TidyHTML Plugin for Sublime Text 2 ================================== Cleanup and reindent a saved file with TidyHTML. No php, no webservice required. Installation ------------ 1. Open the Sublime Text 2 Packages folder - OS X: ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages/ - Windows: %APPDATA%/Sublime Text 2/Packages/ - Linux: ~/.Sublime Text 2/Packages/ 2. clone this repo and rename it to `TidyHTML5` 3. edit the TidyHTML.sublime-settings (via Preferences > Package Settings > TidyHTML > Settings - User) according to your desired settings (see http://w3c.github.com/tidy-html5/quickref.html for more details) via Package Control: 1. Open the Package Control Palette (`Command+shift+P`) 2. Select the `Package Control: Install Package` entry 3. Select the `TidyHTML5` Package 4. Restart SublimeText if needed Commands -------- ### Via the Command Palette 1. `Ctrl (Win)|Command (OSX) + Shift + P` to open the Command Palette then 2. type `TidyHTML` to convert characters to their HTML entity ### Via Keyboard Shortcut - OSX: `Command + alt +h` - Windows: `Ctrl + alt + h` Dependencies ------------ Based on https://github.com/w3c/tidy-html5 - Windows: binary provided via http://tidybatchfiles.info/tidy.zip - OSX: Require separate install for best results (for HTML5 compatibility) Version History --------------- - 1.1.0: Rewrote the settings file to support a user defined extensions list - 1.0.1: Bugfix in the command file - 1.0.0: Initial release