* Player: Terroxer * Team: Cónclave * Factions used: Chaos - Thousand Sons * Army points: 2000 * Reinforcement Points: none pts * Number of Units / Killpoints: 12 * Pre Game Stratagems: Sorcerous Arcana (-2 CP) * Starting Command Points: 2 * Warlord: Ahriman * Army Trait: Cabalistic Ritual (20 Cabal Points) * Secondary Objectives Information * Assassination: 13 * Bring it Down: 0 * No Prisoners: 124 * Abhor the Witch: 25 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ == Cult of Duplicity Battalion Detachment = 0 CP, [100 PL, 2000 pts] == HQ: Ahriman [9 PL, 180 pts] Disc of Tzeentch, Warlord --- Psiquic Powers: Waver of Fates, Temporal Surge, Presage HQ: Exalted Sorcerer [8 PL, 145 pts] Disc of Tzeentch, Rehati --- Sorcerous Arcana: Athenaean Scrolls --- Psiquic Powers: Doombolt, Tzeentch's Firestorm HQ: Infernal Master [5 PL, 90 pts] --- Sorcerous Arcana: Umbralefic Crystal --- Psiquic Powers: Glamour of Tzeentch --- Infernal Pacts: Glimps of Eternity, Malefic Maelstorm NFO: Sorcerer [6 PL, 100 pts] Loyal Thrall --- High Acolytes: Master Misinformator --- Sorcerous Arcana: The Chronos Tutorum --- Psiquic Powers: Gaze of Hate, Dark Blessing TR: 5 Rubric Marines [6 PL, 117 pts] Warpflame pistol, Icon of Flame, 4x Warpflamer --- Psiquic Powers: Pyric Flux TR: 5 Rubric Marines [6 PL, 117 pts] Warpflame pistol, Icon of Flame, 4x Warpflamer --- Psiquic Powers: Desecration of Worlds TR: 5 Rubric Marines [6 PL, 117 pts] Warpflame pistol, Icon of Flame, 4x Warpflamer --- Psiquic Powers: Doombolt TR: 5 Rubric Marines [6 PL, 111 pts] Warpflame pistol, Icon of Flame, 2x Warpflamer --- Psiquic Powers: Emperic Guidance EL: 10 Scarab Occult Terminators [21 PL, 445 pts] Ardent Automata, 2x Soulreaper Cannon, 2x Hellfyre missile rack --- Psiquic Powers: Twist of Fates EL: 10 Scarab Occult Terminators [21 PL, 440 pts] Rites of Coalescence, 2x Soulreaper Cannon, 2x Hellfyre missile rack --- Psiquic Powers: Cacodaemonic Curse FA: 5 Chaos Spawn [5 PL, 115 pts] FA: Chaos Spawn [1 PL, 23 pts] END OF ROSTER