-- Don't press the button! By WIZ -- -- (For Tribe) <-- -- (For Funcorps) <-- function eventMainMap() tfm.exec.disableAutoShaman(true) tfm.exec.disableAllShamanSkills(true) tfm.exec.disableAfkDeath(true) tfm.exec.disableAutoNewGame(true) tfm.exec.disableAutoTimeLeft(true) tfm.exec.disablePhysicalConsumables(true) tfm.exec.disableDebugCommand(true) tfm.exec.disableMortCommand(true) tfm.exec.disableAutoScore(true) tfm.exec.disablePrespawnPreview(true) tfm.exec.newGame([[

]]) tfm.exec.setGameTime(0) ui.addTextArea(0," ",nil,780,710,35,30, 0x111111, 0x000000,0) Bon = tfm.exec.addImage("1875b7f1e29.png","_1",785,720) end eventMainMap() OriginalScore = {} SBCD = {} RoomName = "Don't Press The Button!" REN1 = "Don't Press The Button! Acid Rain " REN2 = "Don't Press The Button! Everyone is a Shaman!" REN3 = "Don't Press The Button! Lucky Floors" REN4 = "Don't Press The Button! Vampire!" REN5 = "Don't Press The Button! Sheep :D" REN6 = "Don't Press The Button! Sheeps XD" REN7 = "Don't Press The Button! Parkour" REN8 = "Don't Press The Button! Don't fall" REN9 = "Don't Press The Button! Ice-Mice" REN10 = "Don't Press The BUTTON" REN11 = "Don't Press The Button! Don't Move!" REN12 = "Don't Press The Button! Fight" REN13 = "Don't Press The Button! Look out!!" REN14 = "Don't Press The Button! V-S" MREN1 = "It's raining Acid, RUN!!" MREN2 = "Everyone is a Shaman!" MREN3 = "Stand in one of the Tiles" MREN4 = "Vampire!" MREN5 = "Sheep :D" MREN6 = "Sheeps XD" MREN7 = "Win this parkour to be special" MREN8 = "Don't fall" MREN9 = "M-ICE Cubes" MREN10 = "Don't Press The BUTTON" MREN11 = "Don't Move!" MREN12 = "Cunnon Balls Fight" MREN13 = "Look out!!" MREN14 = "Tug of War" function eventResetVariables() --R-V-0 --Variables Mice = 0 Alives = 0 -- Randomevent = 0 CTime = 0 Clicked = 0 T1 = 0 -- AcidRain = 0 RainSpeed = 0 RainBlockID = 0 RealGround = 0 GroundsTime = 0 PNTO = 0 PNT = 1 end --R-V-0 eventResetVariables() ui.addTextArea(0," ",nil,780,710,35,30, 0x111111, 0x000000,0) function eventNewPlayer(name) OriginalScore[name] = 0 SBCD[name] = 0 end for name in next, tfm.get.room.playerList do eventNewPlayer(name) end function eventContactListener(name, groundId, contactInfos) -- C-L-0 if groundId == 3 and Randomevent == 7 then tfm.exec.addImage("17b9dfe5483.png", "$"..name, -22, -100, nil) OriginalScore[name] = OriginalScore[name] + 5 tfm.exec.setPlayerScore(name, OriginalScore[name]) tfm.exec.movePlayer(name, 800, 770) end end -- C-L-0 function StartBossFight() --B-F-S tfm.exec.disableAutoShaman(false) tfm.exec.disableAfkDeath(false) tfm.exec.disableAutoNewGame(true) tfm.exec.disableAutoTimeLeft(true) tfm.exec.disablePhysicalConsumables(true) tfm.exec.disableDebugCommand(true) tfm.exec.disableMortCommand(true) tfm.exec.disableAutoScore(true) tfm.exec.disablePrespawnPreview(true) tfm.exec.newGame([[

]]) end --B-F-S function eventNewGame() --NewGame if ClickedTimes == -1 then tfm.exec.setGameTime(600) for name in next, tfm.get.room.playerList do if tfm.get.room.playerList[name].isShaman == true then Boss = name tfm.exec.setShaman(name, false) end end end end --NewGame function eventTextAreaCallback(id,name,event) -- event-0 if event == "FakeClick" then tfm.exec.killPlayer(name) end if event == "Click" and CTime <= 0 and Clicked == 0 and tfm.get.room.playerList[name].x < 850 and tfm.get.room.playerList[name].x > 750 then -- Click OriginalScore[name] = OriginalScore[name] + 3 tfm.exec.setPlayerScore(name, OriginalScore[name]) tfm.exec.removeImage(Bon) tfm.exec.removeImage(Boff) Boff = tfm.exec.addImage("1875b7ed154.png","_1",785,720) ui.removeTextArea(0) chooseRandomEvent(name) Clicked = 1 end -- Click end -- event-0 function eventLoop() -- Loop-0 T1 = T1 + 1 -- every 1sec -- if T1 >= 2 then -- 1sec -- CTime = CTime - 1 if Randomevent == 3 and GroundsTime > 0 then GroundsTime = GroundsTime - 1 ui.addTextArea(1,"

\n"..GroundsTime,nil,370,2,60,60, 0xffffff, 0x000001,1,true) if GroundsTime == 3 then tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(0, 800,780, {type = 3, restitution = 0, friction = 0.3, width = 1000, height = 40, groundCollision = false, miceCollision = false}) tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(1, 360,780, {type = 12, color = 0xff0000, restitution = 0, friction = 0, width = 120, height = 40, groundCollision = false, miceCollision = true}) tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(2, 650,780, {type = 12, color = 0x0000ff, restitution = 0, friction = 0, width = 120, height = 40, groundCollision = false, miceCollision = true}) tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(3, 950,780, {type = 12, color = 0xffff00, restitution = 0, friction = 0, width = 120, height = 40, groundCollision = false, miceCollision = true}) tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(4, 1240,780, {type = 12, color = 0x00ff00, restitution = 0, friction = 0, width = 120, height = 40, groundCollision = false, miceCollision = true}) end if GroundsTime == 0 then ui.removeTextArea(1) tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(0, 800,780, {type = 3, restitution = 0, friction = 0.3, width = 1000, height = 40, groundCollision = false, miceCollision = false}) tfm.exec.removePhysicObject(1) tfm.exec.removePhysicObject(2) tfm.exec.removePhysicObject(3) tfm.exec.removePhysicObject(4) if RealGround == 1 then tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(1, 360,780, {type = 12, color = 0xff0000, restitution = 0, friction = 0, width = 120, height = 40, groundCollision = false, miceCollision = true}) end if RealGround == 2 then tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(2, 650,780, {type = 12, color = 0x0000ff, restitution = 0, friction = 0, width = 120, height = 40, groundCollision = false, miceCollision = true}) end if RealGround == 3 then tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(3, 950,780, {type = 12, color = 0xffff00, restitution = 0, friction = 0, width = 120, height = 40, groundCollision = false, miceCollision = true}) end if RealGround == 4 then tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(4, 1240,780, {type = 12, color = 0x00ff00, restitution = 0, friction = 0, width = 120, height = 40, groundCollision = false, miceCollision = true}) end end end -- T1 = 0 end -- 1sec -- every 0.5sec -- if Randomevent == 12 then for name in next, tfm.get.room.playerList do SBCD[name] = SBCD[name] + 1 end end if CTime == 9 and Randomevent == 11 then for name in next, tfm.get.room.playerList do if tfm.get.room.playerList[name].movingRight == true then tfm.exec.killPlayer(name) end if tfm.get.room.playerList[name].movingLeft == true then tfm.exec.killPlayer(name) end if tfm.get.room.playerList[name].isJumping == true then tfm.exec.killPlayer(name) end end end if CTime == 2 and Clicked == 1 then AcidRain = 0 for name in next, tfm.get.room.playerList do if tfm.get.room.playerList[name].isVampire == true then tfm.exec.setVampirePlayer(clicker, false) tfm.exec.killPlayer(name) tfm.exec.removePhysicObject(1) tfm.exec.removePhysicObject(2) tfm.exec.removePhysicObject(3) tfm.exec.removePhysicObject(4) tfm.exec.removePhysicObject(5) end end end if CTime <= 0 and Clicked == 1 then tfm.exec.removeImage(Boff) tfm.exec.removeImage(Bon) Bon = tfm.exec.addImage("1875b7f1e29.png","_1",785,720) ui.addTextArea(0," ",nil,780,710,35,30, 0x111111, 0x000000,0) eventTimeIsUp() eventResetVariables() end --- if AcidRain == 1 then RainBlockID = RainBlockID + 3 tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(RainBlockID, (math.random(380,1220)),400 -40, {type = 19, restitution = 0, friction = 0, width = 10, height = 20, dynamic = true, mass = 9999, fixedRotation = true, angularDamping = RainSpeed, groundCollision = false, miceCollision = true}) tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(RainBlockID + 1, (math.random(380,1220)),400 -80, {type = 19, restitution = 0, friction = 0, width = 10, height = 20, dynamic = true, mass = 9999, fixedRotation = true, angularDamping = RainSpeed, groundCollision = false, miceCollision = true}) tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(RainBlockID + 2, (math.random(380,1220)),400 -120, {type = 19, restitution = 0, friction = 0, width = 10, height = 20, dynamic = true, mass = 9999, fixedRotation = true, angularDamping = RainSpeed, groundCollision = false, miceCollision = true}) tfm.exec.addImage("1855a945ec1.png","+"..RainBlockID,-5,-10) tfm.exec.addImage("1855a945ec1.png","+"..RainBlockID +1,-5,-10) tfm.exec.addImage("1855a945ec1.png","+"..RainBlockID +2,-5,-10) end end -- Loop-0 function eventKeyboard(name, key, down, x, y) -- Keys if Randomevent == 11 then tfm.exec.killPlayer(name) end if Randomevent == 12 and key == 3 then if tfm.get.room.playerList[name].isDead == false and SBCD[name] >= 2 then if tfm.get.room.playerList[name].isFacingRight == true then tfm.exec.addShamanObject(17, x-25, y+25,90,3,-1) end if tfm.get.room.playerList[name].isFacingRight == false then tfm.exec.addShamanObject(17, x+25, y+25,270,-3,-1) end SBCD[name] = 0 end end end -- Keys function eventTimeIsUp() -- Time's UP if Randomevent == 1 then tfm.exec.removePhysicObject(0) tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(0, 800,780, {type = 6, restitution = 0, friction = 0.3, width = 1200, height = 40, groundCollision = true, miceCollision = true}) end if Randomevent == 2 then for name in next, tfm.get.room.playerList do tfm.exec.respawnPlayer(name) tfm.exec.setShaman(name, false) end end if Randomevent == 3 then tfm.exec.removePhysicObject(0) tfm.exec.removePhysicObject(1) tfm.exec.removePhysicObject(2) tfm.exec.removePhysicObject(3) tfm.exec.removePhysicObject(4) tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(0, 800,780, {type = 6, restitution = 0, friction = 0.3, width = 1200, height = 40, groundCollision = true, miceCollision = true}) end if Randomevent == 7 then tfm.exec.removePhysicObject(1) tfm.exec.removePhysicObject(2) tfm.exec.removePhysicObject(3) tfm.exec.removePhysicObject(4) tfm.exec.removePhysicObject(5) end if Randomevent == 9 then tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(0, 800,780, {type = 6, restitution = 0, friction = 0.3, width = 1200, height = 40, groundCollision = true, miceCollision = true}) tfm.exec.removePhysicObject(1) end if Randomevent == 10 then ui.addTextArea(0," ",nil,780,710,35,30, 0x111111, 0x000000,0) end if Randomevent == 12 then tfm.exec.removePhysicObject(1) tfm.exec.removePhysicObject(2) tfm.exec.removePhysicObject(3) tfm.exec.removePhysicObject(4) tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(0, 800,780, {type = 6, restitution = 0, friction = 0.3, width = 1200, height = 40, groundCollision = true, miceCollision = true}) end if Randomevent == 14 then tfm.exec.removeObject(HeavyBox1) tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(0, 800,780, {type = 6, restitution = 0, friction = 0.3, width = 1200, height = 40, groundCollision = true, miceCollision = true}) end --- for name in next, tfm.get.room.playerList do if tfm.get.room.playerList[name].isDead == false then OriginalScore[name] = OriginalScore[name] + 1 tfm.exec.setPlayerScore(name, OriginalScore[name]) end end tfm.exec.setUIMapName(RoomName) if Randomevent == 8 then eventMainMap() end for name in next, tfm.get.room.playerList do tfm.exec.respawnPlayer(name) end end -- Time's UP function chooseRandomEvent(clicker) -- Random-Event Randomevent = (math.random(1,14)) -- if Randomevent == 1 then tfm.exec.chatMessage(MREN1) CTime = 30 tfm.exec.setUIMapName(REN1) tfm.exec.setGameTime(32) RainSpeed = (math.random(0,15) / 10) RainBlockID = 0 AcidRain = 1 tfm.exec.removePhysicObject(0) tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(0, 800,780, {type = 6, restitution = 0, friction = 0.3, width = 800, height = 40, groundCollision = true, miceCollision = true}) end if Randomevent == 2 then tfm.exec.chatMessage(MREN2) CTime = 30 tfm.exec.setUIMapName(REN2) tfm.exec.setGameTime(32) for name in next, tfm.get.room.playerList do tfm.exec.setShamanMode(name, 0) tfm.exec.setShaman(name, true) tfm.exec.setShamanMode(name, 0) end end if Randomevent == 3 then tfm.exec.chatMessage(MREN3) CTime = 30 tfm.exec.setUIMapName(REN3) tfm.exec.setGameTime(32) RealGround = (math.random(1,4)) GroundsTime = 20 tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(1, 360,780, {type = 12, color = 0xff0000, restitution = 0, friction = 0, width = 120, height = 40, groundCollision = false, miceCollision = true}) tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(2, 650,780, {type = 12, color = 0x0000ff, restitution = 0, friction = 0, width = 120, height = 40, groundCollision = false, miceCollision = true}) tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(3, 950,780, {type = 12, color = 0xffff00, restitution = 0, friction = 0, width = 120, height = 40, groundCollision = false, miceCollision = true}) tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(4, 1240,780, {type = 12, color = 0x00ff00, restitution = 0, friction = 0, width = 120, height = 40, groundCollision = false, miceCollision = true}) end if Randomevent == 4 then tfm.exec.chatMessage(MREN4) CTime = 30 tfm.exec.setUIMapName(REN4) tfm.exec.setGameTime(32) tfm.exec.setVampirePlayer(clicker, true) tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(1, 550,700, {type = 10, color = 0xff0000, restitution = 0, friction = 0.3, width = 120, height = 40, groundCollision = false, miceCollision = true}) tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(2, 1050,700, {type = 10, color = 0x0000ff, restitution = 0, friction = 0.3, width = 120, height = 40, groundCollision = false, miceCollision = true}) tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(3, 300,700, {type = 10, color = 0xffff00, restitution = 0, friction = 0.3, width = 120, height = 40, groundCollision = true, miceCollision = true}) tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(4, 1300,700, {type = 10, color = 0x00ff00, restitution = 0, friction = 0.3, width = 120, height = 40, groundCollision = true, miceCollision = true}) tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(5, 800,660, {type = 10, restitution = 0, friction = 0.3, width = 200, height = 40, groundCollision = true, miceCollision = true}) end if Randomevent == 5 then tfm.exec.chatMessage(MREN5) CTime = 7 tfm.exec.setUIMapName(REN5) tfm.exec.setGameTime(8) tfm.exec.addShamanObject(40, 800, 600) end if Randomevent == 6 then CTime = 7 tfm.exec.setUIMapName(REN6) tfm.exec.chatMessage(MREN6) tfm.exec.setGameTime(8) tfm.exec.addShamanObject(40, 560, 760) tfm.exec.addShamanObject(40, 680, 760) tfm.exec.addShamanObject(40, 800, 760) tfm.exec.addShamanObject(40, 920, 760) tfm.exec.addShamanObject(40, 1040, 760) end if Randomevent == 7 then CTime = 15 tfm.exec.setUIMapName(REN7) tfm.exec.chatMessage(MREN7) tfm.exec.setGameTime(16) tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(1, 1200,660, {type = 12, color = 0x000000, restitution = 0, friction = 0.04, width = 40, height = 200, groundCollision = false, miceCollision = true}) tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(2, 980,580, {type = 12, color = 0x000000, restitution = 0, friction = 0.04, width = 40, height = 40, groundCollision = false, miceCollision = true}) tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(3, 800,580, {type = 12, color = 0x000000, restitution = 0, friction = 0.04, width = 40, height = 40, groundCollision = false, miceCollision = true, contactListener = true}) tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(4, 400,660, {type = 12, color = 0x000000, restitution = 0, friction = 0.04, width = 40, height = 200, groundCollision = false, miceCollision = true}) tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(5, 620,580, {type = 12, color = 0x000000, restitution = 0, friction = 0, width = 40, height = 40, groundCollision = false, miceCollision = true}) end if Randomevent == 8 then tfm.exec.chatMessage(MREN8) CTime = 30 tfm.exec.newGame([[

]]) tfm.exec.setUIMapName(REN8) tfm.exec.setGameTime(32) end if Randomevent == 9 then tfm.exec.chatMessage(MREN9) CTime = 30 tfm.exec.setUIMapName(REN9) tfm.exec.setGameTime(32) tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(0, 800,780, {type = 3, restitution = 0, friction = 0.3, width = 1000, height = 40, groundCollision = ture, miceCollision = false}) --tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(1, 800,700, {type = 1, restitution = 0, friction = 0, width = 100, height = 120, dynamic = true, groundCollision = ture, miceCollision = true}) tfm.exec.addShamanObject(54, 720, 700) tfm.exec.addShamanObject(54, 800, 700) tfm.exec.addShamanObject(54, 880, 700) for name in next, tfm.get.room.playerList do tfm.exec.movePlayer(name, 800, 640) end end if Randomevent == 10 then tfm.exec.chatMessage(MREN10) CTime = 10 tfm.exec.setUIMapName(REN10) tfm.exec.setGameTime(11) ui.addTextArea(0," ",nil,780,710,35,30, 0x111111, 0x000000,0) tfm.exec.removeImage(Boff) tfm.exec.removeImage(Bon) Bon = tfm.exec.addImage("1875b7f1e29.png","_1",785,720,nil,1,1,0,0.7) end if Randomevent == 11 then tfm.exec.chatMessage(MREN11) CTime = 10 tfm.exec.setUIMapName(REN11) tfm.exec.setGameTime(11) for name in next, tfm.get.room.playerList do system.bindKeyboard(name, 0, true, true) system.bindKeyboard(name, 1, true, true) system.bindKeyboard(name, 2, true, true) system.bindKeyboard(name, 3, true, true) end end if Randomevent == 12 then tfm.exec.chatMessage(MREN12) CTime = 30 tfm.exec.setUIMapName(REN12) tfm.exec.setGameTime(32) tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(0, 800,780, {type = 6, restitution = 0, friction = 0.3, width = 200, height = 40, groundCollision = true, miceCollision = true}) tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(1, 550,780, {type = 6, color = 0xff0000, restitution = 0, friction = 0.3, width = 80, height = 40, groundCollision = false, miceCollision = true}) tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(2, 1050,780, {type = 6, color = 0x0000ff, restitution = 0, friction = 0.3, width = 80, height = 40, groundCollision = false, miceCollision = true}) tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(3, 300,780, {type = 6, color = 0xffff00, restitution = 0, friction = 0.3, width = 80, height = 40, groundCollision = true, miceCollision = true}) tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(4, 1300,780, {type = 6, color = 0x00ff00, restitution = 0, friction = 0.3, width = 80, height = 40, groundCollision = true, miceCollision = true}) for name in next, tfm.get.room.playerList do system.bindKeyboard(name, 3, true, true) end end if Randomevent == 13 then tfm.exec.chatMessage(MREN13) CTime = 6 tfm.exec.setUIMapName(REN13) tfm.exec.setGameTime(6) tfm.exec.addShamanObject(17, 1230, 700,270,-3,-1) tfm.exec.addShamanObject(17, 1220, 700,270,-3,-1) tfm.exec.addShamanObject(17, 1210, 700,270,-3,-1) tfm.exec.addShamanObject(17, 1200, 700,270,-3,-1) tfm.exec.addShamanObject(17, 1200, 700,270,-3,-1) tfm.exec.addShamanObject(17, 1200, 700,270,-3,-1) tfm.exec.addShamanObject(17, 1200, 700,270,-3,-1) tfm.exec.addShamanObject(17, 1200, 700,270,-3,-1) tfm.exec.addShamanObject(17, 1200, 700,270,-3,-1) tfm.exec.addShamanObject(17, 1200, 700,270,-3,-1) end if Randomevent == 14 then tfm.exec.chatMessage(MREN14) CTime = 30 tfm.exec.setUIMapName(REN14) tfm.exec.setGameTime(32) for name in next, tfm.get.room.playerList do PNTO = 1 if PNT == 1 and PNTO == 1 then tfm.exec.movePlayer(name,760,770) PNTO = 0 PNT = 2 end if PNT == 2 and PNTO == 1 then tfm.exec.movePlayer(name,840,770) PNTO = 0 PNT = 1 end end HeavyBox1 = tfm.exec.addShamanObject(61, 800, 750) tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(0, 800,780, {type = 1, restitution = 0, friction = 0, width = 400, height = 40, groundCollision = ture, miceCollision = true}) end end -- Random-Event