# SublimePluginForMIST **syntax high-lighting** and **auto-completion** for `MIST` template file in [Sublime Text 3](http://www.sublimetext.com). # Requirement Sublime Text 3 (>=3092) was required. # Installation #### Package Control 1. Install the [`Package Control`](https://packagecontrol.io/installation). 2. Press `Ctrl` + `Shift` + `P` *(Win, Linux)* or `⌘` + `shift` + `P` *(OS X)* to open the `Command Palette`. 3. Type `install`, and select `Package Control: Install Package` command. 4. Type `MIST`, and select `MIST`. #### Manual Installation 1. Click the `Preferences > Browse Packages…` menu, it will open the `Packages/` folder. 2. `git clone` or download this repository to the `Packages/` folder. # Update #### Package Control 1. Open the `Command Palette`. 2. Type `upgrade`, and select `Package Control: Upgrade Package` command. #### Manual Installation `git pull` or re-download. # Usage Before editing MIST template file, click the `View > Syntax` menu and select `MIST`. For more details, [click here](http://idoc.alipay.net/KB.iOS/MIST_doc/plugin.html).