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De originele TIFF-bestanden van dit werk, in hoogste resolutie en met kleurencode, kunnen worden besteld bij meemoo. Wanneer dit beeld gebruikt wordt voor een gedrukte publicatie of een commercieel product, dan stelt Museum voor Schone Kunsten Gent het op prijs dat 2 exemplaren worden toegestuurd naar Fernand Scribedreef 1, B-9000 Gent.
" ], "en": [ "The original TIFF files of this work, in highest resolution and color-coded, can be ordered from meemoo. If this image is used for a printed publication or a commercial product, Museum of Fine Arts Ghent would appreciate having 2 copies sent to Fernand Scribedreef 1, B-9000 Gent." ] }, "label": { "nl": [ "Bronvermelding" ], "en": [ "Citation" ] } } ] }, { "label": { "en": [ "Vechtende Mannen 1" ], "nl": [ "Vechtende Mannen 1" ] }, "height": 1000, "width": 1000, "type": "Canvas", "items": [ { "type": "AnnotationPage", "items": [ { "type": "Annotation", "body": { "type": "Image", "id": "https://imagehub.vlaamsekunstcollectie.be/iiif/2/public%2F163.tif/full/full/0/default.jpg", "width": 3375, "height": 4500 }, "target": "http://digirati.com/iiif/v3/b1d37f7d-47fe-aade-0f62-064f8fe16115/canvas/ce554a89-7d38-0f11-2367-3e2a8c7c02e8#xywh=0,0,750,1000", "id": "http://digirati.com/iiif/v3/b1d37f7d-47fe-aade-0f62-064f8fe16115/annotation/c813b673-86e2-5ca9-0290-40bcebd04f49", "motivation": "painting" } ], "id": "http://digirati.com/iiif/v3/b1d37f7d-47fe-aade-0f62-064f8fe16115/list/7eb6e3ec-67da-d6d1-5d6c-f5b1e552657b" } ], "id": "http://digirati.com/iiif/v3/b1d37f7d-47fe-aade-0f62-064f8fe16115/canvas/ce554a89-7d38-0f11-2367-3e2a8c7c02e8", "metadata": [ { "value": { "nl": [ "De originele TIFF-bestanden van dit werk, in hoogste resolutie en met kleurencode, kunnen worden besteld bij meemoo. Wanneer dit beeld gebruikt wordt voor een gedrukte publicatie of een commercieel product, dan stelt Museum voor Schone Kunsten Gent het op prijs dat 2 exemplaren worden toegestuurd naar Fernand Scribedreef 1, B-9000 Gent.
" ], "en": [ "The original TIFF files of this work, in highest resolution and color-coded, can be ordered from meemoo. If this image is used for a printed publication or a commercial product, Museum of Fine Arts Ghent would appreciate having 2 copies sent to Fernand Scribedreef 1, B-9000 Gent.
" ] }, "label": { "nl": [ "Bronvermelding" ], "en": [ "Citation" ] } } ] }, { "label": { "en": [ "Vechtende Mannen 2" ], "nl": [ "Vechtende Mannen 2" ] }, "height": 1000, "width": 1000, "type": "Canvas", "items": [ { "type": "AnnotationPage", "items": [ { "type": "Annotation", "body": { "type": "Image", "id": "https://imagehub.vlaamsekunstcollectie.be/iiif/2/public%2F164.tif/full/full/0/default.jpg", "width": 3375, "height": 4500 }, "target": "http://digirati.com/iiif/v3/b1d37f7d-47fe-aade-0f62-064f8fe16115/canvas/5c03d26e-d3e8-fd9f-109a-741d567aab12#xywh=0,0,750,1000", "id": "http://digirati.com/iiif/v3/b1d37f7d-47fe-aade-0f62-064f8fe16115/annotation/dc8e2c3b-8bfc-889d-ca85-49e4445d7e42", "motivation": "painting" } ], "id": "http://digirati.com/iiif/v3/b1d37f7d-47fe-aade-0f62-064f8fe16115/list/c4cbcc6b-27b0-458b-a39d-d83ac1a9d3fe" } ], "id": "http://digirati.com/iiif/v3/b1d37f7d-47fe-aade-0f62-064f8fe16115/canvas/5c03d26e-d3e8-fd9f-109a-741d567aab12", "metadata": [ { "label": { "nl": [ "Bronvermelding" ], "en": [ "Citation" ] }, "value": { "nl": [ "De originele TIFF-bestanden van dit werk, in hoogste resolutie en met kleurencode, kunnen worden besteld bij meemoo. Wanneer dit beeld gebruikt wordt voor een gedrukte publicatie of een commercieel product, dan stelt Museum voor Schone Kunsten Gent het op prijs dat 2 exemplaren worden toegestuurd naar Fernand Scribedreef 1, B-9000 Gent.
" ], "en": [ "The original TIFF files of this work, in highest resolution and color-coded, can be ordered from meemoo. If this image is used for a printed publication or a commercial product, Museum of Fine Arts Ghent would appreciate having 2 copies sent to Fernand Scribedreef 1, B-9000 Gent.
" ] } } ] } ], "id": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/VlaamseKunstcollectie/IIIF-metadata/master/Metadatahandboek/manifest82d3.json", "rights": "http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/", "metadata": [ { "label": { "en": [ "Artist" ], "nl": [ "Kunstenaar" ] }, "value": { "en": [ "George Minne" ], "nl": [ "George Minne" ] } }, { "value": { "en": [ "± 1886" ], "nl": [ "± 1886" ] }, "label": { "en": [ "Date" ], "nl": [ "Datum" ] } }, { "value": { "en": [ "1982-N" ], "nl": [ "1982-N" ] }, "label": { "en": [ "Inventory no." ], "nl": [ "Inventarisnr." ] } }, { "value": { "en": [ "Dominique Provost" ], "nl": [ "Dominique Provost" ] }, "label": { "en": [ "Photographer" ], "nl": [ "Fotograaf" ] } } ], "requiredStatement": { "label": { "en": [ "Collection:" ], "nl": [ "Collectie:" ] }, "value": { "en": [ "Museum of Fine Arts Ghent" ], "nl": [ "Museum voor Schone Kunsten Gent" ] } } }