// ==UserScript== // @id iitc-plugin-submitrange@wintervorst // @name IITC plugin: Portal submitrange // @category Layer // @version // @namespace https://github.com/jonatkins/ingress-intel-total-conversion // @updateURL https://github.com/Wintervorst/iitc/raw/master/plugins/submitrange/submitrange.user.js // @downloadURL https://github.com/Wintervorst/iitc/raw/master/plugins/submitrange/submitrange.user.js // @description [iitc-20190613.013370] Shows the 'too close' radius of existing portals, in order to see where you can search for and submit new candidates // @match https://intel.ingress.com/* // @match http://intel.ingress.com/* // @include https://*.ingress.com/mission/* // @include http://*.ingress.com/mission/* // @match https://*.ingress.com/mission/* // @match http://*.ingress.com/mission/* // @grant none // ==/UserScript== var L; // to prevent script errors on load var $; // to prevent script errors on load var map; // to prevent script errors on load function wrapper(plugin_info) { // ensure plugin framework is there, even if iitc is not yet loaded if(typeof window.plugin !== 'function') window.plugin = function() {}; //PLUGIN AUTHORS: writing a plugin outside of the IITC build environment? if so, delete these lines!! //(leaving them in place might break the 'About IITC' page or break update checks) plugin_info.buildName = 'iitc'; plugin_info.dateTimeVersion = '20190613.013370'; plugin_info.pluginId = 'Submitrange'; // PLUGIN START /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // use own namespace for plugin window.plugin.submitrange = function() {}; window.plugin.submitrange.layerlist = {}; window.plugin.submitrange.update = function() { if (!window.map.hasLayer(window.plugin.submitrange.submitrangeLayers)) return; if (window.map.hasLayer(window.plugin.submitrange.submitrangeLayers)) { window.plugin.submitrange.submitrangeLayers.clearLayers(); $.each(window.portals, function(i, portal) { window.plugin.submitrange.draw(portal); }); window.plugin.submitrange.urlMarker(); } } window.plugin.submitrange.setSelected = function(a) { if (a.display) { var selectedLayer = window.plugin.submitrange.layerlist[a.name]; if (selectedLayer !== undefined) { if (!window.map.hasLayer(selectedLayer)) { window.map.addLayer(selectedLayer); } if (window.map.hasLayer(selectedLayer)) { window.plugin.submitrange.update(); } } } } // Define and add the submitrange circles for a given portal window.plugin.submitrange.draw = function(portal) { // Create a new location object for the portal var coo = portal._latlng; var latlng = new L.LatLng(coo.lat, coo.lng); // Specify the no submit circle options var circleOptions = {color:'black', opacity:1, fillColor:'purple', fillOpacity:0.40, weight:1, clickable:false, interactive:false}; var range = 20; // Hardcoded to 20m, the universal too close for new submit range of a portal // Create the circle object with specified options var circle = new L.Circle(latlng, range, circleOptions); // Add the new circle to the submitrange draw layer circle.addTo(window.plugin.submitrange.submitrangeLayers); } window.plugin.submitrange.getParameterByName = function(name, url) { if (!url) url = window.location.href; name = name.replace(/[\[\]]/g, '\\$&'); var regex = new RegExp('[?&]' + name + '(=([^&#]*)|&|#|$)'), results = regex.exec(url); if (!results) return null; if (!results[2]) return ''; return decodeURIComponent(results[2].replace(/\+/g, ' ')); } window.plugin.submitrange.urlMarker = function() { var pll = window.plugin.submitrange.getParameterByName('pll') if (pll == undefined) { var ll = window.plugin.submitrange.getParameterByName('ll') if (ll != null) { var coords = ll.split(','); var markerLatLng = L.latLng(coords[0],coords[1]); var distanceToClosest = window.plugin.submitrange.getDistanceToClosest(markerLatLng); window.plugin.submitrange.createGenericMarker(markerLatLng, 'pink', { title: 'Url location ' + distanceToClosest, }).addTo(window.plugin.submitrange.submitrangeLayers); var marker = L.marker(markerLatLng, { icon: L.divIcon({ className: 'plugin-submitdistance-name', iconAnchor: [100,5], iconSize: [200,10], html: distanceToClosest, }) }).addTo(window.plugin.submitrange.submitrangeLayers); } } } window.plugin.submitrange.getDistanceToClosest = function(markerLatLng) { var bounds = map.getBounds(); var closestPortal; var shortestDistance = -1; $.each(window.portals, function(i, portal) { var portalLatLng = portal.getLatLng(); if (bounds.contains(portalLatLng)) { var distance = markerLatLng.distanceTo(portalLatLng); if (shortestDistance == -1) { shortestDistance = distance; closestPortal = portalLatLng; } if (distance != 0 && distance < shortestDistance) { shortestDistance = distance; closestPortal = portalLatLng; } } }); if (shortestDistance > -1 && closestPortal != undefined) { var poly = L.geodesicPolyline([markerLatLng,closestPortal] , { color: 'pink', opacity: 0.8, weight: 3, clickable: false, dashArray: 10, html: shortestDistance }).addTo(window.plugin.submitrange.submitrangeLayers); return shortestDistance; } return ''; } window.plugin.submitrange.getGenericMarkerSvg = function(color) { var markerTemplate = '\n\n\n \n \n \n\n \n\n'; return markerTemplate.replace(/%COLOR%/g, color); } window.plugin.submitrange.getGenericMarkerIcon = function(color,className) { return L.divIcon({ iconSize: new L.Point(25, 41), iconAnchor: new L.Point(12, 41), html: window.plugin.submitrange.getGenericMarkerSvg(color), className: className || 'leaflet-iitc-divicon-generic-marker' }); } window.plugin.submitrange.createGenericMarker = function(ll,color,options) { options = options || {}; var markerOpt = $.extend({ icon: window.plugin.submitrange.getGenericMarkerIcon(color || '#a24ac3') }, options); return L.marker(ll, markerOpt); } // Initialize the plugin and display submitranges if at an appropriate zoom level var setup = function() { $("