]> ##&name; ###2024.05.27 - Fix visual error on settings page - Removes character limit from config editor - Hopefully alieviate some of the problems with hanging during boot when rclone servers can't be reached ###2022.09.02 - Fix incomplete cleanup after failed install (take two) ###2022.01.20 - Fix ping to rclone download server - Change wording in error messages - Small visual change ###2022.01.11 - Fix incomplete cleanup after failed install ###2021.08.25 - Exclude rclone config from being backed up by the My Servers Plugin flash backup feature to minimize flash writes - Make sure to have an alternative backup procedure in place! ###2020.09.29 - Plugin now only fetches rclone if new version is available - Code cleanup and various optimizations ###2020.09.19 - Major overhaul! - Settings page update - Switch between stable and beta branch in settings page - Update rclone directly from the settings page as well as displaying current and newest version of rclone - Removal of standard scripts and script editing (Use User Scripts plugin instead) ###2019.11.01 - Ensure wrapper updating ###2019.10.23 - Make rclone wrapper branch agnostic ###2019.10.21 - Remove poorly documented logging option from rclone wrapper ###2019.10.14 - Fusermount compatibility fix take two ###2019.10.13b - Fusermount compatibility fix for future unRaid versions ###2019.10.13a - Icon change and small corrections ###2019.06.24 - Bump timeout again to alleviate problem with slow resolvers ###2019.02.07 - Change timeout to alleviate problem with slow resolvers ###2018.09.10c - Extra connectivity test ###2018.09.10a - Check if unpack was successful ###2018.09.10 - Test for internet connectivity - Retry mechanism for curl ###2018.08.25 - Let install survive when no internet connection on boot ###2017.09.23 - Always pull newest version on install ###2017.08.16 - New version of rclone (v1.37) ###2017.03.19 - New version of rclone (v1.36) ###2017.01.17a - Reverting previous patch ###2017.01.17 - Removed Wrapper ###2017.01.05 - New version of rclone (v1.35) ###2016.11.14 - Beta version of webgui - Beta version of included template scripts ###2016.11.08 - Fixed update routine ###2016.11.06 - First release of plugin for rclone stable branch - New version of rclone (v1.34) - Check to see if Beta branch installed ###2016.11.02 - More intuitive calling of rclone - Use rclone instead of myrclone - More minor changes in preperation of official release ###2016.10.31 - Minor improvements ###2016.10.28 - Removed cronjob ###2016.10.27 - Small modifications to make the plugin work again, and updateable from unraid interface &bundleURL; &md5bundle; if [ -f /boot/config/plugins/rclone/install/beta ]; then rcloneurl="https://beta.rclone.org/rclone-beta-latest-linux-amd64.zip" versionurl="https://beta.rclone.org/version.txt" else rcloneurl="https://downloads.rclone.org/rclone-current-linux-amd64.zip" versionurl="https://downloads.rclone.org/version.txt" fi; if [ -f /boot/config/plugins/rclone/install/rclone ]; then cp /boot/config/plugins/rclone/install/rclone /usr/sbin/rcloneorig.new mv /usr/sbin/rcloneorig.new /usr/sbin/rcloneorig chown root:root /usr/sbin/rcloneorig chmod 755 /usr/sbin/rcloneorig version=`rcloneorig --version | head -n 1` fi; rm -f $(ls /boot/config/plugins/rclone/install/rclone*.txz 2>/dev/null | grep -v '&bundleversion;') rm -f /usr/sbin/rclone ping -q -c6 downloads.rclone.org >/dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then current_version=`curl $versionurl` if [[ $version = $current_version ]]; then echo "Local rclone binary up-to-date" else echo "Downloading and installing rclone" curl --connect-timeout 15 --retry 3 --retry-delay 2 --retry-max-time 30 -o /boot/config/plugins/rclone/install/rclone.zip --create-dirs $rcloneurl unzip -o -j "/boot/config/plugins/rclone/install/rclone.zip" "*/rclone" -d "/boot/config/plugins/rclone/install" rm -f /boot/config/plugins/rclone/install/*.zip cp /boot/config/plugins/rclone/install/rclone /usr/sbin/rcloneorig.new mv /usr/sbin/rcloneorig.new /usr/sbin/rcloneorig chown root:root /usr/sbin/rcloneorig chmod 755 /usr/sbin/rcloneorig fi; else echo "Connection error - Could not reach rclone servers - Will try fallback to existing binary" if [ ! -f /usr/sbin/rcloneorig ]; then echo "Install failed - No binary found" removepkg rclone-&bundleversion;-bundle >/dev/null rm -f /var/lib/pkgtools/packages/rclone-*-bundle rm -rf /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/rclone exit 1 fi; fi; if [ ! -f /usr/sbin/rcloneorig ]; then echo "Install failed - No binary found" removepkg rclone-&bundleversion;-bundle >/dev/null rm -f /var/lib/pkgtools/packages/rclone-*-bundle rm -rf /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/rclone exit 1 fi; if [ ! -f /boot/config/plugins/rclone/.rclone.conf ]; then touch /boot/config/plugins/rclone/.rclone.conf; fi; echo "" echo "-----------------------------------------------------------" echo " rclone has been installed. " echo "-----------------------------------------------------------" echo "" if ! [ -f /bin/fusermount ]; then if [ -f /usr/bin/fusermount3 ]; then ln -s /usr/bin/fusermount3 /bin/fusermount fi; fi; #!/bin/bash config=/boot/config/plugins/rclone/.rclone.conf rcloneorig --config $config "$@"; .rclone.conf rm -rf /boot/config/plugins/rclone/install rm -f /usr/sbin/rcloneorig rm -f /usr/sbin/rclone removepkg rclone-&bundleversion;-bundle >/dev/null rm -f /var/lib/pkgtools/packages/rclone-*-bundle rm -rf /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/rclone echo "" echo "-----------------------------------------------------------" echo " rclone has been uninstalled." echo "-----------------------------------------------------------" echo ""