// ==UserScript== // @name SteamGifts: ProtonDB info // @description Add game info from ProtonDB to the games on SteamGifts. // @author Xeloses // @version // @copyright Copyright (C) 2021-2022, by Xeloses // @license GPL-3.0 (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html) // @namespace Xeloses.SG.ProtonDB.GameInfo // @website https://github.com/Xeloses/sg-protondb-info // @downloadURL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Xeloses/sg-protondb-info/master/sg-protondb-info.user.js // @updateURL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Xeloses/sg-protondb-info/master/sg-protondb-info.user.js // @icon https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=32&domain=steamgifts.com // @match https://steamgifts.com/* // @match https://www.steamgifts.com/* // @grant GM.xmlHttpRequest // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @connect www.protondb.com // @connect store.steampowered.com // @noframes // @run-at document-end // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; if(!location.hostname.endsWith('steamgifts.com')) return; /* * @const URLs & WebAPI endpoint templatess. */ const URL = { API: { ProtonDB: 'https://www.protondb.com/api/v1/reports/summaries/{%appid%}.json', Steam: { Game: 'https://store.steampowered.com/api/appdetails?appids={%appid%}', Package: 'https://store.steampowered.com/api/packagedetails?packageids={%appid%}' } }, GamePage: { ProtonDB: 'https://www.protondb.com/app/{%appid%}' } } /* * @const ProtonDB game tiers. */ const ProtonDB_Tier = [ /* 0 */ { name: 'unknown', displayName: 'Unknown', comment: 'ProtonDB does not have reports about this game.', icon: 'fa-question-circle', color: '#777' }, /* 1 */ { name: 'platinum', displayName: 'Platinum', comment: 'Game works perfectly out of the box.', icon: 'fa-thumbs-up', color: '#def' }, /* 2 */ { name: 'gold', displayName: 'Gold', comment: 'Game works good. May require little tweaks.', icon: 'fa-star', color: '#fd5' }, /* 3 */ { name: 'silver', displayName: 'Silver', comment: 'Game works with minor issues, but generally is playable.', icon: 'fa-star-half-o', color: '#ddd' }, /* 4 */ { name: 'bronze', displayName: 'Bronze', comment: 'Game works, but has issues preventing from playing comfortably.', icon: 'fa-star-o', color: '#fa5' }, /* 5 */ { name: 'borked', displayName: 'Borked', comment: 'Game won’t start or is crucially unplayable.', icon: 'fa-thumbs-down', color: '#f99' }, /* 6 */ { name: 'pending', displayName: 'Pending', comment: 'ProtonDB awaiting further reports before giving a rating.', icon: 'fa-hourglass-end', color: '#b5b5b5' }, /* 7 */ { name: 'native', displayName: 'Native', comment: 'Game runs natively on Linux!', icon: 'fa-check-circle-o', color: '#1e1' } ]; /* * @const SteamGifts pages to be processed by script with CSS selectors for those pages. */ const SG = { /* Pages matching full address (without domain) */ Pages: { '/': '.giveaway__row-outer-wrap', // SG homepage '/giveaways': '.giveaway__row-outer-wrap', // SG homepage '/giveaways/search': '.giveaway__row-outer-wrap', // Giveaways search '/search/giveaways': '.giveaway__row-outer-wrap', // Giveaways search '/giveaways/entered': '.table__row-outer-wrap' // Entered giveaways }, /* Pages matching beginning part of address (without domain) */ PagesMask: { '/giveaway/': '.featured__outer-wrap' // Giveaway page }, /* Pages matching address by RegExp (without domain) */ PagesRegex: { '^\\/user\\/[^\\/]+$': '.giveaway__row-outer-wrap', // User' giveaways '^\\/group\\/[\\w]{5}\\/[^\\/]+$': '.giveaway__row-outer-wrap' // Group' giveaways } }; /* * @const Cache lifetime. */ const cache_lifetime = 7 /* days */ * 86400000; /* * @var Flag indicates games list was updated. */ let updated = false; /* * @var Requests counter. */ const count_requests = { protondb: 0, steam: 0 }; /* * @class XelLog * @classdesc Console API wrapper. * * @property {String} app * @property {String} version * @property {String} ns * @property {String} author * @method log({String} message) * @method info({String} message) * @method warn({String} message) * @method error({String} message) */ class XelLog{constructor(){let d=GM_info.script;this.author=d.author;this.app=d.name;this.ns=d.namespace;this.version=d.version;this.h='color:#c5c;font-weight:bold;';this.t='color:#ddd;font-weight:normal;';}log(s){console.log('%c['+this.app+']%c '+s,this.h,this.t)}info(s){console.info('%c['+this.app+']%c '+s,this.h,this.t+'font-style:italic;')}warn(s){console.warn('%c['+this.app+']%c '+s,this.h,this.t)}error(s){console.error('%c['+this.app+']%c '+s,this.h,this.t)}} const LOG = new XelLog(); /* * @class XelUserscriptStorage * @classdesc Userscript storage API wrapper. * * @method has({String} name) * @method get({String} name) * @method add({String} name, {Mixed} value) * @method set({String} name, {Mixed} value) * @method empty() * @method clear() * @method load() * @method save() * @method on({String} event, {Function} callback) */ class XelUserscriptStorage { constructor(name){ if(!name || !name.trim().length) throw new Error('XelUserscriptStorage error: could not create object instance with empty "name".'); this.name = name.trim(); this._e = {}; this._d = null; this.load(); } load(){ try{ let data = JSON.parse(GM_getValue(this.name, [])); this._d = new Map( data ? data : [] ); }catch(e){ this._d = new Map(); } this._trigger('load'); return this; } save(){ if(this._d) GM_setValue(this.name, JSON.stringify(Array.from(this._d))); this._trigger('save'); return this; } has(name){ return this._d.has(name); } get(name){ return this._d.has(name) ? this._d.get(name) : null; } add(name,value){ return this.set(name,value); } set(name,value){ this._d.set(name,value); return this; } clear(){ this._d = new Map(); return this.save(); } count(){ return (this._d) ? this._d.size : 0; } empty(){ return this.count() > 0; } on(name, callback){ if(!this._e[name]) this._e[name] = []; this._e[name].push(callback); return this; } _trigger(name, data){ if(!this._e[name] || !this._e[name].length) return;this._e[name].forEach(callback => callback(data));return this; } } const CACHE = new XelUserscriptStorage('cache'), PackagesData = new XelUserscriptStorage('packages'); /** * Fetch implementation for Usescripts. */ function _fetch(url, options = null){ const defaults = { method: 'GET', response_type: 'json', anonymous: true, nocache: true, console_errors: false }, $xhr = (typeof GM.xmlhttpRequest !== 'undefined') ? GM.xmlhttpRequest : GM_xmlhttpRequest; options = options ? {...defaults, ...options} : defaults; return new Promise((resolve,reject) => { $xhr({ method: options.method, url: url, anonymous: options.anonymous, nocache: options.nocache, responseType: options.response_type, onload:function(response){ if(response.status && response.status == 200) { if(response.response && response.response.length) resolve(response.response); else if(response.responseText && response.responseText.length){ if(options.response_type == 'json') try{ resolve(JSON.parse(response.responseText)); }catch(err){ reject(err); }else resolve(response.responseText); }else reject(new Error(response.statusText));}else reject(new Error((response.status ? response.status + ' ' : '') + response.statusText)); }, onerror:function(response){ reject(new Error((response.status ? response.status + ' ' : '') + response.statusText)); }})}).catch(err => { if(options.console_errors) console.error('[Error] Fetch failed on "' + url + "\".\n" + err.message); }); } /** * Sleep (delay) implementation. */ async function _sleep(t){ return new Promise(f => setTimeout(f, t+1)); } /** * Returns index for specified tier. * * @param {String} tier * @return {Integer} */ function tierIndex(tier) { for(let i = 0; i < ProtonDB_Tier.length; i++) if(ProtonDB_Tier[i].name == tier) return i; } /** * Wait for page loading/processing. * * @param {String} sel CSS selector of element to wait for * @return {Promise} empty Promise */ async function waitPageLoading(sel) { while(true) { if(document.querySelector(sel)) break; await _sleep(330); } } /** * Inject CSS. * * @return {Void} */ function injectCSS() { let css = `.protondb_info > .fa, .protondb_info > span {color: inherit !important; font-weight: bold;} .protondb_info:not(.protondb_tier_unknown) > .fa, .protondb_info:not(.protondb_tier_unknown) > span {text-shadow: 1px 0 1px #555, 0 1px 1px #555, -1px 0 1px #555, 0 -1px 1px #555;} .protondb_info > span {display: inline-block; margin: 0 5px 0 3px;} .protondb_info .protondb_tooltip {display: none; position: absolute; margin: 20px 0 0 -3px; padding: 5px 10px; line-height: 1rem; color: #eee; background: rgba(1,1,1,.8); border: solid 1px #555; border-radius: 5px; white-space: pre-line; text-shadow: none; z-index: 990;} .giveaway__row-inner-wrap:not(.is-faded) .protondb_info:hover .protondb_tooltip, .table__row-inner-wrap .protondb_info:hover .protondb_tooltip, .featured__container .protondb_info:hover .protondb_tooltip {display: block;} .protondb_tooltip * {display: block;} .protondb_tooltip span {font-weight: bold; border-bottom: dotted 1px;} .protondb_tooltip dl {margin: 5px 10px; font-family: sans-serif;} .protondb_tooltip dt {float: left; clear: left; margin-right: 5px;} .protondb_tooltip dd {font-weight: bold;} .protondb_tooltip p {font-weight: bold;} .protondb_tooltip small {margin-top: 5px; font-size: .75rem; font-style: italic;} .giveaway__row-outer-wrap .giveaway__links a {margin-right: 10px;} /* initial SG style fix */ .featured__container .protondb_info {float: left; order: -999; margin-right: 5px; border: dashed 1px #555;} .featured__container .protondb_tooltip {margin: 30px 0 0 -10px;} .table__row-outer-wrap .protondb_info {margin-right: 7px; line-height: 1.2rem;} .table__row-outer-wrap .protondb_tooltip {margin: 3px 0 0 -2px;} [data-darkreader-scheme="dark"] .protondb_info .protondb_tooltip {background: rgba(1,1,1,.85);} /* DarkReader compatibility */ [data-darkreader-scheme="dark"] .protondb_info > * {text-shadow: none !important;} /* DarkReader compatibility */`; for(const tier in ProtonDB_Tier) { const sel = `.protondb_tier_${ProtonDB_Tier[tier].name}`; if(ProtonDB_Tier[tier].color) css += `\n${sel}{color: ${ProtonDB_Tier[tier].color};}\n${sel} .protondb_tier_color {color: ${ProtonDB_Tier[tier].color} !important;}`; } const el = document.createElement('STYLE'); el.type = 'text/css'; el.id = GM_info.script.namespace.toLowerCase().replace('.','-'); el.innerText = css.replace(/[\s]{2,}/g,' '); document.head.appendChild(el); } /** * Render game info. * * @param {String} id AppID of the game * @param {String} species Type of product, can be "app" (for single game) or "sub" (for package) * @param {Object} data Object: { tier: {String}, score: {?Float}, count: {?Integer} } * @param {DomElement} game * @return {Void} */ function renderGameInfo(id, species, data, game) { const el = document.createElement('A'); if(species == 'sub' && PackagesData.has(id)) id = PackagesData.get(id); const tooltip = `
ProtonDB report:
Game tier:
${data.recent ? '
Recent tier:
' + ProtonDB_Tier[data.recent].name + '
' : ''} ${data.preTier ? '
Provisional tier:
' + ProtonDB_Tier[data.preTier].name + '
' : ''} ${data.score ? '
' + Math.round(parseFloat(data.score) * 100) + '%
' : ''}


${(data.count ? 'Based on ' + data.count + ' player report(s).' : '')}
`; el.href = URL.GamePage.ProtonDB.replace('{%appid%}', id); el.target = '_blank'; el.rel = 'nofollow noopener'; el.classList.add('protondb_info', `protondb_tier_${ProtonDB_Tier[data.tier].name}`); el.innerHTML = `${tooltip.replace(/[\s]{2,}/g,' ')}${ProtonDB_Tier[data.tier].displayName}${ProtonDB_Tier[data.tier].icon ? '' : ''}`; if(game.classList.contains('featured__outer-wrap')) el.classList.add('featured__column'); game.querySelector('.giveaway__links > a:last-of-type, .featured__columns > .featured__column:first-of-type')?.insertAdjacentElement('afterend', el) || game.querySelector('.table__column--width-fill > p:last-of-type > *:first-child')?.insertAdjacentElement('beforebegin', el); } /** * Store game in the cache. * * @param {String} id AppID of the game * @param {Object} data * @return {Object} */ function _cache(id, data) { data.t = Date.now(); CACHE.add(id, data); updated = true; return data; } /** * Get game tier from ProtonDB and/or Steam WebAPI. * * @param {String} id AppID of the game * @return {Promise} */ async function loadGameInfo(id) { await _sleep(330); // wait 330ms (0.33s) to prevent spamming requests let data = null, r = await _fetch(URL.API.ProtonDB.replace('{%appid%}', id)); count_requests.protondb++; if(!r || !r.tier) { r = await _fetch(URL.API.Steam.Game.replace('{%appid%}', id)); count_requests.steam++; data = { tier: (r && r[id] && r[id].success && r[id].data.platforms && r[id].data.platforms.linux) ? tierIndex('native') : tierIndex('unknown') } ; } else { data = { tier: tierIndex(r.tier), preTier: tierIndex(r.provisionalTier), score: r.score, count: r.total }; if(r.trendingTier && r.trendingTier != r.tier && r.trendingTier != 'pending') data.recent = tierIndex(r.trendingTier); if(r.provisionalTier && r.tier == 'pending') data.preTier = tierIndex(r.provisionalTier); } return _cache(id, data); } /** * Get package info from Steam WebAPI. * * @param {String} id SubID of the package * @return {Promise} */ async function loadPackageInfo(id) { let data = null; if(PackagesData.has(id)) { const gid = PackagesData.get(id); if(CACHE.has(gid)) return CACHE.get(gid); data = await loadGameInfo(gid); } else { await _sleep(330); // wait 330ms (0.33s) to prevent spamming requests const r = await _fetch(URL.API.Steam.Package.replace('{%appid%}', id)); count_requests.steam++; if(!r || !r[id] || !r[id].success) { data = { tier: tierIndex('unknown') }; } else if(r[id].data.platforms && r[id].data.platforms.linux) { data = { tier: tierIndex('native') }; } else { const ids = r[id].data.apps.map(item => item.id), gid = Math.min(...ids); // get lowest AppID in package -> it should be base game PackagesData.add(id, gid).save(); if(CACHE.has(gid)) return CACHE.get(gid); data = await loadGameInfo(gid); } } return _cache(id, data); } /** * Process single game. * * @param {DomElement} el * @return {Promise} */ async function processGame(el) { const a = el.querySelector('a[href^="https://store.steampowered.com/"], a[href^="http://store.steampowered.com/"], a[style*="akamaihd.net/steam/apps/"]'); if(!a) return; let [_, species, id] = (a.href.includes('/giveaway/') ? a.style.backgroundImage : a.href).match(/\/(apps?|subs?)\/([\d]+)/i), data = null; species = species.substr(0,3); if(CACHE.has(id)) { data = CACHE.get(id); if((Date.now() - data.t) > cache_lifetime) data = null; } if(!data) data = ( species == 'app' ? await loadGameInfo(id) : await loadPackageInfo(id)); el.dataset.appid = id; renderGameInfo(id, species, data, el); } /** * Process list of games. * * @param {String} sel CSS selector * @return {Promise} */ async function processList(sel) { await waitPageLoading(`${sel} a[href^="https://store.steampowered.com/"], ${sel} a[href^="http://store.steampowered.com/"], ${sel} a[style*="akamaihd.net/steam/apps/"]`); for(const game of document.querySelectorAll(sel)) { await processGame(game); } if(updated) CACHE.save(); LOG.info(`Job completed. Requests to ProtonDB: ${count_requests.protondb}, to Steam: ${count_requests.steam} (games in the cache: ${CACHE.count()}).`); } /** * Main entry point. * * @param {String} sel CSS selector * @return {Void} */ function process(sel) { injectCSS(); LOG.info(`App loaded (version: ${LOG.version})`); processList(sel); } /* * Main section. */ for(const page in SG.Pages) if(location.pathname == page) return process(SG.Pages[page]); for(const page in SG.PagesMask) if(location.pathname.startsWith(page)) return process(SG.PagesMask[page]); for(const page in SG.PagesRegex) if((new RegExp(page)).test(location.pathname)) return process(SG.PagesRegex[page]); })();