A port of Sarah Drasner's Night Owl VSCode theme

A theme for the night owls out there. Works well in the daytime, too, but this theme is fine-tuned for those of us who like to code late into the night. As of 1.0.0, there's a Light Owl Theme too! Color balanced from the Dark version for easy viewing in daylight.

## Getting Started ### Installation #### Recommended Install `Night Owl` via Package Control. 1. Open the Command Palette via Ctrl/+Shift+p 2. Select *Package Control: Install Package* 3. Search for `Night Owl` and press ↲ Enter #### Manual 1. Clone or download this repository, (re)name the folder to `Night Owl` if necessary. 2. Move the folder inside your sublime `/Packages`. (*Preferences > Browse Packages...*) ### Activation #### Color Scheme ##### Recommended 1. Open the Command Palette via Ctrl/+Shift+p 2. Select *UI: Select Color Scheme* 3. Search for `Night Owl`or `Night Owl - Light` and press ↲ Enter ##### Via Preferences Set the color scheme in your user settings *Preferences > Settings*: - Dark theme ```json "color_scheme": "Packages/Night Owl/Night Owl.sublime-color-scheme" ``` - Light theme ```json "color_scheme": "Packages/Night Owl/Night Owl - Light.sublime-color-scheme" ``` ## Color Palette ### Dark theme
Use Color Sample
Background #011627
Foreground #D6DEEB
Cursor #80A4C2
Active selection #1D3B53
Inactive selection #7E57C25A
Search highlight #5F7E97
Comment #637777
Constant #FF6363
Numbers #F78C6C
Keywords #C792EA
Functions #82AAFF
Quoted strings #ECC48DFF
Support #ADDB67
Language variables #7FDBCA
Invalid construct #FF2C83
### Preview [More screenshots](https://github.com/VonHeikemen/night-owl-sublime-scheme/blob/master/screenshots-theme-dark.md) ![preview dark theme](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/VonHeikemen/night-owl-sublime-scheme/master/assets/dark-theme/screenshot-syntax-js.png) ### Light theme
Use Color Sample
Background #FBFBFB
Foreground #403F53
Cursor #90A7B2
Active selection #E0E0E0
Inactive selection #EDEDED
Search highlight #93A1A16C
Comment #989FB1
Constant #BC5454
Numbers #AA0982
Keywords #994CC3
Functions #4876D6
Quoted strings #C96765
Support #4876D6
Language variables #0C969B
Invalid construct #FF2C83
### Preview [More screenshots](https://github.com/VonHeikemen/night-owl-sublime-scheme/blob/master/screenshots-theme-light.md) ![preview light theme](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/VonHeikemen/night-owl-sublime-scheme/master/assets/light-theme/screenshot-syntax-js.png)