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If not, it's the correct div. */ var playersFrame = null; document.querySelectorAll('iframe#ipopp').forEach(el => { var displayState = el.parentNode.style.display; log(displayState); if (displayState == "") { log("==== Visible player found ===="); playersFrame = el; } else { el.parentNode.remove(); log("==== Removing other iframe... ==="); } }); }, 2000); } /* end bestnhl exception */ /* Bitmovin autoplay*/ setTimeout(function () { var bitmovinType = typeof bitmovin; console.log = console.dir; /* BITMOVIN START */ if (bitmovinType === 'object') { log("=== Bitmovin Autoplay on " + current); /* Special case for best NHL */ if (match(current, "*://bestnhl.com*")) { log("=== BESTNHL Handle AutoPlay with Bitmovin ==="); /* Delaying bitmovin player detection to 2s */ setTimeout(function () { if (bitmovin.player('my-player') !== "null") { /* Trying to unmute player and play it */ bitmovin.player('my-player').unmute(); bitmovin.player('my-player').play(); setTimeout(function () { /* Player is in pause, mute and play. */ log("=== BESTNHL / Bitmovin : setTimeout"); if (!bitmovin.player('my-player').isPlaying()) { log("=== BESTNHL / Bitmovin : Player is paused. Trying to mute & play ==="); bitmovin.player('my-player').mute(); bitmovin.player('my-player').play(); } }, 50); } }, 2000); } /* End Bitmovin BestNHL Special Case */ /* Bitmovin (real) START */ else if (typeof player == 'object') { /* Trying to unmute player and play it */ player.unmute(); player.play(); setTimeout(function () { /* Player is in pause, mute and play. */ if (!player.isPlaying()) { player.mute(); player.play(); } }, 100); } else { /* Player undefined, fallback to querySelector */ document.querySelector('video').muted = false; document.querySelector('video').play(); setTimeout(function () { /* Player is in pause, mute and play. */ if (document.querySelector('video').paused) { log("=== Player is paused, mute and play. ==="); document.querySelector('video').muted = true; document.querySelector('video').play(); } }, 100); } } /* BITMOVIN END */ else if (typeof Clappr === 'object' && // Disable on all sites having autoplay already enabled (!match(current, '*://uhdstreams.club*') && !match(current, '*://givemenbastreams.com*') && !match(current, '*sportinglive.co*') && !match(current, '*tutele.sx*') && !match(current, '*maxiplay.xyz*') && !match(current, '*olahdplay.xyz*') && !match(current, '*wecast.to*') && !match(current, '*sports-stream.click*') && !match(current, '*lovesomecommunity.com*') && !match(current, '*stsgmrs.com*') && !match(current, '*qwebplay.xyz*') && !match(current, '*1stream.soccer*') && !match(current, '*cucxt.live*') && !match(current, '*abolishstand.net*') & !match(current, '*gameavenue.co*') && !match(current, '*tutele.nl*'))) { log('Clappr Autoplay on ' + current); var promise = document.querySelector('video').play(); if (promise !== undefined) { promise.then(function () { log('Clappr Auto play allowed'); //document.querySelector('video').muted = false; //player.unmute(); }).catch(error => { log('Clappr Autoplay with sound not allowed'); document.querySelector('video').play(); if (typeof (player) !== "undefined") { // Check if player.setVolume function exist if (typeof player.setVolume === 'function') { log("[player Object] Set volume to 0 and play") player.setVolume(0); player.mute(); } else { document.querySelector('video').volume = 0 } } else { log("[querySelector] Set volume to 0 and play") document.querySelector('video').volume = 0; } document.querySelector('.player-poster').click(); }); } else { log('Clappr Autoplay not set'); player.mute(); document.querySelector('video').play(); } } /* end Clappr */ else if (typeof videojs === 'function') { log('Videojs Autoplay on ' + current); document.querySelector('video').muted = false; var promise = document.querySelector('video').play(); if (promise !== undefined) { promise.then(function () { log('Videojs Auto play allowed'); /* Autoplay started */ document.querySelector('video').muted = false; }).catch(error => { log('Videojs Autoplay with sound not allowed'); /* Autoplay not allowed! */ document.querySelector('video').muted = true; document.querySelector('video').play(); }); } else { log('Videojs Autoplay not set'); document.querySelector('video').play(); } } // end videojs */ else if (typeof Hls !== "undefined") { if (Hls.isSupported()) { log('HLS.js Autoplay on ' + current); document.querySelector('video').muted = false; var promise = document.querySelector('video').play(); if (promise !== undefined) { promise.then(function () { log('HLS.js Auto play allowed'); /* Autoplay started */ document.querySelector('video').muted = false; }).catch(error => { log('HLS.js Autoplay with sound not allowed'); /* Autoplay not allowed! */ document.querySelector('video').muted = true; document.querySelector('video').play(); }); } else { log('HLS.js Autoplay not set'); document.querySelector('video').play(); } } // end HLS.js } else { log("No player found to run autoplay on, or autoplay script disabled for this website"); } }, 500); /* ------------------------------------ */ /* * * * MutationObserver API * Used to catch malicious script and remove them * * * */ let countClear = 0; new MutationObserver((mutations, observer) => { /* Whitelisting */ /* Instantly disconnect observer on these sites, as it cause the site to not work at all */ if (match(current, '*cutin.it*') || (match(current, '*https://bestnhl.com/*'))) { log('MutationObserver Whitelisted on this website : Observer Disconnected'); observer.disconnect() return; } /* name of js files (href) to remove */ var jsBlacklist = [ '\/scripts\/ads.js', 'ut.js', 'chulhawakened.com', 'oongouha.xyz', 'doruffleton', 'mo.min.js', 'migimsas.net', 'pvtypsgueyqey.com', '2734478852', 'pop.js', 'player-bundle.min.js', 'aoa-functions', 'greeter.me', 'footylight\-dubzstream-one.js', 'chatango', 'ads.min.js', 'deblocker.min.js', 'themoneytizer.com', 'console-ban', 'relationsquiver.com', 'amung.us', 'grandclemencydirt.com', 'showads.js', 'ltv_popup.php', 'cpxinteractive', 'tag.min.js', 'showads.php', 'adblock.php', 'frustration.js', 'initiallydoze', 'invoke.js', 'disable-devtool', 'histats', 'blast.js', 'deb.js', 'cdn4ads.js', 'suv4.js', 'quant', 'tag.js', 'mahimeta']; /* Remove whole