@prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix owl: . @prefix xsd: . @prefix dcat: . @prefix foaf: . @prefix prov: . @prefix schema: . @prefix cc: . @prefix void: . @prefix sd: . @prefix dce: . @prefix dct: . @prefix skos: . @prefix pav: . @prefix mod: . @prefix fabio: . @prefix dcmitype: . @prefix dqv: . @prefix vann: . @prefix adms: . @prefix doap: . @prefix dbpo: . @prefix xhv: . @prefix sto: . @prefix nie: . @prefix hydra: . @prefix equiv: . @prefix : . <> rdfs:label "Description file of the equivalences used in Metadatamatic" ; rdfs:comment "This file was created in the absence of an usable SPARQL enfine to be used in Metadatamatic. When possible, it should be replaced by a collection of SPARQL queries. The 'equiv' vocabulary was created for use in this file only and should not be used elsewhere." ; pav:derivedFrom , , . ######### Equivalences ######### :Dataset a equiv:AllEquivalentClasses ; owl:members ( schema:Dataset dcmitype:Dataset void:Dataset dcat:Dataset sd:Dataset ) . :identifier a equiv:AllEquivalentProperties ; owl:members ( dct:identifier skos:notation adms:identifier schema:identifier ) . :title a equiv:AllEquivalentProperties ; owl:members ( dct:title dce:title schema:name foaf:name rdfs:label skos:prefLabel cc:attributionName ) . :description a equiv:AllEquivalentProperties ; owl:members ( dct:description dce:description schema:description owl:comment rdf:comment skos:note ) . :creator a equiv:AllEquivalentProperties ; owl:members ( dct:creator schema:creator schema:author foaf:maker dce:creator pav:authoredBy pav:createdBy ) . :contributor a equiv:AllEquivalentProperties ; owl:members ( schema:editor schema:contributor dct:contributor dce:contributor pav:contributedBy ) . :publicationDate a equiv:AllEquivalentProperties ; owl:members ( dct:issued dct:available schema:datePublished schema:sdDatePublished pav:authoredOn pav:createdOn ) . :publisher a equiv:AllEquivalentProperties ; owl:members ( dct:publisher dce:publisher schema:publisher schema:sdPublisher pav:providedBy ) . :creationDate a equiv:AllEquivalentProperties ; owl:members ( schema:dateCreated dct:created pav:createdOn prov:generatedAtTime ) . :creationLocation a equiv:AllEquivalentProperties ; owl:members ( schema:locationCreated pav:createdAt ) . :creationMethod a equiv:AllEquivalentProperties ; owl:members ( pav:createdWith pav:retrievedBy pav:importedBy ) . :modificationDate a equiv:AllEquivalentProperties ; owl:members ( schema:dateModified dct:modified pav:lastUpdateOn pav:contributedOn ) . :endAvailability a equiv:AllEquivalentProperties ; owl:members ( schema:expires prov:invalidatedAtTime ) . :endValidity a equiv:AllEquivalentProperties ; owl:members ( dct:valid schema:expires ) . :vocabulary a equiv:AllEquivalentProperties ; owl:members ( void:vocabulary dct:conformsTo ) . :theme a equiv:AllEquivalentProperties ; owl:members ( dcat:theme schema:about dct:subject foaf:topic foaf:primaryTopic skos:subject ) . :keyword a equiv:AllEquivalentProperties ; owl:members ( schema:keywords dcat:keyword ) . :metaGraph a equiv:AllEquivalentProperties ; owl:members ( schema:image foaf:depiction ) . :sparqlEndpoint a equiv:AllEquivalentProperties ; owl:members ( void:sparqlEndpoint schema:contentURL ) . :serviceSparqlEndpoint a equiv:AllEquivalentProperties ; owl:members ( dcat:endpointURL sd:endpoint ) . :distribution a equiv:AllEquivalentProperties ; owl:members ( dcat:distribution schema:distribution ) . :RESTAPI a equiv:AllEquivalentProperties ; owl:members ( schema:mainEntityOfPage fabio:ApplicationProgrammingInterface ) . :format a equiv:AllEquivalentProperties ; owl:members ( dce:format dct:format schema:encodingFormat ) . :version a equiv:AllEquivalentProperties ; owl:members ( dcat:version pav:version dct:hasVersion pav:hasCurrentVersion schema:version ) . :versionNotes a equiv:AllEquivalentProperties ; owl:members ( adms:versionNotes owl:versionInfo ) . :otherVersion a equiv:AllEquivalentProperties ; owl:members ( dct:isVersionOf pav:previousVersion owl:priorVersion ) . :language a equiv:AllEquivalentProperties ; owl:members ( dct:language dce:language schema:inLanguage ) . :identifier a equiv:AllEquivalentProperties ; owl:members ( schema:identifier dce:identifier dct:identifier adms:identifier ) . :alternativeTitle a equiv:AllEquivalentProperties ; owl:members ( dct:alternative schema:alternateName skos:altLabel ) . :acronym a equiv:AllEquivalentProperties ; owl:members ( schema:termCode ) . :homepage a equiv:AllEquivalentProperties ; owl:members ( foaf:homepage schema:url dcat:landingPage ) . :otherPages a equiv:AllEquivalentProperties ; owl:members ( schema:relatedLink rdfs:seeAlso ) . :publicationReferences a equiv:AllEquivalentProperties ; owl:members ( schema:publication dct:references ) . :linkedresources a equiv:AllEquivalentProperties ; owl:members ( dct:relation void:target ) . :example a equiv:AllEquivalentProperties ; owl:members ( void:exampleResource schema:workExample skos:example ) . :license a equiv:AllEquivalentProperties ; owl:members ( schema:license dct:license doap:license dbpo:license cc:license xhv:license sto:license nie:license ) . :qualityAnnotation a equiv:AllEquivalentProperties ; owl:members ( schema:review dqv:hasQualityAnnotation ) . :accessStatement a equiv:AllEquivalentProperties ; owl:members ( dce:rights dct:rights dct:accessRights ) . :source a equiv:AllEquivalentProperties ; owl:members ( schema:isBasedOn dct:source dce:source dct:provenance prov:hadPrimarySource prov:wasDerivedFrom pav:derivedFrom pav:importedFrom pav:retrievedFrom ) . :spatial a equiv:AllEquivalentProperties ; owl:members ( schema:spatialCoverage dct:spatial ) . :temporal a equiv:AllEquivalentProperties ; owl:members ( schema:temporalCoverage dct:temporal ) . mod:URI equiv:impliedProperty :identifier .