++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Player 3: Doug Tabor Team: Stat Check Factions used: League of Votann Army Points: 2000 Reinforcement Points: 0 Number of Units / Killpoints: 9 Pregame Stratagems: Relic, Warlord Trait Starting Command Points: 4 Warlord & Trait : Borkyhr Forge-Master - Master Armourer Secondary Objective Information No Prisoners: 60 Bring it Down: 9 Assassination: 10 Abhor the Witch: 0 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ == League of Votann - Ymyr - Arks of Omen [Heavy Support] = 4 CP, [2000 pts, 84 PL] League Custom: Master Armourers HQ1: Kahl [6PL 130pts]: Teleport Crest - - - Relic : Warpestryk (-1CP) - - - The Votannic Council : High Kahl HQ2: Brokhyr Iron Master [5PL 115pts] (Warlord) - - - Warlord Trait : Master Armourer (-1CP) - - - The Votannic Council : Brokhyr Forge-Master HQ3: Brokhyr Iron Master [4PL 90pts] FA1: 6x Hernkyn Pioneers [10PL, 245pts]: 2x HYLas rotary cannon, pan spectral scanner, multiwave comms array, rollbar searchlight FA2: 6x Hernkyn Pioneers [10PL, 245pts]: 2x HYLas rotary cannon, pan spectral scanner, multiwave comms array, rollbar searchlight FA3: 6x Hernkyn Pioneers [10PL, 245pts]: 2x HYLas rotary cannon, pan spectral scanner, multiwave comms array, rollbar searchlight HS1: Hekaton Land Fortress [13PL, 310pts]: SP heavy conversion beamer HS2: Hekaton Land Fortress [13PL, 310pts]: SP heavy conversion beamer HS3: Hekaton Land Fortress [13PL, 310pts]: SP heavy conversion beamer END OF ROSTER