#!/usr/bin/env bash # This script was built using Debian 11 OpenVZ server # This script will download and install Steam Server, Sourcemod, Metamod, and compile and install War3Source-EVO for CSS # You should install using a SUDO USER and not root user for security purposes. # SUDO is needed for apt-get install and for getting the public ip address for this server via ifconfig. # CSS - 232330 # CSGO - 740 # FOF - 295230 # TF2 - 232250 # L4D - 222840 # L4D2 - 222860 serverAPPid="740" gamePath1="csgo" gamePath2="csgo" RNAME="hlserver" # Game switcher for War3Source-EVO compiling # either CSS or CSGO or TF2 or FOF GAME_SWITCHER="CSGO" # example /home/steamgameserver # CPATH actually will install in what ever directory you start this script in, # not really your home path, otherwise you can change $PWD to $HOME # if you prefer the home path. CPATH=$PWD # spaceREQ # CSGO 35 # TF2 10 # CSS 3 # FOF 4 spaceREQ=35 HDspace=$(df --output=avail -h ${CPATH} | sed '1d;s/[^0-9]//g') if [[ $HDspace -le $spaceREQ ]]; then echo "You will need at least ${spaceREQ}GB of hard drive space before installing ${GAME_SWITCHER}!" echo "You only have ${HDspace}GB hard drive free space on ${CPATH}" df -h exit fi # example /home/steamgameserver/hlserver installPath="$CPATH/$RNAME" # example /home/steamgameserver/hlserver/steamcmd/css.txt steamcmdFile="${installPath}/steamcmd/${gamePath1}.txt" # example /home/steamgameserver/hlserver/css gameInstallPath="${installPath}/${gamePath1}" # example /home/steamgameserver/hlserver/css/cstrike SourceMetaModWar3InstallPath="${gameInstallPath}/${gamePath2}" echo '*************************************************************************' echo '*' echo '* STEAMCMD / METAMOD / SOURCEMOD / WAR3SOURCE-EVO INSTALLER' echo '*' echo 'SUDO user is required to install libraries needed' echo 'for SteamCMD, SourceMod, MetaMod, and to compile War3Source' echo echo 'Know that installing this as root is a security risk! SUDO user is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!' echo 'Know that installing this as root is a security risk! SUDO user is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!' echo 'Know that installing this as root is a security risk! SUDO user is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!' echo echo 'You will need to type in your password, even if your not root to exit on some systems. ctrl+c does not always exit.' echo read -p "[${GAME_SWITCHER}] Press ENTER to continue" readTMP echo sudo apt-get update sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386 sudo apt-get install wget sudo apt-get install git sudo apt-get install tar sudo apt-get install screen sudo apt-get install nano sudo apt-get install lib32gcc1 sudo apt-get install lib32gcc-s1 sudo apt-get install lib32stdc++6 sudo apt-get install libc6-i386 sudo apt-get install linux-libc-dev:i386 # # You may need these libraries for your linux server # Uncomment if you want to see if they help you install or run the steam server # #sudo apt-get install clang #sudo apt-get install lib32z1 #sudo apt-get install libbz2-1.0:i386 #sudo apt-get install libncurses5:i386 #sudo apt-get install libtinfo5:i386 #sudo apt-get install libcurl3-gnutls:i386 #sudo apt-get install libsdl2-2.0-0:i386 #sudo apt-get install libc6-dev-i386 echo echo 'Some systems may complain about not see all files for apt-get,' echo 'try to install anyhow, your system may not need them.' echo echo 'Just hit enter key for defaults, unless you want to change them.' echo 'Defaults will be surrounded by () unless it says (required)' echo echo 'What directory would you like to install in?' echo read -p "[${GAME_SWITCHER}] Install Directory ($installPath)" readInstallPath if [[ "$readInstallPath" ]]; then $installPath = $readInstallPath fi echo echo "SteamCMD Directory is ${installPath}" echo "${GAME_SWITCHER} Game Directory is ${gameInstallPath}" echo "Sourcemod/MetaMod/War3Source Directory is ${SourceMetaModWar3InstallPath}" echo echo # Create directories test -e "${installPath}" || mkdir "${installPath}" test -e "${installPath}/steamcmd" || mkdir "${installPath}/steamcmd" test -e "${gameInstallPath}" || mkdir "${gameInstallPath}" test -e "${SourceMetaModWar3InstallPath}" || mkdir "${SourceMetaModWar3InstallPath}" # uncomment below if you want to stop at this point #read -p "Press ENTER to continue" readTMP # Download and Extract SteamCMD test -e "steamcmd_linux.tar.gz" || wget "https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/client/installer/steamcmd_linux.tar.gz" -O steamcmd_linux.tar.gz tar -zxvf steamcmd_linux.tar.gz --directory "${installPath}" # Create SteamCMD Script file echo "force_install_dir ${gameInstallPath}" > "${steamcmdFile}" echo "login anonymous" >> "${steamcmdFile}" echo "app_update ${serverAPPid}" >> "${steamcmdFile}" echo "quit" >> "${steamcmdFile}" # Give Permissions SCRIPT_PATH="${installPath}/steamcmd.sh" chmod a+x "${SCRIPT_PATH}" # RUN steamCMD installer SCRIPT_RUN="${SCRIPT_PATH} +runscript ${steamcmdFile}" bash -c "${SCRIPT_RUN}" # uncomment below if you want to stop at this point #read -p "Press ENTER to continue" readTMP # git clone War3Source git clone https://github.com/War3Evo/War3Source-EVO.git cp -vrf ./War3Source-EVO/cfg "${SourceMetaModWar3InstallPath}" # uncomment below if you want to stop at this point #read -p "Press ENTER to continue" readTMP cp -vrf ./War3Source-EVO/addons "${SourceMetaModWar3InstallPath}" # uncomment below if you want to stop at this point #read -p "Press ENTER to continue" readTMP cp -vrf ./War3Source-EVO/sound "${SourceMetaModWar3InstallPath}" rm -rf ./War3Source-EVO # uncomment below if you want to stop at this point #read -p "Press ENTER to continue" readTMP # Get SourceMod Required to compile War3Source-EVO wget "http://www.sourcemod.net/latest.php?version=1.9&os=linux" -O "${SourceMetaModWar3InstallPath}/sourcemod-1.9-linux.tar.gz" tar -zxvf "${SourceMetaModWar3InstallPath}/sourcemod-1.9-linux.tar.gz" --directory "${SourceMetaModWar3InstallPath}" # uncomment below if you want to stop at this point #read -p "Press ENTER to continue" readTMP # Extract SourceMod as List tar --list -f "${SourceMetaModWar3InstallPath}/sourcemod-1.9-linux.tar.gz" > "${SourceMetaModWar3InstallPath}/smlist19.txt" # uncomment below if you want to stop at this point #read -p "Press ENTER to continue" readTMP # # COMPILE WAR3SOURCE-EVO # # Give spcomp the required permissions chmod a+x "${SourceMetaModWar3InstallPath}/addons/sourcemod/scripting/spcomp_1.9.0.6261" chmod a+x "${SourceMetaModWar3InstallPath}/addons/sourcemod/scripting/game_switcher_${GAME_SWITCHER}.sh" chmod a+x "${SourceMetaModWar3InstallPath}/addons/sourcemod/scripting/compile_for_github_action.sh" bash -c "${SourceMetaModWar3InstallPath}/addons/sourcemod/scripting/game_switcher_${GAME_SWITCHER}.sh" bash -c "${SourceMetaModWar3InstallPath}/addons/sourcemod/scripting/compile_for_github_action.sh" || true # uncomment below if you want to stop at this point #read -p "Press ENTER to continue" readTMP # Clean up & Remove SM 1.9 xargs rm -f < "${SourceMetaModWar3InstallPath}/smlist19.txt" || true rm -rf ./War3Source-EVO rm -rf .github rm -rf .git # uncomment below if you want to stop at this point #read -p "BEFORE SOURCMOE 1.11 ** Press ENTER to continue" readTMP # Download SourceMod test -e "sourcemod-1.11-linux.tar.gz" || wget "http://www.sourcemod.net/latest.php?version=1.11&os=linux" -O sourcemod-1.11-linux.tar.gz # Extract SourceMod tar -zxvf sourcemod-1.11-linux.tar.gz --directory "${SourceMetaModWar3InstallPath}" # uncomment below if you want to stop at this point #read -p "Press ENTER to continue" readTMP # Download MetaMod test -e "metamod-1.11-linux.tar.gz" || wget "https://www.metamodsource.net/latest.php?version=1.11&os=linux" -O metamod-1.11-linux.tar.gz # Extract Metamod tar --overwrite -zxvf metamod-1.11-linux.tar.gz --directory "${SourceMetaModWar3InstallPath}" # Steam Account ID echo "You can get your ${GAME_SWITCHER} Steam Game Server Account from here:" echo "https://steamcommunity.com/dev/managegameservers" read -p "[${GAME_SWITCHER}] Please enter Steam Game Server Account (required):" readSteamAccount publicIPaddress=$(sudo ifconfig | grep -Eo 'inet (addr:)?([0-9]*\.){3}[0-9]*' | grep -Eo '([0-9]*\.){3}[0-9]*' | grep -v ''); read -p "[${GAME_SWITCHER}] Server IP Address (${publicIPaddress}):" readServerIPAddress read -p "[${GAME_SWITCHER}] Server Port (27015):" readServerPort ServerIP=$publicIPaddress if [[ "$readServerIPAddress" ]]; then $ServerIP=$readServerIPAddress fi ServerPort=27015 if [[ "$readServerPort" ]]; then $ServerPort=$readServerPort fi if [[ "$readSteamAccount" ]]; then echo "screen -mS csgo ${gameInstallPath}/srcds_run -game csgo -secure -console -usercon +game_type 0 +game_mode 0 +mapgroup mg_active +ip ${ServerIP} +port ${ServerPort} -autoupdate +sv_consistency 0 +sv_pure 0 +map de_dust2 +maxplayers 32 +exec server.cfg +sv_setsteamaccount ${readSteamAccount} -steam_dir ${installPath} -steamcmd_script ${steamcmdFile}" > "${installPath}/start${GAME_SWITCHER}.sh" chmod a+x "${installPath}/start${GAME_SWITCHER}.sh" echo "*******************************************************************" echo "${installPath}/start${GAME_SWITCHER}.sh has been created for you:" cat "${installPath}/start${GAME_SWITCHER}.sh" echo "*******************************************************************" echo "*******************************************************************" echo "[READ EVERYTHING FIRST]" echo "Then to run server type this below and press enter:" echo "${installPath}/start${GAME_SWITCHER}.sh" echo "*******************************************************************" echo "*******************************************************************" echo "ctrl + a then press d to leave server running in the background" echo "to resume the server that is in background type: screen -r" echo "*******************************************************************" echo "ctrl + c to exit screen & terminate server." echo "Best Results: Type in quit and then press enter, before using ctrl + c." echo "*******************************************************************" fi echo DONE echo FINISHED echo COMPLETED