assumes that xvar is a factor variable sort < 0 sorts the factor levels in decreasing order (most frequent level first) sort > 0 sorts the factor levels in increasing order (good when used in conjunction with coord_flip()) sort = 0 leaves the factor levels in "natural order" -- usually alphabetical stem = FALSE will plot only the dots, without the stem to the y=0 line. limit_n = NULL plots all the levels, N an integer limits to the top N most populous levels

PlotDistHistBeta(frm, xvar, title, ...)



data frame to get values from


name of the independent (input or model) column in frame


title to place on plot


no unnamed argument, added to force named binding of later arguments.


set.seed(52523) d <- data.frame(wt=rbeta(100,shape1=0.5,shape2=0.5)) PlotDistHistBeta(d,'wt','example')
#> `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.