; cnc-ddraw - https://github.com/CnCNet/cnc-ddraw - https://cncnet.org ; ### NOTE TO PROJECT DIABLO 2 PLAYERS ### ; To enable upscaling via shaders in -fullscreen mode- just set 'fullscreen=true' and 'windowed=false' ; To enable upscaling via shaders in -borderless mode- just set 'fullscreen=true' and 'windowed=true' ; To enable upscaling via shaders in -windowed mode- just set 'fullscreen=false' and 'windowed=true' then start the game and resize your window or set 'width=' and 'height=' to the desired window size [ddraw] ; ### Optional settings ### ; Use the following settings to adjust the look and feel to your liking ; Stretch to custom resolution, 0 = defaults to the size game requests width=1600 height=900 ; Override the width/height settings shown above and always stretch to fullscreen ; Note: Can be combined with 'windowed=true' to get windowed-fullscreen aka borderless mode fullscreen=false ; Run in windowed mode rather than going fullscreen windowed=true ; Maintain aspect ratio - (Requires 'handlemouse=true') maintas=false ; Windowboxing / Integer Scaling - (Requires 'handlemouse=true') boxing=false ; Real rendering rate, -1 = screen rate, 0 = unlimited, n = cap ; Note: Does not have an impact on the game speed, to limit your game speed use 'maxgameticks=' maxfps=0 ; Vertical synchronization, enable if you get tearing - (Requires 'renderer=auto/opengl/direct3d9') ; Note: vsync=true can fix tearing but it will cause input lag vsync=false ; Automatic mouse sensitivity scaling - (Requires 'handlemouse=true') ; Note: Only works if stretching is enabled. Sensitivity will be adjusted according to the size of the window adjmouse=false ; Preliminary libretro shader support - (Requires 'renderer=opengl') https://github.com/libretro/glsl-shaders ; 2x scaling example: https://imgur.com/a/kxsM1oY - 4x scaling example: https://imgur.com/a/wjrhpFV shader=Shaders\xbr\xbr-lv2-noblend.glsl ; Window position, -32000 = center to screen posX=-32000 posY=-32000 ; Renderer, possible values: auto, opengl, gdi, direct3d9 (auto = try direct3d9/opengl, fallback = gdi) renderer=opengl ; Developer mode (don't lock the cursor) devmode=false ; Show window borders in windowed mode border=false ; Save window position/size/state on game exit and restore it automatically on next game start ; Possible values: 0 = disabled, 1 = save to global 'ddraw' section, 2 = save to game specific section savesettings=1 ; Should the window be resizeable by the user in windowed mode? resizeable=true ; Enable C&C video resize hack - Stretches C&C cutscenes to fullscreen vhack=false ; Enable linear (D3DTEXF_LINEAR) upscaling filter for the direct3d9 renderer (16 bit color depth games only) d3d9linear=true ; ### Compatibility settings ### ; Use the following settings in case there are any issues with the game ; Hide WM_ACTIVATEAPP and WM_NCACTIVATE messages to prevent problems on alt+tab noactivateapp=false ; Max game ticks per second, possible values: -1 = disabled, -2 = refresh rate, 0 = emulate 60hz vblank, 1-1000 = custom game speed ; Note: Can be used to slow down a too fast running game, fix flickering or too fast animations ; Note: Usually one of the following values will work: 60 / 30 / 25 / 20 / 15 (lower value = slower game speed) maxgameticks=0 ; Gives cnc-ddraw full control over the mouse cursor (required for adjmouse/boxing/maintas) ; Note: Set this to 'false' if your cursor becomes invisible at some places in the game handlemouse=true ; Windows API Hooking, Possible values: 0 = disabled, 1 = IAT Hooking, 2 = Microsoft Detours, 3 = IAT+Detours Hooking (All Modules), 4 = IAT Hooking (All Modules) ; Note: Change this value if windowed mode or upscaling isn't working properly ; Note: 'hook=2' will usually work for problematic games, but 'hook=2' must be combined with renderer=gdi hook=4 ; Force minimum FPS, possible values: 0 = disabled, -1 = use 'maxfps=' value, 1-1000 = custom FPS ; Note: Set this to a low value such as 5 or 10 if some parts of the game are not being displayed (e.g. menus or loading screens) minfps=0 ; Disable fullscreen-exclusive mode for the direct3d9/opengl renderers ; Note: Can be used in case some GUI elements like buttons/textboxes/videos/etc.. are invisible nonexclusive=false ; Force CPU0 affinity, avoids crashes/freezing, *might* have a performance impact singlecpu=true