// ****************************************************************** // Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. // This code is licensed under the MIT License (MIT). // THE CODE IS PROVIDED “AS IS”, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, // INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. // IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, // DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, // TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH // THE CODE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE CODE. // ****************************************************************** #include "DesktopNotificationManagerCompat.h" #include #include #define RETURN_IF_FAILED(hr) do { HRESULT _hrTemp = hr; if (FAILED(_hrTemp)) { return _hrTemp; } } while (false) using namespace ABI::Windows::Data::Xml::Dom; using namespace Microsoft::WRL; using namespace Microsoft::WRL::Wrappers; namespace DesktopNotificationManagerCompat { HRESULT RegisterComServer(GUID clsid, const wchar_t exePath[]); HRESULT EnsureRegistered(); bool IsRunningAsUwp(); bool s_registeredAumidAndComServer = false; std::wstring s_aumid; bool s_registeredActivator = false; bool s_hasCheckedIsRunningAsUwp = false; bool s_isRunningAsUwp = false; HRESULT RegisterAumidAndComServer(const wchar_t *aumid, GUID clsid) { // If running as Desktop Bridge if (IsRunningAsUwp()) { // Clear the AUMID since Desktop Bridge doesn't use it, and then we're done. // Desktop Bridge apps are registered with platform through their manifest. // Their LocalServer32 key is also registered through their manifest. s_aumid = L""; s_registeredAumidAndComServer = true; return S_OK; } // Copy the aumid s_aumid = std::wstring(aumid); // Get the EXE path wchar_t exePath[MAX_PATH]; DWORD charWritten = ::GetModuleFileName(nullptr, exePath, ARRAYSIZE(exePath)); RETURN_IF_FAILED(charWritten > 0 ? S_OK : HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(::GetLastError())); // Register the COM server RETURN_IF_FAILED(RegisterComServer(clsid, exePath)); s_registeredAumidAndComServer = true; return S_OK; } HRESULT RegisterActivator() { // Module needs a callback registered before it can be used. // Since we don't care about when it shuts down, we'll pass an empty lambda here. Module::Create([] {}); // If a local server process only hosts the COM object then COM expects // the COM server host to shutdown when the references drop to zero. // Since the user might still be using the program after activating the notification, // we don't want to shutdown immediately. Incrementing the object count tells COM that // we aren't done yet. Module::GetModule().IncrementObjectCount(); RETURN_IF_FAILED(Module::GetModule().RegisterObjects()); s_registeredActivator = true; return S_OK; } HRESULT RegisterComServer(GUID clsid, const wchar_t exePath[]) { // Turn the GUID into a string OLECHAR* clsidOlechar; StringFromCLSID(clsid, &clsidOlechar); std::wstring clsidStr(clsidOlechar); ::CoTaskMemFree(clsidOlechar); // Create the subkey // Something like SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{23A5B06E-20BB-4E7E-A0AC-6982ED6A6041}\LocalServer32 std::wstring subKey = LR"(SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\)" + clsidStr + LR"(\LocalServer32)"; // Include -ToastActivated launch args on the exe std::wstring exePathStr(exePath); exePathStr = L"\"" + exePathStr + L"\" " + TOAST_ACTIVATED_LAUNCH_ARG; // We don't need to worry about overflow here as ::GetModuleFileName won't // return anything bigger than the max file system path (much fewer than max of DWORD). DWORD dataSize = static_cast((exePathStr.length() + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); // Register the EXE for the COM server return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(::RegSetKeyValue( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, subKey.c_str(), nullptr, REG_SZ, reinterpret_cast(exePathStr.c_str()), dataSize)); } HRESULT CreateToastNotifier(IToastNotifier **notifier) { RETURN_IF_FAILED(EnsureRegistered()); ComPtr toastStatics; RETURN_IF_FAILED(Windows::Foundation::GetActivationFactory( HStringReference(RuntimeClass_Windows_UI_Notifications_ToastNotificationManager).Get(), &toastStatics)); if (s_aumid.empty()) { return toastStatics->CreateToastNotifier(notifier); } else { return toastStatics->CreateToastNotifierWithId(HStringReference(s_aumid.c_str()).Get(), notifier); } } HRESULT CreateXmlDocumentFromString(const wchar_t *xmlString, IXmlDocument **doc) { ComPtr answer; RETURN_IF_FAILED(Windows::Foundation::ActivateInstance(HStringReference(RuntimeClass_Windows_Data_Xml_Dom_XmlDocument).Get(), &answer)); ComPtr docIO; RETURN_IF_FAILED(answer.As(&docIO)); // Load the XML string RETURN_IF_FAILED(docIO->LoadXml(HStringReference(xmlString).Get())); return answer.CopyTo(doc); } HRESULT CreateToastNotification(IXmlDocument *content, IToastNotification **notification) { ComPtr factory; RETURN_IF_FAILED(Windows::Foundation::GetActivationFactory( HStringReference(RuntimeClass_Windows_UI_Notifications_ToastNotification).Get(), &factory)); return factory->CreateToastNotification(content, notification); } HRESULT get_History(std::unique_ptr* history) { RETURN_IF_FAILED(EnsureRegistered()); ComPtr toastStatics; RETURN_IF_FAILED(Windows::Foundation::GetActivationFactory( HStringReference(RuntimeClass_Windows_UI_Notifications_ToastNotificationManager).Get(), &toastStatics)); ComPtr toastStatics2; RETURN_IF_FAILED(toastStatics.As(&toastStatics2)); ComPtr nativeHistory; RETURN_IF_FAILED(toastStatics2->get_History(&nativeHistory)); *history = std::unique_ptr(new DesktopNotificationHistoryCompat(s_aumid.c_str(), nativeHistory)); return S_OK; } bool CanUseHttpImages() { return IsRunningAsUwp(); } HRESULT EnsureRegistered() { // If not registered AUMID yet if (!s_registeredAumidAndComServer) { // Check if Desktop Bridge if (IsRunningAsUwp()) { // Implicitly registered, all good! s_registeredAumidAndComServer = true; } else { // Otherwise, incorrect usage, must call RegisterAumidAndComServer first return E_ILLEGAL_METHOD_CALL; } } // If not registered activator yet if (!s_registeredActivator) { // Incorrect usage, must call RegisterActivator first return E_ILLEGAL_METHOD_CALL; } return S_OK; } bool IsRunningAsUwp() { if (!s_hasCheckedIsRunningAsUwp) { // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39609643/determine-if-c-application-is-running-as-a-uwp-app-in-desktop-bridge-project UINT32 length; wchar_t packageFamilyName[PACKAGE_FAMILY_NAME_MAX_LENGTH + 1]; LONG result = GetPackageFamilyName(GetCurrentProcess(), &length, packageFamilyName); s_isRunningAsUwp = result == ERROR_SUCCESS; s_hasCheckedIsRunningAsUwp = true; } return s_isRunningAsUwp; } } DesktopNotificationHistoryCompat::DesktopNotificationHistoryCompat(const wchar_t *aumid, ComPtr history) { m_aumid = std::wstring(aumid); m_history = history; } HRESULT DesktopNotificationHistoryCompat::Clear() { if (m_aumid.empty()) { return m_history->Clear(); } else { return m_history->ClearWithId(HStringReference(m_aumid.c_str()).Get()); } } HRESULT DesktopNotificationHistoryCompat::GetHistory(ABI::Windows::Foundation::Collections::IVectorView **toasts) { ComPtr history2; RETURN_IF_FAILED(m_history.As(&history2)); if (m_aumid.empty()) { return history2->GetHistory(toasts); } else { return history2->GetHistoryWithId(HStringReference(m_aumid.c_str()).Get(), toasts); } } HRESULT DesktopNotificationHistoryCompat::Remove(const wchar_t *tag) { if (m_aumid.empty()) { return m_history->Remove(HStringReference(tag).Get()); } else { return m_history->RemoveGroupedTagWithId(HStringReference(tag).Get(), HStringReference(L"").Get(), HStringReference(m_aumid.c_str()).Get()); } } HRESULT DesktopNotificationHistoryCompat::RemoveGroupedTag(const wchar_t *tag, const wchar_t *group) { if (m_aumid.empty()) { return m_history->RemoveGroupedTag(HStringReference(tag).Get(), HStringReference(group).Get()); } else { return m_history->RemoveGroupedTagWithId(HStringReference(tag).Get(), HStringReference(group).Get(), HStringReference(m_aumid.c_str()).Get()); } } HRESULT DesktopNotificationHistoryCompat::RemoveGroup(const wchar_t *group) { if (m_aumid.empty()) { return m_history->RemoveGroup(HStringReference(group).Get()); } else { return m_history->RemoveGroupWithId(HStringReference(group).Get(), HStringReference(m_aumid.c_str()).Get()); } }