+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + PLAYER : Dusaussois Guillaume + TEAM: Belgium + FACTION USED: Chaos Daemons + ARMY POINTS: 1995 + NUMBER OF UNITS/KILL POINTS: 13 + PRE GAME STRATAGEMS: Warlord Trait (1CP), Relics (1CP), Relics of the bass citadel (1CP), relics of the impossible forteress (1CP) + STARTING COMMAND POINTS : 2CP + WARLORD: Lord Of Change + SECONDARY OBJECTIVES INFORMATIONS: No Prisoners: 99 wounds, 10 points Assassination: 5 characters, 16 points Bring It Down: 3 vehicles/ monsters, 9 points Abhor The Witch: 3 psykers, 9 points +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ == Chaos Undivided Battalion Detachment = 0 CP, [101 PL, 1995 pts] == No slot: Fateskimmer [9 PL, 150 pts], Retinue of Horrors, Staff of change --- spells: Gaze of Fate, Infernal Flames --- relics of the impossible forteress (1CP): The Endless Grimoire HQ 1: Bloodthirster [18 PL, 350 pts] Great axe of Khorne, Hellfire breath --- Relics of the Brass Citadel (1CP): A'rgath, the King of Blades, --- Indomitable Onslaught (40pts) HQ 2: WARLORD: Lord of Change [17 PL, 340 pts] Baleful sword --- relic( 1CP): The Impossible Robe --- warlord trait (1CP): Incorporeal Form --- Spells: Bolt of Change, Boon of Change, , Infernal Gateway --- Master Mutator (30 pts) HQ 3: Tranceweaver [4 PL, 70 pts] --- spell: Delightful Agonies TR 1: 10 Bloodletters [6 PL, 130 pts] 9xBloodletter, Bloodreaper, Daemonic icon, Instrument of Chaos TR 2: 10 Bloodletters [6 PL, 130 pts] 9xBloodletter, Bloodreaper, Daemonic icon, Instrument of Chaos TR 3: 10 Bloodletters [6 PL, 130 pts] 9xBloodletter, Bloodreaper, Daemonic icon, Instrument of Chaos TR 4: 10 Daemonettes [6 PL, 120 pts] Alluress, 9xDaemonette, Daemonic icon, Instrument of Chaos EL 1: Exalted Flamer [4 PL, 75 pts] EL 2: 5 Fiends [10 PL, 175 pts] EL 3: 3 Flamers [3 PL, 75 pts] EL 4: 5 Flamers [6 PL, 125 pts] EL 5: 5 Flamers [6 PL, 125 pts] END OF ROSTER