using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using Newtonsoft.Json; using Oxide.Core; using UnityEngine; using Random = UnityEngine.Random; namespace Oxide.Plugins { [Info("Quick Smelt", "misticos + WhiteThunder", "5.1.14")] [Description("Increases the speed of the furnace smelting")] class QuickSmelt : RustPlugin { #region Variables private static QuickSmelt _instance; private const string PermissionUse = "quicksmelt.use"; private readonly object False = false; #endregion #region Configuration private static Configuration _config; private class Configuration { [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Use Permission")] public bool UsePermission = true; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Speed Multipliers", ObjectCreationHandling = ObjectCreationHandling.Replace)] public Dictionary<string, float> SpeedMultipliers = new Dictionary<string, float> { { "global", 1.0f }, { "furnace.shortname", 1.0f } }; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Fuel Usage Speed Multipliers", ObjectCreationHandling = ObjectCreationHandling.Replace)] public Dictionary<string, float> FuelSpeedMultipliers = new Dictionary<string, float> { { "global", 1.0f }, { "furnace.shortname", 1.0f } }; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Fuel Usage Multipliers", ObjectCreationHandling = ObjectCreationHandling.Replace)] public Dictionary<string, int> FuelUsageMultipliers = new Dictionary<string, int> { { "global", 1 }, { "furnace.shortname", 1 } }; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Output Multipliers", ObjectCreationHandling = ObjectCreationHandling.Replace)] public Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, float>> OutputMultipliers = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, float>> { { "global", new Dictionary<string, float> { { "global", 1.0f } } }, { "furnace.shortname", new Dictionary<string, float> { { "item.shortname", 1.0f } } } }; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Whitelist", ObjectCreationHandling = ObjectCreationHandling.Replace)] public Dictionary<string, List<string>> Whitelist = new Dictionary<string, List<string>> { { "global", new List<string> { "item.shortname" } }, { "furnace.shortname", new List<string> { "item.shortname" } } }; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Blacklist", ObjectCreationHandling = ObjectCreationHandling.Replace)] public Dictionary<string, List<string>> Blacklist = new Dictionary<string, List<string>> { { "global", new List<string> { "item.shortname" } }, { "furnace.shortname", new List<string> { "item.shortname" } } }; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Smelting Frequencies (Smelt items every N smelting ticks)", ObjectCreationHandling = ObjectCreationHandling.Replace)] public Dictionary<string, int> SmeltingFrequencies = new Dictionary<string, int> { { "global", 1 }, { "furnace.shortname", 1 } }; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Debug")] public bool Debug = false; public void OnServerInitialized(QuickSmelt plugin) { foreach (var entry in OutputMultipliers.Values) { ValidateItemNames(plugin, entry.Keys); } foreach (var entry in Whitelist.Values) { ValidateItemNames(plugin, entry); } foreach (var entry in Blacklist.Values) { ValidateItemNames(plugin, entry); } var validFurnaceShortNames = GetValidFurnaceShortNames(); var validDeployables = GetItemShortNameToDeployableShortName<BaseOven>(); ValidateFurnaceShortNames(plugin, validFurnaceShortNames, validDeployables, SpeedMultipliers.Keys); ValidateFurnaceShortNames(plugin, validFurnaceShortNames, validDeployables, FuelSpeedMultipliers.Keys); ValidateFurnaceShortNames(plugin, validFurnaceShortNames, validDeployables, FuelUsageMultipliers.Keys); ValidateFurnaceShortNames(plugin, validFurnaceShortNames, validDeployables, OutputMultipliers.Keys); ValidateFurnaceShortNames(plugin, validFurnaceShortNames, validDeployables, Whitelist.Keys); ValidateFurnaceShortNames(plugin, validFurnaceShortNames, validDeployables, Blacklist.Keys); } private void ValidateItemNames(QuickSmelt plugin, IEnumerable<string> itemShortNameList) { foreach (var itemShortName in itemShortNameList) { if (itemShortName != "global" && itemShortName != "item.shortname" && ItemManager.FindItemDefinition(itemShortName) == null) { plugin.PrintWarning($"[Configuration] {itemShortName} is not a valid item."); } } } private void ValidateFurnaceShortNames(QuickSmelt plugin, HashSet<string> validFurnaceShortNames, Dictionary<string, string> validFurnaces, IEnumerable<string> shortNameList) { foreach (var shortName in shortNameList) { if (shortName == "global" || shortName == "furnace.shortname" || validFurnaceShortNames.Contains(shortName)) continue; var message = $"[Configuration] {shortName} is not a valid furnace short name."; // People often put item short names into the config where an entity short name is expected. // This will suggest the correct name to the user: electric.furnace -> electricfurnace.deployed string furnaceShortName; if (validFurnaces.TryGetValue(shortName, out furnaceShortName)) { message += $" Did you mean {furnaceShortName}?"; } plugin.PrintWarning(message); } } private static HashSet<string> GetValidFurnaceShortNames() { var validShortNames = new HashSet<string>(); foreach (var prefabPath in GameManifest.Current.entities) { var furnace = GameManager.server.FindPrefab(prefabPath)?.GetComponent<BaseOven>(); if (furnace == null) continue; validShortNames.Add(furnace.ShortPrefabName); } return validShortNames; } private static Dictionary<string, string> GetItemShortNameToDeployableShortName<T>() where T : BaseEntity { var itemsToDeployables = new Dictionary<string, string>(); foreach (var itemDefinition in ItemManager.itemList) { var itemModDeployable = itemDefinition.GetComponent<ItemModDeployable>(); if (itemModDeployable == null) continue; var entity = itemModDeployable.entityPrefab.GetEntity() as T; if (entity == null) continue; itemsToDeployables[itemDefinition.shortname] = entity.ShortPrefabName; } return itemsToDeployables; } } protected override void LoadConfig() { base.LoadConfig(); try { _config = Config.ReadObject<Configuration>(); if (_config == null) throw new Exception(); } catch { PrintError("Your configuration file contains an error. Using default configuration values."); LoadDefaultConfig(); } } protected override void LoadDefaultConfig() => _config = new Configuration(); protected override void SaveConfig() => Config.WriteObject(_config); #endregion #region Hooks private void Unload() { var ovens = BaseNetworkable.serverEntities.OfType<BaseOven>().ToArray(); PrintDebug($"Processing BaseOven(s).. Amount: {ovens.Length}."); for (var i = 0; i < ovens.Length; i++) { var oven = ovens[i]; var component = oven.GetComponent<FurnaceController>(); if (oven.IsOn()) { PrintDebug("Oven is on. Restarted cooking"); component.StopCooking(); oven.StartCooking(); } UnityEngine.Object.Destroy(component); } PrintDebug("Done."); } private void OnServerInitialized() { _instance = this; _config.OnServerInitialized(this); permission.RegisterPermission(PermissionUse, this); var ovens = BaseNetworkable.serverEntities.OfType<BaseOven>().ToArray(); PrintDebug($"Processing BaseOven(s).. Amount: {ovens.Length}."); for (var i = 0; i < ovens.Length; i++) { var oven = ovens[i]; OnEntitySpawned(oven); } timer.Once(1f, () => { for (var i = 0; i < ovens.Length; i++) { var oven = ovens[i]; if (oven == null) { continue; } var component = oven.gameObject.GetComponent<FurnaceController>(); if (oven.IsDestroyed || !oven.IsOn() || !CanUse(oven.OwnerID)) continue; component.StartCooking(); } }); } private void OnEntitySpawned(BaseNetworkable entity) { var oven = entity as BaseOven; if (oven == null) return; oven.gameObject.AddComponent<FurnaceController>(); } // Electric furnaces can be started via electricity. // Normal furnaces can be started via igniter. private object OnOvenStart(StorageContainer oven) { if (oven is BaseFuelLightSource) return null; if (!CanUse(oven.OwnerID)) return null; oven.gameObject.GetComponent<FurnaceController>().StartCooking(); return False; } private object OnOvenToggle(StorageContainer oven, BasePlayer player) { if (oven is BaseFuelLightSource || oven.needsBuildingPrivilegeToUse && !player.CanBuild()) return null; PrintDebug("OnOvenToggle called"); var component = oven.gameObject.GetComponent<FurnaceController>(); var canUse = CanUse(oven.OwnerID) || CanUse(player.userID); if (oven.IsOn()) { component.StopCooking(); } else { if (canUse) { component.StartCooking(); } else { PrintDebug($"No permission ({player.userID})"); return null; } } return False; } #endregion #region Helpers private bool CanUse(ulong id) => !_config.UsePermission || permission.UserHasPermission(id.ToString(), PermissionUse); private static void PrintDebug(string message) { if (_config.Debug) Debug.Log($"DEBUG ({_instance.Name}) > " + message); } #endregion #region Controller public class FurnaceController : FacepunchBehaviour { private BaseOven _oven; private BaseOven Furnace { get { if (_oven == null) _oven = GetComponent<BaseOven>(); return _oven; } } private float _speedMultiplier; private float _fuelSpeedMultiplier; private int _fuelUsageMultiplier; private int _smeltingFrequency; private Dictionary<string, float> _outputModifiers; private List<Item> _itemsToCook = new List<Item>(); private float OutputMultiplier(string shortname) { float modifier; if (_outputModifiers == null || !_outputModifiers.TryGetValue(shortname, out modifier) && !_outputModifiers.TryGetValue("global", out modifier)) modifier = 1.0f; PrintDebug($"{shortname} modifier: {modifier}"); return modifier; } private List<string> _blacklist; private List<string> _whitelist; private bool? IsAllowed(string shortname) { if (_blacklist != null && _blacklist.Contains(shortname)) return false; if (_whitelist != null && _whitelist.Contains(shortname)) return true; return null; } private void Awake() { // Well, sorry for my complicated code. But that should work faster! :) float modifierF; // float modifier int modifierI; // int modifier if (!_config.SpeedMultipliers.TryGetValue(Furnace.ShortPrefabName, out modifierF) && !_config.SpeedMultipliers.TryGetValue("global", out modifierF)) modifierF = 1.0f; _speedMultiplier = modifierF; if (!_config.FuelSpeedMultipliers.TryGetValue(Furnace.ShortPrefabName, out modifierF) && !_config.FuelSpeedMultipliers.TryGetValue("global", out modifierF)) modifierF = 1.0f; _fuelSpeedMultiplier = modifierF; if (!_config.FuelUsageMultipliers.TryGetValue(Furnace.ShortPrefabName, out modifierI) && !_config.FuelUsageMultipliers.TryGetValue("global", out modifierI)) modifierI = 1; _fuelUsageMultiplier = modifierI; if (!_config.SmeltingFrequencies.TryGetValue(Furnace.ShortPrefabName, out modifierI) && !_config.SmeltingFrequencies.TryGetValue("global", out modifierI)) modifierI = 1; _smeltingFrequency = modifierI; if (!_config.OutputMultipliers.TryGetValue(Furnace.ShortPrefabName, out _outputModifiers) && !_config.OutputMultipliers.TryGetValue("global", out _outputModifiers)) { // ignored } if ((!_config.Blacklist.TryGetValue(Furnace.ShortPrefabName, out _blacklist) && !_config.Blacklist.TryGetValue("global", out _blacklist)) & (!_config.Whitelist.TryGetValue(Furnace.ShortPrefabName, out _whitelist) && !_config.Whitelist.TryGetValue("global", out _whitelist))) { // ignored } } private Item FindBurnable() { if (Furnace.inventory == null) return null; var burnable = Interface.Call<Item>("OnFindBurnable", _oven); if (burnable != null) { return burnable; } foreach (var item in Furnace.inventory.itemList) { if (!_oven.IsBurnableItem(item)) continue; return item; } return null; } public void Cook() { var itemBurnable = FindBurnable(); if (Interface.CallHook("OnOvenCook", _oven, itemBurnable) != null) { return; } if (itemBurnable == null && !Furnace.CanRunWithNoFuel) { StopCooking(); return; } foreach (var itemCooking in _oven.inventory.itemList) { if (itemCooking.position >= _oven._inputSlotIndex && itemCooking.position < _oven._inputSlotIndex + _oven.inputSlots && !itemCooking.HasFlag(global::Item.Flag.Cooking)) { itemCooking.SetFlag(global::Item.Flag.Cooking, true); itemCooking.MarkDirty(); } } SmeltItems(); var slot = Furnace.GetSlot(BaseEntity.Slot.FireMod); if (slot) { slot.SendMessage("Cook", 0.5f, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); } if (itemBurnable != null) { var burnable =<ItemModBurnable>(); itemBurnable.fuel -= 0.5f * (Furnace.cookingTemperature / 200f) * _fuelSpeedMultiplier; if (!itemBurnable.HasFlag(global::Item.Flag.OnFire)) { itemBurnable.SetFlag(global::Item.Flag.OnFire, true); itemBurnable.MarkDirty(); } if (itemBurnable.fuel <= 0f) { ConsumeFuel(itemBurnable, burnable); } } Interface.CallHook("OnOvenCooked", _oven, itemBurnable, slot); } private void ConsumeFuel(Item fuel, ItemModBurnable burnable) { if (Interface.CallHook("OnFuelConsume", _oven, fuel, burnable) != null) { return; } if (Furnace.allowByproductCreation && burnable.byproductItem != null && Random.Range(0f, 1f) > burnable.byproductChance) { var def = burnable.byproductItem; var item = ItemManager.Create(def, (int)(burnable.byproductAmount * OutputMultiplier(def.shortname) * Mathf.Min(_speedMultiplier, fuel.amount))); // It's fuel multiplier if (!item.MoveToContainer(Furnace.inventory)) { StopCooking(); item.Drop(Furnace.inventory.dropPosition, Furnace.inventory.dropVelocity); } } var fuelToConsume = (int)(_fuelUsageMultiplier * _speedMultiplier); if (fuel.amount <= fuelToConsume) { fuel.Remove(); return; } fuel.UseItem(fuelToConsume); fuel.fuel = burnable.fuelAmount; fuel.MarkDirty(); Interface.CallHook("OnFuelConsumed", _oven, fuel, burnable); } private void SmeltItems() { _itemsToCook.Clear(); foreach (var item in Furnace.inventory.itemList) { if (item.HasFlag(global::Item.Flag.Cooking)) { _itemsToCook.Add(item); } } foreach (var item in _itemsToCook) { if (item == null || !item.IsValid()) continue; var cookable =<ItemModCookable>(); if (cookable == null) continue; var isAllowed = IsAllowed(; if (isAllowed != null && !isAllowed.Value) // Allowed is false? Okay, no problem. Don't cook this item continue; var temperature = item.temperature; if (!cookable.CanBeCookedByAtTemperature(temperature) && isAllowed == null || item.cookTimeLeft < 0) { if (!cookable.setCookingFlag || !item.HasFlag(global::Item.Flag.Cooking)) continue; item.SetFlag(global::Item.Flag.Cooking, false); item.MarkDirty(); continue; } if (cookable.setCookingFlag && !item.HasFlag(global::Item.Flag.Cooking)) { item.SetFlag(global::Item.Flag.Cooking, true); item.MarkDirty(); } item.cookTimeLeft -= 0.5f * _oven.GetSmeltingSpeed() / _itemsToCook.Count; if (item.cookTimeLeft > 0) { item.MarkDirty(); continue; } var cookTimeInverted = item.cookTimeLeft * -1; var amountConsumed = (int)((1 + Mathf.FloorToInt(cookTimeInverted / cookable.cookTime)) * _speedMultiplier); item.cookTimeLeft = cookable.cookTime - cookTimeInverted % cookable.cookTime; amountConsumed = Math.Min(amountConsumed, item.amount); if (item.amount > amountConsumed) { item.amount -= amountConsumed; item.MarkDirty(); } else { item.Remove(); } if (cookable.becomeOnCooked == null) continue; var itemProduced = ItemManager.Create(cookable.becomeOnCooked, (int)(cookable.amountOfBecome * amountConsumed * OutputMultiplier(cookable.becomeOnCooked.shortname))); if (itemProduced == null || itemProduced.MoveToContainer(item.parent)) continue; itemProduced.Drop(item.parent.dropPosition, item.parent.dropVelocity); StopCooking(); } _itemsToCook.Clear(); } public void StartCooking() { if (!Furnace.CanRunWithNoFuel && FindBurnable() == null) { PrintDebug("No burnable."); return; } StopCooking(); PrintDebug("Starting cooking.."); Furnace.inventory.temperature = Furnace.cookingTemperature; Furnace.UpdateAttachmentTemperature(); PrintDebug($"Speed Multiplier: {_speedMultiplier}"); Furnace.InvokeRepeating(Cook, 0.5f, 0.5f); Furnace.SetFlag(BaseEntity.Flags.On, true); } public void StopCooking() { PrintDebug("Stopping cooking.."); Furnace.CancelInvoke(Cook); Furnace.StopCooking(); } } #endregion } }