Chemkin Input and Output

This notebook describes pmutt's functionality to read and write Chemkin files. We will use the NH3 formation mechanism as a case study.

Topics Covered

  • Read species ab-initio data, reactions, and catalyst sites from a spreadsheet
  • Write the thermdat, gas.inp, surf.inp, T_flow.inp, EAg.inp, EAs.inp, tube_mole.inp files

Input Spreadsheet

All the data will be imported from the ./inputs/NH3_Input_Data.xlsx file. There are four sheets:

  1. cat_sites contains catalyst site properties for the adsorbed species
  2. refs contains ab-initio and experimental data for a handful of gas species to calculate references
  3. species contains ab-initio data for each specie
  4. reactions contains elementary steps

First, we change the working directory to the location of the Jupyter notebook.

In [1]:
import os
from pathlib import Path

# Find the location of Jupyter notebook
# Note that normally Python scripts have a __file__ variable but Jupyter notebook doesn't.
# Using pathlib can overcome this limiation
    notebook_path = os.path.dirname(__file__)
except NameError:
    notebook_path = Path().resolve()
excel_path = './inputs/NH3_Input_Data.xlsx'

Below is a helper function to print tables easily.

In [2]:
import pandas as pd
from IPython.display import display

def disp_data(io, sheet_name):
    data = pd.read_excel(io=io, sheet_name=sheet_name, skiprows=[1])
    data = data.fillna(' ')

Catalytic Sites

In [3]:
disp_data(io=excel_path, sheet_name='cat_sites')
name site_density density bulk_specie
0 RU0001 2.167100e-09 12.2 RU(B)


In [4]:
disp_data(io=excel_path, sheet_name='refs')
name elements.N elements.H elements.RU T_ref HoRT_ref potentialenergy symmetrynumber statmech_model atoms vib_wavenumber vib_wavenumber.1 vib_wavenumber.2 vib_wavenumber.3
0 N2 2 0 0 298.15 0.000000 -16.63 2 IdealGas ./N2/CONTCAR 2744
1 NH3 1 3 0 298.15 -18.380253 -19.54 3 IdealGas ./NH3/CONTCAR 3534 3464 1765 1139
2 H2 0 2 0 298.15 0.000000 -6.77 2 IdealGas ./H2/CONTCAR 4342
3 Ru 0 0 1 298.15 0.000000 Placeholder


In [5]:
disp_data(io=excel_path, sheet_name='species')
name elements.N elements.H elements.RU phase statmech_model symmetrynumber atoms potentialenergy vib_wavenumber ... vib_wavenumber.2 vib_wavenumber.3 vib_wavenumber.4 vib_wavenumber.5 vib_wavenumber.6 vib_wavenumber.7 vib_wavenumber.8 vib_wavenumber.9 vib_wavenumber.10 vib_wavenumber.11
0 N2 2 0 0 G IdealGas 2 ./N2/CONTCAR -16.63 2744 ...
1 NH3 1 3 0 G IdealGas 3 ./NH3/CONTCAR -19.54 3534 ... 1765 1139
2 H2 0 2 0 G IdealGas 2 ./H2/CONTCAR -6.77 4342 ...
3 N2(S) 2 0 0 S Harmonic -17.24 2197.19 ... 347.343 335.674 62.076 32.1794
4 N(S) 1 0 0 S Harmonic -9.34 549.105 ... 504.323 475.805 459.081 410.018
5 H(S) 0 1 0 S Harmonic -4 1003.51 ... 616.29
6 NH3(S) 1 3 0 S Harmonic -20.43 3491.09 ... 3364.52 1583.52 1582.07 1124.22 570.212 567.221 333.09 122.859 83.8286 70.6251
7 NH2(S) 1 2 0 S Harmonic -16.59 3469.3 ... 1503.02 698.869 625.596 615.94 475.13 298.12 153.25
8 NH(S) 1 1 0 S Harmonic -13.21 3403.13 ... 710.581 528.526 415.196 410.131
9 TS1_NH3(S) 1 3 0 S Harmonic -19.24 3453.41 ... 1723.85 1487.95 959.151 888.946 594.089 428.431 227.032 206.047 142.136
10 TS2_NH2(S) 1 2 0 S Harmonic -15.87 3426.44 ... 922.831 660.967 525.595 496.837 330.674 290.278
11 TS3_NH(S) 1 1 0 S Harmonic -11.93 1201.6 ... 462.016 402.159 242.139
12 TS4_N2(S) 2 0 0 S Harmonic -14.67 485.614 ... 386.186 280.943 168.431
13 RU(S) 0 0 1 S Placeholder ...
14 RU(B) 0 0 1 S Placeholder ...

15 rows × 21 columns


In [6]:
disp_data(io=excel_path, sheet_name='reactions')
reaction_str is_adsorption
0 H2 + 2RU(S) = 2H(S) + 2RU(B) True
1 N2 + RU(S) = N2(S) + RU(B) True
2 NH3 + RU(S) = NH3(S) + RU(B) True
3 NH3(S) + RU(S)= TS1_NH3(S) = NH2(S) + H(S) + R... False
4 NH2(S) + RU(S) = TS2_NH2(S) = NH(S) + H(S) + ... False
5 NH(S) + RU(S) = TS3_NH(S) = N(S) + H(S) + R... False
6 2N(S) + RU(B) = TS4_N2(S) = N2(S) + RU(S) False

Reading data

Before we can initialize our species, we need the catalytic sites and the references.

Reading Catalytic Sites

In [7]:
import os
from pprint import pprint
from pathlib import Path
from import read_excel
from pmutt.chemkin import CatSite

cat_site_data = read_excel(io=excel_path, sheet_name='cat_sites')[0]
cat_site = CatSite(**cat_site_data)

# Print the properties of the catalyst site
{'bulk_specie': 'RU(B)',
 'class': "<class 'pmutt.chemkin.CatSite'>",
 'density': 12.2,
 'name': 'RU0001',
 'site_density': 2.1671e-09}

Reading reference species

In [8]:
from pmutt.empirical.references import Reference, References

references_data = read_excel(io=excel_path, sheet_name='refs')

# Convert data to Reference objects and put them in a list
refs_list = [Reference(**ref_data) for ref_data in references_data]

# Assign the Reference objects to a References object so offsets can be calculated
refs = References(references=refs_list)

# Print out the offsets calculated
{'H': -129.34222830159834, 'N': -320.10077207763885, 'RU': 0.0}

Reading species

In [9]:
from pmutt.empirical.nasa import Nasa

# Range of data to fit the Nasa polynomials
T_low = 298. # K
T_high = 800. # K

species_data = read_excel(io=excel_path, sheet_name='species')
species = []
for specie_data in species_data:
    specie = Nasa.from_model(T_low=T_low, T_high=T_high, references=refs, **specie_data)
    # If the species is a surface species, assign the catalyst site specified above
    if specie.phase.lower() == 's':
        specie.cat_site = cat_site
        specie.n_sites = 1

The warning above is typical when empirical objects are fitting to StatMech objects with the placeholder preset.

Reading reactions

In [10]:
from pmutt import pmutt_list_to_dict
from pmutt.reaction import ChemkinReaction, Reactions

# Convert list of Nasa polynomials to dictionary of Nasa polynomials
species_dict = pmutt_list_to_dict(species)

reactions_data = read_excel(io=excel_path, sheet_name='reactions')
reactions_list = []
for reaction_data in reactions_data:
    reaction = ChemkinReaction.from_string(species=species_dict, **reaction_data)
reactions = Reactions(reactions=reactions_list)

Writing Chemkin files

Now that we have all the required objects, we can write the output files. All outputs can be found in the ./outputs folder.

Writing thermdat

In [11]:
from import write_thermdat

write_thermdat(filename='./outputs/thermdat', nasa_species=species)

The thermdat file can be return as a string by omitting filename.

In [12]:
thermdat_str = write_thermdat(nasa_species=species)
       100       500      1500
N2              20200702N   2               G298.0     800.0     523.4         1
 3.75207309E+00-1.30159027E-03 1.83848785E-06-1.17413430E-10-3.65391117E-13    2
-1.67466046E+02 2.02487235E+00 3.41792195E+00 8.91688129E-04-3.46864753E-06    3
 5.44691795E-09-2.46804017E-12-1.27218598E+02 3.46925446E+00                   4
NH3             20200702N   1H   3          G298.0     800.0     533.6         1
 3.29427463E+00 2.57481517E-03 5.20883059E-07-1.00678313E-09 3.59356180E-13    2
-8.39739729E+03 3.59518179E+00 4.57124680E+00-6.89724277E-03 2.70972941E-05    3
-3.44331645E-08 1.62568430E-11-8.53630392E+03-1.78236482E+00                   4
H2              20200702H   2               G298.0     800.0     574.6         1
 3.37903251E+00 7.92301907E-04-1.88662952E-06 1.85974220E-09-5.68447254E-13    2
 1.70231785E+03-3.75384878E+00 3.50717925E+00-8.50397135E-05 3.79570576E-07    3
-7.57943298E-10 5.72423558E-13 1.68725521E+03-4.30359616E+00                   4
N2(S)           20200702N   2               S298.0     800.0     482.4         1
 3.42605836E+00 5.03710708E-03-6.92689694E-06 6.03246113E-09-2.18862675E-12    2
-7.10908593E+03-1.39234158E+01 4.40553502E-01 2.97759950E-02-8.47698148E-05    3
 1.16195177E-07-6.12938589E-11-6.81713036E+03-1.67535850E+00                   4
N(S)            20200702N   1               S298.0     800.0     502.9         1
-8.29107669E-01 2.64469843E-02-4.38832016E-05 3.47600781E-08-1.07819310E-11    2
-1.10025322E+04 5.84860624E-01-5.23174593E+00 6.11537184E-02-1.47762309E-04    3
 1.74618161E-07-8.21997526E-11-1.05501788E+04 1.88655390E+01                   4
H(S)            20200702H   1               S298.0     800.0     461.9         1
-2.11302416E+00 1.72572991E-02-2.60046478E-05 1.92388088E-08-5.68363784E-12    2
-6.07714366E+03 8.35375655E+00-1.41307531E+00 1.00687718E-02 1.09758988E-06    3
-2.55216914E-08 2.17566538E-11-6.12991563E+03 5.64663049E+00                   4
NH3(S)          20200702N   1H   3          S298.0     800.0     461.9         1
 1.58312977E+00 1.57753291E-02-1.71587153E-05 1.15414255E-08-3.21958978E-12    2
-1.42567384E+04-6.35076167E+00 1.16759533E+00 2.05732170E-02-3.66958772E-05    3
 4.56112325E-08-2.49628744E-11-1.42311185E+04-4.80504278E+00                   4
NH2(S)          20200702N   1H   2          S298.0     800.0     523.4         1
-6.86530719E-01 2.43298826E-02-3.68705157E-05 2.88483783E-08-8.86963660E-12    2
-1.19475373E+04 1.03191178E+00-2.56305506E+00 3.84726874E-02-7.73503504E-05    3
 8.09903199E-08-3.43595838E-11-1.17458655E+04 8.90806366E+00                   4
NH(S)           20200702N   1H   1          S298.0     800.0     543.9         1
-1.33660645E+00 2.33106600E-02-3.77180253E-05 2.97486446E-08-9.12157176E-12    2
-1.48903410E+04 3.58875263E+00-3.73687435E+00 4.05226889E-02-8.44226964E-05    3
 8.65932632E-08-3.53036247E-11-1.46202196E+04 1.37781588E+01                   4
TS1_NH3(S)      20200702N   1H   3          S298.0     800.0     451.7         1
 5.21221040E-02 2.11615812E-02-2.49542203E-05 1.66204937E-08-4.59897868E-12    2
-2.50090675E+03-1.43098814E+00 4.96418515E-02 2.15674671E-02-2.75604959E-05    3
 2.23225323E-08-8.79255935E-12-2.50469914E+03-1.46480767E+00                   4
TS2_NH2(S)      20200702N   1H   2          S298.0     800.0     554.1         1
-1.48538501E+00 2.67287608E-02-3.86606417E-05 2.81558194E-08-8.15140597E-12    2
-5.88676392E+03 4.23478570E+00-2.58881424E+00 3.43781302E-02-5.87419101E-05    3
 5.18321984E-08-1.87340797E-11-5.75828326E+03 8.95651588E+00                   4
TS3_NH(S)       20200702N   1H   1          S298.0     800.0     482.4         1
-1.24242592E-01 1.65859456E-02-2.43704704E-05 1.77594067E-08-5.19878424E-12    2
-2.53350782E+03-1.18098922E+00-1.80701218E+00 3.07479132E-02-6.96816870E-05    3
 8.30020912E-08-4.08170225E-11-2.37120889E+03 5.69776360E+00                   4
TS4_N2(S)       20200702N   2               S298.0     800.0     482.4         1
 1.52431744E+00 1.40315985E-02-2.40821843E-05 1.96281604E-08-6.24114074E-12    2
 2.15756709E+04-8.60900953E+00-1.75107618E+00 4.12189598E-02-1.09828935E-04    3
 1.41320046E-07-7.17404084E-11 2.18956564E+04 4.82385770E+00                   4
RU(S)           20200702RU  1               S298.0     800.0     554.1         1
 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00    2
 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00    3
 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00                   4
RU(B)           20200702RU  1               S298.0     800.0     554.1         1
 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00    2
 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00    3
 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00                   4

Writing gas.inp and surf.inp

In [13]:
from import chemkin as ck_io


Note that act_method_name is 'get_G_act'. We use this formalism here since we do not include entropic effects in the preexponential factor.

Similarly to write_thermdat, the gas.inp and surf.inp file can written as a string by omitting the filename. Note there are no gas-phase reactions.

In [14]:
gas_file = ck_io.write_gas(nasa_species=species,
! File generated by pMuTT (v 1.2.21dev) on 2020-07-02 20:55:07.146448
!Elements present in gas and surface species

!Gas-phase species

!Gas-phase reactions. The rate constant expression is:
!k = kb/h * (T)^beta * exp(-Ea/RT)
!Each line has 4 columns:
!- Reaction reactants and products separated by <=>
!- Preexponential factor, kb/h
!- Beta (power to raise T in rate constant expression)
!- Ea (Activation Energy or Gibbs energy of activation in kcal/mol
In [15]:
surf_file = ck_io.write_surf(reactions=reactions,
! File generated by pMuTT (v 1.2.21dev) on 2020-07-02 20:55:07.177427
!Surface species
!Each catalyst site has the following format:
!SITE/[Site name]/      SDEN/[Site density in mol/cm2]/
![Adsorbate Name]/[# of Sites occupied]/ (for every adsorbate)
!BULK [Bulk name]/[Bulk density in g/cm3]
SITE/RU0001/       SDEN/2.16710E-09/


BULK RU(B)/12.2/

!Surface-phase reactions.
!The reaction line has the following format:
!REACTIONS  MW[ON/OFF]   [Ea units]
!where MW stands for Motz-Wise corrections and if the Ea
!units are left blank, then the activation energy should be in cal/mol
!The rate constant expression is:
!k = kb/h/site_den^(n-1) * (T)^beta * exp(-Ea/RT)
!where site_den is the site density and is the number of surface species (including empty sites)
!Each line has 4 columns:
!- Reaction reactants and products separated by =
!- Preexponential factor, kb/h/site_den^(n-1), or 
!  sticking coefficient if adsorption reaction
!- Beta (power to raise T in rate constant expression)
!- Ea (Activation Energy or Gibbs energy of activation in specified units
!Adsorption reactions can be represented using the STICK keyword
H2+2RU(S)=2H(S)+2RU(B)           5.000E-01   1.000E+00   0.000E+00
N2+RU(S)=N2(S)+RU(B)             5.000E-01   1.000E+00   0.000E+00
NH3+RU(S)=NH3(S)+RU(B)           5.000E-01   1.000E+00   0.000E+00
NH3(S)+RU(S)=NH2(S)+H(S)+RU(B)   9.615E+18   1.000E+00   2.429E+01
NH2(S)+RU(S)=NH(S)+H(S)+RU(B)    9.615E+18   1.000E+00   1.217E+01
NH(S)+RU(S)=N(S)+H(S)+RU(B)      9.615E+18   1.000E+00   2.450E+01
2N(S)+RU(B)=N2(S)+RU(S)          9.615E+18   1.000E+00   8.647E+01

Writing T_flow.inp

In [16]:
# Conditions used to write files
T = [300., 400., 500.] # Temperature in K
P = [1., 2., 3.] # Pressure in atm
Q = [10., 20., 30.] # Standard volumetric flow rate in cm3
abyv= [100., 50., 25.] # Catalyst surface area to reactor volume in 1/cm

ck_io.write_T_flow(filename='./outputs/T_flow.inp', T=T, P=P, Q=Q, abyv=abyv)

As shown before, we can return T_flow as a string by omitting the filename.

In [17]:
T_flow_str = ck_io.write_T_flow(T=T, P=P, Q=Q, abyv=abyv)
! File generated by pMuTT (v 1.2.21dev) on 2020-07-02 20:55:07.217922
!Conditions for each reaction run
!Only used when MultiInput in tube.inp is set to "T"
!T[K]      P[atm]     Q[cm3/s]   abyv[cm-1]  Run #
3.000E+02  1.000E+00  1.000E+01  1.000E+02  !1  
4.000E+02  2.000E+00  2.000E+01  5.000E+01  !2  
5.000E+02  3.000E+00  3.000E+01  2.500E+01  !3  

Writing EAg.inp and EAs.inp

In [18]:
# Convert T_flow inputs into list of dictionaries that can be used by write_EA.
# In the future, this will be replaced by a function
conditions = []
for T_i, P_i, Q_i, abyv_i in zip(T, P, Q, abyv):
    condition = {
        'T': T_i,
        'P': P_i,
        'Q': Q_i,
        'abyv': abyv}


Reminder that we use act_method_name as 'get_GoRT_act' for the reason described above.

In [19]:
EAg_file = ck_io.write_EA(reactions=reactions,
! File generated by pMuTT (v 1.2.21dev) on 2020-07-02 20:55:07.278920
!The first line is the number of reactions. Subsequent lines follow the format
!of rxn (from surf.out) followed by the EA/RT value at each run condition.
!There may be one slight deviation from surf.out: any repeated species should
!be included in the reaction string with a stoichiometric coefficient equal to
!the number of times the species appears in the reaction. If not using
!MultiInput, then only the first value is used.
  7  !Number of reactions
!                                           1          2          3
H2+2RU(S)<=>2H(S)+2RU(B)             0.00E+00   0.00E+00   0.00E+00
N2+RU(S)<=>N2(S)+RU(B)               0.00E+00   0.00E+00   0.00E+00
NH3+RU(S)<=>NH3(S)+RU(B)             0.00E+00   0.00E+00   0.00E+00
NH3(S)+RU(S)<=>NH2(S)+H(S)+RU(B)     4.08E+01   3.12E+01   2.55E+01
NH2(S)+RU(S)<=>NH(S)+H(S)+RU(B)      2.04E+01   1.55E+01   1.26E+01
NH(S)+RU(S)<=>N(S)+H(S)+RU(B)        4.11E+01   3.07E+01   2.44E+01
2N(S)+RU(B)<=>N2(S)+RU(S)            1.45E+02   1.09E+02   8.79E+01
In [20]:
EAs_file = ck_io.write_EA(reactions=reactions,
! File generated by pMuTT (v 1.2.21dev) on 2020-07-02 20:55:07.329254
!The first line is the number of reactions. Subsequent lines follow the format
!of rxn (from surf.out) followed by the EA/RT value at each run condition.
!There may be one slight deviation from surf.out: any repeated species should
!be included in the reaction string with a stoichiometric coefficient equal to
!the number of times the species appears in the reaction. If not using
!MultiInput, then only the first value is used.
  0  !Number of reactions
!           1          2          3

Writing tube_mole.inp

In [21]:
import numpy as np

# Generating a list of conditions to input
mole_frac_conditions = []
for x_N2 in np.linspace(0., 0.25, 3):
    x_H2 = x_N2*3.
    x_NH3 = 1. - x_N2 - x_H2
    mole_fractions = {'N2': x_N2, 'H2': x_H2, 'NH3': x_NH3, 'RU(S)': 1.}
# Write the tube_mole.inp file

Below is the output of the function.

In [22]:
tube_mole_str = ck_io.write_tube_mole(mole_frac_conditions=mole_frac_conditions, 
! File generated by pMuTT (v 1.2.21dev) on 2020-07-02 20:55:07.376300
!Specify the 'species/phase/' pair /(in quotes!)/ and the associated
!composition values. If the composition does not sum to 1 for each phase or
!site type, it will be renormalized to 1. At the end of a calculation, a
!file containing the complete composition and mass flux (the last entry) will
!be generated. This file's format is completely compatible with the current
!input file and can be used to restart that calculation.
0       itube_restart -- will be >0 if a restart file is used or 0 for the first run
4      Number of nonzero species
!                       1       2       3
'N2/GAS/'           0.000   0.125   0.250
'NH3/GAS/'          1.000   0.500   0.000
'H2/GAS/'           0.000   0.375   0.750
'RU(S)/RU0001/'     1.000   1.000   1.000