--[[ Adds some tools for functional programming. Amends various other namespaces by functions used in a functional context, when they don't make sense on their own. ]] _libs = _libs or {} local string, math, table, coroutine = require('string'), require('math'), require('table'), require('coroutine') functions = {} boolean = {} _libs.functions = functions local functions, boolean = functions, boolean -- The empty function. functions.empty = function() end debug.setmetatable(false, {__index = function(_, k) return boolean[k] or (_raw and _raw.error or error)('"%s" is not defined for booleans':format(tostring(k)), 2) end}) for _, t in pairs({functions, boolean, math, string, table}) do t.fn = function(val) return function() return val end end end -- The identity function. function functions.identity(...) return ... end -- Returns a function that returns a constant value. function functions.const(val) return function() return val end end -- A function calling function. function functions.call(fn, ...) return fn(...) end -- A function that executes the provided function if the provided condition is met. function functions.cond(fn, check) return function(...) return check(...) and fn(...) or nil end end -- function functions.args(fn, ...) local args = {...} return function(...) local res = {} for key, arg in ipairs(args) do if type(arg) == 'number' then rawset(res, key, select(arg, ...)) else rawset(res, key, arg(...)) end end return fn(unpack(res)) end end -- Returns a function fully applied to the provided arguments. function functions.prepare(fn, ...) local args = {...} return function() return fn(unpack(args)) end end -- Returns a partially applied function, depending on the number of arguments provided. function functions.apply(fn, ...) local args = {...} return function(...) local res = {} for key, arg in ipairs(args) do res[key] = arg end local key = #args for _, arg in ipairs({...}) do key = key + 1 res[key] = arg end return fn(unpack(res)) end end -- Returns a partially applied function, with the argument provided at the end. function functions.endapply(fn, ...) local args = {...} return function(...) local res = {...} local key = #res for _, arg in ipairs(args) do key = key + 1 res[key] = arg end return fn(unpack(res)) end end -- Returns a function that calls a provided chain of functions in right-to-left order. function functions.pipe(fn1, fn2) return function(...) return fn1(fn2(...)) end end -- Returns a closure over the argument el that returns true, if its argument equals el. function functions.equals(el) return function(cmp) return el == cmp end end -- Returns a negation function of a boolean function. function functions.negate(fn) return function(...) return not (true == fn(...)) end end -- Returns the ith element of a function. function functions.select(fn, i) return function(...) return select(i, fn(...)) end end -- Returns an iterator over the results of a function. function functions.it(fn, ...) local res = {fn(...)} local key = 0 return function() key = key + 1 return res[key] end end -- Schedules the current function to run delayed by the provided time in seconds and returns the coroutine function functions.schedule(fn, time, ...) return coroutine.schedule(fn:prepare(...), time) end -- Returns a function that, when called, will execute the underlying function delayed by the provided number of seconds function functions.delay(fn, time, ...) local args = {...} return function() fn:schedule(time, unpack(args)) end end -- Returns a wrapper table representing the provided function with additional functions: function functions.loop(fn, interval, cond) if interval <= 0 then return end if type(cond) == 'number' then cond = function() local i = 0 local lim = cond return function() i = i + 1 return i <= lim end end() end cond = cond or true:fn() return coroutine.schedule(function() while cond() do fn() coroutine.sleep(interval) end end, 0) end --[[ Various built-in wrappers ]] -- tostring wrapper function functions.string(fn) return tostring(fn) end -- type wrapper function functions.type(fn) return type(fn) end -- class wrapper function functions.class(fn) return class(fn) end local function index(fn, key) if type(key) == 'number' then return fn:select(key) elseif rawget(functions, key) then return function(...) return functions[key](...) end end (_raw and _raw.error or error)('"%s" is not defined for functions':format(tostring(key)), 2) end local function add(fn, args) return fn:apply(unpack(args)) end local function sub(fn, args) return fn:endapply(unpack(args)) end -- Assigns a metatable on functions to introduce certain function operators. -- * fn+{...} partially applies a function to arguments. -- * fn-{...} partially applies a function to arguments from the end. -- * fn1..fn2 pipes input from fn2 to fn1. debug.setmetatable(functions.empty, { __index = index, __add = add, __sub = sub, __concat = functions.pipe, __unm = functions.negate, __class = 'Function' }) --[[ Logic functions Mainly used to pass as arguments. ]] -- Returns true if element is true. function boolean._true(val) return val == true end -- Returns false if element is false. function boolean._false(val) return val == false end -- Returns the negation of a value. function boolean._not(val) return not val end -- Returns true if both values are true. function boolean._and(val1, val2) return val1 and val2 end -- Returns true if either value is true. function boolean._or(val1, val2) return val1 or val2 end -- Returns true if element exists. function boolean._exists(val) return val ~= nil end -- Returns true if two values are the same. function boolean._is(val1, val2) return val1 == val2 end --[[ Math functions ]] -- Returns true, if num is even, false otherwise. function math.even(num) return num % 2 == 0 end -- Returns true, if num is odd, false otherwise. function math.odd(num) return num % 2 == 1 end -- Adds two numbers. function math.add(val1, val2) return val1 + val2 end -- Multiplies two numbers. function math.mult(val1, val2) return val1 * val2 end -- Subtracts one number from another. function math.sub(val1, val2) return val1 - val2 end -- Divides one number by another. function math.div(val1, val2) return val1 / val2 end --[[ Table functions ]] -- Returns an attribute of a table. function table.get(t, ...) local res = {} for i = 1, select('#', ...) do rawset(res, i, t[select(i, ...)]) end return unpack(res) end -- Returns an attribute of a table without invoking metamethods. function table.rawget(t, ...) local res = {} for i = 1, select('#', ...) do rawset(res, i, rawget(t, select(i, ...))) end return unpack(res) end -- Sets an attribute of a table to a specified value. function table.set(t, ...) for i = 1, select('#', ...), 2 do t[select(i, ...)] = select(i + 1, ...) end return t end -- Sets an attribute of a table to a specified value, without invoking metamethods. function table.rawset(t, ...) for i = 1, select('#', ...), 2 do rawset(t, select(i, ...), select(i + 1, ...)) end return t end -- Looks up the value of a table element in another table function table.lookup(t, ref, key) return ref[t[key]] end table.it = function() local it = function(t) local key return function() key = next(t, key) return t[key], key end end return function(t) local meta = getmetatable(t) if not meta then return it(t) end local index = meta.__index if index == table then return it(t) end local fn = type(index) == 'table' and index.it or index(t, 'it') or it return (fn == table.it and it or fn)(t) end end() -- Applies function fn to all values of the table and returns the resulting table. function table.map(t, fn) local res = {} for value, key in table.it(t) do -- Evaluate fn with the element and store it. res[key] = fn(value) end return setmetatable(res, getmetatable(t)) end -- Applies function fn to all keys of the table, and returns the resulting table. function table.key_map(t, fn) local res = {} for value, key in table.it(t) do res[fn(key)] = value end return setmetatable(res, getmetatable(t)) end -- Returns a table with all elements from t that satisfy the condition fn, or don't satisfy condition fn, if reverse is set to true. Defaults to false. function table.filter(t, fn) if type(fn) ~= 'function' then fn = functions.equals(fn) end local res = {} for value, key in table.it(t) do -- Only copy if fn(val) evaluates to true if fn(value) then res[key] = value end end return setmetatable(res, getmetatable(t)) end -- Returns a table with all elements from t whose keys satisfy the condition fn, or don't satisfy condition fn, if reverse is set to true. Defaults to false. function table.key_filter(t, fn) if type(fn) ~= 'function' then fn = functions.equals(fn) end local res = {} for value, key in table.it(t) do -- Only copy if fn(key) evaluates to true if fn(key) then res[key] = value end end return setmetatable(res, getmetatable(t)) end -- Returns the result of applying the function fn to the first two elements of t, then again on the result and the next element from t, until all elements are accumulated. -- init is an optional initial value to be used. If provided, init and t[1] will be compared first, otherwise t[1] and t[2]. function table.reduce(t, fn, init) -- Set the accumulator variable to the init value (which can be nil as well) local acc = init for value in table.it(t) do if init then acc = fn(acc, value) else acc = value init = true end end return acc end -- Return true if any element of t satisfies the condition fn. function table.any(t, fn) for value in table.it(t) do if fn(value) then return true end end return false end -- Return true if all elements of t satisfy the condition fn. function table.all(t, fn) for value in table.it(t) do if not fn(value) then return false end end return true end --[[ String functions. ]] -- Checks for exact string equality. function string.eq(str, strcmp) return str == strcmp end -- Checks for case-insensitive string equality. function string.ieq(str, strcmp) return str:lower() == strcmp:lower() end -- Applies a function to every character of str, concatenates the result. function string.map(str, fn) return (str:gsub('.', fn)) end --[[ Copyright © 2013-2015, Windower All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of Windower nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Windower BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ]]