
In this example, we will initialize a reaction that represents the formation of water from its elements (i.e. H2 + 0.5O2 -> H2O) and calculate reaction properties. Note that in this example, we will make arbitrary transition state species and BEP relationships so the values calculated are not representative of real-world reactions.

Topics Covered

  • Read a thermdat file and convert it to a dictionary of Nasa objects
  • Initialize a Reaction object manually and from strings
  • Add a BEP relationship to a Reaction object
  • Calculate thermodynamic and kinetic properties using the Reaction object
  • Save the Reaction object as a JSON file

Files Required

  • thermdat Thermdat file used to initialize Nasa species

Initialize Species Used For Reaction

First, we need to describe our species as pMuTT objects. For this example, we will be importing the thermdat from the combustion database by Berkeley. We will store the species in a dictionary for code clarity later on.

In [1]:
from pprint import pprint
from import read_thermdat
from pmutt import pmutt_list_to_dict

# The output will be a list
species_list = read_thermdat(filename='thermdat')

# This function converts the list to a dict for easier usage downstream
species_dict = pmutt_list_to_dict(pmutt_list=species_list, key='name')

# (Optional) Print the species_dict to see what's in it
{'H2': <pmutt.empirical.nasa.Nasa object at 0x000001DCF1B09FC8>,
 'H2O': <pmutt.empirical.nasa.Nasa object at 0x000001DCF1B09F48>,
 'O2': <pmutt.empirical.nasa.Nasa object at 0x000001DCF1B09E08>}

To calculate transition state properties, we will need to represent the transition state species as a pMuTT object. For this example, we will create a new Nasa object based on the H2O entry but modify the a6 parameter arbitrarily to give it a higher enthalpy.

In [2]:
from copy import deepcopy

# Make a copy so we don't edit the original H2O
H2O_TS = deepcopy(species_dict['H2O'])

# Change name to differentiate it = 'H2O_TS'

# Increase the H/RT value
H2O_TS.a_low[5] += 50.
H2O_TS.a_high[5] += 50.

# Add it to the dictionary
species_dict['H2O_TS'] = H2O_TS

# (Optional) Print the new dictionary to see the new entry
{'H2': <pmutt.empirical.nasa.Nasa object at 0x000001DCF1B09FC8>,
 'H2O': <pmutt.empirical.nasa.Nasa object at 0x000001DCF1B09F48>,
 'H2O_TS': <pmutt.empirical.nasa.Nasa object at 0x000001DCF1B1A248>,
 'O2': <pmutt.empirical.nasa.Nasa object at 0x000001DCF1B09E08>}

Initialize Reaction Manually

Let us initialize the reaction manually. You will have to feed the reactants, transition states, products and their stoichiometries.

In [3]:
from pmutt.reaction import Reaction

rxn = Reaction(reactants=[species_dict['H2'], species_dict['O2']], reactants_stoich=[1., 0.5],
               products =[species_dict['H2O']], products_stoich=[1.],
               transition_state=species_dict['H2O_TS'], transition_state_stoich=[1.])
# (Optional) Converting a Reaction object to a string will give its stoichiometric formula
print('Creating Reaction object manually: {}'.format(rxn))
Creating Reaction object manually: H2+0.50O2=H2O_TS=H2O

Initialize Reaction Using Strings

Initializing manually is cumbersome and prone to error. Instead, we can use .from_string() to initialize the reaction more easily.

In [4]:
rxn = Reaction.from_string(reaction_str='H2 + 0.5O2 = H2O_TS = H2O', species=species_dict)

# See that you get the same stoichiometry as before
print('Creating Reaction object using default string notation: {}'.format(rxn))

# You can specify the notation for the reaction!
rxn = Reaction.from_string(reaction_str='H2 ++ 0.5O2 --> H2O_TS --> H2O', 
# When reprinting it, it will converts it to the standard notation
print('Creating Reaction object using custom string notation: {}'.format(rxn))
Creating Reaction object using default string notation: H2+0.50O2=H2O_TS=H2O
Creating Reaction object using custom string notation: H2+0.50O2=H2O_TS=H2O

Calculate Thermodynamic Reaction Properties

With the reaction object specified, we can now calculate reaction properties. Let us calculate the standard formation enthalpy and standard entropy.

In [5]:
from pmutt import constants as c

T = 298.
dH_298 = rxn.get_delta_H(T=T, units='kJ/mol')
dS_298 = rxn.get_delta_S(T=T, units='J/mol/K')

print('Calculated using Reaction object:')
print('Delta H: {} kJ/mol'.format(dH_298))
print('Delta S: {} J/mol/K'.format(dS_298))
print('Expected result from NIST:')
print('Delta H: -241.826 kJ/mol')
print('Delta S: {} J/mol/K'.format(188.84-130.68-0.5*205.152))
Calculated using Reaction object:
Delta H: -241.82304908408534 kJ/mol
Delta S: -44.42136350776074 J/mol/K

Expected result from NIST:
Delta H: -241.826 kJ/mol
Delta S: -44.416 J/mol/K

A Reaction object can only calculate properties its reactants, transition state, and products can calculate. In this example, we represented our species as Nasa objects so we can only calculate change in heat capacity (ΔCp), enthalpy (ΔH), entropy (ΔS), and Gibbs energy (ΔG).

If you used StatMech objects instead of Nasa objects, you can calculate a wider variety of properties.

Calculate Kinetic Reaction Properties

Since we added a transition state to the Reaction object, we can calculate kinetic properties such as the activation energy (Ea) and the pre-exponential factor (A). Since we arbitrarily made a transition state species, take the printed value with a grain of salt

In [6]:
# Forward direction properties (i.e. reactants to transition state)
H_TS = rxn.get_delta_H(T=T, activation=True, units='kJ/mol')
Ea = rxn.get_E_act(T=T, units='kJ/mol')
A = rxn.get_A(T=T)

# Take these values with a grain of salt since we arbitrarily 
# specified our transition state
print('Forward properties')
print('Enthalpy of activation: {:.2f} kJ/mol'.format(H_TS))
print('Activation Energy: {:.2f} kJ/mol'.format(Ea))
print('Pre-exponential factor: {:.3e} 1/s'.format(A))
# Reverse direction properties (i.e. products to transition state)
H_TS_rev = rxn.get_delta_H(T=T, activation=True, rev=True, units='kJ/mol')
Ea_rev = rxn.get_E_act(T=T, rev=True, units='kJ/mol')
A_rev = rxn.get_A(T=T, rev=True)

print('Reverse properties')
print('Enthalpy of activation: {:.2f} kJ/mol'.format(H_TS_rev))
print('Activation Energy: {:.2f} kJ/mol'.format(Ea_rev))
print('Pre-exponential factor: {:.3e} 1/s'.format(A_rev))
Forward properties
Enthalpy of activation: -241.82 kJ/mol
Activation Energy: -241.41 kJ/mol
Pre-exponential factor: 2.970e+10 1/s

Reverse properties
Enthalpy of activation: 241.82 kJ/mol
Activation Energy: 0.42 kJ/mol
Pre-exponential factor: 6.209e+12 1/s

Calculating Activation Energy Using BEP Relationships

A BEP object can be used instead of a transition state species to calculate activation energies. Again, we will arbitrarily create a BEP relationship.

In [7]:
from pmutt.reaction.bep import BEP

species_dict['BEP'] = BEP(name='BEP', slope=0.2, intercept=100., descriptor='delta_H')
rxn = Reaction.from_string(reaction_str='H2 + 0.5O2 = BEP = H2O', species=species_dict)
Ea_BEP = rxn.get_E_act(T=T, units='kJ/mol')

print('BEP: {:.2f} kJ/mol'.format(Ea_BEP))
BEP: 370.04 kJ/mol

Saving and Loading our Reaction as JSON

Similarly to pMuTT objects, Reaction objects can be saved to and read from JSON format.

In [8]:
import json
from import pmuttEncoder, json_to_pmutt

# Saving
with open('reaction.json', 'w') as f_ptr:
    json.dump(rxn, f_ptr, cls=pmuttEncoder, indent=True)
# Loading
with open('reaction.json', 'r') as f_ptr:
    rxn_io = json.load(f_ptr, object_hook=json_to_pmutt)

# (Optional) Print your rxn to show it was loaded correctly
dH_298_io = rxn_io.get_delta_H(T=T, units='kJ/mol')
Ea_io = rxn_io.get_E_act(T=T, units='kJ/mol')

print('Delta H: {:.2f} kJ/mol'.format(dH_298_io))
print('Activation Energy: {:.2f} kJ/mol'.format(Ea_io))
Delta H: -241.82 kJ/mol
Activation Energy: 370.04 kJ/mol

Here is the resulting JSON file.

 "class": "<class 'pmutt.reaction.Reaction'>",
 "reactants": [
   "class": "<class 'pmutt.empirical.nasa.Nasa'>",
   "type": "nasa",
   "name": "H2",
   "phase": "G",
   "elements": {
    "H": 2
   "notes": "TPIS78",
   "smiles": null,
   "model": null,
   "misc_models": [
     "class": "<class 'pmutt.empirical.GasPressureAdj'>"
   "a_low": [
   "a_high": [
   "T_low": 200.0,
   "T_mid": 1000.0,
   "T_high": 3500.0,
   "cat_site": null,
   "n_sites": null
   "class": "<class 'pmutt.empirical.nasa.Nasa'>",
   "type": "nasa",
   "name": "O2",
   "phase": "G",
   "elements": {
    "O": 2
   "notes": "TPIS89",
   "smiles": null,
   "model": null,
   "misc_models": [
     "class": "<class 'pmutt.empirical.GasPressureAdj'>"
   "a_low": [
   "a_high": [
   "T_low": 200.0,
   "T_mid": 1000.0,
   "T_high": 3500.0,
   "cat_site": null,
   "n_sites": null
 "reactants_stoich": [
 "products": [
   "class": "<class 'pmutt.empirical.nasa.Nasa'>",
   "type": "nasa",
   "name": "H2O",
   "phase": "G",
   "elements": {
    "H": 2,
    "O": 1
   "notes": "L 8/89",
   "smiles": null,
   "model": null,
   "misc_models": [
     "class": "<class 'pmutt.empirical.GasPressureAdj'>"
   "a_low": [
   "a_high": [
   "T_low": 200.0,
   "T_mid": 1000.0,
   "T_high": 3500.0,
   "cat_site": null,
   "n_sites": null
 "products_stoich": [
 "transition_state": [
   "class": "<class 'pmutt.reaction.bep.BEP'>",
   "name": "BEP",
   "slope": 0.2,
   "intercept": 100.0,
   "descriptor": "delta_H",
   "notes": null
 "transition_state_stoich": [

Plotting Reaction Coordinate Diagrams

The pmutt.reaction.Reactions.plot_coordinate_diagram allows users to plot reaction coordinate diagrams in a semi-automated way. For this example, we will use the synthesis of NH3 on Ru. The thermdat file was taken from the NH3 MATLAB Microkinetic Model available on Github.

In [9]:
import os
from pathlib import Path
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from pmutt import pmutt_list_to_dict
from pmutt.reaction import Reaction, Reactions
from import read_thermdat

# Find the location of Jupyter notebook
# Note that normally Python scripts have a __file__ variable but Jupyter notebook doesn't.
# Using pathlib can overcome this limiation
notebook_folder = Path().resolve()

'''Read the thermdat file and convert it to a dictionary'''
NH3_species_list = read_thermdat(os.path.join(notebook_folder, 'thermdat_NH3'))
NH3_species = pmutt_list_to_dict(NH3_species_list)

'''Initialize the reaction'''
rxns = Reactions(reactions=[
    Reaction.from_string('0.5N2 + 1.5H2 = 0.5TS4_N2 + 1.5H2 = N(S1) + 1.5H2', 
    Reaction.from_string('N(S1) + 1.5H2 = N(S1) + 3H(S1)', NH3_species),
    Reaction.from_string('N(S1) + 3H(S1) = TS3_NH + 2H(S1) = NH(S1) + 2H(S1)', 
    Reaction.from_string('NH(S1) + 2H(S1) = TS2_NH2 + H(S1) = NH2(S1) + H(S1)',
    Reaction.from_string('NH2(S1) + H(S1) = TS1_NH3 = NH3(S1)', NH3_species),
    Reaction.from_string('NH3(S1) = NH3', NH3_species)])

'''Plot the reaction coordinate diagram'''
# Enthalpy coordinate diagram
fig1, ax1 = rxns.plot_coordinate_diagram(method_name='get_H', units='eV',
# Gibbs energy coordinate diagram on the same plot
fig1, ax1 = rxns.plot_coordinate_diagram(method_name='get_G', units='eV',
                                         T=300., figure=fig1, axes=ax1)

'''Adjust plot settings'''
ax1.legend(['Enthalpy (H)', 'Gibbs Energy (G)'])
ax1.set_ylabel('Energy (eV)')
fig1.set_size_inches(12, 10)
fig1.dpi = 150
In [ ]: