Take the standard WVPlots gain curve and add extra notation

GainCurvePlotWithNotation(frame, xvar, truthVar, title, gainx, labelfun, ...)



data frame to get values from


name of the independent (input or model) column in frame


name of the dependent (output or result to be modeled) column in frame


title to place on plot


the point on the x axis corresponding to the desired label


a function to return a label for the marked point


no unarmed argument, added to force named binding of later arguments.


set.seed(34903490) y = abs(rnorm(20)) + 0.1 x = abs(y + 0.5*rnorm(20)) frm = data.frame(model=x, value=y) frm$costs=1 frm$costs[1]=5 frm$rate = with(frm, value/costs) frm$isValuable = (frm$value >= as.numeric(quantile(frm$value, probs=0.8))) gainx = 0.10 # get the top 10% most valuable points as sorted by the model # make a function to calculate the label for the annotated point labelfun = function(gx, gy) { pctx = gx*100 pcty = gy*100 paste("The top ", pctx, "% most valuable points by the model\n", "are ", pcty, "% of total actual value", sep='') } WVPlots::GainCurvePlotWithNotation(frm, "model", "value", title="Example Gain Curve with annotation", gainx=gainx,labelfun=labelfun)