# Vigie Config Example # https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Vincoll/vigie/master/examples/vigie.toml apiversion = 0.5 ########################### # Host ########################### [host] # Information about the host. # This will help you to indentified this Vigie # Vigie Name # Default : Resolve hostname # Format : string name = "" # Vigie URL # Needed to add alert link to this Vigie # Default : Resolve hostname # Format : Complete URL eg (https://fqdn) url = "" # Host Tags # List of key value descriptor for this Vigie # Default : Empty # Format : string = "string [host.tags] # key1 = "val1" ########################### # Import ########################### [import] # Import test # Import frequency of new tests # Default : 0 # Format : duration string from rfc3339 frequency = "20s" [import.git] # Import Tests and Variables from a Git Repo # Vigie will clone this repo, then import it as usual # by adding the destination in [testfiles].included # Git clone is without the repo parent name folder # Enable the clone # Default : false # Format : bool clone = true # Repo link # Default : "" # Format : "https://domain.tld/repo" repo = "https://github.com/Vincoll/vigie-demo-test" # Destination path of the cloned repo # Default : "/tmp/vigie" # Format : "string" path = "/tmp/vigie" # Testfiles [import.testfiles] # Paths List of testfiles # Searching for files is done in depth. # Dir path and file path are both valid # Default : [""] # Format ["string", "string", ...] included = ["/tmp/vigie/test/"] # Paths or files to exclude (can be contained in included path) # Default : [""] # Format ["string", "string", ...] excluded = [""] ########################### # Variables ########################### [import.variables] [variables] # Paths List of variables files # Searching for files is done in depth. # Dir path and file path are both valid # Default : [""] # Format ["string", "string", ...] included = ["/tmp/vigie/var/"] ########################### # API config ########################### [api] # Activate the API # Default : true # Format : bool enable = true # API exposed port # Default : 80 # Format : int port = 6680 ########################### # Log config ########################### [log] # Activate the log through stdout # Default : true # Format : bool stdout = true # Log into a file # Default : false # Format : bool logfile = false # Log level # Default : info # Valid values : "info","warn","error",debug,"trace" level = "info" # File to write logs into # Default : "" # Format : string filePath = "/tmp/vigie.log" ########################### # InfluxDB config ########################### [influxdb] # Activate the write to influxDB # Default : false # Format : bool enable = false # Address of influxDB # Default : "" # Format : "http://fqdn:port" addr = "http://influxdb:8086" # InfluxDB user # Default : "" # Format : string user = "user" # InfluxDB user password # Default : "" # Format : string password = "user" # InfluxDB database # Default : "" # Format : string database = "vigie" ########################### # Warp10 config ########################### [warp10] # Activate the write to influxDB # Default : false # Format : bool enable = false # Address of warp10 # Default : "" # Format : "http://fqdn:port" addr = "http://warp10:8080" # Warp10 token # Default : "" # Format : string token = "writeToken" # warp10 metric prefix # Default : "" # Format : string prefix = "" ########################### # Alerting config ########################### [alerting] # Activate the built-in alerting of Vigie # Default : false # Format : bool enable = true # Interval at wich new errors are evaluated and trigger a notification (if any changes) # That's means if at T0 Errors are evaluated, and a probe fails at T0 +1s, you will be warn at T0 +10s # with the default interval check. # Default : "10s" # Format : duration string from rfc3339 interval = "3s" # Reminder is an interval that necessarily triggers a notification describing the current state of the X Vigie state. # (Endorse also the function of DeadMenSwitch) # Default : "4h" # Format : duration string from rfc3339 reminder = "4h" [alerting.email] # Recipient ot the alert # Default : "" # Format : "name@domain.tld" to = "" # Emitter of the alert # Default : "" # Format: "name@domain.tld" from = "" # SMTP username # Default : "" # Format: "string" username = "" # SMTP password # Default : "" # Format: "string" password = "" # SMTP fqdn # Default : "" # Format: "string" smtp = "" # SMTP port # Default : 0 # Format: int port = 25 [alerting.discord] # Discord webhook # Default : "" # Format: "https://discordapp.com/api/webhooks/000000000000000/aaaaaazzzzzzz" webhook = "" [alerting.slack] # Slack webhook # Default : "" # Format: "https://hooks.slack.com/services/T00000000/B00000000/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" webhook = "" # Slack channel (optional) Overload the channel defined when creating the webhook. # Default : "" # Format: string channel = ""