++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ * Player: Vidar * Team: Belgium * Factions used: Leagues of Votann * Army points: 2000 * Reinforcement Points: none * Number of Units / Killpoints: 10 * Pre Game Stratagems: * Starting Command Points: 2 * Warlord: High Kahl * Army Trait: Master Armourers * Secondary Objectives Information * Assassination: 7 * Bring it Down: 6 * No Prisoners: 8 (72 wounds) * Abhor the Witch: 0 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ == Patrol DETACHMENT : Leagues of Votann (0 CP) [89PL, 2000pts] == Army trait : Ymyr Conglomerate - Master Armourers HQ 1 : Kâhl [6PL, 120pts] [Warlord] Teleport Crest, High Kâhl --- Relic : Relic (-1 CP) : Grudge's End --- Trait : Warlord Trait (-1 CP) : A Long List HQ 2 : (+4) Brôkhyr Iron-Master [5PL, 115pts] Brôkhyr Forge-Master --- Trait : Legend of the League (-1 CP) : Master Armourer --- Ironkin Assistant (0) --- 3x E-COG (0) TR 1 : 10 Hearthkyn Warriors [7PL, 130pts] Medipack, Pan spectral scanner --- Theyn (0) TR 2 : 10 Hearthkyn Warriors [7PL, 130pts] Medipack, Pan spectral scanner --- Theyn (0) EL 1 : 9 Einhyr Hearthguard [18PL, 405pts] 8 Volkanite disintegrator --- Hesyr (0),Teleport Crest, Volkanite disintegrator --- Relic : Bequest of the Votann (-1 CP) : Wârpestryk EL 2 : 7 Cthonian Beserks [10PL, 220pts] Mole grenade-launcher, 7 Concussion maul FA 1 : 3 Hernkyn Pioneers [5PL, 120pts] Pan spectral scanner, HYLas rotary cannon FA 2 : 3 Hernkyn Pioneers [5PL, 120pts] Pan spectral scanner, HYLas rotary cannon HS 1 : Hekaton land fortress [13PL, 320pts] 4 Ion beamer, SP heavy conversion beamer HS 2 : Hekaton land fortress [13PL, 320pts] 4 Ion beamer, SP heavy conversion beamer