# SuperCensor v3-release messages file # Dev bukkit page: http://goo.gl/VNPQmp # Invalid configuration can crash the plugin. Before saving please check your config here: http://goo.gl/4QIux6 # Help translate SuperCensor: http://goo.gl/EgVMOa # REMEMBER: YOU DO NOT NEED TO TRANSLATE THIS FILE! Use command /sc setlang to change plugin language # REMEMBER: Do not use %prefix% if you are sending message to the console! LocalizationInformations: Language: English LanguageCode: EN SystemEnable: MessagesLoaded: "Loaded %languagename% (%languagecode%) messages file" Loaded: "SuperCensor loaded in %time% ms" Updater: ToConsole: Success: "%updaterprefix% Success! New version \"%newversion%\" has been downloaded and it will be installed on next server startup!" UpdateAvailable: "%updaterprefix% Update for SuperCensor is available! Your version: %currentversion%, new version: %newversion%, download link: %downloadlink%" NoUpdate: "%updaterprefix% SuperCensor is up to date" ToPlayer: Success: "%prefix% %updaterprefix% Success! New version \"%newversion%\" has been downloaded and it will be installed on next server startup!" UpdateAvailable: |- %prefix% %updaterprefix% &cUpdate for SuperCensor is available! &7Your version: &6%currentversion% &7New version: &6%newversion% &7Download link: &6%downloadlink% WordlistSettings: MessageToPlayer: "%prefix% &cStop swearing!" SlowMode: MessageToPlayer: "%prefix% &cYou must wait &6%time%&c seconds before sending next message!" AntiSpam: RepeatMessage: "%prefix% &cStop repeating yourself!" KickMessage: "%prefix% &cYou have been kicked for spamming" Commands: Usage: "&cUsage&8:" Description: "&7Command description&8: &7" HoverCommandTip: |- &e&lTIP:&6 Hover over command to see description, click to use it &6Remember to use TAB when entering commands! HoverPermissionTip: "&e&lTIP:&6 Hover over permission to see description" NoPermissions: "%prefix% &cYou dont have permission %permission%!" Reload: HelpDescription: "Reloads the plugin" Reloading: "%prefix% Reloading..." Reloaded: "%prefix% &aReloaded in %time% ms!" Exception: "%prefix% &cAn exception occurred while attemping to reload plugin! Please check console for more informations" Info: Wiki: "SuperCensor Wiki" HelpDescription: "Shows informations about plugin" CheckingForUpdates: "%prefix% &7Checking for updates, please wait..." Version: "&7Version: &3" VersionStatus: UpToDate: " &8(&7up to date!&8)" UpdateAvailable: " &8(&6update available!&8)" NewVersionReady: " &8(&6new version downloaded, will be ready on next server startup!&8)" Author: "&7Author: &3" UsefulLinks: "&7Useful links:" BungeeCord: "Version for BungeeCord" BugReporting: "Bug reporting" BukkitDev: BukkitDev SpigotMC: SpigotMC GitHub: GitHub Collaborate: "Support plugin development" Permissions: HelpDescription: "Shows list of permissions" MuteChat: HelpDescription: "Enables or disables chat" JoinReminder: "%prefix% &c&l> &6Chat has been disabled by administrator" JoinReminderReason: "%prefix% &c&l> &6Chat has been disabled by administrator, reason: %reason%" CannotWrite: "%prefix% &cChat is disabled, you cannot write!" CannotWriteReason: "%prefix% &cChat is disabled, reason: &6%reason%" ChatEnabled: "%prefix% &7Chat has been &aenabled&7 in silent mode, so no one can see that message" ChatEnabledBroadcast: "%prefix% &7Chat has been &aenabled&7 by %nick%&7!" ChatDisabled: "%prefix% &7Chat has been &cdisabled&7 in silent mode, so no one can see that message" ChatDisabledBroadcast: "%prefix% &7Chat has been &cdisabled&7 by %nick%&7!" ChatDisabledReason: "%prefix% &7Chat has been &cdisabled&7 with reason &6%reason%&7 in silent mode, so no one can see that message" ChatDisabledBroadcastReason: "%prefix% &7Chat has been &cdisabled&7 by %nick%&7, reason: &6%reason%" SelfMute: HelpDescription: "Allows to hide other players chat" JoinReminder: "%prefix% &c&l> &6You have joined selfmuted. /sc selfmute to remove" Self: SelfMuted: "%prefix% You are now selfmuted. You will no longer see other players chat." SelfMuteRemoved: "%prefix% You are no longer selfmuted" OnlyPlayer: "%prefix% &cYou must be a player to SelfMute yourself" OtherPlayer: PlayerNotFound: "%prefix% &cCannot find player %nick%" ErrorImmunity: "%prefix% &cCannot SelfMute %nick%&c, this player has immunity" SelfMutedToSender: "%prefix% Selfmuted %nick%" SelfMutedToTarget: "%prefix% SelfMute enabled by %nick%. You will no longer see other players chat." SelfMuteRemovedToTarget: "%prefix% SelfMute has been removed from you by %nick%" SelfMuteRemovedToSender: "%prefix% SelfMute removed from %nick%" ClearChat: HelpDescription: "Clears the chat" CommandDescription: "Allows to clear your own / other players chat. You can use -a argument to clear chat anonymously. You can clear console by typing /sc cc own in console" AnonymousMode: "%prefix% Clearing chat in anonymous mode, your nickname will be hidden" AnonymousModeNoPermissions: "%prefix% &cYou dont have permissions to use anonymous mode!" ClearAll: Skipped: "&7Skipping &6%nick%&7 because of immunity..." Summary: "%prefix% Clearing finished, chat of &6%cleared%&7 players cleared, skipped chat of &6%skipped%&7 players" ClearSpecificPlayer: PlayerNotFound: "%prefix% &cCannot find player %nick%" ErrorImmunity: "%prefix% &cCannot clear %nick%&c`s chat, this player has immunity" Success: "%prefix% Cleared %nick%&7`s chat" ChatCleared: AnonymousMode: "%prefix% Your chat has been cleared by administrator" Normal: "%prefix% Your chat has been cleared by &6%nick%" SubcommandNotFound: "%prefix% &cCommand do not exists. List of commands: /sc" PPM: HelpDescription: "PenaltyPoints manager" CommandDescription: "Allows to manage players PenaltyPoints" Check: HelpDescription: "Shows how many PenaltyPoints player has" Response: "%prefix% &6%nick%&7 has &6%points%&7 PenaltyPoints." Set: HelpDescription: "Sets PenaltyPoints of player" Response: "%prefix% &6%nick%&7 has now &6%points%&7 PenaltyPoints." OnlyNumbers: "%prefix% &cPlease specify a number"