{ "cells": [ { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "![WorldWide Telescope logo](data/horizontal-logomark_black-on-transparent_260x71.png)\n", "\n", "# Example notebooks for pywwt\n", "\n", "Welcome! Here you’ll find notebooks for the [pywwt] package, which provides access to [WorldWide Telescope] inside Python and Jupyter environments.\n", "\n", "[pywwt]: https://pywwt.readthedocs.org/ \n", "[WorldWide Telescope]: https://worldwidetelescope.org/home/\n", "\n", "### Feature Tutorials\n", "\n", "These notebooks tour some of the features of [pywwt]:\n", "\n", "* [**First Steps**][first-steps] — getting acquainted with the basics of the pywwt viewer\n", "* [**Visualizing Data Tables: the NASA Exoplanet Archive**][nasa-exo] — plotting data in 2D and 3D\n", "* [**Visualizing Imagery: W5 and SN2011fe**][imagery] — visualizing FITS data\n", "* [**The Time Axis: Gamma-Ray Bursts**][grbs] — adding a time axis to your data tables\n", "* [**Adding Annotations**][annots] — including geometrical figures in your WWT displays\n", "* [**Creating Interactive Figures**][int-figs] — export your visualizations to be viewable anywhere!\n", "* [**Visualizing Planetary Data: Earthquakes**][earthquakes] — plotting data on a planetary surface\n", "* [**Animating the Motions of the Solar System Planets in 3D**][sol-sys-sim] — a quick demonstration of the WWT clock\n", "\n", "[first-steps]: ./First%20Steps.ipynb\n", "[nasa-exo]: ./NASA%20Exoplanet%20Archive.ipynb\n", "[imagery]: ./Visualizing%20Imagery.ipynb\n", "[grbs]: ./GRBs%20Over%20Time.ipynb\n", "[annots]: ./Adding%20Annotations.ipynb\n", "[int-figs]: ./Creating%20Interactive%20Figures.ipynb\n", "[earthquakes]: ./Planet%20Layers.ipynb\n", "[sol-sys-sim]: ./Solar%20System%20Simulation.ipynb\n", "\n", "### Data Gallery\n", "\n", "Also check out the [**Data Gallery**][data-gallery] notebook to see some cool science data that you can explore with WWT!\n", "\n", "[data-gallery]: ./Data%20Gallery.ipynb\n", "\n", "### Video Tutorials\n", "\n", "A selection of our notebooks come with YouTube videos showing how they were created!\n", "\n", "- **Timeseries Data Tables**: [video](https://youtu.be/cL9Hd7cKnNU), [notebook](./Videos/2019.10%20-%20Timeseries%20Tables%20in%20pywwt.ipynb) (Oct 2019)\n", "- **Opening FITS Images**: [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZxKvIAAjCeU), [notebook](./Videos/2019.09%20-%20Opening%20FITS%20images%20with%20pywwt.ipynb) (Sep 2019)\n", "\n", "*Please note that, since producing each video takes a lot of work, these materials are not frequently updated, so you may run into issues with older ones.*\n", "\n", "### Workshop Tutorials\n", "\n", "These notebooks were created for WWT instructional workshops presented at various conferences:\n", "\n", "- [**AAS 235**](./Workshops/2020.01%20-%20AAS235.ipynb) (Jan 2020; Honolulu, HI, USA)\n", "- [**Petabytes to Science 3**](./Workshops/2019.11%20-%20Petabytes%20to%20Science%203.ipynb) (Nov 2019; Cambridge, MA, USA)\n", "- [**ADASS 29**](./Workshops/2019.10%20-%20ADASS29.ipynb) (Oct 2019; Groningen, NL)\n", "- [**AAS 234**](./Workshops/2019.06%20-%20AAS234.ipynb) (Jun 2019; St. Louis, MO, USA)\n", "- [**AAS 233**](./Workshops/2019.01%20-%20AAS233.ipynb) (Jan 2019; Seattle, WA, USA)\n", "- [**AAS 231**](./Workshops/2018.01%20-%20AAS231.ipynb) (Jan 2018; Washington, DC, USA)\n", "\n", "*Please note that these notebooks are being preserved for posterity but are not updated as pywwt evolves, so you may run into issues with older ones.*\n", "\n", "---\n", "\n", "## Running Your Own Notebooks in the Cloud\n", "\n", "[This YouTube video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gi2oC4AYrWU) shows how you can launch your own notebooks using the cloud-based WWT [BinderHub](https://binderhub.readthedocs.io/) service. (Note that, as per the above, it shows a somewhat older organization of this notebook collection — but the general technique still applies.)\n", "\n", "---\n", "\n", "## Credits\n", "\n", "Authorship information for each notebook is included in a statement at the end of each. If you [contribute][github] improvements to an existing notebook, you are strongly encouraged to add your name!\n", "\n", "---\n", "\n", "## Taking the Next Step\n", "\n", "Want to get more involved in the WorldWide Telescope community? Here are some next steps you can take:\n", "\n", "- Want to stay up to date? Sign up for our newsletter: \n", "- ... or follow us on social media:\n", " - [@wwtelescope](https://twitter.com/wwtelescope) on Twitter\n", " - [AASWorldWideTelescope](https://www.youtube.com/c/AASWorldWideTelescope) on YouTube\n", " - [@wwtelescope](https://www.facebook.com/wwtelescope) on Facebook\n", "- Have questions or want to share ideas? Join our discussion forum: \n", "- Want to explore WWT technology in depth? Visit the WWT Contributor Hub: \n", "- To contribute to this notebook collection, visit the [WorldWideTelescope/pywwt-notebooks][github] repository on GitHub.\n", "\n", "[github]: https://github.com/WorldWideTelescope/pywwt-notebooks/\n", "\n", "---\n", "\n", "## Acknowledgments\n", "\n", "The WorldWide Telescope project is fiscally sponsored by\n", "[NumFOCUS](https://numfocus.org/). Consider making a [tax-deductible\n", "donation](https://numfocus.org/donate-for-worldwide-telescope) to help support\n", "the project. Work on WWT has been supported by the [American Astronomical\n", "Society] (AAS), the [.NET Foundation], and other organizational partners. See\n", "[the WWT user website][acks] for details.\n", "\n", "[American Astronomical Society]: https://aas.org/\n", "[.NET Foundation]: https://dotnetfoundation.org/\n", "[acks]: https://worldwidetelescope.org/about/acknowledgments/\n" ] } ], "metadata": { "kernelspec": { "display_name": "Python 3 (ipykernel)", "language": "python", "name": "python3" }, "language_info": { "codemirror_mode": { "name": "ipython", "version": 3 }, "file_extension": ".py", "mimetype": "text/x-python", "name": "python", "nbconvert_exporter": "python", "pygments_lexer": "ipython3", "version": "3.9.18" } }, "nbformat": 4, "nbformat_minor": 4 }