--------Platform Game Engine---------- This is a part of PGE Project which provides gameplay core implementation allows you to play levels and episodes. ===Contents=== - Requirements - Adding Episodes - Adding Levels - Defautl controlls - Engine reserved keys and key combinations - Level specific commands - World specific commands - Common commands ============================================== Requirements: ============================================== - Operating system: + Linux x86/x64 kernel version 2.6 and higher + Windows XP and higher + Mac OS X 10.7 and higher (Intel x64, Intel x86 and PowerPC are not supported!) - OpenGL 3.x compatible video card with 128 MB Video RAM and higher - 512 MB RAM ============================================== Adding Episodes ============================================== To add episode to be able play it with engine, find the "worlds" folder === Linux === On the UNIX-like operating system worlds folder can be found at home in the special folder ~/.PGE_Project/worlds Note: If you have portable version, "worlds" folder will be in same folder with pge_engine application file === Windows === On the Windows Operating system it will have this path: %UserProfile%\.PGE_Project\worlds Note: If you have portable version, "worlds" folder will be in same folder with pge_engine application file === Mac OS X === On the Mac OS X worlds folder always locating in the special folder: ~/Library/Application Support/PGE Project Note: you will found a shortcut "Data folder" in the folder with PGE installation since you will launch PGE apps first time. ============================================== Adding Levels ============================================== Levels which are listing in the "Play level" menu are must be placed in the "worlds" folder without subfdolers while episodes are in their subfolders ============================================== Note: If you want have everything in SAME folder like in the SMBX, create "pge_engine.ini" file with next contents: ---------------------------- [Main] force-portable=true ---------------------------- And everything: worlds, screenshots, logs will be stored in same folder where pge_engine application is located. [will not work with Mac version. Use "Data Directory" symlink to get data folder!] ============================================== You should be up to date with any configuration packages, there are in dev-state: I fixing old mistakes, misses, adding new important features which should be presented in your ini files of each config pack. Else you may get wrongs and more bugs because wrong config settings. ============================================== Defautl controlls: ============================================== Arrows: -------------------- left-right - walk Up/Down - enter into door/pipe -------------------- Z - (jump) / enter to level from world map [on German keyboard will work Y key instead by unknown for me reasons :P] X - (run) A - (alt-jump) (Temporary, fly up, use it to get inaccessible heights without vines!) S - (alt-run) (Temporary, tail-whipping to destroy any blocks over face, S+UP - destroy blocks over head, S+Down - destroy blocks under self) ============================================== Engine reserved keys and key combinations ============================================== Ctrl+F - Toggle fullscreen mode "~" - opens text input box in the levels where you can type special commands: ------------------ ==Level specific commands:== donthurtme - enable/disable god mode (player will don't get damage from dangerouse surfaces and will dont burn in lava) iamsuperman - player has ability to fly up via alt-jump key chucknorris - player via alt-run key will be able destroy any nearest object except BGO's, warps and other playable characters iwishexitas X - exit from level with code X (replace X with unsigned integer (usually from 1 to 8. Exit code hints you can take from a world map editor)) takesecretkeychain - enable/disable debug keys ==World specific commands:== illparkwhereiwant - allows walking anywhere on world map ==Common commands== redigitiscool - spawns a dummy message box, doing nothing. Try to type same command in the SMBX engine! wohlstandiscool, kevsoftiscool, raocowiscool, joeyiscool - same as redigitiscool, but with another messages. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enter, Esc - pause/resume game, show pause menu F2 - enable/disable drawing a debug rectangles of physical engine (render all hitboxes) F3 - enable/disable printing of debug information F12 - take screenshot (will be saved in the 'screenshots' folder which will be in PGE folder or in the %UserProfile%\.PGE_Project). Screenshots will be written into PNG format and will have timedate based filename. =======Debug keys=(disabled by default, to enable them, press "~" key and type 'takesecretkeychain')======= F5 - pause/resume physical loopsteps. Used while collisions are debugged F6 - enable slow mode of physical loopsteps. Everything will go slow. Used while collisions are debugged. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 degits keys - spawn something effect (made temporary while effects system are debugged) 7, 8, 9, 0 - Toggle playable character and it's state: - 7 decrease character ID - 8 increase character ID - 9 decrease character state ID - 0 increase character state ID