Voltage OS 1.8 EOL - Switch to QTI Bluetooth stack - configs: Do not balance msm_drm and kgsl-3d0 IRQs - Remove TARGET_ENABLE_MEDIADRM_64 - Uprev IRadio version to 1.5 - Add vendor prefix to camera persist file type - Label additional usb related wakeup nodes - Extend vendor_toolbox permissions to files in persist - WifiOverlay: Update from sweet V13.0.8.0.SKFMIXM - Move Netflix property to vendor - Add compress recording configurations - gps: Update configs from sweet V13.0.8.0.SKFMIXM - gps: Update to LA.UM.9.1.r1-11200-SMxxx0.0 - Label new telephony properties - Drop QCOM WFD - Sort blobs list /w sort-blobs-list.py - Add gnss seccomp_policy - Update blobs from 07100 QSSI - Update blobs from Redmi Note 10 Pro V13.0.8.0.SKFMIXM - Improve statusbar padding - Set zramsize size to 50% of the total memory - Fixed ViLTE Voltage OS 1.7 - Display icon beside thermal profiles - Fix gps proxy app package name - Remove deprecated TARGET_USES_QTI_CAMERA_DEVICE - Switch SchedTune to UClamp - Change default GPU idle timeout to 60ms Voltage OS 1.6 - Update max visible system icons - Set statusbar top padding to 0 for landscape - Fix CNE indicator exemption role - Enable QPower and Deep sleep at the same time - Relax WiFi re-association RSSI thresholds - Smarter decisions on whether to use a 2Ghz or 5Ghz AP - Enable display protected contents in SF - Fixed low mic volume - Disable blur on app launch - Address telephony denials - Uprev IRadio HAL to 1.5 Voltage OS 1.5 - Appled a boost after fp is authenticated - Removed Gcam Go - Implemented keyhandler for fingerprint shutter - Adapted status bar height to 12L - Added HIFI mixer controls - Disabled ART debug and optimize dexpreopt - Allowed bluetooth to read incremental prop Voltage OS 1.4 - Encrypted by default - Adjusted status bar padding - Inline xiaomi audio changes from MIUI V12.5.4.0.QFHCNXM - Used vibration pattern from pixel 2 - Switched to Litten Kernel