#ifndef H_LANG_EN #define H_LANG_EN // Thanks: Nancy Charlton, Vague Rant const char *STR_EN[] = { "" // help , "Loading..." , "Press H for help" , helpText , "%s@@@" "KILLS %d@@" "PICKUPS %d@@" "SECRETS %d of %d@@" "TIME TAKEN %s" , "Saving game..." , "Saving done!" , "SAVING ERROR!" , "YES" , "NO" , "Off" , "On" , "Off" , "Side-By-Side" , "Anaglyph" , "Split Screen" , "VR" , "Low" , "Medium" , "High" , STR_LANGUAGES , "Apply" , "Gamepad 1" , "Gamepad 2" , "Gamepad 3" , "Gamepad 4" , "Not Ready" , "Player 1" , "Player 2" , "Press Any Key" , "%s - Select" , "%s - Go Back" // inventory pages , "OPTIONS" , "INVENTORY" , "ITEMS" // save game page , "Save Game?" , "Current Position" // inventory option , "Game" , "Map" , "Compass" , "Statistics" , "Lara's Home" , "Detail Levels" , "Sound" , "Controls" , "Gamma" // passport menu , "Load Game" , "New Game" , "Restart Level" , "Exit to Title" , "Exit Game" , "Select Level" // detail options , "Select Detail" , "Filtering" , "Lighting" , "Shadows" , "Water" , "VSync" , "Stereo" , "Simple Items" , "Resolution" , STR_SCALE // sound options , "Set Volumes" , "Reverberation" , "Subtitles" , "Language" // controls options , "Set Controls" , "Keyboard" , "Gamepad" , "Vibration" , "Retargeting" , "Multi-aiming" // controls , "Left", "Right", "Run", "Back", "Jump", "Walk", "Action", "Draw Weapon", "Look", "Duck", "Dash", "Roll", "Inventory", "Start" , STR_KEYS // inventory items , "Unknown" , "Explosive" , "Pistols" , "Shotgun" , "Magnums" , "Uzis" , "Pistol Clips" , "Shotgun Shells" , "Magnum Clips" , "Uzi Clips" , "Small Medi Pack" , "Large Medi Pack" , "Lead Bar" , "Scion" // keys , "Key" , "Silver Key" , "Rusty Key" , "Gold Key" , "Sapphire Key" , "Neptune Key" , "Atlas Key" , "Damocles Key" , "Thor Key" , "Ornate Key" // puzzles , "Puzzle" , "Gold Idol" , "Gold Bar" , "Machine Cog" , "Fuse" , "Ankh" , "Eye of Horus" , "Seal of Anubis" , "Scarab" , "Pyramid Key" // TR1 subtitles /* CAFE */ , "[43500]What's a man gotta do to@get that kinda attention from ye?" "[47500]It's hard to say exactly,@but you seem to be doing fine." "[50000]Well, great. Though, truth is,@it ain't me that wants ye." "[54500]No?" "[55000]No. Miss Jacqueline Natla does,@from Natla Technologies." "[59000]You know, creator of@all things bright and beautiful?" "[64500]Seal it, Larson." "[66000]Ma'am." "[68000]Feast your eyes on this, Lara." "[70500]How does that make your wallet rumble?" "[73500]I'm sorry. I only play for sport." "[76000]Then you'll like a big park." "[78000]Peru. Vast mountain ranges to cover.@Sheer walls of ice. Rocky crags. Savage winds." "[87500]And there's this little trinket:@an age old artefact of mystical powers" "[92500]buried in the unfound tomb of Qualopec." "[96000]That's my interest." "[98000]You could leave tomorrow.@Are you busy tomorrow?" /* LIFT */ , "[49000]Relocated now to St. Francis' Folly, new temptations torment me." "[53500]Rumour amongst my fellow brothers is that entombed@beneath our monastery lies the body of Tihocan," "[60000]one of the three legendary rulers of@the lost continent, Atlantis," "[64500]and that within lies his piece@of the Atlantean Scion." "[68000]The pendant divided and shared between the three rulers@" "[72500]which curbs tremendous powers.@Powers beyond the creator himself." "[79000]My toes sweat at such possibilities@lying so close to my mortal self." "[85500]Each night, I bid myself rid of these@fantasies, but it is indeed a test." "[92000]" "[93500]Pierre. Tsk. You litterbug." /* CANYON */ , "[13500]You just pulled the tough end of a wishbone." "[16500]Howdy." "[17500]Afternoon." "[20000]Left Larson sucking wind then, eh?" "[22500]If that is the phrase." "[24000]Well, your little vacation riot's over now." "[27000]Time to give back what you've hijacked off me." "[30000]Let's try the lunch-box." "[32000]" "[42500]Well? Kill her!" "[45000]Hey!" "[48000]" "[50500]You morons!" "[53000]" "[62500]Let's go." "[65000]" "[136000]What the heck was that?" "[138000]What?" "[138500]That-a-way." "[140500]Probably just a fish." "[142500]That's some fish, kid." "[145000]Man, you have got to learn to chill.@I'm going back inside. You coming?" "[152000]" "[158000]Steady..." "[160000]Here she goes." "[161500]You ready yet?" /* PRISON */ , "[00001]You can't do this!" "[01500]We condemn you, Natla of Atlantis, for your crimes." "[06000]For the flagrant misuse of your powers@and for robbing us of our..." "[11500]You can't! I..." "[12500]Breaking the free bond of consent that our@people are ruled and secured under," "[18500]and invading Tihocan and myself with our army." "[23500]Our warriors emptied from our pyramid" "[27000]so that you could use the pyramid - its powers@of creation - for your own mindless destruction." "[33500]Mindless!? Look at you!" "[35500]Neither of you have one squirt of@inventive juice in your heads." "[40500]Wasters!" "[41500]Let's just do it." "[44000]Tihocan!" "[45000]You used the sacramental place as a source@of individual pleasure," "[49500]as some freak factory." "[51000]They're survivalists. A new generation." "[54000]A slaughter heap now." "[56000]And you. We're going to lock you in limbo." "[60000]Make your veins, heart, feet," "[64000]and that diseased brain stick solid with frozen blood." "[70000]Greet your eternal unrest, Natla." "[73000]You won't rest either, or your@damned continent of Atlantis!" /* 22 */ , "[04000]Back again?" "[05500]And you - for a grand re-opening, I assume." "[09500]Evolution's in a rut - natural selection at an all time low..." "[13500]shipping out fresh meat will incite territorial rages again" "[17500] - will strengthen and advance us..." "[20500]Even create new breeds." "[22500]Kind of evolution on steroids, then." "[24500]A kick in the pants...@those runts Qualopec and Tihocan had no idea" "[29500] - the cataclysm of Atlantis struck a race of langouring wimps..." "[33500]plummeted them to the very basics of survival again..." "[37000]It shouldn't happen like that." "[39000]Or like this." "[40000]Hatching commences in 15 seconds." "[43000]Too late for abortions now!" "[45000]Not without the heart of the operation!" "[47000]Noooo!" "[50000]TEN" "[54000]FIVE..." "[55500]4...3...2..." "[60000]ONE..." /* 23 */ , "[00001]Well, you have my total attention now" "[02500]- I'm not quite sure if I've got yours, though." "[05000]Hello?" "[06000]I'll heel an' hide ye to a barn door yit." "[09000]Of course." "[10000]Ye and that drivelin' piece of the Scion." "[13000]Ye want to keep it so bad, I'll harness it right up y..." "[17000]Wait... we're talking about the artifact here?" "[20000]Damn straight we are ... right up y ..." "[22000]Hold on - I'm sorry" "[24000]- this piece, you say - where's the rest?" "[26500]Ms. Natla put Pierre Dupont on that trail." "[29500]And where is that?" "[30500]Hah. Ye ain't fast enough fer him." "[34000]So you think all this talking is just holding me up?" "[37000]I don't know where his little jackrabbit-frog-legs are runnin' him to." "[42000]You'll have to ask Ms. Natla." "[46000]" "[51000]Thank you. I will." /* 24 */ , "" /* 25 */ , "[03500]Here lies Tihocan" "[05000]...one of the two just rulers of Atlantis..." "[10000]Who even after the curse of the continent..." "[13000]...had tried to keep rule here in these barren other-lands..." "[19000]He died without child and his knowledge has no heritage..." "[25500]Look over us kindly, Tihocan." /* 26 */ , "Welcome to my home!@I'll take you on a guided tour." /* 27 */ , "Use the directional keys to go into the music room." /* 28 */ , "OK. Let's do some tumbling.@Press the jump button." /* 29 */ , "Now press it again and quickly press one of@the directions and I'll jump that way." /* 30 */ , "Ah, the main hall.@Sorry about the crates, I'm having some things put@ into storage and the delivery people haven't been yet." /* 31 */ , "Run up to a crate, and while still pressing forward,@press action, and I'll vault up onto it." /* 32 */ , "This used to be the ballroom, but I've@converted it into my own personal gym.@What do you think?@Well, let's do some exercises." /* 33 */ , "I don't actually run everywhere.@When I want to be careful, I walk.@Hold down the walk button, and walk to the white line." /* 34 */ , "With the walk button down, I won't fall off even if you try to make me.@Go on, try it." /* 35 */ , "If you want look around, press and hold the look button.@Then press in the direction you want to look." /* 36 */ , "If a jump is too far for me, I can grab the ledge and save myself@from a nasty fall. Walk to the edge with the white line until I@won't go any further. Then press jump, immediately followed by@forward and while I'm in the air, press and hold the action button." /* 37 */ , "Press forward and I'll climb up." /* 38 */ , "If I do a running jump, I can make a jump like that, no problem." /* 39 */ , "Walk to the edge with the white line until I stop.@Then let go of walk and tap backwards to give me a run up.@Press forward, and almost immediately press and hold the jump button.@I won't actually jump until the last minute." /* 40 */ , "Right. This is a really big one.@So do a running jump exactly as before except while I'm in the air@press and hold the action button to make me grab the ledge." /* 41 */ , "Nice." /* 42 */ , "Try to vault up here.@Press forward and hold action." /* 43 */ , "I can't climb up because the gap is too small.@But press right and I'll shimmy sideways@until there is room, then press forward." /* 44 */ , "Great!@If there is a long drop and I don't want to@hurt myself jumping off, I can let myself down carefully." /* 45 */ , "Tap backwards, and I'll jump off backwards.@Immediately press and hold the action button,@and I'll grab the ledge on the way down." /* 46 */ , "Then let go." /* 47 */ , "Let's go for a swim." /* 48 */ , "The jump button and the directions@move me around underwater." /* 49 */ , "Ah! Air!@Just use forward and left and right@to manoeuvre around on the surface.@Press jump to dive down for another swim about.@Or go to the edge and press action to climb out." /* 50 */ , "Right. Now I'd better take off these wet clothes." /* 51 */ , "Say cheese!" /* 52 */ , "Ain't nothin' personal." /* 53 */ , "I still git a pain in my brain from ye.@An' it's tellin' me funny ideas now.@Like to shoot you to hell!" /* 54 */ , "You can't bump off me and my brood so easy, Lara." /* 55 */ , "A leetle late for ze prize giving - non?@Still, it is ze taking-part wheech counts." /* 56 */ , "You firin' at me?@You firin' at me, huh?@Ain't nobody else here, you must be firin' at me!" // TR1 levels , "Lara's Home" , "Caves" , "City of Vilcabamba" , "Lost Valley" , "Tomb of Qualopec" , "St. Francis' Folly" , "Colosseum" , "Palace Midas" , "The Cistern" , "Tomb of Tihocan" , "City of Khamoon" , "Obelisk of Khamoon" , "Sanctuary of the Scion" , "Natla's Mines" , "Atlantis" , "The Great Pyramid" , "Return to Egypt" , "Temple of the Cat" , "Atlantean Stronghold" , "The Hive" // TR2 levels , "Lara's Home" , "The Great Wall" , "Venice" , "Bartoli's Hideout" , "Opera House" , "Offshore Rig" , "Diving Area" , "40 Fathoms" , "Wreck of the Maria Doria" , "Living Quarters" , "The Deck" , "Tibetan Foothills" , "Barkhang Monastery" , "Catacombs of the Talion" , "Ice Palace" , "Temple of Xian" , "Floating Islands" , "The Dragon's Lair" , "Home Sweet Home" // TR3 levels , "Lara's House" , "Jungle" , "Temple Ruins" , "The River Ganges" , "Caves Of Kaliya" , "Coastal Village" , "Crash Site" , "Madubu Gorge" , "Temple Of Puna" , "Thames Wharf" , "Aldwych" , "Lud's Gate" , "City" , "Nevada Desert" , "High Security Compound" , "Area 51" , "Antarctica" , "RX-Tech Mines" , "Lost City Of Tinnos" , "Meteorite Cavern" , "All Hallows" }; #endif