version: '3' services: client: platform: linux/x86_64 image: wongsaang/chatgpt-ui-client:latest environment: - SERVER_DOMAIN=http://backend-web-server - DEFAULT_LOCALE=en # - NUXT_PUBLIC_APP_NAME='ChatGPT UI' # The name of the application # - NUXT_PUBLIC_TYPEWRITER=true # Whether to enable the typewriter effect, default false # - NUXT_PUBLIC_TYPEWRITER_DELAY=50 # The delay time of the typewriter effect, default 50ms depends_on: - backend-web-server ports: - '${CLIENT_PORT:-80}:80' networks: - chatgpt_ui_network restart: always backend-wsgi-server: platform: linux/x86_64 image: wongsaang/chatgpt-ui-wsgi-server:latest environment: - DEBUG=${DEBUG:-False} # Whether to enable debug mode, default False - APP_DOMAIN=${APP_DOMAIN:-localhost:9000} - SERVER_WORKERS=3 # The number of worker processes for handling requests. - WORKER_TIMEOUT=180 # Workers silent for more than this many seconds are killed and restarted. default 180s - DB_URL=${DB_URL:-sqlite:///db.sqlite3} # If this parameter is not set, the built-in Sqlite will be used by default. It should be noted that if you do not connect to an external database, the data will be lost after the container is destroyed. - DJANGO_SUPERUSER_USERNAME=admin # default superuser name - DJANGO_SUPERUSER_PASSWORD=password # default superuser password - # default superuser email - ACCOUNT_EMAIL_VERIFICATION=${ACCOUNT_EMAIL_VERIFICATION:-none} # Determines the e-mail verification method during signup – choose one of "none", "optional", or "mandatory". Default is "optional". If you don't need to verify the email, you can set it to "none". # If you want to use the email verification function, you need to configure the following parameters # - EMAIL_HOST=SMTP server address # - EMAIL_PORT=SMTP server port # - EMAIL_HOST_USER= # - EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD= # - EMAIL_USE_TLS=True # - #Default sender email address volumes: - ./db.sqlite3:/app/db.sqlite3 ports: - '${WSGI_PORT:-8000}:8000' networks: - chatgpt_ui_network restart: always backend-web-server: platform: linux/x86_64 image: wongsaang/chatgpt-ui-web-server:latest environment: - BACKEND_URL=http://backend-wsgi-server:8000 ports: - '${SERVER_PORT:-9000}:80' depends_on: - backend-wsgi-server networks: - chatgpt_ui_network restart: always networks: chatgpt_ui_network: driver: bridge