#!/bin/bash # Set the script to exit if any command fails set -e # Color print variables COLOR_PRINT_RED="\033[1;31m" COLOR_PRINT_GREEN="\033[1;32m" COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW="\033[1;33m" END_COLOR_PRINT="\033[0m" # Configuration settings MAIN_INSTALL_DIRECTORY="xcash-official" INSTALLATION_TYPE_SETTINGS=1 INSTALLATION_TYPE="" XCASH_DPOPS_INSTALLATION_DIR="$HOME/${MAIN_INSTALL_DIRECTORY}/" XCASH_BLOCKCHAIN_INSTALLATION_DIR="$HOME/.X-CASH/" MONGODB_INSTALLATION_DIR="/data/db/" SHARED_DELEGATE="YES" WALLET_SETTINGS="YES" AUTOSTART_SETTINGS="NO" WALLET_SEED="" WALLET_PASSWORD=$(< /dev/urandom tr -dc 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789' | head -c"${1:-32}";echo;) BLOCK_VERIFIER_KEY_SETTINGS="" BLOCK_VERIFIER_SECRET_KEY="" BLOCK_VERIFIER_PUBLIC_KEY="" BLOCK_VERIFIERS_SECRET_KEY_LENGTH=128 BLOCK_VERIFIERS_PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH=64 DPOPS_FEE=0 DPOPS_MINIMUM_AMOUNT=0 XCASH_DPOPS_BLOCK_HEIGHT=880000 # Latest versions MONGODB_LATEST_VERSION="mongodb-linux-x86_64-ubuntu1804-4.4.1" MONGODB_TOOLS_LATEST_VERSION="mongodb-database-tools-ubuntu1804-x86_64-100.2.1" MONGOC_DRIVER_LATEST_VERSION="mongo-c-driver-1.17.0" NODEJS_LATEST_VERSION="node-v14.10.1-linux-x64" # Restore versions MONGODB_RESTORE_VERSION="mongodb-linux-x86_64-ubuntu1804-4.4.1" MONGODB_TOOLS_RESTORE_VERSION="mongodb-database-tools-ubuntu1804-x86_64-100.2.1" MONGOC_DRIVER_RESTORE_VERSION="mongo-c-driver-1.17.0" NODEJS_RESTORE_VERSION="node-v14.10.1-linux-x64" NODEJS_RESTORE_URL="https://nodejs.org/dist/${NODEJS_RESTORE_VERSION:5:8}/${NODEJS_RESTORE_VERSION}.tar.xz" MONGODB_RESTORE_URL="https://fastdl.mongodb.org/linux/${MONGODB_RESTORE_VERSION}.tgz" MONGODB_TOOLS_RESTORE_URL="https://fastdl.mongodb.org/tools/db/${MONGODB_TOOLS_RESTORE_VERSION}.tgz" MONGOC_DRIVER_RESTORE_URL="https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-c-driver/releases/download/${MONGOC_DRIVER_RESTORE_VERSION:15}/${MONGOC_DRIVER_RESTORE_VERSION}.tar.gz" # Settings XCASH_URL="https://github.com/X-CASH-official/xcash-core.git" XCASH_CORE_BRANCH="dpops-test" XCASH_BLOCKCHAIN_BOOTSTRAP_URL="" XCASH_DIR="" XCASH_WALLET_DIR="" XCASH_SYSTEMPID_DIR="" XCASH_LOGS_DIR="" XCASH_DPOPS_URL="https://github.com/X-CASH-official/xcash-dpops.git" XCASH_DPOPS_BRANCH="dpops-test" XCASH_DPOPS_DIR="" XCASH_DPOPS_SHARED_DELEGATE_FOLDER_DIR="" SHARED_DELEGATES_WEBSITE_URL="https://github.com/X-CASH-official/delegates-pool-website.git" SHARED_DELEGATES_WEBSITE_DIR="" SSH_PORT_NUMBER=22 NODEJS_URL="https://nodejs.org/dist/${NODEJS_LATEST_VERSION:5:8}/${NODEJS_LATEST_VERSION}.tar.xz" NODEJS_DIR="" NODEJS_CURRENT_VERSION="" MONGODB_URL="https://fastdl.mongodb.org/linux/${MONGODB_LATEST_VERSION}.tgz" MONGODB_TOOLS_URL="https://fastdl.mongodb.org/tools/db/${MONGODB_TOOLS_LATEST_VERSION}.tgz" MONGODB_DIR="" MONGODB_CURRENT_VERSION="" MONGOC_DRIVER_URL="https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-c-driver/releases/download/${MONGOC_DRIVER_LATEST_VERSION:15}/${MONGOC_DRIVER_LATEST_VERSION}.tar.gz" MONGOC_DRIVER_DIR="" MONGOC_DRIVER_CURRENT_VERSION="" XCASH_DPOPS_PACKAGES="build-essential cmake pkg-config libboost-all-dev libssl-dev libzmq3-dev libunbound-dev libsodium-dev libminiupnpc-dev libunwind8-dev liblzma-dev libreadline6-dev libldns-dev libexpat1-dev libgtest-dev doxygen graphviz libpcsclite-dev git screen p7zip-full moreutils wget iptables" CURRENT_XCASH_WALLET_INFORMATION="" PUBLIC_ADDRESS="" # Files FIREWALL="" FIREWALL_SHARED_DELEGATES="" SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_FIREWALL="" SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_MONGODB="" SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_XCASH_DAEMON="" SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_XCASH_DPOPS_SOLO_DELEGATE="" SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_XCASH_DPOPS_SHARED_DELEGATE="" SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_XCASH_WALLET="" SYSTEMD_TIMER_FILE_XCASH_DPOPS="" SYSTEMD_TIMER_FILE_XCASH_WALLET="" # File URLs FIREWALL_URL="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/X-CASH-official/xcash-dpops/master/scripts/firewall/firewall_script.sh" FIREWALL_SHARED_DELEGATES_URL="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/X-CASH-official/xcash-dpops/master/scripts/firewall/firewall_shared_delegates_script.sh" FIREWALL_XCASH_NODE_URL="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/X-CASH-official/xcash-dpops/master/scripts/firewall/firewall_script_xcash_node.sh" SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_FIREWALL_URL="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/X-CASH-official/xcash-dpops/master/scripts/systemd/firewall.service" SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_MONGODB_URL="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/X-CASH-official/xcash-dpops/master/scripts/systemd/MongoDB.service" SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_XCASH_DAEMON_URL="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/X-CASH-official/xcash-dpops/master/scripts/systemd/xcash-daemon.service" SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_XCASH_DPOPS_SOLO_DELEGATE_URL="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/X-CASH-official/xcash-dpops/master/scripts/systemd/xcash-dpops.service" SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_XCASH_DPOPS_SHARED_DELEGATE_URL="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/X-CASH-official/xcash-dpops/master/scripts/systemd/xcash-dpops-shared-delegate.service" SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_XCASH_WALLET_URL="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/X-CASH-official/xcash-dpops/master/scripts/systemd/xcash-rpc-wallet.service" SYSTEMD_TIMER_FILE_XCASH_DPOPS_URL="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/X-CASH-official/xcash-dpops/master/scripts/systemd/xcash-dpops.timer" SYSTEMD_TIMER_FILE_XCASH_WALLET_URL="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/X-CASH-official/xcash-dpops/master/scripts/systemd/xcash-rpc-wallet.timer" # System settings CPU_THREADS=$(nproc) DEFAULT_NETWORK_DEVICE=$(ip route | grep default | sed -e "s/^.*dev.//" -e "s/.proto.*//") RAM=$(awk '/MemTotal/ { printf "%1.f \n", $2/1024/1024 }' /proc/meminfo) RAM_CPU_RATIO=$((RAM / CPU_THREADS)) RAM_CPU_RATIO_ALL_CPU_THREADS=4 # Regex regex_XCASH_DPOPS_INSTALLATION_DIR="(^\/(.*?)\/$)|(^$)" # anything that starts with / and ends with / and does not contain a space regex_MNEMONIC_SEED="^\b([a-z]+\s+){24}\b([a-z]+)$" # 25 words exactly regex_DPOPS_FEE="\b(^[0-9]{1}[0-9]{0,1}.?[0-9]{0,6}$)\b$" # between 0 and 100 with up to 6 decimal places regex_DPOPS_MINIMUM_AMOUNT="\b(^[1-9]{1}[0-9]{4,6}$)\b$|^10000000$" # between 10000 and 10000000 # Disable script execution with sudo and warns the user if root install if [ $SUDO_USER ] ; then # execution with sudo not allowed echo -e "\n${COLOR_PRINT_RED}Please don't use sudo with this script!${END_COLOR_PRINT}" exit 1 else # If not inside a LXC container (isolated, with official LXC installer) if [ ! "$container" == "lxc" ]; then if [ $UID -eq 0 ] ; then echo -e "\n${COLOR_PRINT_RED}WARNING: You are running the script with a root user! This is NOT secure and NOT suggested. Please use a dedicated xcash user following the documentation. If you want to proceed with root and you know what you are doing press ENTER, otherwise press CTRL+C to exit.${END_COLOR_PRINT}" read -r data echo -ne "\r" echo if [ ! "${data}" == "" ]; then exit 1 fi fi fi fi # Functions # Sed used when modifying service files (if used inside containers use sponge utility - moreutils package) function sed_services() { if [ "$container" == "lxc" ]; then cat $2 | command sed "$1" | sponge $2 else sudo sed -i "$1" $2 fi } function get_installation_settings() { echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}X-Cash DPoPS Installation Settings\n${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}1 = Install\n2 = Update\n3 = Quick Update (only xcash-dpops)\n4 = Uninstall\n5 = Restore Tools\n\n${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}X-Cash Node (Daemon Only) Installation Settings\n${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}6 = Install\n7 = Update\n8 = Uninstall\n\n${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}X-Cash Blockchain Management\n${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}9 = Install / Update Blockchain\n\n${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}X-Cash DPoPS Delegate Configuration\n${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}10 = Change Solo Delegate or Shared Delegate\n11 = Edit Shared Delegate Settings\n12 = Register / Update Delegate\n\n${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}X-Cash DPoPS Delegate Management\n${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}13 = Restart Programs\n14 = Stop Programs\n\n${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}X-Cash DPoPS Testing\n${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}15 = Mainnet Reset\n16 = Beta/Alpha Test Reset\n\n${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}Miscellaneous\n${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}17 = Configure Installation\n18 = Firewall\n19 = Shared Delegates Firewall\n\n${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}Backup\n${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}20 = Display wallet and xcash-dpops data, and backup shared delegates database\n\n${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}Enter the number of the chosen option (default 1): ${END_COLOR_PRINT}" read -r data INSTALLATION_TYPE_SETTINGS=$([ "$data" == "2" ] || [ "$data" == "3" ] || [ "$data" == "4" ] || [ "$data" == "5" ] || [ "$data" == "6" ] || [ "$data" == "7" ] || [ "$data" == "8" ] || [ "$data" == "9" ] || [ "$data" == "10" ] || [ "$data" == "11" ] || [ "$data" == "12" ] || [ "$data" == "13" ] || [ "$data" == "14" ] || [ "$data" == "15" ] || [ "$data" == "16" ] || [ "$data" == "17" ] || [ "$data" == "18" ] || [ "$data" == "19" ] || [ "$data" == "20" ] && echo "$data" || echo "1") echo -ne "\r" # Check if xcash-dpops is already installed, if the user choose to install if [ "$INSTALLATION_TYPE_SETTINGS" -eq "1" ]; then echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Checking if xcash-dpops is already installed${END_COLOR_PRINT}" data=$(sudo find / -path /sys -prune -o -path /proc -prune -o -path /dev -prune -o -path /var -prune -o -type d -name "$MAIN_INSTALL_DIRECTORY" -print | wc -l) if [ "$data" -ne "0" ]; then echo -e "\n${COLOR_PRINT_RED}xcash-dpops is already installed. You can either update or uninstall${END_COLOR_PRINT}" exit 1 fi echo -ne "\r " echo fi # Check if xcash-dpops is not installed, and if the user choose an option where xcash-dpops needed to be installed if [ "$INSTALLATION_TYPE_SETTINGS" -eq "2" ] || [ "$INSTALLATION_TYPE_SETTINGS" -eq "3" ] || [ "$INSTALLATION_TYPE_SETTINGS" -eq "4" ] || [ "$INSTALLATION_TYPE_SETTINGS" -eq "5" ] || [ "$INSTALLATION_TYPE_SETTINGS" -eq "10" ] || [ "$INSTALLATION_TYPE_SETTINGS" -eq "11" ] || [ "$INSTALLATION_TYPE_SETTINGS" -eq "12" ] || [ "$INSTALLATION_TYPE_SETTINGS" -eq "13" ] || [ "$INSTALLATION_TYPE_SETTINGS" -eq "14" ] || [ "$INSTALLATION_TYPE_SETTINGS" -eq "15" ] || [ "$INSTALLATION_TYPE_SETTINGS" -eq "16" ] || [ "$INSTALLATION_TYPE_SETTINGS" -eq "17" ] || [ "$INSTALLATION_TYPE_SETTINGS" -eq "20" ]; then data=$(sudo find / -path /sys -prune -o -path /proc -prune -o -path /dev -prune -o -path /var -prune -o -type d -name "$MAIN_INSTALL_DIRECTORY" -print | wc -l) if [ "$data" -eq "0" ]; then echo -e "\n${COLOR_PRINT_RED}This is an invalid option since xcash-dpops is not installed${END_COLOR_PRINT}" exit 1 fi echo -ne "\r " echo fi } function get_xcash_dpops_installation_directory() { while echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Installation Directory, must be in the form of /directory/ (leave empty for default: $HOME/$MAIN_INSTALL_DIRECTORY/): ${END_COLOR_PRINT}" read -r data echo -ne "\r" echo [[ ! $data =~ $regex_XCASH_DPOPS_INSTALLATION_DIR ]] do true; done XCASH_DPOPS_INSTALLATION_DIR=$([ "$data" == "" ] && echo "$XCASH_DPOPS_INSTALLATION_DIR" || echo "$data") } function get_xcash_blockchain_xcash_dpops_installation_directory() { while echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}X-CASH Blockchain Installation Directory, must be in the form of /directory/ (leave empty for default: $HOME/.X-CASH/): ${END_COLOR_PRINT}" read -r data echo -ne "\r" echo [[ ! $data =~ $regex_XCASH_DPOPS_INSTALLATION_DIR ]] do true; done XCASH_BLOCKCHAIN_INSTALLATION_DIR=$([ "$data" == "" ] && echo "$XCASH_BLOCKCHAIN_INSTALLATION_DIR" || echo "$data") } function get_mongodb_installation_directory() { while echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}MongoDB Installation Directory, must be in the form of /directory/ (leave empty for default: /data/db/): ${END_COLOR_PRINT}" read -r data echo -ne "\r" echo [[ ! $data =~ $regex_XCASH_DPOPS_INSTALLATION_DIR ]] do true; done MONGODB_INSTALLATION_DIR=$([ "$data" == "" ] && echo "$MONGODB_INSTALLATION_DIR" || echo "$data") } function update_global_variables() { XCASH_DIR=${XCASH_DPOPS_INSTALLATION_DIR}xcash-core/ XCASH_WALLET_DIR=${XCASH_DPOPS_INSTALLATION_DIR}xcash-wallets/ XCASH_SYSTEMPID_DIR=${XCASH_DPOPS_INSTALLATION_DIR}systemdpid/ XCASH_LOGS_DIR=${XCASH_DPOPS_INSTALLATION_DIR}logs/ XCASH_DPOPS_DIR=${XCASH_DPOPS_INSTALLATION_DIR}xcash-dpops/ XCASH_DPOPS_SHARED_DELEGATE_FOLDER_DIR=${XCASH_DPOPS_DIR}delegates-pool-website/ SHARED_DELEGATES_WEBSITE_DIR=${XCASH_DPOPS_INSTALLATION_DIR}delegates-pool-website/ NODEJS_DIR=${XCASH_DPOPS_INSTALLATION_DIR}${NODEJS_LATEST_VERSION}/ MONGODB_DIR=${XCASH_DPOPS_INSTALLATION_DIR}${MONGODB_LATEST_VERSION}/ } function get_shared_delegate_installation_settings() { echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Shared Delegate (YES): ${END_COLOR_PRINT}" read -r data SHARED_DELEGATE=$([ "$data" == "" ] && echo "$SHARED_DELEGATE" || echo "$data") echo -ne "\r" echo if [ "${SHARED_DELEGATE^^}" == "YES" ]; then while echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Shared Delegate Fee (expressed as a percentage, ex: 1 or 1.52): ${END_COLOR_PRINT}" read -r DPOPS_FEE echo -ne "\r" echo [[ ! $DPOPS_FEE =~ $regex_DPOPS_FEE ]] do true; done while echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Shared Delegate Minimum Payment Amount (whole number between 10000 and 10000000): ${END_COLOR_PRINT}" read -r DPOPS_MINIMUM_AMOUNT echo -ne "\r" echo [[ ! $DPOPS_MINIMUM_AMOUNT =~ $regex_DPOPS_MINIMUM_AMOUNT ]] do true; done fi } function update_systemd_service_files() { # Files FIREWALL=$(cat <(curl -sSL $FIREWALL_URL)) FIREWALL="${FIREWALL//'${SSH_PORT_NUMBER}'/$SSH_PORT_NUMBER}" FIREWALL_SHARED_DELEGATES=$(cat <(curl -sSL $FIREWALL_SHARED_DELEGATES_URL)) FIREWALL_SHARED_DELEGATES="${FIREWALL_SHARED_DELEGATES//'${SSH_PORT_NUMBER}'/$SSH_PORT_NUMBER}" FIREWALL_SHARED_DELEGATES="${FIREWALL_SHARED_DELEGATES//'${DEFAULT_NETWORK_DEVICE}'/$DEFAULT_NETWORK_DEVICE}" SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_FIREWALL=$(cat <(curl -sSL $SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_FIREWALL_URL)) SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_FIREWALL="${SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_FIREWALL//'${HOME}'/$HOME}" SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_MONGODB=$(cat <(curl -sSL $SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_MONGODB_URL)) SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_MONGODB="${SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_MONGODB//'${USER}'/$USER}" SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_MONGODB="${SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_MONGODB//'${XCASH_DPOPS_INSTALLATION_DIR}'/$XCASH_DPOPS_INSTALLATION_DIR}" SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_MONGODB="${SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_MONGODB//'${MONGODB_DIR}'/$MONGODB_DIR}" SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_MONGODB="${SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_MONGODB//'${MONGODB_INSTALLATION_DIR}'/$MONGODB_INSTALLATION_DIR}" SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_XCASH_DAEMON=$(cat <(curl -sSL $SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_XCASH_DAEMON_URL)) SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_XCASH_DAEMON="${SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_XCASH_DAEMON//'${USER}'/$USER}" SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_XCASH_DAEMON="${SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_XCASH_DAEMON//'${XCASH_DPOPS_INSTALLATION_DIR}'/$XCASH_DPOPS_INSTALLATION_DIR}" SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_XCASH_DAEMON="${SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_XCASH_DAEMON//'${XCASH_DIR}'/$XCASH_DIR}" SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_XCASH_DAEMON="${SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_XCASH_DAEMON//'${XCASH_BLOCKCHAIN_INSTALLATION_DIR}'/$XCASH_BLOCKCHAIN_INSTALLATION_DIR}" SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_XCASH_DAEMON="${SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_XCASH_DAEMON//'${XCASH_LOGS_DIR}'/$XCASH_LOGS_DIR}" SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_XCASH_DAEMON="${SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_XCASH_DAEMON//'${XCASH_SYSTEMPID_DIR}'/$XCASH_SYSTEMPID_DIR}" SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_XCASH_DPOPS_SOLO_DELEGATE=$(cat <(curl -sSL $SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_XCASH_DPOPS_SOLO_DELEGATE_URL)) SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_XCASH_DPOPS_SOLO_DELEGATE="${SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_XCASH_DPOPS_SOLO_DELEGATE//'${USER}'/$USER}" SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_XCASH_DPOPS_SOLO_DELEGATE="${SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_XCASH_DPOPS_SOLO_DELEGATE//'${XCASH_DPOPS_DIR}'/$XCASH_DPOPS_DIR}" SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_XCASH_DPOPS_SOLO_DELEGATE="${SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_XCASH_DPOPS_SOLO_DELEGATE//'${BLOCK_VERIFIER_SECRET_KEY}'/$BLOCK_VERIFIER_SECRET_KEY}" SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_XCASH_DPOPS_SHARED_DELEGATE=$(cat <(curl -sSL $SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_XCASH_DPOPS_SHARED_DELEGATE_URL)) SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_XCASH_DPOPS_SHARED_DELEGATE="${SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_XCASH_DPOPS_SHARED_DELEGATE//'${USER}'/$USER}" SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_XCASH_DPOPS_SHARED_DELEGATE="${SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_XCASH_DPOPS_SHARED_DELEGATE//'${XCASH_DPOPS_DIR}'/$XCASH_DPOPS_DIR}" SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_XCASH_DPOPS_SHARED_DELEGATE="${SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_XCASH_DPOPS_SHARED_DELEGATE//'${BLOCK_VERIFIER_SECRET_KEY}'/$BLOCK_VERIFIER_SECRET_KEY}" SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_XCASH_DPOPS_SHARED_DELEGATE="${SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_XCASH_DPOPS_SHARED_DELEGATE//'${BLOCK_VERIFIER_SECRET_KEY}'/$BLOCK_VERIFIER_SECRET_KEY}" SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_XCASH_DPOPS_SHARED_DELEGATE="${SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_XCASH_DPOPS_SHARED_DELEGATE//'${DPOPS_FEE}'/$DPOPS_FEE}" SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_XCASH_DPOPS_SHARED_DELEGATE="${SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_XCASH_DPOPS_SHARED_DELEGATE//'${DPOPS_MINIMUM_AMOUNT}'/$DPOPS_MINIMUM_AMOUNT}" SYSTEMD_TIMER_FILE_XCASH_DPOPS=$(cat <(curl -sSL $SYSTEMD_TIMER_FILE_XCASH_DPOPS_URL)) SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_XCASH_WALLET=$(cat <(curl -sSL $SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_XCASH_WALLET_URL)) SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_XCASH_WALLET="${SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_XCASH_WALLET//'${USER}'/$USER}" SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_XCASH_WALLET="${SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_XCASH_WALLET//'${XCASH_DIR}'/$XCASH_DIR}" SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_XCASH_WALLET="${SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_XCASH_WALLET//'${XCASH_WALLET_DIR}'/$XCASH_WALLET_DIR}" SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_XCASH_WALLET="${SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_XCASH_WALLET//'${WALLET_PASSWORD}'/$WALLET_PASSWORD}" SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_XCASH_WALLET="${SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_XCASH_WALLET//'${XCASH_LOGS_DIR}'/$XCASH_LOGS_DIR}" SYSTEMD_TIMER_FILE_XCASH_WALLET=$(cat <(curl -sSL $SYSTEMD_TIMER_FILE_XCASH_WALLET_URL)) } function setup_lxc_container_profile() { if [ "$container" == "lxc" ]; then sudo sed '/mesg n/d' -i "${HOME}"/.profile sudo sed -e :a -e '/^\n*$/{$d;N;};/\n$/ba' -i "${HOME}"/.profile source ~/.profile || true fi } function get_wallet_settings() { echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Create a New Wallet to Collect Block Rewards? Leave empty for YES, write N for NO: ${END_COLOR_PRINT}" read -r data echo -ne "\r" echo WALLET_SETTINGS=$([ "$data" == "" ] && echo "$WALLET_SETTINGS" || echo "NO") if [ "$WALLET_SETTINGS" == "NO" ]; then while echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Please Enter the Existing Wallets Mnemonic Seed: ${END_COLOR_PRINT}" read -r WALLET_SEED echo -ne "\r" echo [[ ! $WALLET_SEED =~ $regex_MNEMONIC_SEED ]] do true; done fi } function get_password_settings() { echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Generate a New Password? Leave empty for YES, write N for NO: ${END_COLOR_PRINT}" read -r data echo -ne "\r" echo WALLET_PASSWORD=$([ "$data" == "" ] && echo "$WALLET_PASSWORD" || echo "NO") if [ "$WALLET_PASSWORD" == "NO" ]; then echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Enter the Custom Password: ${END_COLOR_PRINT}" read -r WALLET_PASSWORD echo -ne "\r" echo fi } function get_password() { # ask for the root password if not root so it wont ask again when installing if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ]; then sudo echo fi } function relogin_user() { # This will force profile reload for the current user shell get_password exec sudo su -l $USER } function get_block_verifier_key_settings() { while echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Block Verifier Key: (I)mport or (C)reate new: ${END_COLOR_PRINT}" read -r BLOCK_VERIFIER_KEY_SETTINGS if [ "${BLOCK_VERIFIER_KEY_SETTINGS}" == "" ]; then BLOCK_VERIFIER_KEY_SETTINGS="0" fi echo -ne "\r" echo [ ! ${BLOCK_VERIFIER_KEY_SETTINGS^^} == "I" ] && [ ! ${BLOCK_VERIFIER_KEY_SETTINGS^^} == "C" ] do true; done if [ ${BLOCK_VERIFIER_KEY_SETTINGS^^} == "I" ]; then while echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Enter Block Verifiers Secret Key: ${END_COLOR_PRINT}" read -r BLOCK_VERIFIER_SECRET_KEY echo -ne "\r" echo [[ ! ${#BLOCK_VERIFIER_SECRET_KEY} -eq $BLOCK_VERIFIERS_SECRET_KEY_LENGTH ]] do true; done BLOCK_VERIFIER_PUBLIC_KEY="${BLOCK_VERIFIER_SECRET_KEY: -${BLOCK_VERIFIERS_PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH}}" fi } function get_autostart_services_settings() { echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Do you want to autostart the services when you restart the server? (leave empty for default: NO): ${END_COLOR_PRINT}" read -r data echo -ne "\r" echo AUTOSTART_SETTINGS=$([ "$data" == "" ] && echo "$AUTOSTART_SETTINGS" || echo "YES") } function print_installation_settings() { echo echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}############################################################${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN} Installation/Configuration Settings${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}############################################################${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}Installation Type: Installation${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}Installation Directory: ${XCASH_DPOPS_INSTALLATION_DIR} ${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}X-CASH Blockchain Installation Directory: ${XCASH_BLOCKCHAIN_INSTALLATION_DIR} ${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}MongoDB Installation Directory: ${MONGODB_INSTALLATION_DIR} ${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}Shared Delegate: ${SHARED_DELEGATE} ${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}Create New Wallet: ${WALLET_SETTINGS} ${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}Wallet Password: ${WALLET_PASSWORD} ${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}User: ${USER} ${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}DPOPS Fee: ${DPOPS_FEE} ${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}DPOPS Minimum Payment Amount: ${DPOPS_MINIMUM_AMOUNT} ${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}Autostart services when reboot: ${AUTOSTART_SETTINGS} ${END_COLOR_PRINT}" if [ ! "$container" == "lxc" ]; then echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}SSH Port (used to configure the firewall): ${SSH_PORT_NUMBER} ${END_COLOR_PRINT}" fi seconds=10 while [ "$seconds" -ne 0 ] do echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}${INSTALLATION_TYPE} will start in ${seconds} seconds, press Ctrl + C to cancel!${END_COLOR_PRINT}" seconds=$((seconds-1)) sleep 1 echo -ne "\r" done echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}${INSTALLATION_TYPE} will start in 0 seconds, press Ctrl + C to cancel!${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo echo } function installation_settings() { echo echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}############################################################${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN} Welcome to X-Cash DPoPS auto-install script ${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}############################################################${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}SUGGESTION: if your are running the script through SSH, it's suggested the use of a terminal multiplexer like 'byobu'. You can install it with 'sudo apt install byobu' and then enter the session with 'byobu' command. If your SSH connection crashes you can reconnect to your byobu session using the same command. Please consider running this script inside the byobu session to prevent corrupted installations due to SSH disconnection.${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}The available options of the script are:${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo get_password get_installation_settings if [ "$INSTALLATION_TYPE_SETTINGS" -eq "1" ]; then get_xcash_dpops_installation_directory get_xcash_blockchain_xcash_dpops_installation_directory get_mongodb_installation_directory update_global_variables get_shared_delegate_installation_settings get_wallet_settings get_password_settings get_block_verifier_key_settings if [ "$container" == "lxc" ]; then echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Autostart enabled as default for services (because this is a container installation)${END_COLOR_PRINT}" AUTOSTART_SETTINGS="YES" else get_autostart_services_settings get_ssh_port fi INSTALLATION_TYPE="Installation" print_installation_settings fi if [ "$INSTALLATION_TYPE_SETTINGS" -eq "16" ]; then echo echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_RED}WARNING: Old wallet, old block verifier key and old settings (service files)${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_RED}will be overwritten if already existent! Please make a backup if required!${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Press ENTER to continue or press Ctrl + C to cancel! ${END_COLOR_PRINT}" read -r data echo -ne "\r" echo get_installation_directory get_shared_delegate_installation_settings get_wallet_settings get_password_settings get_block_verifier_key_settings if [ "$container" == "lxc" ]; then echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Autostart enabled as default for services (because this is a container installation)${END_COLOR_PRINT}" AUTOSTART_SETTINGS="YES" else get_autostart_services_settings fi INSTALLATION_TYPE="Configuration" print_installation_settings fi } function get_current_xcash_wallet_data() { echo echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Refreshing and Getting Current X-CASH Wallet Data${END_COLOR_PRINT}" sudo systemctl stop xcash-daemon &>/dev/null sleep 10s sudo systemctl start xcash-daemon &>/dev/null sleep 20s screen -dmS XCASH_RPC_Wallet "${XCASH_DIR}"build/release/bin/xcash-wallet-rpc --wallet-file "${XCASH_WALLET_DIR}"delegate-wallet --password "${WALLET_PASSWORD}" --rpc-bind-port 18288 --confirm-external-bind --disable-rpc-login --trusted-daemon --log-file "${XCASH_LOGS_DIR}"xcash-wallet-rpc.log sleep 10s while data=$(curl -s -X POST -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"0","method":"get_address"}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json') sleep 10s [[ "$data" == "" ]] do true; done PUBLIC_ADDRESS=$(curl -s -X POST -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"0","method":"get_address"}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' | grep \"address\" | head -1 | sed s"| \"address\": ||g" | sed s"|\"||g" | sed s"|,||g") SPEND_KEY=$(curl -s -X POST -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"0","method":"query_key","params":{"key_type":"spend_key"}}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' | grep \"key\" | sed s"| \"key\": ||g" | sed s"|\"||g") VIEW_KEY=$(curl -s -X POST -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"0","method":"query_key","params":{"key_type":"view_key"}}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' | grep \"key\" | sed s"| \"key\": ||g" | sed s"|\"||g") WALLET_SEED=$(curl -s -X POST -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"0","method":"query_key","params":{"key_type":"mnemonic"}}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' | grep \"key\" | sed s"| \"key\": ||g" | sed s"|\"||g") CURRENT_XCASH_WALLET_INFORMATION="${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}############################################################\n X-CASH Wallet Data \n############################################################${END_COLOR_PRINT}\n\n${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Public Address: $PUBLIC_ADDRESS\nMnemonic Seed: $WALLET_SEED\nSpend Key: $SPEND_KEY\nView Key: $VIEW_KEY\nWallet Password: $WALLET_PASSWORD\nBlock Verifiers Public Key: $BLOCK_VERIFIER_PUBLIC_KEY\nBlock Verifiers Secret Key: $BLOCK_VERIFIER_SECRET_KEY${END_COLOR_PRINT}" PUBLIC_ADDRESS=${PUBLIC_ADDRESS%?} curl -s -X POST -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"0","method":"stop_wallet"}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' &>/dev/null sleep 10s sudo systemctl stop xcash-daemon &>/dev/null sleep 10s echo -ne "\r${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}Refreshing and Getting Current X-CASH Wallet Data${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo echo } function start_systemd_service_files() { echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Starting Systemd Service Files${END_COLOR_PRINT}" sudo systemctl start mongodb &>/dev/null sudo systemctl start xcash-daemon &>/dev/null sleep 30s sudo systemctl start xcash-rpc-wallet &>/dev/null sleep 30s sudo systemctl start xcash-dpops &>/dev/null echo -ne "\r${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}Starting Systemd Service Files${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo } function stop_systemd_service_files() { echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Stopping Systemd Service Files${END_COLOR_PRINT}" sudo systemctl stop mongodb xcash-daemon xcash-rpc-wallet xcash-dpops &>/dev/null echo -ne "\r${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}Stopping Systemd Service Files${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo } function enable_service_files_at_startup() { echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Enabling services to autostart on reboot${END_COLOR_PRINT}" sudo systemctl enable mongodb.service xcash-daemon.service xcash-rpc-wallet.timer xcash-dpops.timer 2> /dev/null echo -ne "\r${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}Enabling services to autostart on reboot${END_COLOR_PRINT}" } function check_if_solo_node() { echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Checking If Solo Node${END_COLOR_PRINT}" data=$(sudo find / -path /sys -prune -o -path /proc -prune -o -path /dev -prune -o -path /var -prune -o -path "*/$MAIN_INSTALL_DIRECTORY/*" -type d -name "delegates-pool-website" -print | wc -l) if [ "$data" -gt 0 ]; then SHARED_DELEGATE="YES" else SHARED_DELEGATE="NO" fi echo -ne "\r${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}Checking If Solo Node${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo } function check_if_upgrade_solo_delegate_and_shared_delegate() { # get the block verifiers secret key from the systemd service file BLOCK_VERIFIER_SECRET_KEY=$(cat /lib/systemd/system/xcash-dpops.service) BLOCK_VERIFIER_SECRET_KEY=$(echo $BLOCK_VERIFIER_SECRET_KEY | awk -F '--block-verifiers-secret-key' '{print $2}') BLOCK_VERIFIER_SECRET_KEY=${BLOCK_VERIFIER_SECRET_KEY:1:$BLOCK_VERIFIERS_SECRET_KEY_LENGTH} if [ "${SHARED_DELEGATE^^}" == "YES" ]; then echo -ne "The current delegate setting is shared delegate. If you would like to change the settings to a solo delegate type \"YES\" otherwise press enter:" read -r data echo -ne "\r" echo if [ "${data^^}" == "YES" ]; then SHARED_DELEGATE="NO" uninstall_shared_delegates_website update_systemd_service_files sudo bash -c "echo '${SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_XCASH_DPOPS_SOLO_DELEGATE}' > /lib/systemd/system/xcash-dpops.service" sed_services 's/\r$//g' /lib/systemd/system/xcash-dpops.service sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo sed '/node-v/d' -i "${HOME}"/.profile sudo sed '/PATH=\/bin:/d' -i "${HOME}"/.profile sudo sed '/^[[:space:]]*$/d' -i "${HOME}"/.profile sudo sed -e :a -e '/^\n*$/{$d;N;};/\n$/ba' -i "${HOME}"/.profile source ~/.profile || true get_installation_directory get_dependencies_current_version fi else echo -ne "The current delegate setting is solo delegate. If you would like to change the settings to a shared delegate type \"YES\" otherwise press enter:" read -r data echo -ne "\r" echo if [ "${data^^}" == "YES" ]; then SHARED_DELEGATE="YES" while echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Shared Delegate Fee (in percentage ex: 1 or 1.5 etc): ${END_COLOR_PRINT}" read -r DPOPS_FEE echo -ne "\r" echo [[ ! $DPOPS_FEE =~ $regex_DPOPS_FEE ]] do true; done while echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Shared Delegate Minimum Payment Amount, minimum is 10K, maximum is 10M (ex: 10000 in whole numbers and not atomic units etc): ${END_COLOR_PRINT}" read -r DPOPS_MINIMUM_AMOUNT echo -ne "\r" echo [[ ! $DPOPS_MINIMUM_AMOUNT =~ $regex_DPOPS_MINIMUM_AMOUNT ]] do true; done NODEJS_DIR=${XCASH_DPOPS_INSTALLATION_DIR}${NODEJS_LATEST_VERSION}/ echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}############################################################${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN} Installing Shared Delegate Website${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}############################################################${END_COLOR_PRINT}" install_nodejs configure_npm update_npm install_npm_global_packages download_shared_delegate_website get_installation_directory install_shared_delegates_website_npm_packages build_shared_delegates_website source ~/.profile || true echo echo update_systemd_service_files sudo bash -c "echo '${SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_XCASH_DPOPS_SHARED_DELEGATE}' > /lib/systemd/system/xcash-dpops.service" sed_services 's/\r$//g' /lib/systemd/system/xcash-dpops.service sudo systemctl daemon-reload get_installation_directory get_dependencies_current_version fi fi } function check_if_remove_shared_delegate_configure_install() { if [ "${SHARED_DELEGATE^^}" == "NO" ]; then echo -ne "Installation configured as Solo delegate. Removing all the preinstalled Shared Delegate website" echo uninstall_shared_delegates_website update_systemd_service_files sudo bash -c "echo '${SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_XCASH_DPOPS_SOLO_DELEGATE}' > /lib/systemd/system/xcash-dpops.service" sed_services 's/\r$//g' /lib/systemd/system/xcash-dpops.service sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo sed '/node-v/d' -i "${HOME}"/.profile sudo sed '/PATH=\/bin:/d' -i "${HOME}"/.profile sudo sed '/^[[:space:]]*$/d' -i "${HOME}"/.profile sudo sed -e :a -e '/^\n*$/{$d;N;};/\n$/ba' -i "${HOME}"/.profile source ~/.profile || true get_installation_directory get_dependencies_current_version fi } function check_ubuntu_version() { command -v lsb_release > /dev/null 2>&1 || { echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_RED}FAIL${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_RED}############################################################${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_RED} !!! CANNOT CHECK YOUR UBUNTU VERSION !!!${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_RED}############################################################${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo exit } UBUNTU_VERSION=$(lsb_release -r | awk '{print $2}' | sed s"|\.||g") if [ "$UBUNTU_VERSION" -lt 1804 ]; then echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_RED}FAIL${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_RED}############################################################${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_RED} !!! YOUR UBUNTU VERSION IS NOT SUPPORTED !!!${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_RED}############################################################${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo exit fi } function wait_for_package_manager() { i=0 while fuser /var/{lib/{dpkg,apt/lists},cache/apt/archives}/lock >/dev/null 2>&1; do case $((i % 4)) in 0 ) j="-" ;; 1 ) j="\\" ;; 2 ) j="|" ;; 3 ) j="/" ;; esac echo && echo -en "\r${COLOR_PRINT_RED}[$j] Waiting for other package manager to finish...${END_COLOR_PRINT}" sleep 0.25 ((i=i+1)) done } function update_packages_list() { wait_for_package_manager echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Updating Packages List${END_COLOR_PRINT}" sudo apt update -y &>/dev/null echo -ne "\r${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}Updating Packages List${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo } function install_packages() { wait_for_package_manager echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Installing Packages (This Might Take A While)${END_COLOR_PRINT}" sudo apt install ${XCASH_DPOPS_PACKAGES} -y &>/dev/null build_libgtest echo -ne "\r${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}Installing Packages (This Might Take A While)${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo } function build_libgtest() { cd /usr/src/gtest &>/dev/null sudo cmake . &>/dev/null sudo make &>/dev/null if [ ! -f /usr/src/gtest/lib/libgtest.a ]; then sudo mv libg* /usr/lib/ &>/dev/null else sudo mv lib/libg* /usr/lib/ &>/dev/null fi } function download_xcash() { echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Downloading X-CASH${END_COLOR_PRINT}" cd "${XCASH_DPOPS_INSTALLATION_DIR}" git clone --quiet ${XCASH_URL} echo -ne "\r${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}Downloading X-CASH${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo } function build_xcash() { echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Building X-CASH (This Might Take A While)${END_COLOR_PRINT}" cd "${XCASH_DIR}" git checkout --quiet ${XCASH_CORE_BRANCH} if [ "$RAM_CPU_RATIO" -ge "$RAM_CPU_RATIO_ALL_CPU_THREADS" ]; then echo "y" | make clean &>/dev/null make release -j "${CPU_THREADS}" &>/dev/null else echo "y" | make clean &>/dev/null if [ "$RAM_CPU_RATIO" -eq 0 ]; then make release &>/dev/null else make release -j $((CPU_THREADS / 2)) &>/dev/null fi fi echo -ne "\r${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}Building X-CASH (This Might Take A While)${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo } function install_xcash() { echo echo echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}############################################################${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN} Installing X-CASH${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}############################################################${END_COLOR_PRINT}" download_xcash build_xcash } function create_directories() { echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Creating Directories${END_COLOR_PRINT}" if [ ! -d "$XCASH_DPOPS_INSTALLATION_DIR" ]; then mkdir -p "${XCASH_DPOPS_INSTALLATION_DIR}" fi if [ ! -d "$MONGODB_INSTALLATION_DIR" ]; then sudo mkdir -p "${MONGODB_INSTALLATION_DIR}" sudo chmod 770 "${MONGODB_INSTALLATION_DIR}" sudo chown "$USER" "${MONGODB_INSTALLATION_DIR}" fi if [ ! -d "$XCASH_WALLET_DIR" ]; then mkdir -p "${XCASH_WALLET_DIR}" fi if [ ! -d "$XCASH_SYSTEMPID_DIR" ]; then mkdir -p "${XCASH_SYSTEMPID_DIR}" fi if [ ! -d "$XCASH_LOGS_DIR" ]; then mkdir -p "${XCASH_LOGS_DIR}" fi echo -ne "\r${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}Creating Directories${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo } function create_files() { touch "${XCASH_SYSTEMPID_DIR}"mongod.pid "${XCASH_SYSTEMPID_DIR}"xcash-daemon.pid } function create_systemd_service_files() { echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Creating Systemd Service Files${END_COLOR_PRINT}" sudo bash -c "echo '${SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_FIREWALL}' > /lib/systemd/system/firewall.service" sudo bash -c "echo '${SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_MONGODB}' > /lib/systemd/system/mongodb.service" sudo bash -c "echo '${SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_XCASH_DAEMON}' > /lib/systemd/system/xcash-daemon.service" sudo bash -c "echo '${SYSTEMD_TIMER_FILE_XCASH_DPOPS}' > /lib/systemd/system/xcash-dpops.timer" if [ ! "${SHARED_DELEGATE^^}" == "YES" ]; then sudo bash -c "echo '${SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_XCASH_DPOPS_SOLO_DELEGATE}' > /lib/systemd/system/xcash-dpops.service" else sudo bash -c "echo '${SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_XCASH_DPOPS_SHARED_DELEGATE}' > /lib/systemd/system/xcash-dpops.service" fi sudo bash -c "echo '${SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_XCASH_WALLET}' > /lib/systemd/system/xcash-rpc-wallet.service" sudo bash -c "echo '${SYSTEMD_TIMER_FILE_XCASH_WALLET}' > /lib/systemd/system/xcash-rpc-wallet.timer" sed_services 's/\r$//g' /lib/systemd/system/firewall.service sed_services 's/\r$//g' /lib/systemd/system/mongodb.service sed_services 's/\r$//g' /lib/systemd/system/xcash-daemon.service sed_services 's/\r$//g' /lib/systemd/system/xcash-dpops.timer sed_services 's/\r$//g' /lib/systemd/system/xcash-dpops.service sed_services 's/\r$//g' /lib/systemd/system/xcash-rpc-wallet.service sed_services 's/\r$//g' /lib/systemd/system/xcash-rpc-wallet.timer sudo systemctl daemon-reload echo -ne "\r${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}Creating Systemd Service Files${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo } function install_mongodb() { echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Installing MongoDB${END_COLOR_PRINT}" cd "${XCASH_DPOPS_INSTALLATION_DIR}" wget -q ${MONGODB_URL} tar -xf mongodb-linux-x86_64-*.tgz &>/dev/null sudo rm mongodb-linux-x86_64-*.tgz &>/dev/null sudo chown -R "$USER":"$USER" ${MONGODB_DIR} echo -ne "\nexport PATH=${MONGODB_DIR}bin:" >> "${HOME}"/.profile echo -ne '$PATH' >> "${HOME}"/.profile source ~/.profile || true echo -ne "\r${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}Installing MongoDB${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo } function install_mongodb_tools() { echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Installing MongoDB Tools${END_COLOR_PRINT}" cd "${XCASH_DPOPS_INSTALLATION_DIR}"mongodb-linux-x86_64-*/bin/ wget -q ${MONGODB_TOOLS_URL} tar -xf mongodb-database-tools-*.tgz &>/dev/null sudo rm mongodb-database-tools-*.tgz &>/dev/null cp -a mongodb-database-tools-*/bin/* ./ sudo rm -rf mongodb-database-tools-* echo -ne "\r${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}Installing MongoDB Tools${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo } function install_mongoc_driver() { echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Installing MongoC Driver${END_COLOR_PRINT}" cd "${XCASH_DPOPS_INSTALLATION_DIR}" wget -q ${MONGOC_DRIVER_URL} tar -xf mongo-c-driver-*.tar.gz &>/dev/null sudo rm mongo-c-driver-*.tar.gz &>/dev/null sudo chown -R "$USER":"$USER" mongo-c-driver-* cd mongo-c-driver-* mkdir cmake-build &>/dev/null cd cmake-build &>/dev/null sudo cmake -DENABLE_AUTOMATIC_INIT_AND_CLEANUP=OFF -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .. &>/dev/null sudo make -j "${CPU_THREADS}" &>/dev/null sudo make install &>/dev/null sudo ldconfig echo -ne "\r${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}Installing MongoC Driver${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo } function download_xcash_dpops() { echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Downloading xcash-dpops${END_COLOR_PRINT}" cd "${XCASH_DPOPS_INSTALLATION_DIR}" git clone --quiet ${XCASH_DPOPS_URL} echo -ne "\r${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}Downloading xcash-dpops${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo } function build_xcash_dpops() { echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Building xcash-dpops${END_COLOR_PRINT}" cd "${XCASH_DPOPS_DIR}" git checkout --quiet ${XCASH_DPOPS_BRANCH} if [ "$RAM_CPU_RATIO" -ge "$RAM_CPU_RATIO_ALL_CPU_THREADS" ]; then echo "y" | make clean &>/dev/null make release -j "${CPU_THREADS}" &>/dev/null else echo "y" | make clean &>/dev/null if [ "$RAM_CPU_RATIO" -eq 0 ]; then make release &>/dev/null else make release -j $((CPU_THREADS / 2)) &>/dev/null fi fi echo -ne "\r${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}Building xcash-dpops${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo } function create_block_verifier_key() { echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Creating Block Verifiers Key${END_COLOR_PRINT}" cd "${XCASH_DPOPS_DIR}" data=$(build/xcash-dpops --generate-key 2>&1 >/dev/null) BLOCK_VERIFIER_SECRET_KEY="${data: -132}" BLOCK_VERIFIER_SECRET_KEY="${BLOCK_VERIFIER_SECRET_KEY:0:128}" BLOCK_VERIFIER_PUBLIC_KEY="${BLOCK_VERIFIER_SECRET_KEY: -${BLOCK_VERIFIERS_PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH}}" echo -ne "\r${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}Creating Block Verifiers Key${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo } function install_firewall() { echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Installing The Firewall${END_COLOR_PRINT}" # Reinstall iptables (solves some issues with some VPS) wait_for_package_manager sudo apt install --reinstall iptables &>/dev/null if [ "${SHARED_DELEGATE^^}" == "YES" ]; then echo "$FIREWALL_SHARED_DELEGATES" > ${HOME}/firewall_script.sh else echo "$FIREWALL" > ${HOME}/firewall_script.sh fi sudo sed -i 's/\r$//g' ${HOME}/firewall_script.sh sudo chmod +x ${HOME}/firewall_script.sh sudo ${HOME}/firewall_script.sh sudo systemctl enable firewall &>/dev/null sudo systemctl start firewall &>/dev/null echo -ne "\r${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}Installing The Firewall${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo } function install_xcash_dpops() { echo echo echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}############################################################${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN} Installing xcash-dpops${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}############################################################${END_COLOR_PRINT}" install_mongodb install_mongodb_tools install_mongoc_driver download_xcash_dpops build_xcash_dpops # Create the block verifier key if they choose to create a block verifier key if [ "${BLOCK_VERIFIER_KEY_SETTINGS^^}" == "C" ]; then create_block_verifier_key fi update_systemd_service_files create_systemd_service_files if [ ! "$container" == "lxc" ]; then install_firewall fi echo echo } function configure_xcash_dpops() { echo echo echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}############################################################${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN} Configuring xcash-dpops Installation${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}############################################################${END_COLOR_PRINT}" # Create the block verifier key if they choose to create a block verifier key if [ "${BLOCK_VERIFIER_KEY_SETTINGS^^}" == "C" ]; then create_block_verifier_key fi update_systemd_service_files create_systemd_service_files echo echo } function create_xcash_wallet() { echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}############################################################${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN} Creating X-CASH Wallet (This Might Take A While) ${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}############################################################${END_COLOR_PRINT}" cd "${XCASH_DPOPS_INSTALLATION_DIR}" sudo rm -f "${XCASH_DPOPS_INSTALLATION_DIR}"xcash-wallets/delegate-wallet* 2&> /dev/null echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Starting local daemon${END_COLOR_PRINT}" sudo systemctl stop xcash-daemon &>/dev/null sleep 10s sudo systemctl start xcash-daemon &>/dev/null sleep 20s echo -ne "\r${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}Starting local daemon${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}Starting Wallet Refresh${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo "exit" | "${XCASH_DIR}"build/release/bin/xcash-wallet-cli --generate-new-wallet "${XCASH_DPOPS_INSTALLATION_DIR}"xcash-wallets/delegate-wallet --password "${WALLET_PASSWORD}" --mnemonic-language English --restore-height 0 --trusted-daemon | stdbuf -oL tr '\r' '\n' | stdbuf -o 0 grep -C 1 "Height" | stdbuf -o 0 awk '{print "Processing: ",$1,$2,$3,$4}' ORS="\r" echo -ne " \r" echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}Wallet Refresh Completed${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Stopping local daemon${END_COLOR_PRINT}" sudo systemctl stop xcash-daemon &>/dev/null sleep 10s echo -ne "\r${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}Stopping local daemon${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo } function import_xcash_wallet() { echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}############################################################${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN} Importing X-CASH Wallet (This Might Take A While) ${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}############################################################${END_COLOR_PRINT}" cd "${XCASH_DPOPS_INSTALLATION_DIR}" sudo rm -f "${XCASH_DPOPS_INSTALLATION_DIR}"xcash-wallets/delegate-wallet* 2&> /dev/null echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Starting local daemon${END_COLOR_PRINT}" sudo systemctl stop xcash-daemon &>/dev/null sleep 10s sudo systemctl start xcash-daemon &>/dev/null sleep 20s echo -ne "\r${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}Starting local daemon${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}Starting Wallet Refresh${END_COLOR_PRINT}" (echo -ne "\n"; echo "${WALLET_PASSWORD}"; echo "exit") | "${XCASH_DIR}"build/release/bin/xcash-wallet-cli --restore-deterministic-wallet --electrum-seed "${WALLET_SEED}" --generate-new-wallet "${XCASH_DPOPS_INSTALLATION_DIR}"xcash-wallets/delegate-wallet --password "${WALLET_PASSWORD}" --mnemonic-language English --restore-height 0 --trusted-daemon | stdbuf -oL tr '\r' '\n' | stdbuf -o 0 grep -C 1 "Height" | stdbuf -o 0 awk '{print "Processing: ",$1,$2,$3,$4}' ORS="\r" echo -ne " \r" echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}Wallet Refresh Completed${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Stopping local daemon${END_COLOR_PRINT}" sudo systemctl stop xcash-daemon &>/dev/null sleep 10s echo -ne "\r${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}Stopping local daemon${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo echo echo } function install_nodejs() { echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Installing Node.js${END_COLOR_PRINT}" cd "${XCASH_DPOPS_INSTALLATION_DIR}" wget -q ${NODEJS_URL} tar -xf node*.tar.xz &>/dev/null sudo rm node*.tar.xz &>/dev/null sudo chown -R "$USER":"$USER" ${NODEJS_DIR} echo -ne "\nexport PATH=${NODEJS_DIR}bin:" >> "${HOME}"/.profile echo -ne '$PATH' >> "${HOME}"/.profile source ~/.profile || true echo -ne "\r${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}Installing Node.js${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo } function configure_npm() { if [ "$EUID" -eq 0 ]; then echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Configuring NPM For Root User${END_COLOR_PRINT}" source ~/.profile || true npm config set user 0 &>/dev/null npm config set unsafe-perm true &>/dev/null echo -ne "\r${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}Configuring NPM For Root User${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo fi } function update_npm() { echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Updating NPM${END_COLOR_PRINT}" source ~/.profile || true # npm install -g npm &>/dev/null echo -ne "\r${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}Updating NPM${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo } function install_npm_global_packages() { echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Installing Global NPM Packages${END_COLOR_PRINT}" npm install -g @angular/cli@latest uglify-js &>/dev/null echo -ne "\r${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}Installing Global NPM Packages${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo } function download_shared_delegate_website() { echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Downloading Shared Delegates Website${END_COLOR_PRINT}" cd "${XCASH_DPOPS_INSTALLATION_DIR}" git clone --quiet ${SHARED_DELEGATES_WEBSITE_URL} echo -ne "\r${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}Downloading Shared Delegates Website${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo } function install_shared_delegates_website_npm_packages() { echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Updating node_modules${END_COLOR_PRINT}" cd "${SHARED_DELEGATES_WEBSITE_DIR}" npm update --legacy-peer-deps &>/dev/null echo -ne "\r${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}Updating node_modules${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo } function build_shared_delegates_website() { echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Building shared delegates website${END_COLOR_PRINT}" cd "${SHARED_DELEGATES_WEBSITE_DIR}" source ~/.profile || true npm run build &>/dev/null cd dist for f in *.js; do uglifyjs "$f" --compress --mangle --output "{$f}min"; rm "$f"; mv "{$f}min" "$f"; done if [ -d "$XCASH_DPOPS_SHARED_DELEGATE_FOLDER_DIR" ]; then sudo rm -r "${XCASH_DPOPS_SHARED_DELEGATE_FOLDER_DIR}" fi cd ../ cp -a dist "${XCASH_DPOPS_SHARED_DELEGATE_FOLDER_DIR}" echo -ne "\r${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}Building shared delegates website${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo } function install_shared_delegates_website() { echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}############################################################${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN} Installing Shared Delegate Website${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}############################################################${END_COLOR_PRINT}" install_nodejs configure_npm update_npm install_npm_global_packages download_shared_delegate_website install_shared_delegates_website_npm_packages build_shared_delegates_website source ~/.profile || true echo echo } function get_installation_directory() { echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Getting Installation Directories${END_COLOR_PRINT}" XCASH_DPOPS_INSTALLATION_DIR=$(sudo find / -path /sys -prune -o -path /proc -prune -o -path /dev -prune -o -path /var -prune -o -type d -name "$MAIN_INSTALL_DIRECTORY" -print)/ XCASH_BLOCKCHAIN_INSTALLATION_DIR=$(sudo find / -path /sys -prune -o -path /proc -prune -o -path /dev -prune -o -path /var -prune -o -type d -name ".X-CASH" -print)/ WALLET_PASSWORD=$(cat /lib/systemd/system/xcash-rpc-wallet.service | awk '/password/ {print $5}') XCASH_DIR=${XCASH_DPOPS_INSTALLATION_DIR}xcash-core/ XCASH_WALLET_DIR=${XCASH_DPOPS_INSTALLATION_DIR}xcash-wallets/ XCASH_SYSTEMPID_DIR=${XCASH_DPOPS_INSTALLATION_DIR}systemdpid/ XCASH_LOGS_DIR=${XCASH_DPOPS_INSTALLATION_DIR}logs/ XCASH_DPOPS_DIR=${XCASH_DPOPS_INSTALLATION_DIR}xcash-dpops/ XCASH_DPOPS_SHARED_DELEGATE_FOLDER_DIR=${XCASH_DPOPS_DIR}delegates-pool-website/ SHARED_DELEGATES_WEBSITE_DIR=${XCASH_DPOPS_INSTALLATION_DIR}delegates-pool-website/ NODEJS_DIR=$(sudo find / -path /sys -prune -o -path /proc -prune -o -path /dev -prune -o -path /var -prune -o -path "*/$MAIN_INSTALL_DIRECTORY/*" -type d -name "$NODEJS_LATEST_VERSION" -print)/ MONGODB_INSTALLATION_DIR=$(sudo find / -path /sys -prune -o -path /proc -prune -o -path /dev -prune -o -path /var -prune -o -type d -path "*/data/db" -print)/ MONGODB_DIR=$(sudo find / -path /sys -prune -o -path /proc -prune -o -path /dev -prune -o -path /var -prune -o -path "*/$MAIN_INSTALL_DIRECTORY/*" -type d -name "$MONGODB_LATEST_VERSION" -print)/ MONGOC_DRIVER_DIR=$(sudo find / -path /sys -prune -o -path /proc -prune -o -path /dev -prune -o -path /var -prune -o -path "*/$MAIN_INSTALL_DIRECTORY/*" -type d -name "$MONGOC_DRIVER_LATEST_VERSION" -print)/ echo -ne "\r${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}Getting Installation Directories${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo # check to make sure it found the installed programs if [ "$XCASH_DPOPS_INSTALLATION_DIR" == "/" ]; then echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_RED}Can not find the installation directory, Please run the auto installer in installation mode${END_COLOR_PRINT}" fi if [ "$XCASH_DIR" == "xcash-core/" ]; then echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_RED}Can not find X-CASH${END_COLOR_PRINT}" install_xcash fi if [ "$XCASH_DPOPS_DIR" == "xcash-dpops/" ]; then echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_RED}Can not find xcash-dpops${END_COLOR_PRINT}" download_xcash_dpops build_xcash_dpops fi if [ "$MONGODB_INSTALLATION_DIR" == "/" ]; then echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_RED}Can not find the MongoDB installation directory, Please run the auto installer in installation mode${END_COLOR_PRINT}" install_mongodb fi if [ "$MONGODB_DIR" == "/" ]; then echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_RED}Can not find MongoDB${END_COLOR_PRINT}" install_mongodb fi if [ "$MONGOC_DRIVER_DIR" == "/" ]; then echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_RED}Can not find Mongo C Driver${END_COLOR_PRINT}" install_mongoc_driver fi } function get_dependencies_current_version() { echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Getting Dependencies Current Versions${END_COLOR_PRINT}" NODEJS_CURRENT_VERSION=$(sudo find / -path /sys -prune -o -path /proc -prune -o -path /dev -prune -o -path /var -prune -o -path "*/$MAIN_INSTALL_DIRECTORY/*" -type d -name "$NODEJS_LATEST_VERSION" -exec basename {} \;) MONGODB_CURRENT_VERSION=$(sudo find / -path /sys -prune -o -path /proc -prune -o -path /dev -prune -o -path /var -prune -o -path "*/$MAIN_INSTALL_DIRECTORY/*" -type d -name "$MONGODB_LATEST_VERSION" -exec basename {} \;) MONGOC_DRIVER_CURRENT_VERSION=$(sudo find / -path /sys -prune -o -path /proc -prune -o -path /dev -prune -o -path /var -prune -o -path "*/$MAIN_INSTALL_DIRECTORY/*" -type d -name "$MONGOC_DRIVER_LATEST_VERSION" -exec basename {} \;) echo -ne "\r${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}Getting Dependencies Current Versions${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo } function update_packages() { wait_for_package_manager echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Updating Packages${END_COLOR_PRINT}" sudo apt install --only-upgrade ${XCASH_DPOPS_PACKAGES} -y &>/dev/null echo -ne "\r${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}Updating Packages${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo } function set_installation_dir_owner() { sudo chown -R "$USER":"$USER" ${XCASH_DPOPS_INSTALLATION_DIR} 2&> /dev/null || true sudo chown -R "$USER":"$USER" ${XCASH_BLOCKCHAIN_INSTALLATION_DIR} 2&> /dev/null || true } function update_xcash() { echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Updating X-CASH (This Might Take A While)${END_COLOR_PRINT}" if [ ! -d "$XCASH_DIR" ]; then cd "${XCASH_DPOPS_INSTALLATION_DIR}" git clone --quiet "${XCASH_URL}" fi cd "${XCASH_DIR}" data=$([ $(git rev-parse HEAD) = $(git ls-remote $(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref @{u} | sed 's/\// /g') | cut -f1) ] && echo "1" || echo "0") if [ "$data" == "0" ]; then git reset --hard HEAD --quiet git pull --quiet if [ "$RAM_CPU_RATIO" -ge "$RAM_CPU_RATIO_ALL_CPU_THREADS" ]; then echo "y" | make clean &>/dev/null make release -j "${CPU_THREADS}" &>/dev/null else echo "y" | make clean &>/dev/null if [ "$RAM_CPU_RATIO" -eq 0 ]; then make release &>/dev/null else make release -j $((CPU_THREADS / 2)) &>/dev/null fi fi fi echo -ne "\r${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}Updating X-CASH (This Might Take A While)${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo } function update_xcash_dpops() { echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Updating xcash-dpops${END_COLOR_PRINT}" if [ ! -d "$XCASH_DPOPS_DIR" ]; then cd "${XCASH_DPOPS_INSTALLATION_DIR}" git clone --quiet "${XCASH_DPOPS_URL}" fi cd "${XCASH_DPOPS_DIR}" data=$([ $(git rev-parse HEAD) = $(git ls-remote $(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref @{u} | sed 's/\// /g') | cut -f1) ] && echo "1" || echo "0") if [ "$data" == "0" ]; then git reset --hard HEAD --quiet git pull --quiet if [ "$RAM_CPU_RATIO" -ge "$RAM_CPU_RATIO_ALL_CPU_THREADS" ]; then echo "y" | make clean &>/dev/null make release -j "${CPU_THREADS}" &>/dev/null else echo "y" | make clean &>/dev/null if [ "$RAM_CPU_RATIO" -eq 0 ]; then make release &>/dev/null else make release -j $((CPU_THREADS / 2)) &>/dev/null fi fi fi echo -ne "\r${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}Updating xcash-dpops${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo } function update_shared_delegates_website() { echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Updating Shared Delegates Website${END_COLOR_PRINT}" if [ ! -d "$SHARED_DELEGATES_WEBSITE_DIR" ]; then cd "${XCASH_DPOPS_INSTALLATION_DIR}" git clone --quiet "${SHARED_DELEGATES_WEBSITE_URL}" fi cd "${SHARED_DELEGATES_WEBSITE_DIR}" data=$([ $(git rev-parse HEAD) = $(git ls-remote $(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref @{u} | sed 's/\// /g') | cut -f1) ] && echo "1" || echo "0") if [ "$data" == "0" ]; then git reset --hard HEAD --quiet git pull --quiet npm update --legacy-peer-deps &>/dev/null source ~/.profile || true npm run build &>/dev/null cd dist for f in *.js; do uglifyjs "$f" --compress --mangle --output "{$f}min"; rm "$f"; mv "{$f}min" "$f"; done if [ -d "$XCASH_DPOPS_SHARED_DELEGATE_FOLDER_DIR" ]; then sudo rm -r "${XCASH_DPOPS_SHARED_DELEGATE_FOLDER_DIR}" fi cd ../ cp -a dist "${XCASH_DPOPS_SHARED_DELEGATE_FOLDER_DIR}" fi echo -ne "\r${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}Updating Shared Delegates Website${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo } function update_mongodb() { echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Updating MongoDB${END_COLOR_PRINT}" sudo rm -r "${MONGODB_DIR}" cd "${XCASH_DPOPS_INSTALLATION_DIR}" wget -q ${MONGODB_URL} tar -xf mongodb-linux-x86_64-*.tgz &>/dev/null sudo rm mongodb-linux-x86_64-*.tgz &>/dev/null MONGODB_DIR=$(sudo find / -path /sys -prune -o -path /proc -prune -o -path /dev -prune -o -path /var -prune -o -path "*/$MAIN_INSTALL_DIRECTORY/*" -type d -name "$MONGODB_LATEST_VERSION" -print)/ sudo chown -R "$USER":"$USER" ${MONGODB_DIR} update_systemd_service_files sudo bash -c "echo '${SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_MONGODB}' > /lib/systemd/system/mongodb.service" sed_services 's/\r$//g' /lib/systemd/system/mongodb.service sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo sed '/mongodb-linux-x86_64-ubuntu1804-/d' -i "${HOME}"/.profile sudo sed '/^[[:space:]]*$/d' -i "${HOME}"/.profile echo -ne "\nexport PATH=${MONGODB_DIR}bin:" >> "${HOME}"/.profile echo -ne '$PATH' >> "${HOME}"/.profile sudo sed -e :a -e '/^\n*$/{$d;N;};/\n$/ba' -i "${HOME}"/.profile source ~/.profile || true echo -ne "\r${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}Updating MongoDB${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo } function update_mongoc_driver() { echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Updating Mongo C Driver${END_COLOR_PRINT}" cd "${XCASH_DPOPS_INSTALLATION_DIR}" sudo rm -r "${MONGOC_DRIVER_DIR}" wget -q ${MONGOC_DRIVER_URL} tar -xf mongo-c-driver-*.tar.gz &>/dev/null sudo rm mongo-c-driver-*.tar.gz &>/dev/null sudo chown -R "$USER":"$USER" mongo-c-driver-* cd mongo-c-driver-* mkdir cmake-build cd cmake-build cmake -DENABLE_AUTOMATIC_INIT_AND_CLEANUP=OFF -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .. &>/dev/null sudo make -j "${CPU_THREADS}" &>/dev/null sudo make install &>/dev/null sudo ldconfig MONGOC_DRIVER_DIR=$(sudo find / -path /sys -prune -o -path /proc -prune -o -path /dev -prune -o -path /var -prune -o -path "*/$MAIN_INSTALL_DIRECTORY/*" -type d -name "$MONGOC_DRIVER_LATEST_VERSION" -print)/ echo -ne "\r${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}Updating Mongo C Driver${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo } function update_nodejs() { echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Updating NodeJS${END_COLOR_PRINT}" sudo rm -r "${NODEJS_DIR}" cd "${XCASH_DPOPS_INSTALLATION_DIR}" wget -q ${NODEJS_URL} tar -xf node*.tar.xz &>/dev/null sudo rm node*.tar.xz &>/dev/null NODEJS_DIR=$(sudo find / -path /sys -prune -o -path /proc -prune -o -path /dev -prune -o -path /var -prune -o -path "*/$MAIN_INSTALL_DIRECTORY/*" -type d -name "$NODEJS_LATEST_VERSION" -print)/ sudo chown -R "$USER":"$USER" ${NODEJS_DIR} sudo sed '/node-v/d' -i "${HOME}"/.profile sudo sed '/PATH=\/bin:/d' -i "${HOME}"/.profile sudo sed '/^[[:space:]]*$/d' -i "${HOME}"/.profile echo -ne "\nexport PATH=${NODEJS_DIR}bin:" >> "${HOME}"/.profile echo -ne '$PATH' >> "${HOME}"/.profile sudo sed -e :a -e '/^\n*$/{$d;N;};/\n$/ba' -i "${HOME}"/.profile source ~/.profile || true echo -ne "\r${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}Updating NodeJS${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo } function uninstall_packages() { wait_for_package_manager echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Uninstalling Packages${END_COLOR_PRINT}" sudo apt --purge remove ${XCASH_DPOPS_PACKAGES} -y &>/dev/null echo -ne "\r${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}Uninstalling Packages${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo } function uninstall_systemd_service_files() { echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Uninstall Systemd Service Files${END_COLOR_PRINT}" if [ "$container" == "lxc" ]; then sudo truncate --size 0 /lib/systemd/system/firewall.service /lib/systemd/system/mongodb.service /lib/systemd/system/xcash-daemon.service /lib/systemd/system/xcash-dpops.service /lib/systemd/system/xcash-rpc-wallet.service sudo rm -f /lib/systemd/system/xcash-dpops.timer /lib/systemd/system/xcash-rpc-wallet.timer ${HOME}/firewall_script.sh else sudo rm -f /lib/systemd/system/firewall.service /lib/systemd/system/mongodb.service /lib/systemd/system/xcash-daemon.service /lib/systemd/system/xcash-dpops.service /lib/systemd/system/xcash-rpc-wallet.service /lib/systemd/system/xcash-dpops.timer /lib/systemd/system/xcash-rpc-wallet.timer ${HOME}/firewall_script.sh fi sudo systemctl daemon-reload echo -ne "\r${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}Uninstall Systemd Service Files${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo } function uninstall_shared_delegates_website() { echo echo echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}############################################################${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN} Uninstalling Shared Delegate Website${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}############################################################${END_COLOR_PRINT}" get_installation_directory if [ -d "${XCASH_DPOPS_SHARED_DELEGATE_FOLDER_DIR}" ]; then sudo rm -r "${XCASH_DPOPS_SHARED_DELEGATE_FOLDER_DIR}" fi if [ -d "${SHARED_DELEGATES_WEBSITE_DIR}" ]; then sudo rm -r "${SHARED_DELEGATES_WEBSITE_DIR}" fi if [ -d "${NODEJS_DIR}" ]; then sudo rm -r "${NODEJS_DIR}" fi sudo sed '/node-v/d' -i "${HOME}"/.profile sudo sed '/PATH=\/bin:/d' -i "${HOME}"/.profile sudo sed '/^[[:space:]]*$/d' -i "${HOME}"/.profile sudo sed -e :a -e '/^\n*$/{$d;N;};/\n$/ba' -i "${HOME}"/.profile source ~/.profile || true echo echo } function install() { echo echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}############################################################${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN} Starting Installation${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}############################################################${END_COLOR_PRINT}" # Create directories create_directories # Create files create_files # Update the package list update_packages_list # Install packages install_packages # Install the blockchain install_blockchain # Install X-CASH install_xcash # Install xcash-dpops install_xcash_dpops # Install shared delegates website if [ "${SHARED_DELEGATE^^}" == "YES" ]; then install_shared_delegates_website fi # Create or import the wallet if [ "${WALLET_SETTINGS^^}" == "YES" ]; then create_xcash_wallet else import_xcash_wallet fi # Get the current xcash wallet data get_current_xcash_wallet_data # import the wallet if they created the wallet before. This should fix any 0 balance error if [ "${WALLET_SETTINGS^^}" == "YES" ]; then import_xcash_wallet fi # add the public address and block verifiers secret key to the XCASH_Daemon systemd service file sed_services "s/xcash-core\/build\/release\/bin\/xcashd/xcash-core\/build\/release\/bin\/xcashd --xcash-dpops-delegates-public-address $PUBLIC_ADDRESS --xcash-dpops-delegates-secret-key $BLOCK_VERIFIER_SECRET_KEY/g" /lib/systemd/system/xcash-daemon.service # Create a swap file if they don't already have one and have low ram, if not inside container if [ ! "$container" == "lxc" ]; then SWAP_FILE=$(sudo swapon --show) if [ -z "$SWAP_FILE" ] && [ "$RAM" -lt 10 ]; then create_swap_file fi fi # Create xcash wallet log symlink to old location touch "${XCASH_LOGS_DIR}xcash-wallet-rpc.log" && sudo rm -f "${XCASH_DIR}build/release/bin/xcash-wallet-rpc.log" && ln -s "${XCASH_LOGS_DIR}xcash-wallet-rpc.log" "${XCASH_DIR}build/release/bin/xcash-wallet-rpc.log" # Start the systemd service files start_systemd_service_files if [ "${AUTOSTART_SETTINGS^^}" == "YES" ]; then enable_service_files_at_startup fi cd ~ # Display X-CASH current wallet data echo echo echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}############################################################${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN} Installation Has Completed Successfully ${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}############################################################${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo echo echo -e "${CURRENT_XCASH_WALLET_INFORMATION}" echo echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Please make sure to save the above information in a secure place and press enter when done${END_COLOR_PRINT}" read -r data echo -ne "\r" echo relogin_user } function configure() { echo echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}############################################################${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN} Starting Configure Installation${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}############################################################${END_COLOR_PRINT}" # Stop service files stop_systemd_service_files # Remove shared website if solo check_if_remove_shared_delegate_configure_install # Re-set the owner of the install directory (can fix some "edge" issues for some users) set_installation_dir_owner # Ask if use already present blockchain or use bootstrap file echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Download and use the blockchain bootstrap? Leave empty for YES, write N for NO: ${END_COLOR_PRINT}" read -r data echo -ne "\r" echo BOOTSTRAP_BLOCKCHAIN_OPTION=$([ "$data" == "" ] && echo "YES" || echo "NO") if [ "$BOOTSTRAP_BLOCKCHAIN_OPTION" == "YES" ]; then install_or_update_blockchain fi # Configure xcash-dpops configure_xcash_dpops # Create or import the wallet if [ "${WALLET_SETTINGS^^}" == "YES" ]; then create_xcash_wallet else import_xcash_wallet fi # Get the current xcash wallet data get_current_xcash_wallet_data # import the wallet if they created the wallet before. This should fix any 0 balance error if [ "${WALLET_SETTINGS^^}" == "YES" ]; then import_xcash_wallet fi # add the public address and block verifiers secret key to the XCASH_Daemon systemd service file sed_services "s/xcash-core\/build\/release\/bin\/xcashd/xcash-core\/build\/release\/bin\/xcashd --xcash-dpops-delegates-public-address $PUBLIC_ADDRESS --xcash-dpops-delegates-secret-key $BLOCK_VERIFIER_SECRET_KEY/g" /lib/systemd/system/xcash-daemon.service # Start the systemd service files start_systemd_service_files if [ "${AUTOSTART_SETTINGS^^}" == "YES" ]; then enable_service_files_at_startup fi # Display X-CASH current wallet data echo echo echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}############################################################${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN} Configuration Has Completed Successfully ${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}############################################################${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo echo echo -e "${CURRENT_XCASH_WALLET_INFORMATION}" echo echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Please make sure to save the above information in a secure place and press enter when done${END_COLOR_PRINT}" read -r data echo -ne "\r" echo relogin_user } function update() { echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}############################################################${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN} Updating xcash-dpops${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}############################################################${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo echo # Check if solo node check_if_solo_node # Get the installation directory get_installation_directory # Get the current version of the dependencies get_dependencies_current_version # Stop the systemd service files stop_systemd_service_files # Update the package list update_packages_list # Update all system packages that are xcash-dpops dependencies update_packages # Re-set the owner of the install directory (can fix some "edge" issues for some users) set_installation_dir_owner # Update all repositories update_xcash update_xcash_dpops if [ "${SHARED_DELEGATE^^}" == "YES" ]; then update_shared_delegates_website fi # Update all dependencies if [ ! "$MONGODB_CURRENT_VERSION" == "$MONGODB_LATEST_VERSION" ]; then update_mongodb install_mongodb_tools else echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}MongoDB Is Already Up To Date${END_COLOR_PRINT}" fi if [ ! "$MONGOC_DRIVER_CURRENT_VERSION" == "$MONGOC_DRIVER_LATEST_VERSION" ]; then update_mongoc_driver else echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}Mongo C Driver Is Already Up To Date${END_COLOR_PRINT}" fi if [ "${SHARED_DELEGATE^^}" == "YES" ]; then if [ ! "$NODEJS_CURRENT_VERSION" == "$NODEJS_LATEST_VERSION" ]; then update_nodejs install_npm_global_packages else echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}NodeJS Is Already Up To Date${END_COLOR_PRINT}" fi configure_npm update_npm fi # Create xcash wallet log symlink to old location touch "${XCASH_LOGS_DIR}xcash-wallet-rpc.log" && sudo rm -f "${XCASH_DIR}build/release/bin/xcash-wallet-rpc.log" && ln -s "${XCASH_LOGS_DIR}xcash-wallet-rpc.log" "${XCASH_DIR}build/release/bin/xcash-wallet-rpc.log" # Start the systemd service files start_systemd_service_files cd ~ echo echo echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}############################################################${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN} Update Has Completed Successfully ${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}############################################################${END_COLOR_PRINT}" } function quick_update() { echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}############################################################${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN} Updating xcash-dpops${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}############################################################${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo echo XCASH_DPOPS_INSTALLATION_DIR=$(sudo find / -path /sys -prune -o -path /proc -prune -o -path /dev -prune -o -path /var -prune -o -type d -name "$MAIN_INSTALL_DIRECTORY" -print)/ XCASH_DPOPS_DIR=${XCASH_DPOPS_INSTALLATION_DIR}xcash-dpops/ update_xcash_dpops sudo systemctl restart xcash-dpops cd ~ echo echo echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}############################################################${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN} Update Has Completed Successfully ${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}############################################################${END_COLOR_PRINT}" } function uninstall() { echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_RED}Please Confirm You Want To Uninstall By Typing \"Uninstall\":${END_COLOR_PRINT}" read -r data if [ ! "$data" == "Uninstall" ]; then exit fi echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}############################################################${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN} Uninstalling xcash-dpops${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}############################################################${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo echo # Get the installation directory get_installation_directory # Re-set the owner of the install directory (can fix some "edge" issues for some users) set_installation_dir_owner # Restart the X-CASH Daemon and stop the X-CASH Wallet RPC echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Shutting Down X-CASH Wallet Systemd Service File and Restarting XCASH Daemon Systemd Service File${END_COLOR_PRINT}" sudo systemctl stop xcash-daemon &>/dev/null sleep 10s sudo systemctl stop xcash-rpc-wallet &>/dev/null sleep 10s echo -ne "\r${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}Shutting Down X-CASH Wallet Systemd Service File and Restarting XCASH Daemon Systemd Service File${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo # get the block verifiers secret key from the systemd service file BLOCK_VERIFIER_SECRET_KEY=$(cat /lib/systemd/system/xcash-dpops.service) BLOCK_VERIFIER_SECRET_KEY=$(echo $BLOCK_VERIFIER_SECRET_KEY | awk -F '--block-verifiers-secret-key' '{print $2}') BLOCK_VERIFIER_SECRET_KEY=${BLOCK_VERIFIER_SECRET_KEY:1:$BLOCK_VERIFIERS_SECRET_KEY_LENGTH} BLOCK_VERIFIER_PUBLIC_KEY="${BLOCK_VERIFIER_SECRET_KEY: -${BLOCK_VERIFIERS_PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH}}" # Get the current xcash wallet data get_current_xcash_wallet_data # Stop the systemd service files stop_systemd_service_files # Uninstall packages uninstall_packages # Uninstall Systemd Service Files (and remove firewall script from home) uninstall_systemd_service_files # Uninstall the Mongo C Driver echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Uninstalling Mongo C Driver${END_COLOR_PRINT}" sudo /usr/local/share/mongo-c-driver/uninstall.sh &>/dev/null sudo ldconfig echo -ne "\r${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}Uninstalling Mongo C Driver${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo # Uninstall the installation folder and the blockchain folder echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Uninstalling xcash-dpops Installation Directory${END_COLOR_PRINT}" sudo rm -rf "${XCASH_DPOPS_INSTALLATION_DIR}" 2&> /dev/null || true echo -ne "\r${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}Uninstalling xcash-dpops Installation Directory${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Removing the blockchain folder${END_COLOR_PRINT}" sudo rm -rf "${XCASH_BLOCKCHAIN_INSTALLATION_DIR}" 2&> /dev/null || true echo -ne "\r${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}Removing the blockchain folder${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo if [ "$container" == "lxc" ]; then echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}This is a container installation, please remove the container and also the host data files (bind mounts) to complete the uninstall${END_COLOR_PRINT}" fi # Update profile echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Updating Profile${END_COLOR_PRINT}" sudo sed '/mongodb-linux-x86_64-ubuntu1804-/d' -i "${HOME}"/.profile sudo sed '/node-v/d' -i "${HOME}"/.profile sudo sed '/PATH=\/bin:/d' -i "${HOME}"/.profile sudo sed '/^[[:space:]]*$/d' -i "${HOME}"/.profile sudo sed -e :a -e '/^\n*$/{$d;N;};/\n$/ba' -i "${HOME}"/.profile source ~/.profile || true echo -ne "\r${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}Updating Profile${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo cd ~ echo echo echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}############################################################${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN} Uninstall Has Completed Successfully ${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}############################################################${END_COLOR_PRINT}" # Display X-CASH current wallet data echo echo echo -e "${CURRENT_XCASH_WALLET_INFORMATION}" echo echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Please make sure to save (if needed) the above information in a secure place and press enter when done${END_COLOR_PRINT}" read -r data echo -ne "\r" echo relogin_user } function install_node() { echo echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}############################################################${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN} Starting Installation${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}############################################################${END_COLOR_PRINT}" get_ssh_port # Update global variables XCASH_DIR=${XCASH_DPOPS_INSTALLATION_DIR}xcash-core/ XCASH_SYSTEMPID_DIR=${XCASH_DPOPS_INSTALLATION_DIR}systemdpid/ XCASH_LOGS_DIR=${XCASH_DPOPS_INSTALLATION_DIR}logs/ # Create directories echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Creating Directories${END_COLOR_PRINT}" cd ~ if [ ! -d "$XCASH_DPOPS_INSTALLATION_DIR" ]; then mkdir -p "${XCASH_DPOPS_INSTALLATION_DIR}" fi if [ ! -d "$XCASH_SYSTEMPID_DIR" ]; then mkdir -p "${XCASH_SYSTEMPID_DIR}" fi if [ ! -d "$XCASH_LOGS_DIR" ]; then mkdir -p "${XCASH_LOGS_DIR}" fi echo -ne "\r${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}Creating Directories${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo # Create files touch $HOME/$MAIN_INSTALL_DIRECTORY/systemdpid/xcash-daemon.pid # Update the package list update_packages_list # Install packages install_packages # Install the blockchain install_blockchain # Install X-CASH install_xcash # install the systemd service files echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Creating Systemd Service Files${END_COLOR_PRINT}" FIREWALL=$(cat <(curl -sSL $FIREWALL_XCASH_NODE_URL)) FIREWALL="${FIREWALL//'${SSH_PORT_NUMBER}'/$SSH_PORT_NUMBER}" SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_FIREWALL=$(cat <(curl -sSL $SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_FIREWALL_URL)) SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_FIREWALL="${SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_FIREWALL//'${HOME}'/$HOME}" SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_XCASH_DAEMON=$(cat <(curl -sSL $SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_XCASH_DAEMON_URL)) SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_XCASH_DAEMON="${SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_XCASH_DAEMON//'${USER}'/$USER}" SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_XCASH_DAEMON="${SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_XCASH_DAEMON//'${XCASH_DPOPS_INSTALLATION_DIR}'/$XCASH_DPOPS_INSTALLATION_DIR}" SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_XCASH_DAEMON="${SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_XCASH_DAEMON//'${XCASH_DIR}'/$XCASH_DIR}" SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_XCASH_DAEMON="${SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_XCASH_DAEMON//'${XCASH_BLOCKCHAIN_INSTALLATION_DIR}'/$XCASH_BLOCKCHAIN_INSTALLATION_DIR}" SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_XCASH_DAEMON="${SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_XCASH_DAEMON//'${XCASH_LOGS_DIR}'/$XCASH_LOGS_DIR}" SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_XCASH_DAEMON="${SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_XCASH_DAEMON//'${XCASH_SYSTEMPID_DIR}'/$XCASH_SYSTEMPID_DIR}" sudo bash -c "echo '${SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_FIREWALL}' > /lib/systemd/system/firewall.service" sudo bash -c "echo '${SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_XCASH_DAEMON}' > /lib/systemd/system/xcash-daemon.service" sed_services 's/\r$//g' /lib/systemd/system/firewall.service sed_services 's/\r$//g' /lib/systemd/system/xcash-daemon.service sudo systemctl daemon-reload echo -ne "\r${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}Creating Systemd Service Files${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo # Install the firewall echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Installing The Firewall${END_COLOR_PRINT}" # Reinstall iptables (solves some issues with some VPS) wait_for_package_manager sudo apt install --reinstall iptables &>/dev/null echo "$FIREWALL" > ${HOME}/firewall_script.sh sudo sed -i 's/\r$//g' ${HOME}/firewall_script.sh sudo chmod +x ${HOME}/firewall_script.sh sudo ${HOME}/firewall_script.sh sudo systemctl enable firewall &>/dev/null sudo systemctl start firewall &>/dev/null echo -ne "\r${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}Installing The Firewall${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo # Start the systemd service files and enable them at startup sudo systemctl enable xcash-daemon &>/dev/null sudo systemctl start xcash-daemon &>/dev/null cd ~ echo echo echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}############################################################${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN} Installation Has Completed Successfully ${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}############################################################${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo echo } function update_node() { echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}############################################################${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN} Updating xcash node${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}############################################################${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo echo # Update global variables XCASH_DIR=${XCASH_DPOPS_INSTALLATION_DIR}xcash-core/ # Stop the systemd service files sudo systemctl stop xcash-daemon # Update the package list update_packages_list # Update all system packages that are xcash-dpops dependencies update_packages # Re-set the owner of the install directory (can fix some "edge" issues for some users) set_installation_dir_owner # Update all repositories update_xcash # Start the systemd service files sudo systemctl start xcash-daemon cd ~ echo echo echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}############################################################${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN} Update Has Completed Successfully ${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}############################################################${END_COLOR_PRINT}" } function uninstall_node() { echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_RED}Please Confirm You Want To Uninstall By Typing \"Uninstall\":${END_COLOR_PRINT}" read -r data if [ ! "$data" == "Uninstall" ]; then exit fi echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}############################################################${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN} Uninstalling xcash node${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}############################################################${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo echo sudo systemctl stop xcash-daemon &>/dev/null # Re-set the owner of the install directory (can fix some "edge" issues for some users) set_installation_dir_owner # Uninstall packages uninstall_packages # Uninstall Systemd Service Files (and remove firewall script from home) if [ "$container" == "lxc" ]; then sudo truncate --size 0 /lib/systemd/system/firewall.service /lib/systemd/system/mongodb.service /lib/systemd/system/xcash-daemon.service sudo rm -f ${HOME}/firewall_script.sh else sudo rm -f /lib/systemd/system/firewall.service /lib/systemd/system/mongodb.service /lib/systemd/system/xcash-daemon.service ${HOME}/firewall_script.sh fi sudo systemctl daemon-reload # Uninstall the installation folder and blockchain folder sudo rm -rf "${XCASH_DPOPS_INSTALLATION_DIR}" 2&> /dev/null || true sudo rm -rf "${XCASH_BLOCKCHAIN_INSTALLATION_DIR}" 2&> /dev/null || true if [ "$container" == "lxc" ]; then echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}This is a container installation, please remove the container and also the host data files (bind mounts) to complete the uninstall${END_COLOR_PRINT}" fi cd ~ echo echo echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}############################################################${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN} Uninstall Has Completed Successfully ${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}############################################################${END_COLOR_PRINT}" } function change_solo_or_shared_delegate() { check_if_solo_node check_if_upgrade_solo_delegate_and_shared_delegate echo } function test_update() { get_installation_directory stop_systemd_service_files echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Resetting the Blockchain${END_COLOR_PRINT}" sudo systemctl start xcash-daemon mongodb sleep 30s data=$(curl -s -X POST -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"0","method":"get_block_count"}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json') data="${data:66:6}" data="${data%,*}" data=$((data-XCASH_DPOPS_BLOCK_HEIGHT)) sudo systemctl stop xcash-daemon sleep 30s if [ $data -ne 0 ]; then "${XCASH_DIR}"build/release/bin/xcash-blockchain-import --data-dir "${XCASH_BLOCKCHAIN_INSTALLATION_DIR}" --pop-blocks ${data} &>/dev/null fi echo -ne "\r${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}Resetting the Blockchain${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo source ~/.profile || true echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Resetting the Database${END_COLOR_PRINT}" (echo "use XCASH_PROOF_OF_STAKE"; echo "db.dropDatabase()"; echo "exit";) | mongo &>/dev/null echo -ne "\r${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}Resetting the Database${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo update } function test_update_reset_delegates() { get_installation_directory stop_systemd_service_files echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Resetting the Blockchain${END_COLOR_PRINT}" sudo systemctl start xcash-daemon mongodb &>/dev/null sleep 30s data=$(curl -s -X POST -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"0","method":"get_block_count"}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json') data="${data:66:6}" data=$((data-XCASH_DPOPS_BLOCK_HEIGHT)) sudo systemctl stop xcash-daemon &>/dev/null sleep 30s if [ $data -ne 0 ]; then "${XCASH_DIR}"build/release/bin/xcash-blockchain-import --data-dir "${XCASH_BLOCKCHAIN_INSTALLATION_DIR}" --pop-blocks ${data} &>/dev/null fi echo -ne "\r${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}Resetting the Blockchain${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo # Source profile to fix some strange "edge" behaviors source ~/.profile || true echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Resetting the Database${END_COLOR_PRINT}" (echo "use XCASH_PROOF_OF_STAKE"; echo "db.dropDatabase()"; echo "exit";) | mongo &>/dev/null (echo "use XCASH_PROOF_OF_STAKE_DELEGATES"; echo "db.dropDatabase()"; echo "exit";) | mongo &>/dev/null echo -ne "\r${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}Resetting the Database${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo echo update } function get_ssh_port() { echo echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}What port do you use to connect through SSH with your server (press enter for default port: 22): ${END_COLOR_PRINT}" read -r data echo -ne "\r" echo SSH_PORT_NUMBER=$([ ! "$data" == "" ] && echo "$data" || echo "$SSH_PORT_NUMBER") } function install_firewall_script() { get_ssh_port echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Installing The Firewall${END_COLOR_PRINT}" # Reinstall iptables (solves some issues with some VPS) wait_for_package_manager sudo apt install --reinstall iptables &>/dev/null update_systemd_service_files sudo bash -c "echo '${SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_FIREWALL}' > /lib/systemd/system/firewall.service" sed_services 's/\r$//g' /lib/systemd/system/firewall.service sudo systemctl daemon-reload echo "$FIREWALL" > ${HOME}/firewall_script.sh sudo chmod +x ${HOME}/firewall_script.sh sudo ${HOME}/firewall_script.sh sudo systemctl enable firewall &>/dev/null sudo systemctl start firewall &>/dev/null echo -ne "\r${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}Installing The Firewall${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo } function install_firewall_script_shared_delegates() { get_ssh_port echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Installing The Firewall${END_COLOR_PRINT}" # Reinstall iptables (solves some issues with some VPS) wait_for_package_manager sudo apt install --reinstall iptables &>/dev/null update_systemd_service_files sudo bash -c "echo '${SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_FIREWALL}' > /lib/systemd/system/firewall.service" sed_services 's/\r$//g' /lib/systemd/system/firewall.service sudo systemctl daemon-reload echo "$FIREWALL_SHARED_DELEGATES" > ${HOME}/firewall_script.sh sudo chmod +x ${HOME}/firewall_script.sh sudo ${HOME}/firewall_script.sh sudo systemctl enable firewall &>/dev/null sudo systemctl start firewall &>/dev/null echo -ne "\r${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}Installing The Firewall${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo } function install_or_update_blockchain() { echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}Installing / Updating The BlockChain (This Might Take a While, please follow the progress)${END_COLOR_PRINT}" stop_systemd_service_files # wait for the blockchain file to be created hour=$(date +"%H") while [ $hour == 0 ] do sleep 60s hour=$(date +"%H") done cd $HOME XCASH_BLOCKCHAIN_INSTALLATION_DIR=$(sudo find / -path /sys -prune -o -path /proc -prune -o -path /dev -prune -o -path /var -prune -o -type d -name ".X-CASH" -print)/ if [ $XCASH_BLOCKCHAIN_INSTALLATION_DIR = "/" ]; then XCASH_BLOCKCHAIN_INSTALLATION_DIR="${HOME}/.X-CASH/" fi # Install 7z and wget if not already installed wait_for_package_manager sudo apt install -y p7zip-full wget &>/dev/null cd && test -f xcash-blockchain.7z && sudo rm -rf xcash-blockchain.7z* echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}Starting the Download${END_COLOR_PRINT}" wget -q --show-progress ${XCASH_BLOCKCHAIN_BOOTSTRAP_URL} echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}Starting Extraction${END_COLOR_PRINT}" sudo rm -r ${XCASH_BLOCKCHAIN_INSTALLATION_DIR} &>/dev/null || true 7z x xcash-blockchain.7z -bso0 -bse0 -o${XCASH_BLOCKCHAIN_INSTALLATION_DIR::-8} sudo rm xcash-blockchain.7z echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}Installing / Updating The BlockChain Completed${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo } function install_blockchain() { if [ ! -d ${XCASH_BLOCKCHAIN_INSTALLATION_DIR} ] || [ ! -d ${XCASH_BLOCKCHAIN_INSTALLATION_DIR}lmdb/ ]; then echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}Installing The BlockChain (This Might Take a While, please follow the progress)${END_COLOR_PRINT}" # wait for the blockchain file to be created hour=$(date +"%H") while [ $hour == 0 ] do sleep 60s hour=$(date +"%H") done cd $HOME cd && test -f xcash-blockchain.7z && sudo rm -rf xcash-blockchain.7z* echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}Starting the Download${END_COLOR_PRINT}" wget -q --show-progress ${XCASH_BLOCKCHAIN_BOOTSTRAP_URL} echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}Starting Extraction${END_COLOR_PRINT}" sudo rm -r ${XCASH_BLOCKCHAIN_INSTALLATION_DIR} &>/dev/null || true 7z x xcash-blockchain.7z -bso0 -bse0 -o${XCASH_BLOCKCHAIN_INSTALLATION_DIR::-8} sudo rm xcash-blockchain.7z echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}Installing The BlockChain Completed${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo fi } function edit_shared_delegate_settings() { # check if they are already a shared delegate if grep -q "shared-delegates-website" /lib/systemd/system/xcash-dpops.service; then while echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Shared Delegate Fee (in percentage ex: 1 or 1.5 etc): ${END_COLOR_PRINT}" read -r DPOPS_FEE echo -ne "\r" echo [[ ! $DPOPS_FEE =~ $regex_DPOPS_FEE ]] do true; done while echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Shared Delegate Minimum Payment Amount, minimum is 10K, maximum is 10M (ex: 10000 in whole numbers and not atomic units etc): ${END_COLOR_PRINT}" read -r DPOPS_MINIMUM_AMOUNT echo -ne "\r" echo [[ ! $DPOPS_MINIMUM_AMOUNT =~ $regex_DPOPS_MINIMUM_AMOUNT ]] do true; done echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Updating Shared Delegate Settings${END_COLOR_PRINT}" sed_services "s/--fee.*--minimum-amount/--fee $DPOPS_FEE --minimum-amount/g" /lib/systemd/system/xcash-dpops.service sed_services "s/--minimum-amount.*/--minimum-amount $DPOPS_MINIMUM_AMOUNT/g" /lib/systemd/system/xcash-dpops.service sudo systemctl daemon-reload echo -ne "\r${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}Updating Shared Delegate Settings${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo else echo -ne "\r${COLOR_PRINT_RED}Your delegate is not setup as a shared delegate${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo fi } function register_update_delegate() { XCASH_DELEGATE_NAME="" echo echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Do you want to register a new delegate? Leave empty for YES, write N for NO: ${END_COLOR_PRINT}" read -r data echo -ne "\r" echo if [ "$data" == "" ]; then echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Enter your delegate name: ${END_COLOR_PRINT}" read -r XCASH_DELEGATE_NAME echo -ne "\r" echo echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Enter your domain name or IP address: ${END_COLOR_PRINT}" read -r XCASH_DELEGATE_DOMAIN echo -ne "\r" echo # Stop the rpc wallet service sudo systemctl stop xcash-rpc-wallet &>/dev/null # Get required information get_installation_directory # get the block verifiers secret key from the systemd service file BLOCK_VERIFIER_SECRET_KEY=$(cat /lib/systemd/system/xcash-dpops.service) BLOCK_VERIFIER_SECRET_KEY=$(echo $BLOCK_VERIFIER_SECRET_KEY | awk -F '--block-verifiers-secret-key' '{print $2}') BLOCK_VERIFIER_SECRET_KEY=${BLOCK_VERIFIER_SECRET_KEY:1:$BLOCK_VERIFIERS_SECRET_KEY_LENGTH} BLOCK_VERIFIER_PUBLIC_KEY="${BLOCK_VERIFIER_SECRET_KEY: -${BLOCK_VERIFIERS_PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH}}" # Run the wallet passing the registration information (echo "delegate_register ${XCASH_DELEGATE_NAME} ${XCASH_DELEGATE_DOMAIN} ${BLOCK_VERIFIER_PUBLIC_KEY}"; echo "${WALLET_PASSWORD}"; echo "exit" ) | ${XCASH_DIR}build/release/bin/xcash-wallet-cli --wallet-file ${XCASH_WALLET_DIR}delegate-wallet --password ${WALLET_PASSWORD} --trusted-daemon --log-file ${XCASH_LOGS_DIR}xcash-wallet-rpc.log # Start the rpc wallet service sudo systemctl start xcash-rpc-wallet &>/dev/null fi echo echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Do you want to update the delegate information? Leave empty for YES, write N for NO: ${END_COLOR_PRINT}" read -r data echo -ne "\r" echo if [ "$data" == "" ]; then if [ "$XCASH_DELEGATE_NAME" == "" ]; then # Get required information get_installation_directory echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Enter your delegate name: ${END_COLOR_PRINT}" read -r XCASH_DELEGATE_NAME echo -ne "\r" echo fi echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}Please see https://docs.xcash.foundation/dpops/register-delegate${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}For best compatibility use only alphanumeric characters and . , ! ? - _${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Enter new domain name or IP (leave empty to skip): ${END_COLOR_PRINT}" read -r UPDATE_NEW_DOMAIN_IP echo -ne "\r" echo echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Enter About description (leave empty to skip): ${END_COLOR_PRINT}" read -r UPDATE_ABOUT_DESCRIPTION echo -ne "\r" echo echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Enter Website - Landing page (leave empty to skip): ${END_COLOR_PRINT}" read -r UPDATE_WEBSITE echo -ne "\r" echo echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Enter Shared delegate status, true or false (leave empty to skip): ${END_COLOR_PRINT}" read -r UPDATE_SHARED_DELEGATE_STATUS echo -ne "\r" echo echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Enter Shared delegate Fee (leave empty to skip): ${END_COLOR_PRINT}" read -r UPDATE_SHARED_DELEGATE_FEE echo -ne "\r" echo echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Enter Shared Delegate Team Info (leave empty to skip): ${END_COLOR_PRINT}" read -r UPDATE_TEAM echo -ne "\r" echo echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Enter Server Specifications (leave empty to skip): ${END_COLOR_PRINT}" read -r UPDATE_SERVER_SPECS echo -ne "\r" echo # Stop the rpc wallet service sudo systemctl stop xcash-rpc-wallet &>/dev/null # Disable ask-password inside the wallet (will be re-enabled at the end of the configuration) COMMAND_STRING="${COMMAND_STRING}set ask-password 0\n${WALLET_PASSWORD}\n" (echo -ne ${COMMAND_STRING}; echo "exit" ) | ${XCASH_DIR}build/release/bin/xcash-wallet-cli --wallet-file ${XCASH_WALLET_DIR}delegate-wallet --password ${WALLET_PASSWORD} --trusted-daemon --log-file ${XCASH_LOGS_DIR}xcash-wallet-rpc.log echo # Create the update sequence COMMAND_STRING="" if [ ! "$UPDATE_NEW_DOMAIN_IP" == "" ]; then COMMAND_STRING="${COMMAND_STRING}delegate_update IP_address ${UPDATE_NEW_DOMAIN_IP}\n"; fi if [ ! "$UPDATE_ABOUT_DESCRIPTION" == "" ]; then COMMAND_STRING="${COMMAND_STRING}delegate_update about ${UPDATE_ABOUT_DESCRIPTION}\n"; fi if [ ! "$UPDATE_WEBSITE" == "" ]; then COMMAND_STRING="${COMMAND_STRING}delegate_update website ${UPDATE_WEBSITE}\n"; fi if [ ! "$UPDATE_SHARED_DELEGATE_STATUS" == "" ]; then COMMAND_STRING="${COMMAND_STRING}delegate_update shared_delegate_status ${UPDATE_SHARED_DELEGATE_STATUS}\n"; fi if [ ! "$UPDATE_SHARED_DELEGATE_FEE" == "" ]; then COMMAND_STRING="${COMMAND_STRING}delegate_update delegate_fee ${UPDATE_SHARED_DELEGATE_FEE}\n"; fi if [ ! "$UPDATE_TEAM" == "" ]; then COMMAND_STRING="${COMMAND_STRING}delegate_update team ${UPDATE_TEAM}\n"; fi if [ ! "$UPDATE_SERVER_SPECS" == "" ]; then COMMAND_STRING="${COMMAND_STRING}delegate_update server_specs ${UPDATE_SERVER_SPECS}\n"; fi COMMAND_STRING="${COMMAND_STRING}set ask-password 1\n${WALLET_PASSWORD}\n" # Run the wallet passing the registration information (echo -ne ${COMMAND_STRING}; echo "exit" ) | ${XCASH_DIR}build/release/bin/xcash-wallet-cli --wallet-file ${XCASH_WALLET_DIR}delegate-wallet --password ${WALLET_PASSWORD} --trusted-daemon --log-file ${XCASH_LOGS_DIR}xcash-wallet-rpc.log # Start the rpc wallet service sudo systemctl start xcash-rpc-wallet &>/dev/null fi echo echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}Operation completed!${END_COLOR_PRINT}" } function backup() { echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}############################################################${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN} Backup xcash-dpops${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}############################################################${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo echo # Check if solo node check_if_solo_node # Get the installation directory get_installation_directory # Re-set the owner of the install directory (can fix some "edge" issues for some users) set_installation_dir_owner # Restart the X-CASH Daemon and stop the X-CASH Wallet RPC echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Shutting Down X-CASH Wallet Systemd Service File and Restarting XCASH Daemon Systemd Service File${END_COLOR_PRINT}" sudo systemctl stop xcash-daemon &>/dev/null sleep 10s sudo systemctl stop xcash-rpc-wallet &>/dev/null sleep 10s echo -ne "\r${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}Shutting Down X-CASH Wallet Systemd Service File and Restarting XCASH Daemon Systemd Service File${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo # get the block verifiers secret key from the systemd service file BLOCK_VERIFIER_SECRET_KEY=$(cat /lib/systemd/system/xcash-dpops.service) BLOCK_VERIFIER_SECRET_KEY=$(echo $BLOCK_VERIFIER_SECRET_KEY | awk -F '--block-verifiers-secret-key' '{print $2}') BLOCK_VERIFIER_SECRET_KEY=${BLOCK_VERIFIER_SECRET_KEY:1:$BLOCK_VERIFIERS_SECRET_KEY_LENGTH} BLOCK_VERIFIER_PUBLIC_KEY="${BLOCK_VERIFIER_SECRET_KEY: -${BLOCK_VERIFIERS_PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH}}" # Get the current xcash wallet data get_current_xcash_wallet_data # Stop the systemd service files stop_systemd_service_files # Backup the decentralized database if [ "${SHARED_DELEGATE^^}" == "YES" ]; then cd ~ sudo systemctl start mongodb mongodump --db XCASH_PROOF_OF_STAKE_DELEGATES &>/dev/null || true 7z a shared_delegates_database_backup.7z dump &>/dev/null || true sudo rm -r dump &>/dev/null || true fi echo echo echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}############################################################${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN} Backup Has Completed Successfully ${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}############################################################${END_COLOR_PRINT}" # Display the decentralized database backup data if [ "${SHARED_DELEGATE^^}" == "YES" ]; then echo echo echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}After running the autoinstaller on a different machine run this command to import your shared delegates database (place the shared_delegates_database_backup.7z in the $HOME directory)${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}cd ~ && 7z x shared_delegates_database_backup.7z && mongorestore --db XCASH_PROOF_OF_STAKE_DELEGATES dump/XCASH_PROOF_OF_STAKE_DELEGATES && sudo rm -r dump${END_COLOR_PRINT}" fi # Display X-CASH current wallet data echo echo echo -e "${CURRENT_XCASH_WALLET_INFORMATION}" echo echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Please make sure to save the above information in a secure place and press enter when done${END_COLOR_PRINT}" read -r data echo -ne "\r" echo } function create_swap_file() { echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Creating Swap File${END_COLOR_PRINT}" cd $HOME sudo fallocate -l 8G /swapfile || true sudo chmod 600 /swapfile || true sudo mkswap /swapfile &>/dev/null || true sudo swapon /swapfile || true echo "/swapfile swap swap defaults 0 0" | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab &>/dev/null || true sudo sysctl -w vm.swappiness=1 &>/dev/null || true echo -ne "\r${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}Creating Swap File${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo } function restore_mongodb() { echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Restoring MongoDB${END_COLOR_PRINT}" sudo rm -r "${MONGODB_DIR}" cd "${XCASH_DPOPS_INSTALLATION_DIR}" wget -q ${MONGODB_RESTORE_URL} tar -xf mongodb-linux-x86_64-*.tgz &>/dev/null sudo rm mongodb-linux-x86_64-*.tgz &>/dev/null MONGODB_DIR=$(sudo find / -path /sys -prune -o -path /proc -prune -o -path /dev -prune -o -path /var -prune -o -path "*/$MAIN_INSTALL_DIRECTORY/*" -type d -name "$MONGODB_LATEST_VERSION" -print)/ sudo chown -R "$USER":"$USER" ${MONGODB_DIR} update_systemd_service_files sudo bash -c "echo '${SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE_MONGODB}' > /lib/systemd/system/mongodb.service" sed_services 's/\r$//g' /lib/systemd/system/mongodb.service sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo sed '/mongodb-linux-x86_64-ubuntu1804-/d' -i "${HOME}"/.profile sudo sed '/^[[:space:]]*$/d' -i "${HOME}"/.profile echo -ne "\nexport PATH=${MONGODB_DIR}bin:" >> "${HOME}"/.profile echo -ne '$PATH' >> "${HOME}"/.profile sudo sed -e :a -e '/^\n*$/{$d;N;};/\n$/ba' -i "${HOME}"/.profile source ~/.profile || true echo -ne "\r${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}Restoring MongoDB${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo } function restore_mongodb_tools() { echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Restoring MongoDB Tools${END_COLOR_PRINT}" cd "${XCASH_DPOPS_INSTALLATION_DIR}"mongodb-linux-x86_64-*/bin/ wget -q ${MONGODB_TOOLS_RESTORE_URL} tar -xf mongodb-database-tools-*.tgz &>/dev/null sudo rm mongodb-database-tools-*.tgz &>/dev/null cp -a mongodb-database-tools-*/bin/* ./ sudo rm -rf mongodb-database-tools-* echo -ne "\r${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}Restoring MongoDB Tools${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo } function restore_mongoc_driver() { echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Restoring Mongo C Driver${END_COLOR_PRINT}" cd "${XCASH_DPOPS_INSTALLATION_DIR}" sudo rm -r "${MONGOC_DRIVER_DIR}" wget -q ${MONGOC_DRIVER_RESTORE_URL} tar -xf mongo-c-driver-*.tar.gz &>/dev/null sudo rm mongo-c-driver-*.tar.gz &>/dev/null sudo chown -R "$USER":"$USER" mongo-c-driver-* cd mongo-c-driver-* mkdir cmake-build cd cmake-build cmake -DENABLE_AUTOMATIC_INIT_AND_CLEANUP=OFF -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .. &>/dev/null sudo make -j "${CPU_THREADS}" &>/dev/null sudo make install &>/dev/null sudo ldconfig MONGOC_DRIVER_DIR=$(sudo find / -path /sys -prune -o -path /proc -prune -o -path /dev -prune -o -path /var -prune -o -path "*/$MAIN_INSTALL_DIRECTORY/*" -type d -name "$MONGOC_DRIVER_LATEST_VERSION" -print)/ echo -ne "\r${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}Restoring Mongo C Driver${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo } function restore_nodejs() { echo -ne "${COLOR_PRINT_YELLOW}Restoring NodeJS${END_COLOR_PRINT}" sudo rm -r "${NODEJS_DIR}" cd "${XCASH_DPOPS_INSTALLATION_DIR}" wget -q ${NODEJS_RESTORE_URL} tar -xf node*.tar.xz &>/dev/null sudo rm node*.tar.xz &>/dev/null NODEJS_DIR=$(sudo find / -path /sys -prune -o -path /proc -prune -o -path /dev -prune -o -path /var -prune -o -path "*/$MAIN_INSTALL_DIRECTORY/*" -type d -name "$NODEJS_LATEST_VERSION" -print)/ sudo chown -R "$USER":"$USER" ${NODEJS_DIR} sudo sed '/node-v/d' -i "${HOME}"/.profile sudo sed '/PATH=\/bin:/d' -i "${HOME}"/.profile sudo sed '/^[[:space:]]*$/d' -i "${HOME}"/.profile echo -ne "\nexport PATH=${NODEJS_DIR}bin:" >> "${HOME}"/.profile echo -ne '$PATH' >> "${HOME}"/.profile sudo sed -e :a -e '/^\n*$/{$d;N;};/\n$/ba' -i "${HOME}"/.profile source ~/.profile || true echo -ne "\r${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}Restoring NodeJS${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo } function restore_tools() { echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}############################################################${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN} Restoring Tools${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}############################################################${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo echo # Check if solo node check_if_solo_node # Get the installation directory get_installation_directory # Stop the systemd service files stop_systemd_service_files # Re-set the owner of the install directory (can fix some "edge" issues for some users) set_installation_dir_owner # Restore all dependencies restore_mongodb restore_mongodb_tools restore_mongoc_driver if [ "${SHARED_DELEGATE^^}" == "YES" ]; then restore_nodejs install_npm_global_packages configure_npm update_npm fi # Create xcash wallet log symlink to old location touch "${XCASH_LOGS_DIR}xcash-wallet-rpc.log" && sudo rm -f "${XCASH_DIR}build/release/bin/xcash-wallet-rpc.log" && ln -s "${XCASH_LOGS_DIR}xcash-wallet-rpc.log" "${XCASH_DIR}build/release/bin/xcash-wallet-rpc.log" # Start the systemd service files start_systemd_service_files cd ~ echo echo echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}############################################################${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN} Restoring Tools Has Completed Successfully ${END_COLOR_PRINT}" echo -e "${COLOR_PRINT_GREEN}############################################################${END_COLOR_PRINT}" } # Check for a compatible OS check_ubuntu_version # Setup profile if running from an LXC container setup_lxc_container_profile # Get the installation settings installation_settings if [ "$INSTALLATION_TYPE_SETTINGS" -eq "1" ]; then install elif [ "$INSTALLATION_TYPE_SETTINGS" -eq "2" ]; then update elif [ "$INSTALLATION_TYPE_SETTINGS" -eq "3" ]; then quick_update elif [ "$INSTALLATION_TYPE_SETTINGS" -eq "4" ]; then uninstall elif [ "$INSTALLATION_TYPE_SETTINGS" -eq "5" ]; then restore_tools elif [ "$INSTALLATION_TYPE_SETTINGS" -eq "6" ]; then install_node elif [ "$INSTALLATION_TYPE_SETTINGS" -eq "7" ]; then update_node elif [ "$INSTALLATION_TYPE_SETTINGS" -eq "8" ]; then uninstall_node elif [ "$INSTALLATION_TYPE_SETTINGS" -eq "9" ]; then install_or_update_blockchain elif [ "$INSTALLATION_TYPE_SETTINGS" -eq "10" ]; then change_solo_or_shared_delegate elif [ "$INSTALLATION_TYPE_SETTINGS" -eq "11" ]; then edit_shared_delegate_settings elif [ "$INSTALLATION_TYPE_SETTINGS" -eq "12" ]; then register_update_delegate elif [ "$INSTALLATION_TYPE_SETTINGS" -eq "13" ]; then stop_systemd_service_files start_systemd_service_files elif [ "$INSTALLATION_TYPE_SETTINGS" -eq "14" ]; then stop_systemd_service_files elif [ "$INSTALLATION_TYPE_SETTINGS" -eq "15" ]; then test_update elif [ "$INSTALLATION_TYPE_SETTINGS" -eq "16" ]; then test_update_reset_delegates elif [ "$INSTALLATION_TYPE_SETTINGS" -eq "17" ]; then configure elif [ "$INSTALLATION_TYPE_SETTINGS" -eq "18" ]; then install_firewall_script elif [ "$INSTALLATION_TYPE_SETTINGS" -eq "19" ]; then install_firewall_script_shared_delegates elif [ "$INSTALLATION_TYPE_SETTINGS" -eq "20" ]; then backup fi