small_value <- 0.0000000000000000000001 not_small_value <- 0.001 large_value <- 10000000000000000000000 not_large_value <- 100 small_value not_small_value large_value not_large_value # You want all digits to be shown: bias towards fixed notation options(scipen = 999) small_value not_small_value large_value not_large_value # You want shorter output: bias towards scientific notation options(scipen = -3) small_value not_small_value large_value not_large_value # `scipen = 0` will print the number and up to 4 characters (-1 -> 3, etc) (including the `.`) in fixed notation options(scipen = 0) 4 * 10^-3 4 * 10^4 4 * 10^-4 4 * 10^5 # With -5 even single digit numbers are printed in scientific notation 1 * 10^0 options(scipen = -5) 1 options(scipen = -4) 1 10