/** * Hello World: Step 1 * * Simple block, renders and saves the same content without interactivity. * * Using inline styles - no external stylesheet needed. Not recommended * because all of these styles will appear in `post_content`. */ ( function( blocks, i18n, element ) { var el = element.createElement; var __ = i18n.__; var blockStyle = { backgroundColor: '#900', color: '#fff', padding: '20px', }; blocks.registerBlockType( 'gutenberg-examples/example-01-basic', { title: __( 'Example: Basic', 'gutenberg-examples' ), icon: 'universal-access-alt', category: 'layout', example: {}, edit: function() { return el( 'p', { style: blockStyle }, 'Hello World, step 1 (from the editor).' ); }, save: function() { return el( 'p', { style: blockStyle }, 'Hello World, step 1 (from the frontend).' ); }, } ); } )( window.wp.blocks, window.wp.i18n, window.wp.element );