- wm: - concept: - clusters: - OntologyNode: name: african_governments examples: - african countries - african governments - african leaders - african nations - african societies - african states polarity: 1 semantic type: entity - OntologyNode: examples: - aftermath - fallout - following - lingering impact - result - trauma - wake name: aftermath polarity: 1 semantic type: property - OntologyNode: examples: - crackdown name: crackdown polarity: 1 semantic type: property - OntologyNode: examples: - debt - deficit - public debt name: debt polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - caloric needs - diet - diet quality - diets - healthy diet - healthy diets name: diet polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - foreign affairs - international affairs - international relations - international security name: diplomatic_relations polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - dry season name: dry_season polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - election fraud - electoral fraud - voter fraud name: election_fraud polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - election cycle - election officials - election process - electoral cycle - electoral process - electoral processes - electoral system - electoral systems name: election_process polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: name: environmental_degradation examples: - environmental degradation - environmental stress polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - environmental impacts name: environmental_impacts polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: name: ethnic_conflict examples: - ethnic conflict - ethnic conflicts - ethnic differences - ethnic divisions - ethnic hatred - ethnic lines - ethnic tensions - ethnic violence - historical conflict polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - ethnic identities - ethnic identity - identities - identity - identity groups name: ethnic_identity polarity: 1 semantic type: entity - OntologyNode: examples: - discovery - experimentation - exploration - findings - investigation name: exploration polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: name: fairness examples: - equality - equity - fairness - integrity polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: name: farmland examples: - agricultural land - arable land - farmland polarity: 1 semantic type: entity - OntologyNode: name: field_reports examples: - chirps - climate information - crop monitor - data - field - field reports - ground - ground observations - inputs - observations - regional experts - reports - satellite - weather data polarity: 1 semantic type: entity - OntologyNode: examples: - groundwater name: groundwater polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - grazing - herders - herding - herds name: herding polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: name: higher_temperatures examples: - climate changes - degrees - drier - extreme heat - extreme temperatures - heat - heat stress - heat waves - high temperatures - higher temperatures - rising temperatures - temperature increases - temperatures - warmer temperatures polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: name: humanitarian_assistance examples: - development assistance - emergency aid - emergency response - foreign assistance - humanitarian aid - humanitarian assistance - humanitarian interventions - international aid - urgent assistance polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - global community - international agencies - international institutions - international ngos - international organizations - ngo - ngos name: international_organizations polarity: 1 semantic type: entity - OntologyNode: examples: - maize - maize grain - maize meal - white maize - yellow maize name: maize polarity: 1 semantic type: entity - OntologyNode: name: natural_disaster examples: - natural disaster - natural disasters polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - peace building - peace negotiations - peace talks - peacebuilding - peacebuilding activities - peacebuilding efforts - peacebuilding initiatives - peacebuilding processes - peacekeepers - peacekeeping - stabilization activities - stabilization efforts - statebuilding name: peacebuilding_efforts polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: name: poor_childrens_health examples: - child mortality - child stunting - infant mortality - lbw - stunting polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: name: potable_water examples: - clean water - drinking water - potable water - safe water - water quality polarity: 1 semantic type: entity - OntologyNode: name: public_transportation examples: - public transport - public transportation polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - purchasing power name: purchasing_power polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: name: risk examples: - risk polarity: 1 semantic type: property - OntologyNode: examples: - social interactions - social structure - social systems name: social_structure polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: name: sorghum examples: - red sorghum - sorghum - sorghum crops - white sorghum polarity: 1 semantic type: entity - OntologyNode: name: state_power examples: - central authority - state authority - state building - state control - state institutions - state power polarity: 1 semantic type: event - agriculture: - crop: - OntologyNode: examples: - maize - wheat - tef - barley - sorghum - cereals definition: A grass cultivated for the edible parts of its grain. name: cereals polarity: 1 semantic type: entity - OntologyNode: examples: - vegetables - lettuce - tomato - cabbage - carrots - beets definition: vegetable crops and food name: vegetables polarity: 1 semantic type: entity - OntologyNode: examples: - lentils - beans - peas - pulses definition: name: pulses polarity: 1 semantic type: entity - OntologyNode: examples: - potato - cassava - sweet potato - tubers definition: name: tubers polarity: 1 semantic type: entity - disease: - OntologyNode: examples: - blight - crop disease definition: name: crop_disease polarity: -1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - livestock disease definition: name: livestock_disease polarity: -1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - cow - cattle - chicken - pigs - sheep - goats - bull - ox - oxen - calf - calves - horse - donkey - camel - herds - poultry - livestock definition: Domesticated animals raised for their labor or to produce commodities such as milk, meat, eggs, fur, leather, or wool. name: livestock polarity: 1 semantic type: event - pest: - OntologyNode: examples: - army worm definition: name: army_worm polarity: -1 semantic type: event - locust: - OntologyNode: examples: - locust eggs definition: name: locust_eggs polarity: -1 semantic type: event - solitary: - OntologyNode: examples: - solitarious hopper - solitary - hopper - immature - instar definition: name: solitary_hopper polarity: -1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - solitary locust - solitarious adult locust - mature definition: name: solitary_locust polarity: -1 semantic type: event - gregarious: - OntologyNode: pattern: - (hopper\s+band)|(bands?\s+of\s+hoppers) examples: - bands of hoppers - locust hopper groups - immature definition: name: hopper_band polarity: -1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: pattern: - locust - \bDL\b - (locust\s+swarm)|(swarms?\s+of\s+locust) examples: - swarm - locust swarm - mature maturation - adult - locust infestation definition: name: locust_swarm polarity: -1 semantic type: event - crisis_or_disaster: - conflict: - OntologyNode: examples: - crime - crimes - criminal - bribery - cybercrimes - murdered - sexual abuse - assault - steal - stealing - stolen - looted - looting - theft - riots - violations - violent crime - lawlessness - illegal - extortion - burglary - trafficing - trafficking - embezzlement - racketeering - laundering - smuggling - robbery - kidnap - kidnapping - theft - abduction - corruption - vandalism - terrorism - harrassment - rape definition: name: crime polarity: -1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - conflict - war - fighting - infighting - oppression - tyranny - oppressive regime - genocide - clash - clashes - armed clash - raid - regional turmoil - violence - violence in the region - hostility - insurgency - armed groups - armed mobilization - sabotage - vandalized - army mobilization - feud - skirmish definition: name: hostility polarity: -1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - political tension - political tensions - adversity - political instability - stress - distress - challenge - hardship - burden - threatening - polarization - rivalry - feud - faction - stalemate - resentment - discontent - mistrust - frustration definition: name: tension polarity: -1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - pandemic - global pandemic - epidemic - disease definition: The rapid spread of disease to a large population in a short amount of time. name: epidemic polarity: -1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - depression - recession - economic crisis - financial crisis definition: name: recession polarity: -1 semantic type: event - environmental: - OntologyNode: examples: - drought - droughts - low rainfall definition: A prolonged shortage in the water supply. name: drought polarity: -1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - earthquake - earthquakes - tremor - tremors - aftershock name: earthquake polarity: -1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - flood - flooding - flash flood - storm surge - tsunami definition: name: flood polarity: -1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - wildfire - wild fire name: wildfire polarity: -1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - famine - hunger - starvation definition: name: famine polarity: -1 semantic type: event - economy: - OntologyNode: examples: - assets - land property assets - holdings - property - parcels definition: name: assets polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - budget definition: name: budget polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - competition definition: name: competition polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - currency - cash - money - dollar - usd definition: name: currency polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - domestic market - GDP - GNP - stock market - employment definition: name: commerce polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - economy definition: name: economy polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - expense - payment - rent - fee - charge definition: name: expense polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - finance - loan - funding - financial support - debt - lending - invest - investment - banking - credit - grant - award - donation - endowment definition: name: finance polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - household - income - revenue - paycheck - compensation - wages - salary - earnings - royalties definition: name: income polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - payment - disbursement - remittance - drawdown - stipend - payout definition: name: payment polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - tax - taxes - tarrif - subsidy - subsidies - revenue - duties definition: name: taxes polarity: 1 semantic type: event - livelihood: - OntologyNode: examples: - rural livelihood - employment definition: name: rural_livelihood polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - employment - career - occupation - urban livelihood definition: name: urban_livelihood polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - business - company - corporation - commercial enterprise definition: name: commercial_enterprise polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - farm - ranch - feedlot - orchard - plantation definition: name: farm polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - physical market - grocery storage - produce market - marketplace - retailers - vendor - bazaar - stall - shop - store - supermarket - grocery - grocer - shopping - retailer definition: name: marketplace polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - workforce - worker - staff - professionals - labor definition: name: workforce polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - literacy - education - schooling - instruction - mentorship - trainings - tutoring - curriculum - lessons definition: name: education polarity: 1 semantic type: event - environment: - OntologyNode: examples: - climate definition: name: climate polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - climate change - global warming definition: name: climate_change polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - ecology - ecosystem - wildlife - habitat - biodiversity - riparian definition: name: ecology polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - afforestation - agroforestry - reforestation - forestry - logging - timber definition: name: forestry polarity: 1 semantic type: event - meteorology: - OntologyNode: examples: - rainfall - storm - precipitation - rain definition: name: precipitation polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - temperature definition: name: temperature polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - weather - weather systems - rains - rainfall - extreme winds - wet - wetter - climate variability - snow - humid - storm definition: The state of the atmosphere, describing the degree to which it is hot or cold, wet or dry, calm or stormy, clear or cloudy. name: weather polarity: 1 semantic type: event - natural_resources: - OntologyNode: examples: - fossil fuels - oil - carbon - natural gas - crude oil definition: Fuels formed from natural processes, containing organic molecules, that release energy in combustion. name: fossil_fuels polarity: 1 semantic type: entity - OntologyNode: examples: - land - acreage - plot - farmland - arable land - forestland definition: name: land polarity: 1 semantic type: entity - OntologyNode: examples: - pastoral - pasture - rangeland - vegetation - grazing - pasture definition: Land used for grazing by domesticated livestock. name: pasture polarity: 1 semantic type: entity - OntologyNode: examples: - soil types - soil - leaching into the soil definition: name: soil polarity: 1 semantic type: entity - OntologyNode: examples: - lake - river - pond - ocean - water bodies - reservoir - aqueduct definition: name: water_bodies polarity: 1 semantic type: entity - OntologyNode: examples: - air pollution - land pollution - water pollution - greenhouse gas - contamination definition: name: pollution polarity: -1 semantic type: event - goods: - agricultural: - OntologyNode: examples: - farm equipment - machinery - tractor - power tiller - row planter - plow - winnower definition: name: farm_equipment polarity: 1 semantic type: entity - OntologyNode: pattern: - \b(manure|fertilizers?|nitrogen)\b examples: - DAP - urea - nitrogen - compost - manure - potassium - phosphorous - fertilizer definition: name: fertilizer polarity: 1 semantic type: entity - OntologyNode: examples: - drip - pump - irrigation equipment - water pumps - treadle - electric pump - small scale irrigation pump - field irrigation - sprinklers definition: name: irrigation_equipment polarity: 1 semantic type: entity - OntologyNode: examples: - livestock feed - hay - CSB - silage - corn meal - soybean hulls definition: name: livestock_feed polarity: 1 semantic type: entity - OntologyNode: pattern: - \b(DDT|dicamba|round-up)\b examples: - organic - chemical - pesticide - integrated pest management - IPM definition: name: pesticide polarity: 1 semantic type: entity - OntologyNode: examples: - improved seed - GMO - heirloom seed - organic seed - seed definition: name: seed polarity: 1 semantic type: entity - OntologyNode: examples: - construction materials - lumber - concrete cement definition: name: construction_materials polarity: 1 semantic type: entity - OntologyNode: examples: - chalkboard - pencil - notebook - smartboard - textbooks - education supplies definition: name: education_supplies polarity: 1 semantic type: entity - OntologyNode: examples: - food - diet - dietary definition: name: food polarity: 1 semantic type: entity - OntologyNode: examples: - fuel - gas - oil definition: name: fuel polarity: 1 semantic type: entity - OntologyNode: examples: - ventilator - bed - respirator - blood - bandages - medical supplies definition: name: medical_supplies polarity: 1 semantic type: entity - OntologyNode: examples: - drugs - pharmaceuticals - antibiotics - antivirals - medicine - medication - paracetamol - aspirine - antimicrobial - corticosteroid - antiretroviral - therapeutic - antiviral - penicillin - steroid definition: name: medicine polarity: 1 semantic type: entity - OntologyNode: examples: - mineral - metal - gold - silver - copper - aluminum - aluminium - zinc - cobalt - diamond - ore definition: name: minerals polarity: 1 semantic type: entity - OntologyNode: examples: - water - H20 - aqua definition: name: water polarity: 1 semantic type: entity - government: - OntologyNode: examples: - corruption - bribery definition: name: corruption polarity: -1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - election - voting - ballot - referendum - caucus - campaign definition: name: election polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - judicial - judiciary - tribunal - courthouse - court system definition: name: judicial_system polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - political - politics - laws - reforms - regime - reign - imperialism - dictatorship definition: name: political_system polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - census - social security - program - policy definition: name: government_program polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - sanction definition: A restriction on trade, or measures by a country on a state or individual intended to elicit a change in their behavior. name: sanction polarity: -1 semantic type: event - health: - OntologyNode: examples: - biometrics - fingerprint - DNA definition: name: biometrics polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: pattern: - \b(case\s+volume)\b - \b(new\s+cases)\b examples: - disease cases - new cases definition: name: case_volume polarity: -1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - pathogen - virus - parasite - bacterium - bacteria - microbe - fungus - fungal definition: name: pathogen polarity: -1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - water - mosquitos - excrement - vector - transmission definition: An agent that carries or transmits an infectious pathogen into another living organism. name: vector polarity: -1 semantic type: event - disease: - OntologyNode: examples: - aids - hiv name: AIDS polarity: -1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: pattern: - (COVID|covid|SARS-CoV) - corona(\s+)?virus examples: - corona virus - coronavirus - virus definition: name: COVID polarity: -1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - flu - influenza definition: name: flu polarity: -1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - malaria definition: name: malaria polarity: -1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - cancer - tb - tuberculosis - illness - sickness definition: name: illness polarity: -1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - injury - wound definition: name: injury polarity: -1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - life - lives - living definition: name: life polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - health - healthcare - medical definition: name: healthcare polarity: 1 semantic type: event - nutrition: - OntologyNode: examples: - breast feeding - lactation - weening definition: name: breast_feeding polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - fortification definition: name: fortification polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: pattern: - (malnutrition|stunting|undernourishment|malnourishment|undernutrition) examples: - malnutrition - stunting - food gap - undernutrition - undernourishment - nutritional deficiency - vitamin deficiencies definition: name: malnutrition polarity: -1 semantic type: event - supplementary_feeding: - OntologyNode: pattern: - (IYCF|iycf) examples: - infant and young child feeding - iycf definition: name: iycf polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: pattern: - (RUTF|rutf) examples: - ready to use therapeutic foods - rutf definition: name: rutf polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - public health definition: name: public_health polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - public safety definition: name: public_safety polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - alcohol abuse - drugs abuse - prescription drug abuse - narcotics - cocaine - heroin - substance abuse definition: name: substance_abuse polarity: -1 semantic type: event - treatment: - OntologyNode: examples: - intensive care definition: name: intensive_care polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - preventative treatment - vaccine - prophylactic - well visit definition: name: preventative_treatment polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - psychological services - therapy - anti-depressant - counseling - psychiatrist - psychotherapy definition: name: psychological_services polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - immunization - vaccine - vaccination definition: name: vaccination polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - welfare - living condition definition: name: welfare polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - masks - face covering - hand sanitizer - soap - PPE - personal protective equipment - hygiene materials definition: name: hygiene_materials polarity: 1 semantic type: event - humanitarian_assistance: - OntologyNode: examples: - CSB - ration - food aid - food for work - free food distribution - school feeding definition: name: food_aid polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - NFI - buckets - soap - tarp - pots - pans - jerry can - non food items definition: name: non_food_items polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: pattern: - \bvouchers?\b - \bcash\b examples: - food voucher - voucher or cash definition: name: voucher_or_cash polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - human rights - liberties - liberty - freedoms - freedom definition: name: human_rights polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - freedom definition: name: freedom polarity: 1 semantic type: event - information: - OntologyNode: examples: - misinformation - misconception - falsehood - disinformation definition: name: misinformation polarity: -1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - rumor - rumour - narrative - myth - allegation - speculation definition: name: rumor polarity: 1 semantic type: event - infrastructure: - agriculture: - OntologyNode: examples: - livestock enclosure - barn - greenhouse - nursery - farm infrastructure - post harvest infrastructure definition: name: farm_infrastructure polarity: 1 semantic type: entity - OntologyNode: examples: - communication - media - telephone - internet - television - news - social media - booklet - pamphlet - newspaper - magazine - poster - advertisement - article - publication - speech - website - blog - forum - email - facebook - twitter - newsgroup - channel - intranet - cyberspace - bandwidth - online - networking - web definition: name: communication polarity: 1 semantic type: entity - OntologyNode: examples: - school - college - university - faculty - lecture hall - child friendly learning spaces - community centers - education facilities - classroom - kindergarten - campus - faculty - institute definition: name: education_facilities polarity: 1 semantic type: entity - OntologyNode: examples: - electrical wiring - electricity - generator - lighting - solar panel - power grid - power line definition: name: electrical_infrastructure polarity: 1 semantic type: entity - OntologyNode: examples: - generator - solar panel - wind turbine - micro grid - dam - power station - energy - power plant definition: name: energy_infrastructure polarity: 1 semantic type: entity - OntologyNode: pattern: - \brefugee\s+camps?\b - \bcamps?\b examples: - refugee camp - temporary housing definition: name: refugee_camps polarity: 1 semantic type: entity - OntologyNode: pattern: - irrigation examples: - canal - irrigation definition: name: irrigation_infrastructure polarity: 1 semantic type: entity - OntologyNode: pattern: - \bhospitals?\b - \bclinics\b examples: - hospital - clinic - health post - doctors office - mobile clinics - field hospitals - medical facilities definition: name: medical_facilities polarity: 1 semantic type: entity - OntologyNode: examples: - mine - mineshaft definition: name: mining_infrastructure semantic type: entity - transportation: - OntologyNode: examples: - road - highway - trucks - trucking definition: name: road_infrastructure polarity: 1 semantic type: entity - OntologyNode: examples: - rail - railroad - trainq definition: name: railroad_infrastructure polarity: 1 semantic type: entity - OntologyNode: examples: - bridge definition: name: bridge polarity: 1 semantic type: entity - OntologyNode: pattern: - \blatrines?\b - \btoilets?\b examples: - latrines - toilets - handwashing station - sanitation definition: name: sanitation_infrastructure polarity: 1 semantic type: entity - OntologyNode: pattern: - \bborehole examples: - boreholes - wells - water point - water treatment center - water facilities definition: name: water_facilities polarity: 1 semantic type: entity - population: - OntologyNode: examples: - age definition: name: age polarity: 1 semantic type: entity - OntologyNode: examples: - gender - male - female - sex - gender demographics definition: name: gender polarity: 1 semantic type: entity - OntologyNode: examples: - race - ethnicity definition: name: race_or_ethnicity polarity: 1 semantic type: entity - density: - OntologyNode: examples: - de-population - depopulation - population decline definition: name: de-population polarity: -1 semantic type: entity - OntologyNode: examples: - overcrowding definition: name: overcrowding polarity: -1 semantic type: entity - OntologyNode: examples: - racism - inequality - exclusion - discrimination name: discrimination polarity: -1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - poverty definition: name: poverty polarity: -1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - ritual - celebration - ceremony - festival - holiday - observance - funeral - commemoration definiton: name: ritual polarity: 1 semantic type: event - security: - OntologyNode: examples: - policing - mine clearance - community definition: name: community_security polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - inflation - depreciation - economy - recession - economic security definition: name: economic_security polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - environmental security definition: name: environmental_security polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - military - diplomacy - national security definition: name: national_security polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - track - monitor - surveillance system - spy - informant definition: name: surveillance_system polarity: 1 semantic type: event - storage: - OntologyNode: examples: - silo - granary - agricultural storage - warehouse definition: name: agricultural_storage polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - storage facilities - storage - warehouse definition: name: general_storage_facilities polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - household food storage - storage definition: name: household_food_storage polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - stockpile definition: name: stockpile_goods polarity: 1 semantic type: entity - OntologyNode: examples: - demographics - bias - pattern - trend definition: name: trend polarity: 1 semantic type: event - entity: - OntologyNode: examples: - animal - critter - creature - beast definition: name: animal polarity: 1 semantic type: entity - OntologyNode: examples: - artifact definition: name: artifact polarity: 1 semantic type: entity - OntologyNode: examples: - location - geo-location - country - city definition: name: location polarity: 1 semantic type: entity - OntologyNode: examples: - agency - institution - government entity definition: name: government_entity polarity: 1 semantic type: entity - OntologyNode: examples: - GPE - nation - city definition: name: geo-political_entity polarity: 1 semantic type: entity - OntologyNode: examples: - NGO - cooperative - community group - community based organization - organization definition: name: organization polarity: 1 semantic type: entity - OntologyNode: examples: - church - seminary - parish - congregation definition: name: religious_entity polarity: 1 semantic type: entity - OntologyNode: examples: - vehicle - car - bus - automobile - truck - bicycle - motorcycle - bike - tractor - train - boat - helicopter - airplane - aeroplane - ambulance - van - SUV definition: name: vehicle polarity: 1 semantic type: entity - people: - migration: - OntologyNode: examples: - IDP - displaced persons - refugee - migrant - returnee - asylum seeker definition: name: migrant polarity: -1 semantic type: entity - OntologyNode: examples: - advisor - adviser - consultant - confidant definition: name: adviser polarity: 1 semantic type: entity - OntologyNode: examples: - criminal - syndicate - cartel - pirate - warlord - mafia - mafioso - smuggler definition: name: criminal polarity: -1 semantic type: entity - OntologyNode: examples: - elite - aristocracy - aristocrat - lord - king - queen - monarch definition: name: elites polarity: 1 semantic type: entity - OntologyNode: examples: - farmer - farmhand - farm worker - rancher - grazier - stockmen - shepherd - goatherd - cowherd - sharecropper definition: name: farm_worker polarity: 1 semantic type: entity - OntologyNode: examples: - government worker - politician - diplomat - ambassador - minister - president - senator - consul - bureaucrat - envoy - congressman - congresswoman - congressperson definition: name: government_worker polarity: 1 semantic type: entity - OntologyNode: examples: - community health worker - CHW - doctor - nurse - physicians assistant - medic - nurse - nursing - first responders definition: name: health_worker polarity: 1 semantic type: entity - OntologyNode: examples: - soldier - army - armies - general - colonel - officer - lieutenant - admiral - troops - battalion - regiment - militants - militia definition: name: military_personnel polarity: 1 semantic type: entity - OntologyNode: examples: - newsmedia - journalist - reporter - anchor - blogger - correspondent - broadcaster - news anchor definition: name: newsmedia polarity: 1 semantic type: entity - OntologyNode: pattern: - household examples: - household - family definition: name: household polarity: 1 semantic type: entity - OntologyNode: examples: - adolescent - youth - teenage - teenager - juvenile - child - children - minor definition: name: children polarity: 1 semantic type: entity - OntologyNode: examples: - adult - elder - elderly - senior citizen definition: name: adults polarity: 1 semantic type: entity - OntologyNode: examples: - person or group - society - village - group - community definition: name: person_or_group polarity: 1 semantic type: entity - OntologyNode: examples: - detainee - prisoner - inmate - slave - hostage - captive definition: name: detainee polarity: -1 semantic type: entity - OntologyNode: examples: - taskforce - task force definition: name: taskforce polarity: 1 semantic type: entity - OntologyNode: examples: - landholder - landlord - landowner name: landowner polarity: 1 semantic type: entity - OntologyNode: examples: - researcher - academic - professor - specialist - faculty - scientist - expert - intellectual - analyst - student - pupil - sophomore - freshman - schoolchildren - classmate - scholar name: academic polarity: 1 semantic type: entity - OntologyNode: examples: - sepratist - vigilante - supremacist - jihadist - islamist - crusader name: extremist polarity: 1 semantic type: entity - time: - OntologyNode: examples: - delay - postpone - suspend - halt - stall definition: name: delay polarity: -1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - lean season - crop season - crop calendar - planting season - harvesting season - season definition: name: season polarity: 1 semantic type: event - process: - OntologyNode: examples: - access definition: The ability or right to approach, enter, exit, make use of, or communicate with something. name: access polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - adapt definition: name: adapt polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - breeding - breed - reproduce definition: name: breeding polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - shelter - build - construct - establish definition: name: build polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - collaborate - cooperate - partner - ally - allied - alliance - partnership definition: name: collaborate polarity: 1 semantic type: event - communicate: - OntologyNode: examples: - campaign - promote - advocate - persuade - convince - encourage - lobbying - endorse definition: name: campaign polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - argue - assert - contend - debate - disagree - discuss - espouse definition: name: debate polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - describe - discuss - outline - summarize - illustrate definition: name: describe polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - mediate - broker - arbitrate - referee definition: name: mediate polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - meeting - summit - seminar - conference - assembly - workshop - convene - roundtable - forum definition: name: meeting polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - negotiate - bargain definition: name: negotiate polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - oppose - condemn - reject - denounce - challenge - refute - dismiss - subvert - renounce - debunk definition: name: oppose polarity: 1 semantic type: event - conflict: - OntologyNode: examples: - child abductions - abduction - kidnapping - forced recruitment - abducted - kidnapped - ransomed - hostage taking definition: name: abduct polarity: -1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - abuse - harrass - violate - persecute - neglect definition: name: abuse polarity: -1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - bombard - genocide - clash - attack - assault - destroyed in combat - combat - fight - battle - attacking - attacked - attacks - invaded - raiding - shoots - shooting - crossfire - invasion - massacre - psychological warfare - strike - airstrike - offense - ambush - attack definition: name: attack polarity: -1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - civil unrest - social unrest - clash - protest - picket - strikes - boycott - rally - turmoil - demands - riot definition: name: demonstrate polarity: -1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - discriminate - stigmatize - marginalize - exclude - profile - segregate definition: name: discriminate polarity: -1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - disarmament - ceasefire definition: name: disarmament polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - exploit - manipulate - intimidate - lure - coerce - cheat definition: To make use of (sometimes unfairly) to one's own advantage. name: exploit polarity: -1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - treaty - agreement - peace deal - resolution - peacebuilding - peacekeeping - rapprochement - pact - accord - treaty - pledge - deal - compromise - accords - conciliation - cessation definition: name: resolution polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - terrorism - insurgency - terrorist attack - terrorist activity - roadside bombing - bomb threat - guerilla definition: name: terrorism polarity: -1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - threat definition: name: threat polarity: -1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - bombard - genocide - clash - attack - war - warlord - civil war - insurgency - revolt - rebel - uprising - militia - military aggression - invaded - warfare - assault definition: name: war polarity: -1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - demand definition: name: demand polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - depreciate - devaluation definition: name: depreciate polarity: -1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - development - develop - grow - growth - cultivate - expand - extend - broaden definition: name: develop polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - evacuation definition: name: evacuation polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - arrest - imprison - detain - detention - capture - captivity - incarcerate - enslave definition: name: imprison_or_detain polarity: -1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - intake - consumption - eating definition: name: intake polarity: 1 semantic type: event - judicial: - OntologyNode: examples: - prosecute - charge - indict definition: name: charge_or_prosecute polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - convict - punish - jail - fine - sentence definition: name: convict_or_sentence polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - mining - drilling - fracking definition: name: mining polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - manufacturing - cleaning - sorting - grading - packing - shipping - processing definition: name: processing polarity: 1 semantic type: event - farming: - OntologyNode: examples: - harvesting - harvest - reap definition: name: harvesting polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - irrigate - irrigation - irrigating definition: The process of applying controlled amounts of water to plants. name: irrigation polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - planting - sow definition: name: planting polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - tilling definition: name: tilling polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - weeding definition: name: weeding polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - forage definition: name: forage polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - hatching - hatch definition: name: hatching polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - hunt - poaching definition: name: hunt polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: pattern: - \b[iI]nfest examples: - infest definition: name: infest polarity: -1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - inflation definition: name: inflation polarity: -1 semantic type: event - legislate: - OntologyNode: pattern: - \b(regulations?|laws?)\b examples: - regulate - legislate - mandate - ban - prohibit - criminalize - outlaw - restrict - repeal definition: name: regulate polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - subsidize definition: name: subsidize polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - tax definition: name: tax polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - NRM - manage - management - administrate definition: name: manage polarity: 1 semantic type: event - medical: - OntologyNode: pattern: - (quarantin|shelter[- ]in[- ]place) - \b(restrict\s+movement) examples: - isolation - quarantine definition: name: quarantine polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - lockdown definition: name: lockdown polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: pattern: - (contact tracing) examples: - contact tracing definition: name: contact_tracing polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: pattern: - (social distanc) examples: - social distancing - curfew definition: name: social_distancing polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - sanitize - disinfect definition: name: sanitize polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - alleviate - counteract - diffuse - mitigate - neutralize - overcome - resolve - solve - suppress - deter - thwart - curtail - dampen definition: name: mitigate polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - outbreak definition: name: outbreak polarity: -1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - plan - strategy definition: name: plan polarity: 1 semantic type: event - population: - OntologyNode: pattern: - birth examples: - birth definition: name: birth polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: pattern: - death - casualty - casualties - fatality - fatalities - killings - murder examples: - death definition: name: death polarity: 1 semantic type: event - migrate: - OntologyNode: examples: - migrate - migration - flee - relocate definition: name: migrate polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - emigrate - emigration - deport - expell definition: name: emigrate polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - immigrate - asylum - immigration - invade definition: name: immigrate polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - prepare - plan - organize definition: name: prepare polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: pattern: - \b([pP]roduction|[yY]ields?)\b examples: - produce - create - production definition: name: produce polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - distribute - provide - give definition: name: provide polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - research - study - survey - observe - experiment definition: The collection, organization, and analysis of information to increase understanding of a topic or issue. name: research polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - protect - defend - secure - conserve - preserve definition: name: secure polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - supply definition: name: supply polarity: 1 semantic type: event - trade: - OntologyNode: pattern: - \bexports?\b examples: - export definition: name: export polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: pattern: - \bimports?\b examples: - import definition: name: import polarity: 1 semantic type: event - train: - OntologyNode: examples: - production practices - weed control - pest control - post harvest - agriculture training definition: name: agriculture_training polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - financial training definition: name: financial_training polarity: 1 semantic type: event - humanitarian_training: - OntologyNode: pattern: - (SPHERE) examples: - humanitarian certifications - SPHERE - emergency preparedness training definition: name: emergency_preparedness_training polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - medical training definition: name: medical_training polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - sale - buy - sell - purchase - oil transaction - food transaction - transaction - repayment - selling - gift definition: name: transaction polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - transmission - community spread - airborne - spread - infectious - exposure definition: name: transmission polarity: -1 semantic type: event - transport: - OntologyNode: examples: - public transport - commercial transportation - air travel definition: name: commercial_transportation polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - personal transportation - commute - taxi definition: name: personal_transportation polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - travel - visit - journey - trip name: travel polarity: 1 semantic type: event - OntologyNode: examples: - settle - reside - live - inhabit name: inhabit polarity: 1 semantic type: event - property: - OntologyNode: examples: - availability definition: name: availability polarity: 1 semantic type: property - OntologyNode: examples: - condition - conditions - quality definition: name: condition polarity: 1 semantic type: property - OntologyNode: examples: - chronic - rampant - perennial - persistant - endemic - systemic - widespread - prevalent - prevalence - protracted - longstanding - pervasive - recurrent definition: name: chronic polarity: 1 semantic type: property - OntologyNode: examples: - diversity definition: name: diversity polarity: 1 semantic type: property - OntologyNode: examples: - insecurity - insecure - unsafe - dangerous definition: name: insecurity polarity: -1 semantic type: property - OntologyNode: examples: - instability definition: name: instability polarity: -1 semantic type: property - OntologyNode: examples: - legality - legal - constitutional - constitutionality definition: name: legality polarity: 1 semantic type: property - OntologyNode: examples: - nonutilization definition: name: nonutilization polarity: -1 semantic type: property - OntologyNode: examples: - preference - preferences - taste - choice definition: name: preference polarity: 1 semantic type: property - OntologyNode: pattern: - \b([Cc]osts?|[Pp]rices?)\b examples: - cost - price definition: name: price_or_cost polarity: 1 semantic type: property - OntologyNode: examples: - security - safety definition: name: security polarity: 1 semantic type: property - OntologyNode: examples: - stability definition: Being unlikely to move or change. name: stability polarity: 1 semantic type: property - OntologyNode: examples: - support - empathy - goodwill - camraderie - solidarity - affinity definition: name: support polarity: 1 semantic type: property - OntologyNode: examples: - unavailability - scarce - scant - sparse - lack definition: name: unavailability polarity: -1 semantic type: property - OntologyNode: examples: - uncertainty - volatility definition: An epistemic situation involving imperfect or unknown information. name: uncertainty polarity: -1 semantic type: property - OntologyNode: examples: - utilization definition: name: utilization polarity: 1 semantic type: property - OntologyNode: examples: - variability - variable - volatility - volatile - tumultuous - tumult - precarious definition: name: variability polarity: 1 semantic type: property - OntologyNode: examples: - vulnerability - vulnerable - fragility - fragile - tenuous definition: name: vulnerability polarity: 1 semantic type: property