--- title: "Lab 5" output: html_document: theme: readable df_print: paged highlight: tango toc: yes toc_float: no --- ```{r setup, include=FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set( echo=T, message=F, warning=F, image.width=10) ``` # Load Data ```{r} library( dplyr ) library( scales ) library( stargazer ) library( pander ) # STARGAZER OUTPUT # # Use: # # s.type="text" # # while running chunks interactively # to see table output. # This sets it to "html" # when knitting the file. s.type="html" ``` ```{r, eval=F, echo=F} # run this chunk to preview stargazer tables prior to knitting s.type="text" ``` ```{r} URL <- "https://github.com/DS4PS/cpp-524-sum-2021/blob/main/labs/data/counterfactuals.csv?raw=true" d <- read.csv( URL ) # set factor levels d$group <- factor( d$group, levels=c("high.ses","treatment","control")) ``` ```{r, fig.height=8, fig.width=8, echo=F} t <- tapply( d$ability, list(d$group,d$time), mean ) x <- c(42,50,64,78) plot.new() plot.window( xlim=c(40,90), ylim=c(-2,5) ) abline( h=-2:5, lty=2, col="gray70" ) abline( h=-1.5:4.5, lty=3, col="gray85" ) points( x, t[1,], type="b", pch=19, col="steelblue", cex=3 ) points( x, t[2,], type="b", pch=19, col="darkred", cex=3 ) points( x, t[3,], type="b", pch=19, col="steelblue", cex=3 ) axis( side=1 ) axis( side=2, las=1 ) title( xlab="Age (months)", ylab="Ability (logits)" ) title( main="Average Outcomes of Study Groups" ) text( 80, t[1,4], "High SES", col="steelblue", pos=4 ) text( 80, t[2,4], "Treatment Group", col="darkred", pos=4 ) text( 80, t[3,4], "Control Group", col="steelblue", pos=4 ) segments( x0=50, y0=-2, y1=3.2, lty=3, col="darkred" ) text( 50, 3.7, "Start of \nTreatment \nPeriods", col="darkred" ) ``` # Reflexive Pre-Post Estimator (T2-T1) ```{r, fig.height=8, fig.width=8, echo=F} t <- tapply( d$ability, list(d$group,d$time), mean ) x <- c(42,50,64,78) plot.new() plot.window( xlim=c(40,90), ylim=c(-2,5) ) segments( x0=50, y0=-2, y1=3.1, lty=3, col="gray50" ) text( 50, 3.5, "Start of \nTreatment \nPeriods", col="gray50" ) abline( h=-2:5, lty=2, col="gray70" ) abline( h=-1.5:4.5, lty=3, col="gray85" ) points( x, t[1,], type="b", pch=19, col="steelblue", cex=3 ) points( x, t[2,], type="b", pch=19, col="steelblue", cex=3 ) points( x, t[3,], type="b", pch=19, col="steelblue", cex=3 ) axis( side=1 ) axis( side=2, las=1 ) title( xlab="Age (months)", ylab="Ability (logits)" ) title( main="Average Outcomes of Study Groups" ) text( 80, t[1,4], "High SES", col="steelblue", pos=4 ) text( 80, t[2,4], "Treatment Group", col="steelblue", pos=4 ) text( 80, t[3,4], "Control Group", col="steelblue", pos=4 ) points( x[2:3], t[2,2:3], type="b", pch=19, col="darkred", cex=4, lwd=2, lty=3 ) ``` ```{r, results="asis"} dm <- filter( d, group %in% c("treatment") & time %in% c("time1","time2") ) dm$post.dummy <- ifelse( dm$time=="time2", 1, 0 ) m <- lm( ability ~ post.dummy, data=dm ) stargazer( m, type=s.type, omit.stat=c("f","ser","adj.rsq"), intercept.top=TRUE, intercept.bottom=FALSE, digits=2 ) ``` ## Question 1a > What is the average score for kids in the treatment group in period 1 of the study? What is the average score for the same kids in period 2? *Note, you can check your answers against the group means in Table 2 above.* **ANSWER:** ## Question 1b > Explain what it means when b0 is statistically significant in the reflexive model. Explain what it means when b1 is statistically significant. **ANSWER:** ## Question 1c > What is the effect size according to this model? **ANSWER:**

Test for zero trend assumption: C1=C2 ```{r, fig.height=6, fig.width=7, echo=F} x <- c(42,50,64,78) plot.new() plot.window( xlim=c(40,90), ylim=c(-2,5) ) segments( x0=50, y0=-2, y1=3.1, lty=3, col="gray50" ) text( 50, 3.5, "Start of \nTreatment \nPeriods", col="gray50" ) abline( h=-2:5, lty=2, col="gray70" ) abline( h=-1.5:4.5, lty=3, col="gray85" ) points( x, t[1,], type="b", pch=19, col="steelblue", cex=3 ) points( x, t[2,], type="b", pch=19, col="steelblue", cex=3 ) points( x, t[3,], type="b", pch=19, col="steelblue", cex=3 ) axis( side=1 ) axis( side=2, las=1 ) title( xlab="Age (months)", ylab="Ability (logits)" ) title( main="Average Outcomes of Study Groups" ) text( 80, t[1,4], "High SES", col="steelblue", pos=4 ) text( 80, t[2,4], "Treatment Group", col="steelblue", pos=4 ) text( 80, t[3,4], "Control Group", col="steelblue", pos=4 ) # segments( x0=50, y0=t[1,2], y1=3.2, lty=3, col="steelblue" ) # text( 50, 3.7, "Start of \nTreatment \nPeriods", col="steelblue" ) points( x[2:3], t[3,2:3], type="b", pch=19, col="darkred", cex=4, lwd=2, lty=3 ) ``` ```{r, results="asis"} dm <- filter( d, group %in% c("control") & time %in% c("time1","time2") ) dm$post.dummy <- ifelse( dm$time=="time2", 1, 0 ) m <- lm( ability ~ post.dummy, data=dm ) stargazer( m, type=s.type, omit.stat=c("f","ser","adj.rsq"), intercept.top=TRUE, intercept.bottom=FALSE, digits=2 ) ``` ## Question 2a > What is the average score for kids in the control group in period 1 of the study? What is the average score for the same kids in period 2? **ANSWER:** ## Question 2b > Which coefficient represents the test for whether we observe a secular trend in student achievement gains independent of the treatment? What is the decision rule? **ANSWER:** ## Question 2c > What does this model tell us about the appropriateness of the reflexive model? **ANSWER:**

# Post-Test Only Estimator (T2-C2) ```{r, fig.height=8, fig.width=8, echo=F} t <- tapply( d$ability, list(d$group,d$time), mean ) x <- c(42,50,64,78) plot.new() plot.window( xlim=c(40,90), ylim=c(-2,5) ) segments( x0=50, y0=-2, y1=3.1, lty=3, col="gray50" ) text( 50, 3.5, "Start of \nTreatment \nPeriods", col="gray50" ) abline( h=-2:5, lty=2, col="gray70" ) abline( h=-1.5:4.5, lty=3, col="gray85" ) points( x, t[1,], type="b", pch=19, col="steelblue", cex=3 ) points( x, t[2,], type="b", pch=19, col="steelblue", cex=3 ) points( x, t[3,], type="b", pch=19, col="steelblue", cex=3 ) axis( side=1 ) axis( side=2, las=1 ) title( xlab="Age (months)", ylab="Ability (logits)" ) text( 80, t[1,4], "High SES", col="steelblue", pos=4 ) text( 80, t[2,4], "Treatment Group", col="steelblue", pos=4 ) text( 80, t[3,4], "Control Group", col="steelblue", pos=4 ) # segments( x0=50, y0=t[1,2], y1=3.2, lty=3, col="steelblue" ) # text( 50, 3.7, "Start of \nTreatment \nPeriods", col="steelblue" ) points( c(64,64), t[2:3,3], type="b", pch=19, col="darkred", cex=4, lwd=2, lty=3 ) ``` ```{r, results="asis"} dm <- filter( d, group %in% c("treatment","control") & time=="time2" ) dm$treat.dummy <- ifelse( dm$group=="treatment", 1, 0 ) m <- lm( ability ~ treat.dummy, data=dm ) stargazer( m, type=s.type, omit.stat=c("f","ser","adj.rsq"), intercept.top=TRUE, intercept.bottom=FALSE, digits=2 ) ``` ## Question 3a > What is the average score for kids in the control group in the study? What is the average score for the kids in the treatment group? *Note, you can check your answers against the group means in Table 2 above.* **ANSWER:** ## Question 3b > What is the effect size identified by the model? ## Question 3c > What is the identifying assumption of this model? Or stated differently, what must be true in order for the post-test only estimator to be appropriate? **ANSWER:** ## Question 3d > According to the model below is the assumption met? How can you tell? **ANSWER:** ```{r, results="asis"} dm <- filter( d, group %in% c("treatment","control") & time=="time1" ) dm$treat.dummy <- ifelse( dm$group=="treatment", 1, 0 ) m <- lm( ability ~ treat.dummy, data=dm ) stargazer( m, type=s.type, omit.stat=c("f","ser","adj.rsq"), intercept.top=TRUE, intercept.bottom=FALSE, digits=2 ) ```

# Diff-in-Diff Estimator [ gains - trend ] Total Gains: T2-T1 Trend: C2-C1 DID Estimator: [ gains - trend ] = [ (T2-T1) - (C2-C1) ] ```{r, fig.height=8, fig.width=8, echo=F} t <- tapply( d$ability, list(d$group,d$time), mean ) x <- c(42,50,64,78) plot.new() plot.window( xlim=c(40,90), ylim=c(-2,5) ) segments( x0=50, y0=-2, y1=3.1, lty=3, col="gray50" ) text( 50, 3.5, "Start of \nTreatment \nPeriods", col="gray50" ) abline( h=-2:5, lty=2, col="gray70" ) abline( h=-1.5:4.5, lty=3, col="gray85" ) points( x, t[1,], type="b", pch=19, col="steelblue", cex=3 ) points( x, t[2,], type="b", pch=19, col="steelblue", cex=3 ) points( x, t[3,], type="b", pch=19, col="steelblue", cex=3 ) axis( side=1 ) axis( side=2, las=1 ) title( xlab="Age (months)", ylab="Ability (logits)" ) text( 80, t[1,4], "High SES", col="steelblue", pos=4 ) text( 80, t[2,4], "Treatment Group", col="steelblue", pos=4 ) text( 80, t[3,4], "Control Group", col="steelblue", pos=4 ) # segments( x0=50, y0=t[1,2], y1=3.2, lty=3, col="steelblue" ) # text( 50, 3.7, "Start of \nTreatment \nPeriods", col="steelblue" ) points( x[2:3], t[2,2:3], type="b", pch=19, col="darkred", cex=4, lwd=2, lty=3 ) points( x[2:3], t[3,2:3], type="b", pch=19, col="darkred", cex=4, lwd=2, lty=3 ) ``` ```{r, results="asis"} dm <- filter( d, group %in% c("treatment","control") & time %in% c("time1","time2") ) dm$treat.dummy <- ifelse( dm$group=="treatment", 1, 0 ) dm$post.dummy <- ifelse( dm$time=="time2", 1, 0 ) dm$treat.post.dummy <- dm$treat.dummy * dm$post.dummy m <- lm( ability ~ treat.dummy + post.dummy + treat.post.dummy, data=dm) stargazer( m, type=s.type, omit.stat=c("f","ser","adj.rsq"), intercept.top=TRUE, intercept.bottom=FALSE, digits=2 ) ``` ```{r} b0 <- m$coefficients[1] %>% as.numeric() %>% round(2) b1 <- m$coefficients[2] %>% as.numeric() %>% round(2) b2 <- m$coefficients[3] %>% as.numeric() %>% round(2) b3 <- m$coefficients[4] %>% as.numeric() %>% round(2) b0 # C1 b0 + b1 # T1 b0 + b2 # C2 b0 + b1 + b2 + b3 # T2 b0 + b1 + b2 # CF CF <- b0 + b1 + b2 T2 <- b0 + b1 + b2 + b3 T2-CF ``` ## Question 4a > Are the treatment and control groups equivalent prior to the intervention? How do you know? **ANSWER:** ## Question 4b > Do we observe secular trends (gains independent of the treatment)? How do you know? **ANSWER:** ## Question 4c > What is the effect size in this model (gains from the treatment)? **ANSWER:** ## Question 4d > What does statistical significance of b3 represent? In other words, which contrast is being tested? **ANSWER:**

## Question 5a > Do the reflexive and diff-in-diff models generate the same results (approximately)? Why? **ANSWER:** ## Question 5b > Do the post-test only and diff-in-diff models generate the same results (approximately)? Why? **ANSWER:**

# Alternative Diff-in-Diff Estimator ```{r, fig.height=8, fig.width=8, echo=F} x <- c(42,50,64,78) plot.new() plot.window( xlim=c(40,90), ylim=c(-2,5) ) segments( x0=50, y0=-2, y1=3.1, lty=3, col="gray50" ) text( 50, 3.5, "Start of \nTreatment \nPeriods", col="gray50" ) abline( h=-2:5, lty=2, col="gray70" ) abline( h=-1.5:4.5, lty=3, col="gray85" ) points( x, t[1,], type="b", pch=19, col="steelblue", cex=3 ) points( x, t[2,], type="b", pch=19, col="steelblue", cex=3 ) points( x, t[3,], type="b", pch=19, col="steelblue", cex=3 ) axis( side=1 ) axis( side=2, las=1 ) title( xlab="Age (months)", ylab="Ability (logits)" ) text( 80, t[1,4], "High SES", col="steelblue", pos=4 ) text( 80, t[2,4], "Treatment Group", col="steelblue", pos=4 ) text( 80, t[3,4], "Control Group", col="steelblue", pos=4 ) # segments( x0=50, y0=t[1,2], y1=3.2, lty=3, col="steelblue" ) # text( 50, 3.7, "Start of \nTreatment \nPeriods", col="steelblue" ) points( x[2:3], t[2,2:3], type="b", pch=19, col="darkred", cex=4, lwd=2, lty=3 ) points( x[2:3], t[1,2:3], type="b", pch=19, col="darkred", cex=4, lwd=2, lty=3 ) ``` ```{r, results="asis"} dm <- filter( d, group %in% c("treatment","high.ses") & time %in% c("time1","time2") ) dm$treat.dummy <- ifelse( dm$group=="treatment", 1, 0 ) dm$pre.dummy <- ifelse( dm$time=="time1", 1, 0 ) dm$post.dummy <- ifelse( dm$time=="time2", 1, 0 ) dm$treat.post.dummy <- dm$treat.dummy * dm$post.dummy m <- lm( ability ~ treat.dummy + post.dummy + treat.post.dummy, data=dm) stargazer( m, type=s.type, omit.stat=c("f","ser","adj.rsq"), intercept.top=TRUE, intercept.bottom=FALSE, digits=2 ) ``` ## Question 6a > Are the pre-treatment differences (C1=T1?) different in this model versus the previous diff-in-diff? Why or why not? **ANSWER:** ## Question 6b > Does the diff-in-diff model require that study groups are equivalent prior to treatment to generate valid results? **ANSWER:** ## Question 6c > Is the secular trend identified by this model different from the previous diff-in-diff (approximately)? Why or why not? **ANSWER:** ## Question 6d > The treatment effects from this model are approximately the same as the previous diff-in-diff model, even though they use very different comparison groups. Why does this model still work using the high SES group? **ANSWER:** ## Question 6e > What is the identification assumption of the diff-in-diff model? **ANSWER:**

# Parallel Lines Test Does the high SES group model secular trend appropriately? Test: are the study group trend lines parallel prior to the intervention? ```{r, fig.height=8, fig.width=8, echo=F} x <- c(42,50,64,78) plot.new() plot.window( xlim=c(40,90), ylim=c(-2,5) ) segments( x0=50, y0=-2, y1=3.1, lty=3, col="gray50" ) text( 50, 3.5, "Start of \nTreatment \nPeriods", col="gray50" ) abline( h=-2:5, lty=2, col="gray70" ) abline( h=-1.5:4.5, lty=3, col="gray85" ) points( x, t[1,], type="b", pch=19, col="steelblue", cex=3 ) points( x, t[2,], type="b", pch=19, col="steelblue", cex=3 ) points( x, t[3,], type="b", pch=19, col="steelblue", cex=3 ) axis( side=1 ) axis( side=2, las=1 ) title( xlab="Age (months)", ylab="Ability (logits)" ) text( 80, t[1,4], "High SES", col="steelblue", pos=4 ) text( 80, t[2,4], "Treatment Group", col="steelblue", pos=4 ) text( 80, t[3,4], "Control Group", col="steelblue", pos=4 ) # segments( x0=50, y0=t[1,2], y1=3.2, lty=3, col="steelblue" ) # text( 50, 3.7, "Start of \nTreatment \nPeriods", col="steelblue" ) points( x[1:2], t[2,1:2], type="b", pch=19, col="darkred", cex=4, lwd=2, lty=3 ) points( x[1:2], t[1,1:2], type="b", pch=19, col="darkred", cex=4, lwd=2, lty=3 ) ``` ```{r, results="asis"} dm <- filter( d, group %in% c("treatment","high.ses") & time %in% c("time0","time1") ) dm$treat.dummy <- ifelse( dm$group=="treatment", 1, 0 ) dm$pre.dummy <- ifelse( dm$time=="time0", 1, 0 ) dm$post.dummy <- ifelse( dm$time=="time1", 1, 0 ) dm$treat.post <- dm$treat.dummy * dm$post.dummy m <- lm( ability ~ treat.dummy + post.dummy + treat.post, data=dm) stargazer( m, type=s.type, omit.stat=c("f","ser","adj.rsq"), intercept.top=TRUE, intercept.bottom=FALSE, digits=2 ) ``` Does the control group model secular trend appropriately? Test: are the study group trend lines parallel prior to the intervention? ```{r, fig.height=8, fig.width=8, echo=F} x <- c(42,50,64,78) plot.new() plot.window( xlim=c(40,90), ylim=c(-2,5) ) segments( x0=50, y0=-2, y1=3.1, lty=3, col="gray50" ) text( 50, 3.5, "Start of \nTreatment \nPeriods", col="gray50" ) abline( h=-2:5, lty=2, col="gray70" ) abline( h=-1.5:4.5, lty=3, col="gray85" ) points( x, t[1,], type="b", pch=19, col="steelblue", cex=3 ) points( x, t[2,], type="b", pch=19, col="steelblue", cex=3 ) points( x, t[3,], type="b", pch=19, col="steelblue", cex=3 ) axis( side=1 ) axis( side=2, las=1 ) title( xlab="Age (months)", ylab="Ability (logits)" ) text( 80, t[1,4], "High SES", col="steelblue", pos=4 ) text( 80, t[2,4], "Treatment Group", col="steelblue", pos=4 ) text( 80, t[3,4], "Control Group", col="steelblue", pos=4 ) # segments( x0=50, y0=t[1,2], y1=3.2, lty=3, col="steelblue" ) # text( 50, 3.7, "Start of \nTreatment \nPeriods", col="steelblue" ) points( x[1:2], t[2,1:2], type="b", pch=19, col="darkred", cex=4, lwd=2, lty=3 ) points( x[1:2], t[3,1:2], type="b", pch=19, col="darkred", cex=4, lwd=2, lty=3 ) ``` ```{r, results="asis"} dm <- filter( d, group %in% c("treatment","control") & time %in% c("time0","time1") ) dm$treat.dummy <- ifelse( dm$group=="treatment", 1, 0 ) dm$post.dummy <- ifelse( dm$time=="time1", 1, 0 ) dm$treat.post <- dm$treat.dummy * dm$post.dummy m <- lm( ability ~ treat.dummy + post.dummy + treat.post, data=dm) stargazer( m, type=s.type, omit.stat=c("f","ser","adj.rsq"), intercept.top=TRUE, intercept.bottom=FALSE, digits=2 ) ``` ## Question 7 > Which coefficient captures the parallel lines test? Do we want it to be significant or not? **ANSWER:**
```{css, echo=F} body{ font-family:system-ui,-apple-system,"Segoe UI",Roboto,Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif; font-size:calc(1.5em + 0.25vw); font-weight:300;line-height:1.65; -webkit-font-smoothing:antialiased; -moz-osx-font-smoothing:grayscale; margin-left:20%; margin-right:20%} h1, h2, h3, h4 { color: #995c00; } h2 { margin-top:80px; } .footer { background-color:#726e6e; height:340px; color:white; padding: 20px 3px 20px 3px; margin:0px; line-height: normal; } .footer a{ color:orange; text-decoration:bold !important; } table{ border-spacing:1px; margin-top:80px; margin-bottom:100px !important; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; align:center} td{ padding: 6px 10px 6px 10px } th{ text-align: left; } blockquote { margin-top:80px; border-left: 5px solid #995c00; color: #995c00; } ```