_addon.name = 'Itemizer' _addon.author = 'Ihina' _addon.version = '' _addon.command = 'itemizer' require('luau') defaults = {} defaults.AutoNinjaTools = true defaults.AutoItems = true defaults.Delay = 0.5 settings = config.load(defaults) bag_ids = res.bags:key_map(string.lower .. table.get-{'english'} .. table.get+{res.bags}):map(table.get-{'id'}) -- Remove temporary bag, because items cannot be moved from/to there, as such it's irrelevant to Itemizer bag_ids.temporary = nil find_items = function(ids, bag, limit) local res = S{} local found = 0 for bag_index, bag_name in bag_ids:filter(table.get-{'enabled'} .. windower.ffxi.get_bag_info):it() do if not bag or bag_index == bag then for _, item in ipairs(windower.ffxi.get_items(bag_index)) do if ids:contains(item.id) then local count = limit and math.min(limit, item.count) or item.count found = found + count res:add({ bag = bag_index, slot = item.slot, count = count, }) if limit then limit = limit - count if limit == 0 then return res, found end end end end end end return res, found end windower.register_event('unhandled command', function(command, ...) local args = L{...}:map(string.lower) if command == 'get' or command == 'put' or command == 'gets' or command == 'puts' then local count if command == 'gets' or command == 'puts' then command = command:sub(1, -2) else local last = args[#args] if last == 'all' then args:remove() elseif tonumber(last) then count = tonumber(last) args:remove() else count = 1 end end local bag = args[#args] local specified_bag = rawget(bag_ids, bag) if specified_bag then if not windower.ffxi.get_bag_info(specified_bag).enabled then error('%s currently not enabled':format(res.bags[source_bag].name)) return end args:remove() elseif command == 'put' and not specified_bag then error('Specify a valid destination bag to put items in.') return end local source_bag local destination_bag if command == 'get' then source_bag = specified_bag destination_bag = bag_ids.inventory else destination_bag = specified_bag source_bag = bag_ids.inventory end local destination_bag_info = windower.ffxi.get_bag_info(destination_bag) if destination_bag_info.max - destination_bag_info.count == 0 then error('Not enough space in %s to move items.':format(res.bags[destination_bag].name)) return end local item_name = args:concat(' ') local item_ids = (S(res.items:name(windower.wc_match-{item_name})) + S(res.items:name_log(windower.wc_match-{item_name}))):map(table.get-{'id'}) if item_ids:length() == 0 then error('Unknown item: %s':format(item_name)) return end local matches, results = find_items(item_ids, source_bag, count) if results == 0 then error('Item "%s" not found in %s.':format(item_name, source_bag and res.bags[source_bag].name or 'any accessible bags')) return end if count and results < count then warning('Only %u "%s" found in %s.':format(results, item_name, source_bag and res.bags[source_bag].name or 'all accessible bags')) end for match in matches:it() do windower.ffxi[command .. '_item'](command == 'get' and match.bag or destination_bag, match.slot, match.count) end end end) ninjutsu = res.spells:type('Ninjutsu') patterns = L{'"(.+)"', '\'(.+)\'', '.- (.+) .-', '.- (.+)'} spec_tools = T{ Katon = 1161, Hyoton = 1164, Huton = 1167, Doton = 1170, Raiton = 1173, Suiton = 1176, Utsusemi = 1179, Jubaku = 1182, Hojo = 1185, Kurayami = 1188, Dokumori = 1191, Tonko = 1194, Monomi = 2553, Aisha = 2555, Yurin = 2643, Myoshu = 2642, Migawari = 2970, Kakka = 2644, } gen_tools = T{ Katon = 2971, Hyoton = 2971, Huton = 2971, Doton = 2971, Raiton = 2971, Suiton = 2971, Utsusemi = 2972, Jubaku = 2973, Hojo = 2973, Kurayami = 2973, Dokumori = 2973, Tonko = 2972, Monomi = 2972, Aisha = 2973, Yurin = 2973, Myoshu = 2972, Migawari = 2972, Kakka = 2972, } active = S{} -- Returning true resends the command in settings.Delay seconds -- Returning false doesn't resend the command and executes it collect_item = function(id, items) items = items or {inventory = windower.ffxi.get_items(bag_ids.inventory)} local item = T(items.inventory):with('id', id) if item then active = active:remove(id) return false end -- Current ID already being processed? if active:contains(id) then return true end -- Check for all items local match = find_items(S{id}, nil, 1):it()() if match then windower.ffxi.get_item(match.bag, match.slot, match.count) -- Add currently processing ID to set of active IDs active:add(id) else error('Item "%s" not found in any accessible bags':format(res.items[id].name)) end return match ~= nil end reschedule = function(text, ids, items) if not items then local info = windower.ffxi.get_bag_info(bag_ids.inventory) items = {inventory = windower.ffxi.get_items(bag_ids.inventory)} items.max_inventory = info.max items.count_inventory = info.count end -- Inventory full? if items.max_inventory - items.count_inventory == 0 then return false end for id in L(ids):it() do if collect_item(id, items) then windower.send_command:prepare('input %s':format(text)):schedule(settings.Delay) return true end end end windower.register_event('outgoing text', function() local item_names = T{} return function(text) -- Ninjutsu if settings.AutoNinjaTools and (text:startswith('/ma ') or text:startswith('/nin ') or text:startswith('/magic ') or text:startswith('/ninjutsu ')) then local name for pattern in patterns:it() do local match = text:match(pattern) if match then if ninjutsu:with('name', string.imatch-{match}) then name = match:lower():capitalize():match('%w+') break end end end if name then return reschedule(text, {spec_tools[name], windower.ffxi.get_player().main_job == 'NIN' and gen_tools[name] or nil}) end -- Item usage elseif settings.AutoItems and text:startswith('/item ') then local items = windower.ffxi.get_items() local inventory_items = S{} local wardrobe_items = S{} for bag in bag_ids:keyset():it() do for _, item in ipairs(items[bag]) do if item.id > 0 and not item_names[item.id] then item_names[item.id] = res.items[item.id].name end if bag == 'inventory' then inventory_items:add(item.id) elseif bag == 'wardrobe' then wardrobe_items:add(item.id) end end end local parsed_text = item_count and text:match(' (.+) (%d+)$') or text:match(' (.+)') local mid_name = parsed_text:match('"(.+)"') or parsed_text:match('\'(.+)\'') or parsed_text:match('(.+) ') local full_name = parsed_text:match('(.+)') local id = item_names:find(string.imatch-{mid_name}) or item_names:find(string.imatch-{full_name}) if id then if not inventory_items:contains(id) and not wardrobe_items:contains(id) then return reschedule(text, {id}, items) else active:remove(id) end end end end end()) --[[ Copyright © 2013-2015, Ihina All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of Silence nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL IHINA BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ]] --Original plugin by Aureus