SWING - GridLayout Class



The class GridLayout arranges components in a rectangular grid.

Class declaration

Following is the declaration for java.awt.GridLayout class:

public class GridLayout
   extends Object
      implements LayoutManager, Serializable

Class constructors

S.N. Constructor & Description
1 GridLayout()

Creates a grid layout with a default of one column per component, in a single row.

2 GridLayout(int rows, int cols)

Creates a grid layout with the specified number of rows and columns.

3 GridLayout(int rows, int cols, int hgap, int vgap)

Creates a grid layout with the specified number of rows and columns.

Class methods

S.N. Method & Description
1 void addLayoutComponent(String name, Component comp)

Adds the specified component with the specified name to the layout.

2 int getColumns()

Gets the number of columns in this layout.

3 int getHgap()

Gets the horizontal gap between components.

4 int getRows()

Gets the number of rows in this layout.

5 int getVgap()

Gets the vertical gap between components.

6 void layoutContainer(Container parent)

Lays out the specified container using this layout.

7 Dimension minimumLayoutSize(Container parent)

Determines the minimum size of the container argument using this grid layout.

8 Dimension preferredLayoutSize(Container parent)

Determines the preferred size of the container argument using this grid layout.

9 void removeLayoutComponent(Component comp)

Removes the specified component from the layout.

10 void setColumns(int cols)

Sets the number of columns in this layout to the specified value.

11 void setHgap(int hgap)

Sets the horizontal gap between components to the specified value.

12 void setRows(int rows)

Sets the number of rows in this layout to the specified value.

13 void setVgap(int vgap)

Sets the vertical gap between components to the specified value.

14 String toString()

Returns the string representation of this grid layout's values.

Methods inherited

This class inherits methods from the following classes:

  • java.lang.Object

GridLayout Example

Create the following java program using any editor of your choice in say D:/ > SWING > com > tutorialspoint > gui >

package com.tutorialspoint.gui;

import javax.swing.*;

public class SwingLayoutDemo {
   private JFrame mainFrame;
   private JLabel headerLabel;
   private JLabel statusLabel;
   private JPanel controlPanel;
   private JLabel msglabel;

   public SwingLayoutDemo(){

   public static void main(String[] args){
      SwingLayoutDemo swingLayoutDemo = new SwingLayoutDemo();  
   private void prepareGUI(){
      mainFrame = new JFrame("Java SWING Examples");
      mainFrame.setLayout(new GridLayout(3, 1));

      headerLabel = new JLabel("",JLabel.CENTER );
      statusLabel = new JLabel("",JLabel.CENTER);        

      mainFrame.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
         public void windowClosing(WindowEvent windowEvent){
      controlPanel = new JPanel();
      controlPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout());

   private void showGridLayoutDemo(){
      headerLabel.setText("Layout in action: GridLayout");      

      JPanel panel = new JPanel();
      GridLayout layout = new GridLayout(0,3);
      panel.add(new JButton("Button 1"));
      panel.add(new JButton("Button 2")); 
      panel.add(new JButton("Button 3")); 
      panel.add(new JButton("Button 4")); 
      panel.add(new JButton("Button 5")); 

Compile the program using command prompt. Go to D:/ > SWING and type the following command.

D:\SWING>javac com\tutorialspoint\gui\SwingLayoutDemo.java

If no error comes that means compilation is successful. Run the program using following command.

D:\SWING>java com.tutorialspoint.gui.SwingLayoutDemo

Verify the following output

SWING  GridLayout
