**IMPORTANT** **This module breaks in 0.7.x and is considered end-of-life in 0.6.x. I will continue to explore options for similar functionality in 0.7.x, but the lighting and vision systems have changed dramatically, and the solution from 0.6.x (using a PIXI built-in blend mode that just happened to work) will likely require a custom shader in 0.7.x.** **Thank you for all of the support and desire to see this module ported. Apologies for not being able to support this feature in the short-to-longterm.** # Darker Vision for 5e - Foundry VTT Module This module attempts to replicate `dnd5e` darkvision rules more accurately, leveraging the existing `dim vision` setting on tokens' vision tabs. The default Foundry VTT behavior when `dim vision` is set does the following: * Renders `darkness` within the `dim vision` radius as `dim light` * Renders `dim light` within the `dim vision` radius as `dim light` * Renders `bright light` within the `dim vision` radius as `bright light` Darkvision rules as written for `dnd5e` actually increase each level of light below bright light by one step within the `dim vision` radius. The desired behavior is: * Renders `darkness` within the `dim vision` radius as `dim light` * **Renders `dim light` within the `dim vision` radius as `bright light`** * Renders `bright light` within the `dim vision` radius as `bright light` ## Experimental Grey-Scale Mode An experimental grey-scale mode can now be accessed on a per-user basis in module settings. Enabling this setting will desaturate anything that a `dim vision` token would see in areas of darkness. This comes at a cost, however: * performance: this grey-scale effect is a filter that is running any time a token with `dim vision` is selected and may cause performance issues * image fidelity: this filter can reduce token, background, and tile image quality when it is in effect for some (maybe all) browsers * personal space: something about the filter reacts poorly when you zoom in too much, causing the screen to go black. `dim vision` tokens like their personal space. Just zoom back out to see your token and the scene again. ## Known issues * Selecting multiple tokens simultaneously will render lighting inconsistently.