=5; break ;; [9] ) VPNProvider=9; break ;; "" ) echo -e "\n Please answer 1/2/3/4/5/9";; * ) echo -e "\n Please answer 1/2/3/4/5/9";; esac done # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # NordVPN Logic # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if [ "$VPNProvider" == "1" ]; then # NordVPN UseNordVPN=1 echo "" echo -e "${CCyan} 6a. Would you like to use the NordVPN SuperRandom functionality? NOTE:" echo -e "${CCyan} Choosing this option will prevent you from using NordVPN Recommended" echo -e "${CCyan} Server functionality, and will instead pick random servers within the" echo -e "${CCyan} country of your choice, without regard to distance or latency." echo -e "${CYellow} (No=0, Yes=1) (Default = 0)${CClear}" while true; do read -p " Use SuperRandom? (0/1): " NordVPNSuperRandom1 case $NordVPNSuperRandom1 in [0] ) NordVPNSuperRandom=0; break ;; [1] ) NordVPNSuperRandom=1; break ;; "" ) echo -e "\n Please answer 0 or 1";; * ) echo -e "\n Please answer 0 or 1";; esac done RecommendedServer=0 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo "" echo -e "${CCyan} 6b. What Country is your country of origin for NordVPN? ${CYellow}(Default = " echo -e "${CYellow} United States). NOTE: Country names must be spelled correctly as below!" echo -e "${CCyan} Valid country names as follows: Albania, Argentina, Australia, Austria," echo -e "${CCyan} Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile," echo -e "${CCyan} Costa Rica, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland," echo -e "${CCyan} France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, Indonesia," echo -e "${CCyan} Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malaysia," echo -e "${CCyan} Mexico, Moldova, Netherlands, New Zealand, North Macedonia, Norway, Poland," echo -e "${CCyan} Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa," echo -e "${CCyan} South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine," echo -e "${CCyan} United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Vietnam.${CClear}" read -p " NordVPN Country: " NordVPNCountry1 if [ -z "$NordVPNCountry1" ]; then NordVPNCountry="United States"; else NordVPNCountry=$NordVPNCountry1; fi # Using default value on enter keypress # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if [ "$NordVPNSuperRandom" == "1" ]; then echo "" echo -e "${CCyan} 6c. Would you like to randomize connections across multiple countries?" echo -e "${CCyan} NOTE: A maximum of 2 additional country names can be added. (Total of 3)" echo -e "${CYellow} (No=0, Yes=1) (Default = 0)${CClear}" while true; do read -p " Use Multiple Countries? (0/1): " NordVPNMultipleCountries1 case $NordVPNMultipleCountries1 in [0] ) NordVPNMultipleCountries=0; break ;; [1] ) NordVPNMultipleCountries=1; break ;; "" ) echo -e "\n Please answer 0 or 1";; * ) echo -e "\n Please answer 0 or 1";; esac done if [ "$NordVPNMultipleCountries" == "1" ]; then echo -e "${CCyan}" read -p "$(echo -e " Enter Country #2 (Use 0 for blank) (Default = 0): ${CClear}")" NordVPNCountry21 if [ -z "$NordVPNCountry21" ]; then NordVPNCountry2=0; else NordVPNCountry2="$NordVPNCountry21"; fi echo -e "${CCyan}" read -p "$(echo -e " Enter Country #3 (Use 0 for blank) (Default = 0): ${CClear}")" NordVPNCountry31 if [ -z "$NordVPNCountry31" ]; then NordVPNCountry3=0; else NordVPNCountry3="$NordVPNCountry31"; fi else NordVPNMultipleCountries=0 NordVPNCountry2=0 NordVPNCountry3=0 fi else NordVPNMultipleCountries=0 NordVPNCountry2=0 NordVPNCountry3=0 fi # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo "" echo -e "${CCyan} 6d. At what % VPN server load would you like to reconnect to a different" echo -e "${CCyan} NordVPN Server? ${CYellow}(Default = 50)${CClear}" read -p " % Server Load Threshold: " NordVPNLoadReset1 if [ -z "$NordVPNLoadReset1" ]; then NordVPNLoadReset=50; else NordVPNLoadReset=$NordVPNLoadReset1; fi # Using default value on enter keypress # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo "" echo -e "${CCyan} 6e. Would you like to whitelist NordVPN servers in the Skynet Firewall?" echo -e "${CYellow} (No=0, Yes=1) (Default = 0)${CClear}" while true; do read -p " Update Skynet? (0/1): " UpdateSkynet1 case $UpdateSkynet1 in [0] ) UpdateSkynet=0; break ;; [1] ) UpdateSkynet=1; break ;; "" ) echo -e "\n Please answer 0 or 1";; * ) echo -e "\n Please answer 0 or 1";; esac done # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if [ $NordVPNSuperRandom == "0" ]; then echo "" echo -e "${CCyan} 6f. Would you like to use NordVPN Recommended Servers? Note: Choosing" echo -e "${CCyan} this option will configure your VPN slots with servers that are the" echo -e "${CCyan} closest to your WAN location exit, and have the lowest latency/load." echo -e "${CCyan} This is the same function your NordVPN mobile/pc app has when chosing" echo -e "${CCyan} the default recommended server. This option will override your choices" echo -e "${CCyan} you may have selected for SuperRandom and multiple countries. This" echo -e "${CCyan} is a NordVPN feature only." echo -e "${CYellow} (No=0, Yes=1) (Default = 0)${CClear}" while true; do read -p " Use Recommended NordVPN Server(s)? (0/1): " RecommendedServer1 case $RecommendedServer1 in [0] ) RecommendedServer=0; break ;; [1] ) RecommendedServer=1; break ;; "" ) echo -e "\n Please answer 0 or 1";; * ) echo -e "\n Please answer 0 or 1";; esac done NordVPNSuperRandom=0 NordVPNMultipleCountries=0 fi # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- else UseNordVPN=0 NordVPNSuperRandom=0 NordVPNMultipleCountries=0 NordVPNCountry="United States" NordVPNCountry2=0 NordVPNCountry3=0 NordVPNLoadReset=50 UpdateSkynet=0 #RecommendedServer=0 fi # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Surfshark Logic # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if [ "$VPNProvider" == "2" ]; then # Surfshark UseSurfShark=1 echo "" echo -e "${CCyan} 6a. Would you like to use the SurfShark SuperRandom functionality?" echo -e "${CYellow} (No=0, Yes=1) (Default = 0)${CClear}" while true; do read -p " Use SuperRandom? (0/1): " SurfSharkSuperRandom1 case $SurfSharkSuperRandom1 in [0] ) SurfSharkSuperRandom=0; break ;; [1] ) SurfSharkSuperRandom=1; break ;; "" ) echo -e "\n Please answer 0 or 1";; * ) echo -e "\n Please answer 0 or 1";; esac done # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo "" echo -e "${CCyan} 6b. What Country is your country of origin for SurfShark? ${CYellow}(Default = " echo -e "${CYellow} United States). NOTE: Country names must be spelled correctly as below!" echo -e "${CCyan} Valid country names as follows: Albania, Algeria, Andorra, Argentina," echo -e "${CCyan} Armenia, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Belgium Belize Bhutan," echo -e "${CCyan} Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Brunei, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile," echo -e "${CCyan} Colombia, Combodia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark," echo -e "${CCyan} Ecuador, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece," echo -e "${CCyan} Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan," echo -e "${CCyan} Kazakhstan, Laos, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malaysia," echo -e "${CCyan} Malta, Marocco, Mexico, Moldova, Monaco, Mongolia, Montenegro, Myanmar," echo -e "${CCyan} Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, North Macedonia, Norway, Panama," echo -e "${CCyan} Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Singapore," echo -e "${CCyan} Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden," echo -e "${CCyan} Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates," echo -e "${CCyan} United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Venezuela, Vietnam${CClear}" read -p " SurfShark Country: " SurfSharkCountry1 if [ -z "$SurfSharkCountry1" ]; then SurfSharkCountry="United States"; else SurfSharkCountry=$SurfSharkCountry1; fi # Using default value on enter keypress # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if [ "$SurfSharkSuperRandom" == "1" ]; then echo "" echo -e "${CCyan} 6c. Would you like to randomize connections across multiple countries?" echo -e "${CCyan} NOTE: A maximum of 2 additional country names can be added. (Total of 3)" echo -e "${CYellow} (No=0, Yes=1) (Default = 0)${CClear}" while true; do read -p " Use Multiple Countries? (0/1): " SurfSharkMultipleCountries1 case $SurfSharkMultipleCountries1 in [0] ) SurfSharkMultipleCountries=0; break ;; [1] ) SurfSharkMultipleCountries=1; break ;; "" ) echo -e "\n Please answer 0 or 1";; * ) echo -e "\n Please answer 0 or 1";; esac done if [ "$SurfSharkMultipleCountries" == "1" ]; then echo -e "${CCyan}" read -p "$(echo -e " Enter Country #2 (Use 0 for blank) (Default = 0): ${CClear}")" SurfSharkCountry21 if [ -z "$SurfSharkCountry21" ]; then SurfSharkCountry2=0; else SurfSharkCountry2="$SurfSharkCountry21"; fi echo -e "${CCyan}" read -p "$(echo -e " Enter Country #3 (Use 0 for blank) (Default = 0): ${CClear}")" SurfSharkCountry31 if [ -z "$SurfSharkCountry31" ]; then SurfSharkCountry3=0; else SurfSharkCountry3="$SurfSharkCountry31"; fi else SurfSharkMultipleCountries=0 SurfSharkCountry2=0 SurfSharkCountry3=0 fi else SurfSharkMultipleCountries=0 SurfSharkCountry2=0 SurfSharkCountry3=0 fi # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo "" echo -e "${CCyan} 6d. At what % VPN server load would you like to reconnect to a different" echo -e "${CCyan} SurfShark Server? ${CYellow}(Default = 50)${CClear}" read -p " % Server Load Threshold: " SurfSharkLoadReset1 if [ -z "$SurfSharkLoadReset1" ]; then SurfSharkLoadReset=50; else SurfSharkLoadReset=$SurfSharkLoadReset1; fi # Using default value on enter keypress # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- else UseSurfShark=0 SurfSharkSuperRandom=0 SurfSharkMultipleCountries=0 SurfSharkCountry="United States" SurfSharkCountry2=0 SurfSharkCountry3=0 SurfSharkLoadReset=50 fi # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Perfect Privacy Logic # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if [ "$VPNProvider" == "3" ]; then # Perfect Privacy UsePP=1 echo "" echo -e "${CCyan} 6a. Would you like to use the Perfect Privacy SuperRandom functionality?" echo -e "${CYellow} (No=0, Yes=1) (Default = 0)${CClear}" while true; do read -p " Use SuperRandom? (0/1): " PPSuperRandom1 case $PPSuperRandom1 in [0] ) PPSuperRandom=0; break ;; [1] ) PPSuperRandom=1; break ;; "" ) echo -e "\n Please answer 0 or 1";; * ) echo -e "\n Please answer 0 or 1";; esac done # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo "" echo -e "${CCyan} 6b. What Country is your country of origin for Perfect Privacy? ${CYellow}(Default = " echo -e "${CYellow} U.S.A.). NOTE: Country names must be spelled correctly as below!" echo -e "${CCyan} Valid country names as follows: Australia, Austria, Canada, China," echo -e "${CCyan} Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Iceland, Israel, Italy," echo -e "${CCyan} Japan, Latvia, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia," echo -e "${CCyan} Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, U.S.A., United Kingdom${CClear}" read -p " Perfect Privacy Country: " PPCountry1 if [ -z "$PPCountry1" ]; then PPCountry="U.S.A."; else PPCountry=$PPCountry1; fi # Using default value on enter keypress # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if [ "$PPSuperRandom" == "1" ]; then echo "" echo -e "${CCyan} 6c. Would you like to randomize connections across multiple countries?" echo -e "${CCyan} NOTE: A maximum of 2 additional country names can be added. (Total of 3)" echo -e "${CYellow} (No=0, Yes=1) (Default = 0)${CClear}" while true; do read -p " Use Multiple Countries? (0/1): " PPMultipleCountries1 case $PPMultipleCountries1 in [0] ) PPMultipleCountries=0; break ;; [1] ) PPMultipleCountries=1; break ;; "" ) echo -e "\n Please answer 0 or 1";; * ) echo -e "\n Please answer 0 or 1";; esac done if [ "$PPMultipleCountries" == "1" ]; then echo -e "${CCyan}" read -p "$(echo -e " Enter Country #2 (Use 0 for blank) (Default = 0): ${CClear}")" PPCountry21 if [ -z "$PPCountry21" ]; then PPCountry2=0; else PPCountry2="$PPCountry21"; fi echo -e "${CCyan}" read -p "$(echo -e " Enter Country #3 (Use 0 for blank) (Default = 0): ${CClear}")" PPCountry31 if [ -z "$PPCountry31" ]; then PPCountry3=0; else PPCountry3="$PPCountry31"; fi else PPMultipleCountries=0 PPCountry2=0 PPCountry3=0 fi else PPMultipleCountries=0 PPCountry2=0 PPCountry3=0 fi # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo "" echo -e "${CCyan} 6d. At what VPN server load would you like to reconnect to a different" echo -e "${CCyan} Perfect Privacy Server? ${CYellow}(Default = 50)${CClear}" read -p " % Server Load Threshold: " PPLoadReset1 if [ -z "$PPLoadReset1" ]; then PPLoadReset=50; else PPLoadReset=$PPLoadReset1; fi # Using default value on enter keypress # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo "" echo -e "${CCyan} 6e. Would you like to whitelist Perfect Privacy VPN servers in the Skynet" echo -e "${CCyan} Firewall? ${CYellow}(No=0, Yes=1) (Default = 0)${CClear}" while true; do read -p " Update Skynet? (0/1): " UpdateSkynet1 case $UpdateSkynet1 in [0] ) UpdateSkynet=0; break ;; [1] ) UpdateSkynet=1; break ;; "" ) echo -e "\n Please answer 0 or 1";; * ) echo -e "\n Please answer 0 or 1";; esac done else UsePP=0 PPSuperRandom=0 PPMultipleCountries=0 PPCountry="U.S.A." PPCountry2=0 PPCountry3=0 PPLoadReset=50 fi # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # WeVPN Logic # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if [ "$VPNProvider" == "4" ]; then # WeVPN UseWeVPN=1 WeVPNLoadReset=50 echo "" echo -e "${CCyan} 6a. Would you like to use the WeVPN SuperRandom functionality?" echo -e "${CYellow} (No=0, Yes=1) (Default = 0)${CClear}" while true; do read -p " Use SuperRandom? (0/1): " WeVPNSuperRandom1 case $WeVPNSuperRandom1 in [0] ) WeVPNSuperRandom=0; break ;; [1] ) WeVPNSuperRandom=1; break ;; "" ) echo -e "\n Please answer 0 or 1";; * ) echo -e "\n Please answer 0 or 1";; esac done # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo "" echo -e "${CCyan} 6b. What Country is your country of origin for SurfShark? ${CYellow}(Default = " echo -e "${CYellow} USA). NOTE: Country names must be spelled correctly as below!" echo -e "${CCyan} Valid country names as follows: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil," echo -e "${CCyan} Bulgaria, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Estonia, Finland," echo -e "${CCyan} France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia," echo -e "${CCyan} Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands," echo -e "${CCyan} New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania," echo -e "${CCyan} Russia, Serbia, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden," echo -e "${CCyan} Switzerland, Taiwan, Turkey, UAE, UK, Ukraine, USA, Vietnam${CClear}" read -p " WeVPN Country: " WeVPNCountry1 if [ -z "$WeVPNCountry1" ]; then WeVPNCountry="USA"; else WeVPNCountry=$WeVPNCountry1; fi # Using default value on enter keypress # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if [ "$WeVPNSuperRandom" == "1" ]; then echo "" echo -e "${CCyan} 6c. Would you like to randomize connections across multiple countries?" echo -e "${CCyan} NOTE: A maximum of 2 additional country names can be added. (Total of 3)" echo -e "${CYellow} (No=0, Yes=1) (Default = 0)${CClear}" while true; do read -p " Use Multiple Countries? (0/1): " WeVPNMultipleCountries1 case $WeVPNMultipleCountries1 in [0] ) WeVPNMultipleCountries=0; break ;; [1] ) WeVPNMultipleCountries=1; break ;; "" ) echo -e "\n Please answer 0 or 1";; * ) echo -e "\n Please answer 0 or 1";; esac done if [ "$WeVPNMultipleCountries" == "1" ]; then echo -e "${CCyan}" read -p "$(echo -e " Enter Country #2 (Use 0 for blank) (Default = 0): ${CClear}")" WeVPNCountry21 if [ -z "$WeVPNCountry21" ]; then WeVPNCountry2=0; else WeVPNCountry2="$WeVPNCountry21"; fi echo -e "${CCyan}" read -p "$(echo -e " Enter Country #3 (Use 0 for blank) (Default = 0): ${CClear}")" WeVPNCountry31 if [ -z "$WeVPNCountry31" ]; then WeVPNCountry3=0; else WeVPNCountry3="$WeVPNCountry31"; fi else WeVPNMultipleCountries=0 WeVPNCountry2=0 WeVPNCountry3=0 fi else WeVPNMultipleCountries=0 WeVPNCountry2=0 WeVPNCountry3=0 fi # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- else UseWeVPN=0 WeVPNSuperRandom=0 WeVPNMultipleCountries=0 WeVPNCountry="USA" WeVPNCountry2=0 WeVPNCountry3=0 WeVPNLoadReset=50 fi # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # AirVPN Logic # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if [ "$VPNProvider" == "5" ]; then # AirVPN UseAirVPN=1 echo "" echo -e "${CCyan} 6a. Would you like to use the AirVPN SuperRandom functionality? NOTE:" echo -e "${CCyan} Choosing this option will prevent you from using AirVPN Recommended" echo -e "${CCyan} Server functionality, and will instead pick random servers within the" echo -e "${CCyan} country of your choice, without regard to distance or latency." echo -e "${CYellow} (No=0, Yes=1) (Default = 0)${CClear}" while true; do read -p " Use SuperRandom? (0/1): " AirVPNSuperRandom1 case $AirVPNSuperRandom1 in [0] ) AirVPNSuperRandom=0; break ;; [1] ) AirVPNSuperRandom=1; break ;; "" ) echo -e "\n Please answer 0 or 1";; * ) echo -e "\n Please answer 0 or 1";; esac done RecommendedServer=0 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo "" echo -e "${CCyan} 6b. What Country is your country of origin for AirVPN? ${CYellow}(Default = " echo -e "${CYellow} USA). NOTE: Country names must be spelled correctly as below!" echo -e "${CCyan} Valid country names as follows: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada," echo -e "${CCyan} Czech Republic, Estonia, Germany, Ireland, Japan, Latvia, Netherlands," echo -e "${CCyan} New Zealand, Norway, Romania, Serbia, Singapore, Spain, Sweden," echo -e "${CCyan} Switzerland, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States${CClear}" read -p " AirVPN Country: " AirVPNCountry1 if [ -z "$AirVPNCountry1" ]; then AirVPNCountry="United States"; else AirVPNCountry=$AirVPNCountry1; fi # Using default value on enter keypress # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if [ "$AirVPNSuperRandom" == "1" ]; then echo "" echo -e "${CCyan} 6c. Would you like to randomize connections across multiple countries?" echo -e "${CCyan} NOTE: A maximum of 2 additional country names can be added. (Total of 3)" echo -e "${CYellow} (No=0, Yes=1) (Default = 0)${CClear}" while true; do read -p " Use Multiple Countries? (0/1): " AirVPNMultipleCountries1 case $AirVPNMultipleCountries1 in [0] ) AirVPNMultipleCountries=0; break ;; [1] ) AirVPNMultipleCountries=1; break ;; "" ) echo -e "\n Please answer 0 or 1";; * ) echo -e "\n Please answer 0 or 1";; esac done if [ "$AirVPNMultipleCountries" == "1" ]; then echo -e "${CCyan}" read -p "$(echo -e " Enter Country #2 (Use 0 for blank) (Default = 0): ${CClear}")" AirVPNCountry21 if [ -z "$AirVPNCountry21" ]; then AirVPNCountry2=0; else AirVPNCountry2="$AirVPNCountry21"; fi echo -e "${CCyan}" read -p "$(echo -e " Enter Country #3 (Use 0 for blank) (Default = 0): ${CClear}")" AirVPNCountry31 if [ -z "$AirVPNCountry31" ]; then AirVPNCountry3=0; else AirVPNCountry3="$AirVPNCountry31"; fi else AirVPNMultipleCountries=0 AirVPNCountry2=0 AirVPNCountry3=0 fi else WeVPNMultipleCountries=0 WeVPNCountry2=0 WeVPNCountry3=0 fi # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo "" echo -e "${CCyan} 6d. At what VPN server load would you like to reconnect to a different" echo -e "${CCyan} AirVPN Server? ${CYellow}(Default = 50)${CClear}" read -p " % Server Load Threshold: " AirVPNLoadReset1 if [ -z "$AirVPNLoadReset1" ]; then AirVPNLoadReset=50; else AirVPNLoadReset=$AirVPNLoadReset1; fi # Using default value on enter keypress # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo "" echo -e "${CCyan} 6e. Would you like to whitelist AirVPN servers in the Skynet Firewall?" echo -e "${CYellow} (No=0, Yes=1) (Default = 0)${CClear}" while true; do read -p " Update Skynet? (0/1): " UpdateSkynet1 case $UpdateSkynet1 in [0] ) UpdateSkynet=0; break ;; [1] ) UpdateSkynet=1; break ;; "" ) echo -e "\n Please answer 0 or 1";; * ) echo -e "\n Please answer 0 or 1";; esac done # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if [ $AirVPNSuperRandom == "0" ]; then echo "" echo -e "${CCyan} 6f. Would you like to use AirVPN Recommended Servers? Note: Choosing" echo -e "${CCyan} this option will configure your VPN slots with servers that are the" echo -e "${CCyan} closest to your WAN location exit, and have the lowest latency/load." echo -e "${CCyan} This option will override your choice you may have selected for" echo -e "${CCyan} SuperRandom and multiple countries. This is an AirVPN feature." echo -e "${CYellow} (No=0, Yes=1) (Default = 0)${CClear}" while true; do read -p " Use Recommended AirVPN Server(s)? (0/1): " RecommendedServer1 case $RecommendedServer1 in [0] ) RecommendedServer=0; break ;; [1] ) RecommendedServer=1; break ;; "" ) echo -e "\n Please answer 0 or 1";; * ) echo -e "\n Please answer 0 or 1";; esac done AirVPNSuperRandom=0 AirVPNMultipleCountries=0 fi # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- else UseAirVPN=0 AirVPNSuperRandom=0 AirVPNMultipleCountries=0 AirVPNCountry="United States" AirVPNCountry2=0 AirVPNCountry3=0 AirVPNLoadReset=50 #RecommendedServer=0 fi # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # VPN Service Not Listed Logic # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if [ "$VPNProvider" == "9" ]; then # Not Listed UseNordVPN=0 NordVPNSuperRandom=0 NordVPNMultipleCountries=0 NordVPNCountry="United States" NordVPNCountry2=0 NordVPNCountry3=0 NordVPNLoadReset=50 UpdateSkynet=0 RecommendedServer=0 UseSurfShark=0 SurfSharkSuperRandom=0 SurfSharkMultipleCountries=0 SurfSharkCountry="United States" SurfSharkCountry2=0 SurfSharkCountry3=0 SurfSharkLoadReset=50 UsePP=0 PPSuperRandom=0 PPMultipleCountries=0 PPCountry="U.S.A." PPCountry2=0 PPCountry3=0 PPLoadReset=50 UseWeVPN=0 WeVPNSuperRandom=0 WeVPNMultipleCountries=0 WeVPNCountry="USA" WeVPNCountry2=0 WeVPNCountry3=0 WeVPNLoadReset=50 UseAirVPN=0 AirVPNSuperRandom=0 AirVPNMultipleCountries=0 AirVPNCountry="United States" AirVPNCountry2=0 AirVPNCountry3=0 AirVPNLoadReset=50 fi ;; 7) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo "" echo -e "${CCyan} 7. Would you like to reset your VPN connection to a random VPN client" echo -e "${CCyan} slot daily? ${CYellow}(No=0, Yes=1) (Default = 1)${CClear}" while true; do read -p " Reset Daily? (0/1): " ResetOption1 case $ResetOption1 in [0] ) ResetOption=0; break ;; [1] ) ResetOption=1; break ;; "" ) echo -e "\n Please answer 0 or 1";; * ) echo -e "\n Please answer 0 or 1";; esac done # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if [ "$ResetOption" == "1" ]; then echo "" echo -e "${CCyan} 7a. What time would you like to reset your connection?" echo -e "${CYellow} (Default = 01:00)${CClear}" read -p " Reset Time (in HH:MM 24h): " DailyResetTime1 if [ -z "$DailyResetTime1" ]; then DailyResetTime="01:00"; else DailyResetTime=$DailyResetTime1; fi # Using default value on enter keypress else ResetOption=0 DailyResetTime="01:00" fi ;; 8) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo "" echo -e "${CCyan} 8. What is the minimum acceptable PING value in milliseconds across" echo -e "${CCyan} your VPN tunnel before VPNMON-R2 resets the connection in search for" echo -e "${CCyan} a faster/lower PING server? ${CYellow}(Default = 100)${CClear}" read -p " Minimum PING (in ms): " MINPING1 if [ -z "$MINPING1" ]; then MINPING=100; else MINPING=$MINPING1; fi # Using default value on enter keypress ;; 9) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo "" echo -e "${CCyan} 9. How many VPN client slots do you have properly configured? Please" echo -e "${CCyan} note: VPN client slots MUST be in sequential order, starting from 1" echo -e "${CCyan} through 5. (Example: if you are using slots 1, 2 and 3, but 4 and 5" echo -e "${CCyan} are disabled, you would enter 3. ${CYellow}(Default = 5)${CClear}" read -p " VPN Clients: " N1 if [ -z "$N1" ]; then N=5; else N=$N1; fi # Using default value on enter keypress ;; 10) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo "" echo -e "${CCyan} 10. Would you like to show near-realtime VPN bandwidth stats on the UI?" echo -e "${CYellow} (No=0, Yes=1) (Default = 0)${CClear}" while true; do read -p " Show Stats? (0/1): " SHOWSTATS1 case $SHOWSTATS1 in [0] ) SHOWSTATS=0; break ;; [1] ) SHOWSTATS=1; break ;; "" ) echo -e "\n Please answer 0 or 1";; * ) echo -e "\n Please answer 0 or 1";; esac done ;; 11) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo "" echo -e "${CCyan} 11. How many seconds would you like to delay start-up of VPNMON-R2 in" echo -e "${CCyan} order to provide more stability among other competing start-up scripts" echo -e "${CCyan} during a reboot? NOTE: VPNMON-R2 itself does not auto-start on a reboot," echo -e "${CCyan} and leaves that method up to you. ${CYellow}(Default = 0)${CClear}" read -p " Delay Startup (seconds): " DelayStartup1 if [ -z "$DelayStartup1" ]; then DelayStartup=0; else DelayStartup=$DelayStartup1; fi # Using default value on enter keypress ;; 12) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo "" echo -e "${CCyan} 12. Would you like to trim your log file when your VPN connection resets?" echo -e "${CYellow} (No=0, Yes=1) (Default = $TRIMLOGS)${CClear}" while true; do read -p " Trim Logs? (0/1): " TRIMLOGS1 case $TRIMLOGS1 in [0] ) TRIMLOGS=0; break ;; [1] ) TRIMLOGS=1; break ;; "" ) echo -e "\n Please answer 0 or 1";; * ) echo -e "\n Please answer 0 or 1";; esac done # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if [ "$TRIMLOGS" == "1" ]; then echo "" echo -e "${CCyan} 12a. How large would you like your log file to grow (in # of lines)?" echo -e "${CCyan} This option will automatically trim your log after each VPN reset." echo -e "${CYellow} (Default = 1000 lines)${CClear}" read -p " Log file size (in # of lines): " MAXLOGSIZE1 if [ -z "$MAXLOGSIZE1" ]; then MAXLOGSIZE=1000; else MAXLOGSIZE=$MAXLOGSIZE1; fi # Using default value on enter keypress else TRIMLOGS=0 MAXLOGSIZE=1000 fi ;; 13) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo "" echo -e "${CCyan} 13. Would you like to sync the active VPN slot with YazFi?" echo -e "${CYellow} (No=0, Yes=1) (Default = 0)${CClear}" while true; do read -p " Sync YazFi? (0/1): " SyncYazFi1 case $SyncYazFi1 in [0] ) SyncYazFi=0; break ;; [1] ) SyncYazFi=1; break ;; "" ) echo -e "\n Please answer 0 or 1";; * ) echo -e "\n Please answer 0 or 1";; esac done # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if [ "$SyncYazFi" == "1" ]; then echo "" echo -e "${CCyan} 13a. Please indicate which of your YazFi guest network slots you want to" echo -e "${CCyan} sync with the active VPN slot?${CClear}" echo "" echo -e "${CYellow} Please use the corresponding () key to enable/disable sync for each slot:${CClear}" if [ $YF24GN1 == "1" ]; then YF24GN1Disp="${CGreen}Y${CCyan}"; else YF24GN1Disp="${CRed}N${CCyan}"; fi if [ $YF24GN2 == "1" ]; then YF24GN2Disp="${CGreen}Y${CCyan}"; else YF24GN2Disp="${CRed}N${CCyan}"; fi if [ $YF24GN3 == "1" ]; then YF24GN3Disp="${CGreen}Y${CCyan}"; else YF24GN3Disp="${CRed}N${CCyan}"; fi if [ $YF5GN1 == "1" ]; then YF5GN1Disp="${CGreen}Y${CCyan}"; else YF5GN1Disp="${CRed}N${CCyan}"; fi if [ $YF5GN2 == "1" ]; then YF5GN2Disp="${CGreen}Y${CCyan}"; else YF5GN2Disp="${CRed}N${CCyan}"; fi if [ $YF5GN3 == "1" ]; then YF5GN3Disp="${CGreen}Y${CCyan}"; else YF5GN3Disp="${CRed}N${CCyan}"; fi if [ $YF52GN1 == "1" ]; then YF52GN1Disp="${CGreen}Y${CCyan}"; else YF52GN1Disp="${CRed}N${CCyan}"; fi if [ $YF52GN2 == "1" ]; then YYF52GN2Disp="${CGreen}Y${CCyan}"; else YF52GN2Disp="${CRed}N${CCyan}"; fi if [ $YF52GN3 == "1" ]; then YF52GN3Disp="${CGreen}Y${CCyan}"; else YF52GN3Disp="${CRed}N${CCyan}"; fi while true; do echo "" echo -e "${CCyan} 2.4Ghz Primary Guest Network ------- 1 ${CYellow}(1)${CClear} $YF24GN1Disp -- 2 ${CYellow}(2)${CClear} $YF24GN2Disp -- 3 ${CYellow}(3)${CClear} $YF24GN3Disp${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan} 5.0Ghz Primary Guest Network ------- 1 ${CYellow}(4)${CClear} $YF5GN1Disp -- 2 ${CYellow}(5)${CClear} $YF5GN2Disp -- 3 ${CYellow}(6)${CClear} $YF5GN3Disp${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan} 5.0Ghz Secondary Guest Network ----- 1 ${CYellow}(7)${CClear} $YF52GN1Disp -- 2 ${CYellow}(8)${CClear} $YF52GN2Disp -- 3 ${CYellow}(9)${CClear} $YF52GN3Disp${CClear}" echo "" read -p " Please select? (1-9, E=Exit): " SelectSlot case $SelectSlot in 1) if [ $YF24GN1 == "0" ]; then YF24GN1=1; YF24GN1Disp="${CGreen}Y${CCyan}"; elif [ $YF24GN1 == "1" ]; then YF24GN1=0; YF24GN1Disp="${CRed}N${CCyan}"; fi;; 2) if [ $YF24GN2 == "0" ]; then YF24GN2=1; YF24GN2Disp="${CGreen}Y${CCyan}"; elif [ $YF24GN2 == "1" ]; then YF24GN2=0; YF24GN2Disp="${CRed}N${CCyan}"; fi;; 3) if [ $YF24GN3 == "0" ]; then YF24GN3=1; YF24GN3Disp="${CGreen}Y${CCyan}"; elif [ $YF24GN3 == "1" ]; then YF24GN3=0; YF24GN3Disp="${CRed}N${CCyan}"; fi;; 4) if [ $YF5GN1 == "0" ]; then YF5GN1=1; YF5GN1Disp="${CGreen}Y${CCyan}"; elif [ $YF5GN1 == "1" ]; then YF5GN1=0; YF5GN1Disp="${CRed}N${CCyan}"; fi;; 5) if [ $YF5GN2 == "0" ]; then YF5GN2=1; YF5GN2Disp="${CGreen}Y${CCyan}"; elif [ $YF5GN2 == "1" ]; then YF5GN2=0; YF5GN2Disp="${CRed}N${CCyan}"; fi;; 6) if [ $YF5GN3 == "0" ]; then YF5GN3=1; YF5GN3Disp="${CGreen}Y${CCyan}"; elif [ $YF5GN3 == "1" ]; then YF5GN3=0; YF5GN3Disp="${CRed}N${CCyan}"; fi;; 7) if [ $YF52GN1 == "0" ]; then YF52GN1=1; YF52GN1Disp="${CGreen}Y${CCyan}"; elif [ $YF52GN1 == "1" ]; then YF52GN1=0; YF52GN1Disp="${CRed}N${CCyan}"; fi;; 8) if [ $YF52GN2 == "0" ]; then YF52GN2=1; YF52GN2Disp="${CGreen}Y${CCyan}"; elif [ $YF52GN2 == "1" ]; then YF52GN2=0; YF52GN2Disp="${CRed}N${CCyan}"; fi;; 9) if [ $YF52GN3 == "0" ]; then YF52GN3=1; YF52GN3Disp="${CGreen}Y${CCyan}"; elif [ $YF52GN3 == "1" ]; then YF52GN3=0; YF52GN3Disp="${CRed}N${CCyan}"; fi;; e) break;; esac done else SyncYazFi=0 YF24GN1=0 YF24GN2=0 YF24GN3=0 YF5GN1=0 YF5GN2=0 YF5GN3=0 YF52GN1=0 YF52GN2=0 YF52GN3=0 fi ;; 14) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo "" echo -e "${CCyan} 14. For those with Dual-WAN configurations, would you like to allow VPN" echo -e "${CCyan} connections on WAN1 while WAN0 is down?" echo -e "${CYellow} (No=0, Yes=1) (Default = 1)${CClear}" while true; do read -p " Allow VPN on WAN1? (0/1): " WAN1Override1 case $WAN1Override1 in [0] ) WAN1Override=0; break ;; [1] ) WAN1Override=1; break ;; "" ) echo -e "\n Please answer 0 or 1";; * ) echo -e "\n Please answer 0 or 1";; esac done ;; [Ss]) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo "" { echo 'TRIES='$TRIES echo 'INTERVAL='$INTERVAL echo 'PINGHOST="'"$PINGHOST"'"' echo 'UpdateVPNMGR='$UpdateVPNMGR echo 'USELOWESTSLOT='$USELOWESTSLOT echo 'PINGCHANCES='$PINGCHANCES echo 'UseNordVPN='$UseNordVPN echo 'NordVPNSuperRandom='$NordVPNSuperRandom echo 'NordVPNMultipleCountries='$NordVPNMultipleCountries echo 'NordVPNCountry="'"$NordVPNCountry"'"' echo 'NordVPNCountry2="'"$NordVPNCountry2"'"' echo 'NordVPNCountry3="'"$NordVPNCountry3"'"' echo 'NordVPNLoadReset='$NordVPNLoadReset echo 'RecommendedServer='$RecommendedServer echo 'UseSurfShark='$UseSurfShark echo 'SurfSharkSuperRandom='$SurfSharkSuperRandom echo 'SurfSharkMultipleCountries='$SurfSharkMultipleCountries echo 'SurfSharkCountry="'"$SurfSharkCountry"'"' echo 'SurfSharkCountry2="'"$SurfSharkCountry2"'"' echo 'SurfSharkCountry3="'"$SurfSharkCountry3"'"' echo 'SurfSharkLoadReset='$SurfSharkLoadReset echo 'UsePP='$UsePP echo 'PPSuperRandom='$PPSuperRandom echo 'PPMultipleCountries='$PPMultipleCountries echo 'PPCountry="'"$PPCountry"'"' echo 'PPCountry2="'"$PPCountry2"'"' echo 'PPCountry3="'"$PPCountry3"'"' echo 'PPLoadReset='$PPLoadReset echo 'UseWeVPN='$UseWeVPN echo 'WeVPNSuperRandom='$WeVPNSuperRandom echo 'WeVPNMultipleCountries='$WeVPNMultipleCountries echo 'WeVPNCountry="'"$WeVPNCountry"'"' echo 'WeVPNCountry2="'"$WeVPNCountry2"'"' echo 'WeVPNCountry3="'"$WeVPNCountry3"'"' echo 'WeVPNLoadReset='$WeVPNLoadReset echo 'UseAirVPN='$UseAirVPN echo 'AirVPNSuperRandom='$AirVPNSuperRandom echo 'AirVPNMultipleCountries='$AirVPNMultipleCountries echo 'AirVPNCountry="'"$AirVPNCountry"'"' echo 'AirVPNCountry2="'"$AirVPNCountry2"'"' echo 'AirVPNCountry3="'"$AirVPNCountry3"'"' echo 'AirVPNLoadReset='$AirVPNLoadReset echo 'UpdateSkynet='$UpdateSkynet echo 'ResetOption='$ResetOption echo 'DailyResetTime="'"$DailyResetTime"'"' echo 'MINPING='$MINPING echo 'N='$N echo 'SHOWSTATS='$SHOWSTATS echo 'DelayStartup='$DelayStartup echo 'TRIMLOGS='$TRIMLOGS echo 'MAXLOGSIZE='$MAXLOGSIZE echo 'SyncYazFi='$SyncYazFi echo 'YF24GN1='$YF24GN1 echo 'YF24GN2='$YF24GN2 echo 'YF24GN3='$YF24GN3 echo 'YF5GN1='$YF5GN1 echo 'YF5GN2='$YF5GN2 echo 'YF5GN3='$YF5GN3 echo 'YF52GN1='$YF52GN1 echo 'YF52GN2='$YF52GN2 echo 'YF52GN3='$YF52GN3 echo 'WAN1Override='$WAN1Override echo 'EXTERNALRESET='$EXTERNALRESET echo 'EXT_SOURCE="'"$EXT_SOURCE"'"' echo 'EXTINTERVAL='$EXTINTERVAL echo 'AUTOSTART='$AUTOSTART echo 'UpdateUnbound='$UpdateUnbound echo 'UnboundReset='$UnboundReset } > $CFGPATH echo -e "${CCyan} Applying config changes to VPNMON-R2..." echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 - Successfully wrote a new config file" >> $LOGFILE sleep 3 return ;; [Ee]) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- return ;; [Nn]) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- while true; do clear logo echo -e "${CGreen} ----------------------------------------------------------------" echo -e "${CGreen} Configuration Utility Options (Page 2)" echo -e "${CGreen} ----------------------------------------------------------------" echo -en " ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} 15 ${CClear}${CCyan}: Enable Remote Reset? :"${CGreen} if [ "$EXTERNALRESET" == "0" ]; then printf "No"; ODISABLED="${CDkGray}"; ODISABLED2="${CDkGray}"; printf "%s\n"; else printf "Yes"; ODISABLED="${CCyan}"; ODISABLED2="${CGreen}"; printf "%s\n"; fi echo -en " ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} |-${CClear}$ODISABLED- External File Location :"$ODISABLED2 printf "%.26s>\n" $EXT_SOURCE echo -e " ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} |-${CClear}$ODISABLED- External File Interval? :"$ODISABLED2$EXTINTERVAL echo -en " ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} 16 ${CClear}${CCyan}: Enable Auto Start? :"${CGreen} if [ "$AUTOSTART" == "0" ]; then printf "No"; ODISABLED="${CDkGray}"; ODISABLED2="${CDkGray}"; printf "%s\n"; else printf "Yes"; ODISABLED="${CCyan}"; ODISABLED2="${CGreen}"; printf "%s\n"; fi echo -en " ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} 17 ${CClear}${CCyan}: Enable Unbound Update? :"${CGreen} if [ "$UpdateUnbound" == "0" ]; then printf "No"; ODISABLED="${CDkGray}"; ODISABLED2="${CDkGray}"; printf "%s\n"; else printf "Yes"; ODISABLED="${CCyan}"; ODISABLED2="${CGreen}"; printf "%s\n"; fi echo -en " ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} 18 ${CClear}$ODISABLED: Enable Unbound VPN Reset? :"$ODISABLED2 if [ "$UpdateUnbound" == "1" ] && [ "$UnboundReset" == "0" ]; then printf "No"; ODISABLED="${CCyan}"; ODISABLED2="${CGreen}"; printf "%s\n"; elif [ "$UpdateUnbound" == "0" ]; then printf "No"; ODISABLED="${CDkGray}"; ODISABLED2="${CDkGray}"; printf "%s\n"; UnboundReset=0; elif [ "$UpdateUnbound" == "1" ] && [ "$UnboundReset" == "1" ]; then printf "Yes"; ODISABLED="${CCyan}"; ODISABLED2="${CGreen}"; printf "%s\n"; fi echo -e " ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} | ${CClear}" echo -e " ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} p ${CClear}${CCyan}: <-- Previous Page" echo -e "${CGreen} ----------------------------------------------------------------" echo "" printf " Selection: " read -r ConfigSelection # Execute chosen selections case "$ConfigSelection" in 15) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo "" echo -e "${CCyan} 15. Would you like to enable remote reset capabilities? Please note: This" echo -e "${CCyan} gives you the option to specify an external file location, preferably" echo -e "${CCyan} hosted on an internet server. The contents of this file must contain one" echo -e "${CCyan} one of the following words on the first line of the file:" echo -e "${CYellow} RESET ${CCyan} -- This will perform a VPN Reset" echo -e "${CYellow} REBOOT ${CCyan} -- This will perform a Router Reboot" echo -e "${CYellow} NORMAL ${CCyan} -- This will allow for normal VPNMON-R2 operations" echo -e "${CYellow} (No=0, Yes=1) (Default = 0)${CClear}" read -p ' Enable Remote Reset?: ' EXTERNALRESET1 if [ "$EXTERNALRESET1" == "" ] || [ -z "$EXTERNALRESET1" ]; then EXTERNALRESET=0; else EXTERNALRESET="$EXTERNALRESET1"; fi # Using default value on enter keypress if [ "$EXTERNALRESET" == "0" ]; then EXT_SOURCE="None" EXTINTERVAL=900 elif [ "$EXTERNALRESET" == "1" ]; then # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo "" echo -e "${CCyan} 15a. Please specify the location to the external file that VPNMON-R2 will" echo -e "${CCyan} be reading on a regular interval to determine if a VPN reset or router" echo -e "${CCyan} reboot needs to take place? Please note: This is typically in the form" echo -e "${CCyan} of a URL, such as example:" echo -e "${CCyan} https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ViktorJp/VPNMON-R2/main/event.txt" echo -e "${CYellow} (Default = 'None')" echo -e "${CYellow} (Current value = $EXT_SOURCE)" read -p ' External file location?: ' EXT_SOURCE1 if [ "$EXT_SOURCE1" == "" ] || [ -z "$EXT_SOURCE1" ]; then EXT_SOURCE="None"; else EXT_SOURCE="$EXT_SOURCE1"; fi # Using default value on enter keypress # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo "" echo -e "${CCyan} 15b. Please specify the interval at which VPNMON-R2 will be checking" echo -e "${CCyan} the external file to determine if a VPN reset or router reboot needs" echo -e "${CCyan} to take place? Please note: This value is in seconds." echo -e "${CYellow} (Default = 900)${CClear}" read -p ' External file check interval?: ' EXTINTERVAL1 if [ "$EXTINTERVAL1" == "" ] || [ -z "$EXTINTERVAL1" ]; then EXTINTERVAL=900; else EXTINTERVAL="$EXTINTERVAL1"; fi # Using default value on enter keypress else EXT_SOURCE="None" EXTINTERVAL=900 fi ;; 16) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo "" echo -e "${CCyan} 16. Would you like VPNMON-R2 to automatically start after your router" echo -e "${CCyan} reboots? Please note: This will place a command with a 30 second" echo -e "${CCyan} delay into the following file -- ${CYellow}/jffs/scripts/post-mount" echo -e "${CCyan} In order to continue running it in background, it will be using the" echo -e "${CCyan} 'vpnmon-r2 -screen' switch, and running under the SCREEN utility." echo -e "${CYellow} (No=0, Yes=1) (Default = 0)${CClear}" read -p ' Auto Start VPNMON-R2?: ' AUTOSTART1 if [ "$AUTOSTART1" == "" ] || [ -z "$AUTOSTART1" ]; then AUTOSTART=0; else AUTOSTART="$AUTOSTART1"; fi # Using default value on enter keypress if [ "$AUTOSTART" == "0" ]; then if [ -f /jffs/scripts/post-mount ]; then sed -i -e '/vpnmon-r2.sh/d' /jffs/scripts/post-mount AUTOSTART=0 fi else if [ -f /jffs/scripts/post-mount ]; then if ! grep -q -F "(sleep 30 && /jffs/scripts/vpnmon-r2.sh -screen) & # Added by vpnmon-r2" /jffs/scripts/post-mount; then echo "(sleep 30 && /jffs/scripts/vpnmon-r2.sh -screen) & # Added by vpnmon-r2" >> /jffs/scripts/post-mount AUTOSTART=1 fi else echo "#!/bin/sh" > /jffs/scripts/post-mount echo "" >> /jffs/scripts/post-mount echo "(sleep 30 && /jffs/scripts/vpnmon-r2.sh -screen) & # Added by vpnmon-r2" >> /jffs/scripts/post-mount chmod 755 /jffs/scripts/post-mount AUTOSTART=1 fi fi ;; 17) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo "" echo -e "${CCyan} 17. Would you like to configure Unbound to use your current VPN slot?" echo -e "${CCyan} Unbound is a separate script that allows you to become your own DNS" echo -e "${CCyan} resolver. This gets a bit more ${CYellow}ADVANCED${CCyan}, requires additional scripts" echo -e "${CCyan} and configurations to get working correctly. Please understand that" echo -e "${CCyan} multiple files will either be downloaded or modified. By agreeing to" echo -e "${CCyan} this, know that this functionality may break your ability to resolve" echo -e "${CCyan} hosts on the internet. When functioning correctly, all port 53 DNS" echo -e "${CCyan} plaintext lookup traffic will be routed across your VPN connection," echo -e "${CCyan} making your browsing activity invisible to your ISP or other trackers." echo "" echo -e "${CCyan} Requirements:" echo -e "${CYellow} 1. Unbound must already be installed and functioning (AMTM)" echo "" echo -e "${CCyan} These files will be downloaded or modified:" echo -e "${CYellow} 1. /jffs/scripts/nat-start" echo -e "${CYellow} 2. /jffs/scripts/openvpn-event" echo -e "${CYellow} 3. /jffs/scripts/post-mount" echo -e "${CYellow} 4. /jffs/addons/unbound/unbound_DNS_via_OVPN.sh" echo -e "${CYellow} 5. Required router reboot - please don't forget to do so!" echo "" echo -e "${CCyan} Do you accept the extra risk and possible challenge? Entering '1'" echo -e "${CCyan} will download/make modifications to the files above, while entering" echo -e "${CCyan} '0' will remove any modifications made to existing files." echo -e "${CYellow} (No=0, Yes=1) (Default = 0) (Exit=e)${CClear}" read -p ' Enable Unbound Update?: ' UpdateUnbound1 if [ "$UpdateUnbound1" == "" ] || [ -z "$UpdateUnbound1" ]; then UpdateUnbound=0; else UpdateUnbound="$UpdateUnbound1"; fi # Using default value on enter keypress if [ ! -d "/jffs/addons/unbound" ]; then echo "" echo -e "${CRed} [Unbound was not found on this system. Exiting]...${CClear}" UpdateUnbound=0 UnboundReset=0 sleep 3 else if [ "$UpdateUnbound" == "0" ]; then UnboundReset=0 # Delete all additions made to files to enable Unbound over VPN functionality echo "" echo -e "${CYellow} [Unbinding Unbound from VPN]...${CClear}" # Disable vpn functionality with Unbound sh /jffs/addons/unbound/unbound_manager.sh vpn=disable >/dev/null 2>&1 # Remove Unbound failsafe in post-mount if [ -f /jffs/scripts/post-mount ]; then sed -i -e '/vpn=disable/d' /jffs/scripts/post-mount fi # Remove Unbound VPN helper script in openvpn-event if [ -f /jffs/scripts/openvpn-event ]; then sed -i -e '/unbound_DNS_via_OVPN.sh/d' /jffs/scripts/openvpn-event fi # Remove RPDB Rules added to nat-start if [ -f /jffs/scripts/nat-start ]; then sed -i -e '/Added by vpnmon-r2/d' /jffs/scripts/nat-start fi # Remove the unbound_DNS_via_OVPN.sh file if [ -f /jffs/addons/unbound/unbound_DNS_via_OVPN.sh ]; then rm /jffs/addons/unbound/unbound_DNS_via_OVPN.sh fi elif [ "$UpdateUnbound" == "1" ]; then UnboundReset=0 # Modify or create post-mount if [ -f /jffs/scripts/post-mount ]; then if ! grep -q -F "[ -n "'"$(which unbound_manager)"'" ] && { sh /jffs/addons/unbound/unbound_manager.sh vpn=disable; } # Added by vpnmon-r2" /jffs/scripts/post-mount; then echo "[ -n "'"$(which unbound_manager)"'" ] && { sh /jffs/addons/unbound/unbound_manager.sh vpn=disable; } # Added by vpnmon-r2" >> /jffs/scripts/post-mount fi else echo "#!/bin/sh" > /jffs/scripts/post-mount echo "" >> /jffs/scripts/post-mount echo "[ -n "'"$(which unbound_manager)"'" ] && { sh /jffs/addons/unbound/unbound_manager.sh vpn=disable; } # Added by vpnmon-r2" >> /jffs/scripts/post-mount chmod 755 /jffs/scripts/post-mount fi # Modify or create nat-start if [ -f /jffs/scripts/nat-start ]; then if ! grep -q -F "sleep 10 # During the boot process nat-start may run multiple times so this is required - Added by vpnmon-r2" /jffs/scripts/nat-start; then echo "" >> /jffs/scripts/nat-start echo "sleep 10 # During the boot process nat-start may run multiple times so this is required - Added by vpnmon-r2" >> /jffs/scripts/nat-start echo "" >> /jffs/scripts/nat-start echo "# Ensure duplicate rules are not created - Added by vpnmon-r2" >> /jffs/scripts/nat-start echo "for VPN_ID in 0 1 2 3 4 5 # Added by vpnmon-r2" >> /jffs/scripts/nat-start echo " do # Added by vpnmon-r2" >> /jffs/scripts/nat-start echo " ip rule del prio 999$VPN_ID 2>/dev/null # Added by vpnmon-r2" >> /jffs/scripts/nat-start echo " done # Added by vpnmon-r2" >> /jffs/scripts/nat-start echo "" >> /jffs/scripts/nat-start echo "# Create the RPDB rules - Added by vpnmon-r2" >> /jffs/scripts/nat-start echo "ip rule add from 0/0 fwmark \"0x8000/0x8000\" table main prio 9990 # WAN fwmark - Added by vpnmon-r2" >> /jffs/scripts/nat-start echo "ip rule add from 0/0 fwmark \"0x7000/0x7000\" table ovpnc4 prio 9991 # VPN 4 fwmark - Added by vpnmon-r2" >> /jffs/scripts/nat-start echo "ip rule add from 0/0 fwmark \"0x3000/0x3000\" table ovpnc5 prio 9992 # VPN 5 fwmark - Added by vpnmon-r2" >> /jffs/scripts/nat-start echo "ip rule add from 0/0 fwmark \"0x1000/0x1000\" table ovpnc1 prio 9993 # VPN 1 fwmark - Added by vpnmon-r2" >> /jffs/scripts/nat-start echo "ip rule add from 0/0 fwmark \"0x2000/0x2000\" table ovpnc2 prio 9994 # VPN 2 fwmark - Added by vpnmon-r2" >> /jffs/scripts/nat-start echo "ip rule add from 0/0 fwmark \"0x4000/0x4000\" table ovpnc3 prio 9995 # VPN 3 fwmark - Added by vpnmon-r2" >> /jffs/scripts/nat-start fi else curl --silent --retry 3 --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 6 --retry-delay 1 --retry-all-errors "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ViktorJp/VPNMON-R2/main/Unbound/nat-start" -o "/jffs/scripts/nat-start" && chmod 755 "/jffs/scripts/nat-start" fi # Modify or create openvpn-event if [ -f /jffs/scripts/openvpn-event ]; then if ! grep -q -F "[ "'"${dev:0:4}"'" = 'tun1' ] && vpn_id=\${dev:4:1} && [ "'"$script_type"'" = 'route-up' ] && /jffs/addons/unbound/unbound_DNS_via_OVPN.sh \$vpn_id start &" /jffs/scripts/openvpn-event; then echo "[ "'"${dev:0:4}"'" = 'tun1' ] && vpn_id=\${dev:4:1} && [ "'"$script_type"'" = 'route-up' ] && /jffs/addons/unbound/unbound_DNS_via_OVPN.sh \$vpn_id start &" >> /jffs/scripts/openvpn-event echo "[ "'"${dev:0:4}"'" = 'tun1' ] && vpn_id=\${dev:4:1} && [ "'"$script_type"'" = 'route-pre-down' ] && /jffs/addons/unbound/unbound_DNS_via_OVPN.sh \$vpn_id stop &" >> /jffs/scripts/openvpn-event fi else curl --silent --retry 3 --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 6 --retry-delay 1 --retry-all-errors "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ViktorJp/VPNMON-R2/main/Unbound/openvpn-event" -o "/jffs/scripts/openvpn-event" && chmod 755 "/jffs/scripts/openvpn-event" fi # Download and create the unbound_DNS_via_OVPN.sh file - many thanks to @Martineau and @Swinson if [ ! -f /jffs/addons/unbound/unbound_DNS_via_OVPN.sh ]; then curl --silent --retry 3 --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 6 --retry-delay 1 --retry-all-errors "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MartineauUK/Unbound-Asuswrt-Merlin/dev/unbound_DNS_via_OVPN.sh" -o "/jffs/addons/unbound/unbound_DNS_via_OVPN.sh" && chmod 755 "/jffs/addons/unbound/unbound_DNS_via_OVPN.sh" # backup - curl --silent --retry 3 "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ViktorJp/VPNMON-R2/main/Unbound/unbound_DNS_via_OVPN.sh" -o "/jffs/addons/unbound/unbound_DNS_via_OVPN.sh" && chmod 755 "/jffs/addons/unbound/unbound_DNS_via_OVPN.sh" fi echo "" read -rsp $'Please reboot now if this is your first time enabling Unbound for VPN...\n' -n1 key elif [ "$UpdateUnbound1" == "e" ]; then echo "" echo -e "${CGreen} [Exiting]..." sleep 2 fi fi ;; 18) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo "" echo -e "${CCyan} 18. Would you like VPNMON-R2 to reset your VPN connection if it finds" echo -e "${CCyan} that your Unbound public DNS Resolver IP is out-of-sync with your public" echo -e "${CCyan} WAN IP? Ideally, when Unbound over VPN is working correctly, these two" echo -e "${CCyan} IP addresses should be the same. If they are not, there's a likelihood" echo -e "${CCyan} that they are out of sync, necessitating a VPN reset to correct this." echo -e "${CYellow} (No=0, Yes=1) (Default = 0)${CClear}" read -p ' Reset Unbound Out-of-Sync?: ' UnboundReset1 if [ "$UnboundReset1" == "" ] || [ -z "$UnboundReset1" ]; then UnboundReset=0; else UnboundReset="$UnboundReset1"; fi # Using default value on enter keypress if [ "$UpdateUnbound" == "0" ]; then echo "" echo -e "${CRed} 'Enable Unbound Update' must first be enabled before you can use this option." UnboundReset=0 sleep 3 fi ;; [Pp]) break ;; esac done ;; esac done else #Create a new config file with default values to get it to a basic running state { echo 'TRIES=3' echo 'INTERVAL=60' echo 'PINGHOST=""' echo 'UpdateVPNMGR=0' echo 'USELOWESTSLOT=0' echo 'PINGCHANCES=5' echo 'UseNordVPN=0' echo 'NordVPNSuperRandom=0' echo 'NordVPNMultipleCountries=0' echo 'NordVPNCountry="United States"' echo 'NordVPNCountry2=0' echo 'NordVPNCountry3=0' echo 'NordVPNLoadReset=50' echo 'RecommendedServer=0' echo 'UseSurfShark=0' echo 'SurfSharkSuperRandom=0' echo 'SurfSharkMultipleCountries=0' echo 'SurfSharkCountry="United States"' echo 'SurfSharkCountry2=0' echo 'SurfSharkCountry3=0' echo 'SurfSharkLoadReset=50' echo 'UsePP=0' echo 'PPSuperRandom=0' echo 'PPMultipleCountries=0' echo 'PPCountry="U.S.A."' echo 'PPCountry2=0' echo 'PPCountry3=0' echo 'PPLoadReset=50' echo 'UseWeVPN=0' echo 'WeVPNSuperRandom=0' echo 'WeVPNMultipleCountries=0' echo 'WeVPNCountry="USA"' echo 'WeVPNCountry2=0' echo 'WeVPNCountry3=0' echo 'WeVPNLoadReset=50' echo 'UseAirVPN=0' echo 'AirVPNSuperRandom=0' echo 'AirVPNMultipleCountries=0' echo 'AirVPNCountry="United States"' echo 'AirVPNCountry2=0' echo 'AirVPNCountry3=0' echo 'AirVPNLoadReset=50' echo 'UpdateSkynet=0' echo 'ResetOption=1' echo 'DailyResetTime="01:00"' echo 'MINPING=100' echo 'N=5' echo 'SHOWSTATS=0' echo 'DelayStartup=0' echo 'TRIMLOGS=0' echo 'MAXLOGSIZE=1000' echo 'SyncYazFi=0' echo 'YF24GN1=0' echo 'YF24GN2=0' echo 'YF24GN3=0' echo 'YF5GN1=0' echo 'YF5GN2=0' echo 'YF5GN3=0' echo 'YF52GN1=0' echo 'YF52GN2=0' echo 'YF52GN3=0' echo 'WAN1Override=1' echo 'EXTERNALRESET=0' echo 'EXT_SOURCE="None"' echo 'EXTINTERVAL=900' echo 'AUTOSTART=0' echo 'UpdateUnbound=0' echo 'UnboundReset=0' } > $CFGPATH #Re-run vpnmon-r2 -config to restart setup process vconfig fi } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # vupdate is a function that provides a UI to check for script updates and allows you to install the latest version... vupdate () { updatecheck # Check for the latest version from source repository clear logo echo -e " Update Utility${CClear}" echo "" echo -e "${CCyan} Current Version: ${CYellow}$Version${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan} Updated Version: ${CYellow}$DLVersion${CClear}" echo "" echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite}New VPNMON-R3 is available!${CClear}" echo "" printf " Upgrade to VPNMON-R3?" if promptyn " (y/n): "; then clear echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} VPNMON-R3 Upgrade Utility ${CClear}" echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}" echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} This utility allows you to upgrade to VPNMON-R3 and uninstall VPNMON-R2, or keep both." echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} NOTE: Please know that VPNMON-R2 development is ceasing, and product support will be" echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} sunset in the very near future." echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}" echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} Please choose from one of the following options below:" echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}" echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (1) - Upgrade to VPNMON-R3, and uninstall VPNMON-R2" echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} (2) - Upgrade to VPNMON-R3, and keep VPNMON-R2" echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}" echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}" echo "" printf "Selection? (1/2/e=Exit): " read -r UpgradeSelection case "$UpgradeSelection" in 1) echo -e "\n${CClear}Please type 'Y' to validate you wish to proceed.${CClear}" if promptyn "(y/n): "; then echo -e "\n" echo -e "${CClear}Uninstalling VPNMON-R2 components...${CClear}" if [ "$UpdateUnbound" == "1" ]; then # Delete all additions made to files to enable Unbound over VPN functionality echo "" echo -e "\n${CClear}Unbinding Unbound from VPN..." # Disable vpn functionality with Unbound sh /jffs/addons/unbound/unbound_manager.sh vpn=disable >/dev/null 2>&1 # Remove Unbound failsafe in post-mount if [ -f /jffs/scripts/post-mount ]; then sed -i -e '/vpn=disable/d' /jffs/scripts/post-mount >/dev/null 2>&1 fi # Remove Unbound VPN helper script in openvpn-event if [ -f /jffs/scripts/openvpn-event ]; then sed -i -e '/unbound_DNS_via_OVPN.sh/d' /jffs/scripts/openvpn-event >/dev/null 2>&1 fi # Remove RPDB Rules added to nat-start if [ -f /jffs/scripts/nat-start ]; then sed -i -e '/Added by vpnmon-r2/d' /jffs/scripts/nat-start >/dev/null 2>&1 fi # Remove the unbound_DNS_via_OVPN.sh file if [ -f /jffs/addons/unbound/unbound_DNS_via_OVPN.sh ]; then rm /jffs/addons/unbound/unbound_DNS_via_OVPN.sh fi fi echo "" echo -e "\n${CClear}Removing VPNMON-R2 Files..." # Remove R2 Files rm -r /jffs/addons/vpnmon-r2.d rm /jffs/scripts/vpnmon-r2.sh if [ -f /jffs/scripts/post-mount ]; then sed -i -e '/vpnmon-r2.sh/d' /jffs/scripts/post-mount >/dev/null 2>&1 fi echo "" echo -e "\n${CClear}VPNMON-R2 has been uninstalled...${CClear}" echo "" else echo "" echo -e "\n${CClear}Exiting...${CClear}" sleep 1 return fi # Download VPNMON-R3 echo -e "\n${CClear}Downloading VPNMON-R3" curl --silent --retry 3 --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 5 --retry-delay 1 --retry-all-errors --fail "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ViktorJp/VPNMON-R3/main/vpnmon-r3.sh" -o "/jffs/scripts/vpnmon-r3.sh" && chmod 755 "/jffs/scripts/vpnmon-r3.sh" echo "" echo -e "Download successful!${CClear}" echo "" read -rsp $'Press any key to launch VPNMON-R3...\n' -n1 key exec /jffs/scripts/vpnmon-r3.sh -setup exit 0 ;; 2) if [ "$UpdateUnbound" == "1" ]; then echo -e "${CClear}NOTE: Please know that VPNMON-R2 has been configured to enable Unbound" echo -e "${CClear}over DNS. Should you want to use this feature in VPNMON-R3, it is highly" echo -e "${CClear}recommended to disable this feature in VPNMON-R2 first, as both scripts" echo -e "${CClear}cannot have this feature enabled at the same time." echo -e "\n" fi # Download VPNMON-R3 echo -e "\n${CClear}Downloading VPNMON-R3" curl --silent --retry 3 --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 5 --retry-delay 1 --retry-all-errors --fail "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ViktorJp/VPNMON-R3/main/vpnmon-r3.sh" -o "/jffs/scripts/vpnmon-r3.sh" && chmod 755 "/jffs/scripts/vpnmon-r3.sh" echo "" echo -e "Download successful!${CClear}" echo "" read -rsp $'Press any key to launch VPNMON-R3...\n' -n1 key exec /jffs/scripts/vpnmon-r3.sh -setup exit 0 ;; [Ee]) echo "" echo -e "${CClear}Exiting Update Utility..." sleep 1 return ;; *) echo "" echo -e "${CClear}Exiting Update Utility..." sleep 1 return ;; esac else if [ "$Version" == "$DLVersion" ] then echo -e "\n" echo -e "${CCyan} You are on the latest R2 version! Would you like to download anyways?${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan} This will overwrite your local copy with the current build.${CClear}" if promptyn " (y/n): "; then echo "" echo "" echo -e "${CCyan} Downloading VPNMON-R2 ${CYellow}v$DLVersion${CClear}" curl --silent --retry 3 --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 6 --retry-delay 1 --retry-all-errors "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ViktorJp/VPNMON-R2/master/vpnmon-r2-$DLVersion.sh" -o "/jffs/scripts/vpnmon-r2.sh" && chmod a+rx "/jffs/scripts/vpnmon-r2.sh" echo "" echo -e "${CCyan} Download successful!${CClear}" echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 - Successfully downloaded VPNMON-R2 v$DLVersion" >> $LOGFILE echo "" read -rsp $'Press any key to restart VPNMON-R2...\n' -n1 key exec /jffs/scripts/vpnmon-r2.sh -config else echo "" echo "" echo -e "${CGreen} Exiting Update Utility...${CClear}" sleep 1 return fi else echo -e "\n" echo -e "${CCyan} There is a new R2 version out there! Would you like to update?${CClear}" if promptyn " (y/n): "; then echo "" echo "" echo -e "${CCyan} Downloading VPNMON-R2 ${CYellow}v$DLVersion${CClear}" curl --silent --retry 3 --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 6 --retry-delay 1 --retry-all-errors "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ViktorJp/VPNMON-R2/master/vpnmon-r2-$DLVersion.sh" -o "/jffs/scripts/vpnmon-r2.sh" && chmod a+rx "/jffs/scripts/vpnmon-r2.sh" echo "" echo -e "${CCyan} Download successful!${CClear}" echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 - Successfully updated VPNMON-R2 v$Version to v$DLVersion" >> $LOGFILE echo "" read -rsp $'Press any key to restart VPNMON-R2...\n' -n1 key exec /jffs/scripts/vpnmon-r2.sh -config else echo "" echo "" echo -e "${CGreen} Exiting Update Utility...${CClear}" sleep 1 return fi fi fi } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # vuninstall is a function that uninstalls and removes all traces of VPNMON-R2 from your router... vuninstall () { clear logo echo -e " Uninstall Utility${CClear}" echo "" echo -e "${CCyan} You are about to uninstall VPNMON-R2! This action is irreversible." echo -e "${CCyan} Do you wish to proceed?${CClear}" if promptyn " (y/n): "; then echo "" echo -e "\n${CCyan} Are you sure? Please type 'Y' to validate you want to proceed.${CClear}" if promptyn " (y/n): "; then clear rm -r /jffs/addons/vpnmon-r2.d rm /jffs/scripts/vpnmon-r2.sh if [ -f /jffs/scripts/post-mount ]; then sed -i -e '/vpnmon-r2.sh/d' /jffs/scripts/post-mount >/dev/null 2>&1 fi echo "" echo -e "\n${CGreen} VPNMON-R2 has been uninstalled...${CClear}" echo "" exit 0 else echo "" echo -e "\n${CGreen} Exiting Uninstall Utility...${CClear}" sleep 1 return fi else echo "" echo -e "\n${CGreen} Exiting Uninstall Utility...${CClear}" sleep 1 return fi } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # vlogs is a function that calls the nano text editor to view the VPNMON-R2 log file vlogs() { export TERM=linux nano $LOGFILE } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # vsetup is a function that sets up and confiures VPNMON-R2 on your router... vsetup () { # Check for and add an alias for VPNMON-R2 if ! grep -F "sh /jffs/scripts/vpnmon-r2.sh" /jffs/configs/profile.add >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then echo "alias vpnmon-r2=\"sh /jffs/scripts/vpnmon-r2.sh\" # VPNMON-R2" >> /jffs/configs/profile.add fi while true; do clear logo echo -e " Setup Utility${CClear}" # Provide main setup menu echo "" echo -e "${CGreen} ----------------------------------------------------------------" echo -e "${CGreen} Operations" echo -e "${CGreen} ----------------------------------------------------------------" echo -e " ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} sc ${CClear}${CCyan}: Setup and Configure VPNMON-R2" echo -e " ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} fr ${CClear}${CCyan}: Force Re-install Entware Dependencies" echo -e " ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} up ${CClear}${CCyan}: Check for latest updates ${CYellow} <- Upgrade to VPNMON-R3!" echo -e " ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} vl ${CClear}${CCyan}: View logs" echo -e " ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} un ${CClear}${CCyan}: Uninstall" echo -e " ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} e ${CClear}${CCyan}: Exit" echo -e "${CGreen} ----------------------------------------------------------------" if [ "$FromUI" == "0" ]; then echo -e "${CGreen} Launch" echo -e "${CGreen} ----------------------------------------------------------------" echo -e " ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} m1 ${CClear}${CCyan}: Launch VPNMON-R2 into Normal Monitoring Mode" echo -e " ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} m2 ${CClear}${CCyan}: Launch VPNMON-R2 into Normal Monitoring Mode w/ Screen" echo -e "${CGreen} ----------------------------------------------------------------" fi echo "" printf " Selection: " read -r InstallSelection # Execute chosen selections case "$InstallSelection" in sc) # Check for existence of entware, and if so proceed and install the timeout package, then run vpnmon-r2 -config clear if [ -f "/opt/bin/timeout" ] && [ -f "/opt/sbin/screen" ] && [ -f "/opt/bin/jq" ]; then vconfig else logo echo -e "${CYellow} Installing VPNMON-R2 Dependencies...${CClear}" echo "" echo -e "${CCyan} VPNMON-R2 has some dependencies in order to function correctly, namely,${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan} CoreUtils-Timeout, JQuery and the Screen utility. These utilities ${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan} require you to have Entware already installed using the AMTM tool. If${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan} Entware is present, the Timeout, JQ and Screen utilities will ${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan} automatically be downloaded and installed during this setup process.${CClear}" echo "" echo -e "${CGreen} CoreUtils-Timeout${CCyan} is a utility that provides more stability for${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan} certain routers (like the RT-AC86U) which has a tendency to randomly${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan} hang scripts running on this router model.${CClear}" echo "" echo -e "${CGreen} Screen${CCyan} is a utility that allows you to run SSH scripts in a standalone${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan} environment directly on the router itself, instead of running your${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan} commands or a script from a network-attached SSH client. This can${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan} provide greater stability due to it running on the router itself.${CClear}" echo "" echo -e "${CGreen} JQuery${CCyan} is a utility for querying data across the internet through the${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan} the means of APIs for the purposes of interacting with the various VPN${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan} providers to get a list of available VPN hosts in the selected country.${CClear}" echo "" [ -z "$(nvram get odmpid)" ] && RouterModel="$(nvram get productid)" || RouterModel="$(nvram get odmpid)" # Thanks @thelonelycoder for this logic echo -e "${CCyan} Your router model is: ${CYellow}$RouterModel" echo "" echo -e "${CCyan} Ready to install?${CClear}" if promptyn " (y/n): " then if [ -d "/opt" ]; then # Does entware exist? If yes proceed, if no error out. echo "" echo -e "\n${CGreen} Updating Entware Packages...${CClear}" echo "" opkg update echo "" echo -e "${CGreen} Installing Entware CoreUtils-Timeout Package...${CClear}" echo "" opkg install coreutils-timeout echo "" echo -e "${CGreen} Installing Entware Screen Package...${CClear}" echo "" opkg install screen echo "" echo -e "${CGreen} Installing Entware JQuery Package...${CClear}" echo "" opkg install jq echo "" echo -e "${CGreen} Install completed...${CClear}" echo "" read -rsp $' Press any key to continue...\n' -n1 key echo "" echo -e "${CGreen} Executing Configuration Utility...${CClear}" sleep 2 vconfig else clear echo -e "${CGreen} ERROR: Entware was not found on this router...${CClear}" echo -e "${CGreen} Please install Entware using the AMTM utility before proceeding...${CClear}" echo "" sleep 3 fi else echo "" echo -e "\n${CGreen} Executing Configuration Utility...${CClear}" sleep 2 vconfig fi fi ;; fr) # Force re-install the CoreUtils timeout/screen package clear logo echo -e "${CYellow} Force Re-installing VPNMON-R2 Dependencies...${CClear}" echo "" echo -e "${CCyan} Would you like to re-install the CoreUtils-Timeout, JQuery and the${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan} Screen utility? These utilities require you to have Entware already${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan} installed using the AMTM tool. If Entware is present, the Timeout,${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan} JQ, and Screen utilities will be uninstalled, downloaded and${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan} re-installed during this setup process.${CClear}" echo "" echo -e "${CGreen} CoreUtils-Timeout${CCyan} is a utility that provides more stability for${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan} certain routers (like the RT-AC86U) which has a tendency to randomly${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan} hang scripts running on this router model.${CClear}" echo "" echo -e "${CGreen} Screen${CCyan} is a utility that allows you to run SSH scripts in a standalone${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan} environment directly on the router itself, instead of running your${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan} commands or a script from a network-attached SSH client. This can${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan} provide greater stability due to it running on the router itself.${CClear}" echo "" echo -e "${CGreen} JQuery${CCyan} is a utility for querying data across the internet through the${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan} the means of APIs for the purposes of interacting with the various VPN${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan} providers to get a list of available VPN hosts in the selected country.${CClear}" echo "" [ -z "$(nvram get odmpid)" ] && RouterModel="$(nvram get productid)" || RouterModel="$(nvram get odmpid)" # Thanks @thelonelycoder for this logic echo -e "${CCyan} Your router model is: ${CYellow}$RouterModel" echo "" echo -e "${CCyan} Force Re-install?${CClear}" if promptyn " (y/n): " then if [ -d "/opt" ]; then # Does entware exist? If yes proceed, if no error out. echo "" echo -e "\n${CGreen} Updating Entware Packages...${CClear}" echo "" opkg update echo "" echo -e "${CGreen} Force Re-installing Entware CoreUtils-Timeout Package...${CClear}" echo "" opkg install --force-reinstall coreutils-timeout echo "" echo -e "${CGreen} Force Re-installing Entware Screen Package...${CClear}" echo "" opkg install --force-reinstall screen echo "" echo -e "${CGreen} Force Re-installing Entware JQuery Package...${CClear}" echo "" opkg install --force-reinstall jq echo "" echo -e "${CGreen} Re-install completed...${CClear}" echo "" read -rsp $' Press any key to continue...\n' -n1 key else clear echo -e "${CGreen} ERROR: Entware was not found on this router...${CClear}" echo -e "${CGreen} Please install Entware using the AMTM utility before proceeding...${CClear}" echo "" sleep 3 fi fi ;; up) echo "" vupdate ;; m1) echo "" echo -e "\n${CGreen} Launching VPNMON-R2 into Monitor Mode...${CClear}" sleep 2 sh $APPPATH -monitor ;; m2) echo "" echo -e "\n${CGreen} Launching VPNMON-R2 into Monitor Mode with Screen Utility...${CClear}" sleep 2 sh $APPPATH -screen ;; vl) echo "" vlogs ;; un) echo "" vuninstall ;; e) echo -e "${CClear}" exit 0 ;; *) echo "" echo -e "${CRed} Invalid choice - Please enter a valid option...${CClear}" echo "" sleep 2 ;; esac done } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Begin Commandline Argument Gatekeeper and Configuration Utility Functionality # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #DEBUG=; set -x # uncomment/comment to enable/disable debug mode #{ # uncomment/comment to enable/disable debug mode # Create the necessary folder/file structure for VPNMON-R2 under /jffs/addons if [ ! -d "/jffs/addons/vpnmon-r2.d" ]; then #mkdir -p "/jffs/addons/vpnmon-r2.d" # Prevent new installs from running R2, and direct to R3 clear echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} VPNMON-R2 No Longer Supported ${CClear}" echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}" echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${CWhite}NOTICE: VPNMON-R2 is being sunset.${CClear} This means all development and future support" echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} will soon become extremely limited as all efforts are being focused on VPNMON-R3." echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}" echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} New installations of VPNMON-R2 are no longer possible, and recommend looking" echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} into installing VPNMON-R3 instead directly from AMTM on your Asus-Merlin FW" echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} router, or please visit SNBForums.com for more info!" echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}" echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}" echo "" rm /jffs/scripts/vpnmon-r2.sh read -rsp $'Press any key to continue...\n' -n1 key exit 0 fi # Check for Updates updatecheck # Check and see if any commandline option is being used if [ $# -eq 0 ] then clear echo "" echo " VPNMON-R2 v$Version" echo "" echo " Exiting due to missing commandline options!" echo " (run 'vpnmon-r2 -h' for help)" echo "" echo -e "${CClear}" exit 0 fi # Check and see if an invalid commandline option is being used if [ "$1" == "-h" ] || [ "$1" == "-help" ] || [ "$1" == "-config" ] || [ "$1" == "-monitor" ] || [ "$1" == "-log" ] || [ "$1" == "-update" ] || [ "$1" == "-setup" ] || [ "$1" == "-uninstall" ] || [ "$1" == "-screen" ] || [ "$1" == "-reset" ] || [ "$1" == "-pause" ] || [ "$1" == "-stop" ] || [ "$1" == "-resume" ] || [ "$1" == "-status" ] || [ "$1" == "-failover" ] then clear else clear echo "" echo " VPNMON-R2 v$Version" echo "" echo " Exiting due to invalid commandline options!" echo " (run 'vpnmon-r2 -h' for help)" echo "" echo -e "${CClear}" exit 0 fi # Check to see if the help option is being called if [ "$1" == "-h" ] || [ "$1" == "-help" ] then clear echo "" echo " VPNMON-R2 v$Version Commandline Option Usage:" echo "" echo " vpnmon-r2 -h | -help" echo " vpnmon-r2 -log" echo " vpnmon-r2 -config" echo " vpnmon-r2 -update" echo " vpnmon-r2 -setup" echo " vpnmon-r2 -reset" echo " vpnmon-r2 -pause" echo " vpnmon-r2 -stop" echo " vpnmon-r2 -resume" echo " vpnmon-r2 -status" echo " vpnmon-r2 -failover" echo " vpnmon-r2 -uninstall" echo " vpnmon-r2 -screen" echo " vpnmon-r2 -monitor" echo "" echo " -h | -help (this output)" echo " -log (display the current log contents)" echo " -config (configuration utility)" echo " -update (script update utility)" echo " -setup (setup/dependencies utility)" echo " -reset (initiate a VPN reset)" echo " -pause (pauses all operations, vpn connection stay up)" echo " -stop (stops all operations, vpn connections go down)" echo " -resume (resumes normal operations)" echo " -status (displays current operating state)" echo " -failover (stops all operations during wan failover)" echo " -uninstall (uninstall utility)" echo " -screen (normal VPN monitoring using the screen utility)" echo " -monitor (normal VPN monitoring operations)" echo "" echo -e "${CClear}" exit 0 fi # Check to see if the pause option is being called, and write a status file indicating "PAUSED" if [ "$1" == "-pause" ] then clear STATE=$(cat $APPSTATUS | sed -n '1p') 2>&1 LASTSLOT=$(cat $APPSTATUS | sed -n '2p') 2>&1 if [ -z $STATE ]; then STATE="UNKNOWN"; fi if [ -z $LASTSLOT ]; then LASTSLOT=$N; fi { echo 'PAUSED' echo $LASTSLOT } > $APPSTATUS echo "" echo -e "${CYellow} STATUS:${CClear}" echo -e "${CGreen} VPNMON-R2 is entering a ${CCyan}PAUSED ${CGreen}state...${CClear}" echo -e "${CGreen} Last known VPN Client slot used:${CCyan} $LASTSLOT ${CClear}" echo -e "${CGreen} Use ${CCyan}'vpnmon-r2 -resume'${CGreen} to return to normal operations.${CClear}" echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 ----------> INFO: Entering a PAUSED state" >> $LOGFILE echo "" exit 0 fi # Check to see if the stop option is being called, and write a status file indicating "STOPPED" if [ "$1" == "-stop" ] then clear STATE=$(cat $APPSTATUS | sed -n '1p') 2>&1 LASTSLOT=$(cat $APPSTATUS | sed -n '2p') 2>&1 if [ -z $STATE ]; then STATE="UNKNOWN"; fi if [ -z $LASTSLOT ]; then LASTSLOT=$N; fi { echo 'STOPPED' echo $LASTSLOT } > $APPSTATUS echo "" echo -e "${CYellow} STATUS:${CClear}" echo -e "${CGreen} VPNMON-R2 is entering a ${CCyan}STOPPED ${CGreen}state...${CClear}" echo -e "${CGreen} Last known VPN Client slot used:${CCyan} $LASTSLOT ${CClear}" echo -e "${CGreen} Use ${CCyan}'vpnmon-r2 -resume'${CGreen} to return to normal operations.${CClear}" echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 ----------> INFO: Entering a STOPPED state" >> $LOGFILE echo "" exit 0 fi # Check to see if the failover option is being called, and write a status file indicating "FAILOVER" if [ "$1" == "-failover" ] then clear STATE=$(cat $APPSTATUS | sed -n '1p') 2>&1 LASTSLOT=$(cat $APPSTATUS | sed -n '2p') 2>&1 if [ -z $STATE ]; then STATE="UNKNOWN"; fi if [ -z $LASTSLOT ]; then LASTSLOT=$N; fi if [ $STATE == "FAILOVER" ]; then { echo 'NORMAL' echo $LASTSLOT } > $APPSTATUS echo "" echo -e "${CYellow} STATUS:${CClear}" echo -e "${CGreen} VPNMON-R2 is returning to a ${CCyan}NORMAL ${CGreen}state from a FAILOVER...${CClear}" echo -e "${CGreen} Last known VPN Client slot used:${CCyan} $LASTSLOT ${CClear}" echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 ----------> INFO: Returning to a NORMAL state from a FAILOVER" >> $LOGFILE echo "" exit 0 else { echo 'FAILOVER' echo $LASTSLOT } > $APPSTATUS echo "" echo -e "${CYellow} STATUS:${CClear}" echo -e "${CGreen} VPNMON-R2 is entering a ${CCyan}FAILOVER ${CGreen}state...${CClear}" echo -e "${CGreen} Last known VPN Client slot used:${CCyan} $LASTSLOT ${CClear}" echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 ----------> INFO: Entering a FAILOVER state" >> $LOGFILE echo "" exit 0 fi fi # Check to see if the resume option is being called, and write a status file indicating "NORMAL" if [ "$1" == "-resume" ] then clear STATE=$(cat $APPSTATUS | sed -n '1p') 2>&1 LASTSLOT=$(cat $APPSTATUS | sed -n '2p') 2>&1 if [ -z $STATE ]; then STATE="UNKNOWN"; fi if [ -z $LASTSLOT ]; then LASTSLOT=$N; fi { echo 'RESUMING' echo $LASTSLOT } > $APPSTATUS echo "" echo -e "${CYellow} STATUS:${CClear}" echo -e "${CGreen} VPNMON-R2 is returning to a ${CCyan}NORMAL ${CGreen}operations state...${CClear}" echo -e "${CGreen} Last known VPN Client slot used:${CCyan} $LASTSLOT ${CClear}" echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 ----------> INFO: Returning to a NORMAL operations state" >> $LOGFILE echo "" exit 0 fi # Check to see if the status option is being called, and indicate the current status if [ "$1" == "-status" ] then clear STATE=$(cat $APPSTATUS | sed -n '1p') 2>&1 LASTSLOT=$(cat $APPSTATUS | sed -n '2p') 2>&1 if [ -z $STATE ]; then STATE="UNKNOWN"; fi if [ -z $LASTSLOT ]; then LASTSLOT=$N; fi echo "" echo -e "${CYellow} STATUS:${CClear}" echo -e "${CGreen} VPNMON-R2 is currently in a ${CCyan}$STATE ${CGreen}state...${CClear}" echo -e "${CGreen} Last known VPN Client slot used:${CCyan} $LASTSLOT ${CClear}" echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 ----------> STATUS: $STATE -- SLOT: $LASTSLOT" >> $LOGFILE echo "" exit 0 fi # Check to see if the log option is being called, and display through nano if [ "$1" == "-log" ] then vlogs exit 0 fi # Check to see if the configuration option is being called, and run through setup utility if [ "$1" == "-config" ] then vconfig echo -e "${CClear}" exit 0 fi # Check to see if the update option is being called if [ "$1" == "-update" ] then vupdate echo -e "${CClear}" exit 0 fi # Check to see if the install option is being called if [ "$1" == "-setup" ] then vsetup fi # Check to see if the reset option is being called if [ "$1" == "-reset" ] then clear if [ -f $CFGPATH ] && [ -f "/opt/bin/timeout" ] && [ -f "/opt/sbin/screen" ] && [ -f "/opt/bin/jq" ]; then source $CFGPATH if [ -f "/opt/bin/timeout" ] # If the timeout utility is available then use it and assign variables then timeoutcmd="timeout " timeoutsec="10" timeoutlng="60" else timeoutcmd="" timeoutsec="" timeoutlng="" fi else echo -e "${CRed} Error: VPNMON-R2 is not configured. Please run 'vpnmon-r2 -setup' to complete setup${CClear}" echo "" echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 ----------> ERROR: VPNMON-R2 is not configured. Please run the setup tool." >> $LOGFILE exit 0 fi logo echo -e "${CRed} VPNMON-R2 is executing VPN Reset via Commandline Switch...${CClear}" echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 ----------> INFO: Executing VPN Reset via Commandline Switch" >> $LOGFILE echo "" RESETSWITCH=1 vpnreset echo -e "${CClear}" exit 0 fi # Check to see if the uninstall option is being called if [ "$1" == "-uninstall" ] then vuninstall echo -e "${CClear}" exit 0 fi # Check to see if the screen option is being called and run operations normally using the screen utility if [ "$1" == "-screen" ] then screen -wipe >/dev/null 2>&1 # Kill any dead screen sessions sleep 1 ScreenSess=$(screen -ls | grep "vpnmon-r2" | awk '{print $1}' | cut -d . -f 1) if [ -z $ScreenSess ]; then clear echo -e "${CGreen} Executing VPNMON-R2 v$Version using the SCREEN utility...${CClear}" echo "" echo -e "${CCyan} IMPORTANT:${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan} In order to keep VPNMON-R2 running in the background,${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan} properly exit the SCREEN session by using: CTRL-A + D${CClear}" echo "" screen -dmS "vpnmon-r2" $APPPATH -monitor sleep 2 if [ ! -f /jffs/addons/vpnmon-r2.d/titanspeed.txt ]; then echo -e "${CGreen} Switching to the SCREEN session in T-5 sec...${CClear}" echo -e "${CClear}" SPIN=5 spinner fi screen -r vpnmon-r2 exit 0 else clear if [ ! -f /jffs/addons/vpnmon-r2.d/titanspeed.txt ]; then echo -e "${CGreen} Connecting to existing VPNMON-R2 v$Version SCREEN session...${CClear}" echo "" echo -e "${CCyan} IMPORTANT:${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan} In order to keep VPNMON-R2 running in the background,${CClear}" echo -e "${CCyan} properly exit the SCREEN session by using: CTRL-A + D${CClear}" echo "" echo -e "${CGreen} Switching to the SCREEN session in T-5 sec...${CClear}" echo -e "${CClear}" SPIN=5 spinner fi screen -dr $ScreenSess exit 0 fi fi # Check to see if the monitor option is being called and run operations normally if [ "$1" == "-monitor" ] then clear if [ -f $CFGPATH ] && [ -f "/opt/bin/timeout" ] && [ -f "/opt/sbin/screen" ] && [ -f "/opt/bin/jq" ]; then source $CFGPATH # Clean up lockfile rm $LOCKFILE >/dev/null 2>&1 # Write Status file LASTSLOT=$(cat $APPSTATUS | sed -n '2p') 2>&1 if [ -z $LASTSLOT ]; then LASTSLOT=$N; fi # Give the resolver a break the first go-around to let it settle ResolverTimer=1 { echo 'NORMAL' echo $LASTSLOT } > $APPSTATUS if [ -f "/opt/bin/timeout" ] # If the timeout utility is available then use it and assign variables then timeoutcmd="timeout " timeoutsec="10" timeoutlng="60" else timeoutcmd="" timeoutsec="" timeoutlng="" fi if [ "$DelayStartup" != "0" ] then SPIN=$DelayStartup echo -e "${CGreen} Delaying VPNMON-R2 start-up for $DelayStartup seconds..." echo "" spinner fi # Display VPNMON-R3 Notification clear echo -e "${InvGreen} ${InvDkGray}${CWhite} VPNMON-R3 Upgrade Availability and VPNMON-R2 Sunset Notice ${CClear}" echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}" echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} ${CWhite}NOTICE: VPNMON-R2 is being sunset.${CClear} This means all development and future support" echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} will soon become extremely limited as all efforts are being focused on VPNMON-R3." echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} The new R3 release is now available, and encourage you to upgrade at your earliest" echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} convenience. For further information, please browse over to SNBForums.com, and" echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} reach out if you have any questions migrating to VPNMON-R3. Thank you!" echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}" echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear} Upgrade to VPNMON-R3 by using (S)etup -> (UP)date straight from VPNMON-R2!" echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CDkGray}---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}" echo "" #display a standard timer timer=0 while [ $timer -ne 30 ] do timer=$(($timer+1)) preparebar 46 "|" progressbarnotification $timer 30 "" "s" "Standard" #sleep 1 done else echo -e "${CRed} Error: VPNMON-R2 is not configured. Please run 'vpnmon-r2 -setup'" echo -e "${CRed} to complete setup${CClear}" echo "" echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 ----------> ERROR: VPNMON-R2 is not configured. Please run the setup tool." >> $LOGFILE exit 0 fi fi # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Begin VPNMON-R2 Main Loop # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #DEBUG=; set -x # uncomment/comment to enable/disable debug mode #{ # uncomment/comment to enable/disable debug mode #Track External Reset Timer EXT_ELAPSED_TIME=0 EXT_START_TIME=$(date +%s) while true; do # Testing to see if a VPN Reset Date/Time Logfile exists or not, and if not, creates one if [ -f $RSTFILE ] then #Read in its contents for the date/time of last reset START=$(cat $RSTFILE) else #Create a new file with a new date/time of when VPNMON-R2 restarted, not sure when VPN last reset echo -e "$(date +%s)" > $RSTFILE START=$(cat $RSTFILE) fi # Check for external commandline activity lockcheck # Testing to see if a reset needs to run at the scheduled time, first by pulling our hair out to find a timeslot to # run this thing, by looking at current time and the scheduled time, converting to epoch seconds, and seeing if it # falls between scheduled time + 2 * the number of interval seconds, to ensure there's enough of a gap to check for # this if it happens to be in a sleep loop. if [ $ResetOption -eq 1 ] then currentepoch=$(date +%s) ConvDailyResetTime=$(date -d $DailyResetTime +%H:%M) ConvDailyResetTimeEpoch=$(date -d $ConvDailyResetTime +%s) variance=$(( $ConvDailyResetTimeEpoch + (( $INTERVAL*2 )))) # If the configured time is within 2 minutes of the current time, reset the VPN connection if [ $currentepoch -gt $ConvDailyResetTimeEpoch ] && [ $currentepoch -lt $variance ] then echo -e "\n\n${CCyan} VPNMON-R2 is executing a scheduled VPN Reset${CClear}\n" echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 ----------> INFO: Executing scheduled VPN Reset" >> $LOGFILE vpnreset echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 - Resuming normal operations" >> $LOGFILE echo -e "$(date +%s)" > $RSTFILE START=$(cat $RSTFILE) PINGLOW=0 # Reset ping time history variables PINGHIGH=0 ICANHAZIP="" oldrxbytes=0 # Reset Stats oldtxbytes=0 newrxbytes=0 newtxbytes=0 fi fi # Calculate days, hours, minutes and seconds between VPN resets END=$(date +%s) SDIFF=$((END-START)) LASTVPNRESET=$(printf '%dd %02dh:%02dm:%02ds\n' $(($SDIFF/86400)) $(($SDIFF%86400/3600)) $(($SDIFF%3600/60)) $(($SDIFF%60))) # clear screen clear # Display title/version echo -e "${CYellow} _ ______ _ ____ _______ _ __ ____ ___ " echo -e " | | / / __ \/ | / / |/ / __ \/ | / / / __ \__ \ ${CGreen}v$Version${CYellow}" echo -e " | | / / /_/ / |/ / /|_/ / / / / |/ /_____/ /_/ /_/ / ${CRed}(S)${CGreen}etup${CYellow}" echo -e " | |/ / ____/ /| / / / / /_/ / /| /_____/ _, _/ __/ ${CRed}(R)${CGreen}eset${CYellow}" echo -e " |___/_/ /_/ |_/_/ /_/\____/_/ |_/ /_/ |_/____/ ${CRed}(E)${CGreen}xit${CClear}" # Display update notification if an update becomes available through source repository if [ "$UpdateNotify" != "0" ]; then echo -e "${CRed} $UpdateNotify${CClear}" echo -e "${CGreen} ____________${CClear}" else echo -e "${CGreen} ____________${CClear}" fi echo -e "${CGreen}/${CRed}General Info${CClear}${CGreen}\_____________________________________________________${CClear}" echo "" # Show the date and time and adjust the length of the line based on the number of chars in the timezone abbreviation tzone=$(date +%Z) tzonechars=$(echo ${#tzone}) if [ $tzonechars = 1 ]; then dashes="---------"; elif [ $tzonechars = 2 ]; then dashes="--------"; elif [ $tzonechars = 3 ]; then dashes="-------"; elif [ $tzonechars = 4 ]; then dashes="------"; elif [ $tzonechars = 5 ]; then dashes="-----"; fi echo -e "${InvCyan} ${CClear}${CCyan} $(date)${CGreen} $dashes ${CGreen}Last Reset: ${CWhite}${InvDkGray}$LASTVPNRESET${CClear}" # Determine if a VPN Client is active, first by getting the VPN state from NVRAM state1="$(_VPN_GetClientState_ 1)" state2="$(_VPN_GetClientState_ 2)" state3="$(_VPN_GetClientState_ 3)" state4="$(_VPN_GetClientState_ 4)" state5="$(_VPN_GetClientState_ 5)" # Determine the WAN states along with the Public IP of your VPN connection wstate0=$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get wan0_state_t) wstate1=$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get wan1_state_t) if [ -z $ICANHAZIP ]; then ICANHAZIP="Probing"; fi # Display the VPN and WAN states along with the public VPN IP and other info echo -e "${InvCyan} ${CClear}${CCyan} VPN State 1:$state1 2:$state2 3:$state3 4:$state4 5:$state5${CClear}${CGreen} --- Public VPN IP: ${CWhite}${InvDkGray}$ICANHAZIP${CClear}" if [ $ResetOption -eq 1 ] then echo -e "${InvCyan} ${CClear}${CCyan} WAN State 0:$wstate0 1:$wstate1${CGreen} ----------------- Sched Reset: ${CWhite}${InvDkGray}$ConvDailyResetTime${CClear}${CYellow} / ${CWhite}${InvDkGray}$INTERVAL Sec${CClear}" else echo -e "${InvCyan} ${CClear}${CCyan} WAN State 0:$wstate0 1:$wstate1${CGreen} -------------------- Interval: ${CWhite}${InvDkGray}$INTERVAL Sec${CClear}" fi if [ "$EXTERNALRESET" == "1" ]; then echo -e "${InvCyan} ${CClear}${CCyan} Remote Reset Protection${CGreen} ---------------- Status: ${CWhite}${InvDkGray}On${CClear}${CYellow} / ${CWhite}${InvDkGray}$EXTINTERVAL Sec${CClear}" fi if [ "$AUTOSTART" == "1" ]; then if ! grep -q -F "(sleep 30 && /jffs/scripts/vpnmon-r2.sh -screen) & # Added by vpnmon-r2" /jffs/scripts/post-mount; then echo -e "${InvCyan} ${CClear}${CCyan} Auto Start After Reboot Protection${CGreen} ----- Status: ${CWhite}${InvDkGray}On${CClear}${CYellow} / ${CWhite}${InvRed}ISSUE${CClear}" else echo -e "${InvCyan} ${CClear}${CCyan} Auto Start After Reboot Protection${CGreen} ----- Status: ${CWhite}${InvDkGray}On${CClear}${CYellow} / ${CWhite}${InvDkGray}post-mount${CClear}" fi fi if [ -f /jffs/addons/killmon.d/killmon.cfg ]; then KILLMONSTATE=$(cat /jffs/addons/killmon.d/killmon.cfg | sed -n '1p' | cut -d '"' -f2) 2>&1 KILLMONPROT=$(cat /jffs/addons/killmon.d/killmon.cfg | sed -n '2p' | cut -d '"' -f2) 2>&1 KILLMONMODE=$(cat /jffs/addons/killmon.d/killmon.cfg | sed -n '3p' | cut -d '"' -f2) 2>&1 KILLMON6STATE=$(cat /jffs/addons/killmon.d/killmon.cfg | sed -n '4p' | cut -d '"' -f2) 2>&1 KILLMON6MODE=$(cat /jffs/addons/killmon.d/killmon.cfg | sed -n '5p' | cut -d '"' -f2) 2>&1 SUPPRESSVPNMONR2=$(cat /jffs/addons/killmon.d/killmon.cfg | sed -n '6p' | cut -d '"' -f2) 2>&1 if [ "$SUPPRESSVPNMONR2" == "ENABLED" ]; then if [ "$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get ipv6_service)" == "disabled" ]; then ipv6service=0 else ipv6service=1 fi echo -e "${CGreen} _________________________${CClear}" echo -e "${CGreen}/${CRed}VPN Kill Switch (KILLMON)${CClear}${CGreen}\________________________________________${CClear}" echo "" if [ $ipv6service -eq 0 ]; then if [ "$KILLMONSTATE" == "ENABLED" ] && [ "$KILLMONPROT" == "ENABLED" ]; then echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CGreen} Status IP4: ${CWhite}${InvGreen}$KILLMONSTATE${CClear}${CGreen} | Reboot Protection: ${CWhite}${InvGreen}$KILLMONPROT${CClear}" elif [ "$KILLMONSTATE" == "DISABLED" ] && [ "$KILLMONPROT" == "ENABLED" ]; then echo -e "${InvYellow} ${CClear}${CGreen} Status IP4: ${CWhite}${InvRed}$KILLMONSTATE${CClear}${CGreen} | Reboot Protection: ${CWhite}${InvGreen}$KILLMONPROT${CClear}" elif [ "$KILLMONSTATE" == "ENABLED" ] && [ "$KILLMONPROT" == "DISABLED" ]; then echo -e "${InvYellow} ${CClear}${CGreen} Status IP4: ${CWhite}${InvGreen}$KILLMONSTATE${CClear}${CGreen} | Reboot Protection: ${CWhite}${InvRed}$KILLMONPROT${CClear}" elif [ "$KILLMONSTATE" == "DISABLED" ] && [ "$KILLMONPROT" == "DISABLED" ]; then echo -e "${InvRed} ${CClear}${CGreen} Status IP4: ${CWhite}${InvRed}$KILLMONSTATE${CClear}${CGreen} | Reboot Protection: ${CWhite}${InvRed}$KILLMONPROT${CClear}" fi else if [ "$KILLMONSTATE" == "ENABLED" ] && [ "$KILLMON6STATE" == "ENABLED" ] && [ "$KILLMONPROT" == "ENABLED" ]; then echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CGreen} Status IP4: ${CWhite}${InvGreen}$KILLMONSTATE${CClear}${CGreen} | IP6: ${CWhite}${InvGreen}$KILLMON6STATE${CClear}${CGreen} | Reboot Protection: ${CWhite}${InvGreen}$KILLMONPROT${CClear}" elif [ "$KILLMONSTATE" == "DISABLED" ] && [ "$KILLMON6STATE" == "ENABLED" ] && [ "$KILLMONPROT" == "ENABLED" ]; then echo -e "${InvYellow} ${CClear}${CGreen} Status IP4: ${CWhite}${InvRed}$KILLMONSTATE${CClear}${CGreen} | IP6: ${CWhite}${InvGreen}$KILLMON6STATE${CClear}${CGreen} | Reboot Protection: ${CWhite}${InvGreen}$KILLMONPROT${CClear}" elif [ "$KILLMONSTATE" == "ENABLED" ] && [ "$KILLMON6STATE" == "DISABLED" ] && [ "$KILLMONPROT" == "ENABLED" ]; then echo -e "${InvYellow} ${CClear}${CGreen} Status IP4: ${CWhite}${InvGreen}$KILLMONSTATE${CClear}${CGreen} | IP6: ${CWhite}${InvRed}$KILLMON6STATE${CClear}${CGreen} | Reboot Protection: ${CWhite}${InvGreen}$KILLMONPROT${CClear}" elif [ "$KILLMONSTATE" == "ENABLED" ] && [ "$KILLMON6STATE" == "ENABLED" ] && [ "$KILLMONPROT" == "DISABLED" ]; then echo -e "${InvYellow} ${CClear}${CGreen} Status IP4: ${CWhite}${InvGreen}$KILLMONSTATE${CClear}${CGreen} | IP6: ${CWhite}${InvGreen}$KILLMON6STATE${CClear}${CGreen} | Reboot Protection: ${CWhite}${InvRed}$KILLMONPROT${CClear}" elif [ "$KILLMONSTATE" == "DISABLED" ] && [ "$KILLMON6STATE" == "DISABLED" ] && [ "$KILLMONPROT" == "ENABLED" ]; then echo -e "${InvYellow} ${CClear}${CGreen} Status IP4: ${CWhite}${InvRed}$KILLMONSTATE${CClear}${CGreen} | IP6: ${CWhite}${InvRed}$KILLMON6STATE${CClear}${CGreen} | Reboot Protection: ${CWhite}${InvGreen}$KILLMONPROT${CClear}" elif [ "$KILLMONSTATE" == "ENABLED" ] && [ "$KILLMON6STATE" == "DISABLED" ] && [ "$KILLMONPROT" == "DISABLED" ]; then echo -e "${InvYellow} ${CClear}${CGreen} Status IP4: ${CWhite}${InvGreen}$KILLMONSTATE${CClear}${CGreen} | IP6: ${CWhite}${InvRed}$KILLMON6STATE${CClear}${CGreen} | Reboot Protection: ${CWhite}${InvRed}$KILLMONPROT${CClear}" elif [ "$KILLMONSTATE" == "DISABLED" ] && [ "$KILLMON6STATE" == "DISABLED" ] && [ "$KILLMONPROT" == "DISABLED" ]; then echo -e "${InvRed} ${CClear}${CGreen} Status IP4: ${CWhite}${InvRed}$KILLMONSTATE${CClear}${CGreen} | IP6: ${CWhite}${InvRed}$KILLMON6STATE${CClear}${CGreen} | Reboot Protection: ${CWhite}${InvRed}$KILLMONPROT${CClear}" fi fi if [ $ipv6service -eq 0 ]; then KILLMONRULESCHECK=$(iptables -L | grep -c "KILLMON") if [ "$KILLMONSTATE" == "ENABLED" ] && [ $KILLMONRULESCHECK -eq 0 ]; then echo -e "${InvRed} ${CClear}${CGreen} Mode IP4: ${CWhite}${InvDkGray}$KILLMONMODE${CClear}${CGreen} | Rules Integrity: ${CWhite}${InvRed}COMPROMISED${CClear}" echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 ----------> WARNING: KILLMON kill switch iptables rules are currently in a COMPROMISED state." >> $LOGFILE elif [ "$KILLMONSTATE" == "DISABLED" ] && [ $KILLMONRULESCHECK -eq 0 ]; then echo -e "${InvRed} ${CClear}${CGreen} Mode IP4: ${CWhite}${InvDkGray}$KILLMONMODE${CClear}${CGreen} | Rules Integrity: ${CWhite}${InvRed}COMPROMISED${CClear}" echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 ----------> WARNING: KILLMON kill switch iptables rules are currently in a COMPROMISED state." >> $LOGFILE else echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CGreen} Mode IP4: ${CWhite}${InvDkGray}$KILLMONMODE${CClear}${CGreen} | Rules Integrity: ${CWhite}${InvGreen}NOMINAL${CClear}" fi else KILLMONRULESCHECK=$(iptables -L | grep -c "KILLMON") KILLMONRULES6CHECK=$(ip6tables -L | grep -c "KILLMON") if [ "$KILLMONSTATE" == "ENABLED" ] && [ $KILLMONRULESCHECK -eq 0 ] || [ "$KILLMON6STATE" == "ENABLED" ] && [ $KILLMONRULES6CHECK -eq 0 ]; then echo -e "${InvRed} ${CClear}${CGreen} Mode IP4: ${CWhite}${InvDkGray}$KILLMONMODE${CClear}${CGreen} | IP6: ${CWhite}${InvDkGray}$KILLMON6MODE${CClear}${CGreen} | Rules Integrity: ${CWhite}${InvRed}COMPROMISED${CClear}" echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 ----------> WARNING: KILLMON kill switch iptables rules are currently in a COMPROMISED state." >> $LOGFILE elif [ "$KILLMONSTATE" == "DISABLED" ] && [ $KILLMONRULESCHECK -eq 0 ] || [ "$KILLMON6STATE" == "DISABLED" ] && [ $KILLMONRULES6CHECK -eq 0 ]; then echo -e "${InvRed} ${CClear}${CGreen} Mode IP4: ${CWhite}${InvDkGray}$KILLMONMODE${CClear}${CGreen} | IP6: ${CWhite}${InvDkGray}$KILLMON6MODE${CClear}${CGreen} | Rules Integrity: ${CWhite}${InvRed}COMPROMISED${CClear}" echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 ----------> WARNING: KILLMON kill switch iptables rules are currently in a COMPROMISED state." >> $LOGFILE else echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CGreen} Mode IP4: ${CWhite}${InvDkGray}$KILLMONMODE${CClear}${CGreen} | IP6: ${CWhite}${InvDkGray}$KILLMON6MODE${CClear}${CGreen} | Rules Integrity: ${CWhite}${InvGreen}NOMINAL${CClear}" fi fi fi fi echo -e "${CGreen} __________${CClear}" echo -e "${CGreen}/${CRed}Interfaces${CClear}${CGreen}\_______________________________________________________${CClear}" echo "" # Check for external commandline activity lockcheck # Check the WAN connectivity to determine if we need to keep looping until WAN connection is re-established checkwan Loop # Initialize timer to measure how long it takes to check the WAN & VPN interfaces VW_ELAPSED_TIME=0 VW_START_TIME=$(date +%s) # Cycle through the WANCheck connection function to display ping/city info i=0 for i in 0 1 do wancheck $i done echo -e "${CGreen} ------------------------------------------------------------------${CClear}" # Check for external commandline activity lockcheck # Cycle through the CheckVPN connection function for N number of VPN Clients i=0 while [ $i -ne $N ] do i=$(($i+1)) checkvpn $i $((state$i)) done # End the timer for the WAN & VPN interfaces VW_END_TIME=$(date +%s) VW_ELAPSED_TIME=$(( VW_END_TIME - VW_START_TIME )) # Determine whether to show all the stats based on user preference if [ "$SHOWSTATS" == "1" ] then echo -e "${CGreen} _________" echo -e "${CGreen}/${CRed}VPN Stats${CClear}${CGreen}\________________________________________________________${CClear}" echo "" # Keep track of Ping history stats and display skynet and randomizer methodology if [ ${PINGLOW%.*} -eq 0 ] then PINGLOW=${AVGPING%.*} elif [ ${AVGPING%.*} -lt ${PINGLOW%.*} ] then PINGLOW=${AVGPING%.*} fi if [ ${PINGHIGH%.*} -eq 0 ] then PINGHIGH=${AVGPING%.*} elif [ ${AVGPING%.*} -gt ${PINGHIGH%.*} ] then PINGHIGH=${AVGPING%.*} fi if [ $UpdateVPNMGR -eq 1 ] then RANDOMMETHOD="VPNMGR" elif [ $NordVPNSuperRandom -eq 1 ] then RANDOMMETHOD="NordVPN SuperRandom" elif [ $SurfSharkSuperRandom -eq 1 ] then RANDOMMETHOD="SurfShark SuperRandom" elif [ $PPSuperRandom -eq 1 ] then RANDOMMETHOD="PerfPriv SuperRandom" elif [ $WeVPNSuperRandom -eq 1 ] then RANDOMMETHOD="WeVPN SuperRandom" elif [ $AirVPNSuperRandom -eq 1 ] then RANDOMMETHOD="AirVPN SuperRandom" else RANDOMMETHOD="Standard" fi # Initialize timer to measure how long it takes to grab the VPN server load LOAD_ELAPSED_TIME=0 if [ $NordVPNSuperRandom -eq 1 ] || [ $UseNordVPN -eq 1 ] then # Get the NordVPN server load - thanks to @JackYaz for letting me borrow his code from VPNMGR to accomplish this! ;) LOAD_START_TIME=$(date +%s) printf "\r${InvYellow} ${CClear}${CYellow} [Checking NordVPN Server Load]..." loadcount=0 while [ $loadcount -ne 10 ] do loadcount=$(($loadcount+1)) VPNLOAD="curl --silent --retry 3 --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 6 --retry-delay 1 --retry-all-errors https://api.nordvpn.com/server | jq --raw-output '.[] | select(.ip_address == \"$VPNIP\") | .load' 2>&1" VPNLOAD="$(eval $VPNLOAD 2>/dev/null)"; if echo $VPNLOAD | grep -qoE '\berror.*\b'; then VPNLOAD=0; printf "${CRed}\r [API Error Occurred... retrying $loadcount/10] "; sleep 1; fi if [ -z $VPNLOAD ]; then break; fi if [ $VPNLOAD -gt 0 ]; then break; fi sleep 1 if [ $loadcount -eq 10 ]; then echo -e "\n${CRed} Error: Unable to reach NordVPN API! Load reading not possible.\n${CClear}" echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 ----------> ERROR: Unable to reach NordVPN API! Load reading is not possible." >> $LOGFILE break fi done printf "\r" LOAD_END_TIME=$(date +%s) LOAD_ELAPSED_TIME=$(( LOAD_END_TIME - LOAD_START_TIME )) fi if [ $SurfSharkSuperRandom -eq 1 ] || [ $UseSurfShark -eq 1 ] then # Get the SurfShark server load - thanks to @JackYaz for letting me borrow his code from VPNMGR to accomplish this! ;) LOAD_START_TIME=$(date +%s) printf "\r${InvYellow} ${CClear}${CYellow} [Checking SurfShark Server Load]..." loadcount=0 while [ $loadcount -ne 10 ] do loadcount=$(($loadcount+1)) VPNLOAD="curl --silent --retry 3 --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 6 --retry-delay 1 --retry-all-errors https://api.surfshark.com/v3/server/clusters | jq --raw-output '.[] | select(.connectionName == \"$VPNIP\") | .load' >/dev/null 2>&1" VPNLOAD="$(eval $VPNLOAD 2>/dev/null)"; if echo $VPNLOAD | grep -qoE '\berror.*\b'; then VPNLOAD=0; printf "${CRed}\r [API Error Occurred... retrying $loadcount/10] "; sleep 1; fi if [ -z $VPNLOAD ]; then break; fi if [ $VPNLOAD -gt 0 ]; then break; fi sleep 1 if [ $loadcount -eq 10 ]; then echo -e "\n${CRed} Error: Unable to reach SurfShark API! Load reading not possible.\n${CClear}" echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 ----------> ERROR: Unable to reach SurfShark API! Load reading is not possible." >> $LOGFILE break fi done printf "\r" LOAD_END_TIME=$(date +%s) LOAD_ELAPSED_TIME=$(( LOAD_END_TIME - LOAD_START_TIME )) fi if [ $PPSuperRandom -eq 1 ] || [ $UsePP -eq 1 ] then # Get the Perfect Privacy server load - thanks to @JackYaz for letting me borrow his code from VPNMGR to accomplish this! ;) LOAD_START_TIME=$(date +%s) printf "\r${InvYellow} ${CClear}${CYellow} [Checking Perfect Privacy Server Load]..." loadcount=0 while [ $loadcount -ne 10 ] do loadcount=$(($loadcount+1)) PPcurl="curl --silent --retry 3 --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 6 --retry-delay 1 --retry-all-errors https://www.perfect-privacy.com/api/traffic.json >/dev/null 2>&1" PPcurl="$(eval $PPcurl 2>/dev/null)"; if echo $PPcurl | grep -qoE '\berror.*\b'; then PPcurl=0; printf "${CRed}\r [API Error Occurred... retrying $loadcount/10] "; sleep 1; fi PP_in=$(echo $PPcurl | jq -r '."'"$VPNIP"'" | ."bandwidth_in"') 2>&1 PP_out=$(echo $PPcurl | jq -r '."'"$VPNIP"'" | ."bandwidth_out"') 2>&1 PP_max=$(echo $PPcurl | jq -r '."'"$VPNIP"'" | ."bandwidth_max"') 2>&1 max1=$PP_in if [ $PP_out -gt $PP_in ]; then max1=$PP_out; fi max2=$PP_max if [ $PP_in -gt $PP_max ]; then max2=$PP_in; elif [ $PP_out -gt $PP_max ]; then max2=$PP_out; fi VPNLOAD=$(awk -v m1=$max1 -v m2=$max2 'BEGIN{printf "%0.0f\n", 100*m1/m2}') 2>&1 if [ -z $VPNLOAD ]; then break; fi if [ $VPNLOAD -gt 0 ]; then break; fi sleep 1 if [ $loadcount -eq 10 ]; then echo -e "\n${CRed} Error: Unable to reach PerfectPrivacy API! Load reading not possible.\n${CClear}" echo -e "$(date) - VPNMON-R2 ----------> ERROR: Unable to reach PerfectPrivacy API! Load reading is not possible." >> $LOGFILE break fi done printf "\r" LOAD_END_TIME=$(date +%s) LOAD_ELAPSED_TIME=$(( LOAD_END_TIME - LOAD_START_TIME )) fi if [ $AirVPNSuperRandom -eq 1 ] || [ $UseAirVPN -eq 1 ] then # Get the AirVPN server load - thanks to @JackYaz for letting me borrow his code from VPNMGR to accomplish this! ;) LOAD_START_TIME=$(date +%s) printf "\r${InvYellow} ${CClear}${CYellow} [Checking AirVPN Server Load]..." AirVPNLOAD3=$(curl --silent --retry 3 --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 6 --retry-delay 1 --retry-all-errors https://airvpn.org/api/status/ | jq --raw-output '.servers[] | select(.ip_v4_in3=="'"$VPNIP"'").currentload' 2>&1) AirVPNLOAD4=$(curl --silent --retry 3 --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 6 --retry-delay 1 --retry-all-errors https://airvpn.org/api/status/ | jq --raw-output '.servers[] | select(.ip_v4_in4=="'"$VPNIP"'").currentload' 2>&1) if [ ! -z "$AirVPNLOAD3" ]; then VPNLOAD=$AirVPNLOAD3 elif [ ! -z "$AirVPNLOAD4" ]; then VPNLOAD=$AirVPNLOAD4 else VPNLOAD=0 fi sleep 1 printf "\r" LOAD_END_TIME=$(date +%s) LOAD_ELAPSED_TIME=$(( LOAD_END_TIME - LOAD_START_TIME )) fi if [ -z "$VPNLOAD" ]; then VPNLOAD=0; fi # On that rare occasion where it's unable to get the NordVPN/SurfShark/PerfectPrivacy/AirVPN load, assign 0 # Display some of the NordVPN/SurfShark/PerfectPrivacy/AirVPN specific stats if [ $NordVPNSuperRandom -eq 1 ] || [ $UseNordVPN -eq 1 ] || [ $SurfSharkSuperRandom -eq 1 ] || [ $UseSurfShark -eq 1 ] || [ $PPSuperRandom -eq 1 ] || [ $UsePP -eq 1 ] || [ $AirVPNSuperRandom -eq 1 ] || [ $UseAirVPN -eq 1 ] then echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CGreen} Ping Lo:${CWhite}${InvGreen}$PINGLOW${CClear}${CGreen} Hi:${CWhite}${InvRed}$PINGHIGH${CClear}${CGreen} ms | Load: ${CWhite}${InvDkGray} $VPNLOAD% ${CClear}${CGreen} | Cfg: ${CWhite}${InvDkGray}$RANDOMMETHOD${CClear}" # Display the high/low ping times, and for non-NordVPN/SurfShark/PerfectPrivacy/AirVPN customers, whether Skynet update is enabled. elif [ $UpdateSkynet -eq 0 ] then echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CGreen} Ping Lo:${CWhite}${InvGreen}$PINGLOW${CClear}${CGreen} Hi:${CWhite}${InvRed}$PINGHIGH${CClear}${CGreen} ms | Cfg: ${CWhite}${InvDkGray}$RANDOMMETHOD${CClear}" else echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CGreen} Ping Lo:${CWhite}${InvGreen}$PINGLOW${CClear}${CGreen} Hi:${CWhite}${InvRed}$PINGHIGH${CClear}${CGreen} ms | Skynet: ${CWhite}${InvDkGray}[Y]${CClear}${CGreen} | Cfg: ${CWhite}${InvDkGray}$RANDOMMETHOD${CClear}" fi # Display some general OpenVPN connection specific Stats vpncrypto=$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get vpn_client"$CURRCLNT"_crypt) vpndigest=$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get vpn_client"$CURRCLNT"_digest) vpnport=$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get vpn_client"$CURRCLNT"_port) vpnproto=$($timeoutcmd$timeoutsec nvram get vpn_client"$CURRCLNT"_proto) # Display row of stats re: crypto, proto, port and authdigest if [ -z "$vpncrypto" ]; then vpncrypto=""; elif [ "$vpncrypto" == "tcp-client" ]; then vpncrypto="tcp"; fi echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CGreen} Proto: ${CWhite}${InvDkGray}$vpnproto${CClear}${CGreen} | Port: ${CWhite}${InvDkGray}$vpnport${CClear}${CGreen} | Crypto: ${CWhite}${InvDkGray}$vpncrypto${CClear}${CGreen} | AuthDigest: ${CWhite}${InvDkGray}$vpndigest${CClear}" # Display row of stats re: method, chances, ping retries + min ping before reset if [ $USELOWESTSLOT == "0" ]; then echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CGreen} Method: ${CWhite}${InvDkGray}Random${CClear}${CGreen} | ${CDkGray}Chances: $PINGCHANCES${CClear}${CGreen} | PING > ${CWhite}${InvDkGray}${TRIES}x${CClear}${CGreen} | Reset > ${CWhite}${InvDkGray}$MINPING${CClear}${CGreen} ms${CClear}" elif [ $USELOWESTSLOT == "1" ]; then echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CGreen} Method: ${CWhite}${InvDkGray}Lowest PING${CClear}${CGreen} | Chances: ${CWhite}${InvDkGray}$PINGCHANCES${CClear}${CGreen} | PING > ${CWhite}${InvDkGray}${TRIES}x${CClear}${CGreen} | Reset > ${CWhite}${InvDkGray}$MINPING${CClear}${CGreen} ms${CClear}" elif [ $USELOWESTSLOT == "2" ]; then echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CGreen} Method: ${CWhite}${InvDkGray}Round Robin${CClear}${CGreen} | ${CDkGray}Chances: $PINGCHANCES${CClear}${CGreen} | PING > ${CWhite}${InvDkGray}${TRIES}x${CClear}${CGreen} | Reset > ${CWhite}${InvDkGray}$MINPING${CClear}${CGreen} ms${CClear}" fi # Grab total bytes VPN Traffic Measurement txrxbytes=$(awk -F',' '1 == /TUN\/TAP read bytes/ {print $2} 1 == /TUN\/TAP write bytes/ {print $2}' /tmp/etc/openvpn/client$CURRCLNT/status 2>/dev/null) rxbytes="$(echo $txrxbytes | cut -d' ' -f1)" txbytes="$(echo $txrxbytes | cut -d' ' -f2)" # Assign the latest RX and TX bytes to the new counter newrxbytes=$rxbytes newtxbytes=$txbytes # Calculations to find the difference between old and new total bytes send/received and divided to give Megabits diffrxbytes=$(awk -v new=$newrxbytes -v old=$oldrxbytes -v mb=125000 'BEGIN{printf "%.4f\n", (new-old)/mb}') difftxbytes=$(awk -v new=$newtxbytes -v old=$oldtxbytes -v mb=125000 'BEGIN{printf "%.4f\n", (new-old)/mb}') # Modify the amount of time for the calculation to be the Interval + VPN Server Load check + VPN/WAN Ping checks + WAN connectivity check INTERVALTIMEMOD=$(($INTERVAL + $LOAD_ELAPSED_TIME + $VW_ELAPSED_TIME + $WAN_ELAPSED_TIME)) # Results are further divided by the timer/interval to give Megabits/sec rxmbrate=$(awk -v rb=$diffrxbytes -v intv=$INTERVALTIMEMOD 'BEGIN{printf "%0.2f\n", rb/intv}') txmbrate=$(awk -v tb=$difftxbytes -v intv=$INTERVALTIMEMOD 'BEGIN{printf "%0.2f\n", tb/intv}') # Total bytes sent/received are divided to give total TX/RX Gigabytes rxgbytes=$(awk -v rx=$rxbytes -v gb=1073741824 'BEGIN{printf "%0.2f\n", rx/gb}') txgbytes=$(awk -v tx=$txbytes -v gb=1073741824 'BEGIN{printf "%0.2f\n", tx/gb}') # If stats are just fresh due to a start or reset, then wait until stats are there to display # NOTE: after extensive testing, it seems that the RX and TX values are reversed in the OpenVPN status file, so I am reversing these below # NOTE2: This is by design... not a clumsy coding mistake! :) if [ "$oldrxbytes" == "0" ] || [ "$oldtxbytes" == "0" ] then # Still gathering stats echo -e "${InvYellow} ${CClear}${CYellow} [Gathering VPN RX and TX Stats]... ${CGreen}| Ttl RX:${CWhite}${InvDkGray}$txgbytes GB${CClear} ${CGreen}TX:${CWhite}${InvDkGray}$rxgbytes GB${CClear}" else # Display current avg rx/tx rates and total rx/tx bytes for active VPN tunnel. echo -e "${InvGreen} ${CClear}${CGreen} Avg RX:${CWhite}${InvDkGray}$txmbrate Mbps${CClear}${CGreen} TX:${CWhite}${InvDkGray}$rxmbrate Mbps${CClear}${CGreen} | Ttl RX:${CWhite}${InvDkGray}$txgbytes GB${CClear} ${CGreen}TX:${CWhite}${InvDkGray}$rxgbytes GB${CClear}" fi #VPN Traffic Measurement assignment of newest bytes to old counter before timer kicks off again oldrxbytes=$newrxbytes oldtxbytes=$newtxbytes else sleep 2 # Check for external commandline activity lockcheck fi resetcheck # Check for all major reset scenarios # Provide a progressbar to show script activity if [ "$SKIPPROGRESS" == "0" ]; then echo "" i=0 while [ $i -le $INTERVAL ] do preparebar 51 "|" progressbar $i $INTERVAL #sleep 1 i=$(($i+1)) lockcheck # check to see if a lockfile is present from a commandline process done fi SKIPPROGRESS=0 # VPN Traffic Measurement after timer txrxbytes=$(awk -v var3="$rxbytes" -v var4="$txbytes" -F',' '1 == /TUN\/TAP read bytes/ {print $2} 1 == /TUN\/TAP write bytes/ {print $2}' /tmp/etc/openvpn/client$CURRCLNT/status 2>/dev/null) rxbytes="$(echo $txrxbytes | cut -d' ' -f1)" txbytes="$(echo $txrxbytes | cut -d' ' -f2)" newrxbytes=$rxbytes newtxbytes=$txbytes #read -rsp $'Press any key to continue...\n' -n1 key #Reset Variables STATUS=0 VPNCLCNT=0 CNT=0 AVGPING=0 state1=0 state2=0 state3=0 state4=0 state5=0 done echo -e "${CClear}" exit 0 #} #2>&1 | tee $LOG | logger -t $(basename $0)[$$] # uncomment/comment to enable/disable debug mode