# Based on: # https://mischasan.wordpress.com/2013/03/30/non-recursive-make-gmake-part-1-the-basic-gnumakefile-layouts/ # https://github.com/mischasan/aho-corasick/blob/master/rules.mk # https://github.com/dmoulding/boilermake/blob/master/Makefile # # With optimizations from: # http://www.oreilly.com/openbook/make3/book/ch12.pdf # # More advanced functionality should likely use: # http://gmsl.sourceforge.net/ # detemine makefile that included this one and it's path PREV_MAKEFILE := $(word $(words $(MAKEFILE_LIST)),x $(MAKEFILE_LIST)) PREV_PATH := $(dir $(PREV_MAKEFILE)) ABS_PREV_MAKEFILE := $(abspath $(PREV_MAKEFILE)) # prevent rules from being evaluated/included multiple times ifndef RULES_MK RULES_MK := 1 # path of rules.mk file RULES_MK_PATH := $(dir $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))) # path of original makefile ROOT_MAKEFILE := $(word 1, $(MAKEFILE_LIST)) ROOT_PATH := $(dir $(ROOT_MAKEFILE)) # if debug shell command output requested ifdef DEBUG_SHELL SHELL = /bin/sh -x endif # if verbose output not requested ifndef VERBOSE QUIET := @ endif # set wallaroo project directory wallaroo_dir := $(RULES_MK_PATH) abs_wallaroo_dir := $(abspath $(wallaroo_dir)) wallaroo_path := $(abs_wallaroo_dir) # Set global path variables integration_path := $(wallaroo_path)/testing/tools integration_bin_path := $(integration_path) wallaroo_lib := $(wallaroo_path)/lib wallaroo_python_path := $(wallaroo_path)/machida/lib machida_bin_path := $(wallaroo_path)/machida/build machida3_bin_path := $(wallaroo_path)/machida3/build external_sender_bin_path := $(integration_path)/external_sender logging_lib_path := $(wallaroo_lib)/wallaroo_labs/logging logging_lib_obj := $(logging_lib_path)/wallaroo-logging.o logging_lib_a := $(logging_lib_path)/libwallaroo-logging.a EMPTY := SPACE := $(EMPTY) $(EMPTY) ORIGINAL_PYTHONPATH := $(PYTHONPATH) FIXED_PYTHONPATH := .:$(integration_path):$(wallaroo_python_path) export PYTHONPATH = $(ORIGINAL_PYTHONPATH):$(FIXED_PYTHONPATH):$(subst :$(SPACE),:,$(subst $(SPACE):,:,$(strip $(CUSTOM_PYTHONPATH)))) ORIGNAL_PATH := $(PATH) FIXED_PATH := $(integration_bin_path):$(machida_bin_path):$(machida3_bin_path):$(external_sender_bin_path) export PATH = $(ORIGNAL_PATH):$(FIXED_PATH):$(subst :$(SPACE),:,$(subst $(SPACE):,:,$(strip $(CUSTOM_PATH)))) # initialize default for some normal targets and variables build-wallarooroot-all := test-wallarooroot-all := unit-tests-wallarooroot-all := integration-tests-wallarooroot-all := clean-wallarooroot-all := build-docker-wallarooroot-all := push-docker-wallarooroot-all := ifndef ponyc_docker_args ponyc_docker_args := endif ifndef monhub_docker_args monhub_docker_args := endif ifndef quote quote := endif ifndef ponyc_arch_args ponyc_arch_args := endif ifndef gen_wallaroo_default_targets gen_wallaroo_default_targets := true endif wallaroo_version = $(shell cat $(ROOT_PATH)/VERSION) # function to lazily initialize a variable on first use and to only evaluate the expression once # see: http://www.oreilly.com/openbook/make3/book/ch10.pdf # $(call lazy-init,variable-name,value) define lazy-init $1 = $$(redefine-$1) $$($1) redefine-$1 = $$(eval $1 := $2) endef # function to check value of a variable is one of a list of valid values define check-values $(if $(filter $($(1)),$(2)),,\ $(error Unknown $(1) option "$($(1))". Valid values are "$(2)".)) endef # how to get the latest ponyc tag latest_ponyc_tag_src = $(shell curl -s \ https://hub.docker.com/r/wallaroolabs/ponyc/tags/ | grep -o \ 'wallaroolabs-[0-9.-]*-' | sed 's/wallaroolabs-\([0-9.-]*\)-/\1/' \ | sort -un | tail -n 1)# latest ponyc tag # latest_ponyc_tag - a lazy init of latest_ponyc_tag (will only be evaluated if used) $(eval \ $(call lazy-init,latest_ponyc_tag,\ $$(call latest_ponyc_tag_src))) docker_image_version_src = $(shell git describe --tags --always)# Docker Image Tag to use # docker_image_version_val - a lazy init of docker_image_version_val (will only be evaluated if used) $(eval \ $(call lazy-init,docker_image_version_val,\ $$(call docker_image_version_src))) DEBUG_SHELL ?= ## Debug shell commands? VERBOSE ?= ## Print commands as they're executed? docker_image_version ?= $(strip $(docker_image_version_val))## Docker Image Tag to use docker_image_repo_host ?= ## Docker Repository to use docker_image_repo ?= $(docker_image_repo_host)wallaroolabs## Docker Repository to use arch ?= native## Architecture to build for in_docker ?= false## Whether already in docker or not (used by CI) ponyc_tag ?= wallaroolabs-$(strip $(latest_ponyc_tag))-release## tag for ponyc docker to use ponyc_runner ?= wallaroolabs/ponyc## ponyc docker image to use pytest_exp ?= ## Additional args to pass pytests run with make test debug ?= false## Use ponyc debug option (-d) debug_arg :=# Final argument string for debug option trace ?= false## Use ponyc -D trace flag for Wallaroo trace_arg :=# Final argument string for trace option spike ?= false## Enable compile-time network fault injection spike_arg :=# Final argument string for spike option docker_host ?= $(DOCKER_HOST)## docker host to build/run containers on ifeq ($(docker_host),) docker_host := unix:///var/run/docker.sock endif docker_host_arg := --host=$(docker_host)# docker host argument monhub_builder ?= monitoring-hub-builder monhub_builder_tag ?= 2.0 unix_timestamp := $(shell date +%s) # unix timestamp for docker network name demo_cluster_name ?= ## Name of demo cluster demo_cluster_spot_pricing ?= true## Whether to use spot pricing or not for demo cluster autoscale ?= on## Build with Autoscale or not clustering ?= on## Build with Clustering or not resilience ?= off## Build with Resilience or not PONYCC ?= ponyc## Path to ponyc executable PONYSTABLE ?= stable## Path to pony stable executable target_cpu ?= ## Target CPU to generate binary for ifneq ($(target_cpu),) target_cpu_arg := --cpu $(target_cpu) endif # validation of variable ifdef autoscale $(eval $(call check-values,autoscale,on off)) endif ifeq ($(autoscale),on) autoscale_arg := -D autoscale endif # validation of variable ifdef clustering $(eval $(call check-values,clustering,on off)) endif ifeq ($(clustering),on) clustering_arg := -D clustering endif # validation of variable ifdef resilience $(eval $(call check-values,resilience,on off)) endif ifeq ($(resilience),on) resilience_arg := -D resilience RUN_WITH_RESILIENCE := --run-with-resilience else RUN_WITH_RESILIENCE := endif # validation of variable ifdef demo_cluster_spot_pricing $(eval $(call check-values,demo_cluster_spot_pricing,false true)) endif # validation of variable ifdef debug $(eval $(call check-values,debug,false true)) endif ifeq ($(shell uname -s),Linux) extra_xargs_arg := -r docker_user_arg := -u `id -u`:`id -g` host_ip_src = $(shell ifconfig `route -n | grep '^' | awk '{print $$8}'` | egrep -o 'inet addr:[^ ]+' | awk -F: '{print $$2}') system_cpus := $(shell which cset > /dev/null 2>&1 && sudo cset set -l -r | grep '/system' | awk '{print $$2}') ifneq (,$(system_cpus)) docker_cpu_arg := --cpuset-cpus $(system_cpus) endif else host_ip_src = $(shell ifconfig `route -n get 2>/dev/null | awk '/interface: / {print $$2}'` | egrep -o 'inet [^ ]+' | awk '{print $$2}') endif # host_ip - a lazy init of host_ip (will only be evaluated if used) $(eval \ $(call lazy-init,host_ip,\ $$(call host_ip_src))) ifeq ($(debug),true) debug_arg := --debug endif ifeq ($(trace),true) trace_arg := -D trace endif ifeq ($(spike), true) spike_arg := -D spike endif # validation of variable ifdef arch $(eval $(call check-values,arch,amd64 native)) endif # validation of variable ifdef in_docker $(eval $(call check-values,in_docker,false true)) endif # additional ponyc arguments when building for armhf ifeq ($(arch),armhf) ponyc_arch_args := --triple arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf --link-arch armv7-a \ --linker arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc endif # only set docker arguments if building for a non-native platform and not in docker ifneq ($(arch),native) ifneq ($(in_docker),true) quote = ' ponyc_docker_args = docker run --rm -i $(docker_user_arg) -v \ $(abs_wallaroo_dir):$(abs_wallaroo_dir) $(docker_cpu_arg) \ $(if $(wildcard -v $(HOME)/.gitconfig),-v $(HOME)/.gitconfig:/.gitconfig,) \ $(if $(wildcard -v $(HOME)/.gitconfig),-v $(HOME)/.gitconfig:/root/.gitconfig,) \ $(if $(wildcard -v $(HOME)/.git-credential-cache),-v $(HOME)/.git-credential-cache:/.git-credential-cache,) \ $(if $(wildcard -v $(HOME)/.git-credential-cache),-v $(HOME)/.git-credential-cache:/root/.git-credential-cache,) \ -w $(1) --entrypoint bash \ $(ponyc_runner):$(ponyc_tag) -c $(quote) monhub_docker_args = docker run --rm -i -v \ $(abs_wallaroo_dir):$(abs_wallaroo_dir) $(docker_cpu_arg) \ $(if $(wildcard -v $(HOME)/.gitconfig),-v $(HOME)/.gitconfig:/.gitconfig,) \ $(if $(wildcard -v $(HOME)/.gitconfig),-v $(HOME)/.gitconfig:/root/.gitconfig,) \ $(if $(wildcard -v $(HOME)/.git-credential-cache),-v $(HOME)/.git-credential-cache:/.git-credential-cache,) \ $(if $(wildcard -v $(HOME)/.git-credential-cache),-v $(HOME)/.git-credential-cache:/root/.git-credential-cache,) \ -w $(1) --entrypoint bash \ $(docker_image_repo)/$(monhub_builder):$(monhub_builder_tag) -c $(quote) endif endif # function call for compiling with ponyc and generating dependency info PONYC_LOGGING_LIB_FLAGS = --path $(logging_lib_path) define PONYC $(QUIET)cd $(1) && $(ponyc_docker_args) $(PONYSTABLE) fetch \ $(if $(filter $(ponyc_docker_args),docker),$(quote)) $(QUIET)cd $(1) && $(ponyc_docker_args) $(PONYSTABLE) env $(PONYCC) $(ponyc_arch_args) \ $(debug_arg) $(spike_arg) $(trace_arg) $(autoscale_arg) $(clustering_arg) $(resilience_arg) \ $(PONYCFLAGS) $(EXTRA_PONYCFLAGS) $(PONYC_LOGGING_LIB_FLAGS) $(target_cpu_arg) --features=-avx512f . $(if $(filter $(ponyc_docker_args),docker),$(quote)) $(QUIET)cd $(1) && echo "$@: $(wildcard $(abspath $(1))/bundle.json)" | tr '\n' ' ' > $(notdir $(abspath $(1:%/=%))).d $(QUIET)cd $(1) && $(ponyc_docker_args) $(PONYSTABLE) env $(PONYCC) $(ponyc_arch_args) \ $(debug_arg) $(spike_arg) $(trace_arg) $(autoscale_arg) $(clustering_arg) $(resilience_arg) \ $(PONYCFLAGS) $(EXTRA_PONYCFLAGS) $(target_cpu_arg) --features=-avx512f . --pass import --files $(if $(filter \ $(ponyc_docker_args),docker),$(quote)) 2>/dev/null | grep -o "$(abs_wallaroo_dir).*.pony" \ | awk 'BEGIN { a="" } {a=a$$1":\n"; printf "%s ",$$1} END {print "\n"a}' \ >> $(notdir $(abspath $(1:%/=%))).d $(QUIET)cd $(1) && echo $(if $(wildcard $(abspath $(1))/bundle.json),"$(abspath $(1))/bundle.json:",) >> $(notdir $(abspath $(1:%/=%))).d endef # function call for compiling monhub projects define MONHUBC $(QUIET)cd $(1) && $(monhub_docker_args) mix local.hex --force \ $(if $(filter $(monhub_docker_args),docker),$(quote)) $(QUIET)cd $(1) && $(monhub_docker_args) mix local.rebar --force \ $(if $(filter $(monhub_docker_args),docker),$(quote)) $(QUIET)cd $(1) && $(monhub_docker_args) mix deps.get \ $(if $(filter $(monhub_docker_args),docker),$(quote)) $(QUIET)cd $(1) && $(monhub_docker_args) mix compile \ $(if $(filter $(monhub_docker_args),docker),$(quote)) endef # function call for compiling ui projects for release define MONHUBR $(QUIET)cd $(1) && $(monhub_docker_args) mix local.hex --force \ $(if $(filter $(monhub_docker_args),docker),$(quote)) $(QUIET)cd $(1) && $(monhub_docker_args) mix local.rebar --force \ $(if $(filter $(monhub_docker_args),docker),$(quote)) $(QUIET)cd $(1) && $(monhub_docker_args) if [ -d "_build" ]; then MIX_ENV=prod mix deps.clean --build --all; fi \ $(if $(filter $(monhub_docker_args),docker),$(quote)) $(QUIET)cd $(1) && $(monhub_docker_args) MIX_ENV=prod mix deps.get --only prod \ $(if $(filter $(monhub_docker_args),docker),$(quote)) $(QUIET)cd $(1) && $(monhub_docker_args) MIX_ENV=prod mix compile \ $(if $(filter $(monhub_docker_args),docker),$(quote)) $(QUIET)cd $(1) && $(monhub_docker_args) npm uninstall \ $(if $(filter $(monhub_docker_args),docker),$(quote)) $(QUIET)cd $(1) && $(monhub_docker_args) npm install node-sass babelify browserify \ $(if $(filter $(monhub_docker_args),docker),$(quote)) $(QUIET)cd $(1) && $(monhub_docker_args) npm install \ $(if $(filter $(monhub_docker_args),docker),$(quote)) $(QUIET)cd $(1) && $(monhub_docker_args) WALLAROO_VERSION=$(wallaroo_version) npm run build:production \ $(if $(filter $(monhub_docker_args),docker),$(quote)) $(QUIET)cd $(1) && $(monhub_docker_args) MIX_ENV=prod mix phx.digest \ $(if $(filter $(monhub_docker_args),docker),$(quote)) $(QUIET)cd $(1) && $(monhub_docker_args) MIX_ENV=prod mix release.clean \ $(if $(filter $(monhub_docker_args),docker),$(quote)) $(QUIET)cd $(1) && $(monhub_docker_args) MIX_ENV=prod mix release \ $(if $(filter $(monhub_docker_args),docker),$(quote)) endef # rule to generate includes for makefiles in subdirs of first argument define make-goal $(eval MAKEDIRS := $(sort $(dir $(wildcard $(1:%/=%)/*/Makefile)))) $(eval MAKEFILES := $(sort $(wildcard $(1:%/=%)/*/Makefile))) $(foreach mdir,$(MAKEDIRS),$(eval $(notdir $(mdir:%/=%)) := $(mdir))) $(eval include $(MAKEFILES)) endef # rule to generate targets for building actual pony executable including dependencies to relevant *.pony files so incremental builds work properly define ponyc-goal # include dependencies for already compiled executables -include $(abspath $(1:%/=%))/$(notdir $(abspath $(1:%/=%))).d $(abspath $(1:%/=%))/$(notdir $(abspath $(1:%/=%))): $(logging_lib_a) $$(call PONYC,$(abspath $(1:%/=%))) endef .PHONY: build-pony-all build-docker-pony-all push-docker-pony-all test-pony-all clean-pony-all # rule to generate targets for build-* for devs to use define pony-build-goal build-pony-all: build-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1))) build-docker-pony-all: build-docker-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1))) push-docker-pony-all: push-docker-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1))) build-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1)))-all += build-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1))) build-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1))): $(abspath $(1:%/=%))/$(notdir $(abspath $(1:%/=%))) .PHONY: build-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1))) build-docker-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1))) push-docker-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1))) build-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1)))-all endef # rule to add `build-testing-tools-external_sender` to all integrtion-test commands define integration-tests-external_sender-goal integration-tests-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1))): build-testing-tools-external_sender build-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1))) endef # rule to generate targets for test-* for devs to use define pony-test-goal test-pony-all: test-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1))) test-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1)))-all += test-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1))) test-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1))): unit-tests-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1))) integration-tests-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1))) unit-tests-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1)))-all += unit-tests-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1))) unit-tests-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1))): $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/LICENSE ## dummy dep ifneq ($($(ABS_PREV_MAKEFILE)_UNIT_TEST_COMMAND),false) ## If a have a real unit test to run here, then build it first unit-tests-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1))): build-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1))) ## Here is the default of how we run the unit test unit-tests-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1))): cd $(abspath $(1:%/=%)) && ./$(notdir $(abspath $(1:%/=%))) endif integration-tests-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1)))-all += integration-tests-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1))) integration-tests-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1))): build-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1))) .PHONY: test-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1))) test-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1)))-all unit-tests-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1))) integration-tests-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1))) endef # rule to generate targets for clean-* for devs to use define pony-clean-goal clean-pony-all: clean-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1))) clean-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1)))-all += clean-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1))) clean-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1))): $(QUIET)rm -f $(abspath $1)/$(notdir $(abspath $(1:%/=%))) $(abspath $1)/$(notdir $(abspath $(1:%/=%))).o $(QUIET)rm -f $(abspath $1)/$(notdir $(abspath $(1:%/=%))) $(abspath $1)/$(notdir $(abspath $(1:%/=%))).a $(QUIET)rm -f $(abspath $1)/$(notdir $(abspath $(1:%/=%))).d $(QUIET)rm -rf $(abspath $1)/.deps $(QUIET)rm -rf $(abspath $1)/$(notdir $(abspath $(1:%/=%))).dSYM .PHONY: clean-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1))) clean-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1)))-all endef # rule to generate targets for building actual monhub executable including dependencies to relevant files so incremental builds work properly define monhub-goal $(abspath $(1:%/=%))/../../_build/dev/lib/$(notdir $(abspath $(1:%/=%)))/ebin/$(notdir $(abspath $(1:%/=%))).app: $(shell find $(wildcard $(abspath $1)/config) $(wildcard $(abspath $1)/lib) $(wildcard $(abspath $1)/mix.exs) $(wildcard $(abspath $1)/priv) $(wildcard $(abspath $1)/web) $(wildcard $(abspath $1)/package.json) -type f) $$(call MONHUBC,$(abspath $(1:%/=%))) endef # rule to generate targets for building actual monhub executable including dependencies to relevant files so incremental builds work properly define monhub-release-goal $(abspath $(1:%/=%))/_build/prod/rel/$(notdir $(abspath $(1:%/=%)))/bin/$(notdir $(abspath $(1:%/=%))): $(shell find $(wildcard $(abspath $1)/config) $(wildcard $(abspath $1)/lib) $(wildcard $(abspath $1)/mix.exs) $(wildcard $(abspath $1)/priv) $(wildcard $(abspath $1)/web) $(wildcard $(abspath $1)/package.json) -type f) $$(call MONHUBR,$(abspath $(1:%/=%))) release-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1))): monhub-arch-check $(abspath $(1:%/=%))/_build/prod/rel/$(notdir $(abspath $(1:%/=%)))/bin/$(notdir $(abspath $(1:%/=%))) release-monhub-all: release-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1))) .PHONY: release-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1))) endef .PHONY: build-monhub-all build-docker-monhub-all push-docker-monhub-all test-monhub-all clean-monhub-all release-monhub-all # rule to generate targets for build-* for devs to use define monhub-build-goal build-monhub-all: build-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1))) build-docker-monhub-all: build-docker-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1))) push-docker-monhub-all: push-docker-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1))) build-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1)))-all += build-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1))) build-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1))): $(abspath $(1:%/=%))/../../_build/dev/lib/$(notdir $(abspath $(1:%/=%)))/ebin/$(notdir $(abspath $(1:%/=%))).app .PHONY: build-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1))) build-docker-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1))) push-docker-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1))) build-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1)))-all endef # rule to generate targets for test-* for devs to use define monhub-test-goal test-monhub-all: test-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1))) test-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1)))-all += test-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1))) test-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1))): unit-tests-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1))) integration-tests-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1))) unit-tests-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1)))-all += unit-tests-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1))) unit-tests-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1))): $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/LICENSE ## dummy dep integration-tests-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1)))-all += integration-tests-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1))) integration-tests-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1))): build-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1))) ifneq ($($(ABS_PREV_MAKEFILE)_UNIT_TEST_COMMAND),false) cd $(abspath $(1:%/=%)) && mix test endif .PHONY: test-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1))) test-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1)))-all unit-tests-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1))) integration-tests-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1))) endef # rule to generate targets for clean-* for devs to use define monhub-clean-goal clean-monhub-all: clean-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1))) clean-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1)))-all += clean-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1))) clean-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1))): $(QUIET)rm -rf $(abspath $1)/node_modules $(QUIET)rm -rf $(abspath $1)/_build $(QUIET)rm -rf $(abspath $1)/priv/static $(QUIET)rm -rf $(abspath $1)/../../deps $(QUIET)rm -rf $(abspath $1)/../../_build .PHONY: clean-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1))) clean-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1)))-all endef # rule to generate targets for build-docker-* for devs to use define build-docker-goal build-docker-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1)))-all += build-docker-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1))) build-docker-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1))): docker-arch-check $(if $(wildcard $(PREV_PATH)/package.json),release-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1))),) docker $(docker_host_arg) build -t \ $(docker_image_repo)/$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1))).$(arch):$(docker_image_version) \ $(abspath $1) .PHONY: build-docker-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1)))-all build-docker-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1))) endef # rule to generate targets for push-docker-* for devs to use define push-docker-goal push-docker-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1)))-all += push-docker-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1))) push-docker-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1))): build-docker-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1))) docker $(docker_host_arg) push \ $(docker_image_repo)/$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1))).$(arch):$(docker_image_version) .PHONY: push-docker-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1)))-all push-docker-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1))) endef # rule to generate targets for *-all for devs to use define subdir-goal $(eval MY_TARGET_SUFFIX := $(if $(filter $(abs_wallaroo_dir),$(abspath $1)),wallarooroot-all,$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1)))-all)) $(eval build-$(MY_TARGET_SUFFIX:%-all=%):) $(eval test-$(MY_TARGET_SUFFIX:%-all=%):) $(eval unit-tests-$(MY_TARGET_SUFFIX:%-all=%):) $(eval integration-tests-$(MY_TARGET_SUFFIX:%-all=%):) $(eval clean-$(MY_TARGET_SUFFIX:%-all=%):) $(eval build-$(MY_TARGET_SUFFIX): build-$(MY_TARGET_SUFFIX:%-all=%) $(build-$(MY_TARGET_SUFFIX))) $(eval test-$(MY_TARGET_SUFFIX): test-$(MY_TARGET_SUFFIX:%-all=%) $(test-$(MY_TARGET_SUFFIX))) $(eval unit-tests-$(MY_TARGET_SUFFIX): unit-tests-$(MY_TARGET_SUFFIX:%-all=%) $(unit-tests-$(MY_TARGET_SUFFIX))) $(eval integration-tests-$(MY_TARGET_SUFFIX): integration-tests-$(MY_TARGET_SUFFIX:%-all=%) $(integration-tests-$(MY_TARGET_SUFFIX))) $(eval clean-$(MY_TARGET_SUFFIX): clean-$(MY_TARGET_SUFFIX:%-all=%) $(clean-$(MY_TARGET_SUFFIX))) $(eval build-docker-$(MY_TARGET_SUFFIX): $(build-docker-$(MY_TARGET_SUFFIX))) $(eval push-docker-$(MY_TARGET_SUFFIX): $(push-docker-$(MY_TARGET_SUFFIX))) .PHONY: build-$(MY_TARGET_SUFFIX) test-$(MY_TARGET_SUFFIX) unit-tests-$(MY_TARGET_SUFFIX) integration-tests-$(MY_TARGET_SUFFIX) clean-$(MY_TARGET_SUFFIX) build-docker-$(MY_TARGET_SUFFIX) push-docker-$(MY_TARGET_SUFFIX) endef # rule to generate targets for *-all for devs to use define subdir-recurse-goal $(eval MAKEDIRS := $(sort $(dir $(wildcard $(1:%/=%)/*/Makefile)))) $(eval MY_TARGET_SUFFIX := $(if $(filter $(abs_wallaroo_dir),$(abspath $1)),wallarooroot-all,$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $1)))-all)) $(foreach mdir,$(MAKEDIRS),$(eval build-$(MY_TARGET_SUFFIX) += build-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $(mdir))))-all)) $(foreach mdir,$(MAKEDIRS),$(eval test-$(MY_TARGET_SUFFIX) += test-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $(mdir))))-all)) $(foreach mdir,$(MAKEDIRS),$(eval unit-tests-$(MY_TARGET_SUFFIX) += unit-tests-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $(mdir))))-all)) $(foreach mdir,$(MAKEDIRS),$(eval integration-tests-$(MY_TARGET_SUFFIX) += integration-tests-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $(mdir))))-all)) $(foreach mdir,$(MAKEDIRS),$(eval clean-$(MY_TARGET_SUFFIX) += clean-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $(mdir))))-all)) $(foreach mdir,$(MAKEDIRS),$(eval build-docker-$(MY_TARGET_SUFFIX) += build-docker-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $(mdir))))-all)) $(foreach mdir,$(MAKEDIRS),$(eval push-docker-$(MY_TARGET_SUFFIX) += push-docker-$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $(mdir))))-all)) endef ROOT_TARGET_SUFFIX := $(if $(filter $(abs_wallaroo_dir),$(abspath $(ROOT_PATH))),wallarooroot-all,$(subst /,-,$(subst $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/,,$(abspath $(ROOT_PATH))))-all) # phony targets .PHONY: build build-docker build-monhub build-pony clean clean-docker clean-monhub clean-pony list push-docker test-monhub test-pony test docker-arch-check monhub-arch-check help build-docker-pony push-docker-pony build-docker-monhub push-docker-monhub # default targets define wallaroo-default-goal .DEFAULT_GOAL := build build: build-$(ROOT_TARGET_SUFFIX) ## Build all projects (pony & monhub) (DEFAULT) test: unit-tests integration-tests ## Test all projects (pony & monhub) unit-tests: unit-tests-$(ROOT_TARGET_SUFFIX) ## Test all projects (pony & monhub) integration-tests: integration-tests-$(ROOT_TARGET_SUFFIX) ## Test all projects (pony & monhub) build-pony: build-pony-all ## Build all pony projects test-pony: test-pony-all ## Test all pony projects clean-pony: clean-pony-all ## Clean all pony projects build-docker-pony: build-docker-pony-all ## Build docker containers for all pony projects push-docker-pony: push-docker-pony-all ## Push docker containers for all pony projects build-monhub: build-monhub-all ## Build all monhub projects release-monhub: release-monhub-all ## Create release packages for all monhub projects test-monhub: test-monhub-all ## Test all monhub projects clean-monhub: clean-monhub-all ## Clean all monhub projects build-docker-monhub: build-docker-monhub-all ## Build docker containers for all monhub projects push-docker-monhub: push-docker-monhub-all ## Push docker containers for all monhub projects build-docker: build-docker-$(ROOT_TARGET_SUFFIX) ## Build all docker images push-docker: push-docker-$(ROOT_TARGET_SUFFIX) ## Push all docker images endef ifeq ($(gen_wallaroo_default_targets),true) $(eval $(call wallaroo-default-goal)) endif # rule to print info about make variables, works only with make 3.81 and above # to use invoke make with a target of print-VARNAME, e.g., # make print-CCFLAGS print-%: $(QUIET)echo '$*=$($*)' $(QUIET)echo ' origin = $(origin $*)' $(QUIET)echo ' flavor = $(flavor $*)' $(QUIET)echo ' value = $(value $*)' # rule to build wallaroo source archive .PHONY: build-wallaroo-source-archive ifeq ($(shell uname -s),Linux) build-wallaroo-source-archive: $(QUIET)cd $(wallaroo_path) && \ tar --transform "flags=r;s|^|wallaroo/|" -czf "wallaroo.tgz" ./* else build-wallaroo-source-archive: $(QUIET)cd $(wallaroo_path) && \ mkdir /tmp/wallaroo && \ cp -r ./* /tmp/wallaroo && \ cd /tmp && \ tar -czf "$(wallaroo_path)/wallaroo.tgz" wallaroo && \ rm -rf wallaroo endif define METRICS_UI_DESKTOP_HEREDOC [Desktop Entry] Name=Wallaroo Metrics UI Icon=metrics_ui Type=Application NoDisplay=true Exec=metrics_reporter_ui Terminal=true Categories=Development; endef define APPRUN_HEREDOC #!/bin/sh HERE=$$(dirname "$$(readlink -f "$${0}")") "$${HERE}"/usr/bin/metrics_reporter_ui $$@ if [ "$$1" = "start" ]; then sleep 4 fi if [ "$$1" = "stop" ]; then PID_TO_KILL=$$(ps aux | grep '/usr/erts-9.1/bin/epmd' | grep -v grep | awk '{print $$2}') if [ "$$PID_TO_KILL" != "" ]; then kill $$PID_TO_KILL fi fi endef export APPRUN_HEREDOC export METRICS_UI_DESKTOP_HEREDOC # rule to build metrics_ui appimage .PHONY: build-metrics-ui-appimage build-metrics-ui-appimage: ## Build Metrics UI if not already built $(QUIET)cd $(wallaroo_path) && \ mkdir -p metrics_ui.AppDir/usr/ $(QUIET)cd $(wallaroo_path) && \ echo "$$METRICS_UI_DESKTOP_HEREDOC" >> ./metrics_ui.desktop $(QUIET)cd $(wallaroo_path) && \ echo "$$APPRUN_HEREDOC" >> ./AppRun $(QUIET)cd $(wallaroo_path) && \ chmod a+x ./AppRun $(QUIET)cd $(wallaroo_path) && \ curl https://github.com/linuxdeploy/linuxdeploy/releases/download/continuous/linuxdeploy-x86_64.AppImage -o linuxdeploy-x86_64.AppImage -J -L $(QUIET)cd $(wallaroo_path) && \ chmod +x linuxdeploy-x86_64.AppImage # set up icon/logo for appimage $(QUIET)cd $(wallaroo_path) && \ cp .release/metrics_ui_appimage_icon.png metrics_ui.png # can't run appimages in docker; need to extract and then run $(QUIET)docker run --rm -i $(docker_user_arg) -v \ $(abs_wallaroo_dir):$(abs_wallaroo_dir) $(docker_cpu_arg) \ $(if $(wildcard -v $(HOME)/.gitconfig),-v $(HOME)/.gitconfig:/.gitconfig,) \ $(if $(wildcard -v $(HOME)/.gitconfig),-v $(HOME)/.gitconfig:/root/.gitconfig,) \ $(if $(wildcard -v $(HOME)/.gitconfig),-v $(HOME)/.gitconfig:/$(HOME)/.gitconfig,) \ $(if $(wildcard -v $(HOME)/.git-credential-cache),-v $(HOME)/.git-credential-cache:/.git-credential-cache,) \ $(if $(wildcard -v $(HOME)/.git-credential-cache),-v $(HOME)/.git-credential-cache:/root/.git-credential-cache,) \ $(if $(wildcard -v $(HOME)/.git-credential-cache),-v $(HOME)/.git-credential-cache:/$(HOME)/.git-credential-cache,) \ -w $(abs_wallaroo_dir) \ wallaroolabs/metrics_ui-centos-builder:2018.08.03.1 \ sh -c "./linuxdeploy-x86_64.AppImage --appimage-extract" # need to run in CentOS 7 docker image $(QUIET)docker run --rm -i $(docker_user_arg) -v \ $(abs_wallaroo_dir):$(abs_wallaroo_dir) $(docker_cpu_arg) \ $(if $(wildcard -v $(HOME)/.gitconfig),-v $(HOME)/.gitconfig:/.gitconfig,) \ $(if $(wildcard -v $(HOME)/.gitconfig),-v $(HOME)/.gitconfig:/root/.gitconfig,) \ $(if $(wildcard -v $(HOME)/.gitconfig),-v $(HOME)/.gitconfig:/$(HOME)/.gitconfig,) \ $(if $(wildcard -v $(HOME)/.git-credential-cache),-v $(HOME)/.git-credential-cache:/.git-credential-cache,) \ $(if $(wildcard -v $(HOME)/.git-credential-cache),-v $(HOME)/.git-credential-cache:/root/.git-credential-cache,) \ $(if $(wildcard -v $(HOME)/.git-credential-cache),-v $(HOME)/.git-credential-cache:/$(HOME)/.git-credential-cache,) \ -v /etc/passwd:/etc/passwd:ro \ -w $(abs_wallaroo_dir) \ wallaroolabs/metrics_ui-centos-builder:2018.08.03.1 \ sh -c 'export HOME=/tmp && mkdir /tmp/.nvm && curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.33.11/install.sh | NVM_DIR="/tmp/.nvm" bash && export NVM_DIR="/tmp/.nvm" && [ -s "$$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" ] && . "$$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" && nvm install 10.9.0 && nvm alias default 10.9.0 && make release-monitoring_hub-apps-metrics_reporter_ui' # put files into AppDir $(QUIET)docker run --rm -i $(docker_user_arg) -v \ $(abs_wallaroo_dir):$(abs_wallaroo_dir) $(docker_cpu_arg) \ $(if $(wildcard -v $(HOME)/.gitconfig),-v $(HOME)/.gitconfig:/.gitconfig,) \ $(if $(wildcard -v $(HOME)/.gitconfig),-v $(HOME)/.gitconfig:/root/.gitconfig,) \ $(if $(wildcard -v $(HOME)/.gitconfig),-v $(HOME)/.gitconfig:/$(HOME)/.gitconfig,) \ $(if $(wildcard -v $(HOME)/.git-credential-cache),-v $(HOME)/.git-credential-cache:/.git-credential-cache,) \ $(if $(wildcard -v $(HOME)/.git-credential-cache),-v $(HOME)/.git-credential-cache:/root/.git-credential-cache,) \ $(if $(wildcard -v $(HOME)/.git-credential-cache),-v $(HOME)/.git-credential-cache:/$(HOME)/.git-credential-cache,) \ -w $(abs_wallaroo_dir) \ wallaroolabs/metrics_ui-centos-builder:2018.08.03.1 \ sh -c "cd metrics_ui.AppDir/usr && tar -xvzf ../../monitoring_hub/apps/metrics_reporter_ui/_build/prod/rel/metrics_reporter_ui/releases/0.0.1/metrics_reporter_ui.tar.gz" # build appimage $(QUIET)docker run --rm -i $(docker_user_arg) -v \ $(abs_wallaroo_dir):$(abs_wallaroo_dir) $(docker_cpu_arg) \ $(if $(wildcard -v $(HOME)/.gitconfig),-v $(HOME)/.gitconfig:/.gitconfig,) \ $(if $(wildcard -v $(HOME)/.gitconfig),-v $(HOME)/.gitconfig:/root/.gitconfig,) \ $(if $(wildcard -v $(HOME)/.gitconfig),-v $(HOME)/.gitconfig:/$(HOME)/.gitconfig,) \ $(if $(wildcard -v $(HOME)/.git-credential-cache),-v $(HOME)/.git-credential-cache:/.git-credential-cache,) \ $(if $(wildcard -v $(HOME)/.git-credential-cache),-v $(HOME)/.git-credential-cache:/root/.git-credential-cache,) \ $(if $(wildcard -v $(HOME)/.git-credential-cache),-v $(HOME)/.git-credential-cache:/$(HOME)/.git-credential-cache,) \ -w $(abs_wallaroo_dir) \ wallaroolabs/metrics_ui-centos-builder:2018.08.03.1 \ sh -c "ARCH=x86_64 ./squashfs-root/AppRun --appdir metrics_ui.AppDir --custom-apprun=AppRun --desktop-file=metrics_ui.desktop --icon-file=metrics_ui.png -l /usr/lib64/libtinfo.so.5" ## temporary hack; remove once linuxdeploy works correctly # no user arg to docker because yum needs to run as root $(QUIET)docker run --rm -i -v \ $(abs_wallaroo_dir):$(abs_wallaroo_dir) $(docker_cpu_arg) \ $(if $(wildcard -v $(HOME)/.gitconfig),-v $(HOME)/.gitconfig:/.gitconfig,) \ $(if $(wildcard -v $(HOME)/.gitconfig),-v $(HOME)/.gitconfig:/root/.gitconfig,) \ $(if $(wildcard -v $(HOME)/.gitconfig),-v $(HOME)/.gitconfig:/$(HOME)/.gitconfig,) \ $(if $(wildcard -v $(HOME)/.git-credential-cache),-v $(HOME)/.git-credential-cache:/.git-credential-cache,) \ $(if $(wildcard -v $(HOME)/.git-credential-cache),-v $(HOME)/.git-credential-cache:/root/.git-credential-cache,) \ $(if $(wildcard -v $(HOME)/.git-credential-cache),-v $(HOME)/.git-credential-cache:/$(HOME)/.git-credential-cache,) \ -w $(abs_wallaroo_dir) \ wallaroolabs/metrics_ui-centos-builder:2018.08.03.1 \ sh -c "yum install patchelf -y && patchelf --set-rpath '\$$ORIGIN/../../lib' metrics_ui.AppDir/usr/erts-9.1/bin/beam.smp" ## temporary hack; remove once linuxdeploy works correctly $(QUIET)docker run --rm -i $(docker_user_arg) -v \ $(abs_wallaroo_dir):$(abs_wallaroo_dir) $(docker_cpu_arg) \ $(if $(wildcard -v $(HOME)/.gitconfig),-v $(HOME)/.gitconfig:/.gitconfig,) \ $(if $(wildcard -v $(HOME)/.gitconfig),-v $(HOME)/.gitconfig:/root/.gitconfig,) \ $(if $(wildcard -v $(HOME)/.gitconfig),-v $(HOME)/.gitconfig:/$(HOME)/.gitconfig,) \ $(if $(wildcard -v $(HOME)/.git-credential-cache),-v $(HOME)/.git-credential-cache:/.git-credential-cache,) \ $(if $(wildcard -v $(HOME)/.git-credential-cache),-v $(HOME)/.git-credential-cache:/root/.git-credential-cache,) \ $(if $(wildcard -v $(HOME)/.git-credential-cache),-v $(HOME)/.git-credential-cache:/$(HOME)/.git-credential-cache,) \ -w $(abs_wallaroo_dir) \ wallaroolabs/metrics_ui-centos-builder:2018.08.03.1 \ sh -c "mv metrics_ui.AppDir/usr/lib/libcrypto.so.10 metrics_ui.AppDir/usr/lib/crypto-4.1/priv/lib/" $(QUIET)docker run --rm -i $(docker_user_arg) -v \ $(abs_wallaroo_dir):$(abs_wallaroo_dir) $(docker_cpu_arg) \ $(if $(wildcard -v $(HOME)/.gitconfig),-v $(HOME)/.gitconfig:/.gitconfig,) \ $(if $(wildcard -v $(HOME)/.gitconfig),-v $(HOME)/.gitconfig:/root/.gitconfig,) \ $(if $(wildcard -v $(HOME)/.gitconfig),-v $(HOME)/.gitconfig:/$(HOME)/.gitconfig,) \ $(if $(wildcard -v $(HOME)/.git-credential-cache),-v $(HOME)/.git-credential-cache:/.git-credential-cache,) \ $(if $(wildcard -v $(HOME)/.git-credential-cache),-v $(HOME)/.git-credential-cache:/root/.git-credential-cache,) \ $(if $(wildcard -v $(HOME)/.git-credential-cache),-v $(HOME)/.git-credential-cache:/$(HOME)/.git-credential-cache,) \ -w $(abs_wallaroo_dir) \ wallaroolabs/metrics_ui-centos-builder:2018.08.03.1 \ sh -c "ARCH=x86_64 ./squashfs-root/AppRun --appdir metrics_ui.AppDir --custom-apprun=AppRun --desktop-file=metrics_ui.desktop --icon-file=metrics_ui.png --output appimage" $(QUIET)cd $(wallaroo_path) && \ rm linuxdeploy-x86_64.AppImage $(QUIET)cd $(wallaroo_path) && \ sh -c "rm -rf squashfs-root" $(QUIET)docker run --rm -i $(docker_user_arg) -v \ $(abs_wallaroo_dir):$(abs_wallaroo_dir) $(docker_cpu_arg) \ $(if $(wildcard -v $(HOME)/.gitconfig),-v $(HOME)/.gitconfig:/.gitconfig,) \ $(if $(wildcard -v $(HOME)/.gitconfig),-v $(HOME)/.gitconfig:/root/.gitconfig,) \ $(if $(wildcard -v $(HOME)/.gitconfig),-v $(HOME)/.gitconfig:/$(HOME)/.gitconfig,) \ $(if $(wildcard -v $(HOME)/.git-credential-cache),-v $(HOME)/.git-credential-cache:/.git-credential-cache,) \ $(if $(wildcard -v $(HOME)/.git-credential-cache),-v $(HOME)/.git-credential-cache:/root/.git-credential-cache,) \ $(if $(wildcard -v $(HOME)/.git-credential-cache),-v $(HOME)/.git-credential-cache:/$(HOME)/.git-credential-cache,) \ -w $(abs_wallaroo_dir) \ wallaroolabs/metrics_ui-centos-builder:2018.08.03.1 \ sh -c "rm -rf metrics_ui.AppDir" $(QUIET)cd $(wallaroo_path) && \ rm AppRun $(QUIET)cd $(wallaroo_path) && \ rm metrics_ui.desktop $(QUIET)cd $(wallaroo_path) && \ rm metrics_ui.png # rule to confirm we are building for a real docker architecture we support docker-arch-check: $(if $(filter $(arch),native),$(error Arch cannot be 'native' \ for docker build!),) # rule to confirm we are building for a real monitoring architecture we support monhub-arch-check: $(if $(filter $(arch),armhf),$(error Arch cannot be 'armhf' \ for building of monitoring hub!),) # different types of docker images exited = $(shell docker $(docker_host_arg) ps -a -q -f status=exited) untagged = $(shell (docker $(docker_host_arg) images | grep "^" | awk \ -F " " '{print $$3}')) dangling = $(shell docker $(docker_host_arg) images -f "dangling=true" -q) tag = $(shell docker $(docker_host_arg) images | grep \ "$(docker_image_version)" | awk -F " " '{print $$1 ":" $$2}') # rule to clean up docker images/containers clean-docker: ## cleanup docker images and containers $(if $(strip $(exited)),$(QUIET)echo "Cleaning exited containers: $(exited)",) $(if $(strip $(exited)),$(QUIET)docker $(docker_host_arg) rm -v $(exited),) $(if $(strip $(tag)),$(QUIET)echo "Removing tag $(tag) image",) $(if $(strip $(tag)),$(QUIET)docker $(docker_host_arg) rmi $(tag),) $(if $(strip $(dangling)),$(QUIET)echo "Cleaning dangling images: $(dangling)",) $(if $(strip $(dangling)),$(QUIET)docker $(docker_host_arg) rmi $(dangling),) # rule to clean everything clean: clean-$(ROOT_TARGET_SUFFIX) ## Clean all projects (pony & monhub) and cleanup docker images $(QUIET)rm -f $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/wallaroo.tgz $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/Wallaroo_Metrics_UI*-x86_64.AppImage $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/linuxdeploy-x86_64.AppImage $(QUIET)rm -rf $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/squashfs-root $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/metrics_ui.AppDir $(QUIET)rm -f $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/AppRun $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/metrics_ui.desktop $(abs_wallaroo_dir)/metrics_ui.png $(QUIET)rm -f lib/wallaroo/wallaroo lib/wallaroo/wallaroo.o $(QUIET)rm -f sent.txt received.txt $(QUIET)rm -f $(logging_lib_obj) $(logging_lib_a) $(QUIET)echo 'Done cleaning.' list: ## List all targets (including automagically generated ones) $(QUIET)$(MAKE) -pRrq -f $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)) : 2>/dev/null | awk -v RS= -F: '/^# File/,/^# Finished Make data base/ {if ($$1 !~ "^[#.]") {print $$1}}' | sort | egrep -v -e '^[^[:alnum:]]' -e '^$@$$' help: ## this help message $(QUIET)echo 'Usage: make [option1=value] [option2=value,...] [target]' $(QUIET)echo '' $(QUIET)echo 'Options:' $(QUIET)grep -h -E '^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+ *\?=.*?## .*$$' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | sort -u | awk \ 'BEGIN {FS = "\\?="}; {printf "\033[36m%-40s\033[0m ##%s\n", $$1, \ $$2}' | awk 'BEGIN {FS = "## "}; {printf "%s%s \033[36m(Default:\ %s)\033[0m\n", $$1, $$3, $$2}' $(QUIET)grep -h -E 'ifeq.*filter.*\)$$' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | sort -u | awk \ 'BEGIN {FS = "[(),]"}; {printf "\033[36m%-40s\033[0m %s\n", \ " Valid values for " $$5 ":", $$7}' $(QUIET)echo '' $(QUIET)echo 'Targets:' $(QUIET)echo "\033[36m{command}-{dir}-all \033[0mRun command for a directory and all it's sub-projects." $(QUIET)echo " Where command is one of: build,test,clean,build-docker,push-docker" $(QUIET)grep -h -E '^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+:.*?## .*$$' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | sort -u | awk \ 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "}; {printf "\033[36m%-40s\033[0m %s\n", \ $$1, $$2}' endif # RULES_MK # check control variables for valid values $(evel $(call check-values,$(ABS_PREV_MAKEFILE)_UNIT_TEST_COMMAND,false true)) $(evel $(call check-values,$(ABS_PREV_MAKEFILE)_PONY_TARGET,false true)) $(evel $(call check-values,$(ABS_PREV_MAKEFILE)_PONYC_TARGET,false true)) $(evel $(call check-values,$(ABS_PREV_MAKEFILE)_DOCKER_TARGET,false true)) $(evel $(call check-values,$(ABS_PREV_MAKEFILE)_EXS_TARGET,false true)) $(evel $(call check-values,$(ABS_PREV_MAKEFILE)_RECURSE_SUBMAKEFILES,false true)) # if there's a pony source file, create the appropriate rules for it unless disabled ifneq ($($(ABS_PREV_MAKEFILE)_PONY_TARGET),false) ifneq ($(wildcard $(PREV_PATH)/*.pony),) ifneq ($($(ABS_PREV_MAKEFILE)_PONYC_TARGET),false) $(eval $(call ponyc-goal,$(PREV_PATH))) endif $(eval $(call pony-build-goal,$(PREV_PATH))) $(eval $(call pony-test-goal,$(PREV_PATH))) $(eval $(call pony-clean-goal,$(PREV_PATH))) endif endif # Add external_sender dependency to integration-tests-* $(eval $(call integration-tests-external_sender-goal,$(PREV_PATH))) # if there's a exs source file, create the appropriate rules for it unless disabled ifneq ($($(ABS_PREV_MAKEFILE)_EXS_TARGET),false) ifneq ($(wildcard $(PREV_PATH)/*.exs),) $(eval $(call monhub-goal,$(PREV_PATH))) $(eval $(call monhub-build-goal,$(PREV_PATH))) $(eval $(call monhub-test-goal,$(PREV_PATH))) $(eval $(call monhub-clean-goal,$(PREV_PATH))) ifneq ($(wildcard $(PREV_PATH)/package.json),) $(eval $(call monhub-release-goal,$(PREV_PATH))) endif endif endif # if there's a Dockerfile, create the appropriate rules for it unless disabled ifneq ($($(ABS_PREV_MAKEFILE)_DOCKER_TARGET),false) ifneq ($(wildcard $(PREV_PATH)/Dockerfile),) $(eval $(call build-docker-goal,$(PREV_PATH))) $(eval $(call push-docker-goal,$(PREV_PATH))) endif endif # include rules for directory level "-all" targets for recursing ifneq ($($(ABS_PREV_MAKEFILE)_RECURSE_SUBMAKEFILES),false) $(eval $(call subdir-recurse-goal,$(PREV_PATH))) endif # include rules for directory level "-all" targets $(eval $(call subdir-goal,$(PREV_PATH))) # include makefiles from 1 level down in directory tree if they exist (and by recursion every makefile in the tree that is referenced) unless disabled ifneq ($($(ABS_PREV_MAKEFILE)_RECURSE_SUBMAKEFILES),false) $(eval $(call make-goal,$(PREV_PATH))) endif include $(wallaroo_dir)/Makefile