SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[IndexOptimize]') AND type in (N'P', N'PC')) BEGIN EXEC dbo.sp_executesql @statement = N'CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[IndexOptimize] AS' END GO ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[IndexOptimize] @Databases nvarchar(max) = NULL, @FragmentationLow nvarchar(max) = NULL, @FragmentationMedium nvarchar(max) = 'INDEX_REORGANIZE,INDEX_REBUILD_ONLINE,INDEX_REBUILD_OFFLINE', @FragmentationHigh nvarchar(max) = 'INDEX_REBUILD_ONLINE,INDEX_REBUILD_OFFLINE', @FragmentationLevel1 int = 5, @FragmentationLevel2 int = 30, @MinNumberOfPages int = 1000, @MaxNumberOfPages int = NULL, @SortInTempdb nvarchar(max) = 'N', @MaxDOP int = NULL, @FillFactor int = NULL, @PadIndex nvarchar(max) = NULL, @LOBCompaction nvarchar(max) = 'Y', @UpdateStatistics nvarchar(max) = NULL, @OnlyModifiedStatistics nvarchar(max) = 'N', @StatisticsModificationLevel int = NULL, @StatisticsSample int = NULL, @StatisticsResample nvarchar(max) = 'N', @PartitionLevel nvarchar(max) = 'Y', @MSShippedObjects nvarchar(max) = 'N', @Indexes nvarchar(max) = NULL, @TimeLimit int = NULL, @Delay int = NULL, @WaitAtLowPriorityMaxDuration int = NULL, @WaitAtLowPriorityAbortAfterWait nvarchar(max) = NULL, @Resumable nvarchar(max) = 'N', @AvailabilityGroups nvarchar(max) = NULL, @LockTimeout int = NULL, @LockMessageSeverity int = 16, @StringDelimiter nvarchar(max) = ',', @DatabaseOrder nvarchar(max) = NULL, @DatabasesInParallel nvarchar(max) = 'N', @ExecuteAsUser nvarchar(max) = NULL, @LogToTable nvarchar(max) = 'N', @Execute nvarchar(max) = 'Y', @CurrentStatisticsPersistedSample nvarchar(max) = 'N' AS BEGIN ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --// Source: //-- --// License: //-- --// GitHub: //-- --// Version: 2022-12-03 17:23:44 //-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SET NOCOUNT ON SET ARITHABORT ON SET NUMERIC_ROUNDABORT OFF DECLARE @StartMessage nvarchar(max) DECLARE @EndMessage nvarchar(max) DECLARE @DatabaseMessage nvarchar(max) DECLARE @ErrorMessage nvarchar(max) DECLARE @Severity int DECLARE @StartTime datetime2 = SYSDATETIME() DECLARE @SchemaName nvarchar(max) = OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(@@PROCID) DECLARE @ObjectName nvarchar(max) = OBJECT_NAME(@@PROCID) DECLARE @VersionTimestamp nvarchar(max) = SUBSTRING(OBJECT_DEFINITION(@@PROCID),CHARINDEX('--// Version: ',OBJECT_DEFINITION(@@PROCID)) + LEN('--// Version: ') + 1, 19) DECLARE @Parameters nvarchar(max) DECLARE @HostPlatform nvarchar(max) DECLARE @PartitionLevelStatistics bit DECLARE @QueueID int DECLARE @QueueStartTime datetime2 DECLARE @CurrentDBID int DECLARE @CurrentDatabaseName nvarchar(max) DECLARE @CurrentDatabase_sp_executesql nvarchar(max) DECLARE @CurrentExecuteAsUserExists bit DECLARE @CurrentUserAccess nvarchar(max) DECLARE @CurrentIsReadOnly bit DECLARE @CurrentDatabaseState nvarchar(max) DECLARE @CurrentInStandby bit DECLARE @CurrentRecoveryModel nvarchar(max) DECLARE @CurrentIsDatabaseAccessible bit DECLARE @CurrentReplicaID uniqueidentifier DECLARE @CurrentAvailabilityGroupID uniqueidentifier DECLARE @CurrentAvailabilityGroup nvarchar(max) DECLARE @CurrentAvailabilityGroupRole nvarchar(max) DECLARE @CurrentDatabaseMirroringRole nvarchar(max) DECLARE @CurrentDatabaseContext nvarchar(max) DECLARE @CurrentCommand nvarchar(max) DECLARE @CurrentCommandOutput int DECLARE @CurrentCommandType nvarchar(max) DECLARE @CurrentComment nvarchar(max) DECLARE @CurrentExtendedInfo xml DECLARE @Errors TABLE (ID int IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY, [Message] nvarchar(max) NOT NULL, Severity int NOT NULL, [State] int) DECLARE @CurrentMessage nvarchar(max) DECLARE @CurrentSeverity int DECLARE @CurrentState int DECLARE @CurrentIxID int DECLARE @CurrentIxOrder int DECLARE @CurrentSchemaID int DECLARE @CurrentSchemaName nvarchar(max) DECLARE @CurrentObjectID int DECLARE @CurrentObjectName nvarchar(max) DECLARE @CurrentObjectType nvarchar(max) DECLARE @CurrentIsMemoryOptimized bit DECLARE @CurrentIndexID int DECLARE @CurrentIndexName nvarchar(max) DECLARE @CurrentIndexType int DECLARE @CurrentStatisticsID int DECLARE @CurrentStatisticsName nvarchar(max) DECLARE @CurrentPartitionID bigint DECLARE @CurrentPartitionNumber int DECLARE @CurrentPartitionCount int DECLARE @CurrentIsPartition bit DECLARE @CurrentIndexExists bit DECLARE @CurrentStatisticsExists bit DECLARE @CurrentIsImageText bit DECLARE @CurrentIsNewLOB bit DECLARE @CurrentIsFileStream bit DECLARE @CurrentIsColumnStore bit DECLARE @CurrentIsComputed bit DECLARE @CurrentIsTimestamp bit DECLARE @CurrentAllowPageLocks bit DECLARE @CurrentNoRecompute bit DECLARE @CurrentIsIncremental bit DECLARE @CurrentRowCount bigint DECLARE @CurrentModificationCounter bigint DECLARE @CurrentOnReadOnlyFileGroup bit DECLARE @CurrentResumableIndexOperation bit DECLARE @CurrentFragmentationLevel float DECLARE @CurrentPageCount bigint DECLARE @CurrentFragmentationGroup nvarchar(max) DECLARE @CurrentAction nvarchar(max) DECLARE @CurrentMaxDOP int DECLARE @CurrentUpdateStatistics nvarchar(max) DECLARE @CurrentStatisticsSample int DECLARE @CurrentStatisticsResample nvarchar(max) DECLARE @CurrentDelay datetime DECLARE @tmpDatabases TABLE (ID int IDENTITY, DatabaseName nvarchar(max), DatabaseType nvarchar(max), AvailabilityGroup bit, StartPosition int, DatabaseSize bigint, [Order] int, Selected bit, Completed bit, PRIMARY KEY(Selected, Completed, [Order], ID)) DECLARE @tmpAvailabilityGroups TABLE (ID int IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY, AvailabilityGroupName nvarchar(max), StartPosition int, Selected bit) DECLARE @tmpDatabasesAvailabilityGroups TABLE (DatabaseName nvarchar(max), AvailabilityGroupName nvarchar(max)) DECLARE @tmpIndexesStatistics TABLE (ID int IDENTITY, SchemaID int, SchemaName nvarchar(max), ObjectID int, ObjectName nvarchar(max), ObjectType nvarchar(max), IsMemoryOptimized bit, IndexID int, IndexName nvarchar(max), IndexType int, AllowPageLocks bit, IsImageText bit, IsNewLOB bit, IsFileStream bit, IsColumnStore bit, IsComputed bit, IsTimestamp bit, OnReadOnlyFileGroup bit, ResumableIndexOperation bit, StatisticsID int, StatisticsName nvarchar(max), [NoRecompute] bit, IsIncremental bit, PartitionID bigint, PartitionNumber int, PartitionCount int, StartPosition int, [Order] int, Selected bit, Completed bit, PRIMARY KEY(Selected, Completed, [Order], ID)) DECLARE @SelectedDatabases TABLE (DatabaseName nvarchar(max), DatabaseType nvarchar(max), AvailabilityGroup nvarchar(max), StartPosition int, Selected bit) DECLARE @SelectedAvailabilityGroups TABLE (AvailabilityGroupName nvarchar(max), StartPosition int, Selected bit) DECLARE @SelectedIndexes TABLE (DatabaseName nvarchar(max), SchemaName nvarchar(max), ObjectName nvarchar(max), IndexName nvarchar(max), StartPosition int, Selected bit) DECLARE @Actions TABLE ([Action] nvarchar(max)) INSERT INTO @Actions([Action]) VALUES('INDEX_REBUILD_ONLINE') INSERT INTO @Actions([Action]) VALUES('INDEX_REBUILD_OFFLINE') INSERT INTO @Actions([Action]) VALUES('INDEX_REORGANIZE') DECLARE @ActionsPreferred TABLE (FragmentationGroup nvarchar(max), [Priority] int, [Action] nvarchar(max)) DECLARE @CurrentActionsAllowed TABLE ([Action] nvarchar(max)) DECLARE @CurrentAlterIndexWithClauseArguments TABLE (ID int IDENTITY, Argument nvarchar(max), Added bit DEFAULT 0) DECLARE @CurrentAlterIndexArgumentID int DECLARE @CurrentAlterIndexArgument nvarchar(max) DECLARE @CurrentAlterIndexWithClause nvarchar(max) DECLARE @CurrentUpdateStatisticsWithClauseArguments TABLE (ID int IDENTITY, Argument nvarchar(max), Added bit DEFAULT 0) DECLARE @CurrentUpdateStatisticsArgumentID int DECLARE @CurrentUpdateStatisticsArgument nvarchar(max) DECLARE @CurrentUpdateStatisticsWithClause nvarchar(max) DECLARE @Error int = 0 DECLARE @ReturnCode int = 0 DECLARE @EmptyLine nvarchar(max) = CHAR(9) DECLARE @Version numeric(18,10) = CAST(LEFT(CAST(SERVERPROPERTY('ProductVersion') AS nvarchar(max)),CHARINDEX('.',CAST(SERVERPROPERTY('ProductVersion') AS nvarchar(max))) - 1) + '.' + REPLACE(RIGHT(CAST(SERVERPROPERTY('ProductVersion') AS nvarchar(max)), LEN(CAST(SERVERPROPERTY('ProductVersion') AS nvarchar(max))) - CHARINDEX('.',CAST(SERVERPROPERTY('ProductVersion') AS nvarchar(max)))),'.','') AS numeric(18,10)) IF @Version >= 14 BEGIN SELECT @HostPlatform = host_platform FROM sys.dm_os_host_info END ELSE BEGIN SET @HostPlatform = 'Windows' END DECLARE @AmazonRDS bit = CASE WHEN DB_ID('rdsadmin') IS NOT NULL AND SUSER_SNAME(0x01) = 'rdsa' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --// Log initial information //-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SET @Parameters = '@Databases = ' + ISNULL('''' + REPLACE(@Databases,'''','''''') + '''','NULL') SET @Parameters += ', @FragmentationLow = ' + ISNULL('''' + REPLACE(@FragmentationLow,'''','''''') + '''','NULL') SET @Parameters += ', @FragmentationMedium = ' + ISNULL('''' + REPLACE(@FragmentationMedium,'''','''''') + '''','NULL') SET @Parameters += ', @FragmentationHigh = ' + ISNULL('''' + REPLACE(@FragmentationHigh,'''','''''') + '''','NULL') SET @Parameters += ', @FragmentationLevel1 = ' + ISNULL(CAST(@FragmentationLevel1 AS nvarchar),'NULL') SET @Parameters += ', @FragmentationLevel2 = ' + ISNULL(CAST(@FragmentationLevel2 AS nvarchar),'NULL') SET @Parameters += ', @MinNumberOfPages = ' + ISNULL(CAST(@MinNumberOfPages AS nvarchar),'NULL') SET @Parameters += ', @MaxNumberOfPages = ' + ISNULL(CAST(@MaxNumberOfPages AS nvarchar),'NULL') SET @Parameters += ', @SortInTempdb = ' + ISNULL('''' + REPLACE(@SortInTempdb,'''','''''') + '''','NULL') SET @Parameters += ', @MaxDOP = ' + ISNULL(CAST(@MaxDOP AS nvarchar),'NULL') SET @Parameters += ', @FillFactor = ' + ISNULL(CAST(@FillFactor AS nvarchar),'NULL') SET @Parameters += ', @PadIndex = ' + ISNULL('''' + REPLACE(@PadIndex,'''','''''') + '''','NULL') SET @Parameters += ', @LOBCompaction = ' + ISNULL('''' + REPLACE(@LOBCompaction,'''','''''') + '''','NULL') SET @Parameters += ', @UpdateStatistics = ' + ISNULL('''' + REPLACE(@UpdateStatistics,'''','''''') + '''','NULL') SET @Parameters += ', @OnlyModifiedStatistics = ' + ISNULL('''' + REPLACE(@OnlyModifiedStatistics,'''','''''') + '''','NULL') SET @Parameters += ', @StatisticsModificationLevel = ' + ISNULL(CAST(@StatisticsModificationLevel AS nvarchar),'NULL') SET @Parameters += ', @StatisticsSample = ' + ISNULL(CAST(@StatisticsSample AS nvarchar),'NULL') SET @Parameters += ', @StatisticsResample = ' + ISNULL('''' + REPLACE(@StatisticsResample,'''','''''') + '''','NULL') SET @Parameters += ', @PartitionLevel = ' + ISNULL('''' + REPLACE(@PartitionLevel,'''','''''') + '''','NULL') SET @Parameters += ', @MSShippedObjects = ' + ISNULL('''' + REPLACE(@MSShippedObjects,'''','''''') + '''','NULL') SET @Parameters += ', @Indexes = ' + ISNULL('''' + REPLACE(@Indexes,'''','''''') + '''','NULL') SET @Parameters += ', @TimeLimit = ' + ISNULL(CAST(@TimeLimit AS nvarchar),'NULL') SET @Parameters += ', @Delay = ' + ISNULL(CAST(@Delay AS nvarchar),'NULL') SET @Parameters += ', @WaitAtLowPriorityMaxDuration = ' + ISNULL(CAST(@WaitAtLowPriorityMaxDuration AS nvarchar),'NULL') SET @Parameters += ', @WaitAtLowPriorityAbortAfterWait = ' + ISNULL('''' + REPLACE(@WaitAtLowPriorityAbortAfterWait,'''','''''') + '''','NULL') SET @Parameters += ', @Resumable = ' + ISNULL('''' + REPLACE(@Resumable,'''','''''') + '''','NULL') SET @Parameters += ', @AvailabilityGroups = ' + ISNULL('''' + REPLACE(@AvailabilityGroups,'''','''''') + '''','NULL') SET @Parameters += ', @LockTimeout = ' + ISNULL(CAST(@LockTimeout AS nvarchar),'NULL') SET @Parameters += ', @LockMessageSeverity = ' + ISNULL(CAST(@LockMessageSeverity AS nvarchar),'NULL') SET @Parameters += ', @StringDelimiter = ' + ISNULL('''' + REPLACE(@StringDelimiter,'''','''''') + '''','NULL') SET @Parameters += ', @DatabaseOrder = ' + ISNULL('''' + REPLACE(@DatabaseOrder,'''','''''') + '''','NULL') SET @Parameters += ', @DatabasesInParallel = ' + ISNULL('''' + REPLACE(@DatabasesInParallel,'''','''''') + '''','NULL') SET @Parameters += ', @ExecuteAsUser = ' + ISNULL('''' + REPLACE(@ExecuteAsUser,'''','''''') + '''','NULL') SET @Parameters += ', @LogToTable = ' + ISNULL('''' + REPLACE(@LogToTable,'''','''''') + '''','NULL') SET @Parameters += ', @Execute = ' + ISNULL('''' + REPLACE(@Execute,'''','''''') + '''','NULL') SET @StartMessage = 'Date and time: ' + CONVERT(nvarchar,@StartTime,120) RAISERROR('%s',10,1,@StartMessage) WITH NOWAIT SET @StartMessage = 'Server: ' + CAST(SERVERPROPERTY('ServerName') AS nvarchar(max)) RAISERROR('%s',10,1,@StartMessage) WITH NOWAIT SET @StartMessage = 'Version: ' + CAST(SERVERPROPERTY('ProductVersion') AS nvarchar(max)) RAISERROR('%s',10,1,@StartMessage) WITH NOWAIT SET @StartMessage = 'Edition: ' + CAST(SERVERPROPERTY('Edition') AS nvarchar(max)) RAISERROR('%s',10,1,@StartMessage) WITH NOWAIT SET @StartMessage = 'Platform: ' + @HostPlatform RAISERROR('%s',10,1,@StartMessage) WITH NOWAIT SET @StartMessage = 'Procedure: ' + QUOTENAME(DB_NAME(DB_ID())) + '.' + QUOTENAME(@SchemaName) + '.' + QUOTENAME(@ObjectName) RAISERROR('%s',10,1,@StartMessage) WITH NOWAIT SET @StartMessage = 'Parameters: ' + @Parameters RAISERROR('%s',10,1,@StartMessage) WITH NOWAIT SET @StartMessage = 'Version: ' + @VersionTimestamp RAISERROR('%s',10,1,@StartMessage) WITH NOWAIT SET @StartMessage = 'Source:' RAISERROR('%s',10,1,@StartMessage) WITH NOWAIT RAISERROR(@EmptyLine,10,1) WITH NOWAIT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --// Check core requirements //-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF NOT (SELECT [compatibility_level] FROM sys.databases WHERE database_id = DB_ID()) >= 90 BEGIN INSERT INTO @Errors ([Message], Severity, [State]) SELECT 'The database ' + QUOTENAME(DB_NAME(DB_ID())) + ' has to be in compatibility level 90 or higher.', 16, 1 END IF NOT (SELECT uses_ansi_nulls FROM sys.sql_modules WHERE [object_id] = @@PROCID) = 1 BEGIN INSERT INTO @Errors ([Message], Severity, [State]) SELECT 'ANSI_NULLS has to be set to ON for the stored procedure.', 16, 1 END IF NOT (SELECT uses_quoted_identifier FROM sys.sql_modules WHERE [object_id] = @@PROCID) = 1 BEGIN INSERT INTO @Errors ([Message], Severity, [State]) SELECT 'QUOTED_IDENTIFIER has to be set to ON for the stored procedure.', 16, 1 END IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects objects INNER JOIN sys.schemas schemas ON objects.[schema_id] = schemas.[schema_id] WHERE objects.[type] = 'P' AND schemas.[name] = 'dbo' AND objects.[name] = 'CommandExecute') BEGIN INSERT INTO @Errors ([Message], Severity, [State]) SELECT 'The stored procedure CommandExecute is missing. Download', 16, 1 END IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects objects INNER JOIN sys.schemas schemas ON objects.[schema_id] = schemas.[schema_id] WHERE objects.[type] = 'P' AND schemas.[name] = 'dbo' AND objects.[name] = 'CommandExecute' AND OBJECT_DEFINITION(objects.[object_id]) NOT LIKE '%@DatabaseContext%') BEGIN INSERT INTO @Errors ([Message], Severity, [State]) SELECT 'The stored procedure CommandExecute needs to be updated. Download', 16, 1 END IF @LogToTable = 'Y' AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects objects INNER JOIN sys.schemas schemas ON objects.[schema_id] = schemas.[schema_id] WHERE objects.[type] = 'U' AND schemas.[name] = 'dbo' AND objects.[name] = 'CommandLog') BEGIN INSERT INTO @Errors ([Message], Severity, [State]) SELECT 'The table CommandLog is missing. Download', 16, 1 END IF @DatabasesInParallel = 'Y' AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects objects INNER JOIN sys.schemas schemas ON objects.[schema_id] = schemas.[schema_id] WHERE objects.[type] = 'U' AND schemas.[name] = 'dbo' AND objects.[name] = 'Queue') BEGIN INSERT INTO @Errors ([Message], Severity, [State]) SELECT 'The table Queue is missing. Download', 16, 1 END IF @DatabasesInParallel = 'Y' AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects objects INNER JOIN sys.schemas schemas ON objects.[schema_id] = schemas.[schema_id] WHERE objects.[type] = 'U' AND schemas.[name] = 'dbo' AND objects.[name] = 'QueueDatabase') BEGIN INSERT INTO @Errors ([Message], Severity, [State]) SELECT 'The table QueueDatabase is missing. Download', 16, 1 END IF @@TRANCOUNT <> 0 BEGIN INSERT INTO @Errors ([Message], Severity, [State]) SELECT 'The transaction count is not 0.', 16, 1 END ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --// Select databases //-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SET @Databases = REPLACE(@Databases, CHAR(10), '') SET @Databases = REPLACE(@Databases, CHAR(13), '') WHILE CHARINDEX(@StringDelimiter + ' ', @Databases) > 0 SET @Databases = REPLACE(@Databases, @StringDelimiter + ' ', @StringDelimiter) WHILE CHARINDEX(' ' + @StringDelimiter, @Databases) > 0 SET @Databases = REPLACE(@Databases, ' ' + @StringDelimiter, @StringDelimiter) SET @Databases = LTRIM(RTRIM(@Databases)); WITH Databases1 (StartPosition, EndPosition, DatabaseItem) AS ( SELECT 1 AS StartPosition, ISNULL(NULLIF(CHARINDEX(@StringDelimiter, @Databases, 1), 0), LEN(@Databases) + 1) AS EndPosition, SUBSTRING(@Databases, 1, ISNULL(NULLIF(CHARINDEX(@StringDelimiter, @Databases, 1), 0), LEN(@Databases) + 1) - 1) AS DatabaseItem WHERE @Databases IS NOT NULL UNION ALL SELECT CAST(EndPosition AS int) + 1 AS StartPosition, ISNULL(NULLIF(CHARINDEX(@StringDelimiter, @Databases, EndPosition + 1), 0), LEN(@Databases) + 1) AS EndPosition, SUBSTRING(@Databases, EndPosition + 1, ISNULL(NULLIF(CHARINDEX(@StringDelimiter, @Databases, EndPosition + 1), 0), LEN(@Databases) + 1) - EndPosition - 1) AS DatabaseItem FROM Databases1 WHERE EndPosition < LEN(@Databases) + 1 ), Databases2 (DatabaseItem, StartPosition, Selected) AS ( SELECT CASE WHEN DatabaseItem LIKE '-%' THEN RIGHT(DatabaseItem,LEN(DatabaseItem) - 1) ELSE DatabaseItem END AS DatabaseItem, StartPosition, CASE WHEN DatabaseItem LIKE '-%' THEN 0 ELSE 1 END AS Selected FROM Databases1 ), Databases3 (DatabaseItem, DatabaseType, AvailabilityGroup, StartPosition, Selected) AS ( SELECT CASE WHEN DatabaseItem IN('ALL_DATABASES','SYSTEM_DATABASES','USER_DATABASES','AVAILABILITY_GROUP_DATABASES') THEN '%' ELSE DatabaseItem END AS DatabaseItem, CASE WHEN DatabaseItem = 'SYSTEM_DATABASES' THEN 'S' WHEN DatabaseItem = 'USER_DATABASES' THEN 'U' ELSE NULL END AS DatabaseType, CASE WHEN DatabaseItem = 'AVAILABILITY_GROUP_DATABASES' THEN 1 ELSE NULL END AvailabilityGroup, StartPosition, Selected FROM Databases2 ), Databases4 (DatabaseName, DatabaseType, AvailabilityGroup, StartPosition, Selected) AS ( SELECT CASE WHEN LEFT(DatabaseItem,1) = '[' AND RIGHT(DatabaseItem,1) = ']' THEN PARSENAME(DatabaseItem,1) ELSE DatabaseItem END AS DatabaseItem, DatabaseType, AvailabilityGroup, StartPosition, Selected FROM Databases3 ) INSERT INTO @SelectedDatabases (DatabaseName, DatabaseType, AvailabilityGroup, StartPosition, Selected) SELECT DatabaseName, DatabaseType, AvailabilityGroup, StartPosition, Selected FROM Databases4 OPTION (MAXRECURSION 0) IF @Version >= 11 AND SERVERPROPERTY('IsHadrEnabled') = 1 BEGIN INSERT INTO @tmpAvailabilityGroups (AvailabilityGroupName, Selected) SELECT name AS AvailabilityGroupName, 0 AS Selected FROM sys.availability_groups INSERT INTO @tmpDatabasesAvailabilityGroups (DatabaseName, AvailabilityGroupName) SELECT, FROM sys.databases databases INNER JOIN sys.availability_replicas availability_replicas ON databases.replica_id = availability_replicas.replica_id INNER JOIN sys.availability_groups availability_groups ON availability_replicas.group_id = availability_groups.group_id END INSERT INTO @tmpDatabases (DatabaseName, DatabaseType, AvailabilityGroup, [Order], Selected, Completed) SELECT [name] AS DatabaseName, CASE WHEN name IN('master','msdb','model') OR is_distributor = 1 THEN 'S' ELSE 'U' END AS DatabaseType, NULL AS AvailabilityGroup, 0 AS [Order], 0 AS Selected, 0 AS Completed FROM sys.databases WHERE [name] <> 'tempdb' AND source_database_id IS NULL ORDER BY [name] ASC UPDATE tmpDatabases SET AvailabilityGroup = CASE WHEN EXISTS (SELECT * FROM @tmpDatabasesAvailabilityGroups WHERE DatabaseName = tmpDatabases.DatabaseName) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END FROM @tmpDatabases tmpDatabases UPDATE tmpDatabases SET tmpDatabases.Selected = SelectedDatabases.Selected FROM @tmpDatabases tmpDatabases INNER JOIN @SelectedDatabases SelectedDatabases ON tmpDatabases.DatabaseName LIKE REPLACE(SelectedDatabases.DatabaseName,'_','[_]') AND (tmpDatabases.DatabaseType = SelectedDatabases.DatabaseType OR SelectedDatabases.DatabaseType IS NULL) AND (tmpDatabases.AvailabilityGroup = SelectedDatabases.AvailabilityGroup OR SelectedDatabases.AvailabilityGroup IS NULL) WHERE SelectedDatabases.Selected = 1 UPDATE tmpDatabases SET tmpDatabases.Selected = SelectedDatabases.Selected FROM @tmpDatabases tmpDatabases INNER JOIN @SelectedDatabases SelectedDatabases ON tmpDatabases.DatabaseName LIKE REPLACE(SelectedDatabases.DatabaseName,'_','[_]') AND (tmpDatabases.DatabaseType = SelectedDatabases.DatabaseType OR SelectedDatabases.DatabaseType IS NULL) AND (tmpDatabases.AvailabilityGroup = SelectedDatabases.AvailabilityGroup OR SelectedDatabases.AvailabilityGroup IS NULL) WHERE SelectedDatabases.Selected = 0 UPDATE tmpDatabases SET tmpDatabases.StartPosition = SelectedDatabases2.StartPosition FROM @tmpDatabases tmpDatabases INNER JOIN (SELECT tmpDatabases.DatabaseName, MIN(SelectedDatabases.StartPosition) AS StartPosition FROM @tmpDatabases tmpDatabases INNER JOIN @SelectedDatabases SelectedDatabases ON tmpDatabases.DatabaseName LIKE REPLACE(SelectedDatabases.DatabaseName,'_','[_]') AND (tmpDatabases.DatabaseType = SelectedDatabases.DatabaseType OR SelectedDatabases.DatabaseType IS NULL) AND (tmpDatabases.AvailabilityGroup = SelectedDatabases.AvailabilityGroup OR SelectedDatabases.AvailabilityGroup IS NULL) WHERE SelectedDatabases.Selected = 1 GROUP BY tmpDatabases.DatabaseName) SelectedDatabases2 ON tmpDatabases.DatabaseName = SelectedDatabases2.DatabaseName IF @Databases IS NOT NULL AND (NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM @SelectedDatabases) OR EXISTS(SELECT * FROM @SelectedDatabases WHERE DatabaseName IS NULL OR DatabaseName = '')) BEGIN INSERT INTO @Errors ([Message], Severity, [State]) SELECT 'The value for the parameter @Databases is not supported.', 16, 1 END ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --// Select availability groups //-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF @AvailabilityGroups IS NOT NULL AND @Version >= 11 AND SERVERPROPERTY('IsHadrEnabled') = 1 BEGIN SET @AvailabilityGroups = REPLACE(@AvailabilityGroups, CHAR(10), '') SET @AvailabilityGroups = REPLACE(@AvailabilityGroups, CHAR(13), '') WHILE CHARINDEX(@StringDelimiter + ' ', @AvailabilityGroups) > 0 SET @AvailabilityGroups = REPLACE(@AvailabilityGroups, @StringDelimiter + ' ', @StringDelimiter) WHILE CHARINDEX(' ' + @StringDelimiter, @AvailabilityGroups) > 0 SET @AvailabilityGroups = REPLACE(@AvailabilityGroups, ' ' + @StringDelimiter, @StringDelimiter) SET @AvailabilityGroups = LTRIM(RTRIM(@AvailabilityGroups)); WITH AvailabilityGroups1 (StartPosition, EndPosition, AvailabilityGroupItem) AS ( SELECT 1 AS StartPosition, ISNULL(NULLIF(CHARINDEX(@StringDelimiter, @AvailabilityGroups, 1), 0), LEN(@AvailabilityGroups) + 1) AS EndPosition, SUBSTRING(@AvailabilityGroups, 1, ISNULL(NULLIF(CHARINDEX(@StringDelimiter, @AvailabilityGroups, 1), 0), LEN(@AvailabilityGroups) + 1) - 1) AS AvailabilityGroupItem WHERE @AvailabilityGroups IS NOT NULL UNION ALL SELECT CAST(EndPosition AS int) + 1 AS StartPosition, ISNULL(NULLIF(CHARINDEX(@StringDelimiter, @AvailabilityGroups, EndPosition + 1), 0), LEN(@AvailabilityGroups) + 1) AS EndPosition, SUBSTRING(@AvailabilityGroups, EndPosition + 1, ISNULL(NULLIF(CHARINDEX(@StringDelimiter, @AvailabilityGroups, EndPosition + 1), 0), LEN(@AvailabilityGroups) + 1) - EndPosition - 1) AS AvailabilityGroupItem FROM AvailabilityGroups1 WHERE EndPosition < LEN(@AvailabilityGroups) + 1 ), AvailabilityGroups2 (AvailabilityGroupItem, StartPosition, Selected) AS ( SELECT CASE WHEN AvailabilityGroupItem LIKE '-%' THEN RIGHT(AvailabilityGroupItem,LEN(AvailabilityGroupItem) - 1) ELSE AvailabilityGroupItem END AS AvailabilityGroupItem, StartPosition, CASE WHEN AvailabilityGroupItem LIKE '-%' THEN 0 ELSE 1 END AS Selected FROM AvailabilityGroups1 ), AvailabilityGroups3 (AvailabilityGroupItem, StartPosition, Selected) AS ( SELECT CASE WHEN AvailabilityGroupItem = 'ALL_AVAILABILITY_GROUPS' THEN '%' ELSE AvailabilityGroupItem END AS AvailabilityGroupItem, StartPosition, Selected FROM AvailabilityGroups2 ), AvailabilityGroups4 (AvailabilityGroupName, StartPosition, Selected) AS ( SELECT CASE WHEN LEFT(AvailabilityGroupItem,1) = '[' AND RIGHT(AvailabilityGroupItem,1) = ']' THEN PARSENAME(AvailabilityGroupItem,1) ELSE AvailabilityGroupItem END AS AvailabilityGroupItem, StartPosition, Selected FROM AvailabilityGroups3 ) INSERT INTO @SelectedAvailabilityGroups (AvailabilityGroupName, StartPosition, Selected) SELECT AvailabilityGroupName, StartPosition, Selected FROM AvailabilityGroups4 OPTION (MAXRECURSION 0) UPDATE tmpAvailabilityGroups SET tmpAvailabilityGroups.Selected = SelectedAvailabilityGroups.Selected FROM @tmpAvailabilityGroups tmpAvailabilityGroups INNER JOIN @SelectedAvailabilityGroups SelectedAvailabilityGroups ON tmpAvailabilityGroups.AvailabilityGroupName LIKE REPLACE(SelectedAvailabilityGroups.AvailabilityGroupName,'_','[_]') WHERE SelectedAvailabilityGroups.Selected = 1 UPDATE tmpAvailabilityGroups SET tmpAvailabilityGroups.Selected = SelectedAvailabilityGroups.Selected FROM @tmpAvailabilityGroups tmpAvailabilityGroups INNER JOIN @SelectedAvailabilityGroups SelectedAvailabilityGroups ON tmpAvailabilityGroups.AvailabilityGroupName LIKE REPLACE(SelectedAvailabilityGroups.AvailabilityGroupName,'_','[_]') WHERE SelectedAvailabilityGroups.Selected = 0 UPDATE tmpAvailabilityGroups SET tmpAvailabilityGroups.StartPosition = SelectedAvailabilityGroups2.StartPosition FROM @tmpAvailabilityGroups tmpAvailabilityGroups INNER JOIN (SELECT tmpAvailabilityGroups.AvailabilityGroupName, MIN(SelectedAvailabilityGroups.StartPosition) AS StartPosition FROM @tmpAvailabilityGroups tmpAvailabilityGroups INNER JOIN @SelectedAvailabilityGroups SelectedAvailabilityGroups ON tmpAvailabilityGroups.AvailabilityGroupName LIKE REPLACE(SelectedAvailabilityGroups.AvailabilityGroupName,'_','[_]') WHERE SelectedAvailabilityGroups.Selected = 1 GROUP BY tmpAvailabilityGroups.AvailabilityGroupName) SelectedAvailabilityGroups2 ON tmpAvailabilityGroups.AvailabilityGroupName = SelectedAvailabilityGroups2.AvailabilityGroupName UPDATE tmpDatabases SET tmpDatabases.StartPosition = tmpAvailabilityGroups.StartPosition, tmpDatabases.Selected = 1 FROM @tmpDatabases tmpDatabases INNER JOIN @tmpDatabasesAvailabilityGroups tmpDatabasesAvailabilityGroups ON tmpDatabases.DatabaseName = tmpDatabasesAvailabilityGroups.DatabaseName INNER JOIN @tmpAvailabilityGroups tmpAvailabilityGroups ON tmpDatabasesAvailabilityGroups.AvailabilityGroupName = tmpAvailabilityGroups.AvailabilityGroupName WHERE tmpAvailabilityGroups.Selected = 1 END IF @AvailabilityGroups IS NOT NULL AND (NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM @SelectedAvailabilityGroups) OR EXISTS(SELECT * FROM @SelectedAvailabilityGroups WHERE AvailabilityGroupName IS NULL OR AvailabilityGroupName = '') OR @Version < 11 OR SERVERPROPERTY('IsHadrEnabled') = 0) BEGIN INSERT INTO @Errors ([Message], Severity, [State]) SELECT 'The value for the parameter @AvailabilityGroups is not supported.', 16, 1 END IF (@Databases IS NULL AND @AvailabilityGroups IS NULL) BEGIN INSERT INTO @Errors ([Message], Severity, [State]) SELECT 'You need to specify one of the parameters @Databases and @AvailabilityGroups.', 16, 2 END IF (@Databases IS NOT NULL AND @AvailabilityGroups IS NOT NULL) BEGIN INSERT INTO @Errors ([Message], Severity, [State]) SELECT 'You can only specify one of the parameters @Databases and @AvailabilityGroups.', 16, 3 END ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --// Select indexes //-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SET @Indexes = REPLACE(@Indexes, CHAR(10), '') SET @Indexes = REPLACE(@Indexes, CHAR(13), '') WHILE CHARINDEX(@StringDelimiter + ' ', @Indexes) > 0 SET @Indexes = REPLACE(@Indexes, @StringDelimiter + ' ', @StringDelimiter) WHILE CHARINDEX(' ' + @StringDelimiter, @Indexes) > 0 SET @Indexes = REPLACE(@Indexes, ' ' + @StringDelimiter, @StringDelimiter) SET @Indexes = LTRIM(RTRIM(@Indexes)); WITH Indexes1 (StartPosition, EndPosition, IndexItem) AS ( SELECT 1 AS StartPosition, ISNULL(NULLIF(CHARINDEX(@StringDelimiter, @Indexes, 1), 0), LEN(@Indexes) + 1) AS EndPosition, SUBSTRING(@Indexes, 1, ISNULL(NULLIF(CHARINDEX(@StringDelimiter, @Indexes, 1), 0), LEN(@Indexes) + 1) - 1) AS IndexItem WHERE @Indexes IS NOT NULL UNION ALL SELECT CAST(EndPosition AS int) + 1 AS StartPosition, ISNULL(NULLIF(CHARINDEX(@StringDelimiter, @Indexes, EndPosition + 1), 0), LEN(@Indexes) + 1) AS EndPosition, SUBSTRING(@Indexes, EndPosition + 1, ISNULL(NULLIF(CHARINDEX(@StringDelimiter, @Indexes, EndPosition + 1), 0), LEN(@Indexes) + 1) - EndPosition - 1) AS IndexItem FROM Indexes1 WHERE EndPosition < LEN(@Indexes) + 1 ), Indexes2 (IndexItem, StartPosition, Selected) AS ( SELECT CASE WHEN IndexItem LIKE '-%' THEN RIGHT(IndexItem,LEN(IndexItem) - 1) ELSE IndexItem END AS IndexItem, StartPosition, CASE WHEN IndexItem LIKE '-%' THEN 0 ELSE 1 END AS Selected FROM Indexes1 ), Indexes3 (IndexItem, StartPosition, Selected) AS ( SELECT CASE WHEN IndexItem = 'ALL_INDEXES' THEN '%.%.%.%' ELSE IndexItem END AS IndexItem, StartPosition, Selected FROM Indexes2 ), Indexes4 (DatabaseName, SchemaName, ObjectName, IndexName, StartPosition, Selected) AS ( SELECT CASE WHEN PARSENAME(IndexItem,4) IS NULL THEN PARSENAME(IndexItem,3) ELSE PARSENAME(IndexItem,4) END AS DatabaseName, CASE WHEN PARSENAME(IndexItem,4) IS NULL THEN PARSENAME(IndexItem,2) ELSE PARSENAME(IndexItem,3) END AS SchemaName, CASE WHEN PARSENAME(IndexItem,4) IS NULL THEN PARSENAME(IndexItem,1) ELSE PARSENAME(IndexItem,2) END AS ObjectName, CASE WHEN PARSENAME(IndexItem,4) IS NULL THEN '%' ELSE PARSENAME(IndexItem,1) END AS IndexName, StartPosition, Selected FROM Indexes3 ) INSERT INTO @SelectedIndexes (DatabaseName, SchemaName, ObjectName, IndexName, StartPosition, Selected) SELECT DatabaseName, SchemaName, ObjectName, IndexName, StartPosition, Selected FROM Indexes4 OPTION (MAXRECURSION 0) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --// Select actions //-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SET @FragmentationLow = REPLACE(@FragmentationLow, @StringDelimiter + ' ', @StringDelimiter); WITH FragmentationLow (StartPosition, EndPosition, [Action]) AS ( SELECT 1 AS StartPosition, ISNULL(NULLIF(CHARINDEX(@StringDelimiter, @FragmentationLow, 1), 0), LEN(@FragmentationLow) + 1) AS EndPosition, SUBSTRING(@FragmentationLow, 1, ISNULL(NULLIF(CHARINDEX(@StringDelimiter, @FragmentationLow, 1), 0), LEN(@FragmentationLow) + 1) - 1) AS [Action] WHERE @FragmentationLow IS NOT NULL UNION ALL SELECT CAST(EndPosition AS int) + 1 AS StartPosition, ISNULL(NULLIF(CHARINDEX(@StringDelimiter, @FragmentationLow, EndPosition + 1), 0), LEN(@FragmentationLow) + 1) AS EndPosition, SUBSTRING(@FragmentationLow, EndPosition + 1, ISNULL(NULLIF(CHARINDEX(@StringDelimiter, @FragmentationLow, EndPosition + 1), 0), LEN(@FragmentationLow) + 1) - EndPosition - 1) AS [Action] FROM FragmentationLow WHERE EndPosition < LEN(@FragmentationLow) + 1 ) INSERT INTO @ActionsPreferred(FragmentationGroup, [Priority], [Action]) SELECT 'Low' AS FragmentationGroup, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY StartPosition ASC) AS [Priority], [Action] FROM FragmentationLow OPTION (MAXRECURSION 0) SET @FragmentationMedium = REPLACE(@FragmentationMedium, @StringDelimiter + ' ', @StringDelimiter); WITH FragmentationMedium (StartPosition, EndPosition, [Action]) AS ( SELECT 1 AS StartPosition, ISNULL(NULLIF(CHARINDEX(@StringDelimiter, @FragmentationMedium, 1), 0), LEN(@FragmentationMedium) + 1) AS EndPosition, SUBSTRING(@FragmentationMedium, 1, ISNULL(NULLIF(CHARINDEX(@StringDelimiter, @FragmentationMedium, 1), 0), LEN(@FragmentationMedium) + 1) - 1) AS [Action] WHERE @FragmentationMedium IS NOT NULL UNION ALL SELECT CAST(EndPosition AS int) + 1 AS StartPosition, ISNULL(NULLIF(CHARINDEX(@StringDelimiter, @FragmentationMedium, EndPosition + 1), 0), LEN(@FragmentationMedium) + 1) AS EndPosition, SUBSTRING(@FragmentationMedium, EndPosition + 1, ISNULL(NULLIF(CHARINDEX(@StringDelimiter, @FragmentationMedium, EndPosition + 1), 0), LEN(@FragmentationMedium) + 1) - EndPosition - 1) AS [Action] FROM FragmentationMedium WHERE EndPosition < LEN(@FragmentationMedium) + 1 ) INSERT INTO @ActionsPreferred(FragmentationGroup, [Priority], [Action]) SELECT 'Medium' AS FragmentationGroup, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY StartPosition ASC) AS [Priority], [Action] FROM FragmentationMedium OPTION (MAXRECURSION 0) SET @FragmentationHigh = REPLACE(@FragmentationHigh, @StringDelimiter + ' ', @StringDelimiter); WITH FragmentationHigh (StartPosition, EndPosition, [Action]) AS ( SELECT 1 AS StartPosition, ISNULL(NULLIF(CHARINDEX(@StringDelimiter, @FragmentationHigh, 1), 0), LEN(@FragmentationHigh) + 1) AS EndPosition, SUBSTRING(@FragmentationHigh, 1, ISNULL(NULLIF(CHARINDEX(@StringDelimiter, @FragmentationHigh, 1), 0), LEN(@FragmentationHigh) + 1) - 1) AS [Action] WHERE @FragmentationHigh IS NOT NULL UNION ALL SELECT CAST(EndPosition AS int) + 1 AS StartPosition, ISNULL(NULLIF(CHARINDEX(@StringDelimiter, @FragmentationHigh, EndPosition + 1), 0), LEN(@FragmentationHigh) + 1) AS EndPosition, SUBSTRING(@FragmentationHigh, EndPosition + 1, ISNULL(NULLIF(CHARINDEX(@StringDelimiter, @FragmentationHigh, EndPosition + 1), 0), LEN(@FragmentationHigh) + 1) - EndPosition - 1) AS [Action] FROM FragmentationHigh WHERE EndPosition < LEN(@FragmentationHigh) + 1 ) INSERT INTO @ActionsPreferred(FragmentationGroup, [Priority], [Action]) SELECT 'High' AS FragmentationGroup, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY StartPosition ASC) AS [Priority], [Action] FROM FragmentationHigh OPTION (MAXRECURSION 0) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --// Check input parameters //-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF EXISTS (SELECT [Action] FROM @ActionsPreferred WHERE FragmentationGroup = 'Low' AND [Action] NOT IN(SELECT * FROM @Actions)) BEGIN INSERT INTO @Errors ([Message], Severity, [State]) SELECT 'The value for the parameter @FragmentationLow is not supported.', 16, 1 END IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM @ActionsPreferred WHERE FragmentationGroup = 'Low' GROUP BY [Action] HAVING COUNT(*) > 1) BEGIN INSERT INTO @Errors ([Message], Severity, [State]) SELECT 'The value for the parameter @FragmentationLow is not supported.', 16, 2 END ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF EXISTS (SELECT [Action] FROM @ActionsPreferred WHERE FragmentationGroup = 'Medium' AND [Action] NOT IN(SELECT * FROM @Actions)) BEGIN INSERT INTO @Errors ([Message], Severity, [State]) SELECT 'The value for the parameter @FragmentationMedium is not supported.', 16, 1 END IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM @ActionsPreferred WHERE FragmentationGroup = 'Medium' GROUP BY [Action] HAVING COUNT(*) > 1) BEGIN INSERT INTO @Errors ([Message], Severity, [State]) SELECT 'The value for the parameter @FragmentationMedium is not supported.', 16, 2 END ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF EXISTS (SELECT [Action] FROM @ActionsPreferred WHERE FragmentationGroup = 'High' AND [Action] NOT IN(SELECT * FROM @Actions)) BEGIN INSERT INTO @Errors ([Message], Severity, [State]) SELECT 'The value for the parameter @FragmentationHigh is not supported.', 16, 1 END IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM @ActionsPreferred WHERE FragmentationGroup = 'High' GROUP BY [Action] HAVING COUNT(*) > 1) BEGIN INSERT INTO @Errors ([Message], Severity, [State]) SELECT 'The value for the parameter @FragmentationHigh is not supported.', 16, 2 END ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF @FragmentationLevel1 <= 0 OR @FragmentationLevel1 >= 100 OR @FragmentationLevel1 IS NULL BEGIN INSERT INTO @Errors ([Message], Severity, [State]) SELECT 'The value for the parameter @FragmentationLevel1 is not supported.', 16, 1 END IF @FragmentationLevel1 >= @FragmentationLevel2 BEGIN INSERT INTO @Errors ([Message], Severity, [State]) SELECT 'The value for the parameter @FragmentationLevel1 is not supported.', 16, 2 END ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF @FragmentationLevel2 <= 0 OR @FragmentationLevel2 >= 100 OR @FragmentationLevel2 IS NULL BEGIN INSERT INTO @Errors ([Message], Severity, [State]) SELECT 'The value for the parameter @FragmentationLevel2 is not supported.', 16, 1 END IF @FragmentationLevel2 <= @FragmentationLevel1 BEGIN INSERT INTO @Errors ([Message], Severity, [State]) SELECT 'The value for the parameter @FragmentationLevel2 is not supported.', 16, 2 END ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF @MinNumberOfPages < 0 OR @MinNumberOfPages IS NULL BEGIN INSERT INTO @Errors ([Message], Severity, [State]) SELECT 'The value for the parameter @MinNumberOfPages is not supported.', 16, 1 END ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF @MaxNumberOfPages < 0 BEGIN INSERT INTO @Errors ([Message], Severity, [State]) SELECT 'The value for the parameter @MaxNumberOfPages is not supported.', 16, 1 END ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF @SortInTempdb NOT IN('Y','N') OR @SortInTempdb IS NULL BEGIN INSERT INTO @Errors ([Message], Severity, [State]) SELECT 'The value for the parameter @SortInTempdb is not supported.', 16, 1 END ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF @MaxDOP < 0 OR @MaxDOP > 64 BEGIN INSERT INTO @Errors ([Message], Severity, [State]) SELECT 'The value for the parameter @MaxDOP is not supported.', 16, 1 END ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF @FillFactor <= 0 OR @FillFactor > 100 BEGIN INSERT INTO @Errors ([Message], Severity, [State]) SELECT 'The value for the parameter @FillFactor is not supported.', 16, 1 END ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF @PadIndex NOT IN('Y','N') BEGIN INSERT INTO @Errors ([Message], Severity, [State]) SELECT 'The value for the parameter @PadIndex is not supported.', 16, 1 END ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF @LOBCompaction NOT IN('Y','N') OR @LOBCompaction IS NULL BEGIN INSERT INTO @Errors ([Message], Severity, [State]) SELECT 'The value for the parameter @LOBCompaction is not supported.', 16, 1 END ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF @UpdateStatistics NOT IN('ALL','COLUMNS','INDEX') BEGIN INSERT INTO @Errors ([Message], Severity, [State]) SELECT 'The value for the parameter @UpdateStatistics is not supported.', 16, 1 END ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF @OnlyModifiedStatistics NOT IN('Y','N') OR @OnlyModifiedStatistics IS NULL BEGIN INSERT INTO @Errors ([Message], Severity, [State]) SELECT 'The value for the parameter @OnlyModifiedStatistics is not supported.', 16, 1 END ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF @StatisticsModificationLevel <= 0 OR @StatisticsModificationLevel > 100 BEGIN INSERT INTO @Errors ([Message], Severity, [State]) SELECT 'The value for the parameter @StatisticsModificationLevel is not supported.', 16, 1 END ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF @OnlyModifiedStatistics = 'Y' AND @StatisticsModificationLevel IS NOT NULL BEGIN INSERT INTO @Errors ([Message], Severity, [State]) SELECT 'You can only specify one of the parameters @OnlyModifiedStatistics and @StatisticsModificationLevel.', 16, 1 END ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF @StatisticsSample <= 0 OR @StatisticsSample > 100 BEGIN INSERT INTO @Errors ([Message], Severity, [State]) SELECT 'The value for the parameter @StatisticsSample is not supported.', 16, 1 END ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF @StatisticsResample NOT IN('Y','N') OR @StatisticsResample IS NULL BEGIN INSERT INTO @Errors ([Message], Severity, [State]) SELECT 'The value for the parameter @StatisticsResample is not supported.', 16, 1 END IF @StatisticsResample = 'Y' AND @StatisticsSample IS NOT NULL BEGIN INSERT INTO @Errors ([Message], Severity, [State]) SELECT 'The value for the parameter @StatisticsResample is not supported.', 16, 2 END ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF @PartitionLevel NOT IN('Y','N') OR @PartitionLevel IS NULL BEGIN INSERT INTO @Errors ([Message], Severity, [State]) SELECT 'The value for the parameter @PartitionLevel is not supported.', 16, 1 END ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF @MSShippedObjects NOT IN('Y','N') OR @MSShippedObjects IS NULL BEGIN INSERT INTO @Errors ([Message], Severity, [State]) SELECT 'The value for the parameter @MSShippedObjects is not supported.', 16, 1 END ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM @SelectedIndexes WHERE DatabaseName IS NULL OR SchemaName IS NULL OR ObjectName IS NULL OR IndexName IS NULL) BEGIN INSERT INTO @Errors ([Message], Severity, [State]) SELECT 'The value for the parameter @Indexes is not supported.', 16, 1 END IF @Indexes IS NOT NULL AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM @SelectedIndexes) BEGIN INSERT INTO @Errors ([Message], Severity, [State]) SELECT 'The value for the parameter @Indexes is not supported.', 16, 2 END ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF @TimeLimit < 0 BEGIN INSERT INTO @Errors ([Message], Severity, [State]) SELECT 'The value for the parameter @TimeLimit is not supported.', 16, 1 END ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF @Delay < 0 BEGIN INSERT INTO @Errors ([Message], Severity, [State]) SELECT 'The value for the parameter @Delay is not supported.', 16, 1 END ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF @WaitAtLowPriorityMaxDuration < 0 BEGIN INSERT INTO @Errors ([Message], Severity, [State]) SELECT 'The value for the parameter @WaitAtLowPriorityMaxDuration is not supported.', 16, 1 END IF @WaitAtLowPriorityMaxDuration IS NOT NULL AND @Version < 12 BEGIN INSERT INTO @Errors ([Message], Severity, [State]) SELECT 'The value for the parameter @WaitAtLowPriorityMaxDuration is not supported.', 16, 2 END ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF @WaitAtLowPriorityAbortAfterWait NOT IN('NONE','SELF','BLOCKERS') BEGIN INSERT INTO @Errors ([Message], Severity, [State]) SELECT 'The value for the parameter @WaitAtLowPriorityAbortAfterWait is not supported.', 16, 1 END IF @WaitAtLowPriorityAbortAfterWait IS NOT NULL AND @Version < 12 BEGIN INSERT INTO @Errors ([Message], Severity, [State]) SELECT 'The value for the parameter @WaitAtLowPriorityAbortAfterWait is not supported.', 16, 2 END ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF (@WaitAtLowPriorityAbortAfterWait IS NOT NULL AND @WaitAtLowPriorityMaxDuration IS NULL) OR (@WaitAtLowPriorityAbortAfterWait IS NULL AND @WaitAtLowPriorityMaxDuration IS NOT NULL) BEGIN INSERT INTO @Errors ([Message], Severity, [State]) SELECT 'The parameters @WaitAtLowPriorityMaxDuration and @WaitAtLowPriorityAbortAfterWait can only be used together.', 16, 1 END ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF @Resumable NOT IN('Y','N') OR @Resumable IS NULL BEGIN INSERT INTO @Errors ([Message], Severity, [State]) SELECT 'The value for the parameter @Resumable is not supported.', 16, 1 END IF @Resumable = 'Y' AND NOT (@Version >= 14 OR SERVERPROPERTY('EngineEdition') IN (5, 8)) BEGIN INSERT INTO @Errors ([Message], Severity, [State]) SELECT 'The value for the parameter @Resumable is not supported.', 16, 2 END IF @Resumable = 'Y' AND @SortInTempdb = 'Y' BEGIN INSERT INTO @Errors ([Message], Severity, [State]) SELECT 'You can only specify one of the parameters @Resumable and @SortInTempdb.', 16, 3 END ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF @LockTimeout < 0 BEGIN INSERT INTO @Errors ([Message], Severity, [State]) SELECT 'The value for the parameter @LockTimeout is not supported.', 16, 1 END ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF @LockMessageSeverity NOT IN(10, 16) BEGIN INSERT INTO @Errors ([Message], Severity, [State]) SELECT 'The value for the parameter @LockMessageSeverity is not supported.', 16, 1 END ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF @StringDelimiter IS NULL OR LEN(@StringDelimiter) > 1 BEGIN INSERT INTO @Errors ([Message], Severity, [State]) SELECT 'The value for the parameter @StringDelimiter is not supported.', 16, 1 END ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF @DatabaseOrder NOT IN('DATABASE_NAME_ASC','DATABASE_NAME_DESC','DATABASE_SIZE_ASC','DATABASE_SIZE_DESC') BEGIN INSERT INTO @Errors ([Message], Severity, [State]) SELECT 'The value for the parameter @DatabaseOrder is not supported.', 16, 1 END IF @DatabaseOrder IS NOT NULL AND SERVERPROPERTY('EngineEdition') = 5 BEGIN INSERT INTO @Errors ([Message], Severity, [State]) SELECT 'The value for the parameter @DatabaseOrder is not supported.', 16, 2 END ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF @DatabasesInParallel NOT IN('Y','N') OR @DatabasesInParallel IS NULL BEGIN INSERT INTO @Errors ([Message], Severity, [State]) SELECT 'The value for the parameter @DatabasesInParallel is not supported.', 16, 1 END IF @DatabasesInParallel = 'Y' AND SERVERPROPERTY('EngineEdition') = 5 BEGIN INSERT INTO @Errors ([Message], Severity, [State]) SELECT 'The value for the parameter @DatabasesInParallel is not supported.', 16, 2 END ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF LEN(@ExecuteAsUser) > 128 BEGIN INSERT INTO @Errors ([Message], Severity, [State]) SELECT 'The value for the parameter @ExecuteAsUser is not supported.', 16, 1 END ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF @LogToTable NOT IN('Y','N') OR @LogToTable IS NULL BEGIN INSERT INTO @Errors ([Message], Severity, [State]) SELECT 'The value for the parameter @LogToTable is not supported.', 16, 1 END ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF @Execute NOT IN('Y','N') OR @Execute IS NULL BEGIN INSERT INTO @Errors ([Message], Severity, [State]) SELECT 'The value for the parameter @Execute is not supported.', 16, 1 END ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM @Errors) BEGIN INSERT INTO @Errors ([Message], Severity, [State]) SELECT 'The documentation is available at', 16, 1 END ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --// Check that selected databases and availability groups exist //-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SET @ErrorMessage = '' SELECT @ErrorMessage = @ErrorMessage + QUOTENAME(DatabaseName) + ', ' FROM @SelectedDatabases WHERE DatabaseName NOT LIKE '%[%]%' AND DatabaseName NOT IN (SELECT DatabaseName FROM @tmpDatabases) IF @@ROWCOUNT > 0 BEGIN INSERT INTO @Errors ([Message], Severity, [State]) SELECT 'The following databases in the @Databases parameter do not exist: ' + LEFT(@ErrorMessage,LEN(@ErrorMessage)-1) + '.', 10, 1 END SET @ErrorMessage = '' SELECT @ErrorMessage = @ErrorMessage + QUOTENAME(DatabaseName) + ', ' FROM @SelectedIndexes WHERE DatabaseName NOT LIKE '%[%]%' AND DatabaseName NOT IN (SELECT DatabaseName FROM @tmpDatabases) IF @@ROWCOUNT > 0 BEGIN INSERT INTO @Errors ([Message], Severity, [State]) SELECT 'The following databases in the @Indexes parameter do not exist: ' + LEFT(@ErrorMessage,LEN(@ErrorMessage)-1) + '.', 10, 1 END SET @ErrorMessage = '' SELECT @ErrorMessage = @ErrorMessage + QUOTENAME(AvailabilityGroupName) + ', ' FROM @SelectedAvailabilityGroups WHERE AvailabilityGroupName NOT LIKE '%[%]%' AND AvailabilityGroupName NOT IN (SELECT AvailabilityGroupName FROM @tmpAvailabilityGroups) IF @@ROWCOUNT > 0 BEGIN INSERT INTO @Errors ([Message], Severity, [State]) SELECT 'The following availability groups do not exist: ' + LEFT(@ErrorMessage,LEN(@ErrorMessage)-1) + '.', 10, 1 END SET @ErrorMessage = '' SELECT @ErrorMessage = @ErrorMessage + QUOTENAME(DatabaseName) + ', ' FROM @SelectedIndexes WHERE DatabaseName NOT LIKE '%[%]%' AND DatabaseName IN (SELECT DatabaseName FROM @tmpDatabases) AND DatabaseName NOT IN (SELECT DatabaseName FROM @tmpDatabases WHERE Selected = 1) IF @@ROWCOUNT > 0 BEGIN INSERT INTO @Errors ([Message], Severity, [State]) SELECT 'The following databases have been selected in the @Indexes parameter, but not in the @Databases or @AvailabilityGroups parameters: ' + LEFT(@ErrorMessage,LEN(@ErrorMessage)-1) + '.', 10, 1 END ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --// Raise errors //-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DECLARE ErrorCursor CURSOR FAST_FORWARD FOR SELECT [Message], Severity, [State] FROM @Errors ORDER BY [ID] ASC OPEN ErrorCursor FETCH ErrorCursor INTO @CurrentMessage, @CurrentSeverity, @CurrentState WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN RAISERROR('%s', @CurrentSeverity, @CurrentState, @CurrentMessage) WITH NOWAIT RAISERROR(@EmptyLine, 10, 1) WITH NOWAIT FETCH NEXT FROM ErrorCursor INTO @CurrentMessage, @CurrentSeverity, @CurrentState END CLOSE ErrorCursor DEALLOCATE ErrorCursor IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM @Errors WHERE Severity >= 16) BEGIN SET @ReturnCode = 50000 GOTO Logging END ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --// Should statistics be updated on the partition level? //-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SET @PartitionLevelStatistics = CASE WHEN @PartitionLevel = 'Y' AND ((@Version >= 12.05 AND @Version < 13) OR @Version >= 13.04422 OR SERVERPROPERTY('EngineEdition') IN (5,8)) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --// Update database order //-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF @DatabaseOrder IN('DATABASE_SIZE_ASC','DATABASE_SIZE_DESC') BEGIN UPDATE tmpDatabases SET DatabaseSize = (SELECT SUM(CAST(size AS bigint)) FROM sys.master_files WHERE [type] = 0 AND database_id = DB_ID(tmpDatabases.DatabaseName)) FROM @tmpDatabases tmpDatabases END IF @DatabaseOrder IS NULL BEGIN WITH tmpDatabases AS ( SELECT DatabaseName, [Order], ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY StartPosition ASC, DatabaseName ASC) AS RowNumber FROM @tmpDatabases tmpDatabases WHERE Selected = 1 ) UPDATE tmpDatabases SET [Order] = RowNumber END ELSE IF @DatabaseOrder = 'DATABASE_NAME_ASC' BEGIN WITH tmpDatabases AS ( SELECT DatabaseName, [Order], ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY DatabaseName ASC) AS RowNumber FROM @tmpDatabases tmpDatabases WHERE Selected = 1 ) UPDATE tmpDatabases SET [Order] = RowNumber END ELSE IF @DatabaseOrder = 'DATABASE_NAME_DESC' BEGIN WITH tmpDatabases AS ( SELECT DatabaseName, [Order], ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY DatabaseName DESC) AS RowNumber FROM @tmpDatabases tmpDatabases WHERE Selected = 1 ) UPDATE tmpDatabases SET [Order] = RowNumber END ELSE IF @DatabaseOrder = 'DATABASE_SIZE_ASC' BEGIN WITH tmpDatabases AS ( SELECT DatabaseName, [Order], ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY DatabaseSize ASC) AS RowNumber FROM @tmpDatabases tmpDatabases WHERE Selected = 1 ) UPDATE tmpDatabases SET [Order] = RowNumber END ELSE IF @DatabaseOrder = 'DATABASE_SIZE_DESC' BEGIN WITH tmpDatabases AS ( SELECT DatabaseName, [Order], ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY DatabaseSize DESC) AS RowNumber FROM @tmpDatabases tmpDatabases WHERE Selected = 1 ) UPDATE tmpDatabases SET [Order] = RowNumber END ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --// Update the queue //-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF @DatabasesInParallel = 'Y' BEGIN BEGIN TRY SELECT @QueueID = QueueID FROM dbo.[Queue] WHERE SchemaName = @SchemaName AND ObjectName = @ObjectName AND [Parameters] = @Parameters IF @QueueID IS NULL BEGIN BEGIN TRANSACTION SELECT @QueueID = QueueID FROM dbo.[Queue] WITH (UPDLOCK, HOLDLOCK) WHERE SchemaName = @SchemaName AND ObjectName = @ObjectName AND [Parameters] = @Parameters IF @QueueID IS NULL BEGIN INSERT INTO dbo.[Queue] (SchemaName, ObjectName, [Parameters]) SELECT @SchemaName, @ObjectName, @Parameters SET @QueueID = SCOPE_IDENTITY() END COMMIT TRANSACTION END BEGIN TRANSACTION UPDATE [Queue] SET QueueStartTime = SYSDATETIME(), SessionID = @@SPID, RequestID = (SELECT request_id FROM sys.dm_exec_requests WHERE session_id = @@SPID), RequestStartTime = (SELECT start_time FROM sys.dm_exec_requests WHERE session_id = @@SPID) FROM dbo.[Queue] [Queue] WHERE QueueID = @QueueID AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.dm_exec_requests WHERE session_id = [Queue].SessionID AND request_id = [Queue].RequestID AND start_time = [Queue].RequestStartTime) AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.QueueDatabase QueueDatabase INNER JOIN sys.dm_exec_requests ON QueueDatabase.SessionID = session_id AND QueueDatabase.RequestID = request_id AND QueueDatabase.RequestStartTime = start_time WHERE QueueDatabase.QueueID = @QueueID) IF @@ROWCOUNT = 1 BEGIN INSERT INTO dbo.QueueDatabase (QueueID, DatabaseName) SELECT @QueueID AS QueueID, DatabaseName FROM @tmpDatabases tmpDatabases WHERE Selected = 1 AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.QueueDatabase WHERE DatabaseName = tmpDatabases.DatabaseName AND QueueID = @QueueID) DELETE QueueDatabase FROM dbo.QueueDatabase QueueDatabase WHERE QueueID = @QueueID AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM @tmpDatabases tmpDatabases WHERE DatabaseName = QueueDatabase.DatabaseName AND Selected = 1) UPDATE QueueDatabase SET DatabaseOrder = tmpDatabases.[Order] FROM dbo.QueueDatabase QueueDatabase INNER JOIN @tmpDatabases tmpDatabases ON QueueDatabase.DatabaseName = tmpDatabases.DatabaseName WHERE QueueID = @QueueID END COMMIT TRANSACTION SELECT @QueueStartTime = QueueStartTime FROM dbo.[Queue] WHERE QueueID = @QueueID END TRY BEGIN CATCH IF XACT_STATE() <> 0 BEGIN ROLLBACK TRANSACTION END SET @ErrorMessage = 'Msg ' + CAST(ERROR_NUMBER() AS nvarchar) + ', ' + ISNULL(ERROR_MESSAGE(),'') RAISERROR('%s',16,1,@ErrorMessage) WITH NOWAIT RAISERROR(@EmptyLine,10,1) WITH NOWAIT SET @ReturnCode = ERROR_NUMBER() GOTO Logging END CATCH END ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --// Execute commands //-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHILE (1 = 1) BEGIN IF @DatabasesInParallel = 'Y' BEGIN UPDATE QueueDatabase SET DatabaseStartTime = NULL, SessionID = NULL, RequestID = NULL, RequestStartTime = NULL FROM dbo.QueueDatabase QueueDatabase WHERE QueueID = @QueueID AND DatabaseStartTime IS NOT NULL AND DatabaseEndTime IS NULL AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.dm_exec_requests WHERE session_id = QueueDatabase.SessionID AND request_id = QueueDatabase.RequestID AND start_time = QueueDatabase.RequestStartTime) UPDATE QueueDatabase SET DatabaseStartTime = SYSDATETIME(), DatabaseEndTime = NULL, SessionID = @@SPID, RequestID = (SELECT request_id FROM sys.dm_exec_requests WHERE session_id = @@SPID), RequestStartTime = (SELECT start_time FROM sys.dm_exec_requests WHERE session_id = @@SPID), @CurrentDatabaseName = DatabaseName FROM (SELECT TOP 1 DatabaseStartTime, DatabaseEndTime, SessionID, RequestID, RequestStartTime, DatabaseName FROM dbo.QueueDatabase WHERE QueueID = @QueueID AND (DatabaseStartTime < @QueueStartTime OR DatabaseStartTime IS NULL) AND NOT (DatabaseStartTime IS NOT NULL AND DatabaseEndTime IS NULL) ORDER BY DatabaseOrder ASC ) QueueDatabase END ELSE BEGIN SELECT TOP 1 @CurrentDBID = ID, @CurrentDatabaseName = DatabaseName FROM @tmpDatabases WHERE Selected = 1 AND Completed = 0 ORDER BY [Order] ASC END IF @@ROWCOUNT = 0 BEGIN BREAK END SET @CurrentDatabase_sp_executesql = QUOTENAME(@CurrentDatabaseName) + '.sys.sp_executesql' IF @ExecuteAsUser IS NOT NULL BEGIN SET @CurrentCommand = '' SET @CurrentCommand += 'IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sys.database_principals database_principals WHERE database_principals.[name] = @ParamExecuteAsUser) BEGIN SET @ParamExecuteAsUserExists = 1 END ELSE BEGIN SET @ParamExecuteAsUserExists = 0 END' EXECUTE @CurrentDatabase_sp_executesql @stmt = @CurrentCommand, @params = N'@ParamExecuteAsUser sysname, @ParamExecuteAsUserExists bit OUTPUT', @ParamExecuteAsUser = @ExecuteAsUser, @ParamExecuteAsUserExists = @CurrentExecuteAsUserExists OUTPUT END BEGIN SET @DatabaseMessage = 'Date and time: ' + CONVERT(nvarchar,SYSDATETIME(),120) RAISERROR('%s',10,1,@DatabaseMessage) WITH NOWAIT SET @DatabaseMessage = 'Database: ' + QUOTENAME(@CurrentDatabaseName) RAISERROR('%s',10,1,@DatabaseMessage) WITH NOWAIT END SELECT @CurrentUserAccess = user_access_desc, @CurrentIsReadOnly = is_read_only, @CurrentDatabaseState = state_desc, @CurrentInStandby = is_in_standby, @CurrentRecoveryModel = recovery_model_desc FROM sys.databases WHERE [name] = @CurrentDatabaseName BEGIN SET @DatabaseMessage = 'State: ' + @CurrentDatabaseState RAISERROR('%s',10,1,@DatabaseMessage) WITH NOWAIT SET @DatabaseMessage = 'Standby: ' + CASE WHEN @CurrentInStandby = 1 THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No' END RAISERROR('%s',10,1,@DatabaseMessage) WITH NOWAIT SET @DatabaseMessage = 'Updateability: ' + CASE WHEN @CurrentIsReadOnly = 1 THEN 'READ_ONLY' WHEN @CurrentIsReadOnly = 0 THEN 'READ_WRITE' END RAISERROR('%s',10,1,@DatabaseMessage) WITH NOWAIT SET @DatabaseMessage = 'User access: ' + @CurrentUserAccess RAISERROR('%s',10,1,@DatabaseMessage) WITH NOWAIT SET @DatabaseMessage = 'Recovery model: ' + @CurrentRecoveryModel RAISERROR('%s',10,1,@DatabaseMessage) WITH NOWAIT END IF @CurrentDatabaseState = 'ONLINE' AND SERVERPROPERTY('EngineEdition') <> 5 BEGIN IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.database_recovery_status WHERE database_id = DB_ID(@CurrentDatabaseName) AND database_guid IS NOT NULL) BEGIN SET @CurrentIsDatabaseAccessible = 1 END ELSE BEGIN SET @CurrentIsDatabaseAccessible = 0 END END IF @Version >= 11 AND SERVERPROPERTY('IsHadrEnabled') = 1 BEGIN SELECT @CurrentReplicaID = databases.replica_id FROM sys.databases databases INNER JOIN sys.availability_replicas availability_replicas ON databases.replica_id = availability_replicas.replica_id WHERE databases.[name] = @CurrentDatabaseName SELECT @CurrentAvailabilityGroupID = group_id FROM sys.availability_replicas WHERE replica_id = @CurrentReplicaID SELECT @CurrentAvailabilityGroupRole = role_desc FROM sys.dm_hadr_availability_replica_states WHERE replica_id = @CurrentReplicaID SELECT @CurrentAvailabilityGroup = [name] FROM sys.availability_groups WHERE group_id = @CurrentAvailabilityGroupID END IF SERVERPROPERTY('EngineEdition') <> 5 BEGIN SELECT @CurrentDatabaseMirroringRole = UPPER(mirroring_role_desc) FROM sys.database_mirroring WHERE database_id = DB_ID(@CurrentDatabaseName) END IF @CurrentIsDatabaseAccessible IS NOT NULL BEGIN SET @DatabaseMessage = 'Is accessible: ' + CASE WHEN @CurrentIsDatabaseAccessible = 1 THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No' END RAISERROR('%s',10,1,@DatabaseMessage) WITH NOWAIT END IF @CurrentAvailabilityGroup IS NOT NULL BEGIN SET @DatabaseMessage = 'Availability group: ' + ISNULL(@CurrentAvailabilityGroup,'N/A') RAISERROR('%s',10,1,@DatabaseMessage) WITH NOWAIT SET @DatabaseMessage = 'Availability group role: ' + ISNULL(@CurrentAvailabilityGroupRole,'N/A') RAISERROR('%s',10,1,@DatabaseMessage) WITH NOWAIT END IF @CurrentDatabaseMirroringRole IS NOT NULL BEGIN SET @DatabaseMessage = 'Database mirroring role: ' + @CurrentDatabaseMirroringRole RAISERROR('%s',10,1,@DatabaseMessage) WITH NOWAIT END RAISERROR(@EmptyLine,10,1) WITH NOWAIT IF @CurrentExecuteAsUserExists = 0 BEGIN SET @DatabaseMessage = 'The user ' + QUOTENAME(@ExecuteAsUser) + ' does not exist in the database ' + QUOTENAME(@CurrentDatabaseName) + '.' RAISERROR('%s',16,1,@DatabaseMessage) WITH NOWAIT RAISERROR(@EmptyLine,10,1) WITH NOWAIT END IF @CurrentDatabaseState = 'ONLINE' AND NOT (@CurrentUserAccess = 'SINGLE_USER' AND @CurrentIsDatabaseAccessible = 0) AND DATABASEPROPERTYEX(@CurrentDatabaseName,'Updateability') = 'READ_WRITE' AND (@CurrentExecuteAsUserExists = 1 OR @CurrentExecuteAsUserExists IS NULL) BEGIN -- Select indexes in the current database IF (EXISTS(SELECT * FROM @ActionsPreferred) OR @UpdateStatistics IS NOT NULL) AND (SYSDATETIME() < DATEADD(SECOND,@TimeLimit,@StartTime) OR @TimeLimit IS NULL) BEGIN SET @CurrentCommand = 'SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ UNCOMMITTED;' + ' SELECT SchemaID, SchemaName, ObjectID, ObjectName, ObjectType, IsMemoryOptimized, IndexID, IndexName, IndexType, AllowPageLocks, IsImageText, IsNewLOB, IsFileStream, IsColumnStore, IsComputed, IsTimestamp, OnReadOnlyFileGroup, ResumableIndexOperation, StatisticsID, StatisticsName, NoRecompute, IsIncremental, PartitionID, PartitionNumber, PartitionCount, [Order], Selected, Completed' + ' FROM (' IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM @ActionsPreferred) OR @UpdateStatistics IN('ALL','INDEX') BEGIN SET @CurrentCommand = @CurrentCommand + 'SELECT schemas.[schema_id] AS SchemaID' + ', schemas.[name] AS SchemaName' + ', objects.[object_id] AS ObjectID' + ', objects.[name] AS ObjectName' + ', RTRIM(objects.[type]) AS ObjectType' + ', ' + CASE WHEN @Version >= 12 THEN 'tables.is_memory_optimized' ELSE '0' END + ' AS IsMemoryOptimized' + ', indexes.index_id AS IndexID' + ', indexes.[name] AS IndexName' + ', indexes.[type] AS IndexType' + ', indexes.allow_page_locks AS AllowPageLocks' + ', CASE WHEN indexes.[type] = 1 AND EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sys.columns columns INNER JOIN sys.types types ON columns.system_type_id = types.user_type_id WHERE columns.[object_id] = objects.object_id AND IN(''image'',''text'',''ntext'')) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS IsImageText' + ', CASE WHEN indexes.[type] = 1 AND EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sys.columns columns INNER JOIN sys.types types ON columns.system_type_id = types.user_type_id OR (columns.user_type_id = types.user_type_id AND types.is_assembly_type = 1) WHERE columns.[object_id] = objects.object_id AND ( IN(''xml'') OR ( IN(''varchar'',''nvarchar'',''varbinary'') AND columns.max_length = -1) OR (types.is_assembly_type = 1 AND columns.max_length = -1))) THEN 1' + ' WHEN indexes.[type] = 2 AND EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sys.index_columns index_columns INNER JOIN sys.columns columns ON index_columns.[object_id] = columns.[object_id] AND index_columns.column_id = columns.column_id INNER JOIN sys.types types ON columns.system_type_id = types.user_type_id OR (columns.user_type_id = types.user_type_id AND types.is_assembly_type = 1) WHERE index_columns.[object_id] = objects.object_id AND index_columns.index_id = indexes.index_id AND (types.[name] IN(''xml'') OR (types.[name] IN(''varchar'',''nvarchar'',''varbinary'') AND columns.max_length = -1) OR (types.is_assembly_type = 1 AND columns.max_length = -1))) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS IsNewLOB' + ', CASE WHEN indexes.[type] = 1 AND EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sys.columns columns WHERE columns.[object_id] = objects.object_id AND columns.is_filestream = 1) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS IsFileStream' + ', CASE WHEN EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sys.indexes indexes WHERE indexes.[object_id] = objects.object_id AND [type] IN(5,6)) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS IsColumnStore' + ', CASE WHEN EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sys.index_columns index_columns INNER JOIN sys.columns columns ON index_columns.object_id = columns.object_id AND index_columns.column_id = columns.column_id WHERE (index_columns.key_ordinal > 0 OR index_columns.partition_ordinal > 0) AND columns.is_computed = 1 AND index_columns.object_id = indexes.object_id AND index_columns.index_id = indexes.index_id) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS IsComputed' + ', CASE WHEN EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sys.index_columns index_columns INNER JOIN sys.columns columns ON index_columns.[object_id] = columns.[object_id] AND index_columns.column_id = columns.column_id INNER JOIN sys.types types ON columns.system_type_id = types.system_type_id WHERE index_columns.[object_id] = objects.object_id AND index_columns.index_id = indexes.index_id AND types.[name] = ''timestamp'') THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS IsTimestamp' + ', CASE WHEN EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.indexes indexes2 INNER JOIN sys.destination_data_spaces destination_data_spaces ON indexes.data_space_id = destination_data_spaces.partition_scheme_id INNER JOIN sys.filegroups filegroups ON destination_data_spaces.data_space_id = filegroups.data_space_id WHERE filegroups.is_read_only = 1 AND indexes2.[object_id] = indexes.[object_id] AND indexes2.[index_id] = indexes.index_id' + CASE WHEN @PartitionLevel = 'Y' THEN ' AND destination_data_spaces.destination_id = partitions.partition_number' ELSE '' END + ') THEN 1' + ' WHEN EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.indexes indexes2 INNER JOIN sys.filegroups filegroups ON indexes.data_space_id = filegroups.data_space_id WHERE filegroups.is_read_only = 1 AND indexes.[object_id] = indexes2.[object_id] AND indexes.[index_id] = indexes2.index_id) THEN 1' + ' WHEN indexes.[type] = 1 AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.tables tables INNER JOIN sys.filegroups filegroups ON tables.lob_data_space_id = filegroups.data_space_id WHERE filegroups.is_read_only = 1 AND tables.[object_id] = objects.[object_id]) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS OnReadOnlyFileGroup' + ', ' + CASE WHEN @Version >= 14 THEN 'CASE WHEN EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sys.index_resumable_operations index_resumable_operations WHERE state_desc = ''PAUSED'' AND index_resumable_operations.object_id = indexes.object_id AND index_resumable_operations.index_id = indexes.index_id AND (index_resumable_operations.partition_number = partitions.partition_number OR index_resumable_operations.partition_number IS NULL)) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END' ELSE '0' END + ' AS ResumableIndexOperation' + ', stats.stats_id AS StatisticsID' + ', AS StatisticsName' + ', stats.no_recompute AS NoRecompute' + ', ' + CASE WHEN @Version >= 12 THEN 'stats.is_incremental' ELSE '0' END + ' AS IsIncremental' + ', ' + CASE WHEN @PartitionLevel = 'Y' THEN 'partitions.partition_id AS PartitionID' WHEN @PartitionLevel = 'N' THEN 'NULL AS PartitionID' END + ', ' + CASE WHEN @PartitionLevel = 'Y' THEN 'partitions.partition_number AS PartitionNumber' WHEN @PartitionLevel = 'N' THEN 'NULL AS PartitionNumber' END + ', ' + CASE WHEN @PartitionLevel = 'Y' THEN 'IndexPartitions.partition_count AS PartitionCount' WHEN @PartitionLevel = 'N' THEN 'NULL AS PartitionCount' END + ', 0 AS [Order]' + ', 0 AS Selected' + ', 0 AS Completed' + ' FROM sys.indexes indexes' + ' INNER JOIN sys.objects objects ON indexes.[object_id] = objects.[object_id]' + ' INNER JOIN sys.schemas schemas ON objects.[schema_id] = schemas.[schema_id]' + ' LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.tables tables ON objects.[object_id] = tables.[object_id]' + ' LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.stats stats ON indexes.[object_id] = stats.[object_id] AND indexes.[index_id] = stats.[stats_id]' IF @PartitionLevel = 'Y' BEGIN SET @CurrentCommand = @CurrentCommand + ' LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.partitions partitions ON indexes.[object_id] = partitions.[object_id] AND indexes.index_id = partitions.index_id' + ' LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT partitions.[object_id], partitions.index_id, COUNT(DISTINCT partitions.partition_number) AS partition_count FROM sys.partitions partitions GROUP BY partitions.[object_id], partitions.index_id) IndexPartitions ON partitions.[object_id] = IndexPartitions.[object_id] AND partitions.[index_id] = IndexPartitions.[index_id]' END SET @CurrentCommand = @CurrentCommand + ' WHERE objects.[type] IN(''U'',''V'')' + CASE WHEN @MSShippedObjects = 'N' THEN ' AND objects.is_ms_shipped = 0' ELSE '' END + ' AND indexes.[type] IN(1,2,3,4,5,6,7)' + ' AND indexes.is_disabled = 0 AND indexes.is_hypothetical = 0' END IF (EXISTS(SELECT * FROM @ActionsPreferred) AND @UpdateStatistics = 'COLUMNS') OR @UpdateStatistics = 'ALL' BEGIN SET @CurrentCommand = @CurrentCommand + ' UNION ' END IF @UpdateStatistics IN('ALL','COLUMNS') BEGIN SET @CurrentCommand = @CurrentCommand + 'SELECT schemas.[schema_id] AS SchemaID' + ', schemas.[name] AS SchemaName' + ', objects.[object_id] AS ObjectID' + ', objects.[name] AS ObjectName' + ', RTRIM(objects.[type]) AS ObjectType' + ', ' + CASE WHEN @Version >= 12 THEN 'tables.is_memory_optimized' ELSE '0' END + ' AS IsMemoryOptimized' + ', NULL AS IndexID, NULL AS IndexName' + ', NULL AS IndexType' + ', NULL AS AllowPageLocks' + ', NULL AS IsImageText' + ', NULL AS IsNewLOB' + ', NULL AS IsFileStream' + ', NULL AS IsColumnStore' + ', NULL AS IsComputed' + ', NULL AS IsTimestamp' + ', NULL AS OnReadOnlyFileGroup' + ', NULL AS ResumableIndexOperation' + ', stats.stats_id AS StatisticsID' + ', AS StatisticsName' + ', stats.no_recompute AS NoRecompute' + ', ' + CASE WHEN @Version >= 12 THEN 'stats.is_incremental' ELSE '0' END + ' AS IsIncremental' + ', NULL AS PartitionID' + ', ' + CASE WHEN @PartitionLevelStatistics = 1 THEN 'dm_db_incremental_stats_properties.partition_number' ELSE 'NULL' END + ' AS PartitionNumber' + ', NULL AS PartitionCount' + ', 0 AS [Order]' + ', 0 AS Selected' + ', 0 AS Completed' + ' FROM sys.stats stats' + ' INNER JOIN sys.objects objects ON stats.[object_id] = objects.[object_id]' + ' INNER JOIN sys.schemas schemas ON objects.[schema_id] = schemas.[schema_id]' + ' LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.tables tables ON objects.[object_id] = tables.[object_id]' IF @PartitionLevelStatistics = 1 BEGIN SET @CurrentCommand = @CurrentCommand + ' OUTER APPLY sys.dm_db_incremental_stats_properties(stats.object_id, stats.stats_id) dm_db_incremental_stats_properties' END SET @CurrentCommand = @CurrentCommand + ' WHERE objects.[type] IN(''U'',''V'')' + CASE WHEN @MSShippedObjects = 'N' THEN ' AND objects.is_ms_shipped = 0' ELSE '' END + ' AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sys.indexes indexes WHERE indexes.[object_id] = stats.[object_id] AND indexes.index_id = stats.stats_id)' END SET @CurrentCommand = @CurrentCommand + ') IndexesStatistics' INSERT INTO @tmpIndexesStatistics (SchemaID, SchemaName, ObjectID, ObjectName, ObjectType, IsMemoryOptimized, IndexID, IndexName, IndexType, AllowPageLocks, IsImageText, IsNewLOB, IsFileStream, IsColumnStore, IsComputed, IsTimestamp, OnReadOnlyFileGroup, ResumableIndexOperation, StatisticsID, StatisticsName, [NoRecompute], IsIncremental, PartitionID, PartitionNumber, PartitionCount, [Order], Selected, Completed) EXECUTE @CurrentDatabase_sp_executesql @stmt = @CurrentCommand SET @Error = @@ERROR IF @Error <> 0 BEGIN SET @ReturnCode = @Error END END IF @Indexes IS NULL BEGIN UPDATE tmpIndexesStatistics SET tmpIndexesStatistics.Selected = 1 FROM @tmpIndexesStatistics tmpIndexesStatistics END ELSE BEGIN UPDATE tmpIndexesStatistics SET tmpIndexesStatistics.Selected = SelectedIndexes.Selected FROM @tmpIndexesStatistics tmpIndexesStatistics INNER JOIN @SelectedIndexes SelectedIndexes ON @CurrentDatabaseName LIKE REPLACE(SelectedIndexes.DatabaseName,'_','[_]') AND tmpIndexesStatistics.SchemaName LIKE REPLACE(SelectedIndexes.SchemaName,'_','[_]') AND tmpIndexesStatistics.ObjectName LIKE REPLACE(SelectedIndexes.ObjectName,'_','[_]') AND COALESCE(tmpIndexesStatistics.IndexName,tmpIndexesStatistics.StatisticsName) LIKE REPLACE(SelectedIndexes.IndexName,'_','[_]') WHERE SelectedIndexes.Selected = 1 UPDATE tmpIndexesStatistics SET tmpIndexesStatistics.Selected = SelectedIndexes.Selected FROM @tmpIndexesStatistics tmpIndexesStatistics INNER JOIN @SelectedIndexes SelectedIndexes ON @CurrentDatabaseName LIKE REPLACE(SelectedIndexes.DatabaseName,'_','[_]') AND tmpIndexesStatistics.SchemaName LIKE REPLACE(SelectedIndexes.SchemaName,'_','[_]') AND tmpIndexesStatistics.ObjectName LIKE REPLACE(SelectedIndexes.ObjectName,'_','[_]') AND COALESCE(tmpIndexesStatistics.IndexName,tmpIndexesStatistics.StatisticsName) LIKE REPLACE(SelectedIndexes.IndexName,'_','[_]') WHERE SelectedIndexes.Selected = 0 UPDATE tmpIndexesStatistics SET tmpIndexesStatistics.StartPosition = SelectedIndexes2.StartPosition FROM @tmpIndexesStatistics tmpIndexesStatistics INNER JOIN (SELECT tmpIndexesStatistics.SchemaName, tmpIndexesStatistics.ObjectName, tmpIndexesStatistics.IndexName, tmpIndexesStatistics.StatisticsName, MIN(SelectedIndexes.StartPosition) AS StartPosition FROM @tmpIndexesStatistics tmpIndexesStatistics INNER JOIN @SelectedIndexes SelectedIndexes ON @CurrentDatabaseName LIKE REPLACE(SelectedIndexes.DatabaseName,'_','[_]') AND tmpIndexesStatistics.SchemaName LIKE REPLACE(SelectedIndexes.SchemaName,'_','[_]') AND tmpIndexesStatistics.ObjectName LIKE REPLACE(SelectedIndexes.ObjectName,'_','[_]') AND COALESCE(tmpIndexesStatistics.IndexName,tmpIndexesStatistics.StatisticsName) LIKE REPLACE(SelectedIndexes.IndexName,'_','[_]') WHERE SelectedIndexes.Selected = 1 GROUP BY tmpIndexesStatistics.SchemaName, tmpIndexesStatistics.ObjectName, tmpIndexesStatistics.IndexName, tmpIndexesStatistics.StatisticsName) SelectedIndexes2 ON tmpIndexesStatistics.SchemaName = SelectedIndexes2.SchemaName AND tmpIndexesStatistics.ObjectName = SelectedIndexes2.ObjectName AND (tmpIndexesStatistics.IndexName = SelectedIndexes2.IndexName OR tmpIndexesStatistics.IndexName IS NULL) AND (tmpIndexesStatistics.StatisticsName = SelectedIndexes2.StatisticsName OR tmpIndexesStatistics.StatisticsName IS NULL) END; WITH tmpIndexesStatistics AS ( SELECT SchemaName, ObjectName, [Order], ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY ISNULL(ResumableIndexOperation,0) DESC, StartPosition ASC, SchemaName ASC, ObjectName ASC, CASE WHEN IndexType IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ASC, IndexType ASC, IndexName ASC, StatisticsName ASC, PartitionNumber ASC) AS RowNumber FROM @tmpIndexesStatistics tmpIndexesStatistics WHERE Selected = 1 ) UPDATE tmpIndexesStatistics SET [Order] = RowNumber SET @ErrorMessage = '' SELECT @ErrorMessage = @ErrorMessage + QUOTENAME(DatabaseName) + '.' + QUOTENAME(SchemaName) + '.' + QUOTENAME(ObjectName) + ', ' FROM @SelectedIndexes SelectedIndexes WHERE DatabaseName = @CurrentDatabaseName AND SchemaName NOT LIKE '%[%]%' AND ObjectName NOT LIKE '%[%]%' AND IndexName LIKE '%[%]%' AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM @tmpIndexesStatistics WHERE SchemaName = SelectedIndexes.SchemaName AND ObjectName = SelectedIndexes.ObjectName) IF @@ROWCOUNT > 0 BEGIN SET @ErrorMessage = 'The following objects in the @Indexes parameter do not exist: ' + LEFT(@ErrorMessage,LEN(@ErrorMessage)-1) + '.' RAISERROR('%s',10,1,@ErrorMessage) WITH NOWAIT SET @Error = @@ERROR RAISERROR(@EmptyLine,10,1) WITH NOWAIT END SET @ErrorMessage = '' SELECT @ErrorMessage = @ErrorMessage + QUOTENAME(DatabaseName) + QUOTENAME(SchemaName) + '.' + QUOTENAME(ObjectName) + '.' + QUOTENAME(IndexName) + ', ' FROM @SelectedIndexes SelectedIndexes WHERE DatabaseName = @CurrentDatabaseName AND SchemaName NOT LIKE '%[%]%' AND ObjectName NOT LIKE '%[%]%' AND IndexName NOT LIKE '%[%]%' AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM @tmpIndexesStatistics WHERE SchemaName = SelectedIndexes.SchemaName AND ObjectName = SelectedIndexes.ObjectName AND IndexName = SelectedIndexes.IndexName) IF @@ROWCOUNT > 0 BEGIN SET @ErrorMessage = 'The following indexes in the @Indexes parameter do not exist: ' + LEFT(@ErrorMessage,LEN(@ErrorMessage)-1) + '.' RAISERROR('%s',10,1,@ErrorMessage) WITH NOWAIT SET @Error = @@ERROR RAISERROR(@EmptyLine,10,1) WITH NOWAIT END WHILE (SYSDATETIME() < DATEADD(SECOND,@TimeLimit,@StartTime) OR @TimeLimit IS NULL) BEGIN SELECT TOP 1 @CurrentIxID = ID, @CurrentIxOrder = [Order], @CurrentSchemaID = SchemaID, @CurrentSchemaName = SchemaName, @CurrentObjectID = ObjectID, @CurrentObjectName = ObjectName, @CurrentObjectType = ObjectType, @CurrentIsMemoryOptimized = IsMemoryOptimized, @CurrentIndexID = IndexID, @CurrentIndexName = IndexName, @CurrentIndexType = IndexType, @CurrentAllowPageLocks = AllowPageLocks, @CurrentIsImageText = IsImageText, @CurrentIsNewLOB = IsNewLOB, @CurrentIsFileStream = IsFileStream, @CurrentIsColumnStore = IsColumnStore, @CurrentIsComputed = IsComputed, @CurrentIsTimestamp = IsTimestamp, @CurrentOnReadOnlyFileGroup = OnReadOnlyFileGroup, @CurrentResumableIndexOperation = ResumableIndexOperation, @CurrentStatisticsID = StatisticsID, @CurrentStatisticsName = StatisticsName, @CurrentNoRecompute = [NoRecompute], @CurrentIsIncremental = IsIncremental, @CurrentPartitionID = PartitionID, @CurrentPartitionNumber = PartitionNumber, @CurrentPartitionCount = PartitionCount FROM @tmpIndexesStatistics WHERE Selected = 1 AND Completed = 0 ORDER BY [Order] ASC IF @@ROWCOUNT = 0 BEGIN BREAK END -- Is the index a partition? IF @CurrentPartitionNumber IS NULL OR @CurrentPartitionCount = 1 BEGIN SET @CurrentIsPartition = 0 END ELSE BEGIN SET @CurrentIsPartition = 1 END -- Does the index exist? IF @CurrentIndexID IS NOT NULL AND EXISTS(SELECT * FROM @ActionsPreferred) BEGIN SET @CurrentCommand = '' IF @LockTimeout IS NOT NULL SET @CurrentCommand = 'SET LOCK_TIMEOUT ' + CAST(@LockTimeout * 1000 AS nvarchar) + '; ' IF @CurrentIsPartition = 0 SET @CurrentCommand += 'IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sys.indexes indexes INNER JOIN sys.objects objects ON indexes.[object_id] = objects.[object_id] INNER JOIN sys.schemas schemas ON objects.[schema_id] = schemas.[schema_id] WHERE objects.[type] IN(''U'',''V'') AND indexes.[type] IN(1,2,3,4,5,6,7) AND indexes.is_disabled = 0 AND indexes.is_hypothetical = 0 AND schemas.[schema_id] = @ParamSchemaID AND schemas.[name] = @ParamSchemaName AND objects.[object_id] = @ParamObjectID AND objects.[name] = @ParamObjectName AND objects.[type] = @ParamObjectType AND indexes.index_id = @ParamIndexID AND indexes.[name] = @ParamIndexName AND indexes.[type] = @ParamIndexType) BEGIN SET @ParamIndexExists = 1 END' IF @CurrentIsPartition = 1 SET @CurrentCommand += 'IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sys.indexes indexes INNER JOIN sys.objects objects ON indexes.[object_id] = objects.[object_id] INNER JOIN sys.schemas schemas ON objects.[schema_id] = schemas.[schema_id] INNER JOIN sys.partitions partitions ON indexes.[object_id] = partitions.[object_id] AND indexes.index_id = partitions.index_id WHERE objects.[type] IN(''U'',''V'') AND indexes.[type] IN(1,2,3,4,5,6,7) AND indexes.is_disabled = 0 AND indexes.is_hypothetical = 0 AND schemas.[schema_id] = @ParamSchemaID AND schemas.[name] = @ParamSchemaName AND objects.[object_id] = @ParamObjectID AND objects.[name] = @ParamObjectName AND objects.[type] = @ParamObjectType AND indexes.index_id = @ParamIndexID AND indexes.[name] = @ParamIndexName AND indexes.[type] = @ParamIndexType AND partitions.partition_id = @ParamPartitionID AND partitions.partition_number = @ParamPartitionNumber) BEGIN SET @ParamIndexExists = 1 END' BEGIN TRY EXECUTE @CurrentDatabase_sp_executesql @stmt = @CurrentCommand, @params = N'@ParamSchemaID int, @ParamSchemaName sysname, @ParamObjectID int, @ParamObjectName sysname, @ParamObjectType sysname, @ParamIndexID int, @ParamIndexName sysname, @ParamIndexType int, @ParamPartitionID bigint, @ParamPartitionNumber int, @ParamIndexExists bit OUTPUT', @ParamSchemaID = @CurrentSchemaID, @ParamSchemaName = @CurrentSchemaName, @ParamObjectID = @CurrentObjectID, @ParamObjectName = @CurrentObjectName, @ParamObjectType = @CurrentObjectType, @ParamIndexID = @CurrentIndexID, @ParamIndexName = @CurrentIndexName, @ParamIndexType = @CurrentIndexType, @ParamPartitionID = @CurrentPartitionID, @ParamPartitionNumber = @CurrentPartitionNumber, @ParamIndexExists = @CurrentIndexExists OUTPUT IF @CurrentIndexExists IS NULL BEGIN SET @CurrentIndexExists = 0 GOTO NoAction END END TRY BEGIN CATCH SET @ErrorMessage = 'Msg ' + CAST(ERROR_NUMBER() AS nvarchar) + ', ' + ISNULL(ERROR_MESSAGE(),'') + CASE WHEN ERROR_NUMBER() = 1222 THEN ' The index ' + QUOTENAME(@CurrentIndexName) + ' on the object ' + QUOTENAME(@CurrentDatabaseName) + '.' + QUOTENAME(@CurrentSchemaName) + '.' + QUOTENAME(@CurrentObjectName) + ' is locked. It could not be checked if the index exists.' ELSE '' END SET @Severity = CASE WHEN ERROR_NUMBER() IN(1205,1222) THEN @LockMessageSeverity ELSE 16 END RAISERROR('%s',@Severity,1,@ErrorMessage) WITH NOWAIT RAISERROR(@EmptyLine,10,1) WITH NOWAIT IF NOT (ERROR_NUMBER() IN(1205,1222) AND @LockMessageSeverity = 10) BEGIN SET @ReturnCode = ERROR_NUMBER() END GOTO NoAction END CATCH END -- Does the statistics exist? IF @CurrentStatisticsID IS NOT NULL AND @UpdateStatistics IS NOT NULL BEGIN SET @CurrentCommand = '' IF @LockTimeout IS NOT NULL SET @CurrentCommand = 'SET LOCK_TIMEOUT ' + CAST(@LockTimeout * 1000 AS nvarchar) + '; ' SET @CurrentCommand += 'IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sys.stats stats INNER JOIN sys.objects objects ON stats.[object_id] = objects.[object_id] INNER JOIN sys.schemas schemas ON objects.[schema_id] = schemas.[schema_id] WHERE objects.[type] IN(''U'',''V'')' + CASE WHEN @MSShippedObjects = 'N' THEN ' AND objects.is_ms_shipped = 0' ELSE '' END + ' AND schemas.[schema_id] = @ParamSchemaID AND schemas.[name] = @ParamSchemaName AND objects.[object_id] = @ParamObjectID AND objects.[name] = @ParamObjectName AND objects.[type] = @ParamObjectType AND stats.stats_id = @ParamStatisticsID AND stats.[name] = @ParamStatisticsName) BEGIN SET @ParamStatisticsExists = 1 END' BEGIN TRY EXECUTE @CurrentDatabase_sp_executesql @stmt = @CurrentCommand, @params = N'@ParamSchemaID int, @ParamSchemaName sysname, @ParamObjectID int, @ParamObjectName sysname, @ParamObjectType sysname, @ParamStatisticsID int, @ParamStatisticsName sysname, @ParamStatisticsExists bit OUTPUT', @ParamSchemaID = @CurrentSchemaID, @ParamSchemaName = @CurrentSchemaName, @ParamObjectID = @CurrentObjectID, @ParamObjectName = @CurrentObjectName, @ParamObjectType = @CurrentObjectType, @ParamStatisticsID = @CurrentStatisticsID, @ParamStatisticsName = @CurrentStatisticsName, @ParamStatisticsExists = @CurrentStatisticsExists OUTPUT IF @CurrentStatisticsExists IS NULL BEGIN SET @CurrentStatisticsExists = 0 GOTO NoAction END END TRY BEGIN CATCH SET @ErrorMessage = 'Msg ' + CAST(ERROR_NUMBER() AS nvarchar) + ', ' + ISNULL(ERROR_MESSAGE(),'') + CASE WHEN ERROR_NUMBER() = 1222 THEN ' The statistics ' + QUOTENAME(@CurrentStatisticsName) + ' on the object ' + QUOTENAME(@CurrentDatabaseName) + '.' + QUOTENAME(@CurrentSchemaName) + '.' + QUOTENAME(@CurrentObjectName) + ' is locked. It could not be checked if the statistics exists.' ELSE '' END SET @Severity = CASE WHEN ERROR_NUMBER() IN(1205,1222) THEN @LockMessageSeverity ELSE 16 END RAISERROR('%s',@Severity,1,@ErrorMessage) WITH NOWAIT RAISERROR(@EmptyLine,10,1) WITH NOWAIT IF NOT (ERROR_NUMBER() IN(1205,1222) AND @LockMessageSeverity = 10) BEGIN SET @ReturnCode = ERROR_NUMBER() END GOTO NoAction END CATCH END -- Has the data in the statistics been modified since the statistics was last updated? IF @CurrentStatisticsID IS NOT NULL AND @UpdateStatistics IS NOT NULL BEGIN SET @CurrentCommand = '' IF @LockTimeout IS NOT NULL SET @CurrentCommand = 'SET LOCK_TIMEOUT ' + CAST(@LockTimeout * 1000 AS nvarchar) + '; ' IF @PartitionLevelStatistics = 1 AND @CurrentIsIncremental = 1 BEGIN SET @CurrentCommand += 'SELECT @ParamRowCount = [rows], @ParamModificationCounter = modification_counter FROM sys.dm_db_incremental_stats_properties (@ParamObjectID, @ParamStatisticsID) WHERE partition_number = @ParamPartitionNumber' END ELSE IF (@Version >= 10.504000 AND @Version < 11) OR @Version >= 11.03000 BEGIN SET @CurrentCommand += 'SELECT @ParamRowCount = [rows], @ParamModificationCounter = modification_counter FROM sys.dm_db_stats_properties (@ParamObjectID, @ParamStatisticsID)' END ELSE BEGIN SET @CurrentCommand += 'SELECT @ParamRowCount = rowcnt, @ParamModificationCounter = rowmodctr FROM sys.sysindexes sysindexes WHERE sysindexes.[id] = @ParamObjectID AND sysindexes.[indid] = @ParamStatisticsID' END BEGIN TRY EXECUTE @CurrentDatabase_sp_executesql @stmt = @CurrentCommand, @params = N'@ParamObjectID int, @ParamStatisticsID int, @ParamPartitionNumber int, @ParamRowCount bigint OUTPUT, @ParamModificationCounter bigint OUTPUT', @ParamObjectID = @CurrentObjectID, @ParamStatisticsID = @CurrentStatisticsID, @ParamPartitionNumber = @CurrentPartitionNumber, @ParamRowCount = @CurrentRowCount OUTPUT, @ParamModificationCounter = @CurrentModificationCounter OUTPUT IF @CurrentRowCount IS NULL SET @CurrentRowCount = 0 IF @CurrentModificationCounter IS NULL SET @CurrentModificationCounter = 0 END TRY BEGIN CATCH SET @ErrorMessage = 'Msg ' + CAST(ERROR_NUMBER() AS nvarchar) + ', ' + ISNULL(ERROR_MESSAGE(),'') + CASE WHEN ERROR_NUMBER() = 1222 THEN ' The statistics ' + QUOTENAME(@CurrentStatisticsName) + ' on the object ' + QUOTENAME(@CurrentDatabaseName) + '.' + QUOTENAME(@CurrentSchemaName) + '.' + QUOTENAME(@CurrentObjectName) + ' is locked. The rows and modification_counter could not be checked.' ELSE '' END SET @Severity = CASE WHEN ERROR_NUMBER() IN(1205,1222) THEN @LockMessageSeverity ELSE 16 END RAISERROR('%s',@Severity,1,@ErrorMessage) WITH NOWAIT RAISERROR(@EmptyLine,10,1) WITH NOWAIT IF NOT (ERROR_NUMBER() IN(1205,1222) AND @LockMessageSeverity = 10) BEGIN SET @ReturnCode = ERROR_NUMBER() END GOTO NoAction END CATCH END -- Is the index fragmented? IF @CurrentIndexID IS NOT NULL AND @CurrentOnReadOnlyFileGroup = 0 AND EXISTS(SELECT * FROM @ActionsPreferred) AND (EXISTS(SELECT [Priority], [Action], COUNT(*) FROM @ActionsPreferred GROUP BY [Priority], [Action] HAVING COUNT(*) <> 3) OR @MinNumberOfPages > 0 OR @MaxNumberOfPages IS NOT NULL) BEGIN SET @CurrentCommand = '' IF @LockTimeout IS NOT NULL SET @CurrentCommand = 'SET LOCK_TIMEOUT ' + CAST(@LockTimeout * 1000 AS nvarchar) + '; ' SET @CurrentCommand += 'SELECT @ParamFragmentationLevel = MAX(avg_fragmentation_in_percent), @ParamPageCount = SUM(page_count) FROM sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats(DB_ID(@ParamDatabaseName), @ParamObjectID, @ParamIndexID, @ParamPartitionNumber, ''LIMITED'') WHERE alloc_unit_type_desc = ''IN_ROW_DATA'' AND index_level = 0' BEGIN TRY EXECUTE sp_executesql @stmt = @CurrentCommand, @params = N'@ParamDatabaseName nvarchar(max), @ParamObjectID int, @ParamIndexID int, @ParamPartitionNumber int, @ParamFragmentationLevel float OUTPUT, @ParamPageCount bigint OUTPUT', @ParamDatabaseName = @CurrentDatabaseName, @ParamObjectID = @CurrentObjectID, @ParamIndexID = @CurrentIndexID, @ParamPartitionNumber = @CurrentPartitionNumber, @ParamFragmentationLevel = @CurrentFragmentationLevel OUTPUT, @ParamPageCount = @CurrentPageCount OUTPUT END TRY BEGIN CATCH SET @ErrorMessage = 'Msg ' + CAST(ERROR_NUMBER() AS nvarchar) + ', ' + ISNULL(ERROR_MESSAGE(),'') + CASE WHEN ERROR_NUMBER() = 1222 THEN ' The index ' + QUOTENAME(@CurrentIndexName) + ' on the object ' + QUOTENAME(@CurrentDatabaseName) + '.' + QUOTENAME(@CurrentSchemaName) + '.' + QUOTENAME(@CurrentObjectName) + ' is locked. The page_count and avg_fragmentation_in_percent could not be checked.' ELSE '' END SET @Severity = CASE WHEN ERROR_NUMBER() IN(1205,1222) THEN @LockMessageSeverity ELSE 16 END RAISERROR('%s',@Severity,1,@ErrorMessage) WITH NOWAIT RAISERROR(@EmptyLine,10,1) WITH NOWAIT IF NOT (ERROR_NUMBER() IN(1205,1222) AND @LockMessageSeverity = 10) BEGIN SET @ReturnCode = ERROR_NUMBER() END GOTO NoAction END CATCH END -- Select fragmentation group IF @CurrentIndexID IS NOT NULL AND @CurrentOnReadOnlyFileGroup = 0 AND EXISTS(SELECT * FROM @ActionsPreferred) BEGIN SET @CurrentFragmentationGroup = CASE WHEN @CurrentFragmentationLevel >= @FragmentationLevel2 THEN 'High' WHEN @CurrentFragmentationLevel >= @FragmentationLevel1 AND @CurrentFragmentationLevel < @FragmentationLevel2 THEN 'Medium' WHEN @CurrentFragmentationLevel < @FragmentationLevel1 THEN 'Low' END END -- Which actions are allowed? IF @CurrentIndexID IS NOT NULL AND EXISTS(SELECT * FROM @ActionsPreferred) BEGIN IF @CurrentOnReadOnlyFileGroup = 0 AND @CurrentIndexType IN (1,2,3,4,5) AND (@CurrentIsMemoryOptimized = 0 OR @CurrentIsMemoryOptimized IS NULL) AND (@CurrentAllowPageLocks = 1 OR @CurrentIndexType = 5) BEGIN INSERT INTO @CurrentActionsAllowed ([Action]) VALUES ('INDEX_REORGANIZE') END IF @CurrentOnReadOnlyFileGroup = 0 AND @CurrentIndexType IN (1,2,3,4,5) AND (@CurrentIsMemoryOptimized = 0 OR @CurrentIsMemoryOptimized IS NULL) BEGIN INSERT INTO @CurrentActionsAllowed ([Action]) VALUES ('INDEX_REBUILD_OFFLINE') END IF @CurrentOnReadOnlyFileGroup = 0 AND (@CurrentIsMemoryOptimized = 0 OR @CurrentIsMemoryOptimized IS NULL) AND (@CurrentIsPartition = 0 OR @Version >= 12) AND ((@CurrentIndexType = 1 AND @CurrentIsImageText = 0 AND @CurrentIsNewLOB = 0) OR (@CurrentIndexType = 2 AND @CurrentIsNewLOB = 0) OR (@CurrentIndexType = 1 AND @CurrentIsImageText = 0 AND @CurrentIsFileStream = 0 AND @Version >= 11) OR (@CurrentIndexType = 2 AND @Version >= 11)) AND (@CurrentIsColumnStore = 0 OR @Version < 11) AND SERVERPROPERTY('EngineEdition') IN (3,5,8) BEGIN INSERT INTO @CurrentActionsAllowed ([Action]) VALUES ('INDEX_REBUILD_ONLINE') END END -- Decide action IF @CurrentIndexID IS NOT NULL AND EXISTS(SELECT * FROM @ActionsPreferred) AND (@CurrentPageCount >= @MinNumberOfPages OR @MinNumberOfPages = 0) AND (@CurrentPageCount <= @MaxNumberOfPages OR @MaxNumberOfPages IS NULL) AND @CurrentResumableIndexOperation = 0 BEGIN IF EXISTS(SELECT [Priority], [Action], COUNT(*) FROM @ActionsPreferred GROUP BY [Priority], [Action] HAVING COUNT(*) <> 3) BEGIN SELECT @CurrentAction = [Action] FROM @ActionsPreferred WHERE FragmentationGroup = @CurrentFragmentationGroup AND [Priority] = (SELECT MIN([Priority]) FROM @ActionsPreferred WHERE FragmentationGroup = @CurrentFragmentationGroup AND [Action] IN (SELECT [Action] FROM @CurrentActionsAllowed)) END ELSE BEGIN SELECT @CurrentAction = [Action] FROM @ActionsPreferred WHERE [Priority] = (SELECT MIN([Priority]) FROM @ActionsPreferred WHERE [Action] IN (SELECT [Action] FROM @CurrentActionsAllowed)) END END IF @CurrentResumableIndexOperation = 1 BEGIN SET @CurrentAction = 'INDEX_REBUILD_ONLINE' END -- Workaround for limitation in SQL Server, IF @CurrentIndexID IS NOT NULL BEGIN SET @CurrentMaxDOP = @MaxDOP IF @CurrentAction = 'INDEX_REBUILD_ONLINE' AND @CurrentAllowPageLocks = 0 BEGIN SET @CurrentMaxDOP = 1 END END -- Update statistics? IF @CurrentStatisticsID IS NOT NULL AND ((@UpdateStatistics = 'ALL' AND (@CurrentIndexType IN (1,2,3,4,7) OR @CurrentIndexID IS NULL)) OR (@UpdateStatistics = 'INDEX' AND @CurrentIndexID IS NOT NULL AND @CurrentIndexType IN (1,2,3,4,7)) OR (@UpdateStatistics = 'COLUMNS' AND @CurrentIndexID IS NULL)) AND ((@OnlyModifiedStatistics = 'N' AND @StatisticsModificationLevel IS NULL) OR (@OnlyModifiedStatistics = 'Y' AND @CurrentModificationCounter > 0) OR ((@CurrentModificationCounter * 1. / NULLIF(@CurrentRowCount,0)) * 100 >= @StatisticsModificationLevel) OR (@StatisticsModificationLevel IS NOT NULL AND @CurrentModificationCounter > 0 AND (@CurrentModificationCounter >= SQRT(@CurrentRowCount * 1000))) OR (@CurrentIsMemoryOptimized = 1 AND NOT (@Version >= 13 OR SERVERPROPERTY('EngineEdition') IN (5,8)))) AND ((@CurrentIsPartition = 0 AND (@CurrentAction NOT IN('INDEX_REBUILD_ONLINE','INDEX_REBUILD_OFFLINE') OR @CurrentAction IS NULL)) OR (@CurrentIsPartition = 1 AND (@CurrentPartitionNumber = @CurrentPartitionCount OR (@PartitionLevelStatistics = 1 AND @CurrentIsIncremental = 1)))) BEGIN SET @CurrentUpdateStatistics = 'Y' END ELSE BEGIN SET @CurrentUpdateStatistics = 'N' END SET @CurrentStatisticsSample = @StatisticsSample SET @CurrentStatisticsResample = @StatisticsResample -- Memory-optimized tables only supports FULLSCAN and RESAMPLE in SQL Server 2014 IF @CurrentIsMemoryOptimized = 1 AND NOT (@Version >= 13 OR SERVERPROPERTY('EngineEdition') IN (5,8)) AND (@CurrentStatisticsSample <> 100 OR @CurrentStatisticsSample IS NULL) BEGIN SET @CurrentStatisticsSample = NULL SET @CurrentStatisticsResample = 'Y' END -- Incremental statistics only supports RESAMPLE IF @PartitionLevelStatistics = 1 AND @CurrentIsIncremental = 1 BEGIN SET @CurrentStatisticsSample = NULL SET @CurrentStatisticsResample = 'Y' END -- Create index comment IF @CurrentIndexID IS NOT NULL BEGIN SET @CurrentComment = 'ObjectType: ' + CASE WHEN @CurrentObjectType = 'U' THEN 'Table' WHEN @CurrentObjectType = 'V' THEN 'View' ELSE 'N/A' END + ', ' SET @CurrentComment += 'IndexType: ' + CASE WHEN @CurrentIndexType = 1 THEN 'Clustered' WHEN @CurrentIndexType = 2 THEN 'NonClustered' WHEN @CurrentIndexType = 3 THEN 'XML' WHEN @CurrentIndexType = 4 THEN 'Spatial' WHEN @CurrentIndexType = 5 THEN 'Clustered Columnstore' WHEN @CurrentIndexType = 6 THEN 'NonClustered Columnstore' WHEN @CurrentIndexType = 7 THEN 'NonClustered Hash' ELSE 'N/A' END + ', ' SET @CurrentComment += 'ImageText: ' + CASE WHEN @CurrentIsImageText = 1 THEN 'Yes' WHEN @CurrentIsImageText = 0 THEN 'No' ELSE 'N/A' END + ', ' SET @CurrentComment += 'NewLOB: ' + CASE WHEN @CurrentIsNewLOB = 1 THEN 'Yes' WHEN @CurrentIsNewLOB = 0 THEN 'No' ELSE 'N/A' END + ', ' SET @CurrentComment += 'FileStream: ' + CASE WHEN @CurrentIsFileStream = 1 THEN 'Yes' WHEN @CurrentIsFileStream = 0 THEN 'No' ELSE 'N/A' END + ', ' IF @Version >= 11 SET @CurrentComment += 'ColumnStore: ' + CASE WHEN @CurrentIsColumnStore = 1 THEN 'Yes' WHEN @CurrentIsColumnStore = 0 THEN 'No' ELSE 'N/A' END + ', ' IF @Version >= 14 AND @Resumable = 'Y' SET @CurrentComment += 'Computed: ' + CASE WHEN @CurrentIsComputed = 1 THEN 'Yes' WHEN @CurrentIsComputed = 0 THEN 'No' ELSE 'N/A' END + ', ' IF @Version >= 14 AND @Resumable = 'Y' SET @CurrentComment += 'Timestamp: ' + CASE WHEN @CurrentIsTimestamp = 1 THEN 'Yes' WHEN @CurrentIsTimestamp = 0 THEN 'No' ELSE 'N/A' END + ', ' SET @CurrentComment += 'AllowPageLocks: ' + CASE WHEN @CurrentAllowPageLocks = 1 THEN 'Yes' WHEN @CurrentAllowPageLocks = 0 THEN 'No' ELSE 'N/A' END + ', ' SET @CurrentComment += 'PageCount: ' + ISNULL(CAST(@CurrentPageCount AS nvarchar),'N/A') + ', ' SET @CurrentComment += 'Fragmentation: ' + ISNULL(CAST(@CurrentFragmentationLevel AS nvarchar),'N/A') END IF @CurrentIndexID IS NOT NULL AND (@CurrentPageCount IS NOT NULL OR @CurrentFragmentationLevel IS NOT NULL) BEGIN SET @CurrentExtendedInfo = (SELECT * FROM (SELECT CAST(@CurrentPageCount AS nvarchar) AS [PageCount], CAST(@CurrentFragmentationLevel AS nvarchar) AS Fragmentation ) ExtendedInfo FOR XML RAW('ExtendedInfo'), ELEMENTS) END IF @CurrentIndexID IS NOT NULL AND @CurrentAction IS NOT NULL AND (SYSDATETIME() < DATEADD(SECOND,@TimeLimit,@StartTime) OR @TimeLimit IS NULL) BEGIN SET @CurrentDatabaseContext = @CurrentDatabaseName SET @CurrentCommandType = 'ALTER_INDEX' SET @CurrentCommand = '' IF @LockTimeout IS NOT NULL SET @CurrentCommand = 'SET LOCK_TIMEOUT ' + CAST(@LockTimeout * 1000 AS nvarchar) + '; ' SET @CurrentCommand += 'ALTER INDEX ' + QUOTENAME(@CurrentIndexName) + ' ON ' + QUOTENAME(@CurrentSchemaName) + '.' + QUOTENAME(@CurrentObjectName) IF @CurrentResumableIndexOperation = 1 SET @CurrentCommand += ' RESUME' IF @CurrentAction IN('INDEX_REBUILD_ONLINE','INDEX_REBUILD_OFFLINE') AND @CurrentResumableIndexOperation = 0 SET @CurrentCommand += ' REBUILD' IF @CurrentAction IN('INDEX_REORGANIZE') AND @CurrentResumableIndexOperation = 0 SET @CurrentCommand += ' REORGANIZE' IF @CurrentIsPartition = 1 AND @CurrentResumableIndexOperation = 0 SET @CurrentCommand += ' PARTITION = ' + CAST(@CurrentPartitionNumber AS nvarchar) IF @CurrentAction IN('INDEX_REBUILD_ONLINE','INDEX_REBUILD_OFFLINE') AND @SortInTempdb = 'Y' AND @CurrentIndexType IN(1,2,3,4) AND @CurrentResumableIndexOperation = 0 BEGIN INSERT INTO @CurrentAlterIndexWithClauseArguments (Argument) SELECT 'SORT_IN_TEMPDB = ON' END IF @CurrentAction IN('INDEX_REBUILD_ONLINE','INDEX_REBUILD_OFFLINE') AND @SortInTempdb = 'N' AND @CurrentIndexType IN(1,2,3,4) AND @CurrentResumableIndexOperation = 0 BEGIN INSERT INTO @CurrentAlterIndexWithClauseArguments (Argument) SELECT 'SORT_IN_TEMPDB = OFF' END IF @CurrentAction = 'INDEX_REBUILD_ONLINE' AND (@CurrentIsPartition = 0 OR @Version >= 12) AND @CurrentResumableIndexOperation = 0 BEGIN INSERT INTO @CurrentAlterIndexWithClauseArguments (Argument) SELECT 'ONLINE = ON' + CASE WHEN @WaitAtLowPriorityMaxDuration IS NOT NULL THEN ' (WAIT_AT_LOW_PRIORITY (MAX_DURATION = ' + CAST(@WaitAtLowPriorityMaxDuration AS nvarchar) + ', ABORT_AFTER_WAIT = ' + UPPER(@WaitAtLowPriorityAbortAfterWait) + '))' ELSE '' END END IF @CurrentAction = 'INDEX_REBUILD_OFFLINE' AND (@CurrentIsPartition = 0 OR @Version >= 12) AND @CurrentResumableIndexOperation = 0 BEGIN INSERT INTO @CurrentAlterIndexWithClauseArguments (Argument) SELECT 'ONLINE = OFF' END IF @CurrentAction IN('INDEX_REBUILD_ONLINE','INDEX_REBUILD_OFFLINE') AND @CurrentMaxDOP IS NOT NULL BEGIN INSERT INTO @CurrentAlterIndexWithClauseArguments (Argument) SELECT 'MAXDOP = ' + CAST(@CurrentMaxDOP AS nvarchar) END IF @CurrentAction IN('INDEX_REBUILD_ONLINE','INDEX_REBUILD_OFFLINE') AND @FillFactor IS NOT NULL AND @CurrentIsPartition = 0 AND @CurrentIndexType IN(1,2,3,4) AND @CurrentResumableIndexOperation = 0 BEGIN INSERT INTO @CurrentAlterIndexWithClauseArguments (Argument) SELECT 'FILLFACTOR = ' + CAST(@FillFactor AS nvarchar) END IF @CurrentAction IN('INDEX_REBUILD_ONLINE','INDEX_REBUILD_OFFLINE') AND @PadIndex = 'Y' AND @CurrentIsPartition = 0 AND @CurrentIndexType IN(1,2,3,4) AND @CurrentResumableIndexOperation = 0 BEGIN INSERT INTO @CurrentAlterIndexWithClauseArguments (Argument) SELECT 'PAD_INDEX = ON' END IF (@Version >= 14 OR SERVERPROPERTY('EngineEdition') IN (5,8)) AND @CurrentAction = 'INDEX_REBUILD_ONLINE' AND @CurrentResumableIndexOperation = 0 BEGIN INSERT INTO @CurrentAlterIndexWithClauseArguments (Argument) SELECT CASE WHEN @Resumable = 'Y' AND @CurrentIndexType IN(1,2) AND @CurrentIsComputed = 0 AND @CurrentIsTimestamp = 0 THEN 'RESUMABLE = ON' ELSE 'RESUMABLE = OFF' END END IF (@Version >= 14 OR SERVERPROPERTY('EngineEdition') IN (5,8)) AND @CurrentAction = 'INDEX_REBUILD_ONLINE' AND @CurrentResumableIndexOperation = 0 AND @Resumable = 'Y' AND @CurrentIndexType IN(1,2) AND @CurrentIsComputed = 0 AND @CurrentIsTimestamp = 0 AND @TimeLimit IS NOT NULL BEGIN INSERT INTO @CurrentAlterIndexWithClauseArguments (Argument) SELECT 'MAX_DURATION = ' + CAST(DATEDIFF(MINUTE,SYSDATETIME(),DATEADD(SECOND,@TimeLimit,@StartTime)) AS nvarchar(max)) END IF @CurrentAction IN('INDEX_REORGANIZE') AND @LOBCompaction = 'Y' BEGIN INSERT INTO @CurrentAlterIndexWithClauseArguments (Argument) SELECT 'LOB_COMPACTION = ON' END IF @CurrentAction IN('INDEX_REORGANIZE') AND @LOBCompaction = 'N' BEGIN INSERT INTO @CurrentAlterIndexWithClauseArguments (Argument) SELECT 'LOB_COMPACTION = OFF' END IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM @CurrentAlterIndexWithClauseArguments) BEGIN SET @CurrentAlterIndexWithClause = ' WITH (' WHILE (1 = 1) BEGIN SELECT TOP 1 @CurrentAlterIndexArgumentID = ID, @CurrentAlterIndexArgument = Argument FROM @CurrentAlterIndexWithClauseArguments WHERE Added = 0 ORDER BY ID ASC IF @@ROWCOUNT = 0 BEGIN BREAK END SET @CurrentAlterIndexWithClause += @CurrentAlterIndexArgument + ', ' UPDATE @CurrentAlterIndexWithClauseArguments SET Added = 1 WHERE [ID] = @CurrentAlterIndexArgumentID END SET @CurrentAlterIndexWithClause = RTRIM(@CurrentAlterIndexWithClause) SET @CurrentAlterIndexWithClause = LEFT(@CurrentAlterIndexWithClause,LEN(@CurrentAlterIndexWithClause) - 1) SET @CurrentAlterIndexWithClause = @CurrentAlterIndexWithClause + ')' END IF @CurrentAlterIndexWithClause IS NOT NULL SET @CurrentCommand += @CurrentAlterIndexWithClause EXECUTE @CurrentCommandOutput = dbo.CommandExecute @DatabaseContext = @CurrentDatabaseName, @Command = @CurrentCommand, @CommandType = @CurrentCommandType, @Mode = 2, @Comment = @CurrentComment, @DatabaseName = @CurrentDatabaseName, @SchemaName = @CurrentSchemaName, @ObjectName = @CurrentObjectName, @ObjectType = @CurrentObjectType, @IndexName = @CurrentIndexName, @IndexType = @CurrentIndexType, @PartitionNumber = @CurrentPartitionNumber, @ExtendedInfo = @CurrentExtendedInfo, @LockMessageSeverity = @LockMessageSeverity, @ExecuteAsUser = @ExecuteAsUser, @LogToTable = @LogToTable, @Execute = @Execute SET @Error = @@ERROR IF @Error <> 0 SET @CurrentCommandOutput = @Error IF @CurrentCommandOutput <> 0 SET @ReturnCode = @CurrentCommandOutput IF @Delay > 0 BEGIN SET @CurrentDelay = DATEADD(ss,@Delay,'1900-01-01') WAITFOR DELAY @CurrentDelay END END SET @CurrentMaxDOP = @MaxDOP -- Create statistics comment IF @CurrentStatisticsID IS NOT NULL BEGIN SET @CurrentComment = 'ObjectType: ' + CASE WHEN @CurrentObjectType = 'U' THEN 'Table' WHEN @CurrentObjectType = 'V' THEN 'View' ELSE 'N/A' END + ', ' SET @CurrentComment += 'IndexType: ' + CASE WHEN @CurrentIndexID IS NOT NULL THEN 'Index' ELSE 'Column' END + ', ' IF @CurrentIndexID IS NOT NULL SET @CurrentComment += 'IndexType: ' + CASE WHEN @CurrentIndexType = 1 THEN 'Clustered' WHEN @CurrentIndexType = 2 THEN 'NonClustered' WHEN @CurrentIndexType = 3 THEN 'XML' WHEN @CurrentIndexType = 4 THEN 'Spatial' WHEN @CurrentIndexType = 5 THEN 'Clustered Columnstore' WHEN @CurrentIndexType = 6 THEN 'NonClustered Columnstore' WHEN @CurrentIndexType = 7 THEN 'NonClustered Hash' ELSE 'N/A' END + ', ' SET @CurrentComment += 'Incremental: ' + CASE WHEN @CurrentIsIncremental = 1 THEN 'Y' WHEN @CurrentIsIncremental = 0 THEN 'N' ELSE 'N/A' END + ', ' SET @CurrentComment += 'RowCount: ' + ISNULL(CAST(@CurrentRowCount AS nvarchar),'N/A') + ', ' SET @CurrentComment += 'ModificationCounter: ' + ISNULL(CAST(@CurrentModificationCounter AS nvarchar),'N/A') END IF @CurrentStatisticsID IS NOT NULL AND (@CurrentRowCount IS NOT NULL OR @CurrentModificationCounter IS NOT NULL) BEGIN SET @CurrentExtendedInfo = (SELECT * FROM (SELECT CAST(@CurrentRowCount AS nvarchar) AS [RowCount], CAST(@CurrentModificationCounter AS nvarchar) AS ModificationCounter ) ExtendedInfo FOR XML RAW('ExtendedInfo'), ELEMENTS) END IF @CurrentStatisticsID IS NOT NULL AND @CurrentUpdateStatistics = 'Y' AND (SYSDATETIME() < DATEADD(SECOND,@TimeLimit,@StartTime) OR @TimeLimit IS NULL) BEGIN SET @CurrentDatabaseContext = @CurrentDatabaseName SET @CurrentCommandType = 'UPDATE_STATISTICS' SET @CurrentCommand = '' IF @LockTimeout IS NOT NULL SET @CurrentCommand = 'SET LOCK_TIMEOUT ' + CAST(@LockTimeout * 1000 AS nvarchar) + '; ' SET @CurrentCommand += 'UPDATE STATISTICS ' + QUOTENAME(@CurrentSchemaName) + '.' + QUOTENAME(@CurrentObjectName) + ' ' + QUOTENAME(@CurrentStatisticsName) IF @CurrentMaxDOP IS NOT NULL AND ((@Version >= 12.06024 AND @Version < 13) OR (@Version >= 13.05026 AND @Version < 14) OR @Version >= 14.030154) BEGIN INSERT INTO @CurrentUpdateStatisticsWithClauseArguments (Argument) SELECT 'MAXDOP = ' + CAST(@CurrentMaxDOP AS nvarchar) END IF @CurrentStatisticsSample = 100 BEGIN INSERT INTO @CurrentUpdateStatisticsWithClauseArguments (Argument) SELECT 'FULLSCAN' END IF @CurrentStatisticsSample IS NOT NULL AND @CurrentStatisticsSample <> 100 BEGIN INSERT INTO @CurrentUpdateStatisticsWithClauseArguments (Argument) SELECT 'SAMPLE ' + CAST(@CurrentStatisticsSample AS nvarchar) + ' PERCENT' END IF @CurrentStatisticsResample = 'Y' BEGIN INSERT INTO @CurrentUpdateStatisticsWithClauseArguments (Argument) SELECT 'RESAMPLE' END IF @CurrentStatisticsPersistedSample = 'Y' BEGIN INSERT INTO @CurrentUpdateStatisticsWithClauseArguments (Argument) SELECT 'PERSIST_SAMPLE_PERCENT = ON' END IF @CurrentNoRecompute = 1 BEGIN INSERT INTO @CurrentUpdateStatisticsWithClauseArguments (Argument) SELECT 'NORECOMPUTE' END IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM @CurrentUpdateStatisticsWithClauseArguments) BEGIN SET @CurrentUpdateStatisticsWithClause = ' WITH' WHILE (1 = 1) BEGIN SELECT TOP 1 @CurrentUpdateStatisticsArgumentID = ID, @CurrentUpdateStatisticsArgument = Argument FROM @CurrentUpdateStatisticsWithClauseArguments WHERE Added = 0 ORDER BY ID ASC IF @@ROWCOUNT = 0 BEGIN BREAK END SET @CurrentUpdateStatisticsWithClause = @CurrentUpdateStatisticsWithClause + ' ' + @CurrentUpdateStatisticsArgument + ',' UPDATE @CurrentUpdateStatisticsWithClauseArguments SET Added = 1 WHERE [ID] = @CurrentUpdateStatisticsArgumentID END SET @CurrentUpdateStatisticsWithClause = LEFT(@CurrentUpdateStatisticsWithClause,LEN(@CurrentUpdateStatisticsWithClause) - 1) END IF @CurrentUpdateStatisticsWithClause IS NOT NULL SET @CurrentCommand += @CurrentUpdateStatisticsWithClause IF @PartitionLevelStatistics = 1 AND @CurrentIsIncremental = 1 AND @CurrentPartitionNumber IS NOT NULL SET @CurrentCommand += ' ON PARTITIONS(' + CAST(@CurrentPartitionNumber AS nvarchar(max)) + ')' EXECUTE @CurrentCommandOutput = dbo.CommandExecute @DatabaseContext = @CurrentDatabaseName, @Command = @CurrentCommand, @CommandType = @CurrentCommandType, @Mode = 2, @Comment = @CurrentComment, @DatabaseName = @CurrentDatabaseName, @SchemaName = @CurrentSchemaName, @ObjectName = @CurrentObjectName, @ObjectType = @CurrentObjectType, @IndexName = @CurrentIndexName, @IndexType = @CurrentIndexType, @StatisticsName = @CurrentStatisticsName, @ExtendedInfo = @CurrentExtendedInfo, @LockMessageSeverity = @LockMessageSeverity, @ExecuteAsUser = @ExecuteAsUser, @LogToTable = @LogToTable, @Execute = @Execute SET @Error = @@ERROR IF @Error <> 0 SET @CurrentCommandOutput = @Error IF @CurrentCommandOutput <> 0 SET @ReturnCode = @CurrentCommandOutput END NoAction: -- Update that the index or statistics is completed UPDATE @tmpIndexesStatistics SET Completed = 1 WHERE Selected = 1 AND Completed = 0 AND [Order] = @CurrentIxOrder AND ID = @CurrentIxID -- Clear variables SET @CurrentDatabaseContext = NULL SET @CurrentCommand = NULL SET @CurrentCommandOutput = NULL SET @CurrentCommandType = NULL SET @CurrentComment = NULL SET @CurrentExtendedInfo = NULL SET @CurrentIxID = NULL SET @CurrentIxOrder = NULL SET @CurrentSchemaID = NULL SET @CurrentSchemaName = NULL SET @CurrentObjectID = NULL SET @CurrentObjectName = NULL SET @CurrentObjectType = NULL SET @CurrentIsMemoryOptimized = NULL SET @CurrentIndexID = NULL SET @CurrentIndexName = NULL SET @CurrentIndexType = NULL SET @CurrentStatisticsID = NULL SET @CurrentStatisticsName = NULL SET @CurrentPartitionID = NULL SET @CurrentPartitionNumber = NULL SET @CurrentPartitionCount = NULL SET @CurrentIsPartition = NULL SET @CurrentIndexExists = NULL SET @CurrentStatisticsExists = NULL SET @CurrentIsImageText = NULL SET @CurrentIsNewLOB = NULL SET @CurrentIsFileStream = NULL SET @CurrentIsColumnStore = NULL SET @CurrentIsComputed = NULL SET @CurrentIsTimestamp = NULL SET @CurrentAllowPageLocks = NULL SET @CurrentNoRecompute = NULL SET @CurrentIsIncremental = NULL SET @CurrentRowCount = NULL SET @CurrentModificationCounter = NULL SET @CurrentOnReadOnlyFileGroup = NULL SET @CurrentResumableIndexOperation = NULL SET @CurrentFragmentationLevel = NULL SET @CurrentPageCount = NULL SET @CurrentFragmentationGroup = NULL SET @CurrentAction = NULL SET @CurrentMaxDOP = NULL SET @CurrentUpdateStatistics = NULL SET @CurrentStatisticsSample = NULL SET @CurrentStatisticsResample = NULL SET @CurrentAlterIndexArgumentID = NULL SET @CurrentAlterIndexArgument = NULL SET @CurrentAlterIndexWithClause = NULL SET @CurrentUpdateStatisticsArgumentID = NULL SET @CurrentUpdateStatisticsArgument = NULL SET @CurrentUpdateStatisticsWithClause = NULL DELETE FROM @CurrentActionsAllowed DELETE FROM @CurrentAlterIndexWithClauseArguments DELETE FROM @CurrentUpdateStatisticsWithClauseArguments END END IF @CurrentDatabaseState = 'SUSPECT' BEGIN SET @ErrorMessage = 'The database ' + QUOTENAME(@CurrentDatabaseName) + ' is in a SUSPECT state.' RAISERROR('%s',16,1,@ErrorMessage) WITH NOWAIT RAISERROR(@EmptyLine,10,1) WITH NOWAIT SET @Error = @@ERROR END -- Update that the database is completed IF @DatabasesInParallel = 'Y' BEGIN UPDATE dbo.QueueDatabase SET DatabaseEndTime = SYSDATETIME() WHERE QueueID = @QueueID AND DatabaseName = @CurrentDatabaseName END ELSE BEGIN UPDATE @tmpDatabases SET Completed = 1 WHERE Selected = 1 AND Completed = 0 AND ID = @CurrentDBID END -- Clear variables SET @CurrentDBID = NULL SET @CurrentDatabaseName = NULL SET @CurrentDatabase_sp_executesql = NULL SET @CurrentExecuteAsUserExists = NULL SET @CurrentUserAccess = NULL SET @CurrentIsReadOnly = NULL SET @CurrentDatabaseState = NULL SET @CurrentInStandby = NULL SET @CurrentRecoveryModel = NULL SET @CurrentIsDatabaseAccessible = NULL SET @CurrentReplicaID = NULL SET @CurrentAvailabilityGroupID = NULL SET @CurrentAvailabilityGroup = NULL SET @CurrentAvailabilityGroupRole = NULL SET @CurrentDatabaseMirroringRole = NULL SET @CurrentCommand = NULL DELETE FROM @tmpIndexesStatistics END ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --// Log completing information //-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Logging: SET @EndMessage = 'Date and time: ' + CONVERT(nvarchar,SYSDATETIME(),120) RAISERROR('%s',10,1,@EndMessage) WITH NOWAIT RAISERROR(@EmptyLine,10,1) WITH NOWAIT IF @ReturnCode <> 0 BEGIN RETURN @ReturnCode END ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- END GO