-- Mousetale by WIZ -- -- (For Tribe) <-- -- (For Funcorps) <-- -- Boss Health -- BHP = 10 -- Boss Health -- tfm.exec.disableAutoShaman(true) tfm.exec.disableAfkDeath(true) tfm.exec.disableAutoNewGame(true) tfm.exec.disablePhysicalConsumables(true) tfm.exec.disableDebugCommand(true) tfm.exec.disableMortCommand(true) tfm.exec.disableAutoScore(true) tfm.exec.newGame([[

]]) tfm.exec.setRoomMaxPlayers(50) tfm.exec.playSound("cite18/musique/esprit2.mp3", 1) tfm.exec.playSound("cite18/musique/esprit1.mp3", 1) -- HP = {} H1 = {} H2 = {} H3 = {} H4 = {} DED = {} BHPT = "HP: ••••••••••" RN = "MOUSETALE [Beta]: Wizard-BOSS " tfm.exec.setUIMapName(RN..BHPT) volume = 100 WBFON = 0 fly = 0 ActFightTime = 0 AFT = 0 bn = 1000 sn = 20000 T = 0 Ttxt = 0 PT = 0 PID = 10000 LRa1 = 0 LRa2 = 0 LT1 = 0 LT2 = 0 LT3 = 0 LT4 = 0 LC1 ={X = 400,Y = 200} LC2 ={X = 400,Y = 200} LC3 ={X = 400,Y = 200,VX = 50,VY = -50,T = 6} LC4 ={X = 400,Y = 200,VX = 50,VY = -50,T = 6} k0 = {} k1 = {} k2 = {} k3 = {} k5 = {} -- otimeer = 170 text1 = 0 spiks5spawns = 0 spiksXspawns = 0 spiksXboost = 0 lazer1Xspawns = 0 lazer2Xspawns = 0 BXspawns = 0 BXR = 10 lazer3Xspawns = 0 lazer4Xspawns = 0 cube1 = 0 cube0spiks = 0 planks1 = 0 purp1 = 0 fight = 0 act = 0 BR ={S = -100,T = 2} BL ={S = 100,T = 2} BL1 = 0 BL2 = 0 BL3 = 0 BR1 = 0 BR2 = 0 BR3 = 0 Map = 0 -- prpl = 0 Mimg1 = "183b805a64d.png" Mimg2 = "183b7b7789f.png" Mimg3 = "183bd8fa1f8.png" Mimg = 0 MimgO = 0 -- function eventTextAreaCallback(id,name,event) if event == "music" then tfm.exec.setRoomPassword("LockedRoom") WBFON = 1 tfm.exec.setUIMapName(RN..BHPT) Mimg = 1 cube1 = 1 fly = 1 text1 = 1 Map = 1 ui.removeTextArea(1) tfm.exec.disableAutoShaman(true) tfm.exec.disableAfkDeath(true) tfm.exec.disableAutoNewGame(true) tfm.exec.disablePhysicalConsumables(true) tfm.exec.disableDebugCommand(true) tfm.exec.disableMortCommand(true) tfm.exec.disableAutoScore(true) tfm.exec.newGame([[

]]) tfm.exec.setWorldGravity(0, 10) if BHP > 10 then BHP = 10 end if BHP < 6 then BHP = 6 end for name in next, tfm.get.room.playerList do DED[name] = 1 H1[name] = tfm.exec.addImage("18361b61f3c.png","%"..name,-12,-12,name) H2[name] = tfm.exec.addImage("18361b61f3c.png","%"..name,-12,-12,nil,1,1,0,0.2) tfm.exec.changePlayerSize(name, 0.6) tfm.exec.setPlayerGravityScale(name, 0, 0) system.bindKeyboard(name, 0, false, true) system.bindKeyboard(name, 1, false, true) system.bindKeyboard(name, 2, false, true) system.bindKeyboard(name, 3, false, true) system.bindKeyboard(name, 0, true, true) system.bindKeyboard(name, 1, true, true) system.bindKeyboard(name, 2, true, true) system.bindKeyboard(name, 3, true, true) tfm.exec.freezePlayer(name, true, false) HP[name] = 20 ui.addTextArea(1,"HP: "..HP[name].."/20",name,0,20,220,40, 0xffffff, 0x000000,0,true) ui.addTextArea(2," ",name,60,25,60,30, 0xFF0000, 0xFF0000,1,true) ui.addTextArea(3," ",name,60,25,HP[name] * 3,30, 0xFFFF00, 0xFFFF00,1,true) ui.addTextArea(4," ",name,53,10,70,20, 0x000001, 0x000001,1,true) ui.addTextArea(5," ",name,53,55,70,20, 0x000001, 0x000001,1,true) end end end tfm.exec.chatMessage("\n•Welcome to MouseTale•\n\n•If you start playing you will be fighting •Wizard-Amani-Zero• and he's hard to beat.\n\nThis mini-game made by Wizardamani0#6277\nthis is just a Preview to show how the real module will look like.", nil) function eventNewPlayer(name) tfm.exec.chatMessage("\n•Welcome to MouseTale•\n\n•If you start playing you will be fighting •Wizard-Amani-Zero• and he's hard to beat.\n\nThis mini-game made by Wizardamani0#6277\nthis is just a Preview to show how the real module will look like.", name) if Map == 0 then tfm.exec.respawnPlayer(name) end DED[name] = 0 end function eventKeyboard(name, key, down, x, y) if fly == 1 then if key == 0 then tfm.exec.movePlayer(name, 0, 0, false, -50, 0, true) k0[name] = 1 end if key == 0 and down == false then tfm.exec.movePlayer(name, 0, 0, true, 100, 0, true) k0[name] = 0 end if key == 2 then tfm.exec.movePlayer(name, 0, 0, false, 50, 0, true) k2[name] = 1 end if key == 2 and down == false then tfm.exec.movePlayer(name, 0, 0, true, -100, 0, true) k2[name] = 0 end if key == 1 then tfm.exec.movePlayer(name, 0, 0, false, 0, -50, true) k1[name] = 1 end if key == 1 and down == false then tfm.exec.movePlayer(name, 0, 0, true, 0, 100, true) k1[name] = 0 end if key == 3 then tfm.exec.movePlayer(name, 0, 0, false, 0, 50, true) k3[name] = 1 end if key == 3 and down == false then tfm.exec.movePlayer(name, 0, 0, true, 0, -100, true) k3[name] = 0 end if k3[name] == 0 and k2[name] == 0 and k1[name] == 0 and k0[name] == 0 then tfm.exec.movePlayer(name, 0, 0, false, 1, 1, fale) tfm.exec.movePlayer(name, 0, 0, false, -1, -1, true) end end if prpl == 1 then if key == 3 and k5[name] == 2 then tfm.exec.movePlayer(name,x,350) k5[name] = 3 end if key == 3 and k5[name] == 1 and down == false then tfm.exec.movePlayer(name,x,300) k5[name] = 2 end if key == 1 and k5[name] == 2 then tfm.exec.movePlayer(name,x,250) k5[name] = 1 end if key == 1 and k5[name] == 3 and down == false then tfm.exec.movePlayer(name,x,300) k5[name] = 2 end end end function eventLoop() otimeer = otimeer + 1 if otimeer > 180 and Map == 0 then ui.addTextArea(1,"

Play!",nil,350,60,95,40, 0xffffff, 0x000000,1,true) otimeer = 0 end if Map == 1 then Mice = 0 for name in next, tfm.get.room.playerList do if DED[name] == 1 then Mice = Mice + 1 end end if Mice == 0 and T >= 12 then tfm.exec.setRoomPassword("LockedRoom") text1 = 0 T = -9999 spiksXspawns = 0 BXspawns = 0 ActFightTime = 0 tfm.exec.disableAutoShaman(true) tfm.exec.disableAfkDeath(true) tfm.exec.disableAutoNewGame(true) tfm.exec.disablePhysicalConsumables(true) tfm.exec.disableDebugCommand(true) tfm.exec.disableMortCommand(true) tfm.exec.disableAutoScore(true) tfm.exec.newGame([[

]]) Map = 2 end if WBFON == 1 then if ActFightTime == 1 then AFT = AFT + 1 print(math.random(0,2)) end if AFT == 60 then act = 1 end if AFT >= 120 then fight = 1 AFT = 0 end if BHP == 10 then BHPT = "HP: ••••••••••" tfm.exec.setUIMapName(RN..BHPT) end if BHP == 9 then BHPT = "HP: •••••••••" tfm.exec.setUIMapName(RN..BHPT) end if BHP == 8 then BHPT = "HP: ••••••••" tfm.exec.setUIMapName(RN..BHPT) end if BHP == 7 then BHPT = "HP: •••••••" tfm.exec.setUIMapName(RN..BHPT) end if BHP == 6 then BHPT = "HP: ••••••" tfm.exec.setUIMapName(RN..BHPT) end if BHP == 5 then BHPT = "HP: •••••" tfm.exec.setUIMapName(RN..BHPT) end if BHP == 4 then BHPT = "HP: ••••" tfm.exec.setUIMapName(RN..BHPT) end if BHP == 3 then BHPT = "HP: •••" tfm.exec.setUIMapName(RN..BHPT) end if BHP == 2 then BHPT = "HP: ••" tfm.exec.setUIMapName(RN..BHPT) end if BHP == 1 then BHPT = "HP: •" tfm.exec.setUIMapName(RN..BHPT) end if BHP == 0 then BHPT = "HP: DEAD" tfm.exec.setUIMapName(RN..BHPT) end if spiksXspawns == 1 then bn = bn + 1 tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(bn, math.random(250,550), 0, { type = 13, color = "0xffffff", restitution = 0, friction = 0, width = 10, height = 50, dynamic = true, mass = 9, contactListener = true, groundCollision = false, fixedRotation = true }) tfm.exec.addImage("1836565619a.png","+"..bn,-8,-26) if spiksXboost == 1 then tfm.exec.movePhysicObject(bn, 0, 0, true, 0, 50, false) end if spiksXboost == 2 then tfm.exec.movePhysicObject(bn, 0, 0, true, math.random(-10,10), math.random(20,100), false) end end if cube1 == 1 then tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(-1, 400, 300, { type = 12, color = "0xffffff", restitution = 0, friction = 0, width = 300, height = 160, groundCollision = false, miceCollision = false }) tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(-2, 400, 300, { type = 12, color = "0x000000", restitution = 0, friction = 0, width = 290, height = 150, groundCollision = false, miceCollision = false }) tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(-3, 240, 300, { type = 14, color = "0x000000", restitution = 0, friction = 0, width = 40, height = 220, groundCollision = false, miceCollision = true }) tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(-4, 560, 300, { type = 14, color = "0x000000", restitution = 0, friction = 0, width = 40, height = 220, groundCollision = false, miceCollision = true }) tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(-5, 400, 205, { type = 14, color = "0x000000", restitution = 0, friction = 0, width = 360, height = 40, groundCollision = false, miceCollision = true }) tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(-6, 400, 390, { type = 14, color = "0x000000", restitution = 0, friction = 0, width = 360, height = 40, groundCollision = false, miceCollision = true }) cube1 = 0 end if Mimg == 1 then MimgO = MimgO + 1 end if MimgO == 1 then tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(999, 300, 20, { type = 12, restitution = 0, friction = 0, width = 10, height = 10, dynamic = true, mass = 9999, linearDamping = 9999, angularDamping = 9999, miceCollision = false, groundCollision = false, fixedRotation = true }) tfm.exec.addImage(Mimg1,"+"..999,0,0) end if MimgO >= 3 then tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(999, 300, 20, { type = 12, restitution = 0, friction = 0, width = 10, height = 10, dynamic = true, mass = 9999, linearDamping = 9999, angularDamping = 9999, miceCollision = false, groundCollision = false, fixedRotation = true }) tfm.exec.addImage(Mimg2,"+"..999,0,0) MimgO = 0 end if BHP <= 0 then text1 = 0 Mimg1 = "183bd8fa1f8.png" Mimg2 = "183bd8fa1f8.png" spiksXspawns = 0 BXspawns = 0 ActFightTime = 0 BHP = BHP - 1 end if BHP == -8 then ui.addTextArea(-99999,"OH! \nso that's how is it.\nBeing a loser is not a good feeling. huh?",nil,500,40,280,140, 0x000001, 0xffffff,1,true) tfm.exec.playSound("deadmaze/plop.mp3", 100) end if BHP == -24 then ui.addTextArea(-99999,"Well",nil,500,40,280,140, 0x000001, 0xffffff,1,true) tfm.exec.playSound("deadmaze/plop.mp3", 100) end if BHP == -28 then ui.addTextArea(-99999,"Goodbye for now.\nI will always be here if you want a challenge.",nil,500,40,280,140, 0x000001, 0xffffff,1,true) tfm.exec.playSound("deadmaze/plop.mp3", 100) end if BHP <= -40 then system.exit() WBFON = 0 end if text1 == -2 then Ttxt = Ttxt + 1 end if Ttxt == 70 then ui.addTextArea(0,"OH! \ncome on.\nI will make sure you DIE this time.",nil,500,40,280,140, 0x000001, 0xffffff,1,true) tfm.exec.playSound("deadmaze/plop.mp3", 100) end if Ttxt == 86 then ui.addTextArea(0,"i'll make your move harder\nHa Ha Ha Ha!",nil,500,40,280,140, 0x000001, 0xffffff,1,true) tfm.exec.playSound("deadmaze/plop.mp3", 100) end if Ttxt == 100 then ui.removeTextArea(0) text1 = 2 end if text1 == -1 then Ttxt = Ttxt + 1 end if Ttxt == 10 then ui.addTextArea(0,"Well?",nil,500,40,280,140, 0x000001, 0xffffff,1,true) tfm.exec.playSound("deadmaze/plop.mp3", 100) end if Ttxt == 18 then ui.addTextArea(0,"Looks like I have to do more than that to kill you.",nil,500,40,280,140, 0x000001, 0xffffff,1,true) tfm.exec.playSound("deadmaze/plop.mp3", 100) end if Ttxt == 40 then ui.addTextArea(0,"Let's make this harder!!",nil,500,40,280,140, 0x000001, 0xffffff,1,true) tfm.exec.playSound("deadmaze/plop.mp3", 100) end if Ttxt == 60 then ui.removeTextArea(0) text1 = 2 end if text1 >= 1 then T = T + 1 ActFightTime = 1 end if T == 8 and text1 == 1 then tfm.exec.playSound("cite18/musique/esprit1.mp3", volume) ui.addTextArea(0,"...",nil,500,40,280,140, 0x000001, 0xffffff,1,true) end if T == 12 and text1 == 1 then ui.addTextArea(0,"Do",nil,500,40,280,140, 0x000001, 0xffffff,1,true) end if T == 13 and text1 == 1 then ui.addTextArea(0,"Do you",nil,500,40,280,140, 0x000001, 0xffffff,1,true) end if T == 14 and text1 == 1 then ui.addTextArea(0,"Do you want",nil,500,40,280,140, 0x000001, 0xffffff,1,true) end if T == 15 and text1 == 1 then ui.addTextArea(0,"Do you want to",nil,500,40,280,140, 0x000001, 0xffffff,1,true) end if T == 16 and text1 == 1 then ui.addTextArea(0,"Do you want to have",nil,500,40,280,140, 0x000001, 0xffffff,1,true) end if T == 17 and text1 == 1 then ui.addTextArea(0,"Do you want to have a",nil,500,40,280,140, 0x000001, 0xffffff,1,true) end if T == 18 and text1 == 1 then ui.addTextArea(0,"Do you want to have a BAD",nil,500,40,280,140, 0x000001, 0xffffff,1,true) end if T >= 19 and text1 == 1 then ui.addTextArea(0,"Do you want to have a BAD TIME?",nil,500,40,280,140, 0x000001, 0xffffff,1,true) end if T <= 19 and T >= 12 and text1 == 1 then tfm.exec.playSound("deadmaze/plop.mp3", 100) end if T >= 26 and text1 == 1 then ui.removeTextArea(0) text1 = 2 end if T >= 28 and T <= 30 then spiksXspawns = 1 end if T >= 64 and T <= 66 then spiksXspawns = 0 end if T >= 67 and T <= 69 then ui.addTextArea(0,"Looks like you'r good at this.\nDon't worry I'll show you the best!",nil,500,40,280,140, 0x000001, 0xffffff,1,true) end if T >= 80 and T <= 82 then ui.removeTextArea(0) LC1 ={X = 300,Y = math.random(250,350)} lazer1Xspawns = 1 T = 83 end if T >= 90 and T <= 92 then LC2 ={X = 500,Y = math.random(250,350)} lazer2Xspawns = 1 T = 93 end if T >= 95 and T <= 97 then LC1 ={X = 300,Y = math.random(250,350)} lazer1Xspawns = 1 T = 98 end if T >= 100 and T <= 102 then LC2 ={X = 500,Y = math.random(250,350)} lazer2Xspawns = 1 T = 103 end if T == 108 then LC1 ={X = 300,Y = math.random(250,350)} lazer1Xspawns = 1 end if T == 112 then LC2 ={X = 500,Y = math.random(250,350)} lazer2Xspawns = 1 end if T == 122 then spiks5spawns = 1 LC1 ={X = 300,Y = math.random(250,350)} lazer1Xspawns = 1 LC2 ={X = 500,Y = math.random(250,350)} lazer2Xspawns = 1 end if T == 132 then spiks5spawns = 1 LC1 ={X = 300,Y = 250} lazer1Xspawns = 1 LC2 ={X = 500,Y = 350} lazer2Xspawns = 1 end if T == 142 then spiks5spawns = 1 LC1 ={X = 300,Y = math.random(250,350)} lazer1Xspawns = 1 LC2 ={X = 500,Y = math.random(250,350)} lazer2Xspawns = 1 end if T == 152 then spiks5spawns = 1 LC1 ={X = 300,Y = 250} lazer1Xspawns = 1 LC2 ={X = 500,Y = 350} lazer2Xspawns = 1 end if T == 162 then spiks5spawns = 1 LC1 ={X = 300,Y = math.random(250,350)} lazer1Xspawns = 1 LC2 ={X = 500,Y = math.random(250,350)} lazer2Xspawns = 1 end if T == 172 then spiksXspawns = 1 spiks5spawns = 1 LC1 ={X = 300,Y = math.random(250,350)} lazer1Xspawns = 1 LC2 ={X = 500,Y = math.random(250,350)} lazer2Xspawns = 1 end if T == 182 then spiks5spawns = 1 LC1 ={X = 300,Y = 250} lazer1Xspawns = 1 LC2 ={X = 500,Y = 350} lazer2Xspawns = 1 end if T == 192 then spiks5spawns = 1 LC1 ={X = 300,Y = math.random(250,350)} lazer1Xspawns = 1 LC2 ={X = 500,Y = math.random(250,350)} lazer2Xspawns = 1 end if T == 200 then spiksXspawns = 0 text1 = -1 T = 205 end if T == 209 then tfm.exec.setWorldGravity(0, 0.1) fly = 0 tfm.exec.playSound("cite18/musique/esprit2.mp3", volume) end if T >= 210 and T <= 218 then for name in next, tfm.get.room.playerList do H3[name] = tfm.exec.addImage("18371041e0d.png","%"..name,-12,-12,name) tfm.exec.freezePlayer(name, false) HP[name] = 20 tfm.exec.setPlayerGravityScale(name, 100, 0) tfm.exec.movePlayer(name, 400, 290) ui.addTextArea(1,"HP: "..HP[name].."/20",name,0,20,220,40, 0xffffff, 0x000000,0,true) ui.addTextArea(2," ",name,60,25,60,30, 0xFF0000, 0xFF0000,1,true) ui.addTextArea(3," ",name,60,25,HP[name] * 3,30, 0xFFFF00, 0xFFFF00,1,true) ui.addTextArea(4," ",name,53,10,70,20, 0x000001, 0x000001,1,true) ui.addTextArea(5," ",name,53,55,70,20, 0x000001, 0x000001,1,true) end cube0spiks = 1 planks1 = 1 T = 220 end if T >= 234 and T <= 238 then tfm.exec.removePhysicObject(7) tfm.exec.removeImage(plank1) T = 240 end if T == 250 then LC1 ={X = 300,Y = 340} lazer1Xspawns = 1 end if T == 260 then LC2 ={X = 500,Y = 300} lazer2Xspawns = 1 end if T == 270 then LC1 ={X = 300,Y = 340} lazer1Xspawns = 1 LC2 ={X = 500,Y = 250} lazer2Xspawns = 1 end if T == 280 then balls1 = tfm.exec.addImage("183909010cc.png","!3",240,30,nil,-1) balls2 = tfm.exec.addImage("183909010cc.png","!3",560,30,nil) lazer3Xspawns = 1 lazer4Xspawns = 1 end if T > 280 and T < 360 then LC3 ={X = 200,Y = 100,VX = math.random(12,20),VY = math.random(15,20),T = 8} LC4 ={X = 600,Y = 100,VX = math.random(-12,-20),VY = math.random(15,20),T = 8} end if T == 320 then LC1 ={X = 300,Y = 340} lazer1Xspawns = 1 end if T == 330 then LC1 ={X = 300,Y = 340} lazer1Xspawns = 1 end if T == 340 then LC1 ={X = 300,Y = 340} lazer1Xspawns = 1 end if T == 360 then LC2 ={X = 500,Y = 300} lazer2Xspawns = 1 end if T == 380 then LC1 ={X = 300,Y = 340} lazer1Xspawns = 1 LC2 ={X = 500,Y = 250} lazer2Xspawns = 1 spiksXspawns = 1 end if T == 400 then lazer3Xspawns = 0 lazer4Xspawns = 0 tfm.exec.removeImage(balls1) tfm.exec.removeImage(balls2) end if T == 420 then spiksXspawns = 0 end if T >= 464 and T <= 468 then tfm.exec.playSound("cite18/musique/esprit2.mp3", volume) tfm.exec.removePhysicObject(3) tfm.exec.removePhysicObject(4) tfm.exec.removePhysicObject(5) tfm.exec.removePhysicObject(6) tfm.exec.removePhysicObject(7) tfm.exec.removeImage(SC) T = 470 end if T == 480 then LRa1 = (math.random(1,3)) end if T == 490 then LRa2 = (math.random(1,3)) end if T == 505 then LRa1 = (math.random(1,3)) LRa2 = (math.random(1,3)) end if T == 510 then LRa1 = (math.random(1,3)) end if T == 515 then LRa2 = (math.random(1,3)) end if T == 520 then LRa1 = (math.random(1,3)) end if T == 525 then LRa2 = (math.random(1,3)) end if T == 530 then LRa1 = (math.random(1,3)) end if T == 535 then LRa2 = (math.random(1,3)) end if T == 550 then LRa1 = (math.random(1,3)) LRa2 = (math.random(1,3)) end if T == 560 then LRa1 = (math.random(1,3)) LRa2 = (math.random(1,3)) end if T == 570 then LRa1 = (math.random(1,3)) LRa2 = (math.random(1,3)) end if T == 580 then LRa1 = (math.random(1,3)) LRa2 = (math.random(1,3)) end if T == 590 then LRa1 = (math.random(1,3)) LRa2 = (math.random(1,3)) end if T == 600 then LRa1 = (math.random(1,3)) LRa2 = (math.random(1,3)) planks1 = 0 end if T >= 620 and T <= 625 then text1 = -2 Ttxt = 65 fly = 0 T = 626 end if T >= 630 and T <= 640 then sn = 20000 tfm.exec.setWorldGravity(0, 0) tfm.exec.playSound("cite18/musique/esprit2.mp3", volume) tfm.exec.removePhysicObject(8) tfm.exec.removePhysicObject(9) for name in next, tfm.get.room.playerList do H4[name] = tfm.exec.addImage("183b78ebf49.png","%"..name,-12,-12,name) tfm.exec.freezePlayer(name, false) HP[name] = 20 k5[name] = 2 tfm.exec.setPlayerGravityScale(name, 0, 0) tfm.exec.movePlayer(name, 400, 300) ui.addTextArea(1,"HP: "..HP[name].."/20",name,0,20,220,40, 0xffffff, 0x000000,0,true) ui.addTextArea(2," ",name,60,25,60,30, 0xFF0000, 0xFF0000,1,true) ui.addTextArea(3," ",name,60,25,HP[name] * 3,30, 0xFFFF00, 0xFFFF00,1,true) ui.addTextArea(4," ",name,53,10,70,20, 0x000001, 0x000001,1,true) ui.addTextArea(5," ",name,53,55,70,20, 0x000001, 0x000001,1,true) end purp1 = 1 prpl = 1 T = 642 end if T == 650 then BR2 = 1 end if T == 652 then BL1 = 1 end if T == 654 then BR3 = 1 end if T == 660 then BR3 = 1 BR2 = 1 end if T == 661 then BR1 = 1 end if T == 665 then BL2 = 1 end if T == 666 then BL3 = 1 BL1 = 1 end if T == 667 then BL2 = 1 end if T == 668 then BL3 = 1 BL1 = 1 end if T == 680 then LC1 ={X = 300,Y = 300} lazer1Xspawns = 1 end if T == 690 then LC1 ={X = 300,Y = 250} lazer1Xspawns = 1 LC2 ={X = 500,Y = 350} lazer2Xspawns = 1 end if T == 700 then BR.S = -50 BL.S = 50 BXspawns = 1 end if T == 800 then spiksXspawns = 1 spiksXboost = 1 end if T == 860 then BR.S = -80 BL.S = 80 end if T == 900 then spiksXboost = 2 end -------------------- if act == 1 then tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(801, math.random(300,490), 0, { type = 12, color = "0xffffff", restitution = 0, friction = 0, width = 90, height = 30, dynamic = true, mass = 1, contactListener = true, groundCollision = false, fixedRotation = true }) tfm.exec.addImage("183bac41aa5.png","+"..801,-49,-19) if T > 200 then tfm.exec.movePhysicObject(801, 0, 0, true, 0, 80, false) end act = 0 end if fight == 1 then tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(800, math.random(300,490), 0, { type = 12, color = "0xffffff", restitution = 0, friction = 0, width = 90, height = 30, dynamic = true, mass = 1, contactListener = true, groundCollision = false, fixedRotation = true }) tfm.exec.addImage("183bac374d6.png","+"..800,-49,-19) if T > 200 then tfm.exec.movePhysicObject(800, 0, 0, true, 0, 80, false) end fight = 0 end if BXspawns == 1 then BR1 = (math.random(0,BXR)) BR2 = (math.random(0,BXR)) BR3 = (math.random(0,BXR)) BL1 = (math.random(0,BXR)) BL2 = (math.random(0,BXR)) BL3 = (math.random(0,BXR)) end if BR1 == 1 then sn = sn + 1 tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(sn,800,250, { type = 13, color = 0xffffff, restitution = 0, friction = 0, width = 10, height = 10, dynamic = true, mass = 9, contactListener = true, groundCollision = false, fixedRotation = true }) tfm.exec.addImage("1836833c456.png","+"..sn,-10,-10) tfm.exec.movePhysicObject(sn, 0, 0, true, BR.S, 0, false) BR1 = 0 end if BR2 == 1 then sn = sn + 1 tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(sn,800,300, { type = 13, color = 0xffffff, restitution = 0, friction = 0, width = 10, height = 10, dynamic = true, mass = 9, contactListener = true, groundCollision = false, fixedRotation = true }) tfm.exec.addImage("1836833c456.png","+"..sn,-10,-10) tfm.exec.movePhysicObject(sn, 0, 0, true, BR.S, 0, false) BR2 = 0 end if BR3 == 1 then sn = sn + 1 tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(sn,800,350, { type = 13, color = 0xffffff, restitution = 0, friction = 0, width = 10, height = 10, dynamic = true, mass = 9, contactListener = true, groundCollision = false, fixedRotation = true }) tfm.exec.addImage("1836833c456.png","+"..sn,-10,-10) tfm.exec.movePhysicObject(sn, 0, 0, true, BR.S, 0, false) BR3 = 0 end if BL1 == 1 then sn = sn + 1 tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(sn,0,250, { type = 13, color = 0xffffff, restitution = 0, friction = 0, width = 10, height = 10, dynamic = true, mass = 9, contactListener = true, groundCollision = false, fixedRotation = true }) tfm.exec.addImage("1836833c456.png","+"..sn,-10,-10) tfm.exec.movePhysicObject(sn, 0, 0, true, BL.S, 0, false) BL1 = 0 end if BL2 == 1 then sn = sn + 1 tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(sn,0,300, { type = 13, color = 0xffffff, restitution = 0, friction = 0, width = 10, height = 10, dynamic = true, mass = 9, contactListener = true, groundCollision = false, fixedRotation = true }) tfm.exec.addImage("1836833c456.png","+"..sn,-10,-10) tfm.exec.movePhysicObject(sn, 0, 0, true, BL.S, 0, false) BL2 = 0 end if BL3 == 1 then sn = sn + 1 tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(sn,0,350, { type = 13, color = 0xffffff, restitution = 0, friction = 0, width = 10, height = 10, dynamic = true, mass = 9, contactListener = true, groundCollision = false, fixedRotation = true }) tfm.exec.addImage("1836833c456.png","+"..sn,-10,-10) tfm.exec.movePhysicObject(sn, 0, 0, true, BL.S, 0, false) BL3 = 0 end if purp1 == 1 then tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(4, 400, 300, { type = 12, color = 0xc400FF, restitution = 0, friction = 0, width = 280, height = 110, groundCollision = false, miceCollision = false }) tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(5, 400, 325, { type = 12, color = 0x000000, restitution = 0, friction = 0, width = 290, height = 48, groundCollision = false, miceCollision = true }) tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(6, 400, 275, { type = 12, color = 0x000000, restitution = 0, friction = 0, width = 290, height = 48, groundCollision = false, miceCollision = true }) tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(7, 400, 240, { type = 12, color = 0x000000, restitution = 0, friction = 0, width = 290, height = 18, groundCollision = false, miceCollision = true }) tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(8, 400, 360, { type = 12, color = 0x000000, restitution = 0, friction = 0, width = 280, height = 18, groundCollision = false, miceCollision = true }) purp1 = 0 end if LRa1 == 1 then LC1 ={X = 300,Y = 360} lazer1Xspawns = 1 LRa1 = 0 end if LRa1 == 2 then LC1 ={X = 300,Y = 320} lazer1Xspawns = 1 LRa1 = 0 end if LRa1 == 3 then LC1 ={X = 300,Y = 280} lazer1Xspawns = 1 LRa1 = 0 end if LRa2 == 1 then LC2 ={X = 500,Y = 360} lazer2Xspawns = 1 LRa2 = 0 end if LRa2 == 2 then LC2 ={X = 500,Y = 320} lazer2Xspawns = 1 LRa2 = 0 end if LRa2 == 3 then LC2 ={X = 500,Y = 280} lazer2Xspawns = 1 LRa2 = 0 end if planks1 == 1 then PT = PT + 1 tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(8, 400, 310, { type = 14, restitution = 0, friction = 0, width = 1000, height = 10, groundCollision = true, miceCollision = false }) tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(9, 400, 350, { type = 14, restitution = 0, friction = 0, width = 1000, height = 10, groundCollision = true, miceCollision = false }) end if PT >= 4 then tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(PID, 840, 340, { type = 0, restitution = 0, friction = 0.3, width = 40, height = 10, dynamic = true, mass = 9999, groundCollision = true, fixedRotation = true }) tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(PID-1, -40, 300, { type = 0, restitution = 0, friction = 0.3, width = 40, height = 10, dynamic = true, mass = 9999, groundCollision = true, fixedRotation = true }) tfm.exec.addImage("183721ad50e.png","+"..PID,-20,-5) tfm.exec.addImage("183721ad50e.png","+"..PID-1,-20,-5) tfm.exec.movePhysicObject(PID, 0, 0, true, -20, 0, false) tfm.exec.movePhysicObject(PID-1, 0, 0, true, 20, 0, false) PID = PID + 2 PT = 0 end if cube0spiks == 1 then SC = tfm.exec.addImage("183721a8230.png","!2",250,220) tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(7, 400, 300, { type = 14, restitution = 0, friction = 0.2, width = 40, height = 10, groundCollision = false, miceCollision = true }) plank1 = tfm.exec.addImage("183721ad50e.png","!1",400-20,300-5) tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(3, 400, 220, { type = 14, restitution = 0.8, friction = 0, width = 300, height = 20, groundCollision = false, contactListener = true, miceCollision = true }) tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(4, 400, 380, { type = 14, restitution = 1, friction = 0, width = 300, height = 20, groundCollision = false, contactListener = true, miceCollision = true }) tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(5, 260, 300, { type = 14, angle = -1, restitution = 1, friction = 0, width = 20, height = 120, groundCollision = false, contactListener = true, miceCollision = true }) tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(6, 540, 300, { type = 14, angle = 1, restitution = 1, friction = 0, width = 20, height = 120, groundCollision = false, contactListener = true, miceCollision = true }) cube0spiks = 0 end if lazer3Xspawns == 1 then LT3 = LT3 + 1 end if LT3 >= LC3.T then tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(sn,LC3.X,LC3.Y, { type = 13, angle = 45, color = 0xffffff, restitution = 0, friction = 0, width = 10, height = 10, dynamic = true, mass = 9, contactListener = true, groundCollision = false, fixedRotation = true }) tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(sn +1,LC3.X,LC3.Y, { type = 13, angle = 45, color = 0xffffff, restitution = 0, friction = 0, width = 10, height = 10, dynamic = true, mass = 9, contactListener = true, groundCollision = false, fixedRotation = true }) tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(sn +2,LC3.X,LC3.Y, { type = 13, angle = 45, color = 0xffffff, restitution = 0, friction = 0, width = 10, height = 10, dynamic = true, mass = 9, contactListener = true, groundCollision = false, fixedRotation = true }) tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(sn +3,LC3.X,LC3.Y, { type = 13, angle = 45, color = 0xffffff, restitution = 0, friction = 0, width = 10, height = 10, dynamic = true, mass = 9, contactListener = true, groundCollision = false, fixedRotation = true }) tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(sn +4,LC3.X,LC3.Y, { type = 13, angle = 45, color = 0xffffff, restitution = 0, friction = 0, width = 10, height = 10, dynamic = true, mass = 9, contactListener = true, groundCollision = false, fixedRotation = true }) tfm.exec.addImage("1836833c456.png","+"..sn,-10,-10) tfm.exec.addImage("1836833c456.png","+"..sn +1,-10,-10) tfm.exec.addImage("1836833c456.png","+"..sn +2,-10,-10) tfm.exec.addImage("1836833c456.png","+"..sn +3,-10,-10) tfm.exec.addImage("1836833c456.png","+"..sn +4,-10,-10) tfm.exec.movePhysicObject(sn, 0, 0, true, LC3.VX, LC3.VY, false, 45) tfm.exec.movePhysicObject(sn + 1, 0, 0, true, LC3.VX+10, LC3.VY, false, 45) tfm.exec.movePhysicObject(sn + 2, 0, 0, true, LC3.VX+20, LC3.VY, false, 45) tfm.exec.movePhysicObject(sn + 3, 0, 0, true, LC3.VX+30, LC3.VY, false, 45) tfm.exec.movePhysicObject(sn + 4, 0, 0, true, LC3.VX+40, LC3.VY, false, 45) sn = sn + 5 tfm.exec.removePhysicObject(sn - 10) tfm.exec.removePhysicObject(sn - 11) tfm.exec.removePhysicObject(sn - 12) tfm.exec.removePhysicObject(sn - 13) tfm.exec.removePhysicObject(sn - 14) LT3 = 0 end if lazer4Xspawns == 1 then LT4 = LT4 + 1 end if LT4 >= LC4.T then tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(sn,LC4.X,LC4.Y, { type = 13, angle = 45, color = 0xffffff, restitution = 0, friction = 0, width = 10, height = 10, dynamic = true, mass = 9, contactListener = true, groundCollision = false, fixedRotation = true }) tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(sn +1,LC4.X,LC4.Y, { type = 13, angle = 45, color = 0xffffff, restitution = 0, friction = 0, width = 10, height = 10, dynamic = true, mass = 9, contactListener = true, groundCollision = false, fixedRotation = true }) tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(sn +2,LC4.X,LC4.Y, { type = 13, angle = 45, color = 0xffffff, restitution = 0, friction = 0, width = 10, height = 10, dynamic = true, mass = 9, contactListener = true, groundCollision = false, fixedRotation = true }) tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(sn +3,LC4.X,LC4.Y, { type = 13, angle = 45, color = 0xffffff, restitution = 0, friction = 0, width = 10, height = 10, dynamic = true, mass = 9, contactListener = true, groundCollision = false, fixedRotation = true }) tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(sn +4,LC4.X,LC4.Y, { type = 13, angle = 45, color = 0xffffff, restitution = 0, friction = 0, width = 10, height = 10, dynamic = true, mass = 9, contactListener = true, groundCollision = false, fixedRotation = true }) tfm.exec.addImage("1836833c456.png","+"..sn,-10,-10) tfm.exec.addImage("1836833c456.png","+"..sn +1,-10,-10) tfm.exec.addImage("1836833c456.png","+"..sn +2,-10,-10) tfm.exec.addImage("1836833c456.png","+"..sn +3,-10,-10) tfm.exec.addImage("1836833c456.png","+"..sn +4,-10,-10) tfm.exec.movePhysicObject(sn, 0, 0, true, LC4.VX, LC4.VY, false, 45) tfm.exec.movePhysicObject(sn + 1, 0, 0, true, LC4.VX-10, LC4.VY, false, 45) tfm.exec.movePhysicObject(sn + 2, 0, 0, true, LC4.VX-20, LC4.VY, false, 45) tfm.exec.movePhysicObject(sn + 3, 0, 0, true, LC4.VX-30, LC4.VY, false, 45) tfm.exec.movePhysicObject(sn + 4, 0, 0, true, LC4.VX-40, LC4.VY, false, 45) sn = sn + 5 tfm.exec.removePhysicObject(sn - 15) tfm.exec.removePhysicObject(sn - 16) tfm.exec.removePhysicObject(sn - 17) tfm.exec.removePhysicObject(sn - 18) tfm.exec.removePhysicObject(sn - 19) LT4 = 0 end if lazer1Xspawns == 1 then LT1 = LT1 + 1 end if LT1 == 1 then tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(1, LC1.X, LC1.Y, { type = 14, restitution = 0, friction = 0, width = 800, height = 12, groundCollision = false, miceCollision = false }) LZR1f1 = tfm.exec.addImage("1836b1f3da1.png","!1",LC1.X + 305,LC1.Y - 33) end if LT1 == 4 then tfm.exec.removeImage(LZR1f1) tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(1, LC1.X, LC1.Y, { type = 14, restitution = 0, friction = 0, width = 800, height = 12, contactListener = true, groundCollision = false, miceCollision = true }) LZR1f2 = tfm.exec.addImage("18368331de2.png","!1",LC1.X + 305,LC1.Y - 33) LZR1f3 = tfm.exec.addImage("183683370bd.png","!1",LC1.X - 400,LC1.Y - 13) end if LT1 >= 8 then tfm.exec.removePhysicObject(1) tfm.exec.removeImage(LZR1f2) tfm.exec.removeImage(LZR1f3) lazer1Xspawns = 0 LT1 = 0 end if lazer2Xspawns == 1 then LT2 = LT2 + 1 end if LT2 == 1 then tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(2, LC2.X, LC2.Y, { type = 14, restitution = 0, friction = 0, width = 800, height = 12, groundCollision = false, miceCollision = false }) LZR2f1 = tfm.exec.addImage("1836b1f3da1.png","!2",LC2.X - 305,LC2.Y - 33,nil,-1) end if LT2 == 4 then tfm.exec.removeImage(LZR2f1) tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(2, LC2.X, LC2.Y, { type = 14, restitution = 0, friction = 0, width = 800, height = 12, contactListener = true, groundCollision = false, miceCollision = true }) LZR2f2 = tfm.exec.addImage("18368331de2.png","!2",LC2.X - 305,LC2.Y - 33,nil,-1) LZR2f3 = tfm.exec.addImage("183683370bd.png","!2",LC2.X + 400,LC2.Y - 13,nil,-1) end if LT2 >= 8 then tfm.exec.removePhysicObject(2) tfm.exec.removeImage(LZR2f2) tfm.exec.removeImage(LZR2f3) lazer2Xspawns = 0 LT2 = 0 end if spiks5spawns == 1 then tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(1001, 280, 0, { type = 13, color = "0xffffff", restitution = 0, friction = 0, width = 10, height = 50, dynamic = true, mass = 9, contactListener = true, groundCollision = false, fixedRotation = true }) tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(1002, 320, 0, { type = 13, color = "0xffffff", restitution = 0, friction = 0, width = 10, height = 50, dynamic = true, mass = 9, contactListener = true, groundCollision = false, fixedRotation = true }) tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(1003, 360, 0, { type = 13, color = "0xffffff", restitution = 0, friction = 0, width = 10, height = 50, dynamic = true, mass = 9, contactListener = true, groundCollision = false, fixedRotation = true }) tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(1004, 400, 0, { type = 13, color = "0xffffff", restitution = 0, friction = 0, width = 10, height = 50, dynamic = true, mass = 9, contactListener = true, groundCollision = false, fixedRotation = true }) tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(1005, 440, 0, { type = 13, color = "0xffffff", restitution = 0, friction = 0, width = 10, height = 50, dynamic = true, mass = 9, contactListener = true, groundCollision = false, fixedRotation = true }) tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(1006, 480, 0, { type = 13, color = "0xffffff", restitution = 0, friction = 0, width = 10, height = 50, dynamic = true, mass = 9, contactListener = true, groundCollision = false, fixedRotation = true }) tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(1007, 520, 0, { type = 13, color = "0xffffff", restitution = 0, friction = 0, width = 10, height = 50, dynamic = true, mass = 9, contactListener = true, groundCollision = false, fixedRotation = true }) tfm.exec.addImage("1836565619a.png","+"..1001,-8,-26) tfm.exec.addImage("1836565619a.png","+"..1002,-8,-26) tfm.exec.addImage("1836565619a.png","+"..1003,-8,-26) tfm.exec.addImage("1836565619a.png","+"..1004,-8,-26) tfm.exec.addImage("1836565619a.png","+"..1005,-8,-26) tfm.exec.addImage("1836565619a.png","+"..1006,-8,-26) tfm.exec.addImage("1836565619a.png","+"..1007,-8,-26) tfm.exec.removePhysicObject(math.random(1001,1007)) spiks5spawns = 0 end end end end function eventContactListener(name, groundId, contactInfos) tfm.exec.setPlayerScore(name, HP[name]) if groundId == 801 then tfm.exec.removePhysicObject(801) tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(901, 280, 0, { type = 13, color = "0xffffff", restitution = 0, friction = 0, width = 10, height = 50, dynamic = true, mass = 9, contactListener = true, groundCollision = false, fixedRotation = true }) tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(902, 320, 0, { type = 13, color = "0xffffff", restitution = 0, friction = 0, width = 10, height = 50, dynamic = true, mass = 9, contactListener = true, groundCollision = false, fixedRotation = true }) tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(903, 360, 0, { type = 13, color = "0xffffff", restitution = 0, friction = 0, width = 10, height = 50, dynamic = true, mass = 9, contactListener = true, groundCollision = false, fixedRotation = true }) tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(904, 400, 0, { type = 13, color = "0xffffff", restitution = 0, friction = 0, width = 10, height = 50, dynamic = true, mass = 9, contactListener = true, groundCollision = false, fixedRotation = true }) tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(905, 440, 0, { type = 13, color = "0xffffff", restitution = 0, friction = 0, width = 10, height = 50, dynamic = true, mass = 9, contactListener = true, groundCollision = false, fixedRotation = true }) tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(906, 480, 0, { type = 13, color = "0xffffff", restitution = 0, friction = 0, width = 10, height = 50, dynamic = true, mass = 9, contactListener = true, groundCollision = false, fixedRotation = true }) tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(907, 520, 0, { type = 13, color = "0xffffff", restitution = 0, friction = 0, width = 10, height = 50, dynamic = true, mass = 9, contactListener = true, groundCollision = false, fixedRotation = true }) tfm.exec.addImage("183bac3c84f.png","+"..901,-10,-10) tfm.exec.addImage("183bac3c84f.png","+"..902,-10,-10) tfm.exec.addImage("183bac3c84f.png","+"..903,-10,-10) tfm.exec.addImage("183bac3c84f.png","+"..904,-10,-10) tfm.exec.addImage("183bac3c84f.png","+"..905,-10,-10) tfm.exec.addImage("183bac3c84f.png","+"..906,-10,-10) tfm.exec.addImage("183bac3c84f.png","+"..907,-10,-10) if T > 200 then tfm.exec.movePhysicObject(901, 0, 0, true, 0, 30, false) tfm.exec.movePhysicObject(902, 0, 0, true, 0, 30, false) tfm.exec.movePhysicObject(903, 0, 0, true, 0, 30, false) tfm.exec.movePhysicObject(904, 0, 0, true, 0, 30, false) tfm.exec.movePhysicObject(905, 0, 0, true, 0, 30, false) tfm.exec.movePhysicObject(906, 0, 0, true, 0, 30, false) tfm.exec.movePhysicObject(907, 0, 0, true, 0, 30, false) end end if groundId == 800 and MimgO >= 0 then MimgO = -3 tfm.exec.removePhysicObject(800) tfm.exec.addPhysicObject(999, 371, -120, { type = 13, color = "0xffffff", restitution = 0, friction = 0, width = 10, height = 50, dynamic = true, mass = 999, contactListener = true, groundCollision = true, fixedRotation = true }) tfm.exec.addImage(Mimg3,"+"..999,-71,135) tfm.exec.movePhysicObject(999, 0, 0, true, 20, 20, false) BHP = BHP - 1 end if groundId >= 900 and groundId <= 910 then HP[name] = HP[name] + 5 if HP[name] >= 21 then HP[name] = 20 end tfm.exec.removePhysicObject(groundId) ui.addTextArea(2," ",name,60,25,60,30, 0xFF0000, 0xFF0000,1,true) ui.addTextArea(3," ",name,60,25,HP[name] * 3,30, 0xFFFF00, 0xFFFF00,1,true) ui.addTextArea(4," ",name,53,10,70,20, 0x000001, 0x000001,1,true) ui.addTextArea(5," ",name,53,55,70,20, 0x000001, 0x000001,1,true) ui.addTextArea(1,"HP: "..HP[name].."/20",name,0,20,220,40, 0xffffff, 0x000000,0,true) end if groundId >= 0 and groundId <= 10 then HP[name] = HP[name] - 2 ui.addTextArea(2," ",name,60,25,60,30, 0xFF0000, 0xFF0000,1,true) ui.addTextArea(3," ",name,60,25,HP[name] * 3,30, 0xFFFF00, 0xFFFF00,1,true) ui.addTextArea(4," ",name,53,10,70,20, 0x000001, 0x000001,1,true) ui.addTextArea(5," ",name,53,55,70,20, 0x000001, 0x000001,1,true) ui.addTextArea(1,"HP: "..HP[name].."/20",name,0,20,220,40, 0xffffff, 0x000000,0,true) end if groundId >= 1000 then tfm.exec.removePhysicObject(groundId) HP[name] = HP[name] - 1 ui.addTextArea(2," ",name,60,25,60,30, 0xFF0000, 0xFF0000,1,true) ui.addTextArea(3," ",name,60,25,HP[name] * 3,30, 0xFFFF00, 0xFFFF00,1,true) ui.addTextArea(4," ",name,53,10,70,20, 0x000001, 0x000001,1,true) ui.addTextArea(5," ",name,53,55,70,20, 0x000001, 0x000001,1,true) ui.addTextArea(1,"HP: "..HP[name].."/20",name,0,20,220,40, 0xffffff, 0x000000,0,true) end if HP[name] <= 0 then ui.removeTextArea(2,name) ui.removeTextArea(1,name) ui.removeTextArea(3,name) ui.removeTextArea(4,name) ui.removeTextArea(5,name) tfm.exec.killPlayer(name) DED[name] = 0 end tfm.exec.setPlayerScore(name, HP[name]) end local incorrect_tfm_exec_movePhysicObject = tfm.exec.movePhysicObject tfm.exec.movePhysicObject = function(a, b, c, d, e, f, ...) return incorrect_tfm_exec_movePhysicObject(a, b, c, d, (e or 0) / 10, (f or 0) / 10, ...) end