#!/bin/bash # Use param -v to install a specific version (eg. "-v 2023.12.29-release+689"). If omitted, latest version is used. VERSION="latest" while getopts "v:" opt; do case $opt in v) VERSION=$OPTARG ;; esac done # Do not change below this line unless you know what you're doing :) # Change the next line to select branch. Acceptable values are "dev" and "release" RELEASE_TYPE="release" # Change the next line to update the download URL URL="https://build.xahau.tech/" BASE_DIR=/opt/xahaud USER=xahaud PROGRAM=xahaud BIN_DIR=$BASE_DIR/bin DL_DIR=$BASE_DIR/downloads DB_DIR=$BASE_DIR/db ETC_DIR=$BASE_DIR/etc LOG_DIR=$BASE_DIR/log SCRIPT_LOG_FILE=$LOG_DIR/update.log SERVICE_NAME="$PROGRAM.service" SERVICE_FILE="/etc/systemd/system/$SERVICE_NAME" CONFIG_FILE="$ETC_DIR/$PROGRAM.cfg" VALIDATORS_FILE="$ETC_DIR/validators-xahau.txt" if [ -z "$(find "$BASE_DIR" -mindepth 1 -type f -size +0c -print -quit)" ] && [ -z "$(find "$DIRECTORY" -mindepth 1 -type d -empty -print -quit)" ]; then NOBASE=true else NOBASE=false fi # For systemd EXEC_COMMAND="ExecStart=$BIN_DIR/$PROGRAM --silent --conf $ETC_DIR/$PROGRAM.cfg" # Function to log messages to the log file log() { if [[ "$FIRST_RUN" == true ]]; then echo $1 else echo $1 echo "$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") $1" >> "$SCRIPT_LOG_FILE" fi } clean() { systemctl stop $SERVICE_NAME systemctl disable $SERVICE_NAME rm $SERVICE_FILE systemctl daemon-reload userdel $USER rm -rf $BASE_DIR #rm -rf $LOG_DIR } #remove next line #clean #exit 0 [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]] && echo "This script must be run as root" && exit 1 if ! command -v gpg >/dev/null || ! command -v curl >/dev/null; then echo "Error: One or more of the required dependencies (gpg, curl) is not installed. Please install the missing dependencies and try again." exit 1 fi if pgrep -x "xahaud" >/dev/null; then xahaud_pid=$(pgrep xahaud) xahaud_path=$(readlink -f /proc/$xahaud_pid/exe) if [ "$xahaud_path" = "/opt/xahaud/bin/xahaud" ]; then echo "xahaud is running in the expected location (/opt/xahaud/bin/xahaud) with PID: $xahaud_pid." else echo "xahaud is running with PID: $xahaud_pid, but not in the expected location. It is running from: $xahaud_path" echo "***Please stop xahaud first.***" exit 1 fi else echo "xahaud is not running. Continuing with installation" fi if [ $(id -u $USER > /dev/null 2>&1) ] || [ -f "$BASE_DIR/.firstrun" ]; then FIRST_RUN=false else FIRST_RUN=true fi if ! id "$USER" >/dev/null 2>&1; then log "Creating user $USER..." useradd --system --no-create-home --shell /bin/false "$USER" &> /dev/null fi if [[ "$FIRST_RUN" == true ]]; then log "Creating directories..." log "$PROGRAM base directory is $BASE_DIR" if [ ! -d "$BASE_DIR" ]; then mkdir "$BASE_DIR" fi if [ ! -d "$DL_DIR" ]; then mkdir "$DL_DIR" fi if [ ! -d "$BIN_DIR" ]; then mkdir "$BIN_DIR" fi if [ ! -d "$ETC_DIR" ]; then mkdir "$ETC_DIR" fi if [ ! -d "$DB_DIR" ]; then mkdir "$DB_DIR" fi if [ ! -d "$LOG_DIR" ]; then mkdir -p "$LOG_DIR" fi touch $BASE_DIR/.firstrun touch $SCRIPT_LOG_FILE chown -R $USER:$USER $BASE_DIR cp "$0" /usr/local/bin/. echo "This script has been copied to /usr/local/bin and can be invoked without a path." fi log "Fetching versions of $PROGRAM..." filenames=$(curl --silent "${URL}" | grep -Eo '>[^<]+<' | sed -e 's/^>//' -e 's/<$//' | grep -E '^\S+\+[0-9]{2,3}$' | grep -E $RELEASE_TYPE) if [[ "$VERSION" == "latest" ]]; then version_filter="release" else version_filter=$VERSION fi version_file=$(curl https://build.xahau.tech/ 2>/dev/null | grep $version_filter | grep -v releaseinfo | sed -E 's/(]*?>).*/\1/g' | sed -E 's/(^[^"]+"|"[^"]+$)//g' | sort -t'B' -k2n -n | tail -n 1) if [[ "$version_file" == "" ]]; then echo "Error: $VERSION could not be found for download" exit 1 fi log "$version_file is available for download" if [[ -f "$DL_DIR/$version_file" ]]; then log "File already downloaded: $version_file" else log "Downloading version file: ${version_file} to $DL_DIR" curl --silent --fail "${URL}${version_file}" -o "$DL_DIR/$version_file" fi chmod +x "$DL_DIR/$version_file" chown $USER:$USER "$DL_DIR/$version_file" # Update symlink if the version file is different from the one it points to current_file=$(readlink "$BIN_DIR/$PROGRAM") if [[ "$current_file" != "$DL_DIR/$version_file" ]]; then log "Updating symlink: $current_file -> $DL_DIR/$version_file" ln -snf "$DL_DIR/$version_file" "$BIN_DIR/$PROGRAM" DO_RESTART=true else DO_RESTART=false fi if [[ ! -f $SERVICE_FILE ]]; then log "Installing service file $SERVICE_FILE..." # Write service unit file cat << EOF > "$SERVICE_FILE" [Unit] Description=$PROGRAM Daemon After=network-online.target Wants=network-online.target [Service] Type=simple ExecStartPre=+chown -R $USER /opt/xahaud $EXEC_COMMAND Restart=on-failure User=$USER Group=root LimitNOFILE=65536 [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target EOF systemctl daemon-reload systemctl enable $SERVICE_NAME fi if [[ ! -f $CONFIG_FILE ]]; then log "Creating a default config : $CONFIG_FILE" cat << EOF > "$CONFIG_FILE" # This is the default configuration file for the xahaud daemon. # Any modifications to this will require a restart of the xahaud daemon [peers_max] 20 [overlay] ip_limit = 1024 [network_id] 21337 [server] port_rpc_admin_local port_peer port_ws_admin_local port_ws_public port_rpc_public [port_rpc_admin_local] port = 5009 ip = admin = protocol = http [port_peer] port = 21337 ip = protocol = peer [port_ws_admin_local] port = 6009 ip = admin = protocol = ws [port_ws_public] port = 6008 ip = protocol = ws secure_gateway = limit = 50000 send_queue_limit = 20000 websocket_ping_frequency = 10 [port_rpc_public] port = 6007 ip = protocol = http secure_gateway = [node_size] huge [node_db] type=NuDB path=$DB_DIR/nudb advisory_delete=0 [database_path] $DB_DIR [debug_logfile] $LOG_DIR/debug.log [sntp_servers] time.windows.com time.apple.com time.nist.gov pool.ntp.org [validators_file] $VALIDATORS_FILE [rpc_startup] { "command": "log_level", "severity": "warn" } [ssl_verify] 0 [peer_private] 0 [ips_fixed] bacab.alloy.ee 21337 # For validators only [voting] account_reserve = 1000000 owner_reserve = 200000 # Add validator token stanza etc after this. Don't forget to restart # Uncomment for Full History #[ledger_history] #full EOF fi if [[ ! -f $VALIDATORS_FILE ]]; then log "Creating $VALIDATORS_FILE..." cat << EOF > "$VALIDATORS_FILE" [validator_list_sites] https://vl.xahau.org [validator_list_keys] EDA46E9C39B1389894E690E58914DC1029602870370A0993E5B87C4A24EAF4A8E8 [import_vl_keys] ED45D1840EE724BE327ABE9146503D5848EFD5F38B6D5FEDE71E80ACCE5E6E738B EOF fi chown -R $USER:$USER $BASE_DIR if [[ ! -d "/etc/opt/$PROGRAM" ]]; then mkdir /etc/opt/xahau ln -snf $ETC_DIR/$PROGRAM.cfg /etc/opt/xahau/$PROGRAM.cfg fi ln -snf $BIN_DIR/$PROGRAM /usr/local/bin/$PROGRAM if [[ "$DO_RESTART" == true ]]; then log "New version of $PROGRAM installed $version_file." log "Please restart by running the following ..." log "systemctl stop $PROGRAM.service" log "systemctl start $PROGRAM.service" fi